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Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

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    Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ? (OP)

    Q- Questions is, Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) poisoned and if so why didnt Allah warn him as a messenger of God ?

    He was warned about this powerful poison by the foreleg itself which is Miracle no 1 and proved to the Jews he was that last Prophet they were expecting for a long time

    The second Miracle such a powerful poison that caused another companion to die on the spot immediately did not do any harm even a little Bit to Prophet Muhammad , (he did not vomit or felt weak to walk etc) to the Prophet which was the curiosity of the Jews fulfiling another great miracle to prove he was a Prophet .

    Prophet was living healthy normal life for the next 4 years and his Allah's given Prophesy on the last haj sermon that he may not be living the next year was to be full filled and also his wish to die as Martyr was also fulfilled when he told he felt affects of the Poison on the last Moments AFTER FOUR YEARS is a clear Miracle that the Poison did not harm him in any way for 4 years and if it harmed him may be it was the Decree of Allah to take him back as a Honoured Martyr as per his wish than as a Martyr on a battle field that could result in confusions and accusations from such people who try to find faults of Nabi .

    Do You think Allah will not accept his Most Beloved 's dua ??? So it happened as per his wish to die as martyr and as per this hadith

    Muslim (1909) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever asks Allah sincerely for martyrdom, Allaah will cause him to attain the status of the martyr, even if he dies in his bed.”

    All Prophets of God are given the choice to live or die before death and everyone gave their wishes so was Prophet

    Muslim :: Book 31 : Hadith 5990
    'A'isha, the wife of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), reported that he used to say: Never a prophet dies in a state that he is not made to see his abode in Paradise, and then given a choice. 'A'isha said that when Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was about to leave the world, his head was over her thigh and he had fallen into swoon three times. When he felt relief his eyes were fixed at the ceiling. He then said: O Allah, along with the high companions (i. e. along with the Apostles who live in the most elevated place of the Paradise). (On hearing these words), I then said (to myself) He is not going to opt us and I remembered a hadith which he had narrated to us as he was healthy and in which he said: No prophet dies until he sees his abode in Paradise, he is then given a choice. 'A'isha said: These were the last words which Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) spoke (the words are): O Allah, with companions on High.

    Muslim :: Book 31 : Hadith 5988
    'A'isha reported: I heard that never a prophet dies until he is given an option to opt the life of (this) world or that of the Hereafter. She further said: I heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) say in his last illness in which he' died. I heard him saying in gruffness of the voice: Along with those persons upon whom Allah bestowed favours from amongst the Apostles, the testifiers of truth, the martyrs, the pious and goodly company are they (iv. 69). (It was on bearing these words) that I thought that he had been given choice (and he opted to live with these pious persons in the Paradise).

    Note : Even Musa a.s and Ibrahim a.s have their own comments during their last moments

    In short he lived in Miracles and his demise was also through Miracles.

    By the Grace of Allah We found that hadith which PROVES as it is claimed in this thread that Allah full filled the the wish of his last Prophet to die as a Martyr

    Astonished to just find a hadith from here on this issue from the Companion Ibn Masud


    Ibn Masud (Allah be pleased with him) felt that the Prophet [peace be upon him] had died as a martyr, the delay in the poison’s effect being a prophetic miracle. Allah Most High thus preserved His beloved Messenger until his mission was completed, and then, to honor him, caused him to die a martyr. [al-Zurqani, Sharh Mawahib Laduniyya]

    NOTE : Hadiths from Ibn Masud :RA: has been especially guaranteed from Prophet himself during his life time
    Last edited by talibilm; 11-21-2017 at 10:30 AM.
    Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned  ?

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    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."

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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

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    Walaikum Salam wr wb , brother, good post with that reference i missed but i will go through it FULLY after my fajar salah inshallah
    Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned  ?

    My Sect : No Sect

    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by OmAbdullah View Post
    The surah Al-Haaqah was revealed at Makkah at a very early stage of the Prophet hood of Muhammad salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam. It was revealed even before Umar rAa entered the fold of Islam. After becoming Prophet, Muhammad salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam remained in Makkah for about 12 and a half year. Then he migrated to madeenah. It was in Madeenah that he came in contact with the Jews. So the poisoning of meat by the Jews happened more than 10 years after the revelation of the surah Al-Haaqah. Then my question is: Why is this surah or its verse connected to the incident of poisoning of the meat by the Jews?

    Jazakallah for referring to the period of revelation of the sura which i normally do but forgot this time. Battle of Khaybar happened in 628 AD while Prophet migrated after 13 years to medina in 622 AD so he's trying his best ( @
    Desire of Ages ) to relate a warning of Allah on the 1st year of the Revelation of Glorious quran to an
    incident about after 18 years through a warning in one of the first revealed suras of Mecca in 610-611 AD even before Caliph Umar became a Muslim (lol) shows their desperate attempts to discredit the Prophet of Islam which CONSEQUENTLY results in discrediting his own selves . By such accusation he had already done a blessing in disguise to the Authenticity of the Prophet BY PROVING that Allah did not severe the Prophet's Aorta for the next 23 years untill his demise CONFIRMING that he was that true last Prophet that the jews were expecting for two millenniums. John the baptist is described as a pure prophet from having any sort of inclinations for women and he was martyred by chopping of his neck which is Martyrdom which is the highest degree of piety, which our Prophet longed and Allah granted that to his habibullah or the beloved of Allah (the title like Khaleelulaah of Ibrahim AS , Kalamullaah of Musa AS) , Prophet Muhammad :saws2: an a Miracle too

    Here's is a copy of imaan star's Quran file intro on the sura Al haqqa 49

    69. Al-Haaqqa (The Reality)
    newreplyphp?dopostreply&ampt134348293 - Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned  ?
    newreplyphp?dopostreply&ampt134348293 - Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned  ? Maududi's Introduction

    The Surah takes its name from the word al-Haaqqah with which it opens.
    Period of Revelation

    This too is one of the earliest surahs to be revealed at Makkah. Its subject matter shows that it was sent down at the time when opposition to the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) had started but had not yet become tyrannical. Musnad Ahmad contains a tradition from Hadrat Umar, saying: "Before embracing Islam one day I came out of my house with a view to causing trouble to the Holy Prophet, but he had entered the Masjid al-Haram before me. When I arrived I found that he was reciting surah Al-Haaqqah in the Prayer. I stood behind him and listened. As he recited the Qur'an I wondered at its literary charm and beauty. Then suddenly an idea came to my mind that he must be a poet as the Quraish alleged. Just at that moment he recited the words: "This is the Word of an honorable Messenger: it is not the word of a poet." I said to myself: Then, he must be a soothsayer, if not a poet. Thereupon be recited the words:"Nor is it the word of a soothsayer: little it is that you reflect. It is a Revelation from the Lord and Sustainer of the worlds. On hearing this Islam entered deep into my heart." This tradition of Hadrat Umar shows that this surah had been sent down long before his acceptance of Islam, for even after this event he did not believe for a long time, and he continued to be influenced in favor of Islam by different incidents from time to time, till at last in the house of his own sister he came by the experience that made him surrender?and submit to the Faith completely. (For details, see introduction to surah Maryam and Introduction to surah Al- Waqiah).
    Theme and Subject Matter

    The first section (vv. 1-37) is about the Hereafter and the second (vv. 38-52) about the Qur'an's being a revelation from Allah and the Holy Prophet's being a true Messenger of Allah.
    The first section opens with the assertion that the coming of the Resurrection and the occurrence of the Hereafter is a truth which has to take place inevitably. Then in vv. 4-12, it has been stated that the communities that denied the Hereafter in the past became worthy of Allah's scourge ultimately. In vv. 13-17 the occurrence of Resurrection has been depicted. In vv. 18-37 the real object for which Allah has destined a second life for mankind after the present worldly life has been enunciated. In it we are told that on that Day all men shall appear in the Court of their Lord, where no secret of theirs shall remain hidden each man's record will be placed in his hand. Those who had spent lives in the world with the realization that one day they would have to render an account of their deeds before their Lord, and who had worked righteously in the world and provided beforehand for their well being in the Hereafter, will rejoice when they see that they have been acquitted and blessed with the eternal bliss of Paradise. On the contrary, those who neither recognized the rights of Allah, nor discharged the rights of men, will have no one to save them from the punishment of Allah, and they will be cast into Hell.
    In the second section (vv. 38-52) the disbelievers of Makkah have been addressed and told: "You think this Qur'an is the word of a poet or soothsayer, whereas it is a Revelation sent dawn by Allah, which is being presented by the noble Messengers. The Messenger by himself had no power to increase or decrease a word in it. If he forges something of his own composition into it, We will cut off his neck-vein (or heart- vein). For this is the Truth absolute and pure: and those who give it a lie, will have ultimately to regret and repent.

    Last edited by talibilm; 01-04-2018 at 10:38 PM.
    Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned  ?

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    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

    The wisdom behind the calamities that befell the Prophets

    Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned  ?

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    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
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    Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

    Unfortunately, yes, because of a the stupidity of Jewish lady, here’s a story. Muhammad died in 632 A.D. He died as a result of being poisoned following his attack upon and conquest of the Jewish settlement of Khaibar. About 2 month before his attack on Khaibar Muhammad failed in an attempt to go to Mecca. This failure resulted in the Treaty of Hudaybiyya with the Meccans. He returned humiliated in the eyes of the Meccans and in the minds of his people. To lift their defeated spirit, Muhammad told his followers that the events at Hudaybiyya were really a victory. In fact, another convenient "revelation" was given to Muhammad as proof that it really was a victory (Sura 48:1). However, God was not able to deliver the Meccan's goods as booty, so Muhammad told his followers that they were going to attack and plunder the weaker Jewish settlement of Khaibar.

    About 6 weeks later Muhammad led his army and attacked the Jews while they were on their way to work on their date palms. Khaibar was a settlement defended by a number of forts spread apart from each other. One by one Muhammad's army took the forts. Finally, the last few surrendered to him. Muhammad had several of the leaders of the Jewish settlement beheaded, one leader (Kinana) was tortured to reveal where buried treasure was hidden. Then when Kinana was near death, Muhammad commanded that he be beheaded. Many of the women and children were enslaved. Muhammad even took the most beautiful woman for himself and married her (Safiyah).

    Some of Khaibar's residents made a deal with Muhammad. Instead of enslaving them, which would leave the rich orchards of Khaibar to go untended and unproductive, the Jews would give Muhammad and the Muslims 1/2 of all of what they produced. Muhammad accepted the deal, with the stipulation that they could be expelled at his slightest whim. Years later, Umar expelled the last remaining Jews from Khaibar.

    Immediately following the conquest of Khaibar, a Jewish woman prepared a dinner for Muhammad and some of his men. Unknown to the Muslims was that she had put a poison into the lamb (some say goat) that was served at dinner. Muhammad ate some of the poisoned lamb and died as a result three years later.
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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    Unfortunately, yes, because of a the stupidity of Jewish lady, here’s a story. Muhammad died in 632 A.D. He died as a result of being poisoned following his attack upon and conquest of the Jewish settlement of Khaibar. About 2 month before his attack on Khaibar Muhammad failed in an attempt to go to Mecca. This failure resulted in the Treaty of Hudaybiyya with the Meccans. He returned humiliated in the eyes of the Meccans and in the minds of his people. To lift their defeated spirit, Muhammad told his followers that the events at Hudaybiyya were really a victory. In fact, another convenient "revelation" was given to Muhammad as proof that it really was a victory (Sura 48:1). However, God was not able to deliver the Meccan's goods as booty, so Muhammad told his followers that they were going to attack and plunder the weaker Jewish settlement of Khaibar.

    About 6 weeks later Muhammad led his army and attacked the Jews while they were on their way to work on their date palms. Khaibar was a settlement defended by a number of forts spread apart from each other. One by one Muhammad's army took the forts. Finally, the last few surrendered to him. Muhammad had several of the leaders of the Jewish settlement beheaded, one leader (Kinana) was tortured to reveal where buried treasure was hidden. Then when Kinana was near death, Muhammad commanded that he be beheaded. Many of the women and children were enslaved. Muhammad even took the most beautiful woman for himself and married her (Safiyah).

    Some of Khaibar's residents made a deal with Muhammad. Instead of enslaving them, which would leave the rich orchards of Khaibar to go untended and unproductive, the Jews would give Muhammad and the Muslims 1/2 of all of what they produced. Muhammad accepted the deal, with the stipulation that they could be expelled at his slightest whim. Years later, Umar expelled the last remaining Jews from Khaibar.

    Immediately following the conquest of Khaibar, a Jewish woman prepared a dinner for Muhammad and some of his men. Unknown to the Muslims was that she had put a poison into the lamb (some say goat) that was served at dinner. Muhammad ate some of the poisoned lamb and died as a result three years later.
    Boy where did you take this from , its lies presented as a sweet pill. Khaybar was not attacked to plunder, Muslims NEVER EVER DID that.!!

    Khaybar was attacked in 628 AD after the battle of Trench (March 627 AD – April 627) AD since it were those Jews at Khaybar (who once lived in Medina and tried to kill Prophet with a Big rock but the great Prophet of Mercy still forgave them -instead of execution- ordered the the jews to evacuate Medina with their belongings (unlike meccans did with the Muslims who snatched away every muslim his rightful wealth ONLY because he accepted islam ) and they settled at Khaybar) who was soley responsible for Mobilising a 4 fold army in the battle of trench.

    So beware of taking info from Fake muslim sites
    Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned  ?

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    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    Boy where did you take this from , its lies presented as a sweet pill. Khaybar was not attacked to plunder, Muslims NEVER EVER DID that.!!

    Khaybar was attacked in 628 AD after the battle of Trench (March 627 AD – April 627) AD since it were those Jews at Khaybar (who once lived in Medina and tried to kill Prophet with a Big rock but the great Prophet of Mercy still forgave them -instead of execution- ordered the the jews to evacuate Medina with their belongings (unlike meccans did with the Muslims who snatched away every muslim his rightful wealth ONLY because he accepted islam ) and they settled at Khaybar) who was soley responsible for Mobilising a 4 fold army in the battle of trench.

    So beware of taking info from Fake muslim sites
    Sorry, I thought it was true.
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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    Sorry, I thought it was true.
    And those sites which claim that Prophet with his Companions plundered Caravans are again lies since its those Caravans of camels and live stock WHICH WERE THOSE GOODS THOSE MECCANS SEIZED FROM THE PURE HEARTED MUSLIMS WHO LEFT THEIR BIRTH NATIVE PLACE (MECCA) AFTER GRUEL HARDSHIP OF 13 YEARS who were snatched away every penny and in some cases even their most beloved toddlers from their Mothers . So the small skirmishes were all regarding it and when muslims got information of a Bigger Caravan with so & so Culprit (meccan ) who seized their property is on the way to exchange it for arms (to fight Muslims again) Prophet ordered to recoup back their rightful wealth from those day light robbers so the Muslims raided that Caravan but instead the Meccans had CUNNINGLY OR CLEVERLY plotted a big army behind of 1000 strong with arms to protect those caravans since they know those caravans had those Muslims's Property and its 100% fair for the owner muslims to fight to reclaim them back , which resulted in Battle of Badr one year after emigrating from Mecca where the Muslims were almost not armed since their intention was not to fight and kill those worst people but to take back their rightful wealth ( wow, sweet Muslims , if Nazi was there he would minced them in pieces )that the day light Robbers had snatched away from the Muslims while in their desperate situation to emigrate to Medina.

    But see How Great was Allah, THE All Powerful !! to give a victory for the 313 malnourished muslims out of which more than 30 % consisted of old at 94 years and kids with sticks and a few swords to win the three fold fully armed army of Strong Men on their Horses & camels!!
    Last edited by talibilm; 01-07-2018 at 12:12 AM.
    Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned  ?

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    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

    Jabir ibn Abdullah used to say that a Jewess from the inhabitants of Khaybar poisoned a roasted sheep and presented it to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) who took its foreleg and ate from it. A group of his companions also ate with him.

    The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) then said: Take your hands away (from the food). The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) then sent someone to the Jewess and he called her.

    He said to her: Have you poisoned this sheep? The Jewess replied: Who has informed you? He said: This foreleg which I have in my hand has informed me. (Abu Dawud)

    He asked, “Have you poisoned this sheep?” They said, “Yes.” He asked, “What made you do so?” They said, “We wanted to know if you were a liar in which case we would get rid of you, and if you are a prophet then the poison would not harm you.” (Bukhari)

    How about this one?
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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    Jabir ibn Abdullah used to say that a Jewess from the inhabitants of Khaybar poisoned a roasted sheep and presented it to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) who took its foreleg and ate from it. A group of his companions also ate with him.

    The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) then said: Take your hands away (from the food). The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) then sent someone to the Jewess and he called her.

    He said to her: Have you poisoned this sheep? The Jewess replied: Who has informed you? He said: This foreleg which I have in my hand has informed me. (Abu Dawud)

    He asked, “Have you poisoned this sheep?” They said, “Yes.” He asked, “What made you do so?” They said, “We wanted to know if you were a liar in which case we would get rid of you, andif you are a prophet then the poison would not harm you.” (Bukhari)

    How about this one?
    The red bolded words affirms that they could not kill Prophet Muhammad who lived another 4 years with healthy perfect life (not paralysed) proving he is the Prophet. Even when Prophet was absolutely in Good health & shape he Prophesied his own nearing demise before 3-4 months in the last Haj sermon as inthe link here

    100 Miracles of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

    '' ''After praising and thanking Allah the Prophet (saws) said:

    “O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...........O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me, and no new faith will be born.Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur’an and my Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray...............''

    Prophet prophesied as above, nearing of his demise (many other incidents, sura 5:3 , 110:1 including the revising of the glorious Quran Twice in his last ramadhan proved that his time to say farewell to this world for good ) and so it happened and as per wish in below hadith he realised the effect of Poison at his last moments which was his wish an EXPLAINED IN MY OP to die as Martyr also Confirmed by his close companion Abdullah Ibn Masud :RA:

    Do You think Allah will not accept his Most Beloved 's dua ??? So it happened as per his wish to die as martyr and as per this hadith

    Muslim (1909) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever asks Allah sincerely for martyrdom, Allaah will cause him to attain the status of the martyr, even if he dies in his bed.”

    If his Martyrdom happened on a battle field that would cause more confusions and as Allah decreed as per wish in the above hadith and the last Nabi of Allah died as a Martyr in his bed on the lap of Mother of the believers Aisha :RA: .

    Those non believers who stand on a Religion of lies will never leave a stone unturned to discredit the Noble Prophet of Allah.
    Last edited by talibilm; 01-07-2018 at 03:02 AM.
    Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned  ?

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    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

    Yes he was poisoned...
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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Desert View Post
    Yes he was poisoned...
    Can you give a true evidence of what you claim?
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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

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    Re: Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Poisoned ?

    I personally don't believe that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم died of poisoning, because its quite far-fetched that the poisoned meat he ate at Khaybar ended up taking effect years later. That's simply impossible.

    The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم may have thought this was the case, but I don't think his statement regarding it was based on divine Revelation; it was his own opinion.
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  3. Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH – Stories of Hazrat Muhammad SAW
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  4. Muhammad (PBUH) the last prophet
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  5. Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)
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