Asalaam alaikum warahmatulah wabarakatuh

There are 3 types of Yaqeen [Certainty]:

- 'Ilm al yaqeen - certainty based on knowledge. I.e. Seeing smoke signifies a fire (even if we don't see a fire). Or wet grass is most likely due to rain.

- 'Ayn al yaqeen - certainty based on seeing. I.e. Seeing the fire.

- Haq al yaqeen - Certainty. Feelingthe fire and it warms you or burns you = haq al yaqeen.

Allah gives us the two Yaqeen's in this life (ilm [knowledge] and haq [certainty] al yaqeen).

The Qur'an is 'Ilm al Yaqeen [Certain Knowledge]:

This perfect Book which is not similar to any human Book - is an 'ilm al yaqeen [knowledge of certainty].

Describing the Qur'an;
وَإِنَّهُ لَحَقُّ الْيَقِينِ

And indeed, it is the truth of certainty. [Surah al Haqqah 69:51]

The disbelievers did not want Ilm al yaqeen, they wanted Ayn al yaqeen [Certainty of Vision].

An animal can be convinced with Ayn al Yaqeen [knowledge of Vision],

but you were created of a higher level - you should be convinced by
Ilm al yaqeen [Certainty of Knowledge] because of the high Intellect ('aql) Allah has given you.