When Allah blesses something, its benefits increase many fold. Even a small amount of wealth that is full of barakah can give multiple benefits to the believer far and beyond he who has plenty of wealth but no barakah.

If you’ve been feeling like your wealth doesn’t have barakah lately, or you’d just like to increase the barakah and rizq, then these are some of the best ways that you can benefit from Allah az wajjal’s infinite mercy.

1. Rise Early

Ever noticed, how you always feel you get more ideas and more done when you start really early in the morning?

The time between Tahajjud and mid-day are most blessed for seeking sustenance. The earlier we rise the more we can benefit from these blessed hours for whatever work we do insha’allah.

Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) said : *“Allah made the early hours blessed for my Ummah.”(Ahmed)*

2. Obey Your Parents

Allah (SWT) often withholds rizq from those that are disobedient to their parents. One brother tells a story of how he was incredibly reluctant to do an errand his mother had asked of him because it was going to take all day, and he wanted to dedicate time to his business. But then he decided to do as his mother asked of him. The next morning, the client he had been chasing for the last two months signed a new contract, even though it was increasingly looking like they wouldn’t sign.

3. Maintain a State of Purity

Since work is ibadah, and before ibadah one must do wudhu, thus it is advisable to remain in a state of purity as often as possible. Being in a state of purity when doing work adds to the barakah of our work.

Continued here: http://www.wealthinislam.com/10-ways...creasing-rizq/