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Views on Hinduism!

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    Views on Hinduism! (OP)

    Hi!, I'm a Hindu and I would like to know how the muslims view Hinduism.

  2. #81
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

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    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    Dude I guess you shouldnt comment if you dont have full knowledge of our scriptures. Our scriptures never asked us to practice the so called caste system. In ancient India the society was classified into 4 types - Brahmans(Teachers, Saints, Priests), Kshatriyas(Kings), Vaishyas(Traders) and Shudras(Labourers).

    In the Bhagwat Gita, Lord Shri Krishna says:

    "The fourfold caste has been created by Me
    according to the differentiation of Guna(capability) and Karma(deeds);"

    So if a Shudra (labourer) is qualified to work as a Priest then he will become a Brahman. So it depends on you. For instance if a person is not qualified to be a doctor, he cant be called a doctor. its as simple as that.

    For your kind information, Lord Krishna(Supreme Personality of Godhead) was Himself brought up in a Vaishya(Low Caste) family.
    VedVyas who wrote the Mahabharata and the Vedas was a Shudra.

    Many centuries later, the caste system was an evil by some socities in India. Just for having top control, some kings and priests declared that caste system was by birth and not by deed.
    You do know that you are lying when you say that a shoodar was allowed to become a brahman? It was a caste system. No one was able to transcend and change castes. Warriors (kshatryas) were supposed to be warriors, even if weak, as it was presumed that anyone being born into that caste would be a warrior.

    I have academically studied many of your scriptures and you scholars ranging from Shankaracarya and the Ramakrishna and many others. Advaita Vedanta and dvaita vedanta and the other philosophical schools such as mimasa and nastiq philosophy. So I am in a good position to talk about your religion.
    Views on Hinduism!

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    When you say that Buddha was a Hindu, that might have some truth to it but you are forgetting Buddha was born to a royal family and his parents might have been Hindu. But Buddha rebelled against that sort of Hinduism and left the palace! How does that make Buddhism compatible with Hinduism? Do you know that Hinduism faced lots of challenges from Buddhism? Hindu sages used to debate with the Buddhist wanderers and felt challenged and accordingly Hinduism changed many of its teachings so that Buddhism does not spread in India! Many new philosophies similar to Buddhism were added into the Hindu scriptures!
    Views on Hinduism!

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  5. #83
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    You say that you highly doubt that a Buddhist would believe. Heres the first few lines from wikipedia: Buddhism (Pali/Sanskrit: बौद्ध धर्म Buddha Dharma) is a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Pāli/Sanskrit "the awakened one"). The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent some time between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE.[2] He is recognized by Buddhists as an awakened or enlightened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering (or dukkha), achieve nirvana, and escape what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth. Similarly, a number of Hindu traditions portray Buddha as the most recent (ninth) of ten principal avatars, known as the Daśāvatāra (Ten Incarnations of God).
    I think you're unaware that Buddha was an Indian God born in India. Secondly all his teachings were the same as the Bhagwat Gita.
    The Buddha was a man, not a god. It was essential that he be so to become a Buddha. I think you are unaware that what 'a number of Hindu traditions' portray the Buddha as is not relevant to what Buddhists 'portray' him as.

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    The teachings of Buddhism are the same as the teachings of Hinduism. Buddha was a Hindu himself. His teaching of the 'law of karma' and 'cycle of birth and death - rebirth' and 'non-violence to living being' are the three primary beliefs of hinduism..
    No, they are not. Obviously they have a shared cultural background to some extent, but the Buddhist conception of karma, rebirth and the 'soul' (or lack of it) is very different from the Hindu one.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Issa Abdullah View Post
    All Pagans (Hinduism & Buddhism) will be in the Hell fire forever. How do people make lies about Allah (SWT) saying he has a son, worshiping statues or not worshiping him, everyone who believes in god hates the Pagan godless people (Hinduism & Buddhism) & wishes 2 things of them 1 their destruction 2 them worshiping the one & only god Allah (SWT).
    In that order? That's an awful lot of hate going on there.. maybe 'everyone' could work on developing some more positive mental attitudes?

  6. #84
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    Hi!, I'm a Hindu and I would like to know how the muslims view Hinduism.
    Hello PoweofdDharma,

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you may learn many things of the beauty of Islaam, and we will of course always be willing to answer your questions

    My father grew up amongst Hindus as he grew up in India; many of them very close friends. He actually met them at a reunion after almost 30 years. They still remember him as the person who used to be school Captain, teach them maths etc. and they contact him to greet him on Eid etc. which I thought was very respectful of them.

    I just have a question; what do 'hindus' as followerers of your religion call themselves in sanskrit? Because if I'm not mistaken Hindu, deriving from Hind is a persian word used to describe the inhibitants of 'Hind' or 'India'.
    Views on Hinduism!

    ‘Say: If the ocean were ink wherewith to write out the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted, even if We added another ocean like it.’~Al Qu'raan (18:109)

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    As Javanese (people of Java island) I am very familiar with Mahabharata and Ramayana mythologies. Javanese ancestors were Hindus.

  9. #86
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!


    a thread on Hinduism is already here in the forum - sister Sarda gave answers of some questions there . May be , moderator can mege this thread with that one.
    Views on Hinduism!

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    Dude I guess you shouldnt comment if you dont have full knowledge of our scriptures. Our scriptures never asked us to practice the so called caste system. In ancient India the society was classified into 4 types - Brahmans(Teachers, Saints, Priests), Kshatriyas(Kings), Vaishyas(Traders) and Shudras(Labourers).

    In the Bhagwat Gita, Lord Shri Krishna says:

    "The fourfold caste has been created by Me
    according to the differentiation of Guna(capability) and Karma(deeds);"

    So if a Shudra (labourer) is qualified to work as a Priest then he will become a Brahman. So it depends on you. For instance if a person is not qualified to be a doctor, he cant be called a doctor. its as simple as that.

    For your kind information, Lord Krishna(Supreme Personality of Godhead) was Himself brought up in a Vaishya(Low Caste) family.
    VedVyas who wrote the Mahabharata and the Vedas was a Shudra.

    Many centuries later, the caste system was an evil by some socities in India. Just for having top control, some kings and priests declared that caste system was by birth and not by deed.

    Could you explain this

    Low Caste Hindus (shudras) vs Brahamins


    Apastambha Dharma Sutra III, 10-26, says:
    The tongue of a Shudra, who spoke evil about a BRAHMIN should be cut off

    A Shudra who dared to assume a position of equality with the first three castes was to be flogged.

    If a Shudra overheard a recitation of the Vedas, molten tin was to be poured into his ears; if he repeated the Vedas his tongue should be cut and if he remembered Vedic hymns, his body was to be torn into pieces.
    MANU, 167-272 says:
    If a Shudra arrogantly teaches Brahmins Dharma, the king shall cause hot oil to be poured into his mouth and ears.
    Again, MANU, 167-272 says:

    Let the king never slay even a Brahmin though he may have committed all possible crimes.

    MANU VII, 133 says that:
    Brahmins should not be taxed and should be maintained by the State.”
    ABOUT LOW CASTE Shudras – MANU XMRITI X, 129 says that:
    No collection of wealth was to be made by a Shudra, even though he may be capable, for a Shudra who has acquired wealth would pain a Brahmin, and that Brahmins may appropriate by force the property of the Shudra.
    Even if a Shudra acquired wealth, he must always remain a slave. His main job is to wash the feet of the higher caste.
    TULSIDAS, A Brahmin in his Ramayana writes:
    Even if a Shudra is learned and virtuous, he should not be given respect and honor.
    Literacy the Peoples right

    Here is the aphorism of the Brahma-SutrasBrahma-Sutras

    The smrithi orders that shudras must be prohibited from hearing, studying and understanding the Vedas.

    MANU 162-272 says:
    If a Shudra arrogantly teaches Brahmins, Dharma, the king shall cause hot oil to be poured into his mouth and ears
    Views on Hinduism!

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  11. #88
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    Thanks selsebil for your view.
    Heres a little more on Hinduism:

    He taught us that a man should only marry one female.
    The Pandava (Sanskrit) are the five acknowledged sons of Pandu, by his two wives Kunti and Madri. Their names are Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva. All five brothers were married to the same woman, Draupadi.

    Please enlighten me regards to all this.

    Oh and everything I've read on hear from you sounds like the Avatar movie or like realy bad sci fi TV series.

  12. #89
    powerofdharma's Avatar Restricted Member
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    To Airforce

    None of the scriptures you have mentioned are followed by most of the Hindus. Note every small community in Hinduism has a variety of scriptures. Here are some points which will make clear that all our 'prominent' scriptures do not allow any caste discrimination:

    1. Some aspects of practices committed by Hindus have been criticised, from both within the Hindu community and externally. Critics argue that Hindu philosophy and mythology is very complex and does not conform to normal Christian logic.[1] Overt depiction of sexuality in Hindu idols, imagery and rituals are also criticized.[2] Early Hindu reformers, such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy, questioned practices such as Sati and discrimination based on the caste system. However, caste based discrimination and self immolation are not endorsed by any of the Hindu scriptures, social practices evolved to them over time.[3][4][5][6][7][8] Manusmriti says that the varna system was innately non-hereditary.[9] = THis artic is from wikipedia

    2. Although many Hindus subscribe to the belief that one is born into a certain caste this belief is not supported by their scriptures. The caste system in India has degenerated into a system falsely recognizing men born in Brahmin families as Brahmins, even though they don’t exhibit the qualities of Brahmins. This has caused so many problems.

    “Brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras are distinguished by the qualities born of their own natures in accordance with the material modes, O chastiser of the enemy.

    “Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and religiousness–these are the natural qualities by which the brahmanas work.

    “Heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity and leadership are the natural qualities of work for the ksatriyas.

    “Farming, cow protection and business are the natural work for the vaisyas, and for the sudras there is labor and service to others.

    “By following his qualities of work, every man can become perfect. Now please hear from Me how this can be done.

    “By worship of the Lord, who is the source of all beings and who is all-pervading, a man can attain perfection through performing his own work.

    “It is better to engage in one’s own occupation, even though one may perform it imperfectly, than to accept another’s occupation and perform it perfectly. Duties prescribed according to one’s nature are never affected by sinful reactions.” (From Bhagavad-gita 18th chapter)

    So the Vedas recognize different people have different skills and qualifications, but it is no by birth, it is by guna [qualification] and karma [work]. So if someone born of a sudra [worker] father becomes qualified [guna] and works as [karma] a brahmana he should be accepted as a brahmana… In the same way if the son of a brahmana doesn’t have the qualifications of a brahmana or work as a brahmana then he is not a brahmana. There are so many examples of this in the Vedic scriptures.
    The current Indian system is something like accepting the sons of supreme court judges as supreme court judges… It’s nonsense. They have to be qualified, they have to attend the university and pass the course, then they have to work under a qualified judge and get the practical experience, then they may be able to become supreme court judges…
    So there is actually nothing stopping anyone from bettering his position in the Indian system in the scriptures… But also there is no need for everyone to strive to be supreme court judges. Anyone, from any social position can be liberated by performing his own work…
    You have the same system in America. You have intellectuals [brahmanas], you have administrators and military men [ksatriyas], you have businessmen and farmers [vaisyas] and you have workers. The Vedic system just recognizes these groups, that’s all. It’s quite natural.

    The Corrupt Indian “Caste” System
    The Varnasrama social divisions are based on qualities and work. If someone has the qualities of a brahmana and if they work as a brahmana they are accepted as a qualified brahmana. This system should not be confused with the corrupt “caste” system of India.
    In India people claim to be brahmanas simply because they are born in a brahmana family even though they do not possess the qualifications or qualities of a brahmana and in most cases they are not working as brahmanas either..
    The result of the corruption of the original system has been the destruction of the entire social structure in India and the “caste” system is now being used by the rich to exploit and oppress the poor.

    Have a look at this:
    As per Hinduism, it is our karma which decide our caste. A brahmin is shudra if he behaves like one. If instead of knowing god, he is busy in sins, he is equal to a shudra. On the other hands, if a shudra does meditation and tapasaya and knows Brahmm, he becomes brahmin. Valmiki(The author of the Ramayana) and Ved Vyas(he one who compiled the Vedas, Mahabharata etc) were low caste but became Rishis

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Perseveranze View Post

    So you believe it is a man-made religion?
    yeahhh obviously. all religions are man-made and not god made

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    Hi!, I'm a Hindu and I would like to know how the muslims view Hinduism.

    It's a interesting religion. Does Hinduism support the practice of Sati? Or is it cultural?

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    I still await your responce.

  17. #93
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    yeahhh obviously. all religions are man-made and not god made
    Greetings of peace

    Then that means God didnt send down your "holy" book or your "holy" book does not contain the words of God. And you are incorrect regarding all religions are man made, they are not all man made.Your whole argument fails regarding the talk about God in every way. If all religions are "man made" that means your religion isnt based on Gods words but mans words i.e opinions, man made choice, mans words etc. However, that is not the case in Islaam, the Quraan is Gods words and there are many proofs regarding it, the Qur`aan is the word of God allmighty, it wasnt written by man. i hope i made some issues clear regarding your faith and Islaam.

    Last edited by Ğħαrєєвαħ; 01-24-2011 at 10:08 PM.
    Views on Hinduism!

    "Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), Al-Hayyul-Qayyum (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists).".."[Al Qur'aan 3:2]

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Banu_Hashim View Post
    Hello PoweofdDharma,

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you may learn many things of the beauty of Islaam, and we will of course always be willing to answer your questions

    My father grew up amongst Hindus as he grew up in India; many of them very close friends. He actually met them at a reunion after almost 30 years. They still remember him as the person who used to be school Captain, teach them maths etc. and they contact him to greet him on Eid etc. which I thought was very respectful of them.

    I just have a question; what do 'hindus' as followerers of your religion call themselves in sanskrit? Because if I'm not mistaken Hindu, deriving from Hind is a persian word used to describe the inhibitants of 'Hind' or 'India'.
    Well, Hinduism was never a religion... The usage of the word Hindu was further popularized by the Arabic term al-Hind referring to the land of the people who live across river Indus... So it was never a religion but a good way of life started by great saints and sages.. This way of life in sankrit is called 'Sanatan Dharma' meaning the 'eternal law' .. It includes various practises such as - the yoga system(linking yourself with the supreme), meditation, vegeterianism, breathing exercises(pranayam), bhakti(pure devotion), karma yoga etc...
    At Hinduism is not a region, the followers do not have any specific name.

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mr Fussy View Post
    The Pandava (Sanskrit) are the five acknowledged sons of Pandu, by his two wives Kunti and Madri. Their names are Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva. All five brothers were married to the same woman, Draupadi.

    Please enlighten me regards to all this.

    Oh and everything I've read on hear from you sounds like the Avatar movie or like realy bad sci fi TV series.
    The Story:

    Drupada intended that Arjuna alone win the hand of his daughter. Upon hearing of the Pandavas' supposed death at Varanavata he set up a swayamvara for Draupadi intending to bring Arjuna out into the open. The princes vying for Draupadi's hand had to shoot five arrows at a revolving target, while looking only at its reflection in a bowl. Drupada was confident that Arjuna alone could accomplish this task. Arriving with his brothers disguised as Brahmins (priests), Arjuna successfully tackled the target, which other kings and prince were unable to accomplish.
    While in exile, Kunti, mother of the Pandavas often advised her sons that they share everything they have (or obtain through Bhiksha i.e. alms) equally amongst themselves. Upon returning home with Draupadi, on purpose, Arjuna addresses his mother first "Look mother, I have brought Bhiksha (alms)!". Kunti, unmindful of what Arjuna was referring to, unassumingly asked her son to share whatever it is with his brothers. Thus, in order to obey their mother's order all five accepted Draupadi as their wife, without taking her consent.
    When Krishna visits the family, he explains to Draupadi that her unique position as the wife of five brothers results from a certain incident in her previous birth. She had in that lifetime prayed to Shiva to grant her a husband with five desired qualities. Shiva, pleased with her devotion, tells her that it is very difficult to get a husband with all five qualities that she desired. But she sticks to her ground and asks for the same. Then Lord Shiva grants her wish saying that she would get the same in her next birth. Hence she gets married to five brothers each who represents a given quality: The just Yudhisthira for his wisdom of Dharma; The powerful Bhima for his strength that exceeded that of a thousand elephants combined; The valiant Arjuna for his courage and knowledge of the battlefield; the exceedingly handsome Nakula and Sahadeva, for their love

    The character of Lord Ram is different from the Pandavas. Lord Ram is God personified who portrays a perfect human being. We try to follow the ways of Lord Ram in order to become better human beings.

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    No. It is not written in any books but was blindly followed by certain ignorant communities till the Govt of India abolished the practicees. The scriptures considered it to be a social evil. Here are some points in our scriptures which condemned sati:

    1) In the Ramayana, Tara, in her grief at the death of husband Vali, wished to commit sati. Hanuman, Rama(GOD), and the dying Vali dissuade her and she finally does not immolate herself.

    2) Passages in the Atharva Veda, including 13.3.1, offer advice to the widow on mourning and her life after widowhood, including her remarriage.

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    Well, Hinduism was never a religion... The usage of the word Hindu was further popularized by the Arabic term al-Hind referring to the land of the people who live across river Indus... So it was never a religion but a good way of life started by great saints and sages.. This way of life in sankrit is called 'Sanatan Dharma' meaning the 'eternal law' .. It includes various practises such as - the yoga system(linking yourself with the supreme), meditation, vegeterianism, breathing exercises(pranayam), bhakti(pure devotion), karma yoga etc...
    At Hinduism is not a region, the followers do not have any specific name.
    Hinduism is not one faith. Hinduism refers to multiple faiths or union of faiths of different people. As I have said before, it is a way of life. This 'way of life' is based on the guidance of the Bhagavad Gita(Song of God) and the Holy Vedas:

    The Bhagavad-gita ("song of God")—the famous conversation between the peerless warrior Arjuna and the Supreme God, Krishna—posing as Arjuna’s charioteer—at the onset of the battle of Kurukshetra, circa 3200 B.C. Krishna explains all the essential spiritual truths: the difference between the soul and the body, the difference between the soul and the Supreme Soul (God), the science of reincarnation, the nature of time, the ultimate goal of yoga, why different kinds of religion appeal to different kinds of people, and the ultimate purpose of human life.
    It is at times referred to as the "manual for mankind" and has been highly praised by not only prominent Indians such as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi but also Aldous Huxley, Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Carl Jung and Herman Hesse. It is considered among the most important texts in the history of literature and philosophy.

    Famous Reflections on the Bhagavad Gita:

    Albert Einstein: When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.

    Mahatma Gandhi: When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad-gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day.

    Henry David Thoreau: In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita, in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial.

    Dr. Albert Schweitzer: The Bhagavad-Gita has a profound influence on the spirit of mankind by its devotion to God which is manifested by actions.

    Sri Aurobindo: The Bhagavad-Gita is a true scripture of the human race a living creation rather than a book, with a new message for every age and a new meaning for every civilisation.

    Carl Jung: The idea that man is like unto an inverted tree seems to have been current in by gone ages. The link with Vedic conceptions is provided by Plato in his Timaeus in which it states..." behold we are not an earthly but a heavenly plant." This correlation can be discerned by what Krishna expresses in chapter 15 of Bhagavad-Gita.

    Prime Minister Nehru: The Bhagavad-Gita deals essentially with the spiritual foundation of human existence. It is a call of action to meet the obligations and duties of life; yet keeping in view the spiritual nature and grander purpose of the universe.

    Herman Hesse: The marvel of the Bhagavad-Gita is its truly beautiful revelation of life's wisdom which enables philosophy to blossom into religion.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson: I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad-gita. It was the first of books; it was as if an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent, the voice of an old intelligence which in another age and climate had pondered and thus disposed of the same questions which exercise us.

    Aldous Huxley: The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity.

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    Red face Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    Hi!, I'm a Hindu and I would like to know how the muslims view Hinduism.
    Well hello!
    My personal views on Hinduism are not bad! It is absolutely wrong to discriminate against any religion, race, or gender. I have a lot of Hindu people in my school/orchestra and they can be really fun to hang out with... it's not like your different as a person xD! Well, I hope you have fun on this site and get a awesome understanding of Islam!

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mr Fussy View Post
    The Pandava (Sanskrit) are the five acknowledged sons of Pandu, by his two wives Kunti and Madri. Their names are Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva. All five brothers were married to the same woman, Draupadi.
    In the original Indian version, Draupadi is wife of The Pandava Five. But in Javanese version, Draupadi married only with Yudhistira. It's because Javanese people couldn't accept marriage between a woman and more than one men.

    There are some little differences between Mahabharata in Indian version and in Javanese version.

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    1. Islam is the oldest religion

    Hinduism is not the oldest of all the religions. It is Islam which is the first and the oldest of all religions. People have a misconception that Islam is 1400 years old and that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the founder of this religion. Islam existed since time immemorial, ever since man first set foot on this earth. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was not the founder of Islam. He was the last and final Messenger of Almighty God.

    2. The oldest religion need not be the purest and the most authentic religion

    A religion cannot be claimed to be most pure and authentic, only on the criterion that it is the oldest. It is similar to a person saying that the water he has kept in an open glass, in his house, outside the refrigerator, for three months is purer than the water which has just been collected in a clean glass, immediately after it has been purified.

    3. The latest religion need not be the purest and the most authentic religion

    On the other hand a religion cannot be claimed to be the purest or authentic, only on the criterion that the religion is new or the latest. A bottle of distilled water which is sealed, packed and kept in the refrigerator for three months is much purer than a bottle of water freshly collected from the sea.

    4. For religion to be pure and authentic, it should not have interpolations, changes and revisions in its scriptures revealed from God

    For any religion to be pure and authentic, its scriptures should not contain any interpolation, addition, deletion or revision. Moreover the religion’s source of inspiration and direction should be Almighty God. The Qur’an is the only religious scripture on the face of the earth which has been maintained it its original form. All the other religious scriptures, of all the other religions have interpolations, additions, deletions or revisions. The Qur’an has been in the memory of a multitude of people, intact in its original form ever since its revelation, and now there are hundreds of thousands of people who have preserved it in their memory. Moreover, if you compare the copies made by Caliph Uthman from the original Qur’an which is yet present in the museum in Tashkent and in Koptaki museum in Turkey, they are the same as the ones we possess today.

    Allah (swt) promises in the Qur’an, in Surah Al Hijr, chapter 15 verse 9

    "We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)."

    5. The oldest religion need not be best religion

    A religion cannot be claimed to be the best religion only on the criterion that it is the oldest. It is similar to a person saying, that my 19th century car is better than a Toyota car manufactured in 1998, because it is older. He would be considered to be a fool to say that his 19th century car which required a rod to be turned in circles to start it, is better than a key-start 1998 Toyota car, just because it is older.

    6. The latest religion need not be the best religion

    On the other hand a religion cannot be called as the best religion only on the criterion that the religion is new or that it came later. It is similar to a person who says that my 800 cc Suzuki car manufactured in 1999 is better than a 5000 cc Mercedes 500 SEL manufactured in 1997. To judge which car is better, a person should compare the specifications of the car e.g. the power of the car, safety measures, the capacity of the cylinders, the pickup, the speed, the comfort, etc. 5000 cc Mercedes, 500 SEL car manufactured in 1997, is far superior and better than a 800 cc Suzuki (Maruti Suzuki 800) manufactured in 1999.

    7. A religion is best, if it has the solutions to the problems of mankind

    For a religion to be considered the best, it should have the solution to all the problems of mankind. It should be the religion of truth, and should be applicable to all ages. Islam is the only religion which has the solution to all the problems of mankind. e.g. the problem of alcoholism, surplus women, rape and molestation, robbery, racism, casteism, etc.

    Islam is the religion of truth, and its laws and solutions are applicable to all the ages. The Qur’an is the only religious book on the face of the earth, which has maintained its purity and authenticity proving itself to be the word of God in all the ages. i.e. previously, when it was the age of miracles, literature and poetry and in present times when it is the age of science and technology. Moreover, Islam is not a man-made religion, but a religion revealed and inspired by Almighty God. It is the only religion acceptable in His Sight.
    Last edited by Predator; 01-25-2011 at 10:53 PM.
    Views on Hinduism!

    When truth is hurled at falsehood , falsehood perishes. because falsehood by its nature is bound to perish [21:18- Holy quran]

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