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Where can I get real answers?

  1. #1
    Eddy's Avatar
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    Where can I get real answers?

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    I have been studying Islam for a few years now.
    I don't know if that is going to lead me to Islam or push me away from it.
    I have asked questions in all sort of Islamic sites and usually end up having discussions which end up by people stop the discussion or the site close the discussion or kick me out of the site.
    At that point I assume I won the discussion and my initial suspicion was right to the point no one can no longer challenge me.
    That could make me feel good but I would prefer to have the official Islamic word about what I'm asking.
    The answer usually is: I should go to a scholar.
    Now how do I do that online?Are there scholars answering questions to Muslims and non Muslims online?
    Can you point me in that direction?
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    You can search online for "ask an Islamic scholar" or something like that and there are dozens of results that come up. You can try local mosques if you have any. If not, you can always go old school and travel if you genuinely want to seek knowledge.

    I just want to point out one thing. If your intention is to learn, than stop looking at any discussion you have as some kind of competition. Many people have varying levels of education about Islam. If someone does not have the answer to a question you ask, it doesn't mean that you won, whatever that's supposed to mean anyways. Islam has been around for over 1400 years. Many opponents of the religion have come and gone, all failed to disprove the religion. To think that you, of all people, suddenly has the unchallenged questions on Islam, is quite arrogant to be honest.
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    Eddy's Avatar
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    format_quote Originally Posted by keiv View Post
    Islam has been around for over 1400 years. Many opponents of the religion have come and gone, all failed to disprove the religion. To think that you, of all people, suddenly has the unchallenged questions on Islam, is quite arrogant to be honest.
    It is also very arrogant of you to assume all opponents of the religion have failed to disprove it. Don't you think?
    People leave Islam everyday and I'm sure all of them have come to the conclusion the religion is false.
    Obviously they cannot prove it but neither can you prove it is real.
    It is a matter of faith primarily but there has to be some logic to it.
    That is why we ask questions, to fulfill that necessity that there has to be some logic behind it.
    It would be unfair to rule Islam out before getting a final answer from someone with authority.
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    DogLover's Avatar Limited Member
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    My reply to "Where can I get real answer?" threat


    *due to lack of ability to write a response in existing thread, I created new one as an answer in accordance with forum rules.*

    Your intentions are unclear, whether you want to learn something about faith or just trying to disprove it.

    First of all, some people like asking questions related to particular quote from the scripture or other religious sources. In that case, the best option is to ask someone with enough knowledge to receive a proper answer. For example, if you really want to learn about Islam and have a question related to particular quote in the Qur'an or Hadith, you should ask a scholar or visit an Imam at your local mosque.

    You should also expect comments like that from other people. No one wants to misguide you or give you inaccurate answer. The goal here is not to challenge other people, win debates and have pride, but to educate ourselves. We have our own understanding and unique interpretations of the existence of God.

    About people leaving Islam, I have a quote for you from the Qur'an:

    "O you who have believed, whoever of you should revert from his religion - Allah will bring forth [in place of them] a people He will love and who will love Him [who are] humble toward the believers, powerful against the disbelievers; they strive in the cause of Allah and do not fear the blame of a critic. That is the favor of Allah; He bestows it upon whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing."
    (Al-Maaida 5: Verse 54)

    If someone leaves Islam, God will replace the loss with another one who will believe in Him and follow His guidance. To prove this point, I have something for you to share.

    I testify without any compulsion, that there is only One God worthy of worship and Muhammad is His last and final Messenger.
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    Eddy's Avatar
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    In response to DogLover on another thread:
    format_quote Originally Posted by DogLover View Post
    *due to lack of ability to write a response in existing thread, I created new one as an answer in accordance with forum rules.*
    I'm not that surprised. I couldn't answer to your message either.
    format_quote Originally Posted by DogLover View Post
    Your intentions are unclear, whether you want to learn something about faith or just trying to disprove it.
    I do not believe God exist, I 100% don't believe God exist, I do believe God is a man made fantasy.
    But, what I believe could be absolutely wrong, I have been wrong many times and I'm sure I'll be wrong again.
    Does God exist?
    How do I find out?
    Please, I don't want to hear I need to be sincere about it.
    That is the most common and most ridiculous advice, "be sincere"
    No hidden agendas, I want to know if Islam is real and I have to prove it to myself so I can be at peace with myself. I want to believe in God but only if God exists.
    I might look like an islamophobe to you and others but everyone who test and challenges Islam is usually called an "islamophobe", isn't that right?
    I read the Quran, the hadith, the tafsir and I participate in many Islamic discussions.
    When I find something that my logic doesn't let me continue, I have to ask.
    How come something doesn't make sense to me but Muslims find all kinds of explanations for it?
    Are they brainwashed and cannot see the truth or is it me who cannot see what they see?
    Many doubts, many unanswered questions.
    By the way, I sent some questions to the so called scholars and none of them has responded to me.
    Go figure.
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    Hello Eddy,

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
    Does God exist?
    How do I find out?
    Please, I don't want to hear I need to be sincere about it.
    That is the most common and most ridiculous advice, "be sincere"
    No hidden agendas, I want to know if Islam is real and I have to prove it to myself so I can be at peace with myself. I want to believe in God but only if God exists.
    God has given mankind many signs and evidences to believe. The Qur'an asks us to think and reflect, and gives us reasons as to why we should worship God. But the internal state of man plays a crucial role in how he responds to the message, whether that is a problem in the heart such as arrogance, pride and envy; whether it relates to having no concern regarding the possibility of an Afterlife; or other factors. Thus, it is important not to underestimate the need to have a sound heart in the search for the truth.

    When you find something you don't understand then certainly you can ask. It may be that the scholars you contacted are very busy and it may take time to answer the questions you submitted. As for things not making sense to you yet making sense to others; ultimately, guidance comes from God and He guides whomsoever He wishes. Keep asking God to guide you and do everything you can to eliminate factors that might impede you from receiving guidance.

    May God guide you and open your heart to the Truth, Ameen.
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  9. #7
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
    I have been studying Islam for a few years now.
    I don't know if that is going to lead me to Islam or push me away from it.
    I have asked questions in all sort of Islamic sites and usually end up having discussions which end up by people stop the discussion or the site close the discussion or kick me out of the site.
    At that point I assume I won the discussion and my initial suspicion was right to the point no one can no longer challenge me.
    That could make me feel good but I would prefer to have the official Islamic word about what I'm asking.
    The answer usually is: I should go to a scholar.
    Now how do I do that online?Are there scholars answering questions to Muslims and non Muslims online?
    Can you point me in that direction?
    The clue about your real intentions are in the paragraph above where you mentioned the word "challenge". This is a clear indication that you're not really wanting to learn about Islam with an open mind and heart and have already arrogantly made up your mind. Therefore what you are really trying to do is to try to fill the huge void in your heart and in your life by trying to satisfy yourself that you've "challenged" Islam and Muslims and supposedly "won". Therefore you would feel that in your own mind that you've proven Islam to be false. Hence why your now trying to seek out "higher scholarly authorities" in the religion to further give your self this sense of false self satisfaction.

    However in reality you will never be satisfied and you will never be able to fill that void in your heart and in your life until you rid yourself of your arrogance and look into Islam with a completely open mind and heart. How can a closed heart filled to the brim with arrogance accept any goodness in it?

    You say you "may" be wrong about Islam. Well if you are then you are risking a terrible torment. Surely that is a huge gamble. In any case it is pointless for you to be seeking out "higher scholarly authorities" in Islam when your mind is already made up and your heart is already sealed by your own arrogance. Hence why the only way forward for you now is to get rid of this arrogance that is holding you back from seeing and perceiving clearly. Then look into the Qur'an with a completely open mind and heart:


    Also for the next few nights before you sleep, raise your hands and ask for a sign or indication in your life that Islam is the truth. What have you got to lose by doing so since you've already stated that you've spent years researching Islam:

    And your Lord says, Call upon Me, I will answer you, surely those who are too proud for My service shall soon enter hell abased” (Quran 40:60).

    However those whose hearts, minds, ears and senses are already blinded by arrogance will never be able to perceive any signs nor receive guidance.

    It shall be said: Enter the gates of hell to abide therein; so evil is the abode of the proud” (Quran 39:72).

    Thus does Allah set a seal over the heart of every proud, haughty one” (Quran 40:35).

    “…so (as for) those who do not believe in the hereafter, their hearts are ignorant and they are proud” (Quran 16:22).

    Then as for those who believe and do good, He will pay them fully their rewards and give them more out of His grace, and as for those who disdain and are proud, He will chastise them with a painful chastisement” (Quran 4:172-173).

    And the servants of the Beneficent God are they who walk on the earth in humbleness…” (Quran 25: 63).

    Therefore whether you decide to open up your mind and heart to the possibility that Islam could be true then that is your own decision. But if you continue to arrogantly reject Islam then it is only your own loss and a huge one at that!

    Say : O ye that reject Faith!
    I worship not that which ye worship,
    Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
    And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
    Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
    To you be your Way, and to me mine. (Qur'an 109)
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 03-14-2022 at 09:24 PM.
    Where can I get real answers?

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    Re: My reply to "Where can I get real answer?" threat

    format_quote Originally Posted by DogLover View Post

    *due to lack of ability to write a response in existing thread, I created new one as an answer in accordance with forum rules.*

    Your intentions are unclear, whether you want to learn something about faith or just trying to disprove it.

    First of all, some people like asking questions related to particular quote from the scripture or other religious sources. In that case, the best option is to ask someone with enough knowledge to receive a proper answer. For example, if you really want to learn about Islam and have a question related to particular quote in the Qur'an or Hadith, you should ask a scholar or visit an Imam at your local mosque.

    You should also expect comments like that from other people. No one wants to misguide you or give you inaccurate answer. The goal here is not to challenge other people, win debates and have pride, but to educate ourselves. We have our own understanding and unique interpretations of the existence of God.

    About people leaving Islam, I have a quote for you from the Qur'an:

    "O you who have believed, whoever of you should revert from his religion - Allah will bring forth [in place of them] a people He will love and who will love Him [who are] humble toward the believers, powerful against the disbelievers; they strive in the cause of Allah and do not fear the blame of a critic. That is the favor of Allah; He bestows it upon whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing."
    (Al-Maaida 5: Verse 54)

    If someone leaves Islam, God will replace the loss with another one who will believe in Him and follow His guidance. To prove this point, I have something for you to share.

    I testify without any compulsion, that there is only One God worthy of worship and Muhammad is His last and final Messenger.

    Welcome to Islam

    May Allah bless you
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza Asadullah View Post
    The clue about your real intentions are in the paragraph above where you mentioned the word "challenge". This is a clear indication that you're not really wanting to learn about Islam with an open mind and heart and have already arrogantly made up your mind.
    After spending almost 3 years reading about Islam I can say categorically that you are wrong.
    I do want to learn about Islam and I do want to know if God exists. The fact that so far I haven't found any real reasons that convince me don't mean I don't want to.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza Asadullah View Post
    However in reality you will never be satisfied and you will never be able to fill that void in your heart and in your life until you rid yourself of your arrogance and look into Islam with a completely open mind and heart.
    I can assure you that the only void in my heart only last a few minutes when I realize my tennis game has been cancelled or the rain ruins an outdoor concert I was schedule to assist.Being an atheist means there is no reason to fear any after life consequences for not believing in God. Therefore a can assure you my heart is just fine and I am satisfy with life in general.I'm a westerner who doesn't know about living in poverty, or living with disabilities or living under an oppressive regime. Trying to find if God exists has no relation with any discontent about my personal life.Being an atheist (unlike what you might think) doesn't make your life meaningless nor makes your morals weaker than the morals of a theist.
    My quest to find God will continue, in the meantime I'll keep enjoying all that life has to offer.
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    Hmmmm... you're sure God doesn't exist, but still searching for Him; You're sure Islam is fake, but still asking questions and trying to prove yourself wrong; you're satisfied with your western, materialistic rich life after West robbed all other parts of the world, and still robbing, enslaving, stealing, invading, mass killing so that you'd be happy with your life and you feel no void except for your game being canceled...

    You're a weirdo!
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    @Eddy , I am wondering, what would religion add to your life? You do as you please, you go where you want to go. The only restrictions you have are the ones you place on yourself, so don't you feel free? What is the benefit to finding out whether God exists or not, or whether Islam is the truth? I'm curious.
    Where can I get real answers?

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  15. #12
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma* View Post
    I am wondering, what would religion add to your life?
    You do as you please, you go where you want to go.
    The only restrictions you have are the ones you place on yourself, so don't you feel free?
    What is the benefit to finding out whether God exists or not, or whether Islam is the truth?
    I'm curious.
    If God exists then we live in a total different world.
    If God exists and he created us and he established some rules of behavior to conduct ourselves while in his world then we have to know what are those rules.
    Personally I would hate having to pray 5 times a day, and following a strict code of dressing, a strict code of eating, a strict code of behavior and all kinds of other rules in order to please our creator but if this creator exists then we have little choice.
    If a creator exists and our after life depends on following all these rules then we have to do it.
    I live a wonderful life not believing in a creator but what if this creator really exists?
    More than 2 billion Christians believe in God, about 1.6 Muslims believe in Allah and countless other religion people believe in a creator.
    You can call me arrogant for believing they're all wrong and I'm right but I'm not the only one.But even I can use some common sense and allow myself to investigate why all these people believe in this God thing.
    So that's where I am right now, investigating why are you so sure this God is real?
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
    Being an atheist means there is no reason to fear any after life consequences for not believing in God. Therefore a can assure you my heart is just fine and I am satisfy with life in general.
    That is exactly the point Eddy. From your perspective, it only SEEMS like you have nothing to fear any after life consequences. You have every reason to have fear, but it is ignored because you do not believe in it.
    We have no gain in whether you convert yourself to Islam or not. Neither are we warning you this intensely, because we like to play the authority or whatever.
    We just don't want people to burn what we possibly could have prevented. That is all.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
    I'm a westerner who doesn't know about living in poverty, or living with disabilities or living under an oppressive regime. Trying to find if God exists has no relation with any discontent about my personal life.
    Being an atheist (unlike what you might think) doesn't make your life meaningless nor makes your morals weaker than the morals of a theist.
    My quest to find God will continue, in the meantime I'll keep enjoying all that life has to offer.
    It doesn't make your life meaningless because you are ignoring the fundamental questions in your head like
    where does life take me to?
    What is my quest on this world?
    What happens to me when I die?

    metaforically, you suddenly find yourself in a speeding train called "LIFE", but you never asked yourself the questions
    -How did I get on this train?
    -Why am I on this train?
    -Where am I heading?
    -What happens when I arrive at my destination?

    As an atheist you just sit in the train, "enjoying" the ride, occupy yourself with other purposes or "meanings of life" like staring out the window, going to the toilet, maybe small talk with a fellow passenger, playing a game on your phone...or whatever.....but not thinking about the questions that actually matter.
    which is not natural...or actually quite disturbing.
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    The search for God

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
    I want to believe in God but only if God exists.
    Sorry not able to reply in your thread.

    I was in my late forties when I felt the need to search for God; it was a three year journey.

    The first convincing evidence for me; was to challenge how evolution could happen without God. How could the eye and the skeletal system evolve from single cell life? Despite all the millions or billions of generations in between; I could not see a path without design.

    Science is not able to show a clear path from single cell life to the life we see today. The fossil evidence seems biased in the way it is interpreted.

    May God bless you on your journey,
    Where can I get real answers?

    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Flos View Post
    Hmmmm... you're sure God doesn't exist, but still searching for Him; You're sure Islam is fake, but still asking questions and trying to prove yourself wrong;
    People do this all the time, why are you so surprised?
    Muslims leave Islam everyday after asking questions and coming to the conclusion Islam is fake.
    On the other hand people ask questions and somehow get convinced that god exists.
    It works both ways.
    Am I a weirdo for this? Are all people who have doubts weirdos?
    format_quote Originally Posted by Flos View Post
    you're satisfied with your western, materialistic rich life after West robbed all other parts of the world, and still robbing, enslaving, stealing, invading, mass killing so that you'd be happy with your life and you feel no void except for your game being canceled...You're a weirdo!
    What is wrong with spending the money earned with my own work on the things I like?
    Should I save the money so after I die somebody spend it better?
    Are you making me responsible for the decisions some western countries make?
    I fail to connect my life with the robbing, enslaving, invading and mass killing that some western countries (according to you) commit.
    Are you saying this is only done by western countries?
    Do you feel responsible for the atrocities committed by ISIS and other Islamists groups?
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ümit View Post
    That is exactly the point Eddy. From your perspective, it only SEEMS like you have nothing to fear any after life consequences. You have every reason to have fear, but it is ignored because you do not believe in it.
    Perhaps you have failed to realize the title of this thread is "Where do I get real answers?"
    I have many questions unanswered and no God has giving me any signs of his existence yet.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ümit View Post
    As an atheist you just sit in the train, "enjoying" the ride, occupy yourself with other purposes or "meanings of life" like staring out the window, going to the toilet, maybe small talk with a fellow passenger, playing a game on your phone...or whatever.....but not thinking about the questions that actually matter.which is not natural...or actually quite disturbing.
    You, on the other hand spend your days praying 5 times, obeying rules about what to eat, what to wear, what to do when you go to the bathroom and how to behave in general.
    If Allah exists then you are doing exactly what he required you to do and you should be proud.
    If Allah exists I have nothing to fear because I was not convinced of it but I have done nothing wrong as a human to feel guilty.
    My morals don't come from Allah but I can guarantee you any God would be proud of what I've done.
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
    If God exists then we live in a total different world.
    If God exists and he created us and he established some rules of behavior to conduct ourselves while in his world then we have to know what are those rules.
    Personally I would hate having to pray 5 times a day, and following a strict code of dressing, a strict code of eating, a strict code of behavior and all kinds of other rules in order to please our creator but if this creator exists then we have little choice.
    If a creator exists and our after life depends on following all these rules then we have to do it.
    I live a wonderful life not believing in a creator but what if this creator really exists?
    More than 2 billion Christians believe in God, about 1.6 Muslims believe in Allah and countless other religion people believe in a creator.
    You can call me arrogant for believing they're all wrong and I'm right but I'm not the only one.But even I can use some common sense and allow myself to investigate why all these people believe in this God thing.
    So that's where I am right now, investigating why are you so sure this God is real?

    Even believers don't always follow the rules or practice. We do make our own choices in the end even as believers. Even with belief, it's human nature to make mistakes, sin, disbelieve, waver, have doubts, fall off track etc. So I'm just wondering what would necessarily change about your life really? What would coerce you to change how you lived if you were to believe and why do you feel you need this search? You've read about Islam, and like you said you don't want to pray, eat, dress etc in a certain way, so what is it spiritually or internally that would push you to change your entire life from the one you already have? Do you want your fun life to stop?

    We use prayer for different reasons, such as repentance, giving gratitude, connecting with God, connecting with our ummah (islamic community) and overall obeying Him. For you specifically though, I would think that you'd feel you'd need God to speak to you directly or something to have this connection?

    BTW I hope you don't take my questions the wrong way, I'm genuinely curious how you process existence and life etc. Agnostics/atheists are often drawn to talk about religion, but I don't understand why they'd waste their time like that when they are fully free to live their life the way they want with likeminded people.
    Last edited by *charisma*; 03-17-2022 at 05:31 PM.
    Where can I get real answers?

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  22. #18
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
    People do this all the time, why are you so surprised?
    Muslims leave Islam everyday after asking questions and coming to the conclusion Islam is fake.
    On the other hand people ask questions and somehow get convinced that god exists.
    It works both ways.
    Am I a weirdo for this? Are all people who have doubts weirdos?

    What is wrong with spending the money earned with my own work on the things I like?
    Should I save the money so after I die somebody spend it better?
    Are you making me responsible for the decisions some western countries make?
    I fail to connect my life with the robbing, enslaving, invading and mass killing that some western countries (according to you) commit.
    Are you saying this is only done by western countries?
    Do you feel responsible for the atrocities committed by ISIS and other Islamists groups?

    Wow, unbelievable...

    You, yourself praised your rich life in rich western country, arrogantly forgetting how that rich country has become rich...
    No one ever said it's wrong to spend money, it's the way you're "happy with rich life in western country" - I wonder where are you from. Let's forget USA which has done so many atrocities and crimes against other civilizations and not to mention UK, or better England (Scotland and Ireland are also their victims). Your country, at least has had salve markets in 20 century. Where is your cotton coming from?

    Now we're getting there. As an atheist is it ok to you that for example one nation kills another and goes as unjudged? Is it ok that 1 single person kills thousands of civilians and all justice that person gets is maybe death penalty? You see, this world is not just and the justice can only come in the afterlife. Don't you get it? If you're ok with atheism and an idea that God doesn't exist then you're probably ok with this unjust world - as you mentioned already that you're very happy with your life without god...
    Where can I get real answers?

    Don't rush your salat for anything, as you are standing in front of The One who is in charge of whatever you are rushing for!
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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    Let's try to keep this thread focused and hopefully a productive dialogue.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
    Perhaps you have failed to realize the title of this thread is "Where do I get real answers?"
    I have many questions unanswered
    Are there any particular questions which you think we might be able to help with?
    Where can I get real answers?

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    Re: Where can I get real answers?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Flos View Post
    You, yourself praised your rich life in rich western country, arrogantly forgetting how that rich country has become rich...
    This is major generalization on your part.You're assuming I'm forgetting how my country got rich but I don't.
    You're assuming my country is rich but I don't
    format_quote Originally Posted by Flos View Post
    No one ever said it's wrong to spend money, it's the way you're "happy with rich life in western country" - I wonder where are you from. Let's forget USA which has done so many atrocities and crimes against other civilizations and not to mention UK, or better England (Scotland and Ireland are also their victims). Your country, at least has had salve markets in 20 century. Where is your cotton coming from?
    Since you started with this kind of personal attack I think if fair you start by telling me where are you from.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Flos View Post
    Now we're getting there. As an atheist is it ok to you that for example one nation kills another and goes as unjudged? Is it ok that 1 single person kills thousands of civilians and all justice that person gets is maybe death penalty?
    As an atheist is not ok that a nation kills another but I wonder what nation are you talking about, can you be more specific?
    Is that your opinion or you've been listening to the guys in speakers corner.
    Is it Ok for you that one person takes control of one country by force (without being voted in) and dictates the rules, impart their own code of justice, force you into submission, decide what you're allow to wear, decide what religion you should worship and penalize you if you don't comply?
    I'm sorry but I cannot forget the USA, nor the UK or any other country. I'm aware who has done bad, who has done good, who has done evil, who has been oppressive, who has done religious cleaning, who has imposed religion by force, etc.
    Do I know where the cotton comes from? No, I don't. I'm pretty sure it doesn't come from slave's plantations anymore, if that is what worries you.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Flos View Post
    You see, this world is not just and the justice can only come in the afterlife. Don't you get it? If you're ok with atheism and an idea that God doesn't exist then you're probably ok with this unjust world - as you mentioned already that you're very happy with your life without god...
    You're starting to freak me out, you're saying the world is not just but this world (according to your beliefs) was created by Allah.
    Did Allah made it imperfect on purpose?
    Is it a test?
    Am I missing something?
    Is it all a preparation for the afterlife?
    You seem to carry a lot of hate in you, do you think that gives you extra points towards the after life?
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