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    Views on Hinduism! (OP)

    Hi!, I'm a Hindu and I would like to know how the muslims view Hinduism.

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    powerofdharma's Avatar Restricted Member
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

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    format_quote Originally Posted by SlaveOfGod View Post
    Islam mean submission, so a person who submits to the will of god is a Muslim, correct? And since most monotheistic religons believe that Adam (as) submitted to the will of god I guess they subconsciously agree that Adam (as) was a Muslim.
    im talking about which religion came first not God. By saying this do you the Christian God is different from the Islam God and the Hindu God? God is one and the same for everyone. Some people call him Allah, some call him God, and some call him Krishna. Religions are created by man. Which ever religion came first or later, the God in opinion was there from the beginning LoL...

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mila View Post
    the reason why I said that a buddhist wouldnt agree is bc they dont even believe in a God that created this world they believe that the world was created by sentient souls.
    So a buddhist would not except Buddha as being a reincarnation of a God.

    but even if Buddha is a reincarnation of God as brother ardianto has pointed out why are you not buddhist instead of hindu...doesnt add up

    Christianity was not even a religion until the death of Jesus, Islam has been a religion even before the birth of Jesus so FAIL in trying to quote my words sir/ma'am lol.
    Buddha himself worshipped Lord Vishnu and Shiva and was a hindu by birth. He adhered to the same Hindu Principles. He believed in the concept of God but wanted to rationalise it. Buddhists all over India(Homeland of Buddha) believe this. Buddha never stepped out of India. Neither did he say that he starting a new religion called 'Buddhism'. His disciples in other parts of the world referred to it as Buddhism. The teachings of Buddha spread to the rest of the world many years after Buddha when chinese scholars came to India and studied his teachings.

  5. #43
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    Buddha himself worshipped Lord Vishnu and Shiva and was a hindu by birth. He adhered to the same Hindu Principles. He believed in the concept of God but wanted to rationalise it. Buddhists all over India(Homeland of Buddha) believe this. Buddha never stepped out of India. Neither did he say that he starting a new religion called 'Buddhism'. His disciples in other parts of the world referred to it as Buddhism. The teachings of Buddha spread to the rest of the world many years after Buddha when chinese scholars came to India and studied his teachings.

    None of this even matters the point is that Buddha himself may have believed in a God but his followers dont.
    That is why i said that i doubt a buddhist would agree that buddhism is a branch of Hinduism they seem to have similairities which is correct but calling it a branch of hinduism is not correct.

    That would be like saying Christianity is a branch of Islam.
    Isa (jesus) pbuh was a Muslim after his death some of his followers took his message (that was sent by Allah for Isa to spread) and turned it into another religion outside of Islam aka Christianity.
    Christianity and Islam have similarites but Christianity is not considered a branch of Islam if it is then that is news to me.

    Christanity, Islam, and Judaism fall under the same branch ( the 3 abrahamic faiths) Hinduism and Buddhism fall under the same branch. And under each religion they have different branchs.
    The branchs of Hinduism seem to be Vaishnavites, Shaivites, neo-Hindus and reform Hindus.
    Buddhism is not listed as a branch of Hinduism bc it is a different religon/belief then Hinduism it only shares similarities as I have already stated.
    Last edited by S.Belle; 01-22-2011 at 03:59 AM.
    Views on Hinduism!

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    All Pagans (Hinduism & Buddhism) will be in the Hell fire forever. How do people make lies about Allah (SWT) saying he has a son, worshiping statues or not worshiping him, everyone who believes in god hates the Pagan godless people (Hinduism & Buddhism) & wishes 2 things of them 1 their destruction 2 them worshiping the one & only god Allah (SWT). Please save yourself powerofdharma from the fire leave this devil made evil Hinduism & embrace Islam the Truth. 112:1 Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; 112:2 "Allah-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks). 112:3 He begets not, nor is He begotten. 112:4 "And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him." Surat Al-'Ikhlāş (The Sincerity) (The Holy Quran)

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    God talks about our moral values. He tells us about our deeds. He tells us how bad 'anger' is for us. He tells us that he loves us unconditionally. We do have any such concept of hell. Neither does our God want us to believe in him or praise him or pray to him. He says that our next life is based on our deeds and not our belief in him. Our God is more like a lover than like an angry king. So there is nothing to fear. This belief of God sending people for hell for just not having faith in him sounds very funny. God is wise, forgiving, and loving. He can never even think of torturing anyone.

    The idea of your ""God"" being unjust is very funny . Right you have nothing to fear all you need to take a ""bath" in that filthy ganges to get rid of all sins .
    You burn money with diwali fire crackers , instead of giving the money and clothes to poor . Cant see how your God should be very pleased with that.
    Views on Hinduism!

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  9. #46
    selsebil's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    Dear powerofdharma,

    Thanks for asking this question.I've been to India many times and viewed effects of Hinduism in society.First I should say that we should all have a mutual respect for the faiths of others.So I agreed with Pearlofwisdom.But mutual respect does not mean to accept the faiths of others.We can discuss and compare Hinduism in the view of the information above:

    1." Hinduism cannot be called Polytheism. Vedas, which are one of the primary Hindu scriptures mention that there is only One God." Islam also accepts only One God. But there is difference.A Hindu man had told me about the birth and marriage of God.( Corrrect this if it's wrong.I don't know).If it's correct God has some similar attributions like human beings in Hinduism.In Islam,God is not similar to anything in universe.

    Almighty God is above having mother and father, relatives or wife.Quran denies the divinity of those who have offspring and parents and equals; and it is to show that they are not worthy of being worshipped.Almighty God is above all relations which suggest giving birth and being born. He is exempt from having any partners, helpers, or fellows. His relations with all beings are those of Creator. He creates through His pre-eternal will with the command of “Be!,” and it is. He is far beyond having any relation which is contrary to perfection, or is compelling, necessitating, or involuntary.Almighty God is pre-eternal and post-eternal, He is the First and the Last. Neither in His essence, nor in His attributes, nor in His actions, has He in any way any equal, peer, like, or match, or anything similar, resembling, or analogous to Him. Only, in His acts, there may be comparisons expressing similarity.
    2. " Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva(Creator, Sustainer and destroyer) are different aspects of the same God." In Islam God has also different names.Al-Alim (The Knower of All), Al-Khalik (Creator), Al-Aziz ( The Mighty & Strong.) and so on...
    3." Out of respect we worship both God and his creation." In Islam, Muslims worship to only God.Created things are not deserved to be worshipped.In Hinduism some creatures are considered to be holy like cows,snakes,elephants etc. In Islam these are just creatures of God.
    4." We see God in everything which is good. Such as beauty, wisdom, intelligence, love etc. " In Islam everything good and bad is created by God.But there is a wisdom in the creation of bad things as well as good things.For example:God Almighty, in order to display His infinite power and unlimited mercy, has made inherent in man infinite impotence and unlimited want. Further, in order to display the endless embroideries of His Names, He has created man like a machine capable of receiving unlimited varieties of pain, as well as infinite varieties of pleasure. Within that human machine are hundreds of instruments, each of which has different pains and pleasures, different duties and rewards. Simply, all of the Divine Names manifested in the macroanthropos that is the world also have manifestations in the microcosm that is man. Beneficial matters like good health, well-being, and pleasures cause man to offer thanks and prompt the human machine to perform its functions in many respects, and thus man becomes like a factory producing thanks.
    Similarly, by means of misfortune, illness and pain, and other motion-inducing contingencies, the other cogs of the human machine are set in motion and revolution. The mine of weakness, impotence, and poverty inherent in human nature is made to work. It induces in man a state whereby he seeks refuge and help not only with a single tongue, but with the tongue of each of his members. Thus by means of those contingencies man becomes like a moving pen comprising thousands of different pens. He inscribes the appointed course of his existence on the page of his life or the Tablet in the World of Similitudes; he puts forth a declaration of the Divine Names; and becomes himself an ode to the glory of God, thus fulfilling the duties of his nature.
    5. " Hindus believe that every guest who visits there house is God. This does not make hinduism polytheistic or incorrect. It simply means that a guest should be treated as God." In Islam nothing can be treated as God.(Even the prophets are human beings).

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Airforce View Post
    The idea of your ""God"" being unjust is very funny . Right you have nothing to fear all you need to take a ""bath" in that filthy ganges to get rid of all sins .
    You burn money with diwali fire crackers , instead of giving the money and clothes to poor . Cant see how your God should be very pleased with that.
    1. As I have mentioned, we have the 'law of karma' or 'law of action and reaction' in Hinduism which prevails over everything. If a person has committed a bad deed and the person does not attempt to correct it, he will definitely have to pay for it. But there is nothing like hell-fire or something. He will have to face the repercussions.

    2. Taking a bath in the pure ganges does not mean than we are cleansed from every sin. The river Ganga provides water for millions of people in India. The Indo-gangetic planes are one of the most fertile planes in the world. These planes contribute to the vast expanse of agriculture in India. Thus we treat the river as a source of food and water and therefore a source of life. We regard the Ganga as our mother because in a way she nurtures us. So if a person takes a bath in the Ganga, it is seen as an expression of surrender. This act of surrendering to Mother Ganga is itself seen a symbol of purifying our soul.

    3. No where in Hindu scriptures does it mention to light fire-crackers. It is just an expression of joy during Diwali celebrated by the devotees. On Diwali every Hindu gives new clothes, food etc to the poor because we believe that God resides in the heart of every living being. In fact, we give food not only to the poor but also to the cows, dogs, birds and other animals.

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    Thanks selsebil for your view.
    Heres a little more on Hinduism:

    Our God says: "Whenever and wherever there is a decline in moral values, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that time I descend Myself."

    So our God descends to establish religious and moral values. Whenever he comes down he teaches us something by setting an example. For example, God descended as a 'Ram' to set an example of a 'perfect human being'. He taught us to respect parents, elders and teachers. He taught us NEVER to find faults in anyone neither in anyones religious practises. He taught us that a man should only marry one female.

    But when God descended as Krishna, he appeared as 'divinity personified'. He taught us the relationship of a devotee and his supreme. He told us that we should never fear him but only love him. In this incarnation he appeared as a son to those worshiped God as if He were their own son. He married those, who wanted God to be their husband. etc. In this context, He showed that God is everyones' and everyone is God's.

    So God being a son, husband etc is just expression and the essence of his Godliness in Hinduism. In Hinduism, we believe when a devotee reaches the highest level of devotion, there is no difference between and god. While a devotee prays to his God, the God in turn meditates upon his devotee. As the devotee considers him to be a slave of God, the God in turn considers himself to be a slave of the devotee.

  12. #49
    aadil77's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    Thank you for your reply.
    Well, Hinduism is actually not a religion but a way of living life. Infact, it is the oldest religion.
    Just to clarify the islamic view on this; we believe islam is the oldest religion. This is because we believe the first man on earth was Adam, who was also a prophet of God, he spread the same message that has been spread by all prophets to mankind.
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    Salafi1407's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    power of dharma, i respect the fact that you also believe in 1 god and it is a mis-conception that you believe in many. but what is not a mis-conception is that you WORSHIP many gods, you may BELIEVE in one but you worship MANY. Like you even mentioned the different things you worship or associate with the 1 god. In Islam there is NO great sin than Shirk, which is associating a partner with the 1 Allah (which you acknowledge there is only 1). That is the biggest sin and there is no way back from hell if one commits that. Allah is 1 and therefore he needs to be worshipped alone, you don't worship a monkey or an elephant or a statue or the moon or jesus (pbuh) or muhammed (salla allahu alayhi wasallam), NO ONE is to be worshipped bar allah. And that is not for us muslims only it is for the whole of mankind.

    so you tell me how you can justify worshipping statues or people thus associating with Allah? who is ONE as you said so yourself. Why not worship Allah himself directly? In Islamic history we had pagans and idol worshippers residing in Makkah before Muhammed SAW preached Islam. They also believed in Allah but they worshipped him VIA idols, they felt that by worshipping idols or graves of past pious people will bring them closer to Allah, when in fact it took them further away. COMMON SENSE tells you that Islam is the ONLY way of life, answer me this, if one can worship Allah directly? why give him partners? Why worship the creation as oposed to the creater himself?? Why would the creater come down on earth encarnated as a creation? When he can simply send down messengers to the people of this world?

    Look hard at your religion again man, and if it makes sense to you then fair enough, but to me Islam makes the most sense, you should look into Islam and its teachings and then compare it with your religion. Hoefully you will see the light.

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. As a Muslim, Islam teaches us to respect other religions and treat both Muslims and non-Muslims kindly and justly.

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    The God appears before the devotee in the form he(devotee) adores Him.
    In Islam, God does what He wills and He is independent of us. While we are in need of Him.

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    3) Hindus believe that God is Omnipresent and resides in the heart of every living being. Out of respect we worship both God and his creation. God's creations such as rain, wind, fire, water, suns, moons, earth have been personified by our scriptures with names such as Indradev, vayudev, agnidev, varundev, suryadev and chandradev.
    Do you worship the creation while it cannot bring you any benefit or harm?

    Our religion teaches us to regard our parents and teachers higher than God.
    How can the creation be above the Creator? In Islam parents are held in high status and we are commanded to respect and be kind towards our parents. However, God is above everything.

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    Another thing I would like to point out is that idol worship is not compulsory in Hinduism. In-order to love our God, we try to personify him with the help of idols.
    Can't God, the All-Powerful be loved without the help of idols?

    By doing this we express our love. We believe that we get God in the form we perceive him.. That is what our God tells us.

    In most hindu homes... every married woman wants a son like krishna(God), every teenager wants a friend like Krishna, many girls see him as their husband/boyfriend .. and so on. And according to Hinduism God appears before him devotees in the same form as they want him too.
    Is God what a human perceive Him to be? What if someone else perceives him differently than you? Does this mean there are many gods?

    For example, person A sees that god has a wife while person B sees God is One, without sons, without any partners. Does this mean there are two gods?

    Does everyone have his own god? Does this mean person A has one god and person B another god? Wait, doesn't this mean there are two gods? 1+1=2

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    3. The God acts like a slave of his devotees - unconditional eternal love.
    How can God, who is Perfect and capable of everything, be a slave of some imperfect and erroneous humans?

    4. If God is the lotus then the devotee is its fragrance. Ie: Both depend on each other. Neither can exist without the other.
    God is Eternal whereas humans weren't here long before. How did God exist at that time without humans? Is God as old as humans are? If humans die one day, will god die too?

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    There are many Hindu schools which do not believe in idol worship. In Hinduism, the method of worship is completely based on the devotees choice.
    Didn't God, the Guider, give you any guidance?

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    We believe that God himself comes down to this planet.
    Now did God change into creation? Maybe it's time to make up one's mind, is God a creation or Creator?

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    im talking about which religion came first not God. By saying this do you the Christian God is different from the Islam God and the Hindu God? God is one and the same for everyone.
    I thought you said God is how the slave perceives him? If two people perceive God differently, then He wouldn't be the same for everyone.

    Some people call him Allah, some call him God, and some call him Krishna. Religions are created by man. Which ever religion came first or later, the God in opinion was there from the beginning LoL...
    Islam isn't created by man. It's a religion ordained by God. Because in Islam, we do not decide what we are allowed to do and what not according to our whims and desires. Rather we submit to Allah's will and follow His will.

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    I don't know enough about Hinduism to know if I like or dislike it. Is the caste system in any way related to Hinduism or is that purely cultural?

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    "In Islam, God does what He wills and He is independent of us. While we are in need of Him."

    In Hinduism, the soul is a part of God. Thus God is not independent of us. There is a relationship between God and His devotee.

    "Do you worship the creation while it cannot bring you any benefit or harm?"

    Hinduism preaches us not pray for gaining any benefit. Praying to God in Hinduism is just an expression of our love for him.

    "How can the creation be above the Creator? In Islam parents are held in high status and we are commanded to respect and be kind towards our parents. However, God is above everything."

    In Hinduism, the creator and His creation are NOT different things. It has a bit of duality. God in Hinduism teaches us that our parents and teachers come before Him.

    "Can't God, the All-Powerful be loved without the help of idols?"

    Of course he can be loved without the help of idols. So many Hindus worship(love) him without the help of idols. God has given free will to his devotees. He has not made it a compulsion to pray to Him. It is totally based on the devotees choice. If someone adores God, he gets closer to Him.

    "Is God what a human perceive Him to be? What if someone else perceives him differently than you? Does this mean there are many gods?

    For example, person A sees that god has a wife while person B sees God is One, without sons, without any partners. Does this mean there are two gods?

    Does everyone have his own god? Does this mean person A has one god and person B another god? Wait, doesn't this mean there are two gods? 1+1=2"

    Suppose there are many pots (full of water) lined up under the Sun. As the Sun is reflected in each pot, a pot might think that the Sun is his own. But the sun is only one. Similarly, in Hinduism every Hindu thinks that God is his own. He perceives him however he feels like. He adores him in his own manner.

    "How can God, who is Perfect and capable of everything, be a slave of some imperfect and erroneous humans?"

    Because God is unlimited, He likes to enjoy an unlimited number of relationships, each unique. We each have a unique relationship with God, revealed when our love for Him matures. While impersonalists want to become one with God, devotees can attain the position of being greater than God. In the intimacy of pure love, they can tell God what do to, and He loves to hear it.

    God is Eternal whereas humans weren't here long before. How did God exist at that time without humans? Is God as old as humans are? If humans die one day, will god die too?

    "Didn't God, the Guider, give you any guidance? "

    In Hinduism, God never gave us any guidance on how to pray to Him. He guided us on how to become a better person. He told us about our role in the society. He taught us how to love. Infact, he never asked us to pray to Him. He just asked us to love Him. In Hinduism, saints and wise men are regarded higher than God. So their guidance is considered to be supreme.

    "Now did God change into creation? Maybe it's time to make up one's mind, is God a creation or Creator?"

    In Hinduism, God is omnipresent. We donot classify creator and creation differently. Hindu God incarnates on this planet.

    "I thought you said God is how the slave perceives him? If two people perceive God differently, then He wouldn't be the same for everyone."

    Yup! But the power behind the appearance remains the same.

    " Islam isn't created by man. It's a religion ordained by God. Because in Islam, we do not decide what we are allowed to do and what not according to our whims and desires. Rather we submit to Allah's will and follow His will."

    We believe that God never created religion. It is His devotees who created the religion. A devotee who has reached the highest level of spirituality via his devotion, wisdom and good deeds is considered to be a saint. We thus follow such wise men.

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    I don't know enough about Hinduism to know if I like or dislike it. Is the caste system in any way related to Hinduism or is that purely cultural?
    Its purely cultural.

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    I guess you guys should definately read the 'Bhagwat Gita'. It explains the beauty of life and our relationship with the God. It is the word of God for Hindus.. It is essence of living a healthier life.

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    These are some of the things which we believe in:

    1. Fellowship with the saints(Good people0
    2. Fondness for legends of the God
    3. Selfless service to the teacher
    4. Chanting the God's name with steadfast faith
    5. Practice self-governance and detachment from manifold activities
    6. See God in everyone and regard the Teachers, Parents higher than God.
    7. Enjoin contentment with what one has and dream not of spying faults in others.
    8. Be simple and not be cunning in any manner.
    9. To have implicit faith in the Lord with neither exultation nor depression

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    God is Eternal whereas humans weren't here long before. How did God exist at that time without humans? Is God as old as humans are? If humans die one day, will god die too?
    Could you please answer this question too?

  23. #58
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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    "God is Eternal whereas humans weren't here long before. How did God exist at that time without humans? Is God as old as humans are? If humans die one day, will god die too?"

    Are God says:
    ~ As person abandons worn-out clothes and acquires new ones, so when the body is worn out a new one is acquired by the Self, who lives within. ~
    ~One who sees the super soul(God) accompanying the individual soul(Souls of all living beings) in all bodies and who understands that neither the soul nor the Super soul is ever destroyed, actually sees~

    We believe that the soul is never destroyed. It is the body which is destroyed after death. Our soul, which is a part of God is immortal. As God is eternal, our souls are eternal too. They never die. So if all humans and living creatures die, it is their body which perishes. Their soul is eternal.

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!


    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    "In Islam, God does what He wills and He is independent of us. While we are in need of Him."

    In Hinduism, the soul is a part of God. Thus God is not independent of us. There is a relationship between God and His devotee.
    I recommend you study Islam, in Islam God is All-Powerful and independent of everything.

    "Do you worship the creation while it cannot bring you any benefit or harm?"

    Hinduism preaches us not pray for gaining any benefit. Praying to God in Hinduism is just an expression of our love for him.
    If there's no benefit in praying and it's useless, why pray then?

    "How can the creation be above the Creator? In Islam parents are held in high status and we are commanded to respect and be kind towards our parents. However, God is above everything."

    In Hinduism, the creator and His creation are NOT different things. It has a bit of duality. God in Hinduism teaches us that our parents and teachers come before Him.
    If humans come before God, I suppose He isn't that important then? And according to Hinduism because a person is God's creation, he is also the creator (as they aren't different things)? So people are god?

    "Can't God, the All-Powerful be loved without the help of idols?"

    Of course he can be loved without the help of idols. So many Hindus worship(love) him without the help of idols. God has given free will to his devotees. He has not made it a compulsion to pray to Him. It is totally based on the devotees choice. If someone adores God, he gets closer to Him.
    Why even believe in God then?

    "Is God what a human perceive Him to be? What if someone else perceives him differently than you? Does this mean there are many gods?

    For example, person A sees that god has a wife while person B sees God is One, without sons, without any partners. Does this mean there are two gods?

    Does everyone have his own god? Does this mean person A has one god and person B another god? Wait, doesn't this mean there are two gods? 1+1=2"

    Suppose there are many pots (full of water) lined up under the Sun. As the Sun is reflected in each pot, a pot might think that the Sun is his own. But the sun is only one. Similarly, in Hinduism every Hindu thinks that God is his own. He perceives him however he feels like. He adores him in his own manner.
    This analogy fails, because the Sun is independent of how the pot thinks and sees it. It is still yellow, warm and has the same qualities. It doesn't matter in the least how we see it. This doesn't apply to God, in your definition, as it is what people perceive Him to be, and needless to say people perceive him differently. My question remains:

    - For example, person A sees that god has a wife while person B sees God is One, without sons, without any partners. Does this mean there are two gods?

    Does everyone have his own god? Does this mean person A has one god and person B another god? Wait, doesn't this mean there are two gods? 1+1=2 -

    "How can God, who is Perfect and capable of everything, be a slave of some imperfect and erroneous humans?"

    Because God is unlimited, He likes to enjoy an unlimited number of relationships, each unique. We each have a unique relationship with God, revealed when our love for Him matures. While impersonalists want to become one with God, devotees can attain the position of being greater than God. In the intimacy of pure love, they can tell God what do to, and He loves to hear it.
    Shouldn't Hindus then tell those higher devotees to tell God to remove poverty from the world? That is if God hears and obeys them.

    "Now did God change into creation? Maybe it's time to make up one's mind, is God a creation or Creator?"

    In Hinduism, God is omnipresent. We donot classify creator and creation differently. Hindu God incarnates on this planet.
    That means God is in creation also as he is omnipresent. Does this mean God is created? By who?

    "I thought you said God is how the slave perceives him? If two people perceive God differently, then He wouldn't be the same for everyone."

    Yup! But the power behind the appearance remains the same.
    If two people perceive the power differently, then the power wouldn't be the same for everyone. Right?

    "Didn't God, the Guider, give you any guidance? "

    In Hinduism, God never gave us any guidance on how to pray to Him. He guided us on how to become a better person. He told us about our role in the society. He taught us how to love. Infact, he never asked us to pray to Him. He just asked us to love Him. In Hinduism, saints and wise men are regarded higher than God. So their guidance is considered to be supreme.
    " Islam isn't created by man. It's a religion ordained by God. Because in Islam, we do not decide what we are allowed to do and what not according to our whims and desires. Rather we submit to Allah's will and follow His will."

    We believe that God never created religion. It is His devotees who created the religion. A devotee who has reached the highest level of spirituality via his devotion, wisdom and good deeds is considered to be a saint. We thus follow such wise men.
    Is god stupid, does bad deeds and isn't devoted in Hinduism and so you follow wiser men?
    Last edited by Asiyah3; 01-22-2011 at 09:14 PM. Reason: typo

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    Re: Views on Hinduism!

    format_quote Originally Posted by powerofdharma View Post
    We believe that the soul is never destroyed. It is the body which is destroyed after death. Our soul, which is a part of God is immortal. As God is eternal, our souls are eternal too. They never die. So if all humans and living creatures die, it is their body which perishes. Their soul is eternal.
    Who decreed or made the soul to be immortal?

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