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Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

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    Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only) (OP)

    I was born in a muslim family,they have a strong belief in God.I once had a strong belief,used to pray and such. I don't know why i had a strong belief,maybe i was a kid and believed everything easily,but i once saw 'Allah' written in the sky in clouds form. I still think to this day i was just imagining things,but i know that's the not true because apparently i was out that time,and many people were like taking pictures of it. Then i stopped praying,Mainly because I'm a lazy person.( was like 10 around that time.)2 or 3 years ago i started thinking 'what if' there's no God. I don't really know why i started thinking like that,but just so it happen. As a year passed by,then i questioned that if the muslims are indeed wrong? Maybe there's no God at all? What if the religions are just a fairy tale made by people? What if there's no heaven or hell? What if there's no afterlife and once you die,it's the end of everything.It is said that God is nice,but explain the suffering in this world like murder and rape. I know some people are going to say this life is a test. But my point is does God enjoy these things? If he was kind He wouldn't let have let these things happen now would He?During this time,i was also in the phase of depression. Last year later had a panic attack while masturbating and my anxiety started since then. Some of that anxiety is about if Islam is true or not,also some other things. Which made me questioned more about my religion. So i guess I'm a Atheist/Agnostic at the moment. I would wish to believe there's a God and an afterlife but it's hard to believe so. That's enough of the back story about me.

    Now my problems with Islam which i would like to discuss.
    First thing first,How do you Muslims know that your religion is the correct one? They are many religions out there,and they think they are right and such. Some Muslims are going to say that Islam is the correct one and Quran is a miracle. Allah send signs,the scientific evidence and etc. Anyone would research their religion and find that their religion is correct. According to what i read on the internet,some atheists are saying that these scientific evidence was long discovered before islam by the greeks.

    It's unfair for non-muslims to be born in a non-muslim family. I already know some people are going to say that Allah sends them signs about Quran in some way. But the fact ismsome are going to ignore it as they are already brainwashed from their family that their current religion is correct. Why would they even give a chance to islam when they are already brainwashed? Or some people might not even heard about Quran in their entire life. One of the points why i think Quran is man-made.( No offence to you muslims.)

    Even believing in Angels and the devils is harder. Devil whispers in our ears to make us do bad deeds? Really?

    Secondly, the Adam and Eve story. So the world was created because Adam ate the forbidden apple.......Seriously? No matter how you look at it,it sounds like a some fairy tale story similar to Santa Claus or unocrns,of course to us non-believers...Some people are going to bring up the arguement that where did we humans come from? To Muslims it's Adam and Eve. But as my counter-arguement,one word 'Evolution'. Atleast that's what atheists believe. Even the apes and humans DNA are 98% the same. Science has proven that we can't have come from Adam and Eve. A while ago i even read an article of old skeletons skull structure being the same as apes. Don't tell me it's false or i will facepalm myself so hard my nose breaks. Even some scientists believe that's there's a 50% chance there's no God,if you research into the creation of universe,there's a chance that world was made by a mere coincidence.

    Thirdly,the concept of hell. This one is disturbing me alot. So half of the population was made to be roasted in hell? Eternal hell for not being a Muslim? Then maybe God should have us more proofs if He truly loved us,that is if He exists. According to some comments i read here,It's offensive to God for not believing him with all the clear proofs send. Well,if He was all-loving he wouldn't want people to burn in hell and that too eternally. In daily life If a person was to get burned on anywhere on the part of his body,he would be in pain. He can't survive a day without the pain. But eternal hell? A person would go insane. No normal unbeliever deserves that kind of punishment. But maybe those people who liked murdering and raping people deserve it. But normal unbelievers? No. But this contradicts the nature of God. It is said according to you Muslims,that he is the most merciful and kind. But that doesn't seem like that to me. Cause if he was he wouldn't make half of the population JUST to burn in hell. And Muslims are not in majority in the world.

    A square circle is impossible because it contradicts it's very nature. A square has four sides,a circle has infinite. God is impossible because He contradicts His very nature. God is described as fair and just,but creates infinite punishment for finite sins. This is a pretty and vengeful God. God is described as infinitely loving,but he allows millionns of children to starve every day. He has the power to stop it,but He does nothing. Again life is a test? Really? So this all is a game to Him and watch us suffer as His entertainment?

    Another question,if there's an atheist who died at the age of 17.(My friend is at her dying bed)Would she burn in hell? She could have reverted to Islam.

    I listened to many Dr. Zakir Naik lectures and some part of me get convinced. But after few days my mind returns to the atheist/agnostic mind set.

    Another question, after this world ends,another world would emerge,and process will continue with new people....this process will keep on repeating...this doesn't make sense.

    I said it before and i will say it again, I wish to believe there's a God but i find it hard to believe. But I'm hoping someone can convince me and show me the truth.

    Will update thread if anything new comes to my mind.

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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Amat Allah View Post

    I don't know if you have seen the video till the end but I assure you that what you have posted above wasn't his point... You can try and listen again with an open heart and mind if you wish to understand. May Allah give you the best always Aameen
    I seen the video till the end.
    The guy was posing examples such as if a man orders a paint guy to paint his house white but instead he paints it red. The owner of that house would be angry. So if we apply that logic to Allah,if we don't do what Allah wants us to do,then we would fail and hell awaits them us. Another example which i will tell you which i heard from Zakir Naik in his lectures. If there's 5 subjects a person has to give to get admission in a university. English,match,science,geography,Hindi. It's compulsory for a person to pass all the papers. Let's say if a person passes the 4 papers and fails in Hindi. He won't get admission in the university. I see the scholars using the same logic.So all non-muslims go to hell according to it. But again as I'm saying there's 1.5 billion people in the world out of approx 8 billion. Not only a small portion of the population of the world could get heaven,this isn't logical. I see some people using logic that even if a non-Muslim did a good deed,such as feeding a poor let's say,he would only get awards in this present world and not in the hereafter. Because he only felt it was right and didn't do it for God. So people saying intentions count,how can it count when God clearly has mention that if they don't do good deeds for the sake of Allah,then they don't count. How would an atheist know that God exists?
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Good brother View Post
    Confused Researchers, Later their conjecture was rejected:
    Oh okay. What about that ape lucy?
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by YusufNoor View Post
    the first part, yes. the second well, i hear an awful lot of "stuff" too. not sure of it's origin.

    anyway, about the first. there are some ahadith, but i was ready for the next step. so, another hadith; An Nawawi #37:

    so, it might sound irrational that Allah allows us to be tempted, but the simple act of NOT performing said bad deed is considered a good deed! do a good deed, 10 - 700 times the ajr. don't do the bad deed, ANOTHER good deed! do the bad deed, 1, just 1, bad deed. WaAllahi, Allah is the most merciful!

    and i lost my train of though on the other post (this was actually part of it), so can i present some more points of view for you, akhi?

    ma salaama
    Oh,so what's the evidence?
    That ahadith is a nice thing but I'm wondering if the same applies to Non-Muslims,because most scholars says they going to hell.
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jalal~ View Post
    Well what about the people who do commit these crimes? That's great that the majority of them don't commit these crimes, and people should follow suit but what about the one's who do? If a person's future is stolen by a gunman, and they aren't able to live their lives to the fullest, then How does the innocent victim receive his or her justice if their is no afterlife?
    If there is an afterlife then justice will be served,but if there's no afterlife then no justice will be served. We live in a cruel world after all.
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by IAmZamzam View Post
    I don't know if there's any evidence for that or not but you're the one who saw that name in the sky. Like I said keep your eyes (and mind) open and you just might see it elsewhere too. It's written all over the place.
    I need to have more than 50 posts to reply to your pm.
    So i will just reply it here
    You're talking about Non-muslims right? But yes,i kinda noticed that. Do they have a problem with the big bang theory? Because Quran kinda confirms it. I'm kinda amazed how Quran has many scientific evidences. But then i see atheist's responses and get in confusion again. I'm more like a 'jumping to the bandwagon' guy.See some of their response here:
    I have a question,So Hazrat Adam is a man,and he had a son. Were his son's height long just like his? Because according to what i heard the very first humans were long in height and near the size of a dinosaur. So if We are made of Water and dust. Then other species should also be made of it too,so do the apes have the same amount of water as us?I don't have much knowledge about evolution so i can't say.
    Yes i read those verses,felt a little ease. Then saw the negative responses from users here and some scholar videos. So back to my doubting self. As you said,they dig up the scriptures and support it,how do we know if they are right or wrong? Same could be said for the positive responses.
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    Greetings Gintoki, welcome to the forum.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gintoki View Post
    I have a question,So Hazrat Adam is a man,and he had a son. Were his son's height long just like his? Because according to what i heard the very first humans were long in height and near the size of a dinosaur. So if We are made of Water and dust. Then other species should also be made of it too,so do the apes have the same amount of water as us?I don't have much knowledge about evolution so i can't say.
    Allah made made Adam's physical form with His own Hands. All of the other creations, angels, trees, animals, stars, galaxies, Allah just says 'Be' and They are. This is an honor for the children of Adam.

    Adam(as) and the earlier humans were very tall, so it would be logical to believe also that the creatures that lived during His time were proportional to their height also. Meaning that If Adam was 100 ft tall, his chicken would NOT be the chicken of our size, rather it would probably be the size of our elephants or bigger.

    Allah knows best.
    Last edited by Al-Mufarridun; 04-10-2013 at 11:08 AM.
    Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gintoki View Post

    Now my problems with Islam which i would like to discuss.
    First thing first,How do you Muslims know that your religion is the correct one? They are many religions out there,and they think they are right and such. Some Muslims are going to say that Islam is the correct one and Quran is a miracle. Allah send signs,the scientific evidence and etc. Anyone would research their religion and find that their religion is correct. According to what i read on the internet,some atheists are saying that these scientific evidence was long discovered before islam by the greeks.
    To know why Muslims believe Islam is the correct one or not, you would have to read, research, learn what Muslims believe, how it is different form what others believe.

    It's unfair for non-muslims to be born in a non-muslim family. I already know some people are going to say that Allah sends them signs about Quran in some way. But the fact ismsome are going to ignore it as they are already brainwashed from their family that their current religion is correct. Why would they even give a chance to islam when they are already brainwashed? Or some people might not even heard about Quran in their entire life. One of the points why i think Quran is man-made.( No offence to you muslims.)
    Do you know Islam's view on the subject, regarding the fate of non-Muslims? not some Muslim's view, or what you have read in the internet, on a forum or yahoo answers? Have you read the Quran, understood it before you 'judge' it to be 'man-made'?

    Even believing in Angels and the devils is harder. Devil whispers in our ears to make us do bad deeds? Really?
    Do you believe in neutrinos? what about dark-matter? anti-matter? imagine telling a 2-dimensional creature about a 3-dimensional object. talk about 'hard'.

    When physicist tell us of neutrinos we believe them, but when the Messenger of the Creator tell us of Angels we doubt, disbelieve them.

    Secondly, the Adam and Eve story. So the world was created because Adam ate the forbidden apple.......Seriously? No matter how you look at it,it sounds like a some fairy tale story similar to Santa Claus or unocrns,of course to us non-believers...Some people are going to bring up the arguement that where did we humans come from? To Muslims it's Adam and Eve. But as my counter-arguement,one word 'Evolution'. Atleast that's what atheists believe. Even the apes and humans DNA are 98% the same. Science has proven that we can't have come from Adam and Eve. A while ago i even read an article of old skeletons skull structure being the same as apes. Don't tell me it's false or i will facepalm myself so hard my nose breaks. Even some scientists believe that's there's a 50% chance there's no God,if you research into the creation of universe,there's a chance that world was made by a mere coincidence.
    No, the earth existed long before Adam and Eve(peace be upon them both). Second, the subject of evolution and Islam has been discussed so many times, it wouldn't take more than an hour of your time to learn about islam's view on the subject.

    Another question, after this world ends,another world would emerge,and process will continue with new people....this process will keep on repeating...this doesn't make sense.
    According to what source is this the case?
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gintoki View Post
    Oh,so what's the evidence?

    uh, sorry, the evidence for what? do you mean the evidence for the waswas?

    That ahadith is a nice thing but I'm wondering if the same applies to Non-Muslims,because most scholars says they going to hell.

    when it comes to specific advice, it would seem logical that the advice is directed to the Muslims. however, whe someone decides to emphatically state that they know who is going to heaven and who is going to hell...well, that is just plain shirk! Allah is Maliki Yawmid Din and HE decides. when offering evidence from the Qur'an about the issue, it is better to just give the evidence, but then try to give ALL the evidence.

    most scholars says they going to hell
    that and $5.00 will get you an overpriced coffee drink at Starbucks.

    ma salaama
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    Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    Had the non-believer known of all the Mercy which is in the Hands of Allah, he would not lose hope of entering Paradise, and had the believer known of all the punishment which is present with Allah, he would not consider himself safe from the Hell-Fire
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    i was starting to look up a good tafsir for An Naas, cuz the old ibn Kathir sight seems to be gone, but came across this. i thought you might enjoy it. and i'll keep looking.

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    Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    Had the non-believer known of all the Mercy which is in the Hands of Allah, he would not lose hope of entering Paradise, and had the believer known of all the punishment which is present with Allah, he would not consider himself safe from the Hell-Fire
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    this should suffice:


    the part that reads:

    "0f Jinn and An-Nãs."

    is an explanation of who is it that whispers into the breasts of mankind from the devils of mankind and Jinns. This is similar to Allah’s saying,

    And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shayatin among mankind and Jinn, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion. (6:112)

    Imam Ah
    ma salaama
    Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    Had the non-believer known of all the Mercy which is in the Hands of Allah, he would not lose hope of entering Paradise, and had the believer known of all the punishment which is present with Allah, he would not consider himself safe from the Hell-Fire
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    Yahoo Answers? Seriously?? Look at a typical response from that link:

    "The Hobbit" makes reference to the existence of mountains. That mountains exist is a scientific fact. This has no bearing on the factual validity of the more fantastic things described in the book. There is nothing more shameful than someone with the ability to reason, who willfully abdicates that ability. Especially in the egocentric notion that they have a personal relationship with a magical entity that creates universes. (rated as “good” by six people)

    And for Yahoo Answers that is indeed extremely typical. A lot of the stuff there that actually goes beyond mere childishness still hardly even qualifies as an argument—or really as anything other than pure denial:

    Even a broken clock is right once or twice a day depending on whether you use the AM/PM or 24 hour system.

    anything can fit the facts if you try hard enough

    Like, for example, attempts to deflect the issue with extremely clichéd misconceptions which have nothing to do with anything:

    the koran is a very sad second hand version of a myth that was plagarized in the first place—if you had an intellectual honesty you'd see that the koran is myth—based on the myths the hebrews plagarized from the sumerians and egyptians. Because it is a second hand story islam is an even sillier religion that christianity which is sillier than the original judism.

    Or just misrepresenting the arguments themselves in the first place:

    The earth is NOT shaped like an egg.
    The universe is NOT "in a state of gas."

    Really there are only a few serious attempts at refutation in the whole bunch. Some of them are attempts to put forth the idea that “the translations have been manipulated” but it doesn’t take much searching to find that there are times when non-Muslim translators like Arberry render some of these passages in similar ways. And hey, I will be the first to admit that there are also times when Muslims will take things too far and see science where it isn’t. In fact I’m usually the first to notice and be annoyed. Not everything is about science. There are some passages where I want to tell them, “Down, boy: don’t get excited now.” Any argument can be taken too far.

    Now let’s look at these serious attempts:

    Incidentally, these two quotes contradict each other:
    "The realization that the embryo develops in stages in the uterus was not discussed or illustrated until the 15th century A.D."
    "The staging of human embryos was not proposed until the 1940's"

    Were the stages illustrated in the 15th century, or not even proposed until the 1940s? If Dr. Moore actually said both of those things, then he was either a liar or a really crappy embryologist.

    I don’t know anything about the original quotes nor about Moore. Frankly I don’t care either. I do know that this Moore guy is hardly the point of things. The point is that every stage of a human being’s development, right down the earliest microscopic level, is described in the text. That’s the ticket, guys! Find an inconsistency in the argument regarding the source material and completely ignore the actual subject at hand!

    If it isn't expressed in figures, it's not science, it's opinion.

    Can you show us an equation expressing the pressure, temperature and volume relationship of a gas, the relationship between force, mass and acceleration, or a simple chemical equation illustrating the production of iron from iron ore using carbon?


    I’m sorry, who said that The Qur’an actually was science? Last time I checked it wasn’t a biology textbook, it was just a holy text that happened to be highly prescient of what these textbooks contained. Can you show me a passage where there would have been any theological relevance for such a formula? Where it wouldn’t have been silly and awkward for one to somehow be worked into the text? Perhaps this one:

    “O tribe of djinn and humans: if you are able to pass beyond the confines of heaven and earth then pass through! You will never pass through without authority! Against you will be loosed the heat of a mixture of (2) 2Cu2O + C ---> 4Cu + Co2 + (1) Zn and high velocity, heated O2, and you will not be helped.”

    The shape and size of the Earth was known more than 800 years before the prophet. See Eratosthenes.

    Yes, it was calculated once by Eratosthenes—but it was not known in Arabia!

    The fact that the Moon reflects light from the Sun was also known to some, hundreds of years before the prophet was born. Some even claimed the Earth went round the Sun.

    There is a reason why “some” is considered weasel words at Wikipedia and therefore forbidden.

    The fact that the planets are in fixed orbits has been known since very ancient times, at least as far back as the Babylonians, since observations continued over a few years shows that they regularly appear in certain places and follow the same paths through the sky in relation to the "fixed" stars.

    This has been known to the Chinese and the Indians too for a very long time. Measurement of the angles subtended at the surface of the Earth (there's those numbers again) will show any person with a glimmering of mathematics that the planets move in something close to circles. Yes, the Babylonians invented the division of a circle into 360 degrees. Why? For astronomical purposes.

    But unlike them The Qur’an says that all of these bodies, including those “fixed” stars, follow a course.

    As for embryology and reproduction, the butchering of slaughtered animals would show most of that to an ordinary man. Anyone who cared to investigate it more closely could fill in much more detail.

    Including the microscopic ones?

    Funny how these verses were all interpreted after science found the true answer.

    No, there’s nothing remotely funny about that. Like I said this isn’t a textbook. Also I think he’s exaggerating. For example I’m pretty sure there’s a hadith somewhere specifically identifying the seven earths as seven layers to the one earth.

    I will believe the science in the Quran the day a Quranic scholar hammers on the door of MIT and says "No you are looking at that the wrong way. The Quran says you must do this". and the scientist does it and lo and behold the Quran is right. But until that happens your quotes are nonsense.

    Wow, what kind of a...

    Even apart from the above do you really think that MIT scientist would listen to him? Even if his personal pride didn’t get in the way there’s always the empirical nature of his profession to think of. What’s he going to say when reporting what happened, “A little bird told me?”

    The are scientific facts in ALL the holy books, and even some Chinese folklore. All mythology also contains some facts.

    The Hopi Indians also have a very interesting prophecy that contains Facts.

    Finally something interesting. But they still offer no evidence, no examples. None whatsoever. I'm guessing that the Hopi prophecy in question is the one quoted at the end of "Koyaanisqatsi", which has long since been exposed as a likely hoax. Feel free to look into it yourself. In any event it is nothing, nothing on the huge number of prophecies Muhammad has made, most of which were expressed in fairly clear terms, have come true by now, and have been listed on this board.

    1. The accuracy of the Qur'an is not remarkable. All of its accurate points can be explained by simple observation of nature or by selective interpretation of scriptures.

    2. Accuracy on individual points does not indicate overall accuracy. Just about every thesis that is wrong overall still has some accurate points in it.

    This is a classic ploy by skeptics. If they come across something too accurate for them to explain then—without offering a single example, without offering any evidence at all—they just appeal to the general nature of their experience, in which people will overlook the misses and remember only the hits (when listening to a cold reader, for example). That they’re making such a non-sequitur is the key to understanding the true nature of this argument: it’s a projection. They’re the ones who are really overlooking the hits that they’re seeing right now in favor of whatever it is that they’re falsely perceiving to be misses, and using the “misses” as an excuse to ignore the evidence. The Qur’an describes such people as we seem to be looking at here quite a few times, and not in very complimentary terms, but I shall refrain from quoting it.

    3. Claims about accuracy assume that the purpose of the Qur'an is to document scientific data. The purpose of the Qur'an is to teach religion, not science.

    Straw man attack. It assumes nothing. It’s just that a few scientific facts happened to be dropped along the way during a book whose purpose is to teach us religion. Which isn’t to say that God was making a mistake or anything but science is not the thesis. Again it’s not a biology textbook is what I’m saying. If this book can stop every now and then to discuss a subject for one verse which doesn’t get brought up a second time then why couldn’t it sometimes touch on something scientific in an incidental way?

    4. If the Qur'an's value is made to depend on scientific accuracy, it becomes valueless when people find errors in it, as some people invariably will.

    Another straw man, with an unsupported claim tacked on top of it to boot. Yes, I know, every rationalist believes this quite stubbornly. Those poor, bruja stick-waving religions are stuck in the past and therefore inevitably leave the stamp of the past upon them. But you’ll notice they’re not showing us any errors. They just speak of this as some vague theoretical future possibility.

    5. If occasional scientific accuracy shows overall accuracy of the Qur'an, the same conclusion must be granted to the Bible, Zend Avesta, and several other works from other religions, all of which can make the same claims to scientific accuracy.

    Again, they just say this and expect us to take our word for it. It’s like just because they see all religions as being equally nonsensical and mythical, they expect everyone else in the world to be the same as them. Can anyone but the most blindly arrogant people think like this?

    Let me repeat those words from earlier: “There is nothing more shameful than someone with the ability to reason, who willfully abdicates that ability.” Actually most of the page might be summed up well with this one quote:

    I just don't want to read the Koran—I have no interest in the Koran—I don't care what it says.
    Last edited by IAmZamzam; 04-10-2013 at 06:31 PM.
    Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    Peace be to any prophets I may have mentioned above. Praised and exalted be my Maker, if I have mentioned Him. (Come to think of it praise Him anyway.)
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  16. #52
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    About Lucy:
    152 1 - Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    This fossil, discovered in Africa in 1974, was widely esteemed by evolutionists and was the subject of some of the most intensive speculation. Recently however, it has been revealed that Lucy (A. afarensis) had an anatomy ideally suited to climbing trees and was no different from other apes we are familiar with.The famous French scientific magazine, Science et Vie, accepted this truth under the headline "Goodbye=Adieu, Lucy," in its February 1999 issue, and confirmed that Australopithecus cannot be considered an ancestor of man. One study, performed in 2000, discovered a locking system in Lucy’s forearms enabling it to walk using the knuckles, in the same way as modern-day chimps.

    1) This is what was actually found:

    248pxLucy blackbg 1 - Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    2: Watch Lucy evolve in the lab of the Darwinists:!!

    319pxLucy Skeleton 1 - Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    3: Now the artists drawings of Lucy

    320pxAustralopithecus afarensisJPG 1 - Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)


    afarensis 1 - Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)
    All are imaginations.
    If you see the photo & video in my previous post, you will apply them here too.


    1- Believe in Allah
    2- Believe in Quran & Muhammad (PBUH)

    so, you are nearly officially muslim. Say shahadah, ask Allah to guide you. Allah is just, he doesn't transgress nor do wrong things. Allah is not questionable to his creatures, they are who will be questioned. Allah doesn't punish till he send a messangers as He said in the quran, May Allah help you to remove this satanic doubts. Put your trust in your creator, reject everything that draw you away from him.
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  17. #53
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Al-Mufarridun View Post
    Greetings Gintoki, welcome to the forum.

    Allah made made Adam's physical form with His own Hands. All of the other creations, angels, trees, animals, stars, galaxies, Allah just says 'Be' and They are. This is an honor for the children of Adam.

    Adam(as) and the earlier humans were very tall, so it would be logical to believe also that the creatures that lived during His time were proportional to their height also. Meaning that If Adam was 100 ft tall, his chicken would NOT be the chicken of our size, rather it would probably be the size of our elephants or bigger.

    Allah knows best.
    If there's Hazrat Adam son's grave,is it long?
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  18. #54
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Al-Mufarridun View Post
    To know why Muslims believe Islam is the correct one or not, you would have to read, research, learn what Muslims believe, how it is different form what others believe.

    Do you know Islam's view on the subject, regarding the fate of non-Muslims? not some Muslim's view, or what you have read in the internet, on a forum or yahoo answers? Have you read the Quran, understood it before you 'judge' it to be 'man-made'?

    Do you believe in neutrinos? what about dark-matter? anti-matter? imagine telling a 2-dimensional creature about a 3-dimensional object. talk about 'hard'.

    When physicist tell us of neutrinos we believe them, but when the Messenger of the Creator tell us of Angels we doubt, disbelieve them.

    No, the earth existed long before Adam and Eve(peace be upon them both). Second, the subject of evolution and Islam has been discussed so many times, it wouldn't take more than an hour of your time to learn about islam's view on the subject.

    According to what source is this the case?
    I have been getting mixed answers about the fate of non-Muslims,so no. I read 83 pages of the Quran.

    Yes i believe in those things.
    But angels and devils are supernatural things.

    And according to this source:
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by YusufNoor View Post
    when it comes to specific advice, it would seem logical that the advice is directed to the Muslims. however, whe someone decides to emphatically state that they know who is going to heaven and who is going to hell...well, that is just plain shirk! Allah is Maliki Yawmid Din and HE decides. when offering evidence from the Qur'an about the issue, it is better to just give the evidence, but then try to give ALL the evidence.
    Yes,evidence for 'waswas'.
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by YusufNoor View Post
    this should suffice:

    the part that reads:

    ma salaama
    So devil whispers in our ears and gives us bad intentions.
    So i did a test on myself,i myself thought of bad intentions,then stopped,then again and process repeats. So yup devil whispering in my ears when it's my own mind thinking that.
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  22. #57
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    I have been getting mixed answers about the fate of non-Muslims

    Of course you have. That proves nothing. Is there a single thing you could ask a mixed group of people, especially at a message board, and not receive mixed answers about?

    I read 83 pages of the Quran. Yes i believe in those things. But angels and devils are supernatural things.

    I think it’s high time to unburden yourself then. If you believe in 83 pages in a row then chances are you believe in the rest too. Everybody has emotional issues from time to time. Learn to recognize them for what they are and then tell your emotions to take a hike. Fill yourself with positive feelings instead. Watch something really funny. Talk a walk amidst pleasant scenery and notice how surrounded you are with sources of thankfulness and praise. Read a book you enjoy.

    And according to this source:

    What exactly is your point? Judgment Day appears to be a time in which now that the world is coming to a close its laws are starting to be unraveled with it, or something like that. If this is about science then, again, people are going to say different things regarding every topic. "Plurality in beliefs inclineth a man's mind to atheism [but not for an even remotely good reason]."

    So devil whispers in our ears and gives us bad intentions. So i did a test on myself,i myself thought of bad intentions,then stopped,then again and process repeats. So yup devil whispering in my ears when it's my own mind thinking that.

    Dude, whoever said that no bad intentions ever come from anywhere else on any occasion?!
    Last edited by IAmZamzam; 04-10-2013 at 06:28 PM.
    Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    Peace be to any prophets I may have mentioned above. Praised and exalted be my Maker, if I have mentioned Him. (Come to think of it praise Him anyway.)
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  23. #58
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gintoki View Post
    I see some people using logic that even if a non-Muslim did a good deed,such as feeding a poor let's say,he would only get awards in this present world and not in the hereafter. Because he only felt it was right and didn't do it for God. So people saying intentions count,how can it count when God clearly has mention that if they don't do good deeds for the sake of Allah,then they don't count. How would an atheist know that God exists?

    I think you are referring to my post in the other thread. Yes, that is what i have learned, good deeds of any kind will have its rewards but only those done to please God will be rewarded by Him on judgement day.

    As for how atheist could know that God exist;
    www guardian co uk/commentisfree/belief/2008/nov/25/religion-children-god-belief (can't post links yet)
    Developmental psychologists have provided evidence that children are naturally tuned to believe in gods of one sort or another.
    • Children tend to see natural objects as designed or purposeful in ways that go beyond what their parents teach, as Deborah Kelemen has demonstrated. Rivers exist so that we can go fishing on them, and birds are here to look pretty.
    • Children doubt that impersonal processes can create order or purpose. Studies with children show that they expect that someone not something is behind natural order. No wonder that Margaret Evans found that children younger than 10 favoured creationist accounts of the origins of animals over evolutionary accounts even when their parents and teachers endorsed evolution. Authorities' testimony didn't carry enough weight to over-ride a natural tendency.
    • Children know humans are not behind the order so the idea of a creating god (or gods) makes sense to them. Children just need adults to specify which one.
    • Experimental evidence, including cross-cultural studies, suggests that three-year-olds attribute super, god-like qualities to lots of different beings. Super-power, super-knowledge and super-perception seem to be default assumptions. Children then have to learn that mother is fallible, and dad is not all powerful, and that people will die. So children may be particularly receptive to the idea of a super creator-god. It fits their predilections.
    • Recent research by Paul Bloom, Jesse Bering, and Emma Cohen suggests that children may also be predisposed to believe in a soul that persists beyond death.

    The soul has a longing for God, but the soul can be corrupted and the longing silenced. But seriously, are there atheists that haven't heard of God at all in this age? As you might have read in my post on the other thread, for those who never got any message of God from any source, God willing, as stated in Surah Ash-Shams, the conscience/soul will be the final 'failsafe' hope to gain God's mercy.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gintoki View Post
    I see the scholars using the same logic.So all non-muslims go to hell according to it. But again as I'm saying there's 1.5 billion people in the world out of approx 8 billion. Not only a small portion of the population of the world could get heaven,this isn't logical

    I used to think like this as well, that it isn't logical. After many years of acquiring knowledge, this is how i understand my place in the scheme of things. I belong to God. As a slave to God he is free to do with me whatever he pleases. Whatever is sent my way, like it or not, I will have to take it. The good, I must thank Him, the bad, I must pray to Him for relief from it. It is due to His mercy that he has blessed me with so many good things in this life, Alhamdulillah. I understand in a lot of literature and media, God is portrayed as being unconditionally forgiving, merciful and loving to all mankind. This may be true at some point of everyone's life but God will also hate, curse and declare war on some people because of what they do or don't do. Allah's name include Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger/Punisher), Al-Mudhill (The Humiliator), Ad-Darr (The Distressor, The Harmer, The Afflictor). So we must beware of His wrath. He is God, the Almighty, He owns us all. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, all that matters is what He thinks of us on judgement day. He will do whatever He wants whenever He wants. We cannot demand anything of Him, we can only request, so beware.

    If you look at the world from another perspective, this planet is a very nice gift from God. It has everything we need to live on it, it is perfect for mankind. Our senses are a gift beyond any value. What would you give and pay to restore your sight should you lose it? God has only given good things to us. So why is there suffering? The suffering are all man made. Even natural disasters are caused by the activities of mankind but that will be even more difficult to explain in here. So all good things come from God, and what have a lot of people done? They thank/worship something/someone else instead, or completely ignore Him, while blaming everything that is wrong on Him. I must say I find it unjust.

    God willing, He will be the Most Merciful to those who acknowledge they are His servants while willingly surrender to His will and would be the Ultimate Punisher and Avenger to those who never repented having wronged Him and His creations.

    Allah and His messenger knows best.
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Good brother View Post
    1- Believe in Allah
    2- Believe in Quran & Muhammad (PBUH)

    so, you are nearly officially muslim. Say shahadah, ask Allah to guide you. Allah is just, he doesn't transgress nor do wrong things. Allah is not questionable to his creatures, they are who will be questioned. Allah doesn't punish till he send a messangers as He said in the quran, May Allah help you to remove this satanic doubts. Put your trust in your creator, reject everything that draw you away from him.
    Oh thank you clearing that doubt.

    Now that i think about it,It is true that i am nearly a Muslim
    The doubts i only have left are:
    The hell concept
    Eternal suffering which a person will go crazy
    The Adam and Eve story
    Existence of Angels and Devils

    But i can't say shahadah till I have fully clear my doubts,Because i guess the shahadah wont count as in my heart i have doubts.
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    Re: Need the truth.What's right and what's wrong? (Muslims Only)

    format_quote Originally Posted by IAmZamzam View Post
    I have been getting mixed answers about the fate of non-Muslims

    Of course you have. That proves nothing. Is there a single thing you could ask a mixed group of people, especially at a message board, and not receive mixed answers about?

    I read 83 pages of the Quran. Yes i believe in those things. But angels and devils are supernatural things.

    I think it’s high time to unburden yourself then. If you believe in 83 pages in a row then chances are you believe in the rest too. Everybody has emotional issues from time to time. Learn to recognize them for what they are and then tell your emotions to take a hike. Fill yourself with positive feelings instead. Watch something really funny. Talk a walk amidst pleasant scenery and notice how surrounded you are with sources of thankfulness and praise. Read a book you enjoy.

    And according to this source:

    What exactly is your point? Judgment Day appears to be a time in which now that the world is coming to a close its laws are starting to be unraveled with it, or something like that. If this is about science then, again, people are going to say different things regarding every topic. "Plurality in beliefs inclineth a man's mind to atheism [but not for an even remotely good reason]."

    So devil whispers in our ears and gives us bad intentions. So i did a test on myself,i myself thought of bad intentions,then stopped,then again and process repeats. So yup devil whispering in my ears when it's my own mind thinking that.

    Dude, whoever said that no bad intentions ever come from anywhere else on any occasion?!
    Of course,like you said it doesn't prove anything. Then in your opinion,what do you think about it? The fate of Non-Muslims.

    You read it wrong,i meant i believed in that dark matter and anti-matter etc. By reading the first 83 pages of Quran,it changed my mind set from an atheist to agnostic. Before i was like that there's no way a God can exist and my heart was set on that. I rarely have positive feelings because of my anxiety. But they are times when i think Islam is right and i feel at ease,but that thinking only lasts for a short while. I hate reading books.

    No,it's not about science. My point is that after this world ends,another world will be created with new life. And the current and dead life will be heaven and hell. So will God make another test for new souls? In that way the process will keep repeating and it wouldn't stop. After one batch of life and then another.

    My point,whenever we think of bad intentions on our own free will,is it the devil who whispers or is it us only?
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