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Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

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    MustafaMc's Avatar Full Member
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    Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

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    I believe that there is no verifiable scientific proof that Allah (swt) exists. By this I mean that no one has ever seen, smelled or touched Him. Moses conversed with Him through the burning bush, but we don't have a tape recording of the conversation. No one has measured or defined His nature other than what He has revealed in the Quran. Belief in Allah (swt) is the most fundamental belief that we Muslims and other theists have. Why do you believe in His existence?

    My belief in Allah (swt) centers around the requirement I see for a Creator. This perceived need of a Creator is derived from my scientific knowledge (PhD in genetics and molecular biology, mash'Allah) and through the use of my mind to know that the universe and all life (as my friend Eric noted) did not arise by chance, but rather was created by a Higher Power that I know as Allah (swt). It is my choice to believe in Allah (swt) as it is the choice of others to disbelieve.

    I will use an analogy that I have stated elsewhere. If I were to walk upon a beach and came upon three bricks (_ _ _) that were stacked on top of each other perfectly aligned like:


    I would conclude that someone came before me and stacked them up in that matter. The fact that there were no footprints left in the sand would not be proof that I was wrong and that the bricks instead became stacked by the random crashing of the waves on the shoreline. Rather I would conclude that these waves erased the footprints of the person who stacked the bricks while leaving the bricks standing. How much more intricate is the design of life systems that are evidence of a Creator?

    Why do you believe in Allah (swt)?
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    You pretty much already covered it, dude. I was going to say that the universe has too much order for it to just be random cosmic chance. That in itself is proof enough. It is what eventually convinced me that there really is a God when I was an atheist/agnostic.

    I do have to admit that the whole dinosaurs thing puzzles me, though. But that's another topic.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    A fundamental aspect and element of any religion by definition is faith. If we had physically verifiable evidence or proof for the existence of Allah (swt), where would faith come in? If there existed such evidence observable to all, could anyone deny the existence of Allah (swt)?

    According to Wikipedia, Faith is confidence or trust in a person or entity. Depending on the religion, faith is belief in a single god or multiple gods or in the doctrines or teachings of the religion. Informal usage of faith can be quite broad, including trust or belief without proof, and "faith" is often used as a substitute for "hope", "trust" or "belief". Some critics of faith have argued that faith is opposed to reason. In contrast, some advocates of faith argue that the proper domain of faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence.

    I grew up as a Christian and as a child I believed that Santa Claus brought presents to me during the night before Christmas. As I grew older my curiosity and questioning about Santa Claus also grew. I would stay up and try to get a glimpse of Santa Claus, but I never did. Eventually, I came to see that he was only a myth and that it was my parents who put the presents under the tree while I was asleep. I ceased to believe that Santa Claus existed.

    Also, as a child of Christians I grew up being taught that God came to earth in the form of a human being, Jesus, to live a perfect life and to offer himself as a sacrificial lamb on the cross as the only possible means for man, myself included, to be redeemed from his sins and saved from being punished in the Hellfire. My concept of God was centered around and focused on the 'Son' aspect of the Trinity and I felt an immense gratitude that God would come to earth and die a horrible death so that I might attain Eternal Life (astaghfir'Allah). I continued with this Christian belief until I read the Quran and came upon a different understanding of God as the one and only Divine Being without father, mother, son or daughter. I experienced a 'Paradigm Shift' where my concept of God changed irrevocably. I now saw that God was the 'Father' who Jesus referred to in the Lord's Prayer and who he prayed to in the Garden of Gethsemane. My belief about Jesus changed as I now saw that Jesus was an honored prophet and servant of God and that he was not God incarnate. This radical change in belief was not something that I willed to occur, rather I feel I was guided to this Truth by Allah (swt).

    Atheists are actually quite insightful in seizing upon the Theory of Evolution as the explanation for how the existing and extinct species of life came into being. If it can be proven that all of the species of life, including mankind, arose through natural processes from a single, unicellular 'Common Ancestor', then there is little need for a Creator to have created them from nothing merely by saying "Be!" If a Creator can be proven not to be required for the emergence of the species, then the most basic, fundamental element of faith that is the cornerstone of religion would be shown to be nothing more than a myth like Santa Claus. As a result religion would collapse like a 'house of cards'.

    My contention is that the atheists and the evolutionists will never be successful and that they are merely grasping at imaginary straws in a futile attempt to disprove the existence of Allah (swt). We as theists should be thankful to Allah (swt) for this guidance that results in us having faith while others yet wander astray. Our faith is an intangible element of our being that to a large extent defines our world view.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?


    I believe in Allah because:

    - It is inconceivable that this universe, and every living organism in existence has come from - nothing, by no-one, and is headed no-where!

    - I may not be able to physically see my Creator, BUT, as mentioned above, His handiwork is everywhere to see.
    It is not possible to turn your head in either direction but, to behold his magnificence.....if only we took the time to reflect on these.

    Do we not realise that a simple leaf, or a strand of hair, or even a single-celled organism, such as an amoeba - can not be re-created with all the scientic advances we have made so far?
    Bring all the scientists of the world together - and ask them to recreate a leaf!
    Alhamdulillah (All Praise is due to Allah!)

    - I refuse to believe that I have no purpose, that whatever happens in my life has no meaning, that when all is said and done......I am returning to dust, and nothing more.

    - When I see good being done in this world, that often goes un-noticed, and un-rewarded - then, surely this can not be in vain?

    - And when I see evil and hatred in this world, that escapes our mortal justice - I am comforted by the knowledge that the most just recompense is yet to follow.

    - When I see birth......And when I see death......my belief in Allah is strengthened over and over again.

    Why do I believe in Allah (subhana wata'ala)?

    Because I can see no other way.
    Without Him, my Rabb - there would be no me.

    I would be a fool.....no worse.....for me to make use of every bounty that my most Merciful Creator has blessed me with, each and every day, and then......refuse to acknowledge Him.

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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    You have articulated what I often think, in a far better manner than I could.

    The analogy that I tend to use is that of finding a perfect dining table and chair set in the middle of a forest. And what the chances are of the trees sawing the correct portions of themselves off and then the right pieces being joined together in the right places etc.

    What I would respectfully add, is that even the uneducated know that the complex systems of this world, such as our bodies, could not have come into being by themsleves, if simple things such as tables and chairs and houses can't. What I mean to say, is that both educated and uneducated know this self-evident truth. It is there for all who wish to recognise it.
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    Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    Stunningly beautiful adhaan from the Dome of the Rock in Masjid ul Aqsa
    Download (right click and choose "save target/link as").

    This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that those of understanding may take heed (14:52)

    Indeed Allah knows, and you know not (16: 74, part)
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    I also believe that I cannot provide a tangible proof of Allah when an atheist blatantly asks me "provide me evidence of your God." At times I feel embarassed that I cannot shut him up once and for all for I cannot provide him the direct physical evidence that he seeks. If he asked me to prove to him that protein A binds to protein B, I could use immunohistochemistry experiments and prove it to him but I cant do it with God, unfortunately (or foruntately?).

    That being said, ignoring all religious texts and all rituals, imagine I was born in a world where no one knew about God. So the default position was to be an atheist. I, as a person, would still yearn for ulterior meaning, suffer from exitential crises etc. That however is not a proof of God, but rather a proof for need of someone who can be God.

    My belief in exitence of God stems from the First Cause argument. All that which exists has to start from somewhere, from someone. An atheist believes that there is no First Cause, even though He cannot provide evidence of that. I believe that there is a First Cause, who also is personal because It decided that something be created rather than not created, when the universe equally could not have been created, and the Cause would still remain.
    Last edited by CosmicPathos; 01-23-2012 at 11:24 PM.
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    Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    Help me to escape from this existence
    I yearn for an answer... can you help me?
    I'm drowning in a sea of abused visions and shattered dreams
    In somnolent illusion... I'm paralyzed
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  9. #7
    Haya emaan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    why do i believe in Allah?
    many things have been already mentioned here..

    when i was born and in my childhood days my parents gave me the belief that there is Allah. that's the age when you don't need any evidence, but ALHAMDULILLAH as i grew up i never had to ask my self Why i do believe in Allah. Not because i was told to do so but every moment of my life gave me evidence that Yes there is Allah.

    when i was a science student science stuff provided me with lots of proofs, from the smallest particle atom to the universe, the origin of man and every living and nonliving organism, the patterns of life, the laws of science and the list goes on..

    Now being a student of arts i try to study nature from aesthetic view.. and with every glance of beauty the word i feel in my heart is "ALLAH". I try to copy aspects of nature with all its major and minor details and this is where every petal of flower with accurate, every leave of tree with its fine lines, every cloud in the sky forming amazing shapes, height of the sky, depth of the sea, so much perfect color merging, light and dark shades in the sky.. verity of colors in the lands, shades of blue in the seas , brilliant color scheming and every other detail strengthens my believe that no doubt this all needs a creator.

    i need some one to whom i can praise for making this all.. Each time when i finish my piece of painting and show it to some one, they ask "who made it?".. oh! if such a small piece of beauty needs a creator than how come the vast lands and seas expression of endless beauties can be created on its own...
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    Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    my hijab2 v01 by yip87 1 - Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah View Post

    You have articulated what I often think, in a far better manner than I could.
    Wa alaikum assalam, masha'Allah, sister. Actually, you had a very good explanation.
    The analogy that I tend to use is that of finding a perfect dining table and chair set in the middle of a forest. And what the chances are of the trees sawing the correct portions of themselves off and then the right pieces being joined together in the right places etc.
    This is a simple but elegant analogy. I find it amazing that different people can see evidence of their Creator through there own personal perspective, whether it be bricks on a beach, the First Cause, a small piece of beautiful art, or a dining table in the forest. Subhan'Allah yet there are those who have eyes and are unable to see.
    What I would respectfully add, is that even the uneducated know that the complex systems of this world, such as our bodies, could not have come into being by themsleves, if simple things such as tables and chairs and houses can't. What I mean to say, is that both educated and uneducated know this self-evident truth. It is there for all who wish to recognise it.
    Actually, it seems to me that often times it is the most uneducated who have the strongest faith. Sometimes the educated can become deluded in their arrogance and think that a Creator is not required, nor are they able to see the beauty and the wonder of what theists see in the creation as evidence of a Creator.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    The issue with a lot of atheists is that they are way too arrogant so a lot of times it is pointless to get into a debate with them. However, if they do make certain silly claims then you should put him in his place. Of course in order to do that you need to be intelligent yourself so that's where the pursuit of knowledge comes in. And we have to be careful with knowledge as it should make us humble, not arrogant.

    Many times atheists would take some "intellectual" quote against religion and just run with it. Many times such "intellectual" quotes can be refuted if thought through thoroughly, but the ignorant wouldn't bother, obviously. People can be such sheeps sometimes, which is interesting because a lot of our prophets were shepherds at one time.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hulk View Post
    The issue with a lot of atheists is that they are way too arrogant so a lot of times it is pointless to get into a debate with them.
    You are exactly correct that it seems pointless to debate with atheists about evolution and the existence of Allah in the same manner it seems pointless to debate Christians about the deity of Jesus. We are very unlikely to convince of their errors, but I feel a duty to do what I can to give them an opportunity to see things differently. You are also exactly correct that we need to guard against arrogance ourselves. It is often a fine line between confidence in one's convictions and coming across as arrogant.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    Jazakom Allah khyran all of you brothers and sisters. I think the above posts are perfectly describing what is belief and how it's not a matter of direct proof or evidence.
    In the same idea, I want to add some input about a subtle concept, which is :
    the importance of the heart in the process of eemaan
    Something that non-believers don't know, and many muslims tend to forget when trying to call non-believers to the truth.
    May Allah give us all the purity of the heart and husn al khateema. Aameen !

    I'll start from these 2 verses, which I think, summarize all the story of Imaan (faith) :

    Surat Alshuaraa': verses 88-89:
    "The day when wealth and sons avail not (any man) (88)Save him who bringeth unto Allah a whole heart."
    يَوۡمَ لَا يَنفَعُ مَالٌ۬ وَلَا بَنُونَ  ٨٨ إِلَّا مَنۡ أَتَى ٱللَّهَ بِقَلۡبٍ۬ سَلِيمٍ۬ ٨٩

    One of the conditions of the test on this earth is that Allah will not give us a strong explicit evidence of His existence. If we can see Allah with our eyes, or hear Him with our ears, then all the men on earth will believe automatically in His existence, like they believe in the existence of the sun, or in the existence of thunder. And thus, the hell and the jannah, the punishment and the reward will be irrelevant. People will never do sins, and the test in this dunya will be useless.

    So for brothers and sisters who want to do dawah and try to find answers for the unbelievers, and who want to find explicit proofs or evidences about the existence of Allah, they should know that there is no segmental and final response that will work for all, and that will make all the people believers.
    There is always people who will find their way easily, with the help of Allah. And also those who will stray from the right path.

    Allah only gave us signs of his existence. And He gave us a mind and a heart. And we can easily get to Allah through our mind, by following the signs and the basic 'fitra' (innate common sense). That combination (mind or intelligence or fitra + the signs) theoretically can simply lead all the humans to believe in Allah. But why unbelievers still exist ? => Because there is another little thing that make the process of belief a little bit more complex and difficult : the heart. Your heart may cast you away from the way of Allah !

    The process of belief, as simple as it is, is also a little bit delicate; Because it depends on two factors : the mind and the heart.

    The mind is so simple and correct (though limited), you are not able to force it to be incorrect, or to change the way your mind works : "1+1=2"; "cause preceeds effect"; "I think, therefore I am"; etc. You can lie on others, but you cannot lie on yourself, because your mind will not let it pass, as simple as that.

    But there is the heart. The other part of the game. The heart is not as rigourous as the mind, in fact it has no reason.
    And the problem is that, the heart can influence on your mind, and can make you a believer or non-believer. How ?

    Let's go back to the 2 verses in the beginning :
    "The day when wealth and sons avail not (any man) (88)Save him who bringeth unto Allah a whole heart. (89)"
    يَوۡمَ لَا يَنفَعُ مَالٌ۬ وَلَا بَنُونَ  ٨٨ إِلَّا مَنۡ أَتَى ٱللَّهَ بِقَلۡبٍ۬ سَلِيمٍ۬ ٨٩

    ==> The day of Judgement. Only the believers will come through. But Allah said that only will win those who come with a whole heart : that means a whole sane heart, a whole clean heart, a heart that is entirely intact and not affected with diseases.
    From Arabic : Qalbun Saleem : a heart which is sane, or which is entirely devoted to Allah. This describes also a heart which is totally submitted (musallam) to Allah, the true meaning of Islam !

    Diseases of the heart is what makes it so hard for unbelievers to believe,
    and cleanness of the heart is what makes it so easy for believers to see Allah in such a clearness, that true believers don't understand how some people cannot see the clear truth.

    The heart is what makes difference, between believing and not believing.

    To really see the truth, as clear as the sun, one should cleanse his heart first, from diseases and impurities that may affect it, like : arrogance and pride, anger and hatered, earthly desires and interests, etc.
    And then one should fill his heart with sincere will to seek truth, with justice and objectivity, with respect for others and for other ideas.
    Now after being done with the heart, the way will be clear for our mind, all we have now is to open our mind for all the possibilities and to seek the truth everywhere, to discuss with people who claim that they have the truth, to read books and not to be stubbern if we see the convincing evidences and the clear truth. With that done I don't believe anyone will remain unbeliever.

    But be careful, the job of the heart does not finish here. The heart always controls the level of your eeman (faith) : Working on your heart, by purifiying it and by increasing the amount faith in it.
    We, Ahlu-s-Sunnah w'al Jama'ah ( who believe in Quran and Sunnah), believe that the level of faith in the heart is not constant. It fluctuates according to the state of the heart : eeman in the heart decreases by doing sins and by catching diseases in the heart, and it increases by doing purification and acts of worship (prayer, dua, fasting, quran, etc.).
    Eeman in our heart moves up and down, from level0 = 0 belief = disbelief, to the highest levels of eeman : when you reach these highest levels, you will be hating the material pleasures of this life, and you will enjoy and delight the worship of Allah.

    The more eeman increases in your heart the more your belief in Allah increases, that means the more your feeling of the existence of Allah gets stronger, and you feel that Allah is more close to you in all your states of life, and if this feeling of the existence of Allah in your life is so strong, you will be feeling that you live with Allah, and Allah is supporting you in all your matters. You will not feel the existence of other people around you or anything else, there is only Allah in your life and in your conscience, all the rest has no value for you. But few are who reach this level, let alone who stay in it.

    Hadeeth : on the variation of the level of imaan through acts of worship (In Ryadhu-s-Saliheen, Imam Nawawi) :
    Abu Rib'i Hanzala ibn ar-Rabi' al-Usaydi the scribe, one of the scribes of the Messenger of Allah, said, "Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, met me and said, 'How are you, Hanzala?' I said, 'Hanzala is a hypocrite!' I said, Glory be to Allah! What are you saying!' I said, 'We were with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who reminded us of the Garden and the Fire and it was as if we could see them with our eyes. When we leave the presence of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, we attend to our wives, children and estates in a state of great heedlessness.' Abu Bakr said, 'By Allah, we have experienced the same as this!' So Abu Bakr and I went to visit the Messenger of Allah and I said, 'Hanzala is a hypocrite, Messenger of Allah!' The Messenger of Allahmay Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Why is that?' I said, 'Messenger of Allah, when we are with you,you remind us of the Garden and Fire and it is as if we could see them with our eyes. When we leave your presence, we attend to our wives, children and estates in a state of great heedlessness.' The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'By the One in whose hand my soul is, if you were to remain in the state you are in when you are in my presence and in the dhikr, the angels would shake hands with you on your bed and in the street, but, Hanzala, different times are not the same.' three times." [Muslim]
    Last edited by marwen; 04-13-2012 at 08:21 PM. Reason: got rid of inexplicably appearing tags : "[size][/size]"
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    Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    "O you who believe! Fear ALLAH as He should be feared" [aal 'Imraan, 102]

    يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِۦ آل عِمرَان - 102

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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    Aslaamu Aleikum,

    Why do I believe? The reasons that everyone else has said, pretty much.
    And if you start looking for signs from Allah SWT you will start seeing them everywhere.
    For example, my best friend emailed me asking me to be a Muslim the same day I was lost and needed guidance from God (did not know about Islam yet).
    A lot of things like this happen to converts that isnt just a coincedence.

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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    RE0IROm 1 - Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    i think the biggest evidence [or one of the biggest evidence] is our own fitrah/natural disposition. Allaah [swt] created humans with certain 'built-in' features, these are inherent and part and parcel of being human [unless it is an exceptional case]. For example, the need to eat, sleep etc [survive], the desire to socialise, mate etc and also has given us a reverence instinct which by default allows us to know that we have a creator. This is evident especially at times of dire need. When we are in a really bad situation and there is no hope of help from any one else and we feel powerless, automatically our heart would want to call out to 'something out there'. This is mentioned in the Qur`aan as well, maybe some one can find the Verse?

    The arrogant atheist would try and suppress this desire...

    Ill tell you a little story, when i first started practising Islaam and tried to learn different arguments against non-Muslims, Shaytaan was trying to get to me and cast doubt about the existence of Allaah. And obv we know that Shaytaan tries harder on the one who wants to submit to Allaah.
    The ironic part was that everytime i became doubtful about the existence of Allaah [swt] and in need of some sort of guidance, automatically i started to make Du'a to Allaah....

    So I realised that I dont need to ask anyone else in the entire world, and i dont need to explore the whole massive universe for proof of a creator, the biggest evidence is inside my heart - i just need to ask myself.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu.Yusuf View Post
    i think the biggest evidence [or one of the biggest evidence] is our own fitrah/natural disposition. Allaah [swt] created humans with certain 'built-in' features, these are inherent and part and parcel of being human [unless it is an exceptional case]. For example, the need to eat, sleep etc [survive], the desire to socialise, mate etc and also has given us a reverence instinct which by default allows us to know that we have a creator. This is evident especially at times of dire need. When we are in a really bad situation and there is no hope of help from any one else and we feel powerless, automatically our heart would want to call out to 'something out there'. This is mentioned in the Qur`aan as well, maybe some one can find the Verse?
    Jazakallaahu khayran for this point. In addition to the evidence of reasoning, which many of the above posts highlight, fitrah is another evidence to establish the existence of Allaah (swt). It is an internal measurement that allows us to recognise that Islam is the truth. Mankind is born in a state in which Tawheed is integral, and the Prophets came to remind man of it, and to guide him to that which is integral to his original nature. We also know that Allaah (swt) took all the souls of the Children of Adam and made them testify concerning that He is their Lord, so every human being has the belief in God imprinted on his soul.

    The following thread also mentions two other evidences for the existence of Allaah (swt) - the revealed texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah, and the 'senses': http://www.islamicboard.com/tawheed-...ief-allah.html
    Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    I havent come across any watertight arguments for or against an ultimate Creator.
    However, I feel as though something is drawing me towards finding faith. :S
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    Perhaps it's your fitrah.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    Well my reasons are only for my understanding, but I've experienced too many real things for them to be just coincidences, which that proves to me that Allah (swt) exists and encompasses everything.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    there is so much evidence, everywhere I look I see evidences.

    that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.
    To me my own existence is proof enough

    something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever.
    This is everything I see around me.

    Law. data presented to a court or jury in proof of the facts in issue and which may include the testimony of witnesses, records, documents, or objects.
    The Quran fulfils this part as do the hadith.
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    Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    I was asked this question a long time ago and the answer I came up with was simple, Allah revealed the Quran to us to prove his existence, that is a 1400 year old claim [he did this continuously throughout history] , to disprove the existence of Allah you have to disprove the truth of the Quran first. If an atheist wants an empirical proof of Allah's existence then he has it there in a physical book sent down by Allah. Carrying out the task of disproving Allah scientifically would mean he would have to study what Islam claims about him, his attributes and qualities, once you get into that you would then realise this isn't a shallow task of simply saying since I cant physically prove his existence then he does not exist, which is what all atheists really do. The simple realisation is that the scientific tools haven't been invented to carry out the task, just like teleportation hasn't been invented yet. You have to make the atheist realise the short-sightedness of there assertions and how they really haven't thought things through. We have been getting revelations from Allah all through out history on what basis did they throw that out the window?
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