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Share It If Feels It Can Contribute And Helps #Insan, Islam And The World

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    Share It If Feels It Can Contribute And Helps #Insan, Islam And The World

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    I am from malaysia, and my english is not very good, I have written some issues in malay related to Islam, Politics of Malaysia, Political and World Consensus and issues pertaining to the Middle East
    I just using google translate, I apologize if there is a mistake in interpreting meaning because I write it in Malay, I really need someone who understands the Malay language to translate it and published if it can help Insan, Islam and World. below just a small part of my writing, and it needs to be read the whole thing for Better understand what it means and what I'm trying to convey


    I used to name the Most Gracious and Most Merciful and Prayer to Prophet Muhammad, his companions and family
    The absolute truth is only God's, we just try to understand it. We are no longer capable of releasing and will continue to carry it to be answered when we have been said to "understand", but together to shoulder it to lighten it.

    I used to write my writing with the above verse because I was only a God-fearing creature who tried to understand with His permission, all the mistakes and disadvantages of my writing as a result of my weaknesses and imperfections.

    Like my previous writing, It's too heavy for me to continue to write because I'm #Insan who is all deficient and acquainted I'm not the perfect muslim in practicing it with the consideration of the truth of reason

    God is not bound to anything, God is the creator and he created the whole universe, God created every #Insan in different environments of creation, different religion, race, status, ability, reason and everything

    The basis of every #Insan creation of God, the Essence of the Religion of God in every #Insan, the basis of every creation of God is complementary

    Where God justifies every #Insan of his creation using what he has bestowed on his choosing with his permission and has been promised his reward fairly from God who can count.

    Every #Insan has been set its way (weighing) in the environment of creation by God and the ability to be awarded

    And remain bound by the "The Nature of the Religion of God" that has existed in every #Insan (including respecting each other's creation (#Insan) of God) and "attaching to the truth of reason" without calculating the environment of his creation in the mercy and grace of God.

    It is not "Islam" that defines every #Insan of Heaven, only with the mercy of the Almighty God who is forgiving and merciful
    Nor does it say "it is Islam" will determine it's paradise, only with the mercy of the Almighty God who is forgiving and merciful
    Not just the "Islam" religion that will determine that it will be Paradise, only with the mercy of God who is forgiving and merciful above all his deeds and his deeds

    The basics
    The weighting of God to every value by #Insan with the "The Nature of the Religion of God" and "adhering to the truth of the mind within its limits" which defines it with His permission
    God's weighting to every value by #Insan with the "The Nature of the Religion of God" and "adhering to the righteousness of reason within its limits" which determines the reward and sin

    And every #Insan does not know the weighting of Allah in every practice but will still be taken into account every practice in the amount of particles
    And every #Insan is required to adhere to the "The Nature of the Religion of God" (values ​​that are manifest (commonality) in the environment of his creation despite attempts to be protected by hypocrisy, between truth and falsehood) and "conform to the truth of reason"

    And I believe some of God's compassion and compassion exist in every #Insan no matter what the environment of creation (religion and race) because we have similarities and created to complement, respect, understand and appreciate. Every #Insan is the creation of the Creator of God, #Insan is the "God of Grace" to #Insan another, and that is "The #Insan Right" and that is also the "Immortality" to gain the mercy and mercy of the Most Forgiving God And counting, it is the sign of God's compassion and mercy to every #Insan.

    Only Allah knows and we are #Insan only able to expect mercy, compassion and mercy from Him.
    Only Allah knows and we have no right to demand (@memberi) but is required to try to get mercy, compassion and mercy from Him.
    Only Allah knows and we are only "God-created and Prosecuted" servants who do not know "where the end"

    I was created by Allah as a Muslim and "Believing (Justifying) Islam of God, Prophet Muhammad and the Prophet before was Allah's messenger and the Quran is a revelation from him". Islam includes the boundaries and guidance to the faith, the "Properties of the Religion of Allah", the values, the practice and "adherence to the intellectual truths within its limits", and it is the responsibility of every Muslim to always maintain and believe in "The Religion of Islam and Its Values" And the recompense of all its imperfections is from the shortcomings of # Insan / us.

    And Islam is not a religion of tolerance but tolerance is part of Islamic values ​​such as the nature of love, respect, respect, assistance, protection, fighting, giving and accepting, it is part of the "The Nature of the Religion of God" in every # Other properties without considering the environment of creation. Celebrate, give and stand for the "Nature of the Religion of Allah" and I who are created as Muslims respect and appreciate every difference especially in a different creation environment as it is the will of God who is the Creator as long as He wishes and #Insan demands to seek the truth and equality

    In Every One #Inside There is Only One Faith and Belief ("The Absolute True One"), It Is Tied and Has Boundaries And Boundaries (Cause)
    And Only "The Nature of the Religion of God" Able To Whack Any Barrier And Boundary Among Each #Insan.

    (Only this I can understand (in imperfections) with his permission)

    God is not bound to do anything, God Creates Every #Insan (Tampa Thinks of the Environment, Age, Condition, Status and Ability) (Loans) and Nature Seated,
    God is not tied to What-What binds #Insan, Emotions, Sentiments, Perceptions, Leather Colors and Creations

    (If) Allah is not bound to the Will (?), Only "(Full) sincerity to His Award" (Loan) (Preceded) Reason, Fitrah and Jasad (including the intentions, ")) Is His Claim,

    (If) Allah is not bound to the Will (?), Only "(Full) sincerity to His Award" (Loan) (Preceded) Reason, Fitrah and Jasad (including the intentions, ")) Becoming Mediation (Acceptance #Insan) With Him,

    And "God Almighty Keeps It Uncharted By What."

    "Accepts Sincerely The Truth That Is Able to Find All Things In Its Limit Tampa Counts Its Creation by God the Creator"




    I am from malaysia, and my english is not very good
    I just using google translate

    I have written some issues related to Islam, Politics of Malaysia, Political and World Consensus and issues pertaining to the Middle East, as a sign of solatiriti and my concern against every evil plan of enemy #Insan and Islam, injustice, persecution, persecution and persecution persisting on #Insan especially the people Islam, constant unrest in the Middle East, Palestine, Syria, Rohingya myanmar, Yemen and elsewhere, especially the Islamic state

    In an effort to contribute and support, although my writing focuses more on Islam and a little overview of Malaysia's politics and the upheaval and oppression of the middle east, I think it is relevant to the world's problems, especially the Islamic world.

    I tried to share my writing with as many people as possible.

    I write in Malay, if you do not understand Malay, please translate to your language or find someone who can understand Malay language.

    Download the link I listed below,

    Share It If Feels It Can Contribute And Helps #Insan, Islam And The World

    (There is an article / note I write by time and issue (as a note), it needs to be edited, edited and added if needed)

    Because my movement is limited and constantly monitored by my enemy (Stooges/Supporters colonial and zionist policy in malaysia), I will resend this file for follow-up (or if there is an additional) just to make sure it's safe to reach you.

    #SaveInsan #SaveIslam #SaveWorld #SavePalestin

    Thank you,

    My Cooperation, Help And Contribution Are Highly Inferred.

    If Want To Share With Open Identity, Please Edit If Need It, And You Are Responsible For It.

    Download Link

    Nama Fail : #InsanDoc.rar
    Password : #InsanCare0987654321#


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    Re: Share It If Feels It Can Contribute And Helps #Insan, Islam And The World



    I am from malaysia, and my english is not very good, I have written some issues in malay related to Islam, Politics of Malaysia, Political and World Consensus and issues pertaining to the Middle East
    I just using google translate, I apologize if there is a mistake in interpreting meaning because I write it in Malay, I really need someone who understands the Malay language to translate it and published if it can help Insan, Islam and World. below just a small part of my writing, and it needs to be read the whole thing for Better understand what it means and what I'm trying to convey

    In Malay.


    Saya dahulukan dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Dan Maha Mengasihani dan doa kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW, para sahabat dan kaum keluarga
    Kebenaran mutlak hanya milik Allah, kita hanya cuba memahaminya. Kita tidak lagi mampu melepaskan dan akan terus memikulnya untuk dipertanggujawabkan apabila kita telah dikatakan "memahami", melainkan bersama-sama memikul demi meringankanya.

    Saya dahulukan penulisan saya dengan ayat diatas kerana saya hanya makhluk ciptaan Allah yang serba kekurangan yang cuba memahami dengan izinNYA, segala kesilapan dan kekurangan sepanjang penulisan saya ini adalah atas kelemahan dan ketidaksempurnaan saya.

    Seperti penulisan saya sebelumnya, Terlalu berat untuk saya terus menulis kerana saya #Insan yang serba kekurangan dan akur saya bukan muslim yang sempurna dalam mengamalnya dengan pertimbangan kebenaran akal

    Allah tidak terikat dengan apa-apa, Allah maha pencipta dan iaNYA menciptakan seluruh alam seisinya, Allah yang satu mencipta setiap #Insan dalam berbagai lingkungan ciptaan yang berbeza, berbeza agama, bangsa, taraf, kemampuan, akal dan segalanya

    Asasnya setiap #Insan ciptaan Allah yang satu, Asasnya Sifat-Sifat Agama Allah yang ada dalam setiap #Insan, Asasnya setiap ciptaan Allah saling melengkapi

    Dimana Allah membenarkan setiap #Insan ciptaannya menggunakan apa yang telah dianugerahkan kepadanya memilih jalannya dengan izinNYA dan telah dijanjikan ganjarannya seadil-adilnya dari Allah yang maha menghitung.

    Setiap #Insan telah ditetapkan jalannya(pemberat) dalam lingkungan ciptaan oleh Allah dan kemampuan yang dianugerahi

    dan tetap terikat dengan "Sifat-Sifat Agama Allah" yang telah ada dalam setiap #Insan(termasuk menghargai setiap ciptaan(#Insan) Allah yang lain) dan "akur kepada kebenaran akal" tampa mengira lingkungan ciptaannya dalam mendapat belas kasihan dan rahmat Allah.

    Bukan "Islam" yang menentukan setiap #Insan kesyurga, hanya dengan rahmat Allah yang maha pengampun dan belas kasihan
    Bukan juga mengatakan "ia Islam" akan menentukan ia kesyurga, hanya dengan rahmat Allah yang maha pengampun dan belas kasihan
    Bukan juga dengan hanya beragama "Islam" yang akan menentukan ia akan kesyurga, hanya dengan rahmat Allah yang maha pengampun dan belas kasihan diatas segala amal dan ketakwaanya

    Pemberat hitungan Allah kepada setiap nilai oleh #Insan dengan akur "Sifat-Sifat Agama Allah" dan "akur kepada kebenaran akal dalam batasnya" yang menentukannya dengan izinNYA
    Pemberat hitungan Allah kepada setiap nilai oleh #Insan dengan akur "Sifat-Sifat Agama Allah" dan "akur kepada kebenaran akal dalam batasnya" yang menentukan pahala dan dosa

    Dan setiap #Insan tidak mengetahui Pemberat hitungan Allah kepada setiap amalannya melainkan akan tetap diperhitungkan setiap amalannya walau sebesar zarah
    Dan setiap #Insan dituntut untuk akur "Sifat-Sifat Agama Allah"(nilai-nilai yang terserlah(lumrah #Insan) dalam lingkungan ciptaannya walaupun cuba diselindungi oleh kemunafikan, diantara kebenaran dan kebatilan) dan "akur kepada kebenaran akal" dalam semua perkara

    Dan saya menyakini sebahagian kasih sayang serta belas kasihan Allah ada pada setiap #Insan walau apapun lingkungan ciptaan (agama dan bangsa) kerana kita mempunyai persamaan dan diciptakan untuk saling melengkapi, menghormati, memahami dan menghargai. setiap #Insan adalah ciptaan Allah yang Maha Pencipta, #Insan adalah "Anugerah Allah" kepada #Insan lain, dan itu adalah "Hak #Insan" dan itu juga adalah "Peluang #Insan" untuk meraih belas kasihan dan rahmat daripada Allah yang Maha Pengampun dan Maha Menghitung, itu adalah tanda kasih sayang dan belas kasihan Allah kepada setiap #Insan.

    Hanya Allah maha mengetahui dan kita sebagai #Insan hanya mampu mengharapkan belas kasihan, kasih sayang dan rahmat dariNYA.
    Hanya Allah maha mengetahui dan kita tidak berhak menuntut(@memberi) melainkan dituntut berusaha mendapatkan belas kasihan, kasih sayang dan rahmat dariNYA.
    Hanya Allah maha mengetahui dan kita hanya hamba Allah yang "Diciptakan dan Dituntut" yang tidak tahu "dimana penghujungnya"

    Saya yang diciptakan oleh Allah sebagai seorang Islam dan "Meyakini(Mengimani) Hanya Islam Agama Allah, Nabi Muhammad SAW dan Nabi sebelumnya adalah pesuruh Allah dan Al-Quran adalah wahyu(mujizat) dariNYA". Islam termasuk sempadan dan pembimbing kepada keimanan, "Sifat-Sifat Agama Allah", nilai, amalan dan "akur kepada kebenaran akal dalam batasnya", dan menjadi tanggungjawab setiap Umat Islam untuk sentiasa memelihara serta mengimani "Agama Islam dan Nilai-Nilainya" dengan izinNYA serta akur segala ketidaksempurnaannya adalah dari kekurangan #Insan/kita.

    Dan Islam bukan agama toleransi tetapi tolerangsi itu sebahagian daripada nilai Islam sebagaimana sifat kasih sayang, menghargai, menghormati, membantu, melindungi, memperjuangkan, memberi dan menerima, ia adalah sebahagian "Sifat-Sifat Agama Allah" yang ada dalam setiap #Insan disamping sifat-sifat lain tampa mengira lingkungan ciptaan. Raikan, berikan dan perjuangkan "Sifat-Sifat Agama Allah" dan saya yang diciptakan sebagai Umat Islam menghormati dan menghargai setiap perbezaannya terutama dalam lingkungan ciptaan yang berbeza kerana itu adalah kehendak Allah yang maha pencipta selagi mana Ia kehendaki dan #Insan dituntut mencari kebenaran dan persamaannya

    Dalam Diri Setiap #Insan Hanya Ada Satu Keimanan dan Kepercayaan("Yang Paling Benar Yang Mampu Dicapai Akal"), Ia Tetap Terikat dan Mempunyai Batas Dan Sempadan(Akidah),
    Dan Hanya "Sifat-Sifat Agama Allah" Yang Mampu Merentasi Apapun Halangan Dan Sempadan Diantara Setiap #Insan.

    (Hanya ini yang mampu saya fahami(dalam ketidaksempurnaan) dengan izinNYA)

    Allah tidak terikat dengan Apa-Apa, Allah Mencipta Setiap #Insan(Tampa mengira Lingkungan, Zaman, Keadaan, Taraf dan Kemampuan)(Pinjaman) dan Alam Seisinya,
    Allah tidak terikat dengan Apa-Apa yang mengikat #Insan, Emosi, Sentimen, Persepsi, Warna Kulit dan Lingkungan Ciptaan

    (Jika)Allah tidak terikat dengan Apa-Apa(?), Hanya "(Penuh)Keikhlasan Kepada AnugerahNYA"(Pinjaman)((Didahului)Akal, Fitrah Dan Jasad(termasuk niat, amalan dan perbuatan)(dalam lingkungan "Sifat-SifatNYA")) adalah TuntutanNYA,

    (Jika)Allah tidak terikat dengan Apa-Apa(?), Hanya "(Penuh)Keikhlasan Kepada AnugerahNYA"(Pinjaman)((Didahului)Akal, Fitrah Dan Jasad(termasuk niat, amalan dan perbuatan)(dalam lingkungan "Sifat-SifatNYA")) Menjadi Perantaraan(Penerimaannya #Insan) DenganNYA,

    Dan "Allah Yang Maha Pencipta Tetap Tidak Terikat Dengan Apa-Apa."

    "Akur Dengan Penuh Keikhlasan Kepada Kebenaran Yang Mampu Dicapai Akal Dalam Semua Perkara Dalam Batasnya Tampa Mengira Lingkungan Ciptaannya Oleh Allah Yang Maha Pencipta"
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