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Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

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    Post Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

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    As Salamu Alaykum I have not posted here for a while I have been busy I have a question I am a Convert or a Revert I used to be a Christian I used to believe in Christianity therefor I know why Islam disagrees with Christianity. My question is why does Islam disagree with Judaism a Jew told me that the Jews claim to believe in one God the Jewish Religion does not believe in the Trinity Three in One God or they believe that, God is One in Three like the Christians do the Christian Religion which believes that Jesus is the Son of God who became a Man to die for the Sins of the World of Humanity. A Muslim Friend and other Friends told me that, the Jews believe in One God but they believe that a Rabbi their Rabbis can Make and Break Laws therefor the Jews believe that the Rabbis Share in God's Dvinity. According to, the Bible in the New Testament the Jewish Establishment Jewish Priest Jewish Priests Scribe the Scribes the Pharisee and the Pharisees believed in Man Made Laws in Man Made Commandment Man Made Law in Man Made Commandments the Pharisees believe in the Oral Law the Talmud during the time of the Pharisees it was called the Tradition of the Elders the Sadducee and the Sadducees the Sadducees Denied the Resurrection of the Dead and Life After Death Heaven and Hell the Hereafter the Afterlife the Sadducees I know there is one Sect of Judaism of Jews that Sects the Talmud the Karaite known as the Karaites they rejected Rabbinic Judaism the Karaites only believe, in the Old Testament the Karaites the Judaism believes that the Oral Law is the Word of God given to Moses the Prophet and the Messenger and that it is valid like the Written Torah the Oral Torah. They believe that written down by the Rabbis which is known as the Talmud there are Two Talmuds the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud I ask these questions because I have heard Christians tell Converts or Reverts to Islam why did'nt you Convert to Judaism since Judaism also rejects the Trinity. I know it is possible to Convert to Judaism but Judaism is not a Missionary Faith it is not a Missionary Religion Judaism believes that the Gentiles or the Non Jews should follow the Seven Laws of Noah the Noahide Laws today, followers or believers are known as Noahides this, is what Maimonides taught. I am asking because I need, to know why Islam rejects, Judaism I need a reason besides the claim that the Jews are a Race I am not posting this this to Debate if the Jews are, a Race or a Religion or a Nation or a Ethnicity also the Quran says that the Jews took, Ezra as the Son of God Ezra was a Prophet and a Messenger of Allah does this mean that all Jews believed this at one time or only a certain Sect also it says that the Jews took their, Rabbis as Lords. My last question is I know, Christians believe that Jesus was foretold in the Old Testament in Prophecy my they use; it to prove he was God not only the Messiah my question is can Muslims believe that, Jesus was foretold in the Old Testament in Prophecy as a Prophet as a Messenger as the Messiah. I know in Islam the Bible was; Corrupt but I heard from Muslims that it still has some truth. I ask since Muslims quote the Bible both the Old Testament in the Torah and the Psalms and; the New Testament in the Gospel to say that Muhammad was foretold the Bible as a Prophet and a Messenger is the Talmud like the Hadith my understanding is that the Hadiths are Saying are the Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and Teaching his Teachings I know my post is long, but I had a lot to say on this thread thank you today for your time ?

    ISLAM is the only Religion That Worships God(Creator)ALONE with out giving anyone or anything in creation a share in his divinity. God Alone is worthy of All praise..

    Doesn't Judaism also worship One God (Creator) like Islam does ?

    Somewhat .but they believe their rabbi's can make and break laws..and that they share in Allahs divinity. .making their rabbis Lords

    Last edited by truthseeker63; 09-15-2021 at 04:12 AM.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    Anyone have any views or opinions thank you for your time today ?
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    I suppose the biggest difference is because Jews believe they are the best race and any non Jew or "goyim" meaning unclean is scum and can be killed and their land taken from them. Where as Christians, Muslims and pagans can be naughty at times but they don't have that deep seated hatred of other races of people. Jews hate white people the most, they call us "blue eyed morons" Sandra Bee said this on the T.V. and also "whites are the pit bulls of the 'human' race" said by someone else not on the T.V. Also they genocide whites with mass immigration and miscegenation. Not long ago I saw in Jerusalem a mob of Jews screaming "death to Arabs"! Very hostile. I don't know why Arab nations want to join evil Zionists.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Karl View Post
    I suppose the biggest difference is because Jews believe they are the best race and any non Jew or "goyim" meaning unclean is scum and can be killed and their land taken from them. Where as Christians, Muslims and pagans can be naughty at times but they don't have that deep seated hatred of other races of people. Jews hate white people the most, they call us "blue eyed morons" Sandra Bee said this on the T.V. and also "whites are the pit bulls of the 'human' race" said by someone else not on the T.V. Also they genocide whites with mass immigration and miscegenation. Not long ago I saw in Jerusalem a mob of Jews screaming "death to Arabs"! Very hostile. I don't know why Arab nations want to join evil Zionists.
    This is simply not true and is a frankly anti-Semitic and ignorant view probably written by someone who is very mentally unwell and needs professional help. The term "goy" in Hebrew simply means "nation." Jews therefore also see themselves as being goys, the "Judah goys" or "the Nation of Judah."

    To answer the OP's question simply, Jews do not believe in either Jesus or Prophet Mohammed. They stick to their Holy scriptures and that's it.

    Other differences: Islam tends to believe in predestination, whereas Judaism does not. Judaism puts the emphasis on free-will and the fact that our decisions can and do change heavenly decrees. On Yom Kippur, the most Holy day for Jews, Jews make a big deal of fasting and spending most of the day in the synagogue. At the beginning of every Jewish New Year (called Rosh Hashanah), Jews believe that God passes judgement over all His creations. But there is still time to do good deeds and pray to prevent any heavenly evil decrees pronounced on Rosh Hashanah from becoming reality that year. Jews also put a lot of importance and emphasis on the Day of Rest, called Shabbat (Friday evening to Sat night). Muslims see Friday as a Holy Day, but they don't treat it like a "Day of Rest" like Jews do. Another important difference is that for Jews, Heaven and Hell is not a concrete thing but rather a spiritual thing that the spirit goes through. There is talk about "The World to Come" in Judaism and a general belief in "the resurrection of the dead," but Judaism leaves what happens after death all intentionally vague because it encourages its followers to focus on life now (the here and now) and not on what is to come. Jews see it as part of "the test" that God remains concealed from us and that we don't know quite what happens after death because if we knew with certainty that we'd be going to Heaven or be rewarded for our good deeds, then we'd all be saints (except for crazy people). But by expecting a reward, we wouldn't have as much merit when we do good deeds. Since we are guaranteed no rewards in Judaism, then we get 100% of the merit for whatever good action we do.

    Jews view non-Jews as simply fellow humans who do not have the same responsibilities as they do. The additional responsibilities that Jews have are rewarded by Jews perceiving themselves as having a closer, more intimate bond with God... because Jews see themselves as having more profound knowledge of the Heavens than non-Jews, so to speak. To have this closer relationship to God, there are sacrifices to be made, hence all the complex laws Jews have to follow. Jews don't believe in proselytizing to people of other faiths because there is absolutely nothing wrong about being non-Jewish... you don't need to be Jewish to be rewarded by God. Also, I wish to point out that there are many good non-Jews in Jewish scriptures. One is Job from the Book of Job. Another is Cyrus the Great. It is very clear from the very first of the 5 books of Moses, that God created men (all men) in His image. This means that all men were given free will, the ability to create stuff, etc. All human beings are also believed to have a "divine spark" or soul, and that part of one's being never dies.

    I hope that this clarifies a bit the differences between Islam and Judaism... from the perspective of someone who's agnostic but Jewish by birth and hopes that God exists.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by truthseeker63 View Post
    A Muslim Friend and other Friends told me that, the Jews believe in One God but they believe that a Rabbi their Rabbis can Make and Break Laws therefor the Jews believe that the Rabbis Share in God's Dvinity.
    No, Rabbis do NOT make and break laws. They are learned scholars who act as religious teachers and can help guide us regarding Jewish law. To give an example, in Judaism, there are laws on Kashrut (what foods are permissible to be eaten and what foods aren't). One law written in the Torah is “You shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk.” This is interpreted to mean that we must keep meat and milk separate. But how do we keep meat and milk separate? For one, religious Jews will have different dishes/cutlery for meat dishes and dairy dishes. For two, religious Jews will wait a certain amount of time after eating meat before they have a dairy product, and vice-versa. Rabbis can help us better understand how to apply the laws in our everyday lives. Some rabbis will be very strict, whereas others may be more lenient, but the 613 commandments of the Torah are eternal and NOT modifiable. Rabbis don't get to "invent" new things, but there is some flexibility in Judaism for Jews to decide the rigour with which they will keep a specific law. Some very religious Jews will only eat meat on Friday evenings (Shabbat meal) or for special occasions (example: Holidays) and otherwise avoid meat, for instance. This is NOT something most Jews feel they have to do to keep this commandment.

    I know it is possible to Convert to Judaism but Judaism is not a Missionary Faith
    Yes, that's true. You don't need to convert to Judaism to be "saved" or to go to Heaven, so to speak. The only advantage of being Jewish that I am aware of is that you form a closer relationship with God, BUT that comes with increased responsibilities. The Seven Laws of Noah are a simplified version of the 10 Commandments that applies to all humans, Jews and non-Jews alike, and this is what you need to be righteous in the eyes of God.

    also the Quran says that the Jews took, Ezra as the Son of God Ezra was a Prophet and a Messenger of Allah does this mean that all Jews believed this at one time
    Well... that is news to me. NO! Believing in such things would be clearly blasphemy in Judaism... this clearly goes against the 10 Commandments which are the very basics of Judaism.

    ISLAM is the only Religion That Worships God(Creator)ALONE with out giving anyone or anything in creation a share in his divinity. God Alone is worthy of All praise..
    I don't quite agree. Prophet Mohammed has a status in Islam that no other humans in Judaism ever had. He is viewed as being perfect (no flaws), whereas there are no such humans in Judaism. Moses is the most significant prophet of Judaism, and even he committed a small sin. He was punished by not being allowed to enter the land of Israel... just contemplate it from afar. King David, beloved by God, committed a serious sin. He repented but was still punished (had he not repented, the punishment would have been surely worse). King Solomon also sinned and lost a significant portion of his faith in God towards the end of his life. His kingdom was split into Judah and Israel after his death... this was his punishment. There are NO perfect humans in Judaism. Humans are by definition flawed. That being said, Judaism considers that all humans have a soul, which is a spark of holiness.

    Somewhat .but they believe their rabbi's can make and break laws..and that they share in Allahs divinity. .making their rabbis Lords
    I explained this above. This is NOT true. Rabbis are NOT lords. They can NOT change any of the 613 commandments of the Torah. They can only help guide the Jewish community to interpret/understand how to follow a given commandment. For instance, one of the laws is to "rest on the seventh day (i.e., Shabbat)." What does that mean, how do we do this? There are some indications in Torah, but the rabbis can help us better understand what is meant by this.

    P.S. If you want to know what Jews believe in, you should ask Jews. I wouldn't ask a Christian about Islam. I wouldn't ask a Jew about Christianity. Why are you asking Muslims about Judaism instead of asking a Jew? That really puzzles me.

    - An agnostic raised in the Jewish faith
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by JohannahSmith View Post
    This is simply not true and is a frankly anti-Semitic and ignorant view probably written by someone who is very mentally unwell and needs professional help. The term "goy" in Hebrew simply means "nation." Jews therefore also see themselves as being goys, the "Judah goys" or "the Nation of Judah."
    if it is untrue, then tell me why is it literally written like that in the Talmud, that you may lie to a goyim, rob him or even kill him without consequences?
    There are multiple passages in the Talmud with a similar message. I didn't bother to look them up for this post, but I can quote if it is neccessary.

    format_quote Originally Posted by JohannahSmith View Post
    To answer the OP's question simply, Jews do not believe in either Jesus or Prophet Mohammed. They stick to their Holy scriptures and that's it.

    Other differences: Islam tends to believe in predestination, whereas Judaism does not. Judaism puts the emphasis on free-will and the fact that our decisions can and do change heavenly decrees.
    Great...now explain to me, how does the idea of God being omniscient fit in this picture?
    You are slowly seeing the problem aren't you?

    We Muslims believe in free will AND predestination for a reason.
    format_quote Originally Posted by JohannahSmith View Post

    On Yom Kippur, the most Holy day for Jews, Jews make a big deal of fasting and spending most of the day in the synagogue. At the beginning of every Jewish New Year (called Rosh Hashanah), Jews believe that God passes judgement over all His creations. But there is still time to do good deeds and pray to prevent any heavenly evil decrees pronounced on Rosh Hashanah from becoming reality that year. Jews also put a lot of importance and emphasis on the Day of Rest, called Shabbat (Friday evening to Sat night). Muslims see Friday as a Holy Day, but they don't treat it like a "Day of Rest" like Jews do. Another important difference is that for Jews, Heaven and Hell is not a concrete thing but rather a spiritual thing that the spirit goes through. There is talk about "The World to Come" in Judaism and a general belief in "the resurrection of the dead," but Judaism leaves what happens after death all intentionally vague because it encourages its followers to focus on life now (the here and now) and not on what is to come. Jews see it as part of "the test" that God remains concealed from us and that we don't know quite what happens after death because if we knew with certainty that we'd be going to Heaven or be rewarded for our good deeds, then we'd all be saints (except for crazy people). But by expecting a reward, we wouldn't have as much merit when we do good deeds. Since we are guaranteed no rewards in Judaism, then we get 100% of the merit for whatever good action we do.
    Explain to me your "test". Isn't God omniscient? Can He not see the future? why does He need a test to determine whether we are good or bad?
    format_quote Originally Posted by JohannahSmith View Post

    Jews view non-Jews as simply fellow humans who do not have the same responsibilities as they do. The additional responsibilities that Jews have are rewarded by Jews perceiving themselves as having a closer, more intimate bond with God... because Jews see themselves as having more profound knowledge of the Heavens than non-Jews, so to speak. To have this closer relationship to God, there are sacrifices to be made, hence all the complex laws Jews have to follow. Jews don't believe in proselytizing to people of other faiths because there is absolutely nothing wrong about being non-Jewish... you don't need to be Jewish to be rewarded by God. Also, I wish to point out that there are many good non-Jews in Jewish scriptures. One is Job from the Book of Job. Another is Cyrus the Great. It is very clear from the very first of the 5 books of Moses, that God created men (all men) in His image. This means that all men were given free will, the ability to create stuff, etc. All human beings are also believed to have a "divine spark" or soul, and that part of one's being never dies.

    I hope that this clarifies a bit the differences between Islam and Judaism... from the perspective of someone who's agnostic but Jewish by birth and hopes that God exists.

    format_quote Originally Posted by JohannahSmith View Post
    No, Rabbis do NOT make and break laws. They are learned scholars who act as religious teachers and can help guide us regarding Jewish law. To give an example, in Judaism, there are laws on Kashrut (what foods are permissible to be eaten and what foods aren't). One law written in the Torah is “You shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk.” This is interpreted to mean that we must keep meat and milk separate. But how do we keep meat and milk separate? For one, religious Jews will have different dishes/cutlery for meat dishes and dairy dishes. For two, religious Jews will wait a certain amount of time after eating meat before they have a dairy product, and vice-versa. Rabbis can help us better understand how to apply the laws in our everyday lives. Some rabbis will be very strict, whereas others may be more lenient, but the 613 commandments of the Torah are eternal and NOT modifiable. Rabbis don't get to "invent" new things, but there is some flexibility in Judaism for Jews to decide the rigour with which they will keep a specific law. Some very religious Jews will only eat meat on Friday evenings (Shabbat meal) or for special occasions (example: Holidays) and otherwise avoid meat, for instance. This is NOT something most Jews feel they have to do to keep this commandment.
    Then explain to me where does the Talmud come from. We know the Thorah is divine...but how about the Talmud?, who wrote it and why is that so important?
    format_quote Originally Posted by JohannahSmith View Post

    Yes, that's true. You don't need to convert to Judaism to be "saved" or to go to Heaven, so to speak. The only advantage of being Jewish that I am aware of is that you form a closer relationship with God, BUT that comes with increased responsibilities. The Seven Laws of Noah are a simplified version of the 10 Commandments that applies to all humans, Jews and non-Jews alike, and this is what you need to be righteous in the eyes of God.

    Well... that is news to me. NO! Believing in such things would be clearly blasphemy in Judaism... this clearly goes against the 10 Commandments which are the very basics of Judaism.

    I don't quite agree. Prophet Mohammed has a status in Islam that no other humans in Judaism ever had. He is viewed as being perfect (no flaws), whereas there are no such humans in Judaism. Moses is the most significant prophet of Judaism, and even he committed a small sin. He was punished by not being allowed to enter the land of Israel... just contemplate it from afar. King David, beloved by God, committed a serious sin. He repented but was still punished (had he not repented, the punishment would have been surely worse). King Solomon also sinned and lost a significant portion of his faith in God towards the end of his life. His kingdom was split into Judah and Israel after his death... this was his punishment. There are NO perfect humans in Judaism. Humans are by definition flawed. That being said, Judaism considers that all humans have a soul, which is a spark of holiness.
    That is not true. Prophet Muhammad (sas) as a human is not perfect. every human makes mistakes, even prophets do make mistakes. However, the mistakes of prophets are being corrected immediately. We have enough hadeeth where our prophet got angry with someone because of a misunderstanding or because of impatience or whatever...but then immediately corrected his mistake after realizing...that perfectly shows that he was just a human. other prophets also made mistakes, like jonas as, josef as, Solomon as Adam as. Prophets do not sin, but they do make mistakes.
    format_quote Originally Posted by JohannahSmith View Post


    I explained this above. This is NOT true. Rabbis are NOT lords. They can NOT change any of the 613 commandments of the Torah. They can only help guide the Jewish community to interpret/understand how to follow a given commandment. For instance, one of the laws is to "rest on the seventh day (i.e., Shabbat)." What does that mean, how do we do this? There are some indications in Torah, but the rabbis can help us better understand what is meant by this.
    again, explain who wrote the Talmud, where does it come from and why is that so important.
    format_quote Originally Posted by JohannahSmith View Post

    P.S. If you want to know what Jews believe in, you should ask Jews. I wouldn't ask a Christian about Islam. I wouldn't ask a Jew about Christianity. Why are you asking Muslims about Judaism instead of asking a Jew? That really puzzles me.

    - An agnostic raised in the Jewish faith
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    Why does Judaism disagree with Islam would be the better question.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    Please try all to be friends. Do not cause hate and running away.

    I think that we Muslims must improve ourself a lot before comperative religion.

    Improve ourself in our daily ahlaq/edab, nawafil, sunnah duas at every step, dhikr, estegfar, shukr, salawat and the dunya will come afterwards inshaAllah and then comperative religion will be almost unnecessary. We need to firstly find a common word between our creeds and subcreeds.

    Some would say there is a one tariqah, but in my opinion maybe hundrads in it.

    We must deal with sahirun first with increased as above (ahlaq/edab, nawafil, sunnah duas at every step, dhikr, estegfar, shukr, salawat and so on-spread this to our family, neighbors, friend).

    When we get close to Allah, we will feel it and it would be obvious to unorthodox and other faiths-they will run to accept our deen.

    We can not guide someone nor prophet saws could.
    We must try to improve step by step as much as we can and the sabab will be noticed inshaAllah.

    Other people we should in the meantime treat as friends and Christians and Jews as best ones.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Murid View Post

    Please try all to be friends. Do not cause hate and running away.

    I think that we Muslims must improve ourself a lot before comperative religion.

    Improve ourself in our daily ahlaq/edab, nawafil, sunnah duas at every step, dhikr, estegfar, shukr, salawat and the dunya will come afterwards inshaAllah and then comperative religion will be almost unnecessary. We need to firstly find a common word between our creeds and subcreeds.

    Some would say there is a one tariqah, but in my opinion maybe hundrads in it.

    We must deal with sahirun first with increased as above (ahlaq/edab, nawafil, sunnah duas at every step, dhikr, estegfar, shukr, salawat and so on-spread this to our family, neighbors, friend).

    When we get close to Allah, we will feel it and it would be obvious to unorthodox and other faiths-they will run to accept our deen.

    We can not guide someone nor prophet saws could.
    We must try to improve step by step as much as we can and the sabab will be noticed inshaAllah.

    Other people we should in the meantime treat as friends and Christians and Jews as best ones.
    I am not trying to be hostile towards Johanna, or other non-muslims over here.
    I find their points of view rather interesting. We can learn from Christianism and Judaism. They can provide this tiny different point of view on subjects where you otherwise cannot answer on your own.

    At the same time we could help them. We could give them the answers they are looking for...because it may be a different religion...most of the answers are pretty much the same.

    The questions I asked Johanna were not meant to confront her.
    I wanted to learn what their point of view is and how they solved the classical questions.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    Jazak Allah khayr Ümit!

    In my opinion we do not need teachings of other faiths. Our sources are enough for everything.

    We do need to learn "dunya" sciences.

    I think that comperative religion is a field for well educated walis, like for example Walisongo, as people say, with their sabab Malaysia, Brunei, Sinhapore, Indonesia accepted Islam.

    Mostly people will not hear. Mostly they do visit forums for research purposes and have sad views on most muslims.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Murid View Post
    Jazak Allah khayr Ümit!

    In my opinion we do not need teachings of other faiths. Our sources are enough for everything.

    We do need to learn "dunya" sciences.

    I think that comperative religion is a field for well educated walis, like for example Walisongo, as people say, with their sabab Malaysia, Brunei, Sinhapore, Indonesia accepted Islam.

    Mostly people will not hear. Mostly they do visit forums for research purposes and have sad views on most muslims.
    I do not agree.
    That is totally not what I meant.
    Let me put it this way:
    In Dutch its called "beroepsblindheid" translated into English something like "occupational blindness"

    It means that if you struggle with the same things on a daily basis, you will develop yourself in such a way that you can deal with it effectively. But this also creates a narrow vision because you just automatically focus on the daily routine.
    Therefore, the new guy or some externer can find simple solutions which are so obvious, but you as an expert still overlooked.

    So just go in discussion with them...and automatically you will think about stuff which never crossed your mind before.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    In my opinion our deen is very deep and broad, and you can never ever stagnate in any kind if you understand it well and have a growth mindset.

    In my opinion we need to improve ourself and we are not ready for comperative religion.

    I watched some pitiful "debates" with evangelists on youtube etc. They "won", but maybe a Pirs win-maybe the harm from their "dawah" because of enmity and not proper anger menagement and ahlaq is greater.
    Allah knows best.

    I met sometime ago some African American Tablighi guys. Very noori, friendly, educated, possitive mashaAllah.

    We need possitive vibes, good manners chivlary and, educated walis.

    Do not be ofended please, but do members of your family, your neighbors, community, pray namaz, fast, go to hajj, do they recite salawat and how much, which sunnah duas, how many estegfar, grattitude, do they build water wells, donate, spread adhkar among muslim community?
    Last edited by Murid; 11-22-2021 at 09:22 PM. Reason: Some of typos
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    This doesn't even need to be about comparative religion. Regarding the OP, Islam came at a time of ignorance, where the people of the book, or people in general even, have lost their ways. Islam supersedes anything that came before it, so if Christians, Jews, Hindus, or any other group follows a way other than Islam, it is automatically considered wrong regardless of whatever similarities there may be.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by JohannahSmith View Post
    This is simply not true and is a frankly anti-Semitic and ignorant view probably written by someone who is very mentally unwell and needs professional help. The term "goy" in Hebrew simply means "nation." Jews therefore also see themselves as being goys, the "Judah goys" or "the Nation of Judah."

    To answer the OP's question simply, Jews do not believe in either Jesus or Prophet Mohammed. They stick to their Holy scriptures and that's it.

    Other differences: Islam tends to believe in predestination, whereas Judaism does not. Judaism puts the emphasis on free-will and the fact that our decisions can and do change heavenly decrees. On Yom Kippur, the most Holy day for Jews, Jews make a big deal of fasting and spending most of the day in the synagogue. At the beginning of every Jewish New Year (called Rosh Hashanah), Jews believe that God passes judgement over all His creations. But there is still time to do good deeds and pray to prevent any heavenly evil decrees pronounced on Rosh Hashanah from becoming reality that year. Jews also put a lot of importance and emphasis on the Day of Rest, called Shabbat (Friday evening to Sat night). Muslims see Friday as a Holy Day, but they don't treat it like a "Day of Rest" like Jews do. Another important difference is that for Jews, Heaven and Hell is not a concrete thing but rather a spiritual thing that the spirit goes through. There is talk about "The World to Come" in Judaism and a general belief in "the resurrection of the dead," but Judaism leaves what happens after death all intentionally vague because it encourages its followers to focus on life now (the here and now) and not on what is to come. Jews see it as part of "the test" that God remains concealed from us and that we don't know quite what happens after death because if we knew with certainty that we'd be going to Heaven or be rewarded for our good deeds, then we'd all be saints (except for crazy people). But by expecting a reward, we wouldn't have as much merit when we do good deeds. Since we are guaranteed no rewards in Judaism, then we get 100% of the merit for whatever good action we do.

    Jews view non-Jews as simply fellow humans who do not have the same responsibilities as they do. The additional responsibilities that Jews have are rewarded by Jews perceiving themselves as having a closer, more intimate bond with God... because Jews see themselves as having more profound knowledge of the Heavens than non-Jews, so to speak. To have this closer relationship to God, there are sacrifices to be made, hence all the complex laws Jews have to follow. Jews don't believe in proselytizing to people of other faiths because there is absolutely nothing wrong about being non-Jewish... you don't need to be Jewish to be rewarded by God. Also, I wish to point out that there are many good non-Jews in Jewish scriptures. One is Job from the Book of Job. Another is Cyrus the Great. It is very clear from the very first of the 5 books of Moses, that God created men (all men) in His image. This means that all men were given free will, the ability to create stuff, etc. All human beings are also believed to have a "divine spark" or soul, and that part of one's being never dies.

    I hope that this clarifies a bit the differences between Islam and Judaism... from the perspective of someone who's agnostic but Jewish by birth and hopes that God exists.
    Of course it is true, why would I lie? Anti-Semitic, that catch cry is rubbish. Most Semites are Muslims and tribes of North Africa and South West Asia. So when the Palestinians are being bombed to bits... that is anti-Semitic. A Christian friend of mine went to Israel to sing in a choir. The Jews rejected him and said "goy unclean" but the Palestinians were very friendly. Mentally unwell you say, well "Just because a man is mad it dose not mean he is wrong" and you have to be mad to live in this world.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Karl View Post
    Of course it is true, why would I lie? Anti-Semitic, that catch cry is rubbish. Most Semites are Muslims and tribes of North Africa and South West Asia. So when the Palestinians are being bombed to bits... that is anti-Semitic. A Christian friend of mine went to Israel to sing in a choir. The Jews rejected him and said "goy unclean" but the Palestinians were very friendly. Mentally unwell you say, well "Just because a man is mad it dose not mean he is wrong" and you have to be mad to live in this world.
    That's funny because I make that statement all the time regarding antisemitism against the Palestinians. I assume many people, public speakers or those from the MSM in general, don't state this fact because they fear being canceled. As you mentioned, It's worth noting the difference in how Palestinians treat outsiders vs the way israeli Jews do. Most, if not all, videos I've watched of independent journalists or tourists in general who go over there and make videos will show how arrogant, and at times hostile, the israelis are to anyone who isn't of their kind.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    Yes that's true Kiev. Also Judaism is not a race but a religion and most Jews are not Semites. Have you noticed that the leaders are all very pale and look like European hybrids of some kind. Way back in the past the Jews looked like Palestinians as they were Semites and their differences were only religious.
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    Re: Why does Islam disagree with Judaism ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by JohannahSmith View Post
    P.S. If you want to know what Jews believe in, you should ask Jews. I wouldn't ask a Christian about Islam. I wouldn't ask a Jew about Christianity. Why are you asking Muslims about Judaism instead of asking a Jew? That really puzzles me.

    - An agnostic raised in the Jewish faith
    Oh yeah one last reaction about this.

    Because, the answers we usually get from them are either unsincere, or non logical orincomplete.
    They may lie and decieve a goyim remember?
    Like the questions I asked you, I never got a satisfying answers to those. And I did talk to Jews and tried to understand their religion.
    So, I am not expecting any answers from you either, because you probably won't be able to give satisfying answers either.

    However, if these questions bother you also, then please stick around and you will find your answers...Islamic answers that is.
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