In the time of modern life Muslims are living different lives than previously.. Some Muslims are in tough situations and it is believed by many Muslims that it is permissible in Islam to give in when you are going through these tough times for the sake of ease over hardship.. It seems Muslims across the world have forgot the meaning of struggling through adversity.. Is it incumbent upon a Muslim to struggle or is it an option?? Many Muslims think that the 5 pillars is all their is to Islam and nothing more or nothing less. Did they misinterpret the fact that to struggle in Islam is obligatory upon every Muslim who is able to do so??

Are we not today able to struggle against many things in our lives?? Do we must make it so easy upon ourselves that we do not even try to choose the way through adversity? Muslims are sleeping with the shaytan just for peace of mind but how can this come about in this way??

For Muslims living in hard lands when is it OK to just go with the flow because it is too hard to swim against the currents?? Do you not see the water falls off a cliff or will you continue to stay afloat helplessly to your demise??