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Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

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    L a n a's Avatar Full Member
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    Question Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

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    Hi everyone,

    As you can see from the title, I’m a non-Muslim who’s here to ask questions. I thought that I could personally use this as a long-running thread to ask any questions I may have for Muslims and about the Islamic faith, as they come up. Please feel free to ask me anything. I want this to be a little different from the typical QnA thread, where others can ask questions as well.

    Question time:

    -How was your day today?

    -Were you born into a Muslim family, or did you convert? If you did convert, why did Islam appeal to you, and not any of the other religions (Christianity, Mormonism, Buddhism, etc.)?

    -Why do you believe that Islam is the right religion?

    -What are your thoughts on the other Abrahamic religions, Judaism & Christianity? What do you think they have right? Where do you think they went wrong?

    -What is the name of the design/tattoo that I sometimes see on Muslim women’s hands? I don’t usually get a long look at them, but they look beautiful.

    -What is the significance behind praying 5 times a day? What happens if you miss any of the prayers, or don’t feel like doing them?

    -What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Islam? Are there any other sects/branches in Islam? What does they teach?

    -Why do some women only cover their hair, while others also cover their face? Is there a special reason for this (more observant, different sects, etc.)?

    What are some interesting facts about Islam that you would like for me know? Can be as interesting or random as you want it to be!

    That’s all I could think of right now. If anything else comes to mind, I will post it on here from now on.

    -Now is your turn to ask me some questions! Ask me anything, but be nice!

    *I like discussion, but I am not fond of debates (being a part of them, listening to them, reading them, etc.), and that really is NOT why I am here. My intentions are for this to be a QnA thread. If any posts here are trying to start debates with me or my views, I probably won't reply.

    **MODS, feel free to move this thread if you feel it’s in the wrong place. I really wasn’t sure where I should put this.
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    L a n a's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

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  4. #3
    ardianto's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    Greetings, sister Lana. I will answer your questions.

    (How was your day today?)
    Alhamdulillah, I am fine.

    (Were you born into a Muslim family, or did you convert? If you did convert, why did Islam appeal to you, and not any of the other religions (Christianity, Mormonism, Buddhism, etc.)?)
    I was born in Muslim family.

    (Why do you believe that Islam is the right religion?)
    I can feel it by my heart, I feel peace in my heart especially when I pray.

    (What are your thoughts on the other Abrahamic religions, Judaism & Christianity? What do you think they have right? Where do you think they went wrong?)
    According to Islamic conception, Allah sent down a number of prophets which some prophets brought 'law' which called "religion". When the new 'law' had came, then the old 'law' not valid again. And Islam is the last 'law'. But if believers of Judaism and Christianity believe that their 'laws' are the last 'law', it's not a problem for me.

    (What is the name of the design/tattoo that I sometimes see on Muslim women’s hands? I don’t usually get a long look at them, but they look beautiful.)
    Henna. Actually it has nothing to do with Islam, but a product of culture.

    (What is the significance behind praying 5 times a day? What happens if you miss any of the prayers, or don’t feel like doing them?)
    Praying 5 times a day is obligated. It's sin to leave it

    (What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Islam? Are there any other sects/branches in Islam? What does they teach?)
    Hmm, .... I think it's better if someone else answer this question.

    (Why do some women only cover their hair, while others also cover their face? Is there a special reason for this (more observant, different sects, etc.)?)
    Difference of opinion. There are Muslims who believe that women do not have to cover their faces, there are Muslims who believe that women have to cover their faces.

    (What are some interesting facts about Islam that you would like for me know? Can be as interesting or random as you want it to be!)
    Some of the things that relate to Muslims and assumed as 'Islamic' actually are product of cultures. In example henna like you ask in question above.

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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    -How was your day today?
    Alhamdulillah, today was a very happy day for me.

    -Were you born into a Muslim family, or did you convert? If you did convert, why did Islam appeal to you, and not any of the other religions (Christianity, Mormonism, Buddhism, etc.)?

    I was born Muslim SubhanAllah but i wasn't a practicing one until recently. I had questions too - how do i know i am following the right religion. Sister, you will not believe me but i looked at the wikipedia list of religions in the world and check each one out and my faith in Islam increased from what i read about other religions. When i read about Christianity and their twisted logic about how a man is not a man (Nauzbillah) and he died, i was like yeah this is too stupid. Not to mention their books have so much revisions by humans. I looked up Buddhism and what sane man would believe that his dog is a reincarnated form of Hitler We would be dealing with the great cockroach infestation if their ideas of reincarnation had any truth hahaa.

    Sister, my search was full of laughs but because these religions are the creation or alteration of pre-historical ignorant/oppressive men who thought this was the best way for humanity to live, who thought they knew better than the Almighty Allah (Nauzbillah). Christianity and Judaism has some truth in them but the modifications and alterations to them have made them obsolete religions and this ignorance of prehistoric men shows in the laughable modifications they did, it might have made sense to those men in their times but today as humanity has become intelligent, the human's modification to the Divine message are as apparent as day. For example, a man dying for sins of others.

    -Why do you believe that Islam is the right religion?

    I looked up Holy Quran. And i kid you not, my jaw dropped when i would understand what one Ayat, one Verse meant. I was shocked that how did i not know my own book, how ignorant have i been. Like any other born muslims, i thought of the Holy Quran as a book that you recite to earn good deeds but i was never aware of how profound and deep each of its verse is, the miracles contained within it and how much truth is in it. Miracles after miracles. As a man of science, i was most impressed by its scientific miracles, 100% accurate about psychology, astronomy, embryology (one of the scientist once said that whoever wrote in such details the verses about embryology must have a huge microscope stuck inside a womb because it's impossible otherwise. We know Mohammad (PBUH) was an illiterate man and we know what science was in 600AD era - ignorant ) so this gives proof it is the truth and from Allah.

    My jaw dropped when i read how Holy Quran explains black holes, i am being fully honest when i say this. I am learning and learning and learning new things about Holy Quran whenever i look it up. The amazement is never ceasing


    I was in shivers when i learned how Holy Quran describes the super advanced physics concept "11 dimensions and M theory" - Jazakallah khairun to Imaam M Azeez


    I have no doubt that Islam is the religion from the Creator Allah. There is no doubt it is, the Holy Quran challenges everyone. How confident is this 600AD era book that it is challenging people until Judgement day (the end of the world)? Indeed it is from Almighty Allah and who can challenge the Almighty Allah.

    At a time in history when eloquence was most highly prized, Allah revealed the Quran of miraculous exposition to Prophet Mohammad. Eloquence was the most suitable miracle for him. Also it was notable aspect of the Quran. During descending of Quran, it first challenged the literary figures of the Arabian Peninsula and then all the people throughout the ages and at every level of knowledge and understanding until the judgment Day in the following manner

    • If you think that a human being wrote the Quran, then let one of your people who are unlettered as is Muhammad produce something similar.
    • if he or she cannot do this either, then send your most famous writers or scholars and let them come together and produce the like of the Quran.
    • If they cannot, let then work together and call upon all their history, scientist, philosophers, sociologist, theologians and writers to produce something similar.
    • if they cannot, let them try leaving aside the miraculous and inimitable aspects of its meaning to produce a work of equal eloquence in word order and composition, regardless of what they produce is true or not.
    • If you cannot produce the like of it in equal length, then produce only the like of its 10 chapters (surah).
    • If you cannot do this, then produce only one chapter.
    • If you cannot do that, produce only a short chapter.

    So sister, i know without a shadow of a doubt that Islam is the right religion.

    -What are your thoughts on the other Abrahamic religions, Judaism & Christianity? What do you think they have right? Where do you think they went wrong?

    They were from Allah for a certain era and if they were not altered, you would find their message same as Islam i.e preaching worshiping one God Allah. Because Islam started from Prophet Adam (A.S) to Prophet Mohammad (SAWW), they were all Muslims. They went wrong when certain deluded Priests decided to modify the law of Allah and add their own dirt to it and Christians believe in these modified books.

    Indeed, even now in these modified books you can find prophecies of the coming of Prophet Mohammad (SAWW) in Christianity and Judaism. Where they went wrong is they don't even know who these priests were that they are accepting their modifications to it without questioning them and then thinking that this is a book from God.

    They went wrong when they believe in these revisions, like the first revision is a lie added to it then the second revision had more lies, lies lies and lies until you don't even know now what message was from God and what dirt was added by these priests?. I mean we know what dirt when you read the twisted beliefs about Prophet Esa/Jesus (A.S) and lies attributed to him(A.S).

    -What is the name of the design/tattoo that I sometimes see on Muslim women’s hands? I don’t usually get a long look at them, but they look beautiful.
    Henna. It's a cultural thing.

    -What is the significance behind praying 5 times a day? What happens if you miss any of the prayers, or don’t feel like doing them?
    My post is already getting lengthy so i will keep it short. When i miss a prayer, i feel dead and unhappy. When i pray, i feel happy. These are obligatory on Muslims and they are the way you worship Allah (SWT).

    -What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Islam? Are there any other sects/branches in Islam? What does they teach?
    We have four rightly guided Caliphs - the companions of Prophet Mohammad (SAWW) and Shias believe that one of them (Ali (R.A)) wasn't given Caliphat the way he deserved and they speak bad things about other Caliphs (Omar farooq (R.A)). We(I) sunnis believe that they were promised Jannah(paradise) in their lifetime so what is a sinning man of our generation get the audacity to question Sahabas(R.A) who are promised Jannah in their lifetime!. Shias also have a little modifications in other matters that i don't know of, i hate anyone who will speak ill of any of the companions/Sahabas(R.A) of Prophet Mohammad(SAWW) because Sahabas(R.A) were of far higher character than a man can be. We think it is impossible when we come to know of how God-fearing and pious these Sahabas(R.A) were.

    -Why do some women only cover their hair, while others also cover their face? Is there a special reason for this (more observant, different sects, etc.)?

    Some muslims believe the face is necessary others don't. Also has cultural ties attached to it.

    -What are some interesting facts about Islam that you would like for me know? Can be as interesting or random as you want it to be!

    I want you to do what the very first Revelation was sent down to the Holy Prophet (SAWW) says

    اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ - Holy Quran 96:1

    Read: In the name of thy Lord Who createth,

    Read the Holy Quran. It is a book of miracles, it is the truth. If you want to find proof that Allah exists, read the Holy Quran and understand what it is trying to say.

    -Now is your turn to ask me some questions! Ask me anything, but be nice!

    Why did you become an atheist? How are you certain that there will be no judgement day?
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    MuhammadHamza1's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Lana_Del_Bae View Post
    Hi everyone,

    As you can see from the title, I’m a non-Muslim who’s here to ask questions. I thought that I could personally use this as a long-running thread to ask any questions I may have for Muslims and about the Islamic faith, as they come up. Please feel free to ask me anything. I want this to be a little different from the typical QnA thread, where others can ask questions as well.

    Question time:

    -How was your day today?

    -Were you born into a Muslim family, or did you convert? If you did convert, why did Islam appeal to you, and not any of the other religions (Christianity, Mormonism, Buddhism, etc.)?

    -Why do you believe that Islam is the right religion?

    -What are your thoughts on the other Abrahamic religions, Judaism & Christianity? What do you think they have right? Where do you think they went wrong?

    -What is the name of the design/tattoo that I sometimes see on Muslim women’s hands? I don’t usually get a long look at them, but they look beautiful.

    -What is the significance behind praying 5 times a day? What happens if you miss any of the prayers, or don’t feel like doing them?

    -What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Islam? Are there any other sects/branches in Islam? What does they teach?

    -Why do some women only cover their hair, while others also cover their face? Is there a special reason for this (more observant, different sects, etc.)?

    What are some interesting facts about Islam that you would like for me know? Can be as interesting or random as you want it to be!

    That’s all I could think of right now. If anything else comes to mind, I will post it on here from now on.

    -Now is your turn to ask me some questions! Ask me anything, but be nice!

    *I like discussion, but I am not fond of debates (being a part of them, listening to them, reading them, etc.), and that really is NOT why I am here. My intentions are for this to be a QnA thread. If any posts here are trying to start debates with me or my views, I probably won't reply.

    **MODS, feel free to move this thread if you feel it’s in the wrong place. I really wasn’t sure where I should put this.
    I will answer the relevant ones.
    What convinces me Islam is the truth?
    Following are the reasons.
    1)-Islam is the only religion which encourages critical thinking.And I have found answers by thinking critically."The truth fears no investigation."
    2)-Quran says that there are signs for us in Creation of Heavens and Earth,and in mountains,and in alteration of day and night etc.
    Can someone say that there are signs for you in above mentioned things,except the one who created them?And yes,I have found signs in such things.
    But my main reason is this.Please read closely and open your minds and hearts.
    Once a man came to the Prophet(Peace be upon him)and asked him
    "What is a sin,and what is rightousness."
    Now consider yourself going to a religious scholor of any religion and asking him the same question.
    What response do you expect to get?
    Most probably
    "That which goes against teachings of the Holy book."Right?
    But what is the response the Prophet(Peace be upon him) gave?
    He said:
    "Sin is that which causes doubts in your heart,and you hate for it to be mentioned to people..."
    Ponder over that.
    If you fornicate,do you want it to be known to people?
    If you kill a person unjustly,will you not try to hide it from people?
    Or when you steal,or backbite,you would hate that the people find out about it.
    And ofcourse it causes doubts in our hearts.
    That is sin,according to Islam.
    That is disobediance to God according to Islam.
    Please ponder over this for sometime.
    4)-The True explaination of the controversial issues of Islam.
    You can see explainations for some controversial issues of Islam in my posts.Please refer to them.
    These are Our Morals
    Note:"Dai'f" means "weak" and the report under which "Dai'f is written is not to be taken as it is not authentic.
    "Saheeh" and 'Hasan" are authentic narrations and are part of Islam.
    6)-Quranic Recitations.
    They are a means of real motivation for me.I have listened to them instead of music throughout my teenage life.(I am still a teen).
    There are some Quranic recitations in my posts as well.
    Thank you for asking these questions and I pray for your well being.Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)
    Last edited by MuhammadHamza1; 07-11-2017 at 07:25 PM.
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    -How was your day today?

    It was fine but not so good when it comes to this thread, I would've posted yesterday but seems like the system doesn't like my post for some reason.

    -Were you born into a Muslim family, or did you convert?


    -Why do you believe that Islam is the right religion?

    Logically it makes sense. I haven't found any far fetched claims or baseless assertions to make me think otherwise.

    -What are your thoughts on the other Abrahamic religions, Judaism & Christianity? What do you think they have right? Where do you think they went wrong?

    They are people of the book and therefore believe in the same God and thus a level above all the other religions who have pagan gods. Judaism is more close to Islam then Christianity, or rather Jews are more strict adherents to their faith then Christians, thus eating their food is more safer (ex: they slaughter their animal in accordance to God's commandment). Jews are also considered more devious and less trust worthy then Muslims. General belief among Muslims is that it's safer to eat at Jew's and safer to sleep at Christian's house. This isn't to generalize across the spectrum, just what many Muslims of the East believe based on the practices and history of the people of the book.

    As to where they went wrong and where they are right. Quran being the last and latest testament sent down, what coincides with the Quran is what they have right, what contradicts the Quran is where they innovated and strayed.

    -What is the name of the design/tattoo that I sometimes see on Muslim women’s hands? I don’t usually get a long look at them, but they look beautiful

    There isn't a specific design/tattoo that is used. It's more dependent on one's own creativity and art skills. Those who know, draw islamic calligraphy, others design whatever creative art they can think of. The material used is called henna, a plant based paste. It's important to get a pure henna product as these days there are shady ones out there too, that will have harmful chemicals in them.

    -What is the significance behind praying 5 times a day? What happens if you miss any of the prayers, or don’t feel like doing them?

    The 5 daily prayers are a form of worship. There are many ways to worship, this is one of the ways. Quran is literal word of God and thus He speaks to us via the Quran while prayer is considered our way of speaking to Him.

    The story goes that the Prophet () was at lowest point in his life with the life events that had transpired. God sent a mule/donkey size winged animal to him at night time that flew as fast as the eye could see and went to Jerusalem. There he led all the previous prophets in prayer in the mosque Al-Aqsa and from there rose up to the heaves to meet his Lord. In that meeting, he was gifted the prayers for his nation. Initially he was given 50 prayers and on his descent down he met Moses (peace be upon him) to whom he related the incident. Moses told him that his people were given 3 daily prayers and it was hard on them, so go back and ask the prayers to be reduced. This happened several times till the prayers were reduced to 5 daily prayers. While the number of prayers reduced, the reward did not. So the reward/deeds of the prayer is still that of the 50 prayers.

    Prayers are one of the pillars of Islam. They must be performed, and made up if they are missed. Concessions are made for different situations, such as shortening the prayer for one who is traveling, combining certain prayers out of certain necessity, etc. If one abandons the prayer, they no longer are considered a Muslim as the Prophet () said this is what separates us from them (non-Muslims) and whoever abandons it is not one of us.

    Indeed, Prayer prohibits immorality and wrongding – Al Quran 29:45

    -What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Islam? Are there any other sects/branches in Islam? What does they teach?

    Historically, there wasn't any. It was a political division based on the differences of who should be the next Caliph after the assassination of the current one of that time. Overtime, shia started to deviated in their religious beliefs as well and thus who still followed the Sunnah (way of the Prophet) became to be called Sunni.

    There is a hadith (prophet's saying) that the Jews were divided into 71 sects, Christians into 72 sects and Islam will be divided into 73 sects. So yes, there are many other sects as well, some that deviate slightly off to others that deviate enough to put them outside of the fold of Islam.

    -Why do some women only cover their hair, while others also cover their face? Is there a special reason for this (more observant, different sects, etc.)?

    The amount of covering is related to the amount of adherence and commitment one feels towards their Lord. Those who want to grow closer to their Lord and want to please Him more, adhere to the teaching more conservatively. The covering of the face was done by all the wives of the Prophet(S) as well as all the believing women up to colonial occupation of Muslim lands.

    -What are some interesting facts about Islam that you would like for me know? Can be as interesting or random as you want it to be!

    The basic beliefs one must have in order to be considered a Muslim include a belief in
    1) the One God;
    2) all the prophets of God;
    3) the original scriptures revealed to Prophets Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad;
    4) the angels;
    5) the Day of Judgment and the Hereafter; and
    6) the divine decree or destiny

    The Islamic Golden Age, which is traditionally dated as being the 8th–13th centuries, was marked by the ascension of the Abbasid Caliphate. The Abbasids were influenced by the Quran’s injunction that “the ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.” During this time, the Arab world became an intellectual center for science, astronomy, chemistry, physics, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, and education

    A Muslim woman retains her own family name upon marriage, rather than taking the name of her husband. This symbolic act emphasizes that she remains her own person, with her own valid identity.

    Muslims do not describe Islam as a religion. Rather it is a deen, which comes from the Arabic for “way of life.” Muslims believe that Islam is more than a religious belief—it is a way of living in accordance with one’s religious faith.

    The pre-Islamic period in Arabia is commonly called Jahiliyyah, which means “the days of ignorance.” Before Islam, the main religion of the Arabian Peninsula was pagan idolatry

    This is the book about which there is no doubt, A guidance for those conscious of Allah – Al-Quran 2:2

    -Now is your turn to ask me some questions! Ask me anything, but be nice!

    How is your day going?

    What region of the world are you from?

    what made you curious enough about Islam to learn more?

    What convinced you to join this forum?

    Where do you think you stand right now in terms of personal spirituality ?

    Have you pondered over the true meaning of life and what comes after death?

    - - - Updated - - -

    -How was your day today?

    It was fine but not so good when it comes to this thread, I would've posted yesterday but seems like the system doesn't like my post for some reason.

    -Were you born into a Muslim family, or did you convert?


    -Why do you believe that Islam is the right religion?

    Logically it makes sense. I haven't found any far fetched claims or baseless assertions to make me think otherwise.

    -What are your thoughts on the other Abrahamic religions, Judaism & Christianity? What do you think they have right? Where do you think they went wrong?

    They are people of the book and therefore believe in the same God and thus a level above all the other religions who have pagan gods. Judaism is more close to Islam then Christianity, or rather Jews are more strict adherents to their faith then Christians, thus eating their food is more safer (ex: they slaughter their animal in accordance to God's commandment). Jews are also considered more devious and less trust worthy then Muslims. General belief among Muslims is that it's safer to eat at Jew's and safer to sleep at Christian's house. This isn't to generalize across the spectrum, just what many Muslims of the East believe based on the practices and history of the people of the book.

    As to where they went wrong and where they are right. Quran being the last and latest testament sent down, what coincides with the Quran is what they have right, what contradicts the Quran is where they innovated and strayed.

    -What is the name of the design/tattoo that I sometimes see on Muslim women’s hands? I don’t usually get a long look at them, but they look beautiful

    There isn't a specific design/tattoo that is used. It's more dependent on one's own creativity and art skills. Those who know, draw islamic calligraphy, others design whatever creative art they can think of. The material used is called henna, a plant based paste. It's important to get a pure henna product as these days there are shady ones out there too, that will have harmful chemicals in them.

    -What is the significance behind praying 5 times a day? What happens if you miss any of the prayers, or don’t feel like doing them?

    The 5 daily prayers are a form of worship. There are many ways to worship, this is one of the ways. Quran is literal word of God and thus He speaks to us via the Quran while prayer is considered our way of speaking to Him.

    The story goes that the Prophet () was at lowest point in his life with the life events that had transpired. God sent a mule/donkey size winged animal to him at night time that flew as fast as the eye could see and went to Jerusalem. There he led all the previous prophets in prayer in the mosque Al-Aqsa and from there rose up to the heaves to meet his Lord. In that meeting, he was gifted the prayers for his nation. Initially he was given 50 prayers and on his descent down he met Moses (peace be upon him) to whom he related the incident. Moses told him that his people were given 3 daily prayers and it was hard on them, so go back and ask the prayers to be reduced. This happened several times till the prayers were reduced to 5 daily prayers. While the number of prayers reduced, the reward did not. So the reward/deeds of the prayer is still that of the 50 prayers.

    Prayers are one of the pillars of Islam. They must be performed, and made up if they are missed. Concessions are made for different situations, such as shortening the prayer for one who is traveling, combining certain prayers out of certain necessity, etc. If one abandons the prayer, they no longer are considered a Muslim as the Prophet () said this is what separates us from them (non-Muslims) and whoever abandons it is not one of us.

    Indeed, Prayer prohibits immorality and wrongding – Al Quran 29:45

    -What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Islam? Are there any other sects/branches in Islam? What does they teach?

    Historically, there wasn't any. It was a political division based on the differences of who should be the next Caliph after the assassination of the current one of that time. Overtime, shia started to deviated in their religious beliefs as well and thus who still followed the Sunnah (way of the Prophet) became to be called Sunni.

    There is a hadith (prophet's saying) that the Jews were divided into 71 sects, Christians into 72 sects and Islam will be divided into 73 sects. So yes, there are many other sects as well, some that deviate slightly off to others that deviate enough to put them outside of the fold of Islam.

    -Why do some women only cover their hair, while others also cover their face? Is there a special reason for this (more observant, different sects, etc.)?

    The amount of covering is related to the amount of adherence and commitment one feels towards their Lord. Those who want to grow closer to their Lord and want to please Him more, adhere to the teaching more conservatively. The covering of the face was done by all the wives of the Prophet(S) as well as all the believing women up to colonial occupation of Muslim lands.

    -What are some interesting facts about Islam that you would like for me know? Can be as interesting or random as you want it to be!

    The basic beliefs one must have in order to be considered a Muslim include a belief in
    1) the One God;
    2) all the prophets of God;
    3) the original scriptures revealed to Prophets Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad;
    4) the angels;
    5) the Day of Judgment and the Hereafter; and
    6) the divine decree or destiny

    The Islamic Golden Age, which is traditionally dated as being the 8th–13th centuries, was marked by the ascension of the Abbasid Caliphate. The Abbasids were influenced by the Quran’s injunction that “the ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.” During this time, the Arab world became an intellectual center for science, astronomy, chemistry, physics, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, and education

    A Muslim woman retains her own family name upon marriage, rather than taking the name of her husband. This symbolic act emphasizes that she remains her own person, with her own valid identity.

    Muslims do not describe Islam as a religion. Rather it is a deen, which comes from the Arabic for “way of life.” Muslims believe that Islam is more than a religious belief—it is a way of living in accordance with one’s religious faith.

    The pre-Islamic period in Arabia is commonly called Jahiliyyah, which means “the days of ignorance.” Before Islam, the main religion of the Arabian Peninsula was pagan idolatry

    This is the book about which there is no doubt, A guidance for those conscious of Allah – Al-Quran 2:2

    -Now is your turn to ask me some questions! Ask me anything, but be nice!

    How is your day going?

    What region of the world are you from?

    what made you curious enough about Islam to learn more?

    What convinced you to join this forum?

    Where do you think you stand right now in terms of personal spirituality ?

    Have you pondered over the true meaning of life and what comes after death?
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto View Post
    (How was your day today?)
    Alhamdulillah, I am fine.
    That's wonderful! Btw, what does "Alhamdulillah" mean?

    format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto View Post
    (Were you born into a Muslim family, or did you convert? If you did convert, why did Islam appeal to you, and not any of the other religions (Christianity, Mormonism, Buddhism, etc.)?)
    I was born in Muslim family.

    (Why do you believe that Islam is the right religion?)
    I can feel it by my heart, I feel peace in my heart especially when I pray.
    I'm happy to hear that it brings peace into your life.

    format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto View Post
    (What is the name of the design/tattoo that I sometimes see on Muslim women’s hands? I don’t usually get a long look at them, but they look beautiful.)
    Henna. Actually it has nothing to do with Islam, but a product of culture.
    My mistake, I just assumed it was an Islamic practice because I've only ever seen Muslim women wearing them, but now I know better.

    format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto View Post
    (What are some interesting facts about Islam that you would like for me know? Can be as interesting or random as you want it to be!)
    Some of the things that relate to Muslims and assumed as 'Islamic' actually are product of cultures. In example henna like you ask in question above.
    I'm actually not surprised that this is the case, since culture and religion are important aspects for most people in their daily lives. Again, thank you for correcting my mistake.
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Lana_Del_Bae View Post
    That's wonderful! Btw, what does "Alhamdulillah" mean?

    It means as "praise be to Allah (God)". It is a common phrase that Muslims often use in conversation, especially when thanking God for blessings.
    Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    From Occupied Palestine:

    We have suffered too much for too long. We will not accept apartheid masked as peace. We will settle for no less than our freedom.

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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    -How was your day today?
    Alhamdulillah, today was a very happy day for me.

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    -Were you born into a Muslim family, or did you convert? If you did convert, why did Islam appeal to you, and not any of the other religions (Christianity, Mormonism, Buddhism, etc.)?

    I was born Muslim SubhanAllah but i wasn't a practicing one until recently. I had questions too - how do i know i am following the right religion. Sister, you will not believe me but i looked at the wikipedia list of religions in the world and check each one out and my faith in Islam increased from what i read about other religions. When i read about Christianity and their twisted logic about how a man is not a man (Nauzbillah) and he died, i was like yeah this is too stupid. Not to mention their books have so much revisions by humans. I looked up Buddhism and what sane man would believe that his dog is a reincarnated form of Hitler We would be dealing with the great cockroach infestation if their ideas of reincarnation had any truth hahaa.

    Sister, my search was full of laughs but because these religions are the creation or alteration of pre-historical ignorant/oppressive men who thought this was the best way for humanity to live, who thought they knew better than the Almighty Allah (Nauzbillah). Christianity and Judaism has some truth in them but the modifications and alterations to them have made them obsolete religions and this ignorance of prehistoric men shows in the laughable modifications they did, it might have made sense to those men in their times but today as humanity has become intelligent, the human's modification to the Divine message are as apparent as day. For example, a man dying for sins of others.
    I see where you're coming from when it comes to Christianity. I was raised by parents who are Unitarian Universalist Christians, who believe in all-powerful God and Jesus, but don't believe that Jesus was divine (not son of god). Jesus was an inspiration and a great teacher, but was still just a human at the end of the day. So they're a bit different from most Christians, who actually believe that Jesus was both a man/demigod and god himself (huh?? never made sense to me when I was little, and still doesn't).

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    -What are your thoughts on the other Abrahamic religions, Judaism & Christianity? What do you think they have right? Where do you think they went wrong?

    They were from Allah for a certain era and if they were not altered, you would find their message same as Islam i.e preaching worshiping one God Allah. Because Islam started from Prophet Adam (A.S) to Prophet Mohammad (SAWW), they were all Muslims. They went wrong when certain deluded Priests decided to modify the law of Allah and add their own dirt to it and Christians believe in these modified books.

    Indeed, even now in these modified books you can find prophecies of the coming of Prophet Mohammad (SAWW) in Christianity and Judaism. Where they went wrong is they don't even know who these priests were that they are accepting their modifications to it without questioning them and then thinking that this is a book from God.

    They went wrong when they believe in these revisions, like the first revision is a lie added to it then the second revision had more lies, lies lies and lies until you don't even know now what message was from God and what dirt was added by these priests?. I mean we know what dirt when you read the twisted beliefs about Prophet Esa/Jesus (A.S) and lies attributed to him(A.S).
    Yeah, the bible is super edited, and there are so many versions of it now.

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    -Why do you believe that Islam is the right religion?

    I looked up Holy Quran. And i kid you not, my jaw dropped when i would understand what one Ayat, one Verse meant. I was shocked that how did i not know my own book, how ignorant have i been. Like any other born muslims, i thought of the Holy Quran as a book that you recite to earn good deeds but i was never aware of how profound and deep each of its verse is, the miracles contained within it and how much truth is in it. Miracles after miracles. As a man of science, i was most impressed by its scientific miracles, 100% accurate about psychology, astronomy, embryology (one of the scientist once said that whoever wrote in such details the verses about embryology must have a huge microscope stuck inside a womb because it's impossible otherwise. We know Mohammad (PBUH) was an illiterate man and we know what science was in 600AD era - ignorant ) so this gives proof it is the truth and from Allah.

    My jaw dropped when i read how Holy Quran explains black holes, i am being fully honest when i say this. I am learning and learning and learning new things about Holy Quran whenever i look it up. The amazement is never ceasing


    I was in shivers when i learned how Holy Quran describes the super advanced physics concept "11 dimensions and M theory" - Jazakallah khairun to Imaam M Azeez


    I have no doubt that Islam is the religion from the Creator Allah. There is no doubt it is, the Holy Quran challenges everyone. How confident is this 600AD era book that it is challenging people until Judgement day (the end of the world)? Indeed it is from Almighty Allah and who can challenge the Almighty Allah.

    At a time in history when eloquence was most highly prized, Allah revealed the Quran of miraculous exposition to Prophet Mohammad. Eloquence was the most suitable miracle for him. Also it was notable aspect of the Quran. During descending of Quran, it first challenged the literary figures of the Arabian Peninsula and then all the people throughout the ages and at every level of knowledge and understanding until the judgment Day in the following manner

    If you think that a human being wrote the Quran, then let one of your people who are unlettered as is Muhammad produce something similar.
    if he or she cannot do this either, then send your most famous writers or scholars and let them come together and produce the like of the Quran.
    If they cannot, let then work together and call upon all their history, scientist, philosophers, sociologist, theologians and writers to produce something similar.
    if they cannot, let them try leaving aside the miraculous and inimitable aspects of its meaning to produce a work of equal eloquence in word order and composition, regardless of what they produce is true or not.
    If you cannot produce the like of it in equal length, then produce only the like of its 10 chapters (surah).
    If you cannot do this, then produce only one chapter.
    If you cannot do that, produce only a short chapter.

    So sister, i know without a shadow of a doubt that Islam is the right religion.
    It's great that you actually decided to read up on and become knowledgeable in your religion. Many people don't (regardless of the religion), and simply go along with it because everyone else around them does, or because they feel obligated to.

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    -What is the significance behind praying 5 times a day? What happens if you miss any of the prayers, or don’t feel like doing them?
    My post is already getting lengthy so i will keep it short. When i miss a prayer, i feel dead and unhappy. When i pray, i feel happy. These are obligatory on Muslims and they are the way you worship Allah (SWT).
    Okay, I thought they were optional and people could choose to pray to specific ones, or do all of them if they are religious. I didn't realize that they were mandatory.

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    -What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Islam? Are there any other sects/branches in Islam? What does they teach?
    We have four rightly guided Caliphs - the companions of Prophet Mohammad (SAWW) and Shias believe that one of them (Ali (R.A)) wasn't given Caliphat the way he deserved and they speak bad things about other Caliphs (Omar farooq (R.A)). We(I) sunnis believe that they were promised Jannah(paradise) in their lifetime so what is a sinning man of our generation get the audacity to question Sahabas(R.A) who are promised Jannah in their lifetime!. Shias also have a little modifications in other matters that i don't know of, i hate anyone who will speak ill of any of the companions/Sahabas(R.A) of Prophet Mohammad(SAWW) because Sahabas(R.A) were of far higher character than a man can be. We think it is impossible when we come to know of how God-fearing and pious these Sahabas(R.A) were.
    Okay thanks. I was just curious what the difference between the two were because I heard that there were disagreements/tensions between the two groups.

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    -Why do some women only cover their hair, while others also cover their face? Is there a special reason for this (more observant, different sects, etc.)?

    Some muslims believe the face is necessary others don't. Also has cultural ties attached to it.
    I was just wondering. There are a few Muslims where I live, and a few of the women cover their faces, while the others don't. I didn't want to just go up to one of ladies and ask (maybe she would think I was being rude?). Plus, it would just be awkward for me since I'm a shy person irl.

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    -What are some interesting facts about Islam that you would like for me know? Can be as interesting or random as you want it to be!

    I want you to do what the very first Revelation was sent down to the Holy Prophet (SAWW) says

    اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ - Holy Quran 96:1

    Read: In the name of thy Lord Who createth,

    Read the Holy Quran. It is a book of miracles, it is the truth. If you want to find proof that Allah exists, read the Holy Quran and understand what it is trying to say.
    I can't say that I'll ever end up reading the Quran. Maybe someday, who know.

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    -Now is your turn to ask me some questions! Ask me anything, but be nice!

    Why did you become an atheist? How are you certain that there will be no judgement day?
    This is a good question lol. I don't even know if "atheist" is even the right descriptor of what I am, I just use it because it's simple. I don't believe in religions, or any of the deities that they follow/find sacred. As for why I became an atheist, I guess it's simply because I was never religious. When I found out there was a name for people who don't believe in god(s), I just adopted the label. It was really that simple, at least for me.

    As for judgement day, I just don't believe in it.

    Thanks for answering, and thank you for the questions.

    - - - Updated - - -

    format_quote Originally Posted by MuhammadHamza1 View Post
    Thank you for asking these questions and I pray for your well being.Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)
    And thank you for answering.
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Teacher View Post
    -Why do some women only cover their hair, while others also cover their face? Is there a special reason for this (more observant, different sects, etc.)?

    The amount of covering is related to the amount of adherence and commitment one feels towards their Lord. Those who want to grow closer to their Lord and want to please Him more, adhere to the teaching more conservatively. The covering of the face was done by all the wives of the Prophet(S) as well as all the believing women up to colonial occupation of Muslim lands.
    I figured the reason had to have something to do with level of adherence to the faith.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Teacher View Post
    -What are some interesting facts about Islam that you would like for me know? Can be as interesting or random as you want it to be!

    The basic beliefs one must have in order to be considered a Muslim include a belief in
    1) the One God;
    2) all the prophets of God;
    3) the original scriptures revealed to Prophets Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad;
    4) the angels;
    5) the Day of Judgment and the Hereafter; and
    6) the divine decree or destiny

    The Islamic Golden Age, which is traditionally dated as being the 8th–13th centuries, was marked by the ascension of the Abbasid Caliphate. The Abbasids were influenced by the Quran’s injunction that “the ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.” During this time, the Arab world became an intellectual center for science, astronomy, chemistry, physics, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, and education

    A Muslim woman retains her own family name upon marriage, rather than taking the name of her husband. This symbolic act emphasizes that she remains her own person, with her own valid identity.

    Muslims do not describe Islam as a religion. Rather it is a deen, which comes from the Arabic for “way of life.” Muslims believe that Islam is more than a religious belief—it is a way of living in accordance with one’s religious faith.

    The pre-Islamic period in Arabia is commonly called Jahiliyyah, which means “the days of ignorance.” Before Islam, the main religion of the Arabian Peninsula was pagan idolatry

    This is the book about which there is no doubt, A guidance for those conscious of Allah – Al-Quran 2:2
    I remember learning about the Islamic Golden Age in one of my classes a few years ago. Very interesting history.

    Also, I love that the women get to keep their last name when they get married.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Teacher View Post
    -Now is your turn to ask me some questions! Ask me anything, but be nice!

    How is your day going?
    My day was hectic; I was babysitting niece and nephews today. I love them, but they are a HANDFUL lol.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Teacher View Post
    What region of the world are you from?
    Western Hemisphere> United States> New York> NYC

    format_quote Originally Posted by Teacher View Post
    what made you curious enough about Islam to learn more?
    I just like learning about all types of topics. I don't like being ignorant, especially about groups of people (and their religions, cultures, political ideologies, you name it.)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Teacher View Post
    What convinced you to join this forum?
    I figured it would be best to ask actual Muslims my questions about what they believe, rather than consulting search engines that take me to websites with blatant biases.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Teacher View Post
    Where do you think you stand right now in terms of personal spirituality ?
    I'm about 0% spiritual (I don't pray or meditate or anything like that).

    format_quote Originally Posted by Teacher View Post
    Have you pondered over the true meaning of life and what comes after death?
    No, not really. I guess I'm just not a deep person. I assume it will just be a state of unconsciousness (sort of like how it was before we were born), but the only way I will ever truly know is when I actually die. Until then, it's all just speculations. Nobody who has ACTUALLY died has returned to tell humanity about their experiences, and no, near death experiences don't count.

    Honestly, death is not something I usually spend my time thinking about, not unless somebody asks me and I have to think about it (like this question lol).

    Anyways, thank you for answering my questions!

    - - - Updated - - -

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb View Post
    It means as "praise be to Allah (God)". It is a common phrase that Muslims often use in conversation, especially when thanking God for blessings.
    Oh okay, thanks. I was wondering because people were writing it to me, but I had no idea what it meant. I figured that it must be a pleasant comment or greeting.
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    Just some clarifications from the things which I noticed

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post

    • If you think that a human being wrote the Quran, then let one of your people who are unlettered as is Muhammad produce something similar.
    • if he or she cannot do this either, then send your most famous writers or scholars and let them come together and produce the like of the Quran.
    • If they cannot, let then work together and call upon all their history, scientist, philosophers, sociologist, theologians and writers to produce something similar.
    • if they cannot, let them try leaving aside the miraculous and inimitable aspects of its meaning to produce a work of equal eloquence in word order and composition, regardless of what they produce is true or not.
    None of the above are stated in the Quran although they are implied in various instances. We need to be very careful and accurate when quoting the Quran.

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    so what is a sinning man of our generation get the audacity to question Sahabas(R.A) who are promised Jannah in their lifetime!. Shias also have a little modifications in other matters that i don't know of, i hate anyone who will speak ill of any of the companions/Sahabas(R.A) of Prophet Mohammad(SAWW) because Sahabas(R.A) were of far higher character than a man can be. We think it is impossible when we come to know of how God-fearing and pious these Sahabas(R.A) were.
    It is the duty of every human being to research and to question, and even though it is recorded that some were promised Paradise in their lifetimes, they were still human beings (not God or idols), they saw the truthfulness of the message and accepted it after using their brains, and it is necessary for those who study further to learn to critically look at their decisions and some of the differences in opinion which they had in order to get a better understanding of their governance methods, one can see that 'Umar was pragmatic in the political sense and that Abu Bakr was pragmatic in the trust he had for the Messenger of Allah even if it didn't appear to make sense, but both were his advisors and each accepted or rejected the ruling of the other according to what was most just. it is clear that each sahaabah had weaknesses and strengths and that they took/called each other to court sometimes and commended, absolved, fined, or punished the accused after judging for Allah's sake. There were also hypocrites amongst the wider group who unjustly harmed the prophet much and caused him undue distress, and this can be confirmed throughout Quran and ahadith.

    Narrated Abdur Rahman bin Awf:
    that the Messenger of Allah said: "Abu Bakr is in Paradise, 'Umar is in Paradise, 'Uthman is in Paradise, 'Ali is in Paradise, Talhah is in Paradise, Az-Zubair is in Paradise, 'Abdur Rahman bin Awf is in Paradise, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas is in Paradise, Sa'id ibn Zayd is in Paradise, and Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah is in Paradise."
    — Collected by Muhammad ibn `Isa at-Tirmidhi, Jami` at-Tirmidhi[1]

    Anas ibn Malik reported: Abdur Rahman ibn Awf married a woman and he gave her the weight of a date stone in gold as a dowry. When the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, noticed the signs of happiness on his face, he asked him about it and Abdur Rahman said, “Indeed, I have married a woman and I have given her the weight of a date stone in gold.”

    Source: Sahih Bukhari 4853, Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Bukhari

    Ibn Hajar reported: Umar ibn Al-Khattab said, “Do not exaggerate in the dowry given to women.” A woman said, “You cannot do that, O Umar, for Allah said: You have given them a great amount of gold,” (4:20) and this was according to the recitation of Ibn Mas’ud. So Umar said, “The woman has disputed Umar and she has defeated him.”

    In another narration, Umar said, “The woman is right and the man is wrong.” The basis of this story is the statement of Umar, “Do not exaggerate in your charity towards women,” as recorded by the compilers of the Sunan books and authenticated by Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim.

    Source: Fath ul-Bari 4853

    عَنْ أَنَسٍ أَنَّ عَبْدَ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنَ عَوْفٍ تَزَوَّجَ امْرَأَةً عَلَى وَزْنِ نَوَاةٍ فَرَأَى النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ بَشَاشَةَ الْعُرْسِ فَسَأَلَهُ فَقَالَ إِنِّي تَزَوَّجْتُ امْرَأَةً عَلَى وَزْنِ نَوَاةٍ

    4853 صحيح البخاري كتاب النكاح باب قول الله تعالى وآتوا النساء صدقاتهن نحلة وكثرة المهر وأدنى ما يجوز من الصداق

    قَالَ عُمَرُ لَا تُغَالُوا فِي مُهُورِ النِّسَاءِ فَقَالَتِ امْرَأَةٌ لَيْسَ ذَلِكَ لَكَ يَا عُمَرُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَقُولُ وَآتَيْتُمْ إِحْدَاهُنَّ قِنْطَارًا مِنْ ذَهَبٍ قال وكذلك هي في قراءة ابن مسعود فَقَالَ عُمَرُ امْرَأَةٌ خَاصَمَتْ عُمَرَ فَخَصَمَتْهُ

    فَقَالَ عُمَرُ امْرَأَةٌ أَصَابَتْ وَرَجُلٌ أَخْطَأَ وَأَصْلُ قَوْلِ عُمَرَ لَا تَغَالَوْا فِي صَدَقَاتِ النِّسَاءِ عِنْدَ أَصْحَابِ السُّنَنِ وَصَحَّحَهُ ابْنُ حِبَّانَ وَالْحَاكِمُ

    4853 فتح الباري شرح صحيح البخاري


    Note: the actual word for "great amount of gold" as stated above is "qintar - which means a hoard/huge pile of treasure.
    (2) But if you intend to replace a wife by another and you have given one of them a qintar (of gold i.e. a great amount as Mahr) take not the least bit of it back; would you take it wrongfully without a right and (with) a manifest sin?

    Regarding prayer, it is an object of worship which continually pulls a person back to Allah and keeps them aware of Him throughout the day and maintain their connection to Him, it causes a person to become heedful and alert between the daily routines and helps maintain a sober character, it restrains and deters a person from shameful and evil acts if they focus properly during prayer. The Messenger of Allah was given the duty of prayer directly from Allah, and he showed people how to perform it and this was normally five times a day other than when there was a valid need to shorten or combine them, it is recorded that he combined them to make three on at least one occasion even though there was neither rain nor fear, and the companion is reported to have interpreted this as an indication that it was as a mercy for the nation - although this is not the normal practice nor is it recommended.
    It is necessary to make up the prayers which one delays out of forgetfulness or sleep. Insanity whether induced or real is a different issue.

    One interesting fact about Islam........... it's the truth and best guidance revealed by your creator Who has provided a manual for the most stable functioning of this world.
    Imagine how lost Adam must have felt when he was fumbling around on earth - and how relieved he must have felt when the guidance started coming.....
    Last edited by Abz2000; 07-12-2017 at 04:52 PM.
    Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Lana_Del_Bae View Post
    Question time:

    How was your day today?
    This Morning looks great as a lot of raining. My garden loves it and what is good for my garden, is good for me.

    Were you born into a Muslim family, or did you convert? If you did convert, why did Islam appeal to you, and not any of the other religions (Christianity, Mormonism, Buddhism, etc.)?
    I am revert. You can find my story why I reverted from: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    do you believe that Islam is the right religion?
    Yes I do. It gives me peace to my mind.

    What are your thoughts on the other Abrahamic religions, Judaism & Christianity? What do you think they have right? Where do you think they went wrong?
    I think others are on the right path towards to the God but they haven´t found the final message yet (what is Islam). Our duty is to help them and support them and spread the inromation about Islam. Tolerance is my way to think. We have to live together in the same planet and we should looking for more things which are common than which separate us.

    What is the name of the design/tattoo that I sometimes see on Muslim women’s hands? I don’t usually get a long look at them, but they look beautiful.
    This is answered already. Henna isn´t real tattoo as it is not permanent.

    What is the significance behind praying 5 times a day? What happens if you miss any of the prayers, or don’t feel like doing them?
    Praying is our duty for Allah. If someone miss the prayers, he has to pray as soon he can (replace prayers).

    What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Islam? Are there any other sects/branches in Islam? What does they teach?
    This is too complicated question to answer in this place. You can find many threads about this subject.

    Why do some women only cover their hair, while others also cover their face? Is there a special reason for this (more observant, different sects, etc.)?
    Difference of opinions. You can also find Muslim women whose don´t cover their hair at all.

    What are some interesting facts about Islam that you would like for me know? Can be as interesting or random as you want it to be!
    Islam is religion of peace and we Muslims are kind people. Well, mostly.

    Now is your turn to ask me some questions! Ask me anything, but be nice!
    How is your day? (I wish it is nice and I wish to you wonderful day.)
    Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    From Occupied Palestine:

    We have suffered too much for too long. We will not accept apartheid masked as peace. We will settle for no less than our freedom.

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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    Just some clarifications from the things which I noticed

    None of the above are stated in the Quran although they are implied in various instances. We need to be very careful and accurate when quoting the Quran.

    It is the duty of every human being to research and to question, and even though it is recorded that some were promised Paradise in their lifetimes, they were still human beings (not God or idols), they saw the truthfulness of the message and accepted it after using their brains, and it is necessary for those who study further to learn to critically look at their decisions and some of the differences in opinion which they had in order to get a better understanding of their governance methods, one can see that 'Umar was pragmatic in the political sense and that Abu Bakr was pragmatic in the trust he had for the Messenger of Allah even if it didn't appear to make sense, but both were his advisors and each accepted or rejected the ruling of the other according to what was most just. it is clear that each sahaabah had weaknesses and strengths and that they took/called each other to court sometimes and commended, absolved, fined, or punished the accused after judging for Allah's sake. There were also hypocrites amongst the wider group who unjustly harmed the prophet much and caused him undue distress, and this can be confirmed throughout Quran and ahadith.

    Narrated Abdur Rahman bin Awf:
    that the Messenger of Allah said: "Abu Bakr is in Paradise, 'Umar is in Paradise, 'Uthman is in Paradise, 'Ali is in Paradise, Talhah is in Paradise, Az-Zubair is in Paradise, 'Abdur Rahman bin Awf is in Paradise, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas is in Paradise, Sa'id ibn Zayd is in Paradise, and Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah is in Paradise."
    — Collected by Muhammad ibn `Isa at-Tirmidhi, Jami` at-Tirmidhi[1]

    Anas ibn Malik reported: Abdur Rahman ibn Awf married a woman and he gave her the weight of a date stone in gold as a dowry. When the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, noticed the signs of happiness on his face, he asked him about it and Abdur Rahman said, “Indeed, I have married a woman and I have given her the weight of a date stone in gold.”

    Source: Sahih Bukhari 4853, Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Bukhari

    Ibn Hajar reported: Umar ibn Al-Khattab said, “Do not exaggerate in the dowry given to women.” A woman said, “You cannot do that, O Umar, for Allah said: You have given them a great amount of gold,” (4:20) and this was according to the recitation of Ibn Mas’ud. So Umar said, “The woman has disputed Umar and she has defeated him.”

    In another narration, Umar said, “The woman is right and the man is wrong.” The basis of this story is the statement of Umar, “Do not exaggerate in your charity towards women,” as recorded by the compilers of the Sunan books and authenticated by Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim.

    Source: Fath ul-Bari 4853

    عَنْ أَنَسٍ أَنَّ عَبْدَ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنَ عَوْفٍ تَزَوَّجَ امْرَأَةً عَلَى وَزْنِ نَوَاةٍ فَرَأَى النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ بَشَاشَةَ الْعُرْسِ فَسَأَلَهُ فَقَالَ إِنِّي تَزَوَّجْتُ امْرَأَةً عَلَى وَزْنِ نَوَاةٍ

    4853 صحيح البخاري كتاب النكاح باب قول الله تعالى وآتوا النساء صدقاتهن نحلة وكثرة المهر وأدنى ما يجوز من الصداق

    قَالَ عُمَرُ لَا تُغَالُوا فِي مُهُورِ النِّسَاءِ فَقَالَتِ امْرَأَةٌ لَيْسَ ذَلِكَ لَكَ يَا عُمَرُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَقُولُ وَآتَيْتُمْ إِحْدَاهُنَّ قِنْطَارًا مِنْ ذَهَبٍ قال وكذلك هي في قراءة ابن مسعود فَقَالَ عُمَرُ امْرَأَةٌ خَاصَمَتْ عُمَرَ فَخَصَمَتْهُ

    فَقَالَ عُمَرُ امْرَأَةٌ أَصَابَتْ وَرَجُلٌ أَخْطَأَ وَأَصْلُ قَوْلِ عُمَرَ لَا تَغَالَوْا فِي صَدَقَاتِ النِّسَاءِ عِنْدَ أَصْحَابِ السُّنَنِ وَصَحَّحَهُ ابْنُ حِبَّانَ وَالْحَاكِمُ

    4853 فتح الباري شرح صحيح البخاري


    Note: the actual word for "great amount of gold" as stated above is "qintar - which means a hoard/huge pile of treasure.
    (2) But if you intend to replace a wife by another and you have given one of them a qintar (of gold i.e. a great amount as Mahr) take not the least bit of it back; would you take it wrongfully without a right and (with) a manifest sin?

    Regarding prayer, it is an object of worship which continually pulls a person back to Allah and keeps them aware of Him throughout the day and maintain their connection to Him, it causes a person to become heedful and alert between the daily routines and helps maintain a sober character, it restrains and deters a person from shameful and evil acts if they focus properly during prayer. The Messenger of Allah was given the duty of prayer directly from Allah, and he showed people how to perform it and this was normally five times a day other than when there was a valid need to shorten or combine them, it is recorded that he combined them to make three on at least one occasion even though there was neither rain nor fear, and the companion is reported to have interpreted this as an indication that it was as a mercy for the nation - although this is not the normal practice nor is it recommended.
    It is necessary to make up the prayers which one delays out of forgetfulness or sleep. Insanity whether induced or real is a different issue.

    One interesting fact about Islam........... it's the truth and best guidance revealed by your creator Who has provided a manual for the most stable functioning of this world.
    Imagine how lost Adam must have felt when he was fumbling around on earth - and how relieved he must have felt when the guidance started coming.....
    Thank you for the post @Abz2000 , it was an interesting read.
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb View Post
    This Morning looks great as a lot of raining. My garden loves it and what is good for my garden, is good for me.
    Me and my mom have a small garden going, nothing fancy. We're growing different varieties of tomatoes, peppers, onions, potatoes, and mint plant (for tea). What are you growing in your garden, if I may ask?

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb View Post
    I am revert. You can find my story why I reverted from: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!
    Read your story, and I always find converts fascinating because they actively choose to leave behind the faith and beliefs that they were raised to adhere to, in exchange for faith, and oftentimes face opposition from friends, family, and/or society. On top of that, they may have to follow new dress codes, diets, abandon old habits, etc.

    That's what happen when both of my older sister converted to Judaism (Orthodox tradition); they lost old friends, had to learn to keep kosher, cover their hair (now that they're married), dress modestly, recite prayers in Hebrew, etc. Very different from how we were raised, but I love them tremendously and I'm glad they found their truth. I'm also glad that Islam is your truth, and has brought peace and meaning to your life.

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb View Post
    Tolerance is my way to think. We have to live together in the same planet and we should looking for more things which are common than which separate us.
    True! Endless fighting and bickering solves nothing, and only sows distrust (at best), or pure hatred (at worst) between different groups. I really wish humans could all just get along already.

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb View Post
    This is too complicated question to answer in this place. You can find many threads about this subject.
    Yeah, I realized that as well. It's okay.

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb View Post
    Difference of opinions. You can also find Muslim women whose don´t cover their hair at all.
    That is true, everyone can't be expected to share the same opinions, preferences, etc.

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb View Post
    Islam is religion of peace and we Muslims are kind people. Well, mostly.
    I don't doubt this for a second. Most people, regardless of their religion/culture/political ideology/"race"/nationality/etc. are decent people. There are a few bad apples, but most people are nice enough.

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb View Post
    How is your day? (I wish it is nice and I wish to you wonderful day.)
    Aww, thanks. It was a great day for me so far. I babysit my niece and nephews for sisters, so we did arts and crafts, playing with blocks, abc's and storytime, all of that stuff that toddlers find exciting lol. My brother-in-laws picked them up a short while ago so now the house is quite, and I'm about to relax for a little bit. Later tonight, I'm going to hang out with my boyfriend and some of our friends.

    Anyways, thank you for answering my questions!
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Lana_Del_Bae View Post
    Me and my mom have a small garden going, nothing fancy. We're growing different varieties of tomatoes, peppers, onions, potatoes, and mint plant (for tea). What are you growing in your garden, if I may ask?
    I have many veggies (peas, beans, tomatoes, zucchinis, pumpkins, carrots, spinach), a lot of herbs (over 20 different ones at this year) and of course, a lot of flowers. Food for both body and soul. We have gardening thread here so if you like to talk about growing green things, you are the most welcome: How does your garden grow?
    Last edited by sister herb; 07-13-2017 at 05:53 AM.
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    Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    From Occupied Palestine:

    We have suffered too much for too long. We will not accept apartheid masked as peace. We will settle for no less than our freedom.

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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb View Post
    I have many veggies (peas, beans, tomatoes, zucchinis, pumkins, carrots, spinach), a lot of herbs (over 20 different ones at this year) and of course, a lot of flowers. Food for both body and soul. We have gardening thread here so if you like to talk about growing green things, you are the most welcome: How does your garden grow?
    Okay, I'll check it out.
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    Just some clarifications from the things which I noticed

    None of the above are stated in the Quran although they are implied in various instances. We need to be very careful and accurate when quoting the Quran.
    You are right, i should have been clear. I took this from wikipedia page which is a discussion on the challenge and written in own words and i had read in Holy Quran about the challenge so i assumed it correct especially because the wikipedia article also quotes Holy Quran. I should have quoted the Holy Quran directly. I can't edit my posts so if a mod can edit it out, that'd be nice.

    Regarding Shia and Sunni, brother what i meant was all of those Sahabas(R.A) especially the close companions of Prophet Mohammad(SAWW) were of such high character and pious people that we shouldn't even dare argue about them lest we may say something unjust Nauzbillah.
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    How was your day today?
    Alhamdulliah , it was great

    Were you born into a Muslim family, or did you convert? If you did convert, why did Islam appeal to you, and not any of the other religions (Christianity, Mormonism, Buddhism, etc.)?
    I was born in a Muslim family

    Why do you believe that Islam is the right religion?-What are your thoughts on the other Abrahamic religions, Judaism & Christianity? What do you think they have right? Where do you think they went wrong?
    I can feel in my heart and have found everything in the Quran is the true and free from contradictions.

    What are your thoughts on the other Abrahamic religions, Judaism & Christianity? What do you think they have right? Where do you think they went wrong
    Christians dont keep laws and commandments. The theology is faulty. You sin, someone else pays for your sins like someone else take injections if you have a disease. Does that make sense ?

    Christians arent following Jesus , they are following Paul who derailed Jesus teachings. Christians only need to believe in the blood of Jesus and without it all good works are worthless. Jesus says you must be better than the Jew and you cant be better than the Jew by not keeping the laws and the commandments. Jesus followed the law , he prayed just as muslims prayed , was circumsized and did not eat pork.The muslims are more christian then the christian themselves as they are following Jesus

    Jewish scripture has been changed and they have not propagating their religion to the world and restricted the religion to the people who are born Jews. Allah had performed special favors for Jews, sent prophets after prophets and had chosen them to propagate islam but they didnt do the job and Allah has now replaced the jews with the muslims for the role of propagating islam

    Buddha fails the test as God. God has no beginning nor an end and is not born of a woman and thus Buddha cannot compared to God.

    There is a 4 line definition of God in Chapter 112

    1. Allah is one and only
    2. Allah is Self sufficent
    3. Allah does not beget and is not begotten
    4. And there is nothing comparable to him

    Anyone who has the qualify as God has to pass the above 4 test and there is no one except Allah who can pass them.
    Last edited by Predator; 08-06-2017 at 07:08 PM.
    Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    When truth is hurled at falsehood , falsehood perishes. because falsehood by its nature is bound to perish [21:18- Holy quran]
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    Re: Questions from & to a non-Muslim (Questions & Answers thread)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Predator View Post
    Christians dont keep laws and commandments. The theology is faulty. You sin, someone else pays for your sins like someone else take injections if you have a disease. Does that make sense ?
    Never made sense to me either when I was a young Christian.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Predator View Post
    Christians arent following Jesus , they are following Paul who derailed Jesus teachings. Christians only need to believe in the blood of Jesus and without it all good works are worthless. Jesus says you must be better than the Jew and you cant be better than the Jew by not keeping the laws and the commandments. Jesus followed the law , he prayed just as muslims prayed , was circumsized and did not eat pork.The muslims are more christian then the christian themselves as they are following Jesus
    Many Christians (i.e. not all) will say that they don't have to follow the laws of the Old Testament any longer because Jesus fulfilled those laws when he died, or something along those lines. I'm no bible/biblical scholar, and it's been a long time since I've discussed religion with devout Christians, so if any Christians are reading this and want to jump in, go ahead.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Predator View Post
    Jewish scripture has been changed and they have not propagating their religion to the world and restricted the religion to the people who are born Jews.
    Or those who choose to convert the Orthodox route. But I get what you're saying.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Predator View Post
    Allah had performed special favors for Jews, sent prophets after prophets and had chosen them to propagate islam but they didnt do the job and Allah has now replaced the jews with the muslims for the role of propagating islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Predator View Post
    Buddha fails the test as God. God has no beginning nor an end and is not born of a woman and thus Buddha cannot compared to God.
    I've always been under the impression that the Buddha is not/never intended to be viewed as a god. The Buddhists I know are actually agnostics or atheists and from what they have told me, they just view Buddhism as a life philosophy. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a faction of Buddhists somewhere who do worship Buddha as a deity. People have found all sorts of people/animals/objects to worship over the millennia lol, why stop now?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Predator View Post
    There is a 4 line definition of God in Chapter 112

    1. Allah is one and only
    2. Allah is Self sufficent
    3. Allah does not beget and is not begotten
    4. And there is nothing comparable to him

    Anyone who has the qualify as God has to pass the above 4 test and there is no one except Allah who can pass them.
    Seems like a fair list of criteria to me.

    Anyways, thanks for the post @Predator !

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ask me some questions people, I'd like to answer your questions as well!!
    Last edited by L a n a; 08-07-2017 at 02:11 PM. Reason: gosh darned sticky fingers, holy typos!!
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