Imaam ash-Shaafi`ee رحمة الله عليه said on one occasion: “I have not seen among the Kuffaar any people more famous for lies and falsehood than the Rawaafidhi Shi`a.”
On another occasion he said: “Narrate `Ilm from everyone you meet except the Rawaafidhi Shi`a, because they invent Ahaadeeth and adopt them as their religion.” [Narrated in Minhaaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah.]
The great Imaam, Abu Zur`ah ar-Raazi رحمة الله عليه said: “If you see a person degrading any of the Sahaabah of Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم, then know that he is a Kaafir.”
Imaam ash-Sha`bee رحمة الله عليه said: "I warn you of those who lead astray from amongst the Ahl-e-Bid`ah.
The worst among them is the Rawaafidh. They did not enter Islaam seeking the Haqq, nor out of the fear of Allaah, but because of their hatred towards the Muslims."
`Allaamah ibn Hazm azh-Zhaahiri رحمة الله عليه said: "The Shi`a is a group which has tread the same path as the Yahood and the Nasaaraa. The Shi`as are definitely not Muslims."
`Allaamah Qaadi `Iyyaad رحمة الله عليه said: "We certainly regard that person as a Kaafir who considers the entire Ummah to be astray and the Sahaabah to be Kuffaar."
Imaam as-Sarakhsi رحمة الله عليه said: "Whoever defames the Sahaabah is a Kaafir. He has cast aside the sheet of Islaam. If he does not make Tawbah, the treatment for him is the sword."
Imaam Fakhr-ud-Deen Raazi رحمة الله عليه said: "The claim of the Shi`as that additions, subtractions, alterations and interpolations took place in the Qur'aan is a belief which renders their Islaam null and void."
Shaykh-ul-Islaam ibn Taymiyyah رحمة الله عليه said: "There is no doubt in the Kufr of the opinion that all the Sahaabah except a few whose number does not even reach ten had become Murtaddeen or that the general massses had all become Faasiq. The reason for this is that such a person is rejecting that part of the Qur'aan in which they (The Sahaabah-e-Kiraam) have been praised. In fact, Kufr has found a place in the heart of the one who doubts the Kufr of such Kuffaar.”
`Allaamah Aloosi رحمة الله عليه was asked about the claim of the Shi`as, that they are following the Ahl-e-Bayt, so he said: “No, they are the followers of Shaytaan. The Ahl-e-Bayt are free of them.”
In Fataawaa `Aalamgiri, volume one page number ninety-two, it is stated: “To declare the Shi`a Rawaafidh as Kuffaar is binding on the basis of their Kufr beliefs. These people are outside the pale of Islaam. They fall into the same category as the Murtaddeen, and should be dealt with accordingly. Anyone who does not call them Kuffaar is an irreligious person and a Kaafir like them.”
اخرج الامام ابن حزم في المحلّي: عن هشام بن عمّار قال: سمعت مالک بن انس یقول: من سبّ ابا بکر و عمر جلد، و من سبّ عائشة قتل، قيل له: لم یقتل في عائشة؟ لانّ الله تعالی یقول في عائشة رضي الله عنها: يعظکم الله ان تعودوا لمثله ابدا ان کنتم مؤمنين، قال مالک: فمن رماها فقد خالف القرآن، و من خالف القرآن قتل، قال ابو محمد رحمه الله: قول مالک ههنا صحیح و هي ردّة تامّة و تکذيب الله تعالی في قطعه ببراءتها
Imaam ibn Hazm narrates in his Kitaab “Al-Mahalli” from Imaam Hishaam ibn `Ammaar who said, “I heard Imaam Maalik ibn Anas رَحْمَةُ اللہِ تَعَالَی عَلَیْهِ saying, “Whoever insults Hadhrat Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه and Hadhrat `Umar رضي الله عنه is to be whipped, and whoever insults Hadhrat `Aa’ishah رضي الله عنها is to be killed.” He was asked, “Why is the one who insults Hadhrat `Aa’ishah رَضِيَ اللہُ تَعَالَی عَنْهَا to be killed?” He replied, “Because Allaah Ta`aalaa said regarding Hadhrat `Aa’ishah رَضِيَ اللہُ تَعَالَی عَنْهَا in the Qur’aan, “Allaah warns you from ever repeating something like this again if indeed you are Mu’mineen...” Imaam Maalik said, “So whoever accuses her (of having committed a shameless act) has opposed the Qur’aan, and whoever opposed the Qur’aan is to be killed.” Imaam Abu Muhammad رَحْمَةُ اللہِ تَعَالَی عَلَیْهِ said, “The Qowl (Verdict) of Imaam Maalik رَحْمَةُ اللہِ تَعَالَی عَلَیْهِ here is Saheeh, and it (accusing Hadhrat `Aa’ishah رَضِيَ اللہُ تَعَالَی عَنْهَا) is complete Riddah (apostasy) and belying Allaah Ta`aalaa in His Clear Exoneration of her.” [Al-Kunnaashah fee Ba`dhi Khasaa'isi `Aa'ishah.]
وقال الامام ابن العربي المالکي رحمه الله: انّ اهل الافک رموا عائشة المطهّرة بالفاحشة فبرّأها الله، فکلّ من سبّها بما برّأها الله منه فهو مکذب الله، و من کذب الله فهو کافر
Imaam ibn al-`Arabi al-Maaliki رَحْمَةُ اللہِ تَعَالَی عَلَیْهِ said, “The People of Ifk accused Hadhrat `Aa’ishah رَضِيَ اللہُ تَعَالَی عَنْهَا of (committing a) Faahishah, so Allaah exonerated her. Therefore, whoever accuses her of that which Allaah exonerated her from is rejecting Allaah, and whoever rejects Allaah is a Kaafir.”
وقال الامام ابن قدامة المقدسي رحمه الله: عائشة الصديقة بنت الصديق التي برّأها الله في کتابه، زوج النبي صلي الله عليه و سلّم في الدنیا و الآخرة، فمن قذفها بما برّأها الله منه فقد کفر بالله العظيم
Imaam ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisi رَحْمَةُ اللہِ تَعَالَی عَلَیْهِ said, “Hadhrat `Aa’ishah رَضِيَ اللہُ تَعَالَی عَنْهَا is As-Siddeeqah the daughter of As-Siddeeq, the other whom Allaah exonerated in His Kitaab, the wife of An-Nabi صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالَی عَلَیْهِ وَ سَلَّمْ in this Dunyaa and in the Aakhirah. Therefore, whoever accuses her of that which Allaah exonerated her from, has disbelieved in Allaah al-`Azheem.”
Imaam Abus Saa’ib al-Qaadhi رَحْمَةُ اللہِ تَعَالَی عَلَیْهِ said, “I was once in the presence of Imaam Hasan ibn Zayd رَحْمَةُ اللہِ تَعَالَی عَلَیْهِ when a man spoke badly about Hadhrat `Aa’ishah رَضِيَ اللہُ تَعَالَی عَنْهَا. He said (to one of the youth present), “O Young man, strike his neck!” The `Alawiyyoon (i.e. The Shi`as) said, “This man is from our Shi`a.” He said, “Ma`aadhallaah! This man has insulted Nabi صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالَی عَلَیْهِ وَ سَلَّمْ, for Allaah has said, “Evil women are for evil men and evil men are for evil women. Pure women are for pure men and pure men are for pure women; all of those (the pure ones) are free from what they (those who are evil) say, for them there shall be Maghfirah (Forgiveness) and a Noble Reward.” So if Hadhrat `Aa’ishah رَضِيَ اللہُ تَعَالَی عَنْهَا had been evil, then that would mean that Nabi صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالَی عَلَیْهِ وَ سَلَّمْ was evil (Na`oodhubillaah), so this man is a Kaafir, therefore, strike his neck!” Imaam Abus Saa’ib al-Qaadhi said, “So they struck his neck (i.e. killed him) whilst I was present.”
You're quoting that Kaafir? One of the worst Kaafirs who ever walked on earth? The vile Kaafir Khomeini who insulted Hadhrat `Aa'ishah رضي الله عنها and the Sahaabah? That despicable old paedophile? And you refer to him as "Ayatollah"? He is the Aayat-ul-Kufr. Aayat-ush-Shaytaan.
Are you a Shi`a?
Last edited by Huzaifah ibn Adam; 12-14-2016 at 02:24 PM.
The Belief of the Shi`a Cult: The "Purest Tawheed" is to worship Hadhrat Faatimah رضي الله عنها, and the 12th Imaam controls the universe, not Allaah Ta`aalaa (Na`oodhubillaah):
Last edited by Huzaifah ibn Adam; 12-14-2016 at 02:29 PM.
Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
" Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "
Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
You've just quoted one of the vilest Kaafirs who ever walked on this earth with his Najis corpse. You've quoted him. No one else has. Now I've asked you: Are you a Shi`a? If not, why are you quoting him?
Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
" Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "
Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
" Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "
Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
The Shi`a Kaafirs write in their book, "Kaamil az-Ziyaaraat", that when Hadhrat Husain رضي الله عنه was still a child, Allaah Ta`aalaa visited him in the house of Hadhrat Faatimah رضي الله عنه and He (Allaah) put His Hand on his head.
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
Yet people still believe they are Muslims.
...فإلى الله المشتكى
Is there not bias in your posting?
You said my post is hanafi based, are hanafi not sunni?
I"m not particularly a fan of this desai imam since he doesn't back up his responses with evidence from the Quran and Sunnah, however, I do see his replies and site shared on here often. So i share it as well as we should share all of what Islam says and not cherry pick to support are views.
Shias are categorised into three groups in regards to the ruling they fall under:
1. Those about whom it is certain that they negate the principles of Islam.
Such Shias will be regarded as non-Muslims even if they do claim otherwise. Shias have the habit of taqiyyah (i.e. they regard it virtuous to lie in order to safeguard their beliefs); therefore, their word will not be accepted, if reliable sources prove otherwise. It is not permissible to have inter-marriages with such Shias, Janazah Salaah will not be performed upon their deceased, the meat from the animals slaughtered by them will not be halaal and all other laws confined to Muslims will not apply to them.
2. Those who do not negate any principles of Islam, but have a difference of opinion with the Muslims on saying that Ali (Radiyallahu Anhu) was the most superior amongst all the Sahabah (Radiyallahu Anhum).
Such Shias will not be regarded as non-Muslims, but they will still be regarded as fasiqs (those who transgress the laws of Islam openly).
The laws confined to Muslims will apply on them, but it will not be advisable to have inter-marriages with them.
3. Those whose beliefs cannot be confirmed.
They will not be regarded as Muslims nor will they be regarded as non-Muslims. As a matter of precaution, inter-marriages with them will not be permissible and the meat from the animals slaughtered by them will not be halaal.
Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
" Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "
Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
I see your post made it to this thread however my posts were unapproved and left in the other thread.
How is that fair?
why the restriction on dialogue?
Is there not bias in your posting?
You said my post is hanafi based, are hanafi not sunni?
I"m not particularly a fan of this desai imam since he doesn't back up his responses with evidence from the Quran and Sunnah, however, I do see his replies and site shared on here often. So i share it as well as we should share all of what Islam says and not cherry pick to support are views.
Of course Hanafis are Sunnis. I myself follow the Hanafi Madh-hab. I was asking for what reason you are quoting him, since - if my assumption is correct - you belong to the Ahle Hadees, and they reject the Hanafi Madh-hab for the most part.
Last edited by Huzaifah ibn Adam; 12-14-2016 at 03:12 PM.
Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
" Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "
Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
What benefit lies in showing us this? I mean, I think we already know their vile beliefs.
Wa Alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
And Allah knows best.
That's the thing: How many besides yourself will agree that the Shi`as are Kaafirs? Almost everyone will jump up to defend them and make excuses for them. That is the reason such threads like this one are made and such videos are posted, to eradicate all of those excuses and to not give any defender of the Shi`as a leg to stand on. Let them try to defend these videos. The Shi`as themselves can't defend these videos.
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
Of course Hanafis are Sunnis. I myself follow the Hanafi Madh-hab. I was asking for what reason you are quoting him, since - if my assumption is correct - you belong to the Ahle Hadees, and they reject the Hanafi Madh-hab for the most part.
I follow the Quran and Sunnah only, regardless of what label is given to such in different regions. Besides, what relevance is that to the topic.
If you follow the hanafi madhab then how can you say ALL shia are kuffar and "filthy" and should be genocide when this hanafi imam says otherwise. As a scholarly student, how are you going to invite them to true Islam if you are condemning them all in blanket statements?
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
That's the thing: How many besides yourself will agree that the Shi`as are Kaafirs? Almost everyone will jump up to defend them and make excuses for them. That is the reason such threads like this one are made and such videos are posted, to eradicate all of those excuses and to not give any defender of the Shi`as a leg to stand on. Let them try to defend these videos. The Shi`as themselves can't defend these videos.
I see.. Years ago some classmates thought that what the shias did (hurting themselves - hitting themselves on the back) was Islamic. I obviously said this has nothing to do with Islam.
At that time I had no idea of Shia and Sunni. I just knew by common sense that hitting oneself was wrong. So I acted on instinct and said, no way would Islam praise harming yourself, just to harm yourself.
There must be someone standing up against their Bidah, otherwise people may think what the shias do as Islam, and divert them, making the kuffar think "these a crazy people" which is true, except that this is not Islam.
Allahu alam.
Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
" Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "
Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
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