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Christianity Vs. Islam

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    Umu 'Isa's Avatar Full Member
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    Christianity Vs. Islam

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    i came across this a while ago and thought i'd post it

    Christianity Vs. Islam

    Christians believe:
    God is three gods merged into one God. This one God is called a Trinity. However, to say that God is three is a blasphemy of the highest order. All three parts of the Trinity are "coequal" "co-eternal" and "the same substance." For this reason, this doctrine is described as "a mystery."
    Muslims believe:
    God is one God in the most basic, simple, and elementary meaning of the word. He has no children, no parents nor any equal. In Islam God is known by the name "Allah" and more than 99 other venerated names, such as "the Merciful," "the Gracious," "the All-Powerful," etc.

    Christians believe:
    The second member of the Triune God, the Son of the first part of the Triune God, and at the same time "fully" God in every respect.
    Muslims believe:
    A very elect and highly esteemed messenger of God. No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe this.

    The Holy Spirit
    Christians believe:
    The third member of the Triune God, but also "fully" God in every respect
    Muslims believe:
    He is the angel Gabriel. The angel Gabriel is highly esteemed as the "Trustworthy Spirit"

    Mary Mother of Jesus
    Christians believe:
    A chaste and pious human woman who gave birth to Jesus Christ, the second member of the Trinity, the Son of God, and at the same time "fully" God Almighty in every respect.
    Muslims believe:
    A chaste and pious human woman who was chosen, purified, and preferred over all of the women of creation to be the one to give birth to Gods elect messenger Jesus through the command of God without any father whatsoever.

    The Word
    Christians believe:
    Part of God which was "with" God but also "fully" God and then became Jesus the Son of God
    Muslims believe:
    God’s command "Be!" which resulted in Jesus’ conception in the womb of Mary without the need for a human father.

    Previous Prophets
    Christians believe:
    All accepted, respected, and believed.
    Muslims believe:
    All accepted, respected, and believed.

    The Bible
    Christians believe:
    Accepted as 100% the faultless word of God
    Muslims believe:
    Muslims believe in the books of the previous prophets including the "Torah" which was sent to Moses, the "Zaboor" (Psalms) which were given to David, the "Injeel" (Gospel) which was given to Jesus, and the Qur’an which was given to Muhammad However, Muslims are told that the previous scriptures were tampered with by mankind and the Bible should only be accepted in as far as it is confirmed by the Qur’an. It is to be treated with respect, however any statements which clearly oppose those of the Qur’an are to be rejected as the work of mankind.

    Christians Believe:
    Varying beliefs. Some believe that he was a liar, some believe he was a lunatic, some believe he was the False Messiah, and yet others claim he was deceived by the Devil.
    Muslims believe:
    The last messenger of God to all of humanity. He was known as "The Truthful, the Trustworthy" before he received his first revelation. He was sent by God as a mercy to all creation. He was a human being but performed a number of miracles during his lifetime by the will of God.

    The Qur’an
    Christians Believe:
    Varying beliefs ranging from it being a copy of the Bible to it being the work of Muhammad (pbuh), to its being the work of Christians and Jews who were conspiring with Muhammad.
    Muslims Believe:
    The last book of God sent to mankind. It was given the distinction of being personally guarded by God from human tampering. It is on a literary level never before seen by mankind. No human to this day has ever been able to meet its challenge to "write a work similar to it." It shall remain safe from the tampering of mankind till the day of Judgment as a guidance for all Humanity.

    Message of Jesus
    Christians Believe:
    That he was sent by God (who was at the same time "fully" Jesus) in order to die on the cross and save all mankind from the sin of Adam. Without this sacrifice all of humanity was destined to perish in the sin of Adam. After the crucifixion all that is required of humanity is faith without any works.
    Muslims Believe:
    That he was sent by God as a messenger to the Jews in order to return them to the pure and true religion of Moses, and to relieve them of some of the regulations which had been placed upon them in ancient times. He taught them to have faith as well as works. Neither one can stand alone.

    Jesus’ giving life to the dead, healing the blind and the lepers
    Christians Believe:
    All accepted. He performed them because he was the Son of God and also at the same time "fully" God and the "incarnation" of God.
    Muslims Believe:
    All accepted. They were performed through the will of God just as Moses, Noah, and all other prophets did so in ancient times through the will of God.

    The crucifixion
    Christians Believe:
    Jesus was given over to the Jews. He was spat on, cut, humiliated, kicked, striped, and finally hung up on the cross and killed very slowly and painfully.
    Muslims Believe:
    Jesus was not forsaken to the Jews to be abused and killed, however, it was "made to appear so to them." God saved Jesus by raising him up unto Himself.

    The second coming of Jesus
    Christians Believe:
    Accepted. Originally expected to happen during the lifetime of the first disciples, many predictions have been made later and he is still expected at any moment. He is currently anticipated to arrive around the turn of the century (2000 C.E.)
    Muslims Believe:
    Accepted. Jesus did not die but was raised up into heaven by God. He shall return to earth just before the Day of Judgment in order to kill the "False Messiah" and to establish peace and justice on earth. He will kill the pigs, break the cross, and call all humanity to Islam.

    The original sin
    Christians Believe:
    All of humanity has inherited the sin of Adam. Only the death of the sinless offspring of God could erase this sin. No one is born clean, no matter if his life is only for a single day. Only baptism and faith in the death of Jesus can save one from this destiny.
    Muslims Believe:
    There is no such thing. Humanity is created by God destined for heaven unless they chose to disobey Him and refuse His mercy. God can very trivially and effortlessly forgive the sins of all of Humanity no matter if they were to fill the lofty regions of the sky. Such a matter would be trivial and inconsequential for Him since He has already done much more than that such as creating everything we can ever see, hear or imagine. He loves to bestow His mercy and forgiveness on His creation and rewards the most trivial acts with the most tremendous rewards. In order to achieve God’s reward one must have faith as well as works

    The atonement
    Christians Believe:
    The sin of Adam was so great that God could not forgive it by simply willing it, rather it was necessary to erase it with the blood of a sinless innocent god named Jesus who was also "fully" God.
    Muslims Believe:
    Adam "atoned" for his sin by saying "My Lord I have sinned and if you do not forgive me and have mercy upon me then I shall indeed have lost." So God forgave him. Similarly, all human beings have the door to forgiveness left open to them by God until the day they die. There are no intermediaries between mankind and God. If they sincerely repent to God, ask His forgiveness, and forsake their evil deeds before their hour comes then He shall forgive them and there is nothing more pleasing to Him than to forgive the sins of one who comes to Him in sincere repentance

    The path to salvation
    Christians Believe:
    If you have faith in the atonement of Jesus for the sin of Adam which you have inherited then you shall be saved. You only need faith. No work is necessary.
    Muslims Believe:
    If you have faith in God, believe in His messengers, and obey His commands then He shall multiply every single good deed that you do many, many times and erase your evil deeds, until on the Day of Judgment His mercy shall cause your good deeds to far outweigh your evil deeds and grant you passage into an ecstasy and Paradise so great that we can not even imagine it, to abide there eternally. In the Hereafter there is only reward and no work.
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    Malsidabym's Avatar
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    Hi Ladee_Maryam,

    God is three gods merged into one God.
    I know you didn't right the article but, the statement above I don't really agree with. I grew up knowing God as one God. Period. If there are christians that really think God is three individuals, I personally have not met these christians. That's all I have to say right now. Peace sister.
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    Makky's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    its clear that she didn't mean that the were 3 gods then they merged - mixed- to become one god
    there is a difference in the christian belief between 1- the father 2-jesus 3- the holy spirit
    they are three different persons , three different bodies

    one in the heaven
    one on the earth
    one in between

    I'm wondering how christians here in Egypt say : in the name of the father andthe sonandthe holy spirit one god


    they'd rather say : in the name of the father the son the holy spirit the one god

    what do you think?

    I know you'd say : they are 3 pics to the same person , but no

    they are 3 personalities

    Who died on the cross??? the holy spirit? no .......the father?? no....then who??

    So they are 3 believe me

    Christianity Vs. Islam

    Atheists this is you situation now:
    the Unbelievers say: "These are nothing but tales of the ancients." (25) Others they keep away from it and themselves they keep away; but they only destroy their own souls and they perceive it not. (26)(Translation of surat Al'anam)
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    HeiGou's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ladee_Maryam View Post
    The Bible
    Christians believe:
    Accepted as 100% the faultless word of God
    Muslims believe:
    Muslims believe in the books of the previous prophets including the "Torah" which was sent to Moses, the "Zaboor" (Psalms) which were given to David, the "Injeel" (Gospel) which was given to Jesus, and the Qur’an which was given to Muhammad However, Muslims are told that the previous scriptures were tampered with by mankind and the Bible should only be accepted in as far as it is confirmed by the Qur’an. It is to be treated with respect, however any statements which clearly oppose those of the Qur’an are to be rejected as the work of mankind.
    Well technically it is only a few, mainly American, Churches that have adhered to a literal fundamental approach to the Bible. A lot of other Protestants have flirted with the idea that it is 100 percent faultless Word of God. Yet the main Churches, especially the older ones, accept that the Bible is not 100 percent faultless, but insist that it is inspired by God.

    This is why, for instance, the Catholics hold to the Magisterum - the teaching authority of the Church and insist that ordinary people cannot interpret the Bible for themselves without risking falling into error.
    Christianity Vs. Islam

    Le coeur a ses raisons, que la raison ne connait pas. - Blaise Pascal
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    PrIM3's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    Christianity Vs. Islam

    Mary Mother of Jesus
    Christians believe:
    A chaste and pious human woman who gave birth to Jesus Christ, the second member of the Trinity, the Son of God, and at the same time "fully" God Almighty in every respect.
    Muslims believe:
    A chaste and pious human woman who was chosen, purified, and preferred over all of the women of creation to be the one to give birth to Gods elect messenger Jesus through the command of God without any father whatsoever.

    well I really don't understand here... we don't raise mary up as a god... I guess you must be talking about the catholics who have statues of mary... well I am not catholic but I know 2 and they don't believe that mary was ever a god or God.. she is just a person who gave birth to our Lord

    Jesus’ giving life to the dead, healing the blind and the lepers
    Christians Believe:
    All accepted. He performed them because he was the Son of God and also at the same time "fully" God and the "incarnation" of God.
    Muslims Believe:
    All accepted. They were performed through the will of God just as Moses, Noah, and all other prophets did so in ancient times through the will of God.

    Jesus is the Word of God-- when God speaks the Word it is like giving birth. the Word of God is Fully God and the Son of God..

    and I am still wondering what maricoulous things noah did? I know he Built the ark but I don't think he did anything like Jesus did.

    The atonement
    Christians Believe:
    The sin of Adam was so great that God could not forgive it by simply willing it, rather it was necessary to erase it with the blood of a sinless innocent god named Jesus who was also "fully" God.

    I think it meant a Sinless innocent human named Jesus Christ who was also fully God

    The path to salvation
    Christians Believe:
    If you have faith in the atonement of Jesus for the sin of Adam which you have inherited then you shall be saved. You only need faith. No work is necessary.

    according to Jesus once you have faith you will do what He did.. I love my Lord and savior and I will never try to be the guy who nailed him to the tree.
    so I am not sure where the heck this person thought about "no work is necessary." it is because of the Spirit that I don't conform to this world but it is because of my flesh that I do.
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  8. #6
    Mohammed Bilal's Avatar Full Member
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    Smile Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Malsidabym View Post
    Hi Ladee_Maryam,

    I know you didn't right the article but, the statement above I don't really agree with. I grew up knowing God as one God. Period. If there are christians that really think God is three individuals, I personally have not met these christians. That's all I have to say right now. Peace sister.
    its true actually i have studied the christian religion quite closely and many catholic christians believe in the trinity. Peace
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  9. #7
    Skillganon's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by PrIM3
    Jesus is the Word of God-- when God speaks the Word it is like giving birth. the Word of God is Fully God and the Son of God..
    Refer to section highleted Red. (It is very close to what muslim believe)
    If Jesus is the Word of God, the trick here is to define "word"?
    Is a word (of God) a written image on paper, or is it a sound?
    Both has a purpose, that is to convey a message!

    Now let's go back to the word as a conveyed image, now if I wrote something on a paper, it is my word, but, you and I will agree, it is not me.
    You can, suffice to say, it's my creation.
    Or if the word is a sound, than let say I am talking to my children (dnt really have any) to do so I utter a sound (word), this sound is my word, but you and I will agree it is not me.
    Suffice to say this sound (word) is my creation.

    Now let's look at the second part highleted Blue.
    (i.e The Word of God is Fully God, and the Son of God.)

    Now let's go back to the theme Word, if I wrote a word on a paper, will you start calling that is Skillganon, you can say it is skillganon work, but the word is not the "Human skillganon"?
    Or if I made a sound will you start saying this noise is Skillganon?, No you will say this noise is from skillganon. but you won't say this noise / sound(word) is the "Human Skillganon".

    The objective is to show you that the "word" is a creation of the hand that wrote it or whome that uttered it! but not the creator itself!
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Skillganon View Post

    Refer to section highleted Red. (It is very close to what muslim believe)
    If Jesus is the Word of God, the trick here is to define "word"?
    Is a word (of God) a written image on paper, or is it a sound?
    Both has a purpose, that is to convey a message!

    Now let's go back to the word as a conveyed image, now if I wrote something on a paper, it is my word, but, you and I will agree, it is not me.
    You can, suffice to say, it's my creation.
    Or if the word is a sound, than let say I am talking to my children (dnt really have any) to do so I utter a sound (word), this sound is my word, but you and I will agree it is not me.
    Suffice to say this sound (word) is my creation.

    Now let's look at the second part highleted Blue.
    (i.e The Word of God is Fully God, and the Son of God.)

    Now let's go back to the theme Word, if I wrote a word on a paper, will you start calling that is Skillganon, you can say it is skillganon work, but the word is not the "Human skillganon"?
    Or if I made a sound will you start saying this noise is Skillganon?, No you will say this noise is from skillganon. but you won't say this noise / sound(word) is the "Human Skillganon".

    The objective is to show you that the "word" is a creation of the hand that wrote it or whome that uttered it! but not the creator itself!
    yeah I understand that.. The Word was with God in the Beginning the Word had always been in God.. but now the Word became flesh.. now what is the Word just human or is the Word God since it has become flesh...

    John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God in the beginning and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by PrIM3 View Post
    yeah I understand that.. The Word was with God in the Beginning the Word had always been in God.. but now the Word became flesh.. now what is the Word just human or is the Word God since it has become flesh...

    John 1:1 (KJV) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    See here again, you have to define what is word. It is very hard to understand ths concept bcos it raises seriouse problems

    Now let's look at here,

    A. In the biginning was the Word;
    1. Was the Word at the biggining or was it God?
    2. It does not define wheter the Word is God at this stage(biggining), since God is the creator.

    B. and the word was with God in the biginning;
    2. The above A. in red, denotes that the Word in the biginning, and here in B. denotes that the Word was with God in the biginning!

    Is their two biginning?

    C. and the Word was God;

    3. Now the it say's the Word was God all along!!

    Let's quote this with Word = God

    "In the beginning was the God, and the God was with God, and the God was God."

    This sound's to confusing, this does not make much sense.

    Let's look at it again with an apostrophy

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God's.

    This will suggest that the Word was God's, or God's Creation.

    But is still doesn't satisfy why the word is stated in the biginning and not God!

    Probably a bit of Restructurng;

    "In the Biginning was God, and the word was God's, and the word was with God."

    Another problem with:

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

    is that it at least if we take it as it is written, it only talk's about duality, not trinity.

    i.e. Only the "Word" and "God"

    and even if take God as the father, the son, and the holy ghost in 1.

    then the passage will say, substituting the word "God" with the three personage of Trinity.

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the father, the son, and the holy ghost, and the Word was the father, the son and the Holy Ghost."

    Still doe's not fit in with the concept of trinity! We are still left with the Word, undefined.
    Substitute the "Word" above for "Jesus or "the son". i.e Word = Jesus/the son

    You will see, the problem more obviousely.

    I don't know. How come this concept of John 1:1 is not mentioned anywhere else?
    Last edited by Skillganon; 04-04-2006 at 09:47 PM.
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    cleo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    I always thought the trinity was, three, but one in God. But, there is only one God, and that is God. That is why I am not Catholic. I am Muslim. How can it be 3?
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    PrIM3's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Skillganon View Post
    See here again, you have to define what is word. It is very hard to understand ths concept bcos it raises seriouse problems

    Now let's look at here,

    A. In the biginning was the Word;
    1. Was the Word at the biggining or was it God?
    2. It does not define wheter the Word is God at this stage(biggining), since God is the creator.

    B. and the word was with God in the biginning;
    2. The above A. in red, denotes that the Word in the biginning, and here in B. denotes that the Word was with God in the biginning!

    Is their two biginning?

    C. and the Word was God;

    3. Now the it say's the Word was God all along!!

    Let's quote this with Word = God

    "In the beginning was the God, and the God was with God, and the God was God."

    This sound's to confusing, this does not make much sense.

    Let's look at it again with an apostrophy

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God's.

    This will suggest that the Word was God's, or God's Creation.

    But is still doesn't satisfy why the word is stated in the biginning and not God!

    Probably a bit of Restructurng;

    "In the Biginning was God, and the word was God's, and the word was with God."

    Another problem with:

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

    is that it at least if we take it as it is written, it only talk's about duality, not trinity.

    i.e. Only the "Word" and "God"

    and even if take God as the father, the son, and the holy ghost in 1.

    then the passage will say, substituting the word "God" with the three personage of Trinity.

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the father, the son, and the holy ghost, and the Word was the father, the son and the Holy Ghost."

    Still doe's not fit in with the concept of trinity! We are still left with the Word, undefined.
    Substitute the "Word" above for "Jesus or "the son". i.e Word = Jesus/the son

    You will see, the problem more obviousely.

    I don't know. How come this concept of John 1:1 is not mentioned anywhere else?
    was God ever maimed without his word? or his speaking ability? because of God created everything through Christ Jesus the Word in other words God used His mouth to create things
    Last edited by PrIM3; 04-03-2006 at 03:35 AM.
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    can I make a small request to everyone?

    Please can we stop quoting long posts?

    Becuase it looks very untidy..thanks
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  16. #13
    Skillganon's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by PrIM3 View Post
    was God ever maimed without his word? or his speaking ability? because of God created everything through Christ Jesus the Word in other words God used His mouth to create things
    Ah You make me smile.
    http://www.islamicboard.com/240357-post7.html. Read this before reflecting on the below.
    Now let's say you have many words to say, and you never utter it or write it down................
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    jinaan's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    Salaam brothers and sisters! If you guys are really interested in this topic a great book to read is The Choice by Ahmad Deedat. I don't know if you guys have heard about it but he really brings up a lot of amzing points.

    Take care everyone~

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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ladee_Maryam View Post

    i came across this a while ago and thought i'd post it

    Christianity Vs. Islam

    Christians Believe:
    Varying beliefs. Some believe that he was a liar, some believe he was a lunatic, some believe he was the False Messiah, and yet others claim he was deceived by the Devil.
    Dont be shallow minded. I think Most Christians dont think that Muhammad is a lunatic, false messiah, deceived by devils.

    The Qur’an
    Christians Believe:
    Varying beliefs ranging from it being a copy of the Bible to it being the work of Muhammad (pbuh), to its being the work of Christians and Jews who were conspiring with Muhammad. [/QUOTE]

    Only extreme minority of Christians believe these.
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    Greetings and peace to you all

    Competition in beliefs can lead to conflict, rather I feel we should look for what is best in each others faith.

    I admire greatly the dedication Muslims have for prayer.

    In the spirit of searching for greater interfaith friendships

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  21. #17
    jinaan's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    Hi Eric,

    Thank you for putting that great point out there. All around the world people are fighting religious wars that are leading to nothing but the killing of inocent people. It would be great if we could all respect eachother and get along!

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  22. #18
    hasan's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H View Post
    Greetings and peace to you all

    Competition in beliefs can lead to conflict, rather I feel we should look for what is best in each others faith.

    I admire greatly the dedication Muslims have for prayer.

    In the spirit of searching for greater interfaith friendships

    Hi Eric ,
    I do respect of your religion but as far as i concerned we are here to put light on the right way . By the way being a true christian can you explain me that bible is the word of GOD ........ If yes then i would be the one who will be anxiously waiting for the reply ... I don't want to prove you wrong i want truth ... Prove me not only you , any one , If u prove that bible not ingeel is the word of GOD then every one will come to know the right thing ....
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  23. #19
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Malsidabym View Post
    Hi Ladee_Maryam,

    I know you didn't right the article but, the statement above I don't really agree with. I grew up knowing God as one God. Period. If there are christians that really think God is three individuals, I personally have not met these christians. That's all I have to say right now. Peace sister.
    Agreed...I believe it's something that non-believers just can't comprehend.
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  25. #20
    Nicola's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Christianity Vs. Islam

    Mary Mother of Jesus
    Christians believe:
    A chaste and pious human woman who gave birth to Jesus Christ, the second member of the Trinity, the Son of God, and at the same time "fully" God Almighty in every respect.
    Muslims believe:
    A chaste and pious human woman who was chosen, purified, and preferred over all of the women of creation to be the one to give birth to Gods elect messenger Jesus through the command of God without any father whatsoever

    What is does this mean...

    "And behold! God will say: O Jesus the son of Mary didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah? He (Jesus) will say: Glory to thee, never could I say what I had no right (to say)". Surah 5:116
    This is totaly wrong...Jesus never told anyone to worship Mary. Mary was a mere moral.
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