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    Question truthseeker63's Corner [Clarification about Islam]

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    I have a question about the Zakat Tax my question is do the Rich or the Wealthy pay more in Zakat Taxes and the Poor and the lower income people pay less in the Zakat Tax ? Is the Zakat Tax a Progressive Tax or a Wealth Tax ? I ask because I believe that the Rich or the Wealthy should pay more Taxes because it is fair does Islam agree with this view thank you ?
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    Re: I have a question about the Zakat Tax

    My question really is under Zakat would the Rich or the Wealthy pay more then the Poor ?
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    Ramadhan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I have a question about the Zakat Tax

    format_quote Originally Posted by truthseeker63 View Post
    My question really is under Zakat would the Rich or the Wealthy pay more then the Poor ?
    The poor don't have to pay zakat. In fact, they are the ones (among others) who receive zakat.
    There are also different types of zakat: ma'al, fitrah.
    There also shodaqoh (alms), hibah, hadiah, qurban, etc.

    Anyway, you need to post this at "clarifications about islam", not in the comparative religion.
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    Re: I have a question about the Zakat Tax

    This isn't my answer but it should answer your question Inshallah:

    ZAKAT [Arab=purification], Islamic religious tax, one of the five basic requirements (arkan or “pillars”) of Islam. All adult Muslims of sound mind and body with a set level of income and assets are expected to pay zakat. Zakat is due yearly on certain types of property. Zakat is payable, at different rates, on crops, harvests, herds, gold and silver, and merchandise. For gold and silver, which is understood to include all liquid assets, the rate is 2.5%. So if you have 2 people, one with £100,000 and one with £100 savings, the first person will pay £2500 and the second one will pay £2.50

    For more background knowledge:

    Being religiously prescribed, zakat is distinct from charity (SADAQA) WHICH IS VOLUNTARY. Zakat is essentially a personal exercise with no intermediary control, and could be given directly to its recipients, although a central treasury often collects it.

    Zakat has to be dispense in a way acceptable to Allaah.
    The choice is there Al-hamdulillaah and we can look at it as a service to facilitate fulfilment of our obligation of Zakat.

    Zakat is to distribute to following categories specified in the Sharee'ah.

    Categories mentioned in the QUR'ÂN in Soorah Taubah 9: 60

    FUQAARA {Poor}

    MASAAKEEN {Needy, Orphans, widows, e.t.c}

    AAMILEEN {Those employed to administer the (funds)}

    {For those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to truth)}

    {Those in bondage, literally and figuratively: captives of war must be redeemed: those in bondage of ignorance or superstition or unfavourable environment should be helped to freedom to develop their own gifts}

    {Those who are held in the grip of debt should be helped to economic freedom}

    {Those who are struggling and striving in Allah's cause by teaching or fighting , who are thus unable to earn their ordinary living}

    WABNISSABEEL {Stranger stranded on the way}

    Allah, the Most High said: "Those who spend their wealth by Night and Day, in secret and in public, shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear nor shall they Grieve." [Baqarah: 274]

    “The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allaah, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear is a hundred grains. Allaah gives manifold increase to whom he pleases.” [Sooratul-Baqarah 2:261]

    “And whatsoever you spend of anything (in the cause of Allaah), He will replace it. He is the Best of those who grants sustenance.” [Soorah Saba‘ 34:39]


    SADAQA: - Deeds of charity done in Allah's (swt) cause

    SADAQA JARIYAH means ongoing charity. An example is a person who digs (or causes to be dug) a well from which people can draw water, free, with the intention of doing it for the sake of Allah. This is an act of charity which continues over time, and as long as people benefit from the well, the donor, dead or alive, will continue to receive credit for having done it.

    Teaching can also be an ongoing sadaqah. Suppose a person teaches another to recite a verse of the Qur'an, or how to take care of a baby, or how to take out an appendix. As long as the knowledge is used, the teacher continues to reap credit for it.

    Hadrat Hadrat Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) as saying, "Among the actions and good deads for which a believer will continue to receive reward after his death are knowledge which he taught and spread, a good son whom he left behind, or a copy of the Qur'an which he left as a legacy, or a mosque he built, or a house which he built for the traveller, or a stream which he caused to flow, or a sadaqa which he gave from his property when he was alive and well, for which he will continue to receive reward after his death." (Ibn Majah and Baihaqi)


    SAHIH BUKHARI, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 50:
    Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah:
    The Prophet said, Enjoining, all that is good is a Sadaqa."

    SAHIH BUKHARI, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 51:
    Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari:
    The Prophet said, "On every Muslim there is enjoined (a compulsory) Sadaqa (alms)." They (the people) said, "If one has nothing?' He said, "He should work with his hands so that he may benefit himself and give in charity." They said, "If he cannot work or does not work?" He said, "Then he should help the oppressed unhappy person (by word or action or both)." They said, "If he does not do it?" He said, "Then he should enjoin what is good (or said what is reasonable).' They said, "If he does not do that''' He said, "Then he should refrain from doing evil, for that will be considered for Him as a Sadaqa (charity) . "

    'Say, Verily my Prayer, my Sacrifice, my Living and My Dying are for Allah, Lord of the Worlds....'
    Surah An'am 162-164
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    Re: I have a question about the Zakat Tax

    format_quote Originally Posted by truthseeker63 View Post
    I have a question about the Zakat Tax my question is do the Rich or the Wealthy pay more in Zakat Taxes and the Poor and the lower income people pay less in the Zakat Tax ? Is the Zakat Tax a Progressive Tax or a Wealth Tax ? I ask because I believe that the Rich or the Wealthy should pay more Taxes because it is fair does Islam agree with this view thank you ?
    Peace, truthseeker63

    At first, let me correct your misconception on zakat. Zakat is not tax that collected and managed by govt to fund country development program such as build new road, pay govt officer salaries, etc. But zakat is obligated donation from people who able to pay zakat (called muzakki) to people who have right to receive zakat (called mustahik). Poor people are free from obligation to pay zakat because they are mustahik who receive zakat.

    Zakat is not progressive 'tax', if progressive means richer people pay higher in percentage. A muzakki who has monthly income $1000 and muzakki who has monthly income $2000 pay zakat in same percentage, 2.50%. Of course, it is means muzakki who has higher income pay zakat in larger amount.

    For your information, in Indonesia, Muslims who categorized as muzakki who obligated to pay zakat from their income are Muslims who have monthly income that similar or more than price of 525 kilograms of average quality raw rice. It's arround US$ 350 - 400.
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    Re: I have a question about the Zakat Tax


    It's a well known fact that, Musilms (as a religious group) give the most money to Charity worldwide because of Zakat (and other means, Charity is just a big part of Islam). Not everyone pays the same, it depends on your wealth/earnings.

    The Prophet(pbuh) said; Your wealth never decreases when giving Charity. And you'll always hear stories of past and even current Muslims who when they die have no wealth of their own left, they basically just give it all to the poor, like our Prophet(pbuh) did.
    Last edited by Perseveranze; 02-03-2011 at 03:00 PM.
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    Question I have heard some people say that the Science in the Quran and other Islamic text was

    I have heard some people say that the Science in the Quran and other Islamic text was copied or plagiarized from the Greeks my question is can this claim be debunked or disproven thank you ?
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    Question Where in the Quran or other Islamic text is Homosexuality talked about as being a sin

    Where in the Quran or other Islamic text is Homosexuality talked about as being a sin and wrong I know Homosexuality is wrong I just want to read where is the texts Homosexuality is talked about as a sin I know the Bible says Homosexuality is a sin and wrong.
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    Re: Where in the Quran or other Islamic text is Homosexuality talked about as being a

    format_quote Originally Posted by truthseeker63 View Post
    Where in the Quran or other Islamic text is Homosexuality talked about as being a sin and wrong I know Homosexuality is wrong I just want to read where is the texts Homosexuality is talked about as a sin I know the Bible says Homosexuality is a sin and wrong.
    my dear,
    there are few matters needs no explanation but visually you will understand wright o wrong (sin or thawab)"Of course u know about that community which was turned upside down" Why? and what was their sin; of cause (Ina LLAH laysa bi dhalam Lil abiid)
    i tell you this for example; your garden bear fruits which are beneficial and produces best result, BUT think that homo..blahj..blah...what do u get?
    a second example as you are a human being as we all know say 'cow' and animal, seeing as we do but there is something missing with that cow....can u guess what?
    wel!! seeing a poll of water...cow drinks and mostly takes birth...can u tell me what next it does with that very water which YOU as human, a thousands inventions yu instantly make;;;;say, tea,juice,mixing with flour makes bread etc why all these because human uses that which animals dont have...
    if u want to know Sin or not sin, where mentioned this and that...THINK you are honourable HUMAN and this is Fadhl Kabeer Jiida Allah (JallaJalaaluhu)has created me and u and human being.
    (this much i have shared hoping to hear from others)
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    Re: Where in the Quran or other Islamic text is Homosexuality talked about as being a

    format_quote Originally Posted by wiino View Post
    my dear,
    there are few matters needs no explanation but visually you will understand wright o wrong (sin or thawab)"Of course u know about that community which was turned upside down" Why? and what was their sin; of cause (Ina LLAH laysa bi dhalam Lil abiid)
    i tell you this for example; your garden bear fruits which are beneficial and produces best result, BUT think that homo..blahj..blah...what do u get?
    a second example as you are a human being as we all know say 'cow' and animal, seeing as we do but there is something missing with that cow....can u guess what?
    wel!! seeing a poll of water...cow drinks and mostly takes birth...can u tell me what next it does with that very water which YOU as human, a thousands inventions yu instantly make;;;;say, tea,juice,mixing with flour makes bread etc why all these because human uses that which animals dont have...
    if u want to know Sin or not sin, where mentioned this and that...THINK you are honourable HUMAN and this is Fadhl Kabeer Jiida Allah (JallaJalaaluhu)has created me and u and human being.
    (this much i have shared hoping to hear from others)
    asam not so far allowed to edit my post...please see

    has created me and u as human being.
    (this much i have shared hoping to hear from others)
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    Re: Where in the Quran or other Islamic text is Homosexuality talked about as being a

    Dear Truthseeker,

    There are references in the Qur'an which have been cited as referring to gay and lesbian behavior. Some obviously deal with effeminate men and "masculine women." The two main references to homosexual behavior are:

    "We also sent Lut : He said to his people : "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." Qur'an 7:80-81

    "What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk." Qur'an 26:165

    Homosexuality is contrary to the law of creation. Everything was created in pairs. Even in animals and plants, new products occur within the framework of the law of pairs. The fact that human beings were created in pairs has the same wisdom. The duty of the male of the pair is to inseminate and the duty of the female is to be inseminated. That is, the sperm of the man is in charge of inseminating and the woman is in charge of being inseminated and developing the embryo for the reproduction of human beings.
    Every act that is contrary to the wisdom of the creation of Allah is oppression because oppression means to do something inappropriately and unjustly. Homosexuality, which blocks the way of reproduction for human beings, is an unmatched form of oppression, inappropriateness, shamelessness, aberration and deviance.
    In addition, it is a psychological deviation which is not appropriate to the honor of humanity since all people are disgusted with those kinds of acts in principle.
    It is unthinkable for Islam, which was designed by Allah to show people the right path, to allow such aberration and deviance full of oppression.
    truthseeker63's Corner [Clarification about Islam]

    “An hour’s reflective thought is better than a year’s worship” Hadith

    "We Muslims, who are students of the Qur’an, follow proof; we approach the truths of belief through reason, thought, and our hearts. " Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

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    Re: I have heard some people say that the Science in the Quran and other Islamic text

    Dear Truthseeker,

    1. It's very well known fact in the history that, Muhammed PBUH was an illiterate person.

    2. Quran is miracolous in 40 different aspects.Scientific facts is just one aspect.These miracles are explained in details at:


    3. It is in no way possible for a human being to be successful in doing such a thing on his own, in fact, it is completely impossible. Individuals who resemble one another may imitate one another, those of the same kind may take on one another’s forms, those who are close to one another in rank or status may imitate one another and temporarily deceive people, but they cannot do so for ever. For in any event, the falseness and artificiality in their behaviour will show up their imposture to the observant, and their deception will not last. If the one who is attempting to imitate another under false pretences is quite unlike them, for example, if an uneducated man wants to imitate in learning a genius like Ibn-i Sina, or a shepherd assume the position of a king, of course, they will not deceive anyone at all, they will only make fools of themselves. Everything they do will proclaim, ‘This is an impostor.’

    “Thus, to suppose -God forbid!, a hundred thousand times- the Qur’an to be man’s word is utterly impossible, no rational being can accept it as possible, to do so is a delirium like imagining to be possible something that is self-evidently impossible like a fire-fly being seen by astronomers as a real star for a thousand years; or a fly appearing to observers in the true form of a peacock for a year; or a bogus common private posing as a famous lofty field marshal, taking over his position and remaining in it for a long period without giving away his deception; or like a slandering, unbelieving liar affecting the manner and position of the most truthful, trustworthy, upright believer throughout his life and being completely unruffled before even the most observant while concealing his fraud from them.

    “In just the same way, if the Qur’an is supposed to be man’s word, then it has to be supposed, God forbid, that that Perspicuous Book, which is considered to be clearly a most brilliant star, rather, a sun of perfections perpetually scattering the lights of truth in the heavens of the world of Islam, is like a fire-fly, a spurious sham made up by a counterfeiting human. And those who are closest to it and study it most carefully do not realize this, and consider it to be a perpetual, exalted star and source of truth. Together with this being impossible a hundred times over, even if you went a hundred times further in your diabolical machinations, O Satan, you could not make such an assertion, you could not deceive anyone of sound reason! Only sometimes you trick people by making them look from a great distance, thus making the star appear as small as a fire-fly.

    Also, if the Qur’an is imagined to be man’s word, it necessitates that the hidden reality of a criterion of truth and falsehood, which is miraculous in its exposition, and through the testimony of its fruits, results, and effects, is gilded with the most spiritual and life-giving, the most truthful and happiness-bringing, the most comprehensive and exalted qualities in the world of mankind, is, God forbid, the fabrication of a single unaided and unlearned man’s mind; and that the great geniuses and brilliant scholars who observed that being closely and studied him meticulously at no time saw any trace of counterfeit or pretence in him and always found him serious, genuine, and sincere.

    “This is completely impossible, an idea so nonsensical as to shame the Devil himself, like dreaming up an utterly impossible situation. For it entails supposing one who throughout his life demonstrated and taught trust, belief, confidence, sincerity, seriousness, and integrity through all his conduct, words, and actions, and raised eminently truthful and sincere followers, and was accepted to possess the highest and most brilliant and elevated virtues to be the most untrustworthy, insincere, and unbelieving.
    truthseeker63's Corner [Clarification about Islam]

    “An hour’s reflective thought is better than a year’s worship” Hadith

    "We Muslims, who are students of the Qur’an, follow proof; we approach the truths of belief through reason, thought, and our hearts. " Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

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    Re: I have heard some people say that the Science in the Quran and other Islamic text

    Hi Truthseeker,

    the Greeks theorised certain similar things as written in the Quran, but where the Quranic science and Greek theories differ is that the Quran is acurate and more precise, covering far more scientific issues than the greeks, hence they are infact a world apart

    some people who are desperate to try and prove the Quran wrong, say that it's science was plagarised from the greeks as the greeks were the scientifically advanced people of the ancient ages and due to certain theories of theirs such as the stages of the foetus in the womb, but i have matched the greek theory on that and see it is no where near the acuracy of the Quran
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    Re: I have heard some people say that the Science in the Quran and other Islamic text

    format_quote Originally Posted by truthseeker63 View Post
    I have heard some people say that the Science in the Quran and other Islamic text was copied or plagiarized from the Greeks my question is can this claim be debunked or disproven thank you ?
    this claim can be disproven simply by looking up the scientific information of the Quran [and many of them are miraculous in the sense that scientists only recently found this out due to modern technology] and matching it with what the greeks had to say about the same issues; E.G, in the Quran a few microscopic? descriptions are given of the foetus in the womb, such as it is a leach like shape and like a chewed up peace of morsel; modern science has uncovered that this is indeed so and regarding the latter, there are litterally what looks like to be teeth marks on the foetus ['chewed up'], such acurate information is not to be found in the greek theories

    check out many more astounding scientific miracles of the Quran; a simple google search will bring them up
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    Re: I have a question about the Zakat Tax

    the more richer one is [in terms of haing zakaatable wealth] , the more zakaat one pays for all people [adults] who it is obligatory on the give the zakaat, give two and a half percent of it, so for example a person who is to igve zakaat out of a hundred thousand pounds of wealth, will give two and an half percent of it, and the person who ahs a million pounds worth of zaaktable wealth will give two and a half percent of that, so the richer one ends up paying much more

    the poor people [those who dont have enough wealth for it to be zakaatable ['enough wealth' is considered as something like 80 grams of gold or it's equivelent? in other types of wealth that is extra than one's need and which the owner has in their possesion for a year or more] as mentioned, are exempt from hacing to pay zakkat, but all people are reccomended to pay as much optional charity as possible
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    Question Does Islam in the Quran and other Islamic text say why God or Allah allowed the Bible

    Does Islam in the Quran and other Islamic text say why God or Allah allowed the Bible to be corrupted ?
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    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: I have heard some people say that the Science in the Quran and other Islamic text

    One problem with getting into such debates is that we change the empasis of the Qur'an from being a revelation of how to worship and follow Allah(swt) into a scientific journal. It is not intended to be a scientific thesis.

    There is no big issue about the scientific issue except we often place too much emphasis on it. The Qur'an was written to be understood by people of all ages and it makes no difference when or how the scientific knowledge came to man kind. It makes no difference if those scientific facts were already known to every human on earth when the Qur'an was written. Oddly the Qur'an seems to verify that much of what is just now being proven was already common knowledge. At no point in the Ahadith or historical records is there any mention of people acting like they did not understand what was being spoken about when things like pegs of the mountains, separations of the seas or chewed piece of meat were spoken of. The Qur'an was written to be easily understood as the word of Allah(swt), not as an introduction course to Biology, Geology or Physics.

    So what if these things were already known to the Greeks or even to all of mankind. This is not plagiarism or stealing scientific ideas, it is truth and written in a manner the people could understand. The message was not to teach about science and the hows and whys physical events happen.

    What is amazing is that only the true scientific facts were mentioned, none of the false erroneous common scientific beliefs taught by the Greeks are mentioned. The bigger miracle is the fact that none of the erroneous teachings and erroneous common scientific concepts are mentioned.

    There is no need for anybody to get in an uproar if these scientific facts were already known to the Greeks or anybody else.
    truthseeker63's Corner [Clarification about Islam]

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    Re: Does Islam in the Quran and other Islamic text say why God or Allah allowed the B

    Hi Truthseeker!

    Here is basically what I heard of the reason why ALlah allowed it to be corrupted:

    there was allways another Messenger coming after the previous one's to renew the Message, thus ALlah allowed it to be corrupted, but as the Quran is the last Revelation and muhamamd [saw] the last and final Messenger, with there being no other messenger coming at a future date to renew Gods message, hence God ahs taken it unto Himself to protect the message till the last day

    also, every new Messenger updated the message too [i.e there were some changes to Gods religion with the adent of every Messenger], thus it was in Gods wisdom to render the previous message corrupt too, in order to additionally show that it was not worth following anymore, and that the new revelation should be followed [once it reaches the people]; this is not to say that God wanted to corrupt the old revelations; God just allowed peoples free-will [in corrupting it] to take effect and used that free will in aid of the new religion

    hope this helps
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    Question Re: Does Islam in the Quran and other Islamic text say why God or Allah allowed the B

    Did God send the Prophet Muhammad to correct the errors of Christianity was this one reason why he was sent ?
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    Question Does Islam believe Jesus fulfilled Messianic Prophecy that is talked about in the Bib

    Does Islam believe Jesus fulfilled Messianic Prophecy that is talked about in the Bible ? What Islam's view on the Christian claim Jesus fulfilled Messianic Prophecy also if Jesus fulfilled Messianic Prophecy does this mean the Bible or at least ome of the Bible is true what does the Quran or any other Islamic text say thank you ?
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