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Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

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    fbaltazar's Avatar Limited Member
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    Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

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    This is another question for Muslim brothers and sisters...

    I just had a conversation with a non-Muslim who live in the USA. I told him about my interest in Islam but he told me to be very careful not to fall into something which was not sent by God. I was very surprise by his comment and asked him what he meant by that.

    He told me that nowhere in the Qur'an the Angel Gabriel introduced himself to Muhammad when he first revealed the Qur'an. I tried to argue that it was Angel Gabriel but the non-Muslim seems to know more about Islam than me. He even know the Chapter and the verse in the Qur'an. He said it could have been the devil in disguise because he pinned Muhammad down that Muhammad had difficulty breathing and yelled at him to read instead of calming Muhammad down like the other Angels in the Bible. He also told me that in the Hadeeth, Muhammad thought he was possessed by the devil only until his wife assured him that it was Angel Gabriel that Muhammad calmed down. This non-Muslim added that Muhammad tried to kill himself thinking he was singled out by the devil but was convinced by the same entity to stop. I didn't know he knows a lot about Islam and the things he told me I have never heard before.

    When I got home later that day, I looked it up in the Qur'an I just purchased recently and I couldn't find any words from Angel Gabriel which says, "I am Angel Gabriel" and he did pinched Muhammad down and commanded him to read instead of introducing himself to Muhammad to calm him down. I wonder if I bought the right Qur'an. I don't have any information where to get this Hadeeth he was talking about, so I couldn't confirm the rest of his stories.

    This non-Muslim really made me mad for saying something so insulting to me. I feel like he was insulting me for having interest in Islam. I wish there was a knowledgeable Muslim around when we had the conversation. If there is any Muslim here that can help me refute this non-Muslim so I can get back at him and prove him wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Peace brother,

    Think about this: If your friend said that the devil came to Muhammad (PBUH) with revelation, then why in the Quran does it tell Muslims to guard ourselves from the devil, live righteously, give charity, be kind to others, and worship only one God. Would the devil say something like this?


    Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah hath chosen thee and purified thee- chosen thee above the women of all nations.

    Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah;

    If Allah can send angels to Mary, why would he not send angels to His final messenger of mankind? Im not so sure about the part of Muhammad (PBUH) thinking he was possessed and having his wife console him. Maybe some other fellow muslim can make light on this matter.
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    These verses might be what you're looking for

    1: By the star when it descends,
    2: Your companion [Muúammad] has not strayed, nor has he erred,
    3: Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination.
    4: It is not but a revelation revealed,
    5: Taught to him by one intense in strength -
    6: One of soundness. And he rose to [his] true form
    7: While he was in the higher [part of the] horizon.
    8: Then he approached and descended
    9: And was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer.
    10: And he revealed to His Servant what he revealed.
    11: The heart did not lie [about] what it saw.
    12: So will you dispute with him over what he saw?

    Verses 5-9 are referring to when the Messenger first recieved the revelation from the Angel Gabriel. The verses are about the Angel Gabriel when he first revealed the revelation to the Messenger.
    Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Very beautiful brother Ubaydullah. From what sura are those verses from?
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    Ibn Abi Ahmed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Surah Najm, #53.
    Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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  8. #6
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Try avoiding the guy if you want a good start, since he's not going to benefit you as much as he's going to harm you. No matter how confident he might think he is, he's ignorant really. And that's why he is astray.

    He told me that nowhere in the Qur'an the Angel Gabriel introduced himself to Muhammad when he first revealed the Qur'an. I tried to argue that it was Angel Gabriel but the non-Muslim seems to know more about Islam than me. He even know the Chapter and the verse in the Qur'an. He said it could have been the devil in disguise because he pinned Muhammad down that Muhammad had difficulty breathing and yelled at him to read instead of calming Muhammad down like the other Angels in the Bible.

    Infact he did, the ahadith are found in Sahih Al Bukhari. But i think right now, the best thing for you to do is avoid the guy, and ask questions on this forum on the basics.

    First of all:

    1) The reason why Jibril [Gabriel] held the Prophet (peace be upon him) tight could have been to show Muhammad (peace be upon him) that he isn't dreaming, this thing isn't a fake - but you're really experiencing this. It's real. It's like when you see people saying "pinch me, this looks too amazing to be true."

    2) Angel Jibril [Gabriel] is mentioned in the Qur'an;

    Allah says (translation of the meaning):

    قُلْ مَن كَانَ عَدُوّاً لِّجِبْرِيلَ فَإِنَّهُ نَزَّلَهُ عَلَى قَلْبِكَ بِإِذْنِ اللّهِ مُصَدِّقاً لِّمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَهُدًى وَبُشْرَى لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ
    Say (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ): "Whoever is an enemy to Jibrael (Gabriel) (let him die in his fury), for indeed he has brought it (this Quran) down to your heart by Allah's Permission, confirming what came before it [i.e. the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] and guidance and glad tidings for the believers.

    [Qur'an 2: 97]

    3) To be shocked, scared is normal when a Prophet first recieves revelation. When Prophet Moses first spoke to Allah/God, Allah told him to throw his staff [stick], when he threw it - it turned into a snake, and Prophet Moses (who was a brave and strong man) actually got scared and ran away, until Allah told him that it would be okay.

    He also told me that in the Hadeeth, Muhammad thought he was possessed by the devil only until his wife assured him that it was Angel Gabriel that Muhammad calmed down.

    That's a lie. This is the event:

    Then Allah’s Apostle returned with the Inspiration, his neck muscles twitching with terror till he entered upon Khadija and said, “Cover me! Cover me!” They covered him till his fear was over and then he said, “O Khadija, what is wrong with me?” Then he told her everything that had happened and said, “I fear that something may happen to me.” Khadija said, “Never! But have the glad tidings, for by Allah, Allah will never disgrace you as you keep good reactions with your Kith and kin, speak the truth, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guest generously and assist the deserving, calamity-afflicted ones.”

    Looking at the description Khadija gave to the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (peace be upon him) - does it seem like the devil will even come to people like that? Or do devils come to evildoers?

    This non-Muslim added that Muhammad tried to kill himself thinking he was singled out by the devil but was convinced by the same entity to stop. I didn't know he knows a lot about Islam and the things he told me I have never heard before.

    There is no mention of him saying that he was inflicted by the devil, however he was scared.

    This non-Muslim added that Muhammad tried to kill himself thinking he was singled out by the devil but was convinced by the same entity to stop.
    That is a weak narration, which means that it really isn't that reliable. It's explained quite abit in depth here;


    And even if for arguments sake, it was true - the author of the article explains that a Prophet of God may be inclining towards a deed which is not liked by Allah, yet Allah will save them from that mistake (in this case through Angel Gabriel) - and this is actually a big blessing. So for example, Prophet Yusuf [Joseph] was about to incline towards a woman because of a natural desire, yet Allah saved him from that. He was a Prophet, and Islamically, if a person inclines towards a sin but doesn't do it - then they get rewarded for that, and they are not sinful. I still strongly urge you to read the article which i linked you to since it explains the matter in depth.

    As brother NYCmuslim has stated, if a devil is to exist - obviously there must be a God. And since we believe in God, we believe that the devils oppose God. So why then would the devil call the people to seek refuge in God? Why would the devil call to enjoining good and forbidding the evil? To upholding the family ties? To be kind to your neighbour. To helping the poor, to smile at your brother, to not perform evil and indecent deeds? To pray to God. If this person is saying that the devil teaches this type of religion, then they too should question whether they are following a religion which is 'formed by a devil'? [if he is christian, because it seems like it.]

    I wonder if I bought the right Qur'an.
    Insha Allah you have, but i think you should stick to questioning here and learning the basics instead of getting confused from that guy. And trust me, don't even go to him. Stay patient, learn, and then do it. And it will take time. Otherwise you might get humiliated again, may Allah make things easy for you and guide us all to what He loves, and keep us firm on it, ameen.

    Sorry i can't answer it properly, since i don't really have alot of time right now. But please, i request you to turn away from the guy, since emotions aren't a sufficient weapon to counteract the whisperings of shaytaan.
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    fbaltazar's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Thank you very much for all of your replies. I apologize I couldn't get back sooner, been very busy lately.

    I do have a problem with this person who keeps attacking Islam in front of me. I already told him I'm not interested to talk to him about Islam because of all the negativities he's telling me, in which, I am not in a position to defend or refute what he says due to my limited knowledge in Islam. Despite of this, he dared to ask me one day, "what am I afraid of?" and "why am I afraid of the truth?". I didn't tell him that I am afraid which I really am because I don't really know enough about Islam to make an argument. Worse case is, I work with this person day in and day out, five days a week and sometimes during weekends. How can I possibly avoid him? I can't just quit my job just because this person has negative view against Islam. I have my family to feed.

    I think I just need to study more about Islam to refute him. My co-worker doesn't know I use the internet to search for information about Islam, that's why I'm glad Muslims here would help me out. I'm already gathering my evidence to refute him this Monday.

    Our last conversation was about the subject of satan's deception to mankind. He said satan used Islam to deceive mankind to not believe in God's mercy of forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ. I didn't even know he believes in Jesus Christ unitl he showed the effort to convince me just recently not to join Islam. I tried to use the argument that satan can not possibly use Islam because Islam has a lot of good things mankind can use in the name of God. My co-worker, said that satan will do anything to try to lead mankind away from God, even appearing to us like an angel of light and by using a false religion to drive people away from God. He said throughout the history of mankind, satan has been using false religion, from the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, and through the Mayans and the Incas of South America. All of these civilizations which fell before false religions eventually persished and died, and worse he added that like those civilizations, Islam will rise but eventually will fall among the remnants of the dead. He also uses a lot of verses from the Bible. I don't know how he can memorize those verses.

    I came to think that this person is a racist prejudice person who hates Muslims and Islam, but he dared to tell me that he loves the Muslims and all humanity because everyone is God's creation. Further, he said that Muslims are the first victims of Islam, therefore, should be the very first ones to be saved from it. I want to make him say something stupid other than saying bad things about Islam so I have a reason to punch him on his face, but he's really smart. He will always talk about Islam when someone is around as if making a political speech or making a campaign to run for president. I don't think his intention is just to convince me but also to convince the rest of my co-workers that Islam is evil. Fortunately, the rest of my co-workers just shrugged him off and laugh.

    I don't really know what to do with this person. He just gets in my nerve all the time, but I just can't show it to everyone. I don't want to look like the bad guy. I just can't avoid him because he would ask me like "How is your interest in Islam working for you?" in front of everybody at work just to humiliate me. He knows I am incapable of refuting him through discussions. Sometimes I would just tell him I have enough talk about religion but he seems to be obsessed with Islam and would try to trap me into having a conversation about Islam and the Muslims, no matter what the conversation is all about.

    I feel like it is my duty to know more about Islam as a challenge to refute this person and trust me I will. I have been to a lot of sites specializing in discussions about Islam like the links provided by some Muslims here. It will take some time but I think I can handle it. For now I have been reading a lot of resources from Islamic sites, and like Muslims would always say, Inshallah, I will succeed.
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    I know what you mean, i don't know.. ignoring the guy might be hard but sometimes that might be the only option - atleast at the beginning.

    What i will tell you to do is have a stronger relationship with God, pray to Him for your guidance, so you become strong in faith, so He gives you knowledge and wisdom which you can benefit yourself and others from. Trust me, you can't harm or benefit anyone except by God/Allah's leave, so ask Him for it - for good in this life and the one to come. Because if you ever want anything, you ask the one who owns it right?

    I will pray for you, and i hope that you're family benefits from you in a positive way to get closer to Allah/God too.

    Here's a good starter link;


    Peace brother, and thanks for your time.
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    The devil argument is very weak indeed. The same argument can be used against him- it was the devil who fooled Christians into beleiving that Jesus was the Son of God. Or it was the devil who appeared to Paul and said he was Jesus.

    Honestly, his argument can only make sense if the person is already a Christian.

    Anyway, he is giving the devil more credit than he deserves, the devil could never have come up with something as amazing as the Quran!

    By the way, I would not be impressed by his apparent show of knowledge- he sounds liek he just picked up a lot of things from reading anti-Islamic websites.
    Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    wwwislamicboardcom - Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?


    You obviously have every right to be a Muslim (or just interested in Islam, if that's the case), and this person is bullying you. I would complain to your boss about it. I don't know which country you're in, but religious discrimination is illegal where I come from (UK).

    You definitely shouldn't have to put up with it.

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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Purchase a Seerah/biography of the Prophet.

    I would recommend the one written by MARTIN LINGS (May allah swt send sakina on him, ameen ), if you cannot find that one, then try to find the one written by the Nun ( i believe she is a nun.. ) called KAREN ARMSTRONG.

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    Last edited by SirZubair; 10-17-2007 at 06:33 AM.
    Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Just a note about the Martin Lings one- there are some factual inaccuracies in it, but over all it is meant to be a great book.
    Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    wwwislamicboardcom - Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    format_quote Originally Posted by fbaltazar View Post
    I do have a problem with this person who keeps attacking Islam in front of me.

    One can't really do much about these people, because their eyes are dry, hearts remain unmoved, minds untouched and lives unchanged. If he is sincere in learning about true Islam, explanations by the members above will benefit him and if he is not, then the Prophet (pbuh) himself can come, yet he will not believe.

    Guidance comes from Allah Almighty only
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  17. #14
    tarek29's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    format_quote Originally Posted by fbaltazar View Post
    Thank you very much for all of your replies. I apologize I couldn't get back sooner, been very busy lately.

    I do have a problem with this person who keeps attacking Islam in front of me. I already told him I'm not interested to talk to him about Islam because of all the negativities he's telling me, in which, I am not in a position to defend or refute what he says due to my limited knowledge in Islam. Despite of this, he dared to ask me one day, "what am I afraid of?" and "why am I afraid of the truth?". I didn't tell him that I am afraid which I really am because I don't really know enough about Islam to make an argument. Worse case is, I work with this person day in and day out, five days a week and sometimes during weekends. How can I possibly avoid him? I can't just quit my job just because this person has negative view against Islam. I have my family to feed.

    I think I just need to study more about Islam to refute him. My co-worker doesn't know I use the internet to search for information about Islam, that's why I'm glad Muslims here would help me out. I'm already gathering my evidence to refute him this Monday.

    Our last conversation was about the subject of satan's deception to mankind. He said satan used Islam to deceive mankind to not believe in God's mercy of forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ. I didn't even know he believes in Jesus Christ unitl he showed the effort to convince me just recently not to join Islam. I tried to use the argument that satan can not possibly use Islam because Islam has a lot of good things mankind can use in the name of God. My co-worker, said that satan will do anything to try to lead mankind away from God, even appearing to us like an angel of light and by using a false religion to drive people away from God. He said throughout the history of mankind, satan has been using false religion, from the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, and through the Mayans and the Incas of South America. All of these civilizations which fell before false religions eventually persished and died, and worse he added that like those civilizations, Islam will rise but eventually will fall among the remnants of the dead. He also uses a lot of verses from the Bible. I don't know how he can memorize those verses.

    I came to think that this person is a racist prejudice person who hates Muslims and Islam, but he dared to tell me that he loves the Muslims and all humanity because everyone is God's creation. Further, he said that Muslims are the first victims of Islam, therefore, should be the very first ones to be saved from it. I want to make him say something stupid other than saying bad things about Islam so I have a reason to punch him on his face, but he's really smart. He will always talk about Islam when someone is around as if making a political speech or making a campaign to run for president. I don't think his intention is just to convince me but also to convince the rest of my co-workers that Islam is evil. Fortunately, the rest of my co-workers just shrugged him off and laugh.

    I don't really know what to do with this person. He just gets in my nerve all the time, but I just can't show it to everyone. I don't want to look like the bad guy. I just can't avoid him because he would ask me like "How is your interest in Islam working for you?" in front of everybody at work just to humiliate me. He knows I am incapable of refuting him through discussions. Sometimes I would just tell him I have enough talk about religion but he seems to be obsessed with Islam and would try to trap me into having a conversation about Islam and the Muslims, no matter what the conversation is all about.

    I feel like it is my duty to know more about Islam as a challenge to refute this person and trust me I will. I have been to a lot of sites specializing in discussions about Islam like the links provided by some Muslims here. It will take some time but I think I can handle it. For now I have been reading a lot of resources from Islamic sites, and like Muslims would always say, Inshallah, I will succeed.
    Salam Alekom,

    Actually I think this person is making for you very good favor, simply because he almost push you to KNOW, and what a great thing to KNOW!

    First of all I dont think you should avoid him at all but other wise you should discuss things with him, it is not a problem who will win or loose the discussion but to find TRUTH at the end and may Allah (swt) guide us all!

    And in Islam you we always find answers!

    Actually I am amazed how Christians can attack Islam, it is same like some one throw rocks on others when his home is made from glass, not mentioning that the home of Islam is from IRON!

    In Islam there is source for everything and our source is what came from Allah (swt) through HIS prophet Mohamed (pbuh) which is QURAN and SUNNAH anyone who says anything that have no source from those two sources it becomes his personal opinion!

    So the question is, do we follow personal opinions of other humans like us or we follow God’s words, teachings guide !?

    If you follow humans then Christianity is the best way, if you follow GOD then ISLAM because it is FINAL TESTMENT beside it contain all previous revelations as Christians and Jews failed to save it!

    Now first point that he mentioned to you about Gabriel who came to Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) in the cave, I wonder is it because he said that this is the way of Satan to apear then we believe him!?

    What is his source to what he say!?

    Actually logically I think Satan is deceiving people and he would come in cloths of sheep like Jesus (pbuh) said in the bible (wolf in cloths of sheep), right!?

    Now what did Gabriel did in the cave!?

    1- He bring the message from Allah (swt) to all man Kind)
    2- First words were given to Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) were:


    So as you see Gabriel didn’t come to introduce himself. or our friend wanted him to come in suit and give Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) his business card !?

    This word READ were not for Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) but for all man kind, which indicates that the times of Miracles finished and it is time to read and use logic and reason and scriptures, and not waiting miracles and give personal opinions!

    Using same words of Jesus (pbuh) in the bible that says that good tree known from its good fruits, why we don’t TEST this fruit!?

    Here we go MILLIONS and MILLIONS of victims by Christ:


    After you will show or even print those hundreds of millions of victims by the name of Christ ask him is this is good fruits, does this list make SATAN happy or not!?

    Then ask him to bring same list of people killed by the name of Allah (swt) were we can read millions and millions of people killed as the link shows!

    Personally after I read what this not Islamic web site shows I prayed and thank Allah (swt) that those chruchs and christians are weak now days!

    And Talking about fruits of Christianity why we don’t look at our real life:

    1- Millions of atheists in supposed countries that have majority of Christians!
    2- About 100 000 women raped in America each year, Google FBI reports!
    3- Suicide rates very high
    4- Alcoholic people and all accidents, crimes, problems done by it!

    SATAN are happy of not!?

    Now lets forget all what is written above, and lets talk scriptures but what scriptures:

    1- Christians have more then 24 000 gospel not TWO of them INDENTICAL, SATAN or not SATAN!?

    2- Catholics have bible consist of 73 books, protestant 66 books, others have 81 book, Mormons have their copy, Jehovah witness have their one, Satan or not Satan!?

    I think this more then enough to proof human hands in bible, even old Testament differ then that used by Jews!

    This all without even mentioning what is written inside those books, in other words before you begin to open first page, you don’t know which book you use from first place!

    See how much work of SATAN!?

    Also please ask him to explain to you TRINITY that most Christians don’t understand, and scholars differ about its explanation even in same church and they all point figures to each others and say those who don’t believe in their OPINION will go to HELL!

    See PAUL and people like him who founded Christianity that we see now used to point fingers to others and say that their believes came from Satan and that he is the right one, and it looks same with your friend, he talks from his personal opinion and no source or proof to what he says!

    Muslims Love Christians but we believe that they are miss guided and this we can easily see when we KNOW, may Allah (swt) guide us all!

    It is important to know if he really wants to KNOW and discuss or just attack, because if only attack, believe me they are in very weak position!

    May Allah (swt) guide us all!

    Last edited by tarek29; 10-17-2007 at 09:24 AM.
    Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Mrs Be Aql Khan Usta : Never mind the IBLIS Satanic verses
    He never ever utter even the JIBRILL Angelic verses
    As JIBRILL came and pressed him hard
    And said recite recite recite my word
    He said i am not a reciter
    Till JIBRILL said read in the name of ALLAH he who is thy creator
    Read in the name of your GOD
    Sallel La Hu Alahi Wa Sallim
    And he repeated in the name of his lord BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM
    Here lays the proof
    The seal of Word by Word Huruf by Huruf

    from SWEETSWORDS 24 [ ALLAH 'S PEN ]
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    tarek29's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    format_quote Originally Posted by fbaltazar View Post
    Thank you very much for all of your replies. I apologize I couldn't get back sooner, been very busy lately.

    I do have a problem with this person who keeps attacking Islam in front of me. I already told him I'm not interested to talk to him about Islam because of all the negativities he's telling me, in which, I am not in a position to defend or refute what he says due to my limited knowledge in Islam. Despite of this, he dared to ask me one day, "what am I afraid of?" and "why am I afraid of the truth?". I didn't tell him that I am afraid which I really am because I don't really know enough about Islam to make an argument. Worse case is, I work with this person day in and day out, five days a week and sometimes during weekends. How can I possibly avoid him? I can't just quit my job just because this person has negative view against Islam. I have my family to feed.

    I think I just need to study more about Islam to refute him. My co-worker doesn't know I use the internet to search for information about Islam, that's why I'm glad Muslims here would help me out. I'm already gathering my evidence to refute him this Monday.

    Our last conversation was about the subject of satan's deception to mankind. He said satan used Islam to deceive mankind to not believe in God's mercy of forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ. I didn't even know he believes in Jesus Christ unitl he showed the effort to convince me just recently not to join Islam. I tried to use the argument that satan can not possibly use Islam because Islam has a lot of good things mankind can use in the name of God. My co-worker, said that satan will do anything to try to lead mankind away from God, even appearing to us like an angel of light and by using a false religion to drive people away from God. He said throughout the history of mankind, satan has been using false religion, from the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, and through the Mayans and the Incas of South America. All of these civilizations which fell before false religions eventually persished and died, and worse he added that like those civilizations, Islam will rise but eventually will fall among the remnants of the dead. He also uses a lot of verses from the Bible. I don't know how he can memorize those verses.

    I came to think that this person is a racist prejudice person who hates Muslims and Islam, but he dared to tell me that he loves the Muslims and all humanity because everyone is God's creation. Further, he said that Muslims are the first victims of Islam, therefore, should be the very first ones to be saved from it. I want to make him say something stupid other than saying bad things about Islam so I have a reason to punch him on his face, but he's really smart. He will always talk about Islam when someone is around as if making a political speech or making a campaign to run for president. I don't think his intention is just to convince me but also to convince the rest of my co-workers that Islam is evil. Fortunately, the rest of my co-workers just shrugged him off and laugh.

    I don't really know what to do with this person. He just gets in my nerve all the time, but I just can't show it to everyone. I don't want to look like the bad guy. I just can't avoid him because he would ask me like "How is your interest in Islam working for you?" in front of everybody at work just to humiliate me. He knows I am incapable of refuting him through discussions. Sometimes I would just tell him I have enough talk about religion but he seems to be obsessed with Islam and would try to trap me into having a conversation about Islam and the Muslims, no matter what the conversation is all about.

    I feel like it is my duty to know more about Islam as a challenge to refute this person and trust me I will. I have been to a lot of sites specializing in discussions about Islam like the links provided by some Muslims here. It will take some time but I think I can handle it. For now I have been reading a lot of resources from Islamic sites, and like Muslims would always say, Inshallah, I will succeed.
    Salam Alekom,

    Actually I think this person is making for you very good favor, simply because he almost push you to KNOW, and what a great thing to KNOW!

    First of all I dont think you should avoid him at all but other wise you should discuss thing with him, it is not a problem who will win or loose the discussion but to find TRUTH at the end and may Allah (swt) guide us all!

    Actually I am amazed how Christians can attack Islam, it is same like some one throw rocks on others when his home is made from glass, not mentioning that the home of Islam is from IRON!

    In Islam there is source for everything and our source is what came from Allah (swt) through HIS prophet Mohamed (pbuh) which is QURAN and SUNNAH anyone who says anything that have no source from those two sources it becomes his personal opinion!

    So the question do we follow personal opinions of other humans like us or we follow God’s words, teachings guide !?

    If you follow humans then Christianity is the best way, if you follow GOD then ISLAM because it is FINAL TESTMENT beside it contain all previous revelations as Christians and Jews failed to save it!

    Now first point that he mentioned to you about Gabriel who came to Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) in the cave, I wonder is it because he said that this is way is way of Satan then we believe him!?

    What is his source to what he say!?

    Actually logically I think Satan is deceiving people and he would come in cloths of sheep like Jesus (pbuh) said in the bible (wolf in cloths of sheep), right!?

    Now what did Gabriel did in the cave!?

    1- He bring the message from Allah (swt) to all man Kind)
    2- First words were given to Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) were:


    So as you see Gabriel didn’t come to introduce himself. or our friend wanted him to come in suit and give Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) his business card !?

    This word READ were not for Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) but for all man kind, which indicates that the times of Miracles finished and it is time to read and use logic and reason and scriptures, and not waiting miracles and give personal opinions!

    Using same words of Jesus (pbuh) in the bible that says that good tree known from its good fruits, why we don’t TEST this fruit!?

    Here we go MILLIONS and MILLIONS of victims by Christ:


    After you will show or even print those hundreds of millions of victims by the name of Christ ask him is this is good fruits, does this list make SATAN happy or not!?

    Then ask him to bring same list of people killed by the name of Allah (swt) were we can read millions and millions of people killed as the link shows!

    Personally after I read what this not Islamic web site shows I prayed that Christianity are weak now days!

    Talking about fruits of Christianity why we don’t look at our real life:

    1- Millions of atheists in supposed countries that have majority of Christians!
    2- About 100 000 women raped in America each year, Google FBI reports!
    3- Suicide rates very high
    4- Alcoholic people and all accidents, crimes, problems done by it!

    SATAN are happy of not!?

    Now lets forget all what is written above, and lets talk scriptures but what scriptures:

    1- Christians have more then 24 000 gospel not TWO of them INDENTICAL, SATAN or not SATAN!?

    2- Catholics have bible consist of 73 books, protestant 66 books, others have 81 book, Mormons have their copy, Jehovah witness have their one, Satan or not Satan!?

    I think this more then enough to proof human hands in bible, even old Testament differ then that used by Jews!

    This all without even mentioning what is written inside those books, in other words before you begin to open first page, you don’t know which book you use from first place!

    See how much work of SATAN!?

    Also please ask him to explain to you TRINITY that most Christians don’t understand, and scholars differ about its explanation even in same church and they all point figures to each others and say those who don’t believe in their OPINION will go to HELL!

    See PAUL and people like him who founded Christianity that we see now used to point fingers to others and say that their believes came from Satan and that he is the right one, and it looks same with your friend, he talks from his personal opinion and no source or proof to what he says!

    Muslim Love Christians but we believe that they are miss guided and this we can easily see when we KNOW, may Allah (swt) guide us all!

    It is important to know if he really wants to KNOW and discuss or just attack, because if only attack, believe me they are in very weak position!

    May Allah (swt) guide us all!

    Who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad?

    Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.
    Holy Qur'an 16:125
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