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Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

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    Argamemnon's Avatar Full Member
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    Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

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    I have not yet made up my mind, but one day insha'Allah I will have enough knowledge to have my own opinion. For now, I will just say "God knows best", like I always do when I fail to understand some concept in Islam.

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    Nokiacrazi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    Allah (swt) says in the glorious Qu'ran "This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion" [Surah Al Ma'idah - 5:3].

    That means that Allah (swt) has made it so that nothing new can be added to Islam, nor anything can be removed. Therefore anything which he has commanded must be followed till the day of judgement.

    "The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse - lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah , if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment." [Surah An-Nur - 24:2].

    "As for the fornicatress and the fornicator, that is, of those not in wedlockbecause those [in wedlock] are stoned according to the Sunna (the al [in al-zāniya, ‘the fornicatress’, and al-zānī, ‘the fornicator’] according to some mentioned [opinions] is a relative [particle]; the clause [al-zāniyatu wa’l-zānī] is a subject, and because of its similarity to a conditional, the fā’ has been inserted into the predicate, which is [the following, fa’jlidū]): strike each of them a hundred lashes, [a hundred] strikes (one says jaladahu to mean daraba jildahu, ‘he struck him on the skin’). According to the Sunna, in addition to this [punishment] there is also banishment for a whole year. The slave, however, receives half of the mentioned [punishment]. And do not let any pity for them overcome you in God’s religion, that is to say, in [the fulfilment of] His rulings, by disregarding any part of their prescribed punishment, if you believe in God and the Last Day, namely, the Day of Resurrection: in this [statement] there is an incitement to [abide by] what was [mentioned] before the conditional [above] and it also constitutes the response to the latter, or [at least is] an indication of the response to it. And let their punishment, the flogging, be witnessed by a group of the believers — some say [that this should be a group of] three; some say four, as in the number of witnesses testifying to an act of fornication." [Tafsir al-Jalalayn - Surah An-Nur - 24:2]

    It is sunnah that those found guilty of adultery [married] (having sexual relations with someone other then your spose) they should be stoned to death.

    It is that those found guilty of fornication [unmarried] (having sexual relations with anyone) should have 100 lashes each.

    It is required for witness for both.

    People may think that this is so strict. But this is the way. And also anyone who tells a lie and makes a false statement should be punished most severely.

    "And those who accuse chaste women and then do not produce four witnesses - lash them with eighty lashes and do not accept from them testimony ever after. And those are the defiantly disobedient" [Surah An-Nur - 24:4].

    Allah knows best, insha'Allah may he guide us all.

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nokiacrazi View Post

    It is sunnah that those found guilty of adultery [married] (having sexual relations with someone other then your spose) they should be stoned to death..

    And which paragraph of the Koran is that?


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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    To add on:
    Shari'a Law is so that is almost impossible to find someone guilty of such crimes.
    It's unliklelyto witness such scenes, like fornication and adultery. It's not uncommon that there will not be witnesses. The majority of the times, those who commit the crime will literally come out and admit their own guilt . Wise Muslims know the Punishment in the Hereafter is greater than the punishment in this world. Allah Knows everything. Allah Has made punishment under Shari'a a source of sin expiation. It is out of wisdom rather to suffer a short time on this Earth than to suffer even a little of Wrath of Allah (swt) in the grave or on the Day of Judgement.
    Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by transition? View Post
    To add on:
    Shari'a Law is so that is almost impossible to find someone guilty of such crimes.
    It's unliklelyto witness such scenes, like fornication and adultery. It's not uncommon that there will not be witnesses. The majority of the times, those who commit the crime will literally come out and admit their own guilt . Wise Muslims know the Punishment in the Hereafter is greater than the punishment in this world. Allah Knows everything. Allah Has made punishment under Shari'a a source of sin expiation. It is out of wisdom rather to suffer a short time on this Earth than to suffer even a little of Wrath of Allah (swt) in the grave or on the Day of Judgement.
    yes, true...when u commit adultery, u can choose not to confess. instead, Allah has hidden ur sins from others. so the adulterer should seek forgiveness from Allah. As Allah does NOT forgive Shirk, but forgives anything other than that IF He wills...

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Argamemnon View Post
    I have not yet made up my mind, but one day insha'Allah I will have enough knowledge to have my own opinion. For now, I will just say "God knows best", like I always do when I fail to understand some concept in Islam.
    Quran says that if ALLAH decides to abrogate any order or change it, HE makes Prophet forget that order etc...

    There was a verse on stoning, that was recited as part of Quran, earlier during revelation.... Prophet gave punishment according to that verse... Later that verse was abrogated.... ALLAH will not remove the verse if HE intended to keep the ruling... Removal of verse by ALLAH means that HE changed the law before quran was fully revealed...

    Before removal of that verse, Quranic-law was different for zina of a married & unmarried... After ALLAH abrogated that verse, Quranic-law is same for both married & unmarried...

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    I'm definitely not interested in the opinion of disbelievers, especially those who are and will always be hostile toward Islam.
    Last edited by Argamemnon; 02-23-2010 at 02:27 PM.

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    Sampharo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    Stoning for married couple is confirmed in Sunnah and authenticated and agreed upon by the complete ummah of Islam during the times of the companions and the salaf. Here is a detailed extract from the fatawa of the permenant commitee:

    "Praise be to Allaah.

    It is essential to stone the married adulterer until he dies, following the Sunnah of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), as it is proven that he said that, did it and enjoined it. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stoned Maa’iz, the Juhani woman, the Ghaamidi woman, and the two Jews. All of that is proven in saheeh ahaadeeth narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

    The scholars among the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them), the Taabi’een and those who came after them are also unanimously agreed on that. No one differed from them apart from those to whose views no attention is to be paid.

    Al-Bukhaari and Muslim narrated in their Saheehs from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “Allaah sent Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with the truth and revealed to him the Book, and one of the things that Allaah revealed was the verse of stoning. We have read it and understood it. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stoned (adulterers) and we stoned (them) after him, but I fear that there may come a time when some people say: ‘By Allaah, we do not find the verse of stoning in the Book of Allaah.’ So they will go astray by forsaking an obligation that Allaah has revealed. According to the Book of Allaah, stoning is deserved by the one who commits zina, if he is married, men and women alike, if proof is established or the woman becomes pregnant or they confess…”

    The hadd punishment of stoning for a married person who commits zina is one of the matters that is determined by the Qur’aan and Sunnah and there is no room for ijtihaad or personal opinion.

    Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 22/48-49"

    Now as far as this statement is concerned:

    2. If the Qur'an and hadith are apparently in conflict, the matter must be resolved in favour of Qur'an.
    That is a fundamentally flawed statement that has nothing to do with Islamic principles of fiqh or sunnah. The Sunnah is the authenticated actions of the prophet, and to suggest that we ignore it and build personal extractions from the Quran instead is not only great ignorance, but an accusation of purgery or lying against the prophet -s.a.a.w.- or the companions who were confirmed to have narrated the hadiths. Such a suggestion is a serious scar on Aqida and a grievous sin that can take a muslim into the realm of kufr.

    3. The Qur'an very clearly specifies that the punishment for zina is hundred lashes. Zina is extra-marital sex, no matter whether done by a bachelor or a married person.
    That is what I meant by extracting and putting meanings on the Quran that does not exist, in order to create a non-existent contradiction. The section of "no matter whether done by a bachelor or a married person." is completely personal assumption that goes against the unanimous tafsir and interpretation made by the companions and copied and compiled by reliable educated scholars after them.

    Stoning to death is more than confirmed and is not a matter of ijtihad like the article explained. If there is authentication that the prophet applied it and informed us that this is our Shariah, a suggestion that it is unfair or negotiable or unacceptable is an immediate pronouncement of denial of Islamic obligation.

    Prophet gave punishment according to that verse... Later that verse was abrogated.... ALLAH will not remove the verse if HE intended to keep the ruling...
    Not only does this sentence suggests that we personally judge Allah's motivation (which is highly presumptuous and almost always leads to misguidance), and not only does it mention wrong information by stating that the verse was abrogated, but it also suggests that Islamic rulings can be changed by making people "forget" and perhaps phase it out , which couldn't be further from Islamic jurisprudence or basic common sense. Kindly muslim brother, such innovated thoughts should be perhaps softly suggested to learned scholars in order to learn its faults before you adopt it and later publish it like this. It may cause confusion with new or unlearned muslims, or can provide baseless arguments for non-muslims.

    Abrogations are authenticated documented instances and are confirmed by the companions. At the very least common sense would have dictated that had the ruling been abrogated, it wouldn't have been upheld and carried out by the four guided khalifas in their rule after the passing of the prophet.

    Wassalamu AAlaikom
    Last edited by Sampharo; 02-23-2010 at 03:51 PM.
    Punishment of stoning to death in Islam


    Iblis's eternal destination in the Hellfire is due to Arrogance, not Disbelief.

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Joe98 View Post
    And which paragraph of the Koran is that?

    Brother, the Qu'ran does not mention this. I clearly stated, sunnah.

    Volume 2, Book 23, Number 413:
    Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar :

    The Jew brought to the Prophet a man and a woman from amongst them who have committed (adultery) illegal sexual intercourse. He ordered both of them to be stoned (to death), near the place of offering the funeral prayers beside the mosque."

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nokiacrazi View Post
    The Jew brought to the Prophet a man and a woman from amongst them who have committed (adultery) illegal sexual intercourse.

    He ordered both of them to be stoned (to death), near the place of offering the funeral prayers beside the mosque."

    The crime is listed in the Koran. But if the punishment is not in the Koran it means it didn't come from god.


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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Joe98 View Post
    The crime is listed in the Koran. But if the punishment is not in the Koran it means it didn't come from god.


    Allah (swt) clearly states that any commandment given by the prophet (saw) must be followed.

    "Say, "Obey Allah and the Messenger." But if they turn away - then indeed, Allah does not like the disbelievers." [Surah Ali'Imran - 3:32]

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    Argamemnon's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo View Post
    Stoning for married couple is confirmed in Sunnah and authenticated and agreed upon by the complete ummah of Islam during the times of the companions and the salaf. Here is a detailed extract from the fatawa of the permenant commitee:
    I know prominent scholars who disagree with you. One of them is a very distinguished Islamic scholar in Turkey; Prof. Dr. Süleyman Ateş. He speaks fluent Arabic, has written about 55 books. He has taught Islam and Arabic to Arabs in Saudi Arabia and Algeria etc. I will order his best books dealing with a wide variety of issues, but I will have to order from abroad. Insha'Allah, if/when I get hold of his books, you will get feedback.

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    Even a Sahabi is quoted in Hadees who asked other sahabi whether Prophet gave stoning punishment before or after revelation of Quran on that topic was completed, other Sahabi replied he did not have knowledge of that.

    So that former Sahabi believed that Prophet gave stoning punishment BEFORE verse on stoning was abrogated by ALLAH.

    Bukhari:82:824:-Narated By Ash-Shaibani : I asked 'Abdullah bin Abi 'Aufa about the Rajam (stoning somebody to death for committing illegal sexual intercourse). He replied, "The Prophet carried out the penalty of Rajam," I asked, "Was that before or after the revelation of Surat-an-Nur?" He replied, "I do not know."


    Law regarding adultory went through changes like Prophet gave 100lashes+EXILE to un-married WHILE Qura'n doesn't mention EXILE in 24:2:-

    Narated By Zaid bin Khalid : Allah's Apostle ordered that an unmarried man who committed illegal sexual intercourse be scourged one hundred lashes and sent into exile for one year.

    Another example of such change in laws was that initially 4 witnesses were required even if SPOUSE alleges other spouse.
    But later SPOUSE was given more reliability as in Qur'an:24:6-7.

    This story of change in rules is in this Hadees:

    Narated By Ibn Abbas : Hilal bin Umaiya accused his wife of committing illegal sexual intercourse with Sharik bin Sahma' and filed the case before the Prophet. The Prophet said (to Hilal), "Either you bring forth a proof (four witnesses) or you will receive the legal punishment (lashes) on your back." Hilal said, "O Allah's Apostle! If anyone of us saw a man over his wife, would he go to seek after witnesses?" The Prophet kept on saying, "Either you bring forth the witnesses or you will receive the legal punishment (lashes) on your back." Hilal then said, "By Him Who sent you with the Truth, I am telling the truth and Allah will reveal to you what will save my back from legal punishment." Then Gabriel came down and revealed to him:

    'As for those who accuse their wives...' (24.6-9) The Prophet recited it till he reached: '...(her accuser) is telling the truth.' Then the Prophet left and sent for the woman, and Hilal went (and brought) her and then took the oaths (confirming the claim). The Prophet was saying, "Allah knows that one of you is a liar, so will any of you repent?" Then the woman got up and took the oaths and when she was going to take the fifth one, the people stopped her and said, "It (the fifth oath) will definitely bring Allah's curse on you (if you are guilty)." So she hesitated and recoiled (from taking the oath) so much that we thought that she would withdraw her denial. But then she said, "I will not dishonour my family all through these days," and carried on (the process of taking oaths). The Prophet then said, "Watch her; if she delivers a black-eyed child with big hips and fat shins then it is Sharik bin Sahma's child." Later she delivered a child of that description. So the Prophet said, "If the case was not settled by Allah's Law, I would punish her severely."

    Reading last line we see how Prophet surrendered to ALLAH's Book while some ppl here r persistant to keep The Book Of ALLAH behind & put fatwas before it.

    Last edited by sur; 02-25-2010 at 02:35 AM.

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Argamemnon View Post
    I know prominent scholars who disagree with you. One of them is a very distinguished Islamic scholar in Turkey; Prof. Dr. Süleyman Ateş. He speaks fluent Arabic, has written about 55 books. He has taught Islam and Arabic to Arabs in Saudi Arabia and Algeria etc. I will order his best books dealing with a wide variety of issues, but I will have to order from abroad. Insha'Allah, if/when I get hold of his books, you will get feedback.
    this is a problem nowdays which is quite rampant...MOST people dun know how to differentiate between a scholar and a deviant...
    Last edited by IB-Staff; 02-25-2010 at 05:15 AM.
    Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    Yoonus Ibn 'Ubayd(d.139) said, "How amazing is the one who
    calls to the sunnah today! And what is even more amazing
    than him is the one who answers the call to the Sunnah!"
    Refer to Sharhus-Sunnah(no. 127) of al-Barbahaaree

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Joe98 View Post
    The crime is listed in the Koran. But if the punishment is not in the Koran it means it didn't come from god.

    Kindly refrain from attributing nonsense to Islam, especially in this place, you're not a muslim and have no right to claim knowledge of Islam and what it should be. That is in your and other athiests' feeble minds only that authenticated Sunnah and the actions of the prophet -s.a.a.w.- are not a part of Islam or are not from God.

    format_quote Originally Posted by sur

    So that former Sahabi believed that Prophet gave stoning punishment BEFORE verse on stoning was abrogated by ALLAH.

    Bukhari:82:824:-Narated By Ash-Shaibani : I asked 'Abdullah bin Abi 'Aufa about the Rajam (stoning somebody to death for committing illegal sexual intercourse). He replied, "The Prophet carried out the penalty of Rajam," I asked, "Was that before or after the revelation of Surat-an-Nur?" He replied, "I do not know."

    What you are extracting on your own from this is incorrect and is senseless. To say that one companion didn't know the chronological sequence of two events translates in your mind to a non-existent abrogation.

    Additionally your statements in their entirity are are a direct contradiction of the prophet actions that continued to stone married adulterers till his death, and was carried out by the khalifas afterwards in authenticated documented rulings.

    Abrogation does not come from lay people's superficial examination of Quran, abrogation is a direct ruling that gets pronounced by the prophet as such and cannot be assumed otherwise. No one worthy of being a scholar ever claimed that there was an abrogation in that chapter or verse, so there's misdirection in claiming what isn't there.

    You seem to have read two hadiths and think you learned the matter, and are ignoring the rest of the confirmed hadiths and proofs that show it wasn't abrogated and that stoning remained a ruling of Islam and is part of Shariah.

    As a matter of fact, you seem to be suggesting that the prophet ignored God's commandments to him and that the four closest companions were either defiant or (worse) ignorant of God's rulings during their reign as Khalifas. If this is what you are suggesting or believing in, you should know you are commiting Kufr Akbar (major disbelief).

    format_quote Originally Posted by Argamemnon
    I know prominent scholars who disagree with you. One of them is a very distinguished Islamic scholar in Turkey; Prof. Dr. Süleyman Ateş. He speaks fluent Arabic, has written about 55 books. He has taught Islam and Arabic to Arabs in Saudi Arabia and Algeria etc. I will order his best books dealing with a wide variety of issues, but I will have to order from abroad. Insha'Allah, if/when I get hold of his books, you will get feedback.
    Islam is not based on a single scholar's opinion (that claims to have taught Arabic to Arabs, how very realistic!). Brother, Islam comes to us through the prophet -s.a.a.w.-, and no one else. Taking another's word or opinion in direct contradiction to the prophet -s.a.a.w.- is a grievous act of defiance to God's message and scars one's faith.

    Disagreement on stoning and other laws of Islam have been claimed only by several deviants and nobodies, no respectable scholar have ever suggested it even. I think we know very well that it is the easiest thing in the World to find those who would sell themselves to the devil or secular political movements and even to the dollar of anti-islamic groups, and happily cast shadows of doubt amongst the muslims and attempt to dilute Islam.

    I would rather see that muslims take and
    learn from reliable scholars who bring evidence and sound logic, not whims and diluted policies of being "humane". Or see them focusing their discussions on what they actually know about, and ask about what they do not know.

    If you really think that the entirity of bodies of scholars of old and new including the companions Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Uthman Ibn Affan, and Ali Ibn Abi Taleb -r.a.a.- are wrong and commited murder then during their Khilafa, because you say a turkish scholar (who according to you claims that he taught arabic to arabs) and other unknowns have said so, and you choose such an opinion to follow, I am confident that you will be judged appropriately by the one who neither needs nor accepts such arguments from men.
    Last edited by Sampharo; 02-25-2010 at 07:30 AM.
    Punishment of stoning to death in Islam


    Iblis's eternal destination in the Hellfire is due to Arrogance, not Disbelief.

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by thetruth2009 View Post
    106. None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?

    My only question is where is the verse Punishment of stoning to death ????????
    You have actually answered your own question.

    As you quoted from the Qur'an above verses can be abrogated. There are different ypes of abrogation:

    1) Abrogation of the verse and the law
    2) Abrogation of the verse but NOT the law
    3) Abrogation of the law and NOT the verse

    The verse of stoining came under the second type, abrogation of the verse but NOT the law.

    The verse in question (if this is what you are talking about) was "ash-shaykhu wash-shaykhatu ithaa zanayaa farjumoohumal battah" If the elder man and woman committ adultery, stone them absolutely. There is also another version with slightly different words, see footnotes in the last link below.

    This was originally part of Surah an-Noor.

    Allah had the verse removed from the Qur'an and so it is not in the final form of the Qur'an which the Prophet left, but the law of stoing was applied by the Prophet himself on a number of occassions and is well-recorded in the ahadeeth. It was also the practice of all the rightly guided Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with them) after him.

    source: Usool-at-Tafseer: The Methodology of Qur'aanic Explanation by Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, Dar al Fatah, 1997

    Al-Bukhaari and Muslim narrated in their Saheehs from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “Allaah sent Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with the truth and revealed to him the Book, and one of the things that Allaah revealed was the verse of stoning. We have read it and understood it. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stoned (adulterers) and we stoned (them) after him, but I fear that there may come a time when some people say: ‘By Allaah, we do not find the verse of stoning in the Book of Allaah.’ So they will go astray by forsaking an obligation that Allaah has revealed.
    From: http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/14312...ng%20adulterer

    Also, see the following: http://www.islamic-life.com/other-re...-rajam-stoning
    Last edited by Insaanah; 02-27-2010 at 11:05 PM.

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Insane Insaan View Post
    ..... There are different ypes of abrogation:

    1) Abrogation of the verse and the law
    2) Abrogation of the verse but NOT the law
    3) Abrogation of the law and NOT the verse

    The verse of stoining came under the second type, abrogation of the verse but NOT the law.
    Ths classification was concocted by scholars who had pre-conceived notions & were forced to come up with things to suit their ideology... There is NO such classification in either Quran or in Prophet's sayings... All verses/laws that r in Quran are very well valid... while all abrogated ones are abrogated.... There's Nothing like "Abrogated law but not verse" & vice versa...

    Rather Quran is very clear on Abrogation issue...

    Quran:2:106:-"None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that God Hath power over all things?"

    [87:6]"By degrees shall We teach thee to declare (the Message), so thou shalt not forget,[7] Except as God wills: For He knoweth what is manifest and what is hidden."

    So... Abrogated law is substituted... Always... So if stoning verse was abrogated... Where's the substitution...!!! It's right there in Quran... 100 lashes without condition of married or unmarried...

    Quran:24:2:-The woman and the man guilty of illegal sexual intercourse, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allâh, if you believe in Allâh and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment.


    Idea, that Prophet gave stoning punishment before verse of stoning was Abrogated, is NOT new....

    Narated By Ash-Shaibani : I asked 'Abdullah bin Abi 'Aufa about the Rajam (stoning somebody to death for committing illegal sexual intercourse). He replied, "The Prophet carried out the penalty of Rajam," I asked, "Was that before or after the revelation of Surat-an-Nur?" He replied, "I do not know."

    Last edited by sur; 02-28-2010 at 03:36 AM.

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    Punishment is also an expiation of sin if the sinner is repentant.. do we all agree on this insh'Allah?

    Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

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  23. #19
    Insaanah's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by sur View Post
    Ths classification was concocted by scholars who had pre-conceived notions & were forced to come up with things to suit their ideology... There is NO such classification in either Quran or in Prophet's sayings... All verses/laws that r in Quran are very well valid... while all abrogated ones are abrogated.... There's Nothing like "Abrogated law but not verse" & vice versa...

    Rather Quran is very clear on Abrogation issue...

    Quran:2:106:-"None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that God Hath power over all things?"

    [87:6]"By degrees shall We teach thee to declare (the Message), so thou shalt not forget,[7] Except as God wills: For He knoweth what is manifest and what is hidden."

    So... Abrogated law is substituted... Always... So if stoning verse was abrogated... Where's the substitution...!!! It's right there in Quran... 100 lashes without condition of married or unmarried...

    Quran:24:2:-The woman and the man guilty of illegal sexual intercourse, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allâh, if you believe in Allâh and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment.


    Idea, that Prophet gave stoning punishment before verse of stoning was Abrogated, is NOT new....

    Narated By Ash-Shaibani : I asked 'Abdullah bin Abi 'Aufa about the Rajam (stoning somebody to death for committing illegal sexual intercourse). He replied, "The Prophet carried out the penalty of Rajam," I asked, "Was that before or after the revelation of Surat-an-Nur?" He replied, "I do not know."
    Please read the two links I gave you.

    Please do not accuse the Islamic scholars (may Allah be pleased with them) of "concocting" rulings and methodologies, just because you do not agree with them. You cannot take a few ayaat ofthe Qur'an and a hadeeth and use that to derive your own ruling. Do you have more knowledge than them? Did you live amongst the prophet and the sahaabah, the khulafaa, the taabi'een and those who were soaked with Islamic knowledge through and through? (may Allah be pleased with them all).

    The evidences are crystal clear and tells us that recitation of the rajam ayah was abrogated but its ruling remained and this is the unanimous opinion of the companions and scholars of Islam
    From: http://www.islamic-life.com/other-re...-rajam-stoning

    The scholars among the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them), the Taabi’een and those who came after them are also unanimously agreed on that. No one differed from them apart from those to whose views no attention is to be paid.

    Hence I shall say no more on that, apart from advise you to do further study on the subject, unless of course, you have more knowledge than the sahaabah, the khulafaa raashideen and the taabi'een (May Allah be pleased with them).

    Sister Gosssamer Skye,

    Punishment is also an expiation of sin if the sinner is repentant.. do we all agree on this insh'Allah?
    Yes, inshaAllah. But also, I've just learnt, if the sinner is not repentant, it's still an expiation. Subhaanallah!

    Will a sinner be punished in the Hereafter if the legal punishment (hadd) is carried out on him in this world?

    If a person do a sin in this world, and then get the punishment for it, will he then get a punishment for the same sin after his death? For example if a person commits adultery, or steal, then he is gets death punishment, or get his hand cut off, will he then get a punishment for that sin in the Hereafter? If he is homosexual and gets stoned to death, is he then free from the fire of hell?
    Could you please tell me the answer in light of Hadeeth and Quran ?

    Praise be to Allaah.

    Al-Bukhaari (may Allaah have mercy on him) narrated in his Saheeh (3/143, no. 3679) with his isnaad that ‘Ubaadah ibn al-Saamit, one of those who was present at Badr with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), said that one of those who had been present at al-‘Aqabah told him:

    The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, with a group of his Sahaabah standing around him: “Come and give me your oath of allegiance, promising that you will not associate anything in worship with Allaah, or steal, or commit zinaa (illegal sexual activity), or kill your children, or utter slander intentionally forging falsehood (by wrongfully attributing illegitimate children to husbands) [cf 60:12], or disobey me with regard to anything good (ma’roof). Whoever among you fulfils this oath, his reward will be due from Allaah, and whoever commits any of these sins and is punished for it in this world, this will be an expiation for him. Whoever commits any of these sins and Allaah conceals it for him, then his case rests with Allaah – if He wills, He will punish him and if He wills, He will forgive him.” So they gave their oath of allegiance to him on that basis.

    Al-Haafiz said in al-Fath (1/6): “What we learn from this hadeeth is that the carrying out of the punishment is an expiation for the sin, even if the one on whom the hadd is carried out does not repent. This is the view of the majority. It was also said that he has to repent – this was stated by some of the Taabi’een.

    The previous hadeeth was also narrated by al-Tirmidhi in his Sunan. After quoting it, he said:

    “Al-Shaafa’i said concerning this topic: I have not heard any better indication than this hadeeth to show that the hudood (punishments) are an expiation for the people on whom they are carried out. Al-Shaafa’i said: if a person commits a sin and Allaah conceals it for him, I prefer for him to keep it concealed and to repent, keeping the matter between himself and Allaah. Something similar was narrated from Abu Bakr and ‘Umar, that they commanded a man to conceal his sin.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 1439). So there is no need for the person who commits a punishable sin to go to the Qaadi (judge) and confess and ask for the hadd to be carried out on him; rather, he is encouraged to keep it to himself and to repent, keeping the matter between himself and Allaah, may He be glorified, and to do lots of righteous deeds, for good deeds cancel out bad deeds, and the one who repents from sin is like one who did not sin at all. We ask Allaah to keep us safe and to forgive us. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.

    Islam Q&A
    Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
    From: http://www.islamqa.com/en/ref/6202/p...for%20adultery

    Last edited by Insaanah; 02-28-2010 at 11:49 AM.

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    Re: Punishment of stoning to death in Islam

    To those who say the 100 lashes verse applies to both married as well as un-married adulterers,

    Why does Allah say in the next verse:
    The fornicator shall not marry any but a fornicatress or idolatress, and (as for) the fornicatress, none shall marry her but a fornicator or an idolater; and it is forbidden to the believers. [24:3]
    If the earlier verse applied to both, Allah would not have mentioned anything about marriage, because they were already married to someone else. This verse makes it clear that the punishment prescribed in the earlier verse is only for un-married fornicators.

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