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Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

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    Atheism's Opposition with Nature.. (OP)

    One of the claims of atheism is that it is a return to mother nature, i.e. it tries to reconnect man with Nature. But this claim is not true, because on what scientific and logical basis it was assumed that connecting with nature leads to atheism and denying the existence of God? What is the evidence for that?

    Also, human beings are part of nature, and I don’t think atheism says that humans aren't part of nature! All those people have religions, and intuitively know of the existence of god, they differed in the kind and number of gods but they agreed in His existence, and atheism is an exception of the rule, excluded from human nature.

    Besides, the human mind is part of human beings, i.e. part of nature, and man's natural mind also intuitively knows that for each created there is a creator. Atheism, however, opposes that with no conclusive evidence from nature itself, and this is an unnatural position.

    Moreover, why does atheism like changing nature by allowing to manipulate its laws in the name of science and gaining control? This is what Transhumanism propagates which is an atheistic doctrine. And why does Atheism waves the slogan of Man's victory over nature? Which is represented by Nietzsche's atheist superman who will overcome nature and become a god.

    Human emotions, aren't they part of nature? They are the immaterial nature of Man in contrast to his material nature (body). Why does atheism oppresse the human feelings and doesn’t consider them proof of anything? It doesn’t even admit that the human emotion is independent and not even admit its existence! And its place is given to the mind and science. Atheism is even proud of overcoming feelings in the name of rationality, and that is an opposition to nature. Where is, then, the respect for nature and the desire to connect with it as atheism claims? It's just a way to pass unnoticed into the minds of people by misusing people's love of nature.

    If atheism were the only method to fellow on earth, it would be, according to what is mentioned above, enough to ruin Earth, the environment, nature and human beings. Because it doesn’t respect nature's structure and laws and aspires to alter it. Atheism wants to rip apart the material nature, and the moral nature of humanity and yet it keeps claiming itself to be a natural position!

    Which one really is wanted to go to the other: the atheist to nature or nature to the atheist who carries Nietzsche's desires?

    Homosexuality isn’t found in nature because it has no purpose, and yet atheism defends it in the name of freedom. Also drugs and alcohol aren't part of Man's nature, they are artificial and poisonous, i.e. not natural, and the human body doesn’t need them as nutrition and they are harmful to it, but atheism sees no problem with them, it even encourages using them, as one of thousands of oppositions to nature from atheism.

    Also, world literature since the beginning of history is centered around mainly on two major themes: God and Love. And both of them are denied by atheism because they are not susceptible for science labs.

    One of man's genuine natural characteristics is the especial care given to values and morality. Atheism, however, wants interests to be ahead of morality, contrary to human nature, and doesn’t not admit morals as absolute facts.

    Atheism wants to make up a forged history for nature, that serves atheism more than the truth, as in the unnatural and unscientific evolution theory. Atheism presents nature different than what it really is, and wants us to believe that bulls suddenly jumped into the sea and became whales! And fishes evolved to be humans. If we believe in that then we should believe in the myth of the mermaid as a missing link as its half fish - half human!

    Atheism advocates struggle and tries to found it in nature, advocating power and Capitalism as a consequence, even though struggle isn’t dominant in nature, it's harmony and submission to the laws of nature that is dominant. The human nature hates fighting, it loves peace and harmony. Struggle destroys nature, look what wars did in the environment and living beings, things balance with each other, not struggle with each other. Atheism tries to depict that water is struggling with the soil, while it is actually consistent with the heights and swags of the earth.

    Atheism distorted the true image of science and nature because of the idea of randomness, even though nature is built on order, else science would not exist, because science is a record of nature's order and laws.

    Atheism is actually an enemy to nature.

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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

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    I am pretty sure they pay them to perpetuate that and then act like they're being victimized when they instigate with vile disgusting language and if banned that we couldn't handle their version of truth, even though there's no evidence to it whatsoever and his latest I have done an instant search in Sunan abu dawud and the entire volumes of ahadith (which is all of them) and there's no such thing.
    I am noticing an influx of idiots yes.. maybe I am alone in this but I really enjoy the hunt and the fight and the kill- especially of liars!

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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال View Post
    I am pretty sure they pay them to perpetuate that and then act like they're being victimized when they instigate with vile disgusting language and if banned that we couldn't handle their version of truth, even though there's no evidence to it whatsoever and his latest I have done an instant search in Sunan abu dawud and the entire volumes of ahadith (which is all of them) and there's no such thing.
    I am noticing an influx of idiots yes.. maybe I am alone in this but I really enjoy the hunt and the fight and the kill- especially of liars!

    You are are most probably right on this.

    Unfortunately some people are paid to visit forums like this and try to throw doubts into our beliefs. And some sad shayateen will do it for free because they haven't got a life or they are so messed up.

    It's a test for us and can only strengthen our beliefs because we have all the evidence we need to refute them, while their falsehood cannot stand up to it's claims.

    “And say: ‘Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Surely, falsehood is bound to vanish.” (Al-Isrâ 17:81)
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    Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by CosmicPathos View Post
    Eye is a very complex organ and cannot develop on its own via evolution. Even if it evolved, it was intelligently guided, not randomly driven, as there is no evidence of randomly driven process ever resulting in formation of a functional eye.
    You may be right. But I do get the strong impression that you didn't watch the video he is referring to. Do you state there is no evidence because you have sought it out and know it isn't there, or because you don't want to look?

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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    I'm leaving the house in a bit so I can't watch the video right now but I read the description

    "Creationists and supporters of Intelligent Design like to point to what they call the "irreducible complexity" of the eye as proof of the existence of a designer/creator. In other words, they like to say that complex components of our physiology like the eye could not have come about through a process of evolution because they are not of any use until everything is in place and working. In this excerpt from his "Growing Up In The Universe" series of lectures, Professor Dawkins demonstrates how something complex like the eye can indeed evolve."

    I will get around to watching it InshaAllah but what I would like to say is something which I think often gets overlooked which is even if evolution is real, it would be saying that the creatures have an inclined desire to survive, why do we not think about why this inclination or desire is embedded in it?

    Another thing is, if evolution means a gradual change of state to adapt to an environment, why are we not asking how this ability is embedded in us?

    I'm not sure if I remember correctly but I think I've read somewhere on the forum before that Pygo does agree that evolution does not equal to there being no Creator? Or am I thinking about someone else?

    The study of nature does not invalidate the belief that there is a Creator, because as much as we are able to study it. In the end we are merely the ones studying it, not the ones ordaining how it works. We might be able to figure out the speed of light but thats all it means.
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  9. #206
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    You may be right.
    Dawkins is probably addressing simpletons with that sad demonstration, he's so unsophisticated that Christopher Hitchens is probably rolling in his grave in his new state he could still articulate himself better!

    We evaluate the probability Pr that the RNA of the first cell was
    assembled randomly in the time available (1.11 billion years
    [b.y.]). To do this calculation, we first set a strict upper limit
    on the number of chemical reactions nr which could have occurred
    before the first cell appeared.
    In order to illustrate the consequences of the finite value of nr,
    we make some extremely minimalist assumptions about cells. We
    consider a cell composed of Np = 12 proteins, each containing Na =
    14 amino acids. We refer to the minimum (Np , Na) set as a (12-14)
    cell. Such a cell is smaller than some modern viruses.
    The ability to perform any of the basic tasks of the cell is not
    necessarily limited to a single protein. Many different proteins
    among all those which were available in the primeval soup may have
    been able to perform (say) waste disposal. In order to allow for
    this in estimating Pr, we include a factor Q to describe how many
    different proteins in the primeval soup could have performed each
    of the basic tasks of cell operation. The larger Q is, the easier
    it is to assemble a functional cell by random processes. However,
    there is a maximum value Qmax that is set by phase space arguments.
    The hypothesis that life originated by random processes requires
    that Pr be of order unity. We estimate how large Q must be (Qra :
    subscript “ra” denotes “random assembly”) in order to ensure Pr = 1
    in the time that is available (1.11 b.y.). We find that Qra must be
    so large as to exceed the maximum permissible value Qmax in the
    phase space of proteins comprised of a set of 14 distinct amino
    acids. Such a large value of Qra would have serious consequences
    for biology: if Qra were truly as large as Qmax in the primeval
    soup, then essentially all 14-acid proteins must have possessed
    the ability to perform each of the fundamental tasks in the cell.
    That is, there was no task specificity among the proteins: a
    protein which was able (say) to maintain the membrane in a cell
    would also have been able to control (say) the replication

    That's from Dr. Mullan's ability to randomly assemble cells (using various variables) that would make the process favorable. I have posted the entire journal here before and would advise anyone desiring to discuss science to follow that degree of detail not stand there with a projector and posters as it seems in and of itself so self-defeating to go through all that trouble to evoke the notion that something so complex is simple. Certainly the process of demonstration itself seems cumbersome and still comes up so empty and for something that should be self revealing and naturally/innately demonstrable.
    Just to be able to perform what he calls a 'primitive function' requires a staggering number of biochemical and physiological processes which are still connected to other processes in order for the whole machination to give us a fully functional, noetic being, as you know the eye didn't evolve in isolation.
    And again I repeat simply the coming together of random amino acids doesn't give function, form, nor animation, else why not put say a dead flower back together simply by re annealing parts denatured? I think it is embarrassing for this guy to present that as science and for you to accept it and post it here is mind boggling. I think maybe this can satisfy easily manipulated school aged kids.. one does grow a bit wiser (we hope) and intensely more sophisticated with age, and that sort of demonstration is not acceptable.

    I have no problems with people being atheists, really I don't care who believes what, but I find stuff like that insulting to my intelligence and to others, you don't have to have a doctorate in science to see how this comes up short again and again.

    Last edited by جوري; 09-28-2012 at 12:22 PM.
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال View Post
    I have posted the entire journal here before
    Can you give me a link to that? I can't find Dr Mullan online.
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by Independent View Post
    Can you give me a link to that? I can't find Dr Mullan online.
    here's two:



    you can't find it because academics don't advertise online but quacks often do
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    You may be right. But I do get the strong impression that you didn't watch the video he is referring to. Do you state there is no evidence because you have sought it out and know it isn't there, or because you don't want to look?

    I've seen that video.

    How is that video an evidence that such a process, as so passionately outlined by Dawkins, occurred? He proposes a certain understanding how human eye might have gone through steps from primitive eye to complex eye, but he has not presented evidence for that occurring other than giving us snapshots/samples of eye's structure from various points along that curve of supposed evolution which to the simpleton would make sense.

    But on deep inquiry, one does realize that just because we have various structures of eye in nature, from the simplest to the more complex, it does not mean they have a linear time-space relationship between them.
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    He's not a formidable foe.. there's nothing impressive to his credit unfortunately. He's like the Harun Yahya of atheists.
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    Lily, Skye, or whatever I am to call you now (My keyboard can not type your current name), isn't that abiogenesis that you are talking about in your post and not evolution? As far as I am aware evolution and abiogenesis are not the same thing. From what I have read of this Dawkins fellow and others, evolution is a change in gene sequence over time. If there is no DNA, no genes, then there can't be evolution yet. No?

    Evolution in terms of an eye evolving or one species diverging into a new species has always seen coherent and sensible to me on reading about it, especially after reading Dawkins' Selfish Gene. But abiogenesis I have never been able to wrap my mind around or make much sense of.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hulk View Post
    even if evolution is real, it would be saying that the creatures have an inclined desire to survive, why do we not think about why this inclination or desire is embedded in it

    Another thing is, if evolution means a gradual change of state to adapt to an environment, why are we not asking how this ability is embedded in us?
    As I understand it, evolotion does not say these things are imbedded in us, but rather that they are processes of nature (natural selection, competition, mutation, etc). I think evolution can still work even if a particular creature is suicidal, so long as it passes on its genes before dying. In fact, I have read about some kinds of spider wherein the male will willingly throw itself into the female`s mouth to be eaten after copulating. Its about what creatures`genes will be passed along, not what will make the creature itself live or die. I found a lot of my questions and concerns about evolution and contradictiions within it are explained if I look at evolution from a gene`s eye view.

    I'm not sure if I remember correctly but I think I've read somewhere on the forum before that Pygo does agree that evolution does not equal to there being no Creator?
    Yes. Evolution and Creation are not mutually exclusive. A creator could have made early life and it may have evolved from there. The only thing evolution would invalidate about creation would be if you claimed all life on earth and creatures on earth exist today exactly like they did at creation.
    Last edited by Pygoscelis; 09-28-2012 at 03:28 PM.
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    Lily, Skye, or whatever I am to call you now (My keyboard can not type your current name), isn't that abiogenesis that you are talking about in your post and not evolution? As far as I am aware evolution and abiogenesis are not the same thing. From what I have read of this Dawkins fellow and others, evolution is a change in gene sequence over time. If there is no DNA, no genes, then there can't be evolution yet. No?
    Evolution in terms of an eye evolving or one species diverging into a new species has always seen coherent and sensible to me on reading about it, especially after reading Dawkins' Selfish Gene. But abiogenesis I have never been able to wrap my mind around or make much sense of.
    You need a point of origins in order to evolve from it, and you don't get to choose the points of your choosing and even if you did, you'd still need to work the details out, not merely say, such happens over time. If you're a rock one day and sprout wings the next, you need to demonstrate how that happens by the means you proclaim caused it. NO?
    Also, do you know enough about mutations & genetics to discuss with some dexterity? frame shift, nonsense, missense, etc. that sort of thing? well people who do science need those to work out the details you want others to accept at face value. That's if you're going to discuss science not science fiction.
    There's a clear demarcation between adaptation and speciation, let alone that which moves forward in a particular fashion and takes on positive traits. Most mutations are in fact deleterious. Some atheists are formidable and are contenders Dawkins is not one of them I can't imagine anyone wasting money on his books but each is to his own. If you understand science you won't need a quack to break it down to you with his own additives and preservatives..
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  17. #213
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    As an Addendum to the above I have no problems if evolution were the way per the verse in suret al-kahf -
    Al-Kahf (The Cave)[18:51]attention 3 - Atheism's Opposition with Nature.. [RECITE] 18 51 1 - Atheism's Opposition with Nature..
    Ma ashhadtuhum khalqa alssamawati waalardi wala khalqa anfusihim wama kuntu muttakhitha almudilleena AAadudan
    18:51 I called them not to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor (even) their own creation: nor is it for Me to take as helpers such as lead (men) astray!

    So believe me when I say I am not aggrieved either way.. my objection is over the missing details and that in fact most atheists use 'evolution' with whatever that entails to them to prove that life can be without God..although some seem to modify their beliefs now...

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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال View Post
    If you're a rock one day and sprout wings the next, you need to demonstrate how that happens by the means you proclaim caused it. NO?
    Certainly. And I'd even agree had you changed the above statment to reflect what evolution theory really says (I assume you wrote what you did for the sake of hyperbole). We should not simply accept evolution because somebody says it is so. We should not accept it on faith. We should investigate it and test it, and look for evidence for it and to disprove it. We should not turn it into a religion, as I have seen some people do. On that we can definitely agree.

    That said, as far as I am aware evolution is our best current guess at how life changes on earth and how new species arise. Aside from religious claims of course, which for some reason I can't fathom people don't seem to want to subject to the same level of scrutiny, and consider it ok to take on faith. I wouldn't take either on faith and am open to evidence for both. And they are not mutually exclusive.
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    Certainly. And I'd even agree had you changed the above statment to reflect what evolution theory really says (I assume you wrote what you did for the sake of hyperbole). We should not simply accept evolution because somebody says it is so. We should not accept it on faith. We should investigate it and test it, and look for evidence for it and to disprove it. We should not turn it into a religion, as I have seen some people do. On that we can definitely agree.
    I am glad you see that some folks do turn it into a religion and any questions are met with ridicule and cheap digs to ones intellect and education.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    That said, as far as I am aware evolution is our best current guess at how life changes on earth and how new species arise. Aside from religious claims of course, which for some reason I can't fathom people don't seem to want to subject to the same level of scrutiny, and consider it ok to take on faith. I wouldn't take either on faith and am open to evidence for both. And they are not mutually exclusive.
    I don't subscribe to that for the mere reason that you'll actually set yourself back and not be able to fill in the blanks. In other words instead of starting with two beings, you'll be starting with a few proteins that need to find a host and move that process forward to bring about a fully functional being across billions of species with what that entails of details we should be seeing it before our very eyes not failing miserably to reproduce it in a laboratory setting and with all the direct manipulation that we use.
    So it does come down to faith and we're all allowed the faith of our choosing.
    You understand that we're not merely physical beings and that there are many sciences that are built on conjectures and faith, practically 70% of psychiatry is. I hope one day you'll arrive to the same conclusions that many of us have not out of faith so much as reflection on the signs and sciences of the world.

    Fussilat (Explained in Detail)[41:53]attention 1 - Atheism's Opposition with Nature.. [RECITE]

    41 53 1 - Atheism's Opposition with Nature..
    Sanureehim ayatina fee alafaqi wafee anfusihim hatta yatabayyana lahum annahu alhaqqu awalam yakfi birabbika annahu AAala kulli shayin shaheedun
    Last edited by جوري; 09-28-2012 at 04:19 PM.
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    so i watched the video.

    not being an expert, please forgive me for the ineptitude.

    but am i to believe that humans evolved from the squids?

    because if they did not then the eye is more common than one would assume.

    here look at all these eyes... yes brilloent.

    i mean dogs still see in black and white.. whats that all about!

    what im getting at is that the templates of creation are pretty much just that.

    what gets my goat...no pun intended, is dawkins ending line.

    like its all some sort of natural progression.

    anyway little fact in my post, just my 2cents.

    lol random addition.

    so the gradual change of eye shape as described in the vid.

    those "mutations" at every percent must have been dominant ie overriding of the creatures base genome.

    or that 1% change must have made a huge difference in how predators were perceived.

    i mean if an eye has a 1% difference it is usually a detraction from vision...but thats at the top of the mountain.

    either way at each mutation it is somehow perceived as beneficial and becomes a dominant trait?

    also an eye alone is worth nothing as soon as it reaches land..
    you need cleaning and lubricating mechanisms.

    i dont know how that comes about via evolution.

    also am i to take it that there comes a point where the eye is pretty much perfect for the environment and "evolution" stops?

    as the vid example.. species can climb no further? because thats just lazy in my book.. you should at least try and change.

    so the cycle of evolution stops because technically they are all at the top of the mountain.

    hope you get the idea and the paradox... although it is probably not correct.
    Last edited by M.I.A.; 09-28-2012 at 10:20 PM.
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال View Post
    And again I repeat simply the coming together of random amino acids doesn't give function, form, nor animation, else why not put say a dead flower back together simply by re annealing parts denatured? I think it is embarrassing for this guy to present that as science and for you to accept it and post it here is mind boggling. I think maybe this can satisfy easily manipulated school aged kids.. one does grow a bit wiser (we hope) and intensely more sophisticated with age, and that sort of demonstration is not acceptable.
    Assalamu alaikum, masha' Allah Ukhti that was an amazing post with understanding and fluidity. This is exactly how I see the infeasability of life randomly appearing from non-life and higher infinitely more complex organisms arising from a unicellular Common Ancestor.
    I have no problems with people being atheists, really I don't care who believes what, but I find stuff like that insulting to my intelligence and to others, you don't have to have a doctorate in science to see how this comes up short again and again.
    I watched the video and found it hard to believe people would accept that as a reasonable explanation for the origin of the eye. There comes a point when one realizes that further debate is pointless, and then I come across a post like this one that exquisitely illustrates what I have been trying to say.
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    That said, as far as I am aware evolution is our best current guess at how life changes on earth and how new species arise.
    I don't have a problem with anyone saying "evolution is our best guess at how life changes". I recently watched "Galapagos: The Islands that Changed the World" and they talked about Darwin's visit there and how specimens he took of mockingbirds (not finches) led him to his evolutionary theory. As a Muslim, I don't have any qualms with a theory about how one bird develops a long, thin beak while another develops a short, stout one through natural processes; however, I have a major problem when these micro-evolutionary examples are used as presumed FACT for how humans evolved from an extremely simple, unicellular Common Ancestor that also gave rise to a dogwood tree, a bald eagle, a slug, etc., ad infinitum, ad naseum.
    Aside from religious claims of course, which for some reason I can't fathom people don't seem to want to subject to the same level of scrutiny, and consider it ok to take on faith. I wouldn't take either on faith and am open to evidence for both. And they are not mutually exclusive.
    There are things that we can't comprehend and we don't have the intelligence to 'reverse engineer' how life initially came to exist and how the various species of life came into being. The source of knowledge about where we came from and where we are going must be outside the realm of our ability to comprehend. Even though our source of knowledge of the Unseen in Islam is revelation, it goes only so far in explaining the creation. The problem lies in holding to an absolute literal interpretation of every word, for example the '6 days of creation' being the same as 6 units of 24 hours as defined by the rotation of the earth on its axis. Fossils of dinosaurs and theories about changes in species over time don't challenge my faith.
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc View Post
    As a Muslim, I don't have any qualms with a theory about how one bird develops a long, thin beak while another develops a short, stout one through natural processes
    Speaking of birds.

    We were talking about hummingbirds in class just now and how there are plants that are dependent on hummingbirds for reproduction. How does this work in the evolution theory?

    Another one I've been thinking about is camouflage on animals, how does that work as well?
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    Re: Atheism's Opposition with Nature..

    ^^ hulk
    that is called co-evolution and defined by different relationships in biology such as parasitism, symbiotism etc. That is how we evolved defences agaisnt bacteria and to overcome thsoe defences, bacteria developed new mechanisms to replicate. Perpetual cycle of war and evolution. I only believe in half or a quarter of it though as most of it is Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

    I took few courses in undergrad in botany and plant defences. It is just mind boggling that even green plants have sophisticated immune systems to fight off infections and to warn other plants in their surroundings of the impending doom .... such a beautiful tapestry of life.

    I love forests. Sometimes I feel blessed to be born to witness all these things and workings of nature around me while yet this nature works on my body, my genes, my neurons and on everything about me too.
    Last edited by CosmicPathos; 09-29-2012 at 07:30 PM.
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