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Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

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    mateenah95's Avatar Limited Member
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    Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

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    Asalamualikum everyone, I am in need for some guidance and help on a topic which has thoroughly confused me. Before I go any further, here is some background about me: although I do not practice Islam in my everyday life as much as I like, I am a Muslim and so is everyone in my family. I am currently 20 years old and a student in University of Toronto, Canada.

    Now that I have gotten that out of the way, here is my question and argument. I have been using Cannabis for quite some time now and also started using psychedelics in the last few of months - in specific "psilocybin mushrooms", "lysergic acid diethylamide 25 (LSD-25)". Both psilocybin mushrooms (shrooms) and LSD are psychedelic or hallucinogenic substances. I am also trying to obtain “Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)” which is the most powerful psychedelic chemical known to man because my views on psychedelics and cannabis do not align with Islamic teachings and thus I am looking for answers and want to argue my case to someone with enough knowledge to help me.
    Currently my religious half and my logical/scientific half are in great conflict with each other and it is causing me too much discomfort and dissatisfaction with life in general. According to Islam, my lifestyle of this substance use is Haram and will lead to punishment in this world and the hereafter. But as a person, I am not simply strong enough to believe and practice something without it actually making sense. As a result I am stuck between what people called “The devil and the deep blue sea”. So, is anyone here knowledgeable enough on the topic to help me? When I mean help, I mean to talk to me and debate with me on this topic to come to a conclusion?

    I’d like to thank everyone in advance - Thankyou and Asalamualikum.
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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    Wa'alaikum Assalam @mateenah95 and welcome to the forum

    You already know that they're not allowed, so what is it you're looking for? An excuse??

    An alcoholic will defend his alcoholism. A drug user will defend his use of drugs..and so on and so forth.

    You don't need hallucinogenics. They're simply recreational. Yes, some do use them for "medicinal purposes", but anyone can say they're in pain and need a hit of MJ in order to justify using it. The pain or illness should be so severe that it comes to the point that your only remedy is this substance, as in you don't have a choice and your life depends on it. Though I'm sure you're not in such a state, and even if you were, the remedy would not be in a haram substance. You need to find better ways to use your time instead of sitting around smoking pot and doing drugs. Your dissatisfaction with life should not and will not be remedied with these drugs. This is obviously a gateway drug for you unfortunately. Whether you want to look at it from the religious angle or the logical angle, both perspectives aren't contradictory.
    Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    Thankyou for your reply charisma! I appreciate you taking time out of your day to answer. I have had time to formulate my own opinion on the subject and have put my thoughts down in writing. Here they are:

    I have done a lot of research on religion (Islam mainly, but the ruling on drugs is similar in most other religions too), the Quran and psychedelic substances. From my research, I have been able to form a clearer picture of these substances and I’d like to argue my case for these psychedelic substances. I would, however, like to point out that this is just my opinion, formed from my life experiences, understandings and the research I have conducted. I also do not in any shape or form support or oppose the use of these substances. If anyone chooses to use them, for whatever purpose, I believe they should educate themselves well enough beforehand. Furthermore, I am still not sure about their true place in Islam, and am still trying to find concrete answers. Thus, if you do choose to use these substances, do them at your own risk.

    Hallucinogens (DMT, LSD-25 and Psilocybin Mushrooms) are all non-addictive, non-toxic. Since they have been made illegal in today’s societies, research into them has been limited and as a result we do not fully understand them. Recently, with the adoption of a more open minded approach, both scientific and medical research has proven that they are in fact even safer and less addictive than coffee (caffeine). One simply cannot "trip" on them every day like heroin, cocaine and MDMA as they are not party drugs or substances. Furthermore, I can also vouch for this. One cannot abuse these substances even if they wanted to. In fact these substances have been the proven to help addicts (alcoholics, smokers and other harmful drug addicts) quit their addictions. Just Googling the “John Hopkins School of Medicine and Magic Mushrooms” will present you with concrete proof of this. Furthermore, there have been 0 documented deaths in human history attributed to the direct consumption of the above substances (in their unadulterated form). Most people, stereotype psychedelics with other hard drugs such as cocaine, heroine, meth, etc. One cannot be more ignorant. One would have to eat close to their bodyweight of these substances to reach the LD-50 of the substances. The LD-50 of a substance is the amount of substance if consumed will kill 50% of the consumers. If you consume “laced” LSD or DMT, then there is a high risk factor of overdosing, but in their pure form these substances simply cannot kill you.

    I compared these psychedelic substances to tobacco and alcohol, which are freely available drugs which cause 6 million and 2.5 million deaths per year (according to WHO), globally and yet they are freely available and people consume them, including Muslims. With respect to tobacco, I often hear people saying it falls under a grey under Islam which is called “Makruh”. This does not make any logical sense. Tobacco kills 6 million people and is “Makruh” but psychedelics cause 0 deaths but are haram? This alone makes me question why such double standards exist. Any substance if abused will be harmful to the body - including food as well as halal consumables like salt (sodium), coffee/energy drinks (caffeine), soft drinks (sugar), etc.

    The Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) has said: That which intoxicates in large quantities is prohibited in small quantities. (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and others, with a sound chain of narrators). According to this, even regular foods such as coffee should be haram because if you do some research you will find that even coffee is a hallucinogen, with the capability to alter ones mental state just like drugs and alcohol, once its consumed in large enough quantities. Caffeine also has the capability to produce sensory responses without any physical stimuli just like hallucinogens. It has even been shown to produce hallucinations of dead people or animals. There is a long list of edibles which are not haram, yet alter ones mental state and cause hallucinations. For example: chocolate (in large enough quantities), hot chilies, nutmeg, etc. If we are to follow the Prophet’s (PBUH) hadith by the dot, without any subjective interpretation, then all of these substances should have been made haram too.

    I am not arguing that the above substance should be made haram. But instead, I am trying to argue that double standards exist in the interpretation of Islam and one should be given the ability, after enough education and evidence to make the choice for themselves, rather than blindly following something which has been preached by people. What makes one interpretation of Islam better than my interpretation? Most people I ask about the topic get uncomfortable discussing it, and those that do respond first come to the argument that these psychedelics will end up killing me by overdose.
    I would also like to argue that under the influence of psychedelics, I have had some of the most meaningful experiences EVER. I have actually felt the existence of the all-knowing presence, experiencing satori/religious type knowledge/enlightenment, universal love, etc. Even the so called “bad trips” with these substances, have taught me some of the greatest lessons most about myself, life and in general have helped expand my mind. But I am firstly questioning what even qualifies as a drug or intoxicant in Islam or in general. According to Islam, anything that "intoxicates" is haram. In the Quran, Khamr (alcohol) is explicitly mentioned, which is understandable because I strongly believe that alcohol is evil. However, just because psychedelics cause a mental state similar to that of alcohol, is it right to brand them under the same category of intoxicants? Furthermore, these substances did not exist in the time Islam was revealed so we have to use. Thus the interpretation of the Quran in today's context which can be subjective.

    According to Islam, drugs will harm my life in this world and in the hereafter. But in fact these substances have bought me closer to Islam never before. I used to be an occasional consumer of alcohol, however, after consuming these psychedelics, I have developed a hatred for alcohol and my belief in Allah has been solidified to a whole new level. You could potentially argue that this is all a hallucination but what just for a second consider the other side of the argument. What if these substances are in fact not drugs but some form of spiritual tools or means to reach higher levels of consciousness and connect with God. There is also concrete proof of these magic mushrooms and DMT being used in religious ceremonies for centuries – by the Amazonians, the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, etc.

    In conclusion, what message do I want to get across from this? I believe the human mind is a remarkable asset as it is, however its power is increased multifold once a person keeps it open – to new ideas, change and the ability to consider and evaluate other sides of the argument. I strongly believe one should have an open mind – even with Islam and religion in general – not just in relation to psychedelic substances but everything. I don’t believe in following a faith blindly, just because it is fed to us from a young age. I believe God has made the human mind curious in nature for a reason – to seek knowledge and truth or “true knowledge”. Furthermore, I believe that the human instinct is one of the greatest gifts of God and one should use logic, reasoning and understanding of the world to interpret faith/religion in a manner which feels right to us/our instincts as human being.
    According to the Quran, Allah stresses the importance for people to think, to reason and to use their mind and intellect. The word “mind” or “reasoning” is mentioned 49 times in the Quran (in Arabic - Taqiloon 24 times, Yaqiloon 22 times, and Aqal, Naqil and Yaqil one time each). Also Allah refers to people of understanding 16 times in the Quran (in Arabic Ulu Al-AlBab or Uli Al-Albab). The Quran also, in tens of verses, strongly calls and emphasizes the need to contemplate and to give thought (in Arabic Fikr or Tafakkor).

    Last but not least, Allah says in the Quran: “And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying (out of ignorance, conjecture and assumption.” (Quran, 6:116).
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    Huzaifah ibn Adam's Avatar Scholar
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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95 View Post
    one should use logic, reasoning and understanding of the world to interpret faith/religion in a manner which feels right to us/our instincts as human being.
    What feels right to a pedophile is to sleep with underage children. He sees nothing wrong with it. It feels right to him and his "instincts as a human being". He can also use his "logic, reasoning and understanding of the world" to interpret religion in a manner that makes his sleeping with underage children 100% permissible.

    When mental patients run out and shoot people dead in the street at random, it feels right to them and to their instincts as a human being. They have applied their logic, reasoning and understanding of the human world, and came to the conclusion that the best course of action is to run in the street and shoot people dead at random.

    Every sin, every kind of shameless deed, every kind of immorality, every kind of sick, perverted action can be justified and legalised using this mindset, including incest, bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia, and all other kinds of satanism.

    You yourself know that it is wrong. You are at pains to convince yourself otherwise, but it isn't working. Every time you take those drugs, you yourself know that it's wrong, in the end. 100 years of debating and 21 volumes of books filled with proof will not change a person who doesn't want to believe. You know that it is wrong, but at the same time, you are intent on doing it, so you are looking for any kind of "proof" - however farfetched and ludicrous it may be - to substantiate getting high on drugs.

    format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95 View Post
    What makes one interpretation of Islam better than my interpretation?
    What makes your interpretation that pedophilia is wrong better than the interpretation of the pedophiles who feel it is fine? They're being "open-minded and liberal". Why are you so closed-minded with them? They too feel that religion is subjective and that they can interpret it however they feel like.

    بل الإنسان على نفسه بصيرة ولو ألقى معاذيره

    {"Nay, mankind is a witness against his own self, though he may put forward his excuses (for his perpetration of Kufr, Fisq and Fujoor)."} [Soorah al-Qiyaamah, 75:14]

    يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّمَا الْخَمْرُ وَالْمَيْسِرُ وَالْأَنْصَابُ وَالْأَزْلَامُ رِجْسٌ مِنْ عَمَلِ الشَّيْطَانِ فَاجْتَنِبُوهُ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ

    {"O you who have Imaan! Verily, al-Khamr (intoxicants), al-Maysir (gambling), al-Ansaab (animals sacrificed for false gods) and al-Azlaam (divining arrows) are filth from the handiwork of Shaytaan, so avoid all of that so that you may be successful."} [Soorah al-Maa'idah, 5:19]

    Last edited by Huzaifah ibn Adam; 07-12-2016 at 02:46 PM.
    Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95 View Post
    Hallucinogens (DMT, LSD-25 and Psilocybin Mushrooms) are all non-addictive, non-toxic. Since they have been made illegal in today’s societies, research into them has been limited and as a result we do not fully understand them. Recently, with the adoption of a more open minded approach, both scientific and medical research has proven that they are in fact even safer and less addictive than coffee (caffeine). One simply cannot "trip" on them every day like heroin, cocaine and MDMA as they are not party drugs or substances. Furthermore, I can also vouch for this. One cannot abuse these substances even if they wanted to. In fact these substances have been the proven to help addicts (alcoholics, smokers and other harmful drug addicts) quit their addictions. Just Googling the “John Hopkins School of Medicine and Magic Mushrooms” will present you with concrete proof of this. Furthermore, there have been 0 documented deaths in human history attributed to the direct consumption of the above substances (in their unadulterated form). Most people, stereotype psychedelics with other hard drugs such as cocaine, heroine, meth, etc. One cannot be more ignorant. One would have to eat close to their bodyweight of these substances to reach the LD-50 of the substances. The LD-50 of a substance is the amount of substance if consumed will kill 50% of the consumers. If you consume “laced” LSD or DMT, then there is a high risk factor of overdosing, but in their pure form these substances simply cannot kill you.
    There's not enough research on marijuana to really know it's complete negative effects. Marijuana research is inconclusive and with the available research it does have bad effects. Hallucinating is not a positive effect even if you perceive it as one. Lowering sperm count is also a negative effect. It affects brain cells, it affects the lungs...can a pregnant woman safely take these drugs?? Nope.

    format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95 View Post
    The Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) has said: That which intoxicates in large quantities is prohibited in small quantities. (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and others, with a sound chain of narrators). According to this, even regular foods such as coffee should be haram because if you do some research you will find that even coffee is a hallucinogen, with the capability to alter ones mental state just like drugs and alcohol, once its consumed in large enough quantities. Caffeine also has the capability to produce sensory responses without any physical stimuli just like hallucinogens. It has even been shown to produce hallucinations of dead people or animals. There is a long list of edibles which are not haram, yet alter ones mental state and cause hallucinations. For example: chocolate (in large enough quantities), hot chilies, nutmeg, etc. If we are to follow the Prophet’s (PBUH) hadith by the dot, without any subjective interpretation, then all of these substances should have been made haram too.
    These drug substances have no purpose. They don't feed you. They don't quench your thirst. You have no valid reason for using them, even if you perceive them harmless. Allah says in the Quran: They ask you (O Muhammad SAW) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say: "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit." And they ask you what they ought to spend. Say: "That which is beyond your needs." Thus Allah makes clear to you His Laws in order that you may give thought."

    Whatever benefit you find in them the sin in them is greater. So you can make an argument to use them, but essentially what are you using them for??

    The prophet pbuh taught us to take things in moderation. Even water in excess will kill you. So to take water to the point that it will harm you is haram, and this goes for all regular food and drink as well. However these foods are not haram as they are not naturally intoxicating. And you can't tell me that if you smoke your brains out with MJ nothing bad will happen.

    format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95 View Post
    I compared these psychedelic substances to tobacco and alcohol, which are freely available drugs which cause 6 million and 2.5 million deaths per year (according to WHO), globally and yet they are freely available and people consume them, including Muslims. With respect to tobacco, I often hear people saying it falls under a grey under Islam which is called “Makruh”. This does not make any logical sense. Tobacco kills 6 million people and is “Makruh” but psychedelics cause 0 deaths but are haram? This alone makes me question why such double standards exist. Any substance if abused will be harmful to the body - including food as well as halal consumables like salt (sodium), coffee/energy drinks (caffeine), soft drinks (sugar), etc.
    Tobacco is haram too.

    format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95 View Post
    According to Islam, drugs will harm my life in this world and in the hereafter. But in fact these substances have bought me closer to Islam never before. I used to be an occasional consumer of alcohol, however, after consuming these psychedelics, I have developed a hatred for alcohol and my belief in Allah has been solidified to a whole new level. You could potentially argue that this is all a hallucination but what just for a second consider the other side of the argument. What if these substances are in fact not drugs but some form of spiritual tools or means to reach higher levels of consciousness and connect with God. There is also concrete proof of these magic mushrooms and DMT being used in religious ceremonies for centuries – by the Amazonians, the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, etc.
    Nope, they're drugs. People get high on opium to do crazy things like killing sprees. People drink to forget their problems instead of deal with them. People get high to "relax" and waste time. Instead of facing one's problems, increasing patience, being a stronger minded individual, putting that same headstrong attitude in being a better version of themselves without drugs, people like to just make arguments to use them.

    You attribute your faith to drugs?? Wow.

    So if you stopped taking drugs you no longer believe in God and will go back to alcohol?

    I'm sure if you had put in some effort, all you would need in your life is Allah. You don't get closer to Allah through sin. Sinning is the farthest away you could be, and to find comfort in your sins is even worse.
    Last edited by *charisma*; 07-12-2016 at 02:21 PM.
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    Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    Welcome to the forum.

    I think enough said already.

    That is the idea of waswas.. to have that 'feeling' that something is wrong.

    Only thing I can add would be that you are 20. These drugs, as you mention get 'harder' and do major stuff to your physical self. At worst, it can be addictive and once on it you WILL become anti social in a way that you would start to hang out with people likeminded or become reclusive. Hanging around people who don't will be a restless time for you. As I said, at worst. (If you don't do reckless stuff).

    It will be damaging to your social and family life in the long run.
    I can only hope this is just a passing phase, exploration, go crazy and left as experience before too long. Let it never become part of life. Or you WILL waste your life.

    Wishing you a great stay.

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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    Read between the lines here but when I was away "studying" most people got absolutely hammered most nights and still managed to pass exams..

    On the other hand, Alcoholism is considered a deteremental characteristic once people become productive members of society.


    You live and learn, you are your own test subject...

    To be at peace in life is apparently harder than not thinking about it..

    Glad you didn't try the lucid dreaming.
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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95 View Post
    thus I am looking for answers and want to argue my case to someone with enough knowledge to help me.
    Wa'alaikumsalam. Welcome to the forum.

    I was a drug user and cannabis smoker. So, what can I do to help you?

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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto View Post
    Wa'alaikumsalam. Welcome to the forum.

    I was a drug user and cannabis smoker. So, what can I do to help you?

    I think I have made a decent argument for my case in the thread post and am putting into consideration several of answers I have received. Since you mention that you yourself are a "drug user & cannabis smoker", I'd like to hear your side too in order to contrast the other answers I have received. If you have read it my reply (3rd post) could you please shed some light on if psychedelics are haram in Islam. If so, why are they haram despite having little to no harmful side effects physically and being spiritually and mentally beneficial (this is a hypothetical scenario - just because they have helped me personally does not mean its the same for everyone and I acknowledge I have no right to say they are spiritually or mentally beneficial without concrete proof so just consider this as a hypothetical situation for the sake of discussion). If you believe they are not beneficial and in fact do cause harm, physical or mental please discuss them (the harms/dangers) with me.

    Once again thankyou for your time.
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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    Greetings and peace be with you mateenah95;

    I think I have made a decent argument for my case
    You won the argument before you came to this forum, you justified what you want to do, and you do it, that much is plain.

    Drug dealers are crooks, so they do not have to be honest about what they are selling you, they do not conduct any research into the safety of the product they sell, they break the law. If they want to make the weight up, they can put anything in the packet that looks the same. Police in the UK, say they have often found dried up dogs poo in with cannabis. You can scrape that off the road for free; instead of paying dealer prices, just a thought.
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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    Asalamualikum everyone. Thank you for everyone contributing to debate with me. I see the point that some of you are trying to make. Now you may question in the first place why I'm standing for psychedelics so strongly. It is because this is an issue which is very real and in the present to me. I have heard the messages psychedelics have to offer - if you have not experienced the state psychedelics put you in, I believe it is impossible to fully comprehend it. Language as a means of communication does not do the experience justice. Please don't wrongly think I'm promoting others to do them. I DO NOT PROMOTE THEIR USE. That is not my aim here. If anyone chooses to do them it should be of their own free will. I have done them in the past and whether this is wrong or right is between my creator and me and I believe he alone has the right to judge me or punish me for whatever reason they are haram.
    Some of you have made the logical argument that psychedelics may harm me by making me addicted, by causing me to do harder drugs, etc. But in fact psychedelics have had the exact opposite effect. And yes, some of you may be surprised how something called a "drug" can have any good, and how it can bring someone closer to Islam. The matter of fact is that I have lived this - this is my reality. Like I mentioned, I have developed a hatred for alcohol and tobacco after coming in contact with psychedelics. I used to drink and smoke a decent amount but now I am very close to giving up both habits. Furthermore, I have realized that so many things that I took pleasure in before I experienced psychedelics are very materialistic to this dunya. Before I did psychedelics, I never gave my actions much though. But now, I always relate my thoughts and actions back to Allah. I appreciate the beauty of Allah and his creations like nature, plants, animals, human beings, etc. much more than before. The overall thoughts and feelings I have are more spiritual too.

    One could be an exploratory stage which is just passing or it could just be me trying to justify my psychedelic use because I'm feeling guilty about using them. Yes, I am feeling guilty to some extent for using them because I have grown up learning that drugs are haram and bad. Now that I have reached an age where I am able to judge for myself I am finding that this is not the case for psychedelics (notice how I am not mentioning weed here cause I am still not convinced weed is beneficial in the long run. I am also not arguing the same for tobacco or alcohol even though I have did them to much greater extents in the past.)

    Can anyone provide me medical or scientific proof of why psychedelics are haram. These substances are non toxic, non addictive (they are mentally very challenging to handle, thus it is impossible to abuse them). Furthermore they have only had a positive spiritual (and other) benefits, at least for me. Please don't say that psychedelics are intoxicants so they are haram. Language is a human tool which is not perfect or comprehensive. There are language barriers which can cause certain things to be interpreted differently by different people. If Islam does actually make psychedelics haram, then I believe Allah will have made them haram for a reason - our benefit (i.e. they mush be harmful to us in some way). Please show me what ways psychedelics are haram.

    As a final thought, I'd once again like to say that I'm once again debating for the sake of answers. I am not saying my opinion is right although I wish with all my heart that the experience they have to offer are not just hallucinations but are meaningful in some religious way.

    I'd also like to thank each one of you who have taken the time to offer me their thoughts. It means a lot me and I greatly appreciate it.

    Asalamulikum everyone.
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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!


    A contribution to this discussion.

    War on Drugs - Peter Hitchens' moral argument against drugs.

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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95 View Post

    I have done a lot of research ... the Quran and psychedelic substances. From my research, I have been able to form a clearer picture of these substances and I’d like to argue my case for these psychedelic substances
    You can argue with Allah, and it will avail you no end.

    The contextual understanding of what is a toxin in Islam is different to what a toxin is according to western science.

    Your research was found to be contradictory, and totally compromised... but that's what happens when you research to feed a bias. That's known as dishonest methodology, hope you can understand what you entertain.

    Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    Any intoxicants are haram, even small amounts. For example: A certain amount of alcohol gets you drunk, therefore even a sip will be haram even if that sip alone doesn't intoxicate you.
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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Snel View Post
    Any intoxicants are haram, even small amounts. For example: A certain amount of alcohol gets you drunk, therefore even a sip will be haram even if that sip alone doesn't intoxicate you.
    Is paracetamol haraam? that is also a toxin, in case you didn't know.

    Snel, it's not as simple as "all toxins" when the commonly understood meaning of that word differs in understanding from what Islam teaches.

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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    Last edited by Snel; 07-15-2016 at 07:06 AM.
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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    mateenah95, sinning lowers your iman in Allah, that's the opposite of being closer to Islam. You may think something is good for you while it is harmful for you, and vice versa.

    format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95 View Post
    Can anyone provide me medical or scientific proof of why psychedelics are haram.
    We don't consider something haram based on science. We submit to Allah's will by following the message of his prophet Muhammad. Let's say for argument's sake that if science of today doesn't prove that a drug is harmful, do you still consider it permissible to take it despite what Islam says? If the answer is no, then you should look at what Islam says rather than what science considers harmful or not. If the answer is yes, then that is not Islam, that is Scientism.
    Last edited by Snel; 07-15-2016 at 07:15 AM.
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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    it does ruin your Spiritual state now , does it ? So , Al Diin Al Islam forbade dat .
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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    It is pretty arguable, as a far as I know.
    Islam forbids what clouds your mind, but caffeine clouds your mind not too far from what Cannabis does - just differently.
    It is all a gray area.

    Here is an interesting graph about the different types

    henningfieldbenowitz sm2 1 - Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    They have their pros and cons, but I think people look at Cannabis through their reefer madness goggles.
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    Re: Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    It is pretty arguable, as a far as I know.
    Islam forbids what clouds your mind, but caffeine clouds your mind not too far from what Cannabis does - just differently.
    It is all a gray area.

    Here is an interesting graph about the different types

    They have their pros and cons, but I think people look at Cannabis through their reefer madness goggles.
    Thanks for the chart snow! This is one of the factors I have based my argument on. If cannabis is haram, why isnt coffee haram by the same standards?
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