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Questions about Islam

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    JaCkinbOx's Avatar Limited Member
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    Questions about Islam

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    Hello, everyone. I'm happy to have the opportunity to come here and learn from all of you and share thoughts.

    First, a disclaimer: I come here as a new member, knowing little about Islam and it's a potential possibility I still carry plenty of misconceptions about the religion. What has finally motivated me to seek out a forum for Islam to learn from was because of a thread on a Christian forum I also participate in. The URL of the particular thread is here, and I use the same screen name there.

    I mean to visit again soon with a separate thread to give a little background about myself and my religious history. But for now, it will suffice to say that I am a (monotheistic) Deist from a Christian background, however I don't necessarily consider myself Christian today.

    Now let's get this show on the road. I have some questions that I would like to invite the resident Muslims to educate me about. I have already spent about two hours learning about Islam today before posting this from references given to me in my first post on this board when I introduced myself, as well as a little independent research.

    I apologize in advance if any of my questions come off as being without tact due to a misunderstanding of Muslim culture.


    1a. Why are visual depictions of Muhammed and Allah forbidden in Islam?

    1b. How are Muslims supposed to respond to non-Muslims who create visual depictions of Muhammed and Allah? and how are Muslims supposed to respond to other Muslims who visually depict Muhammed and Allah?

    1c. Are there religious figures in Islam that can be visually depicted?

    2. I am under the understanding that there is reason for there to be conflict between Muslims and Jews. How serious is it, and exactly why does it exist?

    3. Some who are recognized as Muslims refer to America as "the great Satan". What exactly is the meaning of this, and how do the Muslims on this board feel about it?

    4a. What are all the denominations of Islam, and why is there reason for having different denominations?

    4b. What denominations might be considered "extreme" or "fringe"?

    5. I understand that Jews and Muslims have quite a history together and share religious figures in common. Where exactly are the two religions separated?

    6. I read that Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace. Under what circumstances does it call for violence, if at all?

    7a. What is Islam's position on the role of women in society?

    7b. Why are Muslim women veiled? Is this a strict rule? Are there denominations that consider it unnecessary?

    There will likely be more questions to follow, but this is all I could think of right now.

    I thank all of you and welcome this opportunity to build bridges and create a better understanding.
    Last edited by JaCkinbOx; 06-22-2007 at 10:27 PM. Reason: Needed to fix the bold tags.
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    Re: Questions about Islam


    I won't be able to answer all your questions, but I will answer those I am confident with.

    1a. Why are visual depictions of Muhammed and Allah forbidden in Islam?
    1c. Are there religious figures in Islam that can be visually depicted?

    In Islam it is forbidden to draw anything that has a soul, be it human or animal. Statues of living creatures are also forbidden.

    It is especially forbidden to draw the Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) because it can lead to people worshipping the images of Muhammad, rather than worshipping God.

    By the same token, it is also forbidden to draw other Islamic religious figures, since it can lead to an exaggeration of their status that can ultimately lead to worshipping of the images rather than God.

    7a. What is Islam's position on the role of women in society?

    One of the important roles for women in Islamic is to take care of their household and children and raise them properly and according to Islamic standards. This is obligatory (if they have a family). It is also obligatory on them to gain knowledge, and there should be a balance between religious knowledge and non-religious knoweldge.

    Women are also expected to assist in the betterment of society in general and of the Muslims. This does not mean they must work, since they can fulfil this duty, for example, by raising their kids well, so that their kids are a benefit to society rather than a menace, or by doing charity work etc. But women are of course permitted to work, however they should insure that working does not mean they are sacrificing the well being of their families.

    That is a very brief answer... if you want to know something more specific please ask.

    7b. Why are Muslim women veiled? Is this a strict rule? Are there denominations that consider it unnecessary?

    Muslim women cover primarily because God told us. The reason He told us to do so is for us to remain modest- it is seen as immodest for women to show their bodies, and to protect us from the lustful gaze of men and their approaches (flirting/inappropriate behaviour etc). It also makes for a better society where people aren't exposed to semi-naked bodies where ever they go, and so there is less temptation.

    It is not, as some people love to claim, a way of keeping women in the background or oppressing them. Rather it is a way of honouring women. They are respected for who they are as people, and treated accordingly, and not for their beauty or body.

    God said in the Quran:

    O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allâh is Ever Oft*Forgiving, Most Merciful.

    (Chapter 33: verse 59)

    30. Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, Allâh is All-Aware of what they do.

    31. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent...

    (Chapter 24)

    It is a strict rule, and there is total agreement amongst the scholars of Islam that it is obligatory for women to cover everything except their hands and face (some add feet) once they reach the age of puberty.

    There is disagreement amongst scholars about whether covering the face and hands is obligatory or not. Some say it is obligatory, others say it is not.

    Hope that helps!
    Questions about Islam

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    JaCkinbOx's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah View Post

    I won't be able to answer all your questions, but I will answer those I am confident with.

    1a. Why are visual depictions of Muhammed and Allah forbidden in Islam?
    1c. Are there religious figures in Islam that can be visually depicted?

    In Islam it is forbidden to draw anything that has a soul, be it human or animal. Statues of living creatures are also forbidden.

    It is especially forbidden to draw the Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) because it can lead to people worshipping the images of Muhammad, rather than worshipping God.

    By the same token, it is also forbidden to draw other Islamic religious figures, since it can lead to an exaggeration of their status that can ultimately lead to worshipping of the images rather than God.
    What about photography and video recording, or digitally enhanced images (through software like Adobe Photoshop)?

    7a. What is Islam's position on the role of women in society?

    One of the important roles for women in Islamic is to take care of their household and children and raise them properly and according to Islamic standards. This is obligatory (if they have a family). It is also obligatory on them to gain knowledge, and there should be a balance between religious knowledge and non-religious knoweldge.

    Women are also expected to assist in the betterment of society in general and of the Muslims. This does not mean they must work, since they can fulfil this duty, for example, by raising their kids well, so that their kids are a benefit to society rather than a menace, or by doing charity work etc. But women are of course permitted to work, however they should insure that working does not mean they are sacrificing the well being of their families.

    That is a very brief answer... if you want to know something more specific please ask.
    Thank you for the information. It has inspired another question. Are women in Islam allowed to hold political office under any circumstances, or be in a position where they can give orders to a man?

    7b. Why are Muslim women veiled? Is this a strict rule? Are there denominations that consider it unnecessary?

    Muslim women cover primarily because God told us. The reason He told us to do so is for us to remain modest- it is seen as immodest for women to show their bodies, and to protect us from the lustful gaze of men and their approaches (flirting/inappropriate behaviour etc). It also makes for a better society where people aren't exposed to semi-naked bodies where ever they go, and so there is less temptation.

    It is not, as some people love to claim, a way of keeping women in the background or oppressing them. Rather it is a way of honouring women. They are respected for who they are as people, and treated accordingly, and not for their beauty or body.

    God said in the Quran:

    O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allâh is Ever Oft*Forgiving, Most Merciful.

    (Chapter 33: verse 59)

    30. Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, Allâh is All-Aware of what they do.

    31. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent...

    (Chapter 24)

    It is a strict rule, and there is total agreement amongst the scholars of Islam that it is obligatory for women to cover everything except their hands and face (some add feet) once they reach the age of puberty.

    There is disagreement amongst scholars about whether covering the face and hands is obligatory or not. Some say it is obligatory, others say it is not.

    Hope that helps!
    Thanks again for the information. Is there not reason for men to also cover themselves to the same degree as women, for the sake of modesty?

    I have also heard it rumored that Muslim women have been stoned or otherwise abused if they accidently reveal too much of their body in public. How grounded in reality is this belief?

    As for myself, I am a fine artist and have studied the male and female form in detail to the degree where I no longer think of it in sexual, lustful terms. I can understand where your religion would want to have some censorship due to trained cultural response to the naked form of the human body, but me and many other artists feel the very same way I do about it. What do you think about that?
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    Hey. I think this site would be really good to check out to learn the basic beliefs of Islaam: http://beconvinced.com

    I'll try to answer the following insha Allaah (God willing):

    4a. What are all the denominations of Islam, and why is there reason for having different denominations?

    4b. What denominations might be considered "extreme" or "fringe"?
    The final Messenger of Allaah/God, Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

    The Messenger of Allaah/God, Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

    "I counsel you to have Taqwaa (God consciessness) of Allaah and to hear and obey, even if an Abyssinian [Ethiopian] slave were to command you. For, verily, whoever amongst you lives (to grown old), he will see many differences.

    So stick to my Sunnah [path/guidance] and the Sunnah of the rightly guided khaleefahs. Cling tightly onto it and hold onto it with your molar teeth. And beware of newly invented matters. For, indeed, every newly invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is a thing that leads astray, and everything that leads astray is in the Hellfire."

    [Authentically Recorded in Abu Dawud]

    And he also said:
    "Indeed those from before you from the People of the Book [christians and jews] divided into seventy-two groups. And, indeed, this group (Muslims) will divide into seventy-three. Seventy-two groups will be in the Hellfire and one of them will be in Paradise. And it is the Jamaa'ah (group)."(recorded in Ahmad)

    And in another narration, he (sal Allaahu alayhi waSalam) said:

    "Everyone of them in the Hellfire, except for one group that which I and my companions are upon." (recorded in Tirmidhi)

    So we see from the Prophetic statement that there will be sects, but the saved group is the one who follows the Qur'an (speech of God) and Sunnah (Prophetic way) according to the understanding of the companions of the Messenger of Allaah and those who follow them.

    This means we can't take the hadith (Prophetic sayings) out of context, we can't take qur'an out of context - rather we follow it according to how they understood it - the way the Messenger of Allaah taught and explained to them - since they had the best understanding, and this is because they were alive with the Messenger of God, Muhammad (peace be upon him) while the revelation was being revealed.

    This doesn't mean them sects will be in the hellfire forever, but rather they may go to the hellfire temporarily to be purified. Yet Allaah is not unjust to any of His servants, so anyone who believed that God/Allaah Alone is worthy of worship, and believed in ALL of His Messengers, then they will be in Paradise in the end. Even if they have an atoms weight of faith in their heart.

    Try checking these links out for more info insha'Allaah:

    http://www.islamicboard.com/sects-di...aved-sect.html (The Saved Sect)

    http://www.islamicboard.com/sects-di...wal-jamah.html (The Path of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jamah)

    http://www.islamicboard.com/sects-di...ing-ummah.html (The Splitting and Differing in the Ummah)

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    Re: Questions about Islam

    2. I am under the understanding that there is reason for there to be conflict between Muslims and Jews. How serious is it, and exactly why does it exist?

    This isn't the case at all, rather we are to call the Christians and Jews to Islaam with respect and kindness. Infact, they have a special title; the Ahlul Kitaab (the People of the Book) because we believe in the Prophets, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus son of Mary, Muhammad (peace be upon them) and all 124,000 Prophets who have come to mankind to call to the worship, and obedience of our Creator and Sustainer.

    [Qur'an 16:125] Call unto the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and reason with them in the best manner. Verily your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path and and best knows He as to who are the rightly-guided.

    29:46 And do not debate with the people of the earlier scriptures (Jews and Christians) except in the best manner, unless it be with the those bent on oppression and injustice. And say 'We believe in that which has been bestowed from on high upon us, as well as that which has been bestowed upon you: our God and your God is one , and it is unto Him that We submit ourselves.

    Even if the Christians and Jews do not become Muslim, we still allow them to live peacefully with the Muslims. Here's some history of Muslim Spain, and even Palestine (now known as Israel) where Muslims were the rulers, and how they lived peacefully with the Christians and Jews there:

    http://www.load-islam.com/artical_det.php?artical_id=492&section=indepth&sub section=Islamic%20history

    Equality in Islamic History:

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    Re: Questions about Islam

    6. I read that Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace. Under what circumstances does it call for violence, if at all?
    Here are some good links on what Jihaad really is:

    Jihad Explained

    If i can find more relevant links, i'll post up insha Allaah (God willing.)
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    3. Some who are recognized as Muslims refer to America as "the great Satan". What exactly is the meaning of this, and how do the Muslims on this board feel about it?

    I think that some people may be extremely angry at the label of 'terrorism' being thrown upon Islaam, and they may start labelling the country with titles such as what you have stated. However, there is nothing from our religious texts which states that the US is 'a great satan.'

    And Allaah knows best.

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    Re: Questions about Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by JaCkinbOx View Post
    What about photography and video recording, or digitally enhanced images (through software like Adobe Photoshop)?
    There are difference of opinion about this amongst the scholars. This isn't addressed directly in our sacred texts, obviously since cameras didn't exist 1400 years ago!

    Some hold the opinion that cameras and video recording are not permissible, while others say they are permissible, because when you drawing, you are creating the image yourself, but when you take a photo, you are only capturing the like, so it is similar to a mirror.

    Drawing images of living creatures using programs like photo shop is also not permitted since it is the same as drawing free hand.

    Thank you for the information. It has inspired another question. Are women in Islam allowed to hold political office under any circumstances, or be in a position where they can give orders to a man?
    Well, the top position is for men only as far as I know, since their nature is more suited for it, and they don't have to worry about things like kids and pregnancy and all that. Even were I live, female politicians have said that if they had kids they would never have made it as far as they have!

    Lesser positions can be held by women though.

    An every day example of women giving orders to men are with her own children. Children must obey their parents (provided that the parents aren't asking them to do something Islamically illegal) and so in that way the mother is in authority over her sons, no matter how old they are.

    Even in businesses, the women may be in higher positions than their male colleagues and so the men would be taking orders from the women.

    A real life example is that of the Prophet Muhammad's (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wife. She was very knowledgeable in Islam, and after the Prophet passed away many people, men included would go to her for her opinion on religious matters.

    Thanks again for the information. Is there not reason for men to also cover themselves to the same degree as women, for the sake of modesty?
    Men must also dress modestly, and aren't permitted to let their gaze wonder and look lustfully at women other than their wives. The reason they don't need to cover as much as women do is because women aren't as influenced by the physical form of men as men are of women. Women have better control in this regard, and also it is much less likely that women will sexually abuse men (such as by toughing them without permission) than it is for men to sexually abuse women.

    I have also heard it rumored that Muslim women have been stoned or otherwise abused if they accidently reveal too much of their body in public. How grounded in reality is this belief?
    That is absolute nonsense! If indeed it was accidental as you say, then their is no punishment at all, nor is their any sin upon her, since it was out of her control.

    If it has happened, then realise that who ever did that was not acting in accordance to Islamic law and it would be illegal and sinful for him/her to do so.

    As for myself, I am a fine artist and have studied the male and female form in detail to the degree where I no longer think of it in sexual, lustful terms. I can understand where your religion would want to have some censorship due to trained cultural response to the naked form of the human body, but me and many other artists feel the very same way I do about it. What do you think about that?
    The only reason you feel that way is because you have been overly exposed. Most people haven't been through that and would not want to.

    But either way, the laws are not created based on the feelings of the minority... such as artists like yourself. Rather it is based on the majority, and the majority wouldn't react in the way you would.

    Hope that helps!
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    Question 1b, as far as non-muslims it is our job as muslims to up hold the ascents of the pure islam in our actions and try to educate those who are not knowledgable to what islam is and stands for. Islam is foreign to many and people fear what they dont understand and hate what they fear, which makes people bias towards islam. As for muslims who does such acts, since the begining of time there has been individuals who intentionally and unintentionally alter the true meaning of islam. Which is total submission to the one God and many will try today. Regardless of what others do we must up hold who we are as muslims and lead by example.
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    question 1c. religious figure can be defined on different levels, but people call their local imam a religious figure and may have a picture of him,but doesn't go to the extent of worshipping him.
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    question 2. well, because of the difference in doctrine between the two, regardless of the respect and humbleness of the two there will be conflict. because we live and die for beliefs, principles, and moralities that are different. Wiith both proclaiming to have truth behind their intentions, but only can be right fully and who is willing to admit being wrong?
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    question 3. well, america permits alot of things that are prohibited by Allah meaning alcohol, gambling, fornication,exploitation of women, homosexuality, and unjust bloodshed. Democracy is the total opposite of monotheism, and democracy is what america is built on.
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    question 4a. there are a few, but there is no reason for it, it came about after the death of propeht muhammad s.a.w. through greed of powerand individuals not adhereing to Allah and His prophet (s.a.w.).
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    question 7a. equality between man and woman.
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    question 7b. it is not just islam, in the bible old and new testment it tells women to veil and cover theirselves because this is chastity and piousness.
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    question 6. well when we are being transgressed against we have the right to defend ourselves. There are still rules and regulations to abide by.
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  21. #17
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    Thank you all for your participation so far. I would like to keep a record of all of my questions posed in this thread with the answers to accompany them, and post them in a thread on ChristianBoard.com as it develops. Credit will be given.

    I'd also like to edit my first post here with the questions paired with their answers as the thread develops, for the convenience of anyone reading this thread so they don't need to dig through all the pages to see what's been going on.

    More questions to follow.
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by JaCkinbOx View Post
    What about photography and video recording, or digitally enhanced images (through software like Adobe Photoshop)?

    Thank you for the information. It has inspired another question. Are women in Islam allowed to hold political office under any circumstances, or be in a position where they can give orders to a man?
    welcome to the forum, I hope your stay here may be beneficial.

    I would like to say, that in Islam, there is no shame inherent in a man 'taking orders' from a woman. A wife of the Prophet pbuh became a great jurist after his death, giving opinions and correcting others (men) in their interpretation of Islamic law. None of these great men took the slightest offence in this. Additionally in any business situation a woman may be in a position of authority over a man, and give him orders. There is nothing unislamic about that.

    In Islam, every person in a position of authority (as a husband is towards a wife) must consult with those over whom he holds that authority (this is called shura). I don't know about the subcontinent, but within Arab culture it is big kudos for a man if his wife is clever and knowledgeable and able to advise him. He is usually very proud of that.
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    Re: Questions about Islam

    sorry to post here coz im a newbie & to think dat my 1st post got censured when my doubts abt islam might have become 'intolerable' to some.

    how do i know more abt islam when my 1st query abt islam was denied & to think dat i have many on my mind ?

    unexplainable maybe.

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    Re: Questions about Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by elijah_y View Post
    sorry to post here coz im a newbie & to think dat my 1st post got censured when my doubts abt islam might have become 'intolerable' to some.

    how do i know more abt islam when my 1st query abt islam was denied & to think dat i have many on my mind ?

    unexplainable maybe.

    1. you ask a question
    2. we give reply
    3. you take it or leave it

    that is all there is to it, what I and ukhti ambrosia objected to, was false statements attributed to Islam and posed as questions, then the ensuing arguments
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    By Alsamman in forum Miscellaneous
    Replies: 4
    Last Post: 05-28-2007, 09:43 PM

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