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Sharia Law

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    Raymann's Avatar
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    Sharia Law

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H View Post
    We have all the instructions we need, I am not sure what another prophet could do.
    Muslims claim similarly that Islam provides all the rules necessary for the perfect justice system as well as for every day life in general. Many times I heard that the Islamic scriptures provide the solutions for all modern problems.
    That's a huge claim to make, now, can you back it up and prove it ?
    The answer is "No".
    There has never been a perfect or close to perfect Islamic State.
    I tried to address that claim on one of my "Closed" threads with no convincing answers.None of the more than 50 countries with Muslim majority implements 100% sharia.
    How is that possible ? So perfect that not even Muslims dare to adopt it.
    My personal opinion is that Muslims know deep inside that those regulations would never work in this modern world.They need to be updated, but how ?
    You cannot update and change God's rules with man made ones.
    I would love to see an 100% sharia country.
    Imaging walking thru the streets and noticing people with missing hands, others missing feet and limbs.
    Approaching the park you can witness an adultery stoning.
    Further up the street there is a public execution of a gay person, you cover your eyes from the sun because they're going to drop him from a tall building.
    Just another day in a perfect world.
    How much longer do we have to wait for it ?

    Disclaimer: The previous imaginary scenario is based purely on my own research. No disrespect intended.
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    Zafran's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Freedom of Speech

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Muslims claim similarly that Islam provides all the rules necessary for the perfect justice system as well as for every day life in general. Many times I heard that the Islamic scriptures provide the solutions for all modern problems.
    Nope Utopia is not an Islamic Idea its a post enlightenment one generally led by Marxist or right wingers. Possible roots in Platos republic. Islam Is a holistic religion that has metaphysical, epistemological and ethical commitments which lead straight to to eschatological life. Life is a test and is bound to have testing experiences at hand.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    That's a huge claim to make, now, can you back it up and prove it ?
    The answer is "No".
    You made a claim which no one claimed.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    There has never been a perfect or close to perfect Islamic State.
    what Islamic state exactly? - are you talking about pre nation state empires like Abbasid, Ummayads, mamaluks, Ottomans, Or post colonial nation states like Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia, Nigeria etc etc.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    I tried to address that claim on one of my "Closed" threads with no convincing answers.None of the more than 50 countries with Muslim majority implements 100% sharia
    Sharia is divine law that is not state law - its to do with, belief, action, morality how to wash yourself all the way to rulership, crime and punishment and war and peace. Its a discursive and the application of it is called Fiqh.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    How is that possible ? So perfect that not even Muslims dare to adopt it.
    we do all around the world - I live in the UK and try to live by sharia.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    My personal opinion is that Muslims know deep inside that those regulations would never work in this modern world.They need to be updated, but how ?
    You cannot update and change God's rules with man made ones.
    They work alright we practice it every day.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    You cannot update and change God's rules with man made ones.
    update to what exactly?
    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    I would love to see an 100% sharia country.
    what is a 100% sharia country?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Imaging walking thru the streets and noticing people with missing hands, others missing feet and limbs.
    sounds like the second world war

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Approaching the park you can witness an adultery stoning.
    or Abu Gharib

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Further up the street there is a public execution of a gay person, you cover your eyes from the sun because they're going to drop him from a tall building.
    Just another day in a perfect world.
    Like the US and Gutanamo.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    How much longer do we have to wait for it ?
    To meet God when you die

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Disclaimer: The previous imaginary scenario is based purely on my own research. No disrespect intended.
    wont call it research mostly a giant conjured straw man, That has no bearing on reality.
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    Sharia Law

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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  4. #3
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    Re: Freedom of Speech

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zafran View Post
    Originally Posted by Raymann
    That's a huge claim to make, now, can you back it up and prove it ?
    The answer is "No".
    You made a claim which no one claimed.
    Nop, I didn't make the claim, Muslims made the claim. I don't know enough Islam to do so.

    Sharia: A perfect lifestyle


    This Is What Life Is Like Under Sharia Law

    As you can see I didn't invent the information posted. The claim that Sharia is the perfect system is very popular where I live (New York City), I heard it many times from Muslims. You can read it on the Internet.
    Are you saying that as a Muslim you don't believe is the best system ? Many Muslims would disagree with you.

    All I say and post is based on Internet research and very little from Muslims themselves.
    I've never been in a Muslim country so Youtube is my best research tool.
    You're welcome to prove me wrong, preferably with some good links from reliable sources.
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    eesa the kiwi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Freedom of Speech

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Nop, I didn't make the claim, Muslims made the claim. I don't know enough Islam to do so.

    Sharia: A perfect lifestyle


    This Is What Life Is Like Under Sharia Law

    As you can see I didn't invent the information posted. The claim that Sharia is the perfect system is very popular where I live (New York City), I heard it many times from Muslims. You can read it on the Internet.
    Are you saying that as a Muslim you don't believe is the best system ? Many Muslims would disagree with you.

    All I say and post is based on Internet research and very little from Muslims themselves.
    I've never been in a Muslim country so Youtube is my best research tool.
    You're welcome to prove me wrong, preferably with some good links from reliable sources.
    Way to ignore like 90% of his post dude
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    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Freedom of Speech

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Muslims claim similarly that Islam provides all the rules necessary for the perfect justice system as well as for every day life in general. Many times I heard that the Islamic scriptures provide the solutions for all modern problems.
    That's a huge claim to make, now, can you back it up and prove it ?
    The answer is "No".

    You wont fool anybody with those hasbara lines - they're so mechanical it's like you're working on an assembly line and your hand movements have a synthetic flare of gusto to them as if you're stamping piles of paperwork at a bank.

    There's no point in pretending to ask a question to so many people who can respond and then attempting to declare the results as if you've counted the ballot, it's called insecure psychological manipulation.

    The "huge claim " (an oft-repeated hasbara line you yourself have used before - the purpose is to put any possible responder under pressure by making them feel as if in the dock, to the unsuspecting audience it appears to be an abnormal fantasy which an imaginary claimant is trying too desparately to convince them of like an annoying salesman- a refusal to respond is thereby portrayed as if a claim was made with the exact wording of the hasbara shill) can be backed up once we've turned the tables and dealt with your conniving and deceitful israeli embassy types who thrive off falsehood, sabotage, and subversion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    There has never been a perfect or close to perfect Islamic State.
    You despicable anti-christ liar - the Prophet set up the Islamic state in ten years, and one quarter of the population of the globe are his followers - they got lax somewhere down the line and are suffering the consequences as a result, they are now stirring awake as they realise how they've been had.
    That's why so many corrupt Godless liars show fear and feign indignance when they see people rising up and establishing islamic rule.
    The recent events that took place in egypt are a perfect example of how afraid the usurers puppets are of the people's resolve in re-establishing Islam.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    I tried to address that claim on one of my "Closed" threads with no convincing answers.
    you didn't try to address anything with any faithful objectivity - liar, you simply avoided the correct answers and continued pushing false narratives and heavily propagandised misconceptions like the shill that you are.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    None of the more than 50 countries with Muslim majority implements 100% sharia.
    they will, once they declare war on the usurious banks like God has instructed people to.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    How is that possible ? So perfect that not even Muslims dare to adopt it.
    It's possible because most of them are concerned about the state of their economies and debt situation, the illegal invasion of libya and the rothschild run "bank of de la rue" notes in iraq are a nice example of how such sabotage is perpetrated, once the global fiat money system implodes, they'll have nothing to lose anyway and the people who weren't thinking before will get a chance to think clearly,
    Don't complain once we do.
    Also watch how that puppet trump's "making greater anti-christ israel" backfires, God has promised to send judgements against those tossers 'til the day of judgement.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    My personal opinion is that Muslims know deep inside that those regulations would never work in this modern world.They need to be updated, but how ?
    Again - the signature hasbara method of putting out an opinion, not awaiting views, then talking as if everybody is on a concensus of your fake opinion.

    Muslims know deep inside that they do work, they have studied how rltheir forefathers went wrong and laxed, and are working to establish islam like never before.
    There are an overwhelming number of surveys which clearly demonstrate that adherence to Islam is increasing on a very personal level - to the extent that some usurer puppet governments such as france are seeking ways to prevent it from taking over in a very fluid and natural fashion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    You cannot update and change God's rules with man made ones.
    Please provide an example of which rule - because as far as i know, the requirement is to serve God in truth and with sincerity whilst doing one's best to obey Him. The treacherous jews who had broken the treaty pretended to be shocked when the Prophet started cutting down the trees, Allah confirmed that it was a righteous action in service to Him so that He might disgrace the transgressors.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    I would love to see an 100% sharia country.
    Coming soon inshaAllah If you live to see it that is.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Imaging walking thru the streets and noticing people with missing hands, others missing feet and limbs.
    Are you talking about your friends who are thieves and corrupt politicians? They tend to disappear into the minority and then into obscurity as the justice of Islam which includes just re-distribution of wealth prevails. It all happens in stages, then you won't have any excuse to steal or hand over precious contracts to crooks for a pittance.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Approaching the park you can witness an adultery stoning.
    you'll have to ask the people who claim to uphold the torah and use it as an excuse to steal land and deceive unsuspecting goy on that one, the Prophet initially used it as a ruling after foing to a jewish school and asking the people of the torah, the islamic rulings on the lashing and exiling of unfaithful adulterers still work in preventing the crime and pacifying the victims.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Further up the street there is a public execution of a gay person
    It appears your primary target audience is thieves, corrupt politicians, unfaithful adulterers, and sodomites, i'd probably have a vote whether to apply the prescribed punishment, or to throw you all on a remote island with basic necessities which you'd likely repent on or turn into hell on earth yourselves.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    , you cover your eyes from the sun because they're going to drop him from a tall building.

    It appears that you are talking about the actions of people other than the Prophet who were not applying the judgement of the Quran and sunnah, and the recent ones who were sensationalist black bloc provocateurs attempting to cover the crimes of their puppet paramilitary forces who had thrown respected islamic leaders from rooftops - we can leave those sodomites on that island instead so that it's a habitation for every unclean spirit.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Just another day in a perfect world.
    Your sarcasm appears aimed at obscuring your own insecurities - given the fact that your usurious and deceitful reign of the past century has caused more poverty and bloodshed than ever witnessed in the history of planet earth.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    How much longer do we have to wait for it ?
    For the end of your Godless usurious decadent reign and the establishment of a genuine Islamic state that will do away with the corruption you attempted to falsely attribute to Islam?
    Not long inshaAllah.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Disclaimer: The previous imaginary scenario is based purely on my own research. No disrespect intended.

    I don't think you're an imaginary troll, i think you're real, that you've just trolled the forum like a hasbara shill, and that it is clear from the final "disclaimer" that you believe that none of what you stated was actually real or aimed at advancing to learn anything positive and was rather a false slander aimed at subverting people and wasting their energies.
    I think you should be banned for that and that we need a genuine open vote on it so that the moderators are not overburdened.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 09-21-2018 at 05:42 AM.
    Sharia Law

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  8. #6
    AabiruSabeel's Avatar Administrator
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    Re: Sharia Law

    @Raymann, Sharia law or the outcomes of implementing Sharia law are not as what you have imagined or posted from vice. Muslims had a caliphate until the last century, Sharia was implemented and yet, you do not see any records of "stoning in a park", people missing their limbs and getting thrown from buildings. You have only been watching anti-sharia propaganda.

    Watch these if you really want to understand.

    Read also:

    Islamic Law for 'Primitive' Societies? - Islam21c
    One argument frequently touted against Islām and Muslims is the assertion that Islamic Law was conceived for a primitive era and applying it to our...

    Doubt in Islamic Law - a history of avoiding punishment - Islam21c
    Book Review --Doubt in Islamic Law: A History of Legal Maxims, Interpretation, and Islamic Criminal Law "Avoid imposing criminal sanctions in cases of...
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    Re: Sharia Law

    format_quote Originally Posted by AabiruSabeel View Post
    @Raymann, Sharia law or the outcomes of implementing Sharia law are not as what you have imagined or posted from vice. Muslims had a caliphate until the last century, Sharia was implemented and yet, you do not see any records of "stoning in a park", people missing their limbs and getting thrown from buildings. You have only been watching anti-sharia propaganda.
    Thank you so much for the links, I'm watching the videos right now.
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    Abrahamic_seek's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sharia Law

    This was a very ignorant post. Yes there would be people wothout hands, very fiew. there would sometimes be an adultery stoning. Remember that to stone a person the person has to admitt doing it. In correct sharia, stoning of a person that has been witnessed having sex with a peron of the same gender is very uncommon. Imagine how little crime it would be, how people would be aware of Allah and what peace people would live in. Our society in the west is so dead inside. I'd rather offer the hands of some of the real thieves than to live in a society where people have dead souls. the beauty of lives does not lay in doing whatever you want and having lame punishments. The beauty is in sharia, justice and the rememberence of Allah, the merciful.
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    eesa the kiwi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sharia Law

    This is from @Eric H he messaged me saying he was unable to post this

    A 100% sharia country would be where everyone obeyed the law, and there would be no need for any punishment. There would be no need to steal a loaf of bread to feed your family, because in a kind society people would look after each other; especially the poor.

    Only Allah can bring about justice in a greater good life after death. If there is no god, then all the injustice we witness here on earth can never truthfully be put right. Who else can restore the life of a murdered child?

    In the spirit of praying for justice for all people,
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    keiv's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Freedom of Speech

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    Nop, I didn't make the claim, Muslims made the claim. I don't know enough Islam to do so.

    Sharia: A perfect lifestyle


    This Is What Life Is Like Under Sharia Law

    As you can see I didn't invent the information posted. The claim that Sharia is the perfect system is very popular where I live (New York City), I heard it many times from Muslims. You can read it on the Internet.
    Are you saying that as a Muslim you don't believe is the best system ? Many Muslims would disagree with you.

    All I say and post is based on Internet research and very little from Muslims themselves.
    I've never been in a Muslim country so Youtube is my best research tool.
    You're welcome to prove me wrong, preferably with some good links from reliable sources.
    In regards to the vimeo video, what about it do you disagree with? Just curious
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  14. #11
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    Re: Sharia Law

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abrahamic_seek View Post
    there would sometimes be an adultery stoning. Remember that to stone a person the person has to admit doing it. In correct sharia, stoning of a person that has been witnessed having sex with a person of the same gender is very uncommon.
    There is one dilema, every Muslim woman that is raped, would not even bother pressing charges against the rapist.
    Why ? As you mention, to prove adultery 4 witnesses are needed (very unlikely possibility) but pressing charges against a rapist is admitting adultery. So I don't see how justice is accomplished here. Men know very well the rules and I'm pretty sure they're taking full advantage of the flaws.
    Another problem are foreign women who don't dress appropriately to Islamic standards, they get raped all the time and by not knowing the rules they press charges and get charged with adultery.
    Lucky for them 100% sharia is not implemented so they pay with a few years in jail. Totally unfair.
    Bottom line, the statistics might say there is very low crime rate but reality is a total different thing.
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    Re: Sharia Law

    First of all please don't put on zakir naik. Also, sharia actually has many interpretations, its not as clear cut as you'd think. Thirdly i recommend checking out a tumblr blog called partytilfajr. He studied sharia and actually talks about how it would work etc.
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    Re: Sharia Law

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    but pressing charges against a rapist is admitting adultery
    what the?????
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    Sharia Law

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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  17. #14
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    Re: Sharia Law

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zafran View Post
    Originally Posted by Raymann
    but pressing charges against a rapist is admitting adultery

    what the?????



    Did that answered it?
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  19. #15
    AabiruSabeel's Avatar Administrator
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    Re: Sharia Law

    format_quote Originally Posted by Raymann View Post
    There is one dilema, every Muslim woman that is raped, would not even bother pressing charges against the rapist.
    Why ? As you mention, to prove adultery 4 witnesses are needed (very unlikely possibility) but pressing charges against a rapist is admitting adultery. So I don't see how justice is accomplished here. Men know very well the rules and I'm pretty sure they're taking full advantage of the flaws.
    Another problem are foreign women who don't dress appropriately to Islamic standards, they get raped all the time and by not knowing the rules they press charges and get charged with adultery.
    Lucky for them 100% sharia is not implemented so they pay with a few years in jail. Totally unfair.
    Bottom line, the statistics might say there is very low crime rate but reality is a total different thing.
    Wasn't this already answered in your previous thread? Rape and adultery are two different crimes in Islamic law.

    If you are willing to read more, then here are some more explanations for you:

    Rape and fornication are totally different categories in Islamic law - Islam web - English Rape and fornication are totally different categories in Islamic law In another fatwa you have basically put the act of rape under the category of zin.....

    Your specific examples from Dubai and Qatar are also explained there.
    Last edited by AabiruSabeel; 06-13-2023 at 01:58 PM. Reason: One link removed
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    Re: Sharia Law

    format_quote Originally Posted by AabiruSabeel View Post
    Wasn't this already answered in your previous thread? Rape and adultery are two different crimes in Islamic law.
    I was responding to someone who maybe didn't read my post about rape. I don't have a problem repeating over and over the same thing to different people who didn't participated in other threads.
    Rape can be address as a particular topic and also as part of Sharia Law. Rape, adultery, fornication are topics very much in our daily lives right now so I don't see why we should restrain ourselves from talking about what we want to talk.
    Is there a certain limit to what we can say if we are not being offensive nor disrespectful to anybody ?
    By the way that thread was not very satisfying to me in terms of getting answers. People kept avoiding giving straight answers by asking me to find statistics and asking me a million questions in order to deflect having to answer very simple questions.
    I abandoned that thread when my posts stopped being approved with no explanation.

    - - - Updated - - -

    format_quote Originally Posted by keiv View Post
    In regards to the vimeo video, what about it do you disagree with? Just curious
    Which one is the vimeo video ?
    Last edited by Raymann; 09-22-2018 at 06:04 AM.
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  21. #17
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    Re: Sharia Law

    Something just popped in my head and since we're dealing with sharia law I'll ask.
    What happens if two policeman find an unmarried couple having sex hidden in a park?
    The couple would immediately denied having sex.
    Adultery requires four witnesses but these witnesses are policeman.
    Are four witnesses still required for an adultery accusation in this case.

    I just realized my mistake, an unmarried couple having unlawful sex is not adultery but fornication.
    So in that case four witnesses are not needed and the two policemen are enough.

    Last edited by Raymann; 09-22-2018 at 08:47 AM.
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    Re: Sharia Law

    Sharia is not just to punish the sexual crimes. It is a form of regime which was prescribed by our Creator and His Messenger. So it is ofcourse perfect but just because we humans are not it is not 100% correctly applied today. It is easy logic. When Mahdi comes he will 100% correctly apply it. If you live long enough you can see.
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  23. #19
    xboxisdead's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Freedom of Speech

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    You wont fool anybody with those hasbara lines - they're so mechanical it's like you're working on an assembly line and your hand movements have a synthetic flare of gusto to them as if you're stamping piles of paperwork at a bank.

    There's no point in pretending to ask a question to so many people who can respond and then attempting to declare the results as if you've counted the ballot, it's called insecure psychological manipulation.

    The "huge claim " (an oft-repeated hasbara line you yourself have used before - the purpose is to put any possible responder under pressure by making them feel as if in the dock, to the unsuspecting audience it appears to be an abnormal fantasy which an imaginary claimant is trying too desparately to convince them of like an annoying salesman- a refusal to respond is thereby portrayed as if a claim was made with the exact wording of the hasbara shill) can be backed up once we've turned the tables and dealt with your conniving and deceitful israeli embassy types who thrive off falsehood, sabotage, and subversion.

    You despicable anti-christ liar - the Prophet set up the Islamic state in ten years, and one quarter of the population of the globe are his followers - they got lax somewhere down the line and are suffering the consequences as a result, they are now stirring awake as they realise how they've been had.
    That's why so many corrupt Godless liars show fear and feign indignance when they see people rising up and establishing islamic rule.
    The recent events that took place in egypt are a perfect example of how afraid the usurers puppets are of the people's resolve in re-establishing Islam.

    you didn't try to address anything with any faithful objectivity - liar, you simply avoided the correct answers and continued pushing false narratives and heavily propagandised misconceptions like the shill that you are.

    they will, once they declare war on the usurious banks like God has instructed people to.

    It's possible because most of them are concerned about the state of their economies and debt situation, the illegal invasion of libya and the rothschild run "bank of de la rue" notes in iraq are a nice example of how such sabotage is perpetrated, once the global fiat money system implodes, they'll have nothing to lose anyway and the people who weren't thinking before will get a chance to think clearly,
    Don't complain once we do.
    Also watch how that puppet trump's "making greater anti-christ israel" backfires, God has promised to send judgements against those tossers 'til the day of judgement.

    Again - the signature hasbara method of putting out an opinion, not awaiting views, then talking as if everybody is on a concensus of your fake opinion.

    Muslims know deep inside that they do work, they have studied how rltheir forefathers went wrong and laxed, and are working to establish islam like never before.
    There are an overwhelming number of surveys which clearly demonstrate that adherence to Islam is increasing on a very personal level - to the extent that some usurer puppet governments such as france are seeking ways to prevent it from taking over in a very fluid and natural fashion.

    Please provide an example of which rule - because as far as i know, the requirement is to serve God in truth and with sincerity whilst doing one's best to obey Him. The treacherous jews who had broken the treaty pretended to be shocked when the Prophet started cutting down the trees, Allah confirmed that it was a righteous action in service to Him so that He might disgrace the transgressors.

    Coming soon inshaAllah If you live to see it that is.

    Are you talking about your friends who are thieves and corrupt politicians? They tend to disappear into the minority and then into obscurity as the justice of Islam which includes just re-distribution of wealth prevails. It all happens in stages, then you won't have any excuse to steal or hand over precious contracts to crooks for a pittance.

    you'll have to ask the people who claim to uphold the torah and use it as an excuse to steal land and deceive unsuspecting goy on that one, the Prophet initially used it as a ruling after foing to a jewish school and asking the people of the torah, the islamic rulings on the lashing and exiling of unfaithful adulterers still work in preventing the crime and pacifying the victims.

    It appears your primary target audience is thieves, corrupt politicians, unfaithful adulterers, and sodomites, i'd probably have a vote whether to apply the prescribed punishment, or to throw you all on a remote island with basic necessities which you'd likely repent on or turn into hell on earth yourselves.

    It appears that you are talking about the actions of people other than the Prophet who were not applying the judgement of the Quran and sunnah, and the recent ones who were sensationalist black bloc provocateurs attempting to cover the crimes of their puppet paramilitary forces who had thrown respected islamic leaders from rooftops - we can leave those sodomites on that island instead so that it's a habitation for every unclean spirit.

    Your sarcasm appears aimed at obscuring your own insecurities - given the fact that your usurious and deceitful reign of the past century has caused more poverty and bloodshed than ever witnessed in the history of planet earth.

    For the end of your Godless usurious decadent reign and the establishment of a genuine Islamic state that will do away with the corruption you attempted to falsely attribute to Islam?
    Not long inshaAllah.

    I don't think you're an imaginary troll, i think you're real, that you've just trolled the forum like a hasbara shill, and that it is clear from the final "disclaimer" that you believe that none of what you stated was actually real or aimed at advancing to learn anything positive and was rather a false slander aimed at subverting people and wasting their energies.
    I think you should be banned for that and that we need a genuine open vote on it so that the moderators are not overburdened.
    I like you brother

    I WISH I could have met you in real life and we could have been friends in real life!! Such strength and common sense and not afraid to speak your mind!!
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    Re: Sharia Law

    Another post from @Eric H

    Greetings and peace be with you Raymann,

    The law of Allah is a profound subject; it should deter people from breaking the law, if you don’t want to get stoned to death, then don’t commit adultery. A real believer would fear Allah and not break any of the laws; we should fear Allah more than we fear getting caught by any law enforcement.

    I think law and justice are very different subjects, the person who has been murdered or raped can never get justice, they cannot be un – killed or un - raped. The most that can happen is if the perpetrator is caught, they can be punished.

    Punishment just means one more person suffers; it is not the same as justice. Only Allah can grant true justice in a greater good life after death.

    In the spirit of praying for justice for all people,
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