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How to believe that Islam is the truth and who proves it?

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    haizana's Avatar Limited Member
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    How to believe that Islam is the truth and who proves it?

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    I am a born Muslim female and grow up in family that are not religious. We practise basics of Islam like praying and fasting but did not strictly follow all the rules. After becoming an adult I have a lot of questions and doubt and I have been thinking a lot which has actually led me to be in state of depression as I felt like I'm in a body with loss identity.

    As I grow up as a Muslim I have always followed and identified as one without a doubt. But then I started to question why should I believe Islam is the true religion and leading from there I had a lot of questions. I came here seeking for some sort of answer and explanations that I do not know of that could reinstate my faith and help to live a life without doubt about my religion or god. I hope some of you all can help me here.

    My Questions:

    1) Why do we have to believe Islam is the true religion among all when it was one of the last religion founded and what is the basis for that? When I seek for answer on this I always get the answer as " because Quran says so". Is there a better answer to this? Because Quran saying that still doesn't explain anything. Didn't the religious scripture like bible and others said so in those book as well that the particular religion stated in that scripture is the true religion? Why and how is Quran special and why should I believe Quran is the word of GOD? Quran is a book which could have been created by man with all the strict rules in order for them to take control of human way of life , is it not?

    2) Why do Quran or Islam potray Allah as a God who are selfish despite emphasising HE is Merciful. I feel this because Islam has so much restriction which is unreasonable and not fair. We are suppose to pray five times a day but why? isnt connection with God more than a physical activity. You should feel there's a power above you that you can rely on but why is there so much of procedure to that. Im asking this is because its not just that we have to pray but there's certain why you should condcut it like dresscode, the way we stand, the way we sujud and so on . A bit of mistake or difference in the way you do it will render as your prayer not accepted by God. Is Allah really that petty that he looks at these inch by inch detail rather than the intention of the person?

    3) Reading Quran has so much complication like tajwid and you need to know specific way to read it. So if I did not have the opportunity to learn tajwid am I reading it wrong and I should be punished for that? FIrst of all why Quran has to be in Arabic and every person who is not Arab had to put extra effort to learn the way to read it . If it is the true religion shouldnt it be in all language accessible to eeveryone and not penalise those who cant read arabic. Isnt God being unfair by picking favour towards Arabs.

    4) Does Quran state that women must wear hijab to cover their hair? I came to know that it is the interpretation but not what stated in Quran. In that case which interpretation do we believe and lets say I grow up according to certain sect or group of Islam and unknowingly following a different or unnacceptable practise of Islam will God punish me for that? How unreasonable God be for that.

    5) Why are non-Muslims said to be forever will be in hell? A non Muslim usually do not grow up learning Islam and most prolly follow a religion older than Islam and for them its not easy to believe in something new. If they are good hearted human being and never been exposed to Islam God will let them rot in hell for eternity just because the did not become a Muslim? But even a evil person will go to Jannah after serving punishment in Hell as long as he is Muslim? I dont think its fair being labelled Islam is like a license?

    6) Why do God has to sound so cruel in order for us to believe him? Its like if you dont do this you will be punished so badly. why is God instilling fear if he is merciful. isnt that same as a cruel dictator who wants to control everyone by instilling fear? Thats like a human personality and God.

    7) How true is hereafter and how to believe it. Its like God created us here in earth but dont allow us to be happy . SO much restriction and like he is a sadist that enjoy our pain . But then we are told that its his test for hereafter. How to believe something we dont even know exist and to get that sacriffice all the happiness in the world. If a human be cruel to another in the world we expect them to be punished so how is it fair for God who gives us all the pain and suffering with a promise we dont even know exist.

    8) The way prophet stories and Islam is being described by Quran, Hadith or scholars sounds like fantasy and not practical. Its like magical story and why it only happen at that particular time. If God is true shouldnt he show it to the world so as to reinstate many people's faith.

    9) Despite all this I feel that definitely I am not the only person who would have doubted this so how do this other truth seekers get their answer. Further, there are a lot of Scholars who are highly educated and intelligent so how do they have strong religious belief ? what convinced them? they must have doubted at some point of time and what truth did they actually get? but when i see their talks and all they always give answer that Quran say so. Its not convincing for me. its as if im not supposed to question and just follow what has been told to me. My parents say Islam is our religion and Allah is my god so just follow and do that no further question.

    My questions may sound harsh or rude but the truth is I do not know how to put it in any other way and its bothering me so much. Im hoping to get some help.
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    Re: How to believe that Islam is the truth and who proves it?

    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    I am a born Muslim female and grow up in family that are not religious. We practise basics of Islam like praying and fasting but did not strictly follow all the rules. After becoming an adult I have a lot of questions and doubt and I have been thinking a lot which has actually led me to be in state of depression as I felt like I'm in a body with loss identity.

    As I grow up as a Muslim I have always followed and identified as one without a doubt. But then I started to question why should I believe Islam is the true religion and leading from there I had a lot of questions. I came here seeking for some sort of answer and explanations that I do not know of that could reinstate my faith and help to live a life without doubt about my religion or god. I hope some of you all can help me here.
    MaasaAllah. welcome to Islamicboard. We will try our best to give you solid answers.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post
    My Questions:

    1) Why do we have to believe Islam is the true religion among all when it was one of the last religion founded and what is the basis for that? When I seek for answer on this I always get the answer as " because Quran says so". Is there a better answer to this? Because Quran saying that still doesn't explain anything. Didn't the religious scripture like bible and others said so in those book as well that the particular religion stated in that scripture is the true religion? Why and how is Quran special and why should I believe Quran is the word of GOD? Quran is a book which could have been created by man with all the strict rules in order for them to take control of human way of life , is it not?
    Because Islaam is rational and logical. Everything makes sense. The other religions also WERE true once. The Gospels and the Thorah also were from Allah. but later on got corrupted. But even if they were 100% pure until this day, they would still lose their authority with the revelation of the Quraan.
    You see, until the Quraan, humans were still learning and developing...so the scripture also needed adaptation.

    To give you an example: At the time of Adam, there was no homosexuality yet, no alcohol, etc...so Quraan, in its present form would make no sense at that time. So as humans discovered new things, the scripture got updated, but the basis was always the same in all of them.

    I hope this is clear. if not, I will try to elaborate more.

    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    2) Why do Quran or Islam potray Allah as a God who are selfish despite emphasising HE is Merciful. I feel this because Islam has so much restriction which is unreasonable and not fair. We are suppose to pray five times a day but why? isnt connection with God more than a physical activity. You should feel there's a power above you that you can rely on but why is there so much of procedure to that. Im asking this is because its not just that we have to pray but there's certain why you should condcut it like dresscode, the way we stand, the way we sujud and so on . A bit of mistake or difference in the way you do it will render as your prayer not accepted by God. Is Allah really that petty that he looks at these inch by inch detail rather than the intention of the person?
    Selfish? No. I don't think you got the right picture of Allah. Allah would probably accept your prayer even if there are mayor mistakes in it...as long as it is not intentional. He is merciful.

    If a loved one, or someone who is really important to you announces to come and visit you...wouldn't you tidy up your place? would you take out the best cutlery you have, cook the best food, bake cookies etc, to make that persons visit as pleasent as possible? So why is that different when it comes to Allah?

    This world is a test. Allah tests us by giving these various situations and the decisions we make. The reward behind it if we succeed, is uncomparably high. The things Allah asks from you in return is actually nothing. The fact that you see it as unreasonable and unfair, is the act of shaytaan wispering it to you.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    3) Reading Quran has so much complication like tajwid and you need to know specific way to read it. So if I did not have the opportunity to learn tajwid am I reading it wrong and I should be punished for that? FIrst of all why Quran has to be in Arabic and every person who is not Arab had to put extra effort to learn the way to read it . If it is the true religion shouldnt it be in all language accessible to eeveryone and not penalise those who cant read arabic. Isnt God being unfair by picking favour towards Arabs.
    The Quraan is only in Arabic to avoid corruption. Languages cannot be compared to each other 1 on 1. A text translated in another language will always lose some part of its original meaning. or contrary, some new meaning will be added to it, because some words can have a slightly different meaning.
    This means that a holy scripture can only be in just one language.

    Arabic is a very rich language. you can pack a lot of meaning in one short sentence. You cannot do that with other languages.

    It is not forbidden to translate the Quraan in your own language if you are interested in the meaning of it. You can even pray in your own language. everyone does that.
    Only Salaat and Quraan recitation should be done in Arabic.

    Penalize those who cant read arabic?

    In my direct neighbourhood there are 3 non-arabic 11-year-olds who have memorized the Quraan from cover to cover. The are able to pick out one small mistake in pronounciation anywhere and everywhere. The miracle here is...this is not even extraordinairy. They are not some high IQ level kids or something. I do not think they could do that if it was in english.

    I am sure you or your parenst also know at least someone who can do that.
    So penalize them? I don't think so.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    4) Does Quran state that women must wear hijab to cover their hair? I came to know that it is the interpretation but not what stated in Quran. In that case which interpretation do we believe and lets say I grow up according to certain sect or group of Islam and unknowingly following a different or unnacceptable practise of Islam will God punish me for that? How unreasonable God be for that.
    I do not have much info about that.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    5) Why are non-Muslims said to be forever will be in hell? A non Muslim usually do not grow up learning Islam and most prolly follow a religion older than Islam and for them its not easy to believe in something new. If they are good hearted human being and never been exposed to Islam God will let them rot in hell for eternity just because the did not become a Muslim? But even a evil person will go to Jannah after serving punishment in Hell as long as he is Muslim? I dont think its fair being labelled Islam is like a license?
    No religion is older than Islaam. A person who submits his will to God is calles "a muslim" and he is following "Islaam" By that definition all the prophets from Adam as, until Noah as, Jesus as and Mohammad sas were Muslims.

    Allah created us with a free will. This free will is very important because it is the key of our rank. You see, Allah could have created us like the angels...strong powerful, without any weaknesses and so on.
    But instead of all that, He decided to give us free will. The angels don't have that, they always obey Allah. They always do as they are told and cannot say no.

    We humans can say no. we can disobey...but dispite of that, we CHOOSE to obey God...we CHOOSE to do good out of our own free will...not because we have to. And that grants us a much higher rank than the angels.

    So on the other side, people who choose to disobey, are therefore punished.

    Again, this world is a test. the choice for the evil and therefore punishment must exist in order to have a choice in the first place.

    Its just logical.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    6) Why do God has to sound so cruel in order for us to believe him? Its like if you dont do this you will be punished so badly. why is God instilling fear if he is merciful. isnt that same as a cruel dictator who wants to control everyone by instilling fear? Thats like a human personality and God.
    Allah just warns us for certain things to do or not to do. So cruel? I dont think so.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    7) How true is hereafter and how to believe it. Its like God created us here in earth but dont allow us to be happy . SO much restriction and like he is a sadist that enjoy our pain . But then we are told that its his test for hereafter. How to believe something we dont even know exist and to get that sacriffice all the happiness in the world. If a human be cruel to another in the world we expect them to be punished so how is it fair for God who gives us all the pain and suffering with a promise we dont even know exist.
    If you don't know it exists, then appearantly you do not believe. I suppose you be careful with that. It is written in the Quraan...so, unless you do not believe in the Quraan, you should know it exists. As simple as that.
    God does not allow you to be happy? As you say it yourself, this world is a test. your goal is not to be happy, it is to pass your test. Some do get happy and they are tested with that, some not.
    Its very individual.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    8) The way prophet stories and Islam is being described by Quran, Hadith or scholars sounds like fantasy and not practical. Its like magical story and why it only happen at that particular time. If God is true shouldnt he show it to the world so as to reinstate many people's faith.
    Lets say Moses as would live today and parts the seas, and everyone films the event, puts it on social media for everyone elso to see...and the scientist confirm that it is indeed legit extraordinairy and therefore a true miracle...bla bla...

    so everyone knows for sure God is truely out there...what use has the existence of this world then? What use does the test have if you already know the answer? This world would be useless immediately.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    9) Despite all this I feel that definitely I am not the only person who would have doubted this so how do this other truth seekers get their answer. Further, there are a lot of Scholars who are highly educated and intelligent so how do they have strong religious belief ? what convinced them? they must have doubted at some point of time and what truth did they actually get? but when i see their talks and all they always give answer that Quran say so. Its not convincing for me. its as if im not supposed to question and just follow what has been told to me. My parents say Islam is our religion and Allah is my god so just follow and do that no further question.

    My questions may sound harsh or rude but the truth is I do not know how to put it in any other way and its bothering me so much. Im hoping to get some help.
    I had the same questions. I just looked for answers, and the more I read about Islaam, the more Questions got answered. and everything fell perfectly in its right place.

    Look for your answers, but do not force it. If you cannot answer one question, let it be...I'm sure some day you will stumble over the answer when you least expect it.
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    Re: How to believe that Islam is the truth and who proves it?

    1) In that case wouldnt Quran also becomes outdated given the fact that the world has evolved and developed so much now from how it was. I realise that for a lot of things that are happening now Scholars still refers and applies verses of quran and hadith to interpret and suit it to current situation which sometimes results in different madhab and scholars to have different interpretation. For example, now with advancement of handphone we are able to download and keep a digital copy of the quran in handphone so what is the standing in bringing the phone to places like toilet or haram places. Similarly , when touching the quran a person need to have wudu but what about holding the phone as you are not touching the quran per se. This is just an example and Im sure there are a lot of other examples and advancement which did not exist or make sense back then. Secondly, Islam says that Allah is all knowing therefore to say that the holy book before Quran like bible and torah was corrupted or was not making sense to thing which did not exist back then implies that that God is not perfect isnt it? Its like are you saying God didnt know what was going to happen in future or did he let someone else to corrupt his words? That would mean there's a power greater than god? Don't mistaken me as I am not doubting Allah's existence per se. I believe in super power beyond our knowledge and sense but I am just not sure if Allah has actually come up with these set of rules called Islam and insist we must only follow that but rather I feel human has manipulated us and used religion to control the population and that is why over the time different religion came covering their flaws. Its like for example, christinaity is like version 1.0 and failed, so those people had to do a post mortem and come up with a new and better religion that is more functional and "user friendly" kind of thing
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    Re: How to believe that Islam is the truth and who proves it?

    2) I understand the part that we have to dress well and prepare our self in best way possible to meet Allah. But on the part of the reward I am not sure because how do anyone know that anyway and it sounds like a fairy tale that doesn't make sense and illogical to be honest.

    5) I understand but my concern is not about the person is obeying God or not. For example, a good religious Christian who believe in Monotheistic God and submit himself to God and follows everything God say what will be his position? or anyone who is religious and believe in one true GOD since before Islam came during Prophet Muhammad's times? or anyone or any religions that has Monotheistice God and command them to follow. For example, someone who is born as Jewish in strict Jewish household and all his life believed in one God and submit himself to one God and their holy book by doing good. He pray in the way he was taught and not solat, what would his position be as he is not disobeying God.

    6) Allah don't just warns but enlist harsh punishments. I am not against punishment as some offences and sins deserves punishments but what Im saying is Quran make it sounds so gory . Similarly, punishing a kafir for eternity in hell. again goes back to my previous doubt on people born and bred in different monotheistic religion who believes their reiligion and god is way of life.

    7) If its a test and a bit unfair to keep testing only the good ones as what we see happening in world nowadays isnt it? If God shows that bad people will get what they deserve here wouldnt that reinstate hope in people who are losing faith to pray and and believe better in God and Islam. And again the answer to how true is Hereafter goes back to "it is stated in Quran" and my question goes back to so what? just because its wrtten in a book Im suppose to believe that? I am not against Islam but I just feel the answers I always get is very restrictive . its like you are not suppose to question but to follow blindly just because you are told so. You know how when we read a scientific theory there's always an explanation as to why it is so and the mechanism of it? That is what I am not getting when I try to understand it besides everyone saying "Oh because Quraan says so therefore ujust follow".

    8) Maybe this world would be a better place. Ok now in Islam when we die we are promised hereafter right? and God describes it in such a ways that everyone wants it after they die. So applying the same logic what would be the relevance then ? what is the use of hereafter when everyone is just gonna be there with God like what is the reason behind it? wouldnt it be useless as well? And anyway if God wants to test us he is kind of playing mind games isnt it and being manipulative. Even if God doenst have to show his true nature going by the example you gave about Moses. God is in control of religion and humanity. He doesnt have to let so many holy book and religion to exist or let it to be corrupted. He is all-knowing after all.
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    Re: How to believe that Islam is the truth and who proves it?

    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post
    1) In that case wouldnt Quran also becomes outdated given the fact that the world has evolved and developed so much now from how it was.
    No. We are now in such a stadium that further evolution of humankind has no more effect on religion. Yeah, we go to outer space, and we raise questions about how we should fast and pray. And of course people get different opinions about it. But that doesn’t alter the rules that a new religion is needed.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post
    I realise that for a lot of things that are happening now Scholars still refers and applies verses of quran and hadith to interpret and suit it to current situation which sometimes results in different madhab and scholars to have different interpretation.
    Different scholars with different opinions, sure, however different madhabs…not possible.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post
    For example, now with advancement of handphone we are able to download and keep a digital copy of the quran in handphone so what is the standing in bringing the phone to places like toilet or haram places. Similarly , when touching the quran a person need to have wudu but what about holding the phone as you are not touching the quran per se. This is just an example and Im sure there are a lot of other examples and advancement which did not exist or make sense back then.
    Sure…Good question. I’m sure scholars will not be in accordance with each other about this issue. Honoustly, I cannot answer that. I do not know. However, that still is not enough reason to enounce a new religion.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post
    Secondly, Islam says that Allah is all knowing therefore to say that the holy book before Quran like bible and torah was corrupted or was not making sense to thing which did not exist back then implies that that God is not perfect isnt it? Its like are you saying God didnt know what was going to happen in future or did he let someone else to corrupt his words? That would mean there's a power greater than god? Don't mistaken me as I am not doubting Allah's existence per se. I believe in super power beyond our knowledge and sense but I am just not sure if Allah has actually come up with these set of rules called Islam and insist we must only follow that but rather I feel human has manipulated us and used religion to control the population and that is why over the time different religion came covering their flaws. Its like for example, christinaity is like version 1.0 and failed, so those people had to do a post mortem and come up with a new and better religion that is more functional and "user friendly" kind of thing
    You have to see that differently. God did not first bring Judaism, and then Christianity, and then Islam or so. Islam was always there. Adam as, Noah as, Moses as, Jesus as, and all other prophets were muslim all along. Islam did not start with Muhammed sas…God just revealed different scriptures as we evolved. We corrupted it, changed it and started our own human made religion every time. So, Christianity is not like version 1.0…it’s more like an illegal copy-version of the original.God didn’t know what was going to happen? Its not like God saw that it went bad and corrected it. It was always Gods plan. God allows us to make mistakes and correct it. That is part of the test that we are going through on this world.
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    Re: How to believe that Islam is the truth and who proves it?

    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post
    2) I understand the part that we have to dress well and prepare our self in best way possible to meet Allah. But on the part of the reward I am not sure because how do anyone know that anyway and it sounds like a fairy tale that doesn't make sense and illogical to be honest.
    What doesn’t make sense than? What is exactly illogical according to you?
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    5) I understand but my concern is not about the person is obeying God or not. For example, a good religious Christian who believe in Monotheistic God and submit himself to God and follows everything God say what will be his position? or anyone who is religious and believe in one true GOD since before Islam came during Prophet Muhammad's times? or anyone or any religions that has Monotheistice God and command them to follow. For example, someone who is born as Jewish in strict Jewish household and all his life believed in one God and submit himself to one God and their holy book by doing good. He pray in the way he was taught and not solat, what would his position be as he is not disobeying God.
    I think I already answered that. Everyone will be judged accordingly. I cannot say for sure who is going to hell and who not. I do not have the authority. But to answer those in your examples:
    · a good religious Christian who believe in Monotheistic God and submit himself to God and follows everything God: If he lived before Muhammed sas and did not pray to Jesus as…he is muslim. If he lived after Muhammed sas, but somehow never heard of him, never got the chance to investigate him or the Quraan, and neither prayed to Jesus as…also a muslim. If he was praying to Jesus as instead of God…probably not a muslim.
    · or anyone who is religious and believe in one true GOD since before Islam came during Prophet Muhammad's times: again, islam was always there. But you mean before Muhammed sas time…absolutely Muslim.
    · or anyone or any religions that has Monotheistice God and command them to follow. For example, someone who is born as Jewish in strict Jewish household and all his life believed in one God and submit himself to one God and their holy book by doing good. He pray in the way he was taught and not solat, what would his position be as he is not disobeying God: If he didn’t had a proper chance to investigate Islam, he will probably be considered a muslim. It starts to be a problem if he had the chance to look into Islaam, knew the truth and rejected it.
    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    6) Allah don't just warns but enlist harsh punishments. I am not against punishment as some offences and sins deserves punishments but what Im saying is Quran make it sounds so gory . Similarly, punishing a kafir for eternity in hell. again goes back to my previous doubt on people born and bred in different monotheistic religion who believes their reiligion and god is way of life.
    No one gets thrown in hell for things he did not do. Someone who did not actively reject Islaam but just didn’t know any better will be judged accordingly.

    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post

    7) If its a test and a bit unfair to keep testing only the good ones as what we see happening in world nowadays isnt it? If God shows that bad people will get what they deserve here wouldnt that reinstate hope in people who are losing faith to pray and and believe better in God and Islam. And again the answer to how true is Hereafter goes back to "it is stated in Quran" and my question goes back to so what? just because its wrtten in a book Im suppose to believe that? I am not against Islam but I just feel the answers I always get is very restrictive . its like you are not suppose to question but to follow blindly just because you are told so. You know how when we read a scientific theory there's always an explanation as to why it is so and the mechanism of it? That is what I am not getting when I try to understand it besides everyone saying "Oh because Quraan says so therefore u just follow".
    No you do not believe something just because it is written in some book. That would be a silly thing to do. However, when we have established as a fact that this universe must have an intelligent maker, and we confirmed that this “some book”, which claims to be divine, indeed cannot be of a human making…and therefore indeed the word of God…then everything that is in it should be believed.
    Suddenly it is not “some book” anymore. The problem is, that you still see the Quraan as so. So, the first step should be to investigate where the Quraan comes from. Can it be human written or not?
    There is nothing wrong with having questions. Islam encourages that. However, demanding an answer for questions which cannot be answered scientifically and without Islaam is unreasonable.
    I mean, science does not take thehereafter under consideration. That is something metaphysical. How can you then expect an answer from me without the Quraan? I do not know what your expectations were for this question then? How is this restrictive?

    format_quote Originally Posted by haizana View Post
    8) Maybe this world would be a better place. Ok now in Islam when we die we are promised hereafter right? and God describes it in such a ways that everyone wants it after they die. So applying the same logic what would be the relevance then ? what is the use of hereafter when everyone is just gonna be there with God like what is the reason behind it? wouldnt it be useless as well? And anyway if God wants to test us he is kind of playing mind games isnt it and being manipulative. Even if God doenst have to show his true nature going by the example you gave about Moses. God is in control of religion and humanity. He doesnt have to let so many holy book and religion to exist or let it to be corrupted. He is all-knowing after all.
    The goal is not this world to be a better place. The goal is to find God and to believe in Him. You think that living eternally is boring because it is a very long time and everything is the same etc etc. However, we cannot even imagine how it is like…you are just imagining things with the brain capacity that you have…but you do not realize that we humans are limited.
    Mind games? What mind games? Please elaborate. He didn’t give us all those different religions, we made them up ourselves.
    He is all-knowing and all mighty. He could make us into angels without a free will and pop us into heaven…right? He could do that, why didn’t HE.
    By doing that, He could save us a lot of trouble and suffering, right? Apparently He didn’t and had a good reason for it.
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