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Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

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    Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

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    Peace & greetings to those who seek Guidance

    This thread will be dedicated to REFUTE all allegations , misquotations or twistings from Anti Islamists against Islam, the Noble Quran and its Prophet and the hadith , Allah willingly . The esteemed Members here are requested to post their doubts of such allegations so that the knowledgeable here will refute them with reasons and references from our Books. so let me start with this one where i shall also quote their allegations and misunderstanding .

    format_quote Originally Posted by ;

    [I]...Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet in his ailment in which he died, used to say, "O 'Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I feel as if my aorta is being cut from that poison."[/

    So my questions is was muhammad poisoned and if so why didnt allah warn him as a messenger of god? And spare him of this faith.
    Prophet Muhammad was warned about this powerful poison by the foreleg itself which is Miracle no 1 and proved to the Jews he was the Prophet they were expecting for a long time

    The second Miracle such a powerful poison that caused another companion to die on the spot immediately did not do any harm even a little Bit, (he did not vomit or felt weak to walk etc) to the Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists which was the curiosity of the Jews fulfilling another great miracle to prove he was a Prophet So That was the reason Allah allowed it to happen, that is Prophet : saws: chewing a little of the foreleg and the foreleg spoke later ( its explained here since some ask why didn't the foreleg speak before Prophet ate it ? ) since Allah wants to prove even the Powerful Poison cannot kill his Prophet which was what the Jews wanted to test .

    Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists was living healthy normal life for the next 4 years and his Allah's given Prophesy on the last haj sermon that he may be not living the next year was to be fullfilled and also his coveted wish to die as Martyr was also fulfilled
    AFTER FOUR YEARS AS HE JUST LAY ON HIS BED WITH AISHA (exactly as the below hadith Prophesied ) when he told he felt affects of the Poison on the last Moments AFTER FOUR YEARS is a clear Miracle that the Poison did not harm him for 4 years and if it harmed him may be it was the Decree of Allah to take him back as a Honoured Martyr as per his wish than as a Martyr on a battle field that could result in confusions and accusations from such people who try to find faults of Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists .

    Muslim (1909) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever asks Allaah sincerely for martyrdom, Allaah will cause him to attain the status of the martyr, even if he dies in his bed.

    I am unable to locate that hadith where Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists wished for Martyrdom and Do You think Allah will not accept his Most Beloved 's dua ??? So it happened as per his wish to die as martyr and as per the above hadith

    All Prophets of God are given the choice to choose to live or die before death and everyone gave their wishes so was Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

    Muslim :: Book 31 : Hadith 5990
    'A'isha, the wife of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), reported that he used to say: Never a prophet dies in a state that he is not made to see his abode in Paradise, and then given a choice. 'A'isha said that when Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was about to leave the world, his head was over her thigh and he had fallen into swoon three times. When he felt relief his eyes were fixed at the ceiling. He then said: O Allah, along with the high companions (i. e. along with the Apostles who live in the most elevated place of the Paradise). (On hearing these words), I then said (to myself) He is not going to opt us and I remembered a hadith which he had narrated to us as he was healthy and in which he said: No prophet dies until he sees his abode in Paradise, he is then given a choice. 'A'isha said: These were the last words which Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) spoke (the words are): O Allah, with companions on High.

    Book : #60, Hadith #110
    Narrated 'Aisha: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "No prophet gets sick but he is given the choice to select either this world or the Hereafter." 'Aisha added: During his fatal illness, his voice became very husky and I heard him saying: "In the company of those whom is the Grace of Allah, of the prophets, the Siddiqin (those followers of the prophets who were first and foremost to believe in them), the Martyrs and the pious.' (4.69) And from this I came to know that he has been given the option.

    Note : even Musa a.s and Ibrahim a.s have their own comments during the last moments

    In short he lived in Miracles and his demise was also through Miracles.
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    Re: Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

    Alhamdulilah, Astonished to just find a hadith from here on this issue from Companion Ibn Masud RA whose authenticity of hadith was especially guaranteed by Prophet


    Ibn Masud (Allah be pleased with him) felt that the Prophet [peace be upon him] had died as a martyr, the delay in the poison’s effect being a prophetic miracle. Allah Most High thus preserved His beloved Messenger until his mission was completed, and then, to honor him, caused him to die a martyr.
    [al-Zurqani, Sharh Mawahib Laduniyya]
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    Re: Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

    Kill All the Polytheists, Did the Noble Quran verse 9:5 , say So ?

    This verse of http://legacy.quran.com/9/5 is misquoted often by the APOLOGETICS, since they intentionally hide the very next verse 9:6 quoted below which tells the Muslims to escort even the Kaffirs to safety , http://quran.com/9/5-6

    Noble Quran 9:6 ''And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection,so that he may hear the words of Allah . Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.''

    note : wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists This is what Salahudeen Ayubi (Rahimahullah) did while taking back Jerusalem. His soldiers escorted all those who wanted leave to their places of safety, Despite the Crusaders' slaughter when Salahudeen originally conquered Jerusalem in 1099, he granted amnesty and free passage to all common Catholics and even to the defeated Christian army https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saladin



    The leader of Quraish pagans of Mecca, Abu Sufyan arrives in Medina to apologise the breach of their Treaty with Muslims (killings within the corridor of kaaba,indeed a breach of worst degree) but he is not welcomed by Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists who took prompt action after the breach so as not to allow them any opportunity to gather enough force after this, and made a sudden invasion with 10,000 companions on Mecca in the month of Ramadan in 8 AH and conquered it 18th day (approx) of Ramadhan peacefully without any resistance (except under 1 division, under Khalid bin Waleed, out of 4 divisions where a few deaths 12 kafirs who took arms and 4 muslims ) with a very few number of deaths who were war criminals. After this victory Even those Kafirs who gave Prophet & his companions gruesome hardship for 10 + 3 years (boycott of Food & medicines) are forgiven in this invasion and even assured of Security who stay behind the doors and religious freedom given even to the kafirs who worship idols with in their respective houses.

    Ibn Abbas said that his father Al-'Abbas. 'Abd al-Mutalib brought Ahu Sufyan b. Harb to the Messenger of God (SAAS) at Man al-Zamn and he accepted Islam. Al Abbas told him,"Messenger of God, Aha Sufym is a man who likes to enjoy prestige; perhaps you could do something for him." "Yes," he replied. "Whoever goes into Abu Sufyan's house will be secure. And whoever locks his door will be secure." When one companion , Sa'd bin Ubada who was holding the flag of the Muslims uttered something words like, this was the day of revenge, was immediately admonished by Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists by replacing him by another person, to hold that flag.

    8AH 629 AD MONTH OF SHAWWAL (about 15-20 days after the conquest of Mecca)


    1) From Mecca within 20 days of its successful conquest Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists took his army to Taif or Battle of Hunain with 12000 soldiers. The total population of Mecca then about 60,000 (approx) and were not forced to accept Islam hence not forced to take part in the battle of Hunain because we know every Muslim a old convert or new convert of just a day over 15 years old are OBLIGED to take part in the Religious battle ( except with those with very old mothers or those who were assigned duty to take care of safety of women and children.) But Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists left with all his companions 10,000 of them from Medina + ONLY 2000 NEW CONVERTS out of 60,000, PROVING no forceful conversions on the natives of Mecca even after the successful conquest of Mecca Subhanallah , Allah and his Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists so pure so sweet,wow unlike our world wars the loosers become human shields and slaves for the armies construction works as was done by many armies like Japanese etc.
    ( River Kwai Bridge i 've visited and saw how terrible those prisoners have suffered to built this Burma- Death railway about 400 kms long in amidst a deep gorge that too when there were no SOPHISTICATED cranes those times in which 90,000 out of 180,000 died )

    2) These EXTRA 2000 soldiers who are new converts of Mecca request Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists on seeing a HUGE tree to grant them this tree to be made a tree of luck (hanging threads and ropes) as in the days of ignorance at which Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists admonish them saying they are asking something like the Jews asked Moses (pbuh) for some idols like the non believers had. This shows that these Meccan reverts were very new in their faith except some who lived in Islam, hidingly, lived as muslims untill Prophet took over Mecca to expose their faith .

    3) Even after Muslims have taken over Mecca and destroyed the 360 idols in the Kaaba the kaffirs in Mecca or any where were still allowed to visit Kaaba Shrine at Mecca as was in the days of ignorance with their usual circumambulating it naked (their haj) and whistling clapping was their worship ( very patient Muslims, indeed, even after assuming power).

    Noble Quran '' And their prayer at the House was not except whistling and handclapping. So taste the punishment for what you disbelieved.''

    4) This proves though the idols were removed from the Kaaba pagans, Idolators were STILL living around the Kaaba simultaneously doing Idol worship at their homes


    After the great victory of Hunain where 6000 women and children ( People of Taif ) captives were freed back by Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists ( some even with Prophet's own money) after being taken as captives, Forgiving even the worst people who did not even stick to their usual world renowned Arab trait to dignify guests but stoned Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamistschasing him out of the city and this news of Prophet's mercifulness towards these worst rudest people on the Earth and this news spread all around Saudi Arabia and the world, which made them convert to Islam with about 70 delegations all voluntarily visiting Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists at Medina and accepting islam , even at last the Taif tribes , their leaders visited Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists and accepted islam. So Muslims who were 12,000 in later 8AH grew many folds , multiplied more than 10 TIMES just in 2 YEARs at the last haj of Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists on 11 AH when there were 124,000 Hajis only at the valley of Arafah .


    The next year after conquest of Mecca Prophetwwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists does not attend haj but sends his closest companion Abu Bakr Sidiqque (Ra) as the Amir, leader for the Hajis from Medina . After Abubakr (ra) had left Medina with Hajis , Allah reveals this sura At Tauba (including verses 9:5-6) to dissolve the agreements with kafirs living in the vicinity of Mecca after giving a grace period of ample 4 months (about 6 miles radius) who have been guaranteed safety behind the doors for the past 15 months to do whatever they liked (even worship the idols, lol) within their homes and as per the international law those times if a guarantee or agreement is changed or made void it was necessary to give such a notice of dissolution in advance of 50 days so that the other party is not forced out in Shock or surprise.

    So Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists sends his son in law Ali ibn Abu Talib with this revelation new message - NEW LAW of Demarcation (sura 9:1-6 seen in the below hadiths) after the Hajis have already left Medina so as to be proclaimed at every important place of Mecca so as to the news to reach all of its inhabitants in its every nook and corner. So surroundings of Mecca of about 6 mile radius (No enter zone for Non Muslims still as today and even for Muslims ONLY the Ihram area during Haj ) is made a debarred zone ONLY RESTORING the lost dignity of the Monotheists , THE FIRST PLACE OF WORSHIP OF THE ONE TRUE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS, THE KAABA ,'' COMPLETELY '' liberating the EVER first house of Allah on this GLOBE FROM POLYTHEISM that was built even before Abraham but reconstructed by the renowned Monotheist to all semetic religions Prophet Abraham on its old foundationshttp://quran.com/22/26# but has been still under the intrusions of the polytheists who still circumambulated it naked (their haj) and whistling clapping was their worship (satanic indeed) as seen in this hadith


    Bukhari :: Book 6 :: Volume 60 :: Hadith 179

    Narrated Humaid bin Abdur Rahman:Abu Huraira said, "Abu Bakr sent me in that Hajj in which he was the chief of the pilgrims along with the announcers whom he sent on the Day of Nahr to announce at Mina: "No pagan shall perform Hajj after this year, and none shall perform the Tawaf around the Ka'ba in a naked state." Humaid added: That the Prophet sent 'Ali bin Abi Talib (after Abu Bakr) and ordered him to recite aloud in public Surat-Baraa (sura 9). Abu Huraira added, "So 'Ali, along with us, recited Bara'a (loudly) before the people at Mina on the Day of Nahr and announced "No pagan shall perform Hajj after this year and none shall perform the Tawaf around the Ka'ba in a NAKED state."..except those pagans with whom you (Muslims) have a treaty." (9.4)

    so verse 9:5

    which says those who opt to stay within the 6 miles radius of the Kaaba ( as of NOW TODAY ''strictly Ihram Area '' even for Muslims during Haj) MUST BE ONLY THE BELIEVERS (Monotheists- Muslims ) AND NOT THE IDOL WORSHIPPERS SO they have to move out of Mecca (with their idols and since the guarantee given by prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists before 15 months that you can do anything- just with in doors is revoked with ample time of 4 months,

    Wow so kind of Allah swt iow the Non Muslims enjoyed (even idols-shirk n kufar ) there in their houses for 19 months even after the conquest of Mecca,( in Spain Muslims were not given just a day but killed, raped, converted ) and ONLY those kafirs who will not still abide by this open warning of verse 9:5 after 4 months will be killed if they fight or even in that case of expiry of 4 months if these non muslims breachers of the NEW LAW did not raise arms to fight the muslims but surrendered , Muslims must explain to them about Islam and even still if these stupids ( whistling , clapping, nude worshippers, lol is that a worship in the house of Lord af Abraham ? wwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamistswwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamistswwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamistswwwislamicboardcom - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists? o o - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamistssilly - Was  Muhammad poisoned ? &  refuting all allegations of anti Islamists ) do not accept Islam escort them to a place of safety because they are the people who do not know (9:6 http://quran.com/9:6 )

    Is there any Religion as sweet as Islam ????? which also says to protect these non believers out from the danger zone and leave them into their community where they are safe ?
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    Re: Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

    Abrogation , does it prove the Noble Quran is Contradicting ?

    It will be necessary to know the real meaning of Abrogation The Arabic word is Mansookh is often translated as abrogation which probably isn't the exact meaning since it actually has some negative implications to it such as scrapping and quashing. Rather there is no exact equivalent word in English for 'Mansook ' of Arabic. .Who could give a better explanation of the meaning of abrogation except Allah swt himself as we see in this verse describing abrogation from the Noble Quran itself.

    Noble Quran 2:106 "Whatever verse (Revelations) do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten but We bring a better one or similar to it."

    So the Arabic word Mansookh though is translated as Abrogation but it means it does not throw away the previous verse but it actually brings a better verse than as per the above definition from the Noble Quran itself which refers to a sort of
    Timely substitution, instead . Also lets see Sahih Bukhari Book #60, Hadith #34 which shows and proves what does this word ' mansook' or so called and translated as ' Abrogation' really stands for ?

    Narrated salama: When the Divine Revelation: "For those who can fast, they had a choice either fast, or feed a poor for every day, (2.184) was revealed, it was permissible for one to give a ransom and give up fasting, till the Verse succeeding it was revealed and abrogated it''. .

    So does the word ' Abrogate 'in the above hadith of Salama, did it meant cancelling 100% or throwing the part of so called, abrogated verse 2:184 from the Noble Quran below ? No, that's clear from this verse which is read NOW http://quran.com/2/184 in the noble Quran as

    Noble Quran 2:184 ''(Fasting) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (Should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (With hardship), is a ransom, the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own free will,- it is better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew.''

    Which means for those who can leave their fast on valid reasons which is allowed by substituting by feeding the poor but are still ADVISED and stressed by the next & last part of the verse (so called verse of abrogation by Salama (raa)) that its still will be better if they fast than giving ransom . Which shows that They did not mean that the ruling of the earlier verse was completely replaced or annulled, but rather that it is no longer general but instead limited or contextualized in some way.

    So Here, its Clearly proved that though it is termed as '' Abrogate '' But it really did not mean cancellation but replacing with something better as in the verse 2:106.

    So let see another form of abrogation which is regarding the verses of alcohol and see how Allah swt uses it only for acheiving better result with ease for the believers and for its successful implementation.

    step 1) the first verses about wine started saying something like this that There are some benefits in wine but there are losses as well but the losses are more than benefits,- so they were discouraged first ( Noble Quran 2:219)

    The details of Abrogation of Intoxicants as explained in the above quote is further clearly proved in this tafsir ibn Kathir with proofs from hadith


    Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurayrah said, "There were
    three stages to prohibiting Khamr (intoxicants). When the Messenger of Allah migrated to Al-Madinah, the people were consuming alcohol and gambling, so they asked the Messenger of Allah about these things, Allah revealed,

    ﴿يَسْـَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْخَمْرِ وَالْمَيْسِرِ قُلْ فِيهِمَآ إِثْمٌ كَبِيرٌ وَمَنَـفِعُ لِلنَّاسِ﴾

    (They ask you about alcoholic drink and gambling. Say: "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefit for men.'')﴿2:219﴾, until the end of the Ayah. The people said, `They (intoxicants and gambling) were not prohibited for us. Allah only said,

    step 2) verses said something like this, avoid drinking while you are going to pray or during prayer. This was a great diplomacy here because they could only drink at nights to bed because of 5 times prayer so the habbit was reduced by half (noble quran 4:43)

    step 3) was completely made prohibited - haram .(noble quran 5:90-93)

    so to quit anyone from a bad habbit is the very difficult thing and particularly smokers or drunkards are the top most difficult among them. but see how allah ''the all wise '' easily removes in 23 years from the whole society of believers by the method of substitution (mansook-abrogation,) where it was believed for a millenium that the stockists, hoarders of the oldest wine at their backyards were the most privileged ones and its said streams of wine flowing were seen in medina after the verse of prohibition was revealed.

    So its in Allah swt's knowledge what and when to abrogate (mansook - substitute )and those apologetics who criticize this is as issue have to understand that their feeble minds do not understand the great wisdom of the creator, Allah the Merciful who did not want his beloved slaves to fall into sin of rejecting Allah's commands (kufr - a big sin) so that not a few persons but the whole society who used to judge The Elite by their holdings of the oldest wine changed into a society who never had any second thoughts even to sell those expensive wines to make money but to abide im·me·di·ate·ly once Allah's command came prohibiting it .
    So whatever Allah ever does its in the interest of his believers
    for their ease and protection from sinsand his selected religion, Islam.
    Last edited by talibilm; 11-18-2016 at 09:46 PM.
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    Re: Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

    Will you continue this? I love it! can you please do one about ,

    - Scientific contradictions?

    - Prophet Mohammed was prophesied in the bible
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    Re: Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

    format_quote Originally Posted by ;
    yes, goat ate only a copy of the mushaf, but the point is that those verses are not in the present day Quran. I just want to understand why some verses were kept in the Quran while others were removed
    To understand this We have to consider the verse of so called abrogation the other part of it

    Noble Quran 2 :106 ' Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things? ''

    Allah replies that question also in 2:106 as '' cause to be forgotten '' (might be referring to ''exact words of revelation '' like in the verse of suckling where text was in their minds (that 10 sucklings were reduced to 5 ) but not those exact words of Allah . Allah wa aalam.

    and that's a test of Allah , testing Eeman for his believers too not to meddle with words of Allah and they did not make their own set of words of the forgotten verse though they did remember its text & THAT PROVES HOW EXACTLY THE WORDS OF ALLAH ARE PRESERVED IN THE NOBLE QURAN 100 % ( only the vowels were introduced later after a century for helping non Arabs in reading ) known from reciting the next few verses it. Allah likes
    Only the Steadfast believers as seen here in few verses like this below too, like Prophet & believers were tested even in the matter of kibla though they know facing the Kaaba , The first & most sacred house of Allah was the haq & right thing for them then Al Aqsa but still they did not do it unless ordered by Allah , subhanallah, the Obedience to the All Mighty which Allah wanted to test them as seen here .

    Noble Quran '' And We will surely test you until We make evident those who strive among you [for the cause of Allah ] and the patient, and We will test your affairs. ''

    So this case would also be better understood by comparing to a near similar case of forgetting with our Prophet in the matter of the night of Qadr in Ramadhan which was equivalent to 1000 months which he came to proclaim to the Ummah but on the way he saw two muslims fighting and in its arbitration ( this what I understood from that Hadith) he forgot the exact Night, iow Allah swt made him to forget just showing he was another human and it worked for the good of the Ummah too who will try to pray last 10 days of Ramadhan in search of it or else it would be so that the Ummah will pray ONLY on Qadr night and discard the other Ramadhan days.
    Last edited by talibilm; 11-20-2016 at 12:04 PM.
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    Re: Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

    Subhanallah I wanted to ask about this matter,on why there are verses which were removed,so basically Allah just brought a better or similar verse ? but what for ?? Allah is perfect and he can bring down the Quran in perfection..I still don't really understand why some verses were kept and some were removed,is it just to test out faith only ??
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    Re: Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

    Allah is perfect and so Allah sends things in stages to teach us as human beings. For example, we're born babies, then grow into children, then grow into teenagers, then into adulthood. If Allah had willed, Allah could have made us born into adults from the first but Allah did not Will that because there's Wisdom to be learned from growing in stages. Similarly, a verse sent at the time was more appropriate and later the condition of the people or the situation changed so that a verse was sent by Allah that's more suited to the changed situation/people.

    For example, one day, you may say to your father and say, "I want to go out." Your father says no. At that point in time that was what needed to be said by you. But after hearing the no, the situation has changed and now both you and your father are changed by what's been said (as you now realize his position is no and he recognizes that your position is yes). So, later, maybe you follow up that conversation with the words: "I have a group project for school for which I need to go out." Your father now says yes.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Al Sultan View Post
    Subhanallah I wanted to ask about this matter,on why there are verses which were removed,so basically Allah just brought a better or similar verse ? but what for ?? Allah is perfect and he can bring down the Quran in perfection..I still don't really understand why some verses were kept and some were removed,is it just to test out faith only ??
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    Re: Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

    format_quote Originally Posted by Search View Post

    Allah is perfect and so Allah sends things in stages to teach us as human beings. For example, we're born babies, then grow into children, then grow into teenagers, then into adulthood. If Allah had willed, Allah could have made us born into adults from the first but Allah did not Will that because there's Wisdom to be learned from growing in stages. Similarly, a verse sent at the time was more appropriate and later the condition of the people or the situation changed so that a verse was sent by Allah that's more suited to the changed situation/people.

    For example, one day, you may say to your father and say, "I want to go out." Your father says no. At that point in time that was what needed to be said by you. But after hearing the no, the situation has changed and now both you and your father are changed by what's been said (as you now realize his position is no and he recognizes that your position is yes). So, later, maybe you follow up that conversation with the words: "I have a group project for school for which I need to go out." Your father now says yes.

    So basically, Allah sent a verse which suited the people's situation, and when their situation changed, that verse changed to fit their situation as well ?
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    Re: Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

    format_quote Originally Posted by Al Sultan View Post
    So basically, Allah sent a verse which suited the people's situation, and when their situation changed, that verse changed to fit their situation as well ?
    Abrogation was rare. That said, yes, brother, in situations where abrogation occurred, it was due to Divine Wisdom. If you want more information on abrogation, you're free to read the answer presented in a detailed manner called "Abrogation in the Qur'an and the order of the soorahs and verses." InshaAllah (God-willing) it will help you to understand better.

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    Re: Was Muhammad poisoned ? & refuting all allegations of anti Islamists

    format_quote Originally Posted by Search View Post

    Abrogation was rare. That said, yes, brother, in situations where abrogation occurred, it was due to Divine Wisdom. If you want more information on abrogation, you're free to read the answer presented in a detailed manner called "Abrogation in the Qur'an and the order of the soorahs and verses." InshaAllah (God-willing) it will help you to understand better.

    Thank you so much search,jazaki Allah Khair !! thanks for explaining this for me ❤️❤️❤️
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