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Creationists dealt a blow

  1. #1
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    Creationists dealt a blow (OP)

    Creationism was dealt a blow today after the release of a fossil disvoverd more than 7 months ago destroys the creationists main arguement against ID.

    One of the main arguements "against" evolution was:

    Absolutely no transitional forms either in the fossil record or in modern animal and plant life have been found. All appear fully formed and complete. The fossil record amply supplies us with representation of almost all species of animals and plants but none of the supposed links of plant to animal, fish to amphibian, amphibian to reptile, or reptile to birds and mammals are represented nor any transitional forms at all. There are essentially the same gaps between all the basic kinds in the fossil record as exists in plant and animal life today. There are literally a host of missing links in the fossil record and the modern world.

    Scientists have discovered fossils of a 375 million-year-old fish, a large scaly creature not seen before, that they say is a long-sought "missing link" in the evolution of some fishes from water to a life walking on four limbs on land.

    In addition to confirming elements of a major transition in evolution, the fossils are widely seen by scientists as a powerful rebuttal to religious creationists, who hold a literal biblical view on the origins and development of life.

    Several well-preserved skeletons of the fossil fish were uncovered in sediments of former stream beds in the Canadian Arctic, 600 miles from the North Pole, it is being reported on Thursday in the journal Nature. The skeletons have the fins and scales and other attributes of a giant fish, four to nine feet long.

    But on closer examination, scientists found telling anatomical traits of a transitional creature, a fish that is still a fish but exhibiting changes that anticipate the emergence of land animals — a predecessor thus of amphibians, reptiles and dinosaurs, mammals and eventually humans.

    The scientists described evidence in the forward fins of limbs in the making. There are the beginnings of digits, proto-wrists, elbows and shoulders. The fish also had a flat skull resembling a crocodile's, a neck, ribs and other parts that were similar to four-legged land animals known as tetrapods.

    The discovering scientists called the fossils the most compelling examples yet of an animal that was at the cusp of the fish-tetrapod transition. The fish has been named Tiktaalik roseae, at the suggestion of elders of Canada's Nunavut Territory. Tiktaalik (pronounced tic-TAH-lick) means "large shallow water fish."
    fossil650 - Creationists dealt a blow

    I really don't like the use of the term "Intermediate" species however, it looks like the creationists are going to have to remove a very large piece of thier accusations leveled at Evolution. As of now the creationist statement as noted above is (as we all suspected) utter BS.

    fossildiagram - Creationists dealt a blow

    This is a major find that fills in the gap

    Other scientists said that in addition to confirming elements of a major transition in evolution, the fossils were a powerful rebuttal to religious creationists, who have long argued that the absence of such transitional creatures are a serious weakness in Darwin's theory.
    fossilbones - Creationists dealt a blow

    Embedded in the pectoral fins were bones that compare to the upper arm, forearm and primitive parts of the hand of land-living animals. The joints of the fins appeared to be capable of functioning for movement on land, a case of a fish improvising with its evolved anatomy. In all likelihood, the scientists said, Tiktaalik flexed its proto-limbs mainly on the floor of streams and might have pulled itself up on the shore for brief stretches.


    The paper is due to be released in the journal "Nature" shortly.

  2. #261
    lavikor201's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

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    format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2 View Post
    No its not tautaology it is shown to be the most accurate scientific theory as to why there is variety in the spieces. What i pointed out was your misconception that if something is a theory it is somehow not valid in science as you seem to suggest.

    Now look up and come back with what a scientific theory is. Post a link to a reasonable source that you have read if you want.
    Stay with me ranma. Either way you look at an apple, whether it was made for people or people were made for it, it shows awareness of human needs, and the human body shows awareness of what the apple offers. No matter which "adapted" to which, the question is: the ability to adapt, the fact that the body knew exactly how to digest those apples, how to grow in order to reach the apples, what limbs it needed to reach the apples, etc -- was that accident or intelligence?

    That is the issue here - there are only two possibilities: (a) accident or (b) intelligence.

    To say that it adapted or evolved just evades the question: adaptation and evolution are either accident or intelligence. Either a string of billions and trillions of perfectly aligned accidents or there is something in the organism that knows what direction it needs to evolve.

    And don't forget - the organism needs the ability to be able to "evolve" to begin with. If we were all made of stone we couldn’t "evolve" lungs, etc.

    So the proof still remains: the perfectly designed and aligned natural phenomenon could not have, by any reasonable odds, accidentally ended up this way.

    And the only alternative to accident is intelligence.

    It doesn't matter if the apple "adapted" for people or people "adapted" for the apple. Either way, accident is beyond believable odds.

    What is referred to as "likelihood" of life evolving, still amounts to staggering odds. The numbers are too large to describe.

    The fact that elements got together and life came from them is itself ridiculous by accident.

    And the fact that life "knows" how to evolve is also impossible by accident.

    You may not realize the level of coincidence that is needed to do this. Did your stomach "evolve" before the lining that protects it from the acids? If so, it would have been destroyed after the first meal. If the lining evolved before the acids, then nature must also be endowed with prophecy, because it was burdened for millions of years with some useless lining, until the acid evolved.
    The chicken egg needed to be the right thickness - not too thick and not too thin - to allow the development and hatching of the chicken, from the start. Or else even one generation of chicken would not have been able to survive.

    And even if, theoretically, all this did evolve, the fossil evidence would have to show the billions and billions of species that did not survive - the "non fittest" that fell by the wayside. For every survivable species, you are talking about countless non-survivors. The odds are ridiculous. And the fossil record so far has ONLY COME UP WITH VIABLE LIFE FORMS.

    We still have no answer to the question; How does anyone account for the staggering odds of life forming by accident?

    What the scientists are saying in essence is, "Yes, but it could happen."
    Well, that is of course true, but then you would be unable to prove anything at all, because similarly, "It could always happen."

    If G-d Himself would come and reveal Himself to the entire world an say "I am Hashem", that, too, by atheist standard wouldn't prove anything because a happy string of coincidences could account for natural sounds and sights that happened to have coincidently united at the right time and place to cause such a phenomenon.
    It could happen.

    Proof, in any other context other than atheists talking about G-d, is not expected to reach the level of absolute impossibility. There is no such thing as absolute impossibility. Anything "could" happen, as long as it is not an absurd concept that cannot exist (such as a triangle that is round).
    You would send someone to the electric chair if you were a juror and the defendant’s fingerprints were found on the strangled victim's neck. A video of the murder, and perhaps 20 witnesses would make the verdict a no brainier.

    But witnesses could lie, a video could be forged - one may even go so far as to claim that some technology exists out there that we are as yet unaware of that synthesized such a realistic video.

    And please note, that there is no proof anywhere that says two people cannot have the same fingerprints. In fact, there is absolutely nothing in nature at all that precludes duplicate fingerprints. How in the world would my fingers know, when I am born, the patterns of fingerprints that have already been "placed" on the fingers of every other human being? How do my fingers know which fingerprints are "used" already so as to avoid duplicating them?

    The only reason that we assume - yes, assume! - that two sets of fingerprints cannot be alike, or that two snowflakes cannot be alike, is because there are so many billions of possible fingerprint patterns, and snowflake patterns, that the odds of two like patterns existing are so staggering that we don’t even consider it a possibility.
    Even though it could happen.

    So if you are a juror and the defense attorney claims that nobody "proved" that the fingerprints on the victim's neck were really the defendants - because it could happen that by coincidence two identical sets exist, and that you can't "prove" that the 20 witnesses told the truth (they could have all lied and coincidently made up the same exact details in the story), and that you cant "prove" that the video cannot be faked, he would be laughed out of the courtroom.

    Even though it all "could happen".

    And you would send the defendant to his death, because you saw proof "beyond a reasonable doubt" or "beyond a shadow of a doubt" that this man is guilty.

    You have no proof that your desert is not poisoned, but you would take the chance of eating it anyway.

    Once the odds reach a certain point, we don't consider the alternative as viable.

    Even though your desert could be poisoned.

    And so, the amount of "coincidence" and lucky accidents needed to create life are so ridiculously beyond reason, that you’re talking about a universe of people with duplicate fingerprints and continents of totally identical snowflakes.

    You're talking about a monkey typing away at a keyboard and producing the Works of Shakespeare. Or more like, the entire stock of the library of congress.

    It could happen.

    We live our lives laughing at such claims. We would call the ambulance at someone who really believes those things.
    Except for the atheist discussing G-d.

    It's amazing how, on that level of reasonableness, a person would risk his life and send others to their death, but to avoid eating pork, for that, he needs "absolute proof".

    The question is not "can we prove G-d?" The question is, given the proof that we do have, why in the world would anybody NOT believe in G-d???
    And to that, so far, no atheist has come up with anything close to a sensible answer.
    Last edited by lavikor201; 04-18-2007 at 12:48 AM.
    Creationists dealt a blow

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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    That is the issue here - there are only two possibilities: (a) accident or (b) intelligence.

    To say that it adapted or evolved just evades the question: adaptation and evolution are either accident or intelligence. Either a string of billions and trillions of perfectly aligned accidents or there is something in the organism that knows what direction it needs to evolve.
    I agree with you. There is such a thing in my mind that a probability can be so infinitesimally small that for all practical purposes it is zero and no amount of time can ever exist for this probability to become a reality. Other people are more comfortable with this riduculously small probability than they are with the concept of a Creator. The question I have is, "Which person's faith is greater?"

  5. #263
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by root View Post
    Creationism was dealt a blow today after the release of a fossil disvoverd more than 7 months ago destroys the creationists main arguement against ID.

    One of the main arguements "against" evolution was:


    wwwislamicboardcom - Creationists dealt a blow

    I really don't like the use of the term "Intermediate" species however, it looks like the creationists are going to have to remove a very large piece of thier accusations leveled at Evolution. As of now the creationist statement as noted above is (as we all suspected) utter BS.

    wwwislamicboardcom - Creationists dealt a blow

    This is a major find that fills in the gap

    wwwislamicboardcom - Creationists dealt a blow



    The paper is due to be released in the journal "Nature" shortly.

    root delt a blow today

    Is Fossil Discovery Darwin's "Missing Link"?-Tiktaalik Raises Unanticipated Problems for Evolution

    "If Tiktaalik is a transitional intermediate, it means that evolution from fish to land-dwelling animals must have happened in less than 10 million years.

    "When evolutionary biologists claim that the transition from sea to land is that fast-paced," argues Rana, "it raises very real questions about evolution as an explanation for life's history, even if this fossil is regarded as the 'holy grail' of paleontology.

    "Evolution couldn't have happened that rapidly given the extensive biological changes needed for a creature to move from the water to land. Evolutionary biologists have made up their minds before they even examine the data," Rana continues. "They are so convinced that evolution is a fact they are unwilling to carefully weigh the evidence."


    Another fishy missing link

    "Just over 380 million years ago, it seems, our remote ancestors were large, flattish, predatory fishes, with crocodile-like heads and strong limb-like pectoral fins that enabled them to haul themselves out of the water," explained Per Erik Ahlberg of Uppsala and Jennifer Clark of the University of Cambridge, in a commentary accompanying their report in the journal Nature."

    There is another fish called the "coelacanth." Ever hear of it? I've included a photo of one with this column – which, when you think about it, is really quite amazing. Because, just a few years ago, the same scientists who were calling the Tiktaalik fossil the missing link between sea life and land life were claiming the coelacanth fossils of the same era represented just that link.

    coelfish 1 - Creationists dealt a blow


    But, then, unfortunately for the evolutionists, coelacanths – these "350-million-year-old fossils" – turned out to be very much alive. They turned up regularly in fish markets. Today they live in aquariums – not terrariums – by the way.

    The coelacanth has the same kind of lobe fins as the Tiktaalik. The fossil experts told us they enabled the coelacanth to walk on the ocean floor. However, none have yet been observed walking. Instead, they use those lobe fins to swim better, not walk.

    Like those of the coelacanth, the bones in the fins of the Tiktaalik are embedded in muscle – not part of the skeleton.

    In other words, there is a whole lot of supposing going on about the Tiktaalik that is reminiscent of the kind of supposing that has gone on for as long as evolutionary theory has been around.

    The Tiktaalik is no more a missing link between sea life and land life than a Tic Tac is a missing link between a Lifesaver and an Altoid.


    Still no irrefutable evidence.


  6. #264
    ranma1/2's Avatar
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    Stay with me ranma. Either way you look at an apple, whether it was made for people or people were made for it, it shows awareness of human needs, and the human body shows awareness of what the apple offers.

    Could you clarify what you mean by this? It sounds as if you are saying the apple is aware. IM sure im misunderstanding you.

    No matter which "adapted" to which, the question is: the ability to adapt, the fact that the body knew exactly how to digest those apples, how to grow in order to reach the apples, what limbs it needed to reach the apples, etc -- was that accident or intelligence?
    The body did not know how to digest the apple, however through evolution the digestive system was formed. Limbs were not formed for reaching apples no more than my finger was made to clean my nose.
    SO i would have to say that this is due to evolution.

    That is the issue here - there are only two possibilities: (a) accident or (b) intelligence.
    or (c) random mutations that are selected through natural means...
    or (d) randome mutations that are selcted through natural and intelligent means.
    or (d) many other possiblites.

    To say that it adapted or evolved just evades the question: adaptation and evolution are either accident or intelligence.
    It evades no question and you are missing the point of evo.

    Either a string of billions and trillions of perfectly aligned accidents or there is something in the organism that knows what direction it needs to evolve.
    Or have a billion and trillion accidents that are either selected through natural means in or out of the gene pool.

    And don't forget - the organism needs the ability to be able to "evolve" to begin with. If we were all made of stone we couldn’t "evolve" lungs, etc.
    sigh... you clearly need to read about evo and perhaps natural selection.
    The majority of our organs and structures as humans were developed long before we were human in our ancestors.

    So the proof still remains: the perfectly designed and aligned natural phenomenon could not have, by any reasonable odds, accidentally ended up this way.

    ignoring your horrible example. How then would you explain a god coming into being? Just popping? Always existing?

    And the only alternative to accident is intelligence.
    It doesn't matter if the apple "adapted" for people or people "adapted" for the apple. Either way, accident is beyond believable odds.
    your entire argument is flawed thats all i can.

    What is referred to as "likelihood" of life evolving, still amounts to staggering odds. The numbers are too large to describe.
    Did you know that no matter how small the chance of something happening it will likely happen. You might think that a 1 in 1,000,000,000 chance of someting happen wont but ask lottery winners.

    The fact that elements got together and life came from them is itself ridiculous by accident.
    I think i understand what you said, it sounds kind of odd, but it is much less ridiculous and more likely than your possiblities.

    And the fact that life "knows" how to evolve is also impossible by accident.
    True, life does not know how to evolve. Evolution is basicly caused by imperfect replication or mutations. Those mutations are not directed. A beaver will never evolve a chainsaw because he wants one. However if a mutation occurs that gives an advantage then it is more likely to be selected through natural means into the gene pool.

    You may not realize the level of coincidence that is needed to do this. Did your stomach "evolve" before the lining that protects it from the acids? If so, it would have been destroyed after the first meal. If the lining evolved before the acids, then nature must also be endowed with prophecy, because it was burdened for millions of years with some useless lining, until the acid evolved.

    sigh... i have already refuted this argument.
    recap... these things evolved along time ago. Some evolved as very basic form of what they are now. Some initially evolved for completely different functions and eventually changed to what they are now.

    The chicken egg needed to be the right thickness - not too thick and not too thin - to allow the development and hatching of the chicken, from the start. Or else even one generation of chicken would not have been able to survive.
    the egg evolved way before the chicken.

    And even if, theoretically, all this did evolve,
    as it is said and shown to be supported by the evidence.

    the fossil evidence would have to show the billions and billions of species that did not survive -
    I would recommend learning about fossils and the fossilisation proccess. That will answer this arugment.
    the "non fittest" that fell by the wayside. For every survivable species, you are talking about countless non-survivors. The odds are ridiculous. And the fossil record so far has ONLY COME UP WITH VIABLE LIFE FORMS.
    The viable forms are more abundant and more likely to be fossilized, the non viable forms as you say would more likely be eaten or not even survive childhood.

    We still have no answer to the question; How does anyone account for the staggering odds of life forming by accident?
    We do, natural selection, although your question is flawed.

    What the scientists are saying in essence is, "Yes, but it could happen."
    Well, that is of course true, but then you would be unable to prove anything at all, because similarly, "It could always happen."
    Science shows what is likely. It deals in possiblity and chance and what is likely. If you want proof go to math. Ill stick with the theories of gravity and evolution since they are the most likely reasons for what they try to answer.

    If G-d Himself would come and reveal Himself to the entire world an say "I am Hashem", that, too, by atheist standard wouldn't prove anything because a happy string of coincidences could account for natural sounds and sights that happened to have coincidently united at the right time and place to cause such a phenomenon.

    Personally I think Hashem should do that. It would make things a lot easier. Of course I imagine that many an atheist would say, prove it. "in the figuritive sense" Or perhaps they may say... Yeah and so what. Or perhaps they would comment on how bad a job he did in creation. Of course it an alien showed up and said it created us the christians and muslims would go like... Deciever... the scientologists might be scratching their heads too..

    It could happen.
    But science goes into what is likely and base the theories of science off of evidence.

    Proof, in any other context other than atheists talking about G-d, is not expected to reach the level of absolute impossibility. There is no such thing as absolute impossibility. Anything "could" happen, as long as it is not an absurd concept that cannot exist (such as a triangle that is round).
    You would send someone to the electric chair if you were a juror and the defendant’s fingerprints were found on the strangled victim's neck. A video of the murder, and perhaps 20 witnesses would make the verdict a no brainier.

    But witnesses could lie, a video could be forged - one may even go so far as to claim that some technology exists out there that we are as yet unaware of that synthesized such a realistic video.
    As for lying, science uses a process called peer review to help weed out those dirty fibbers. It also helps weed out mistakes and bad data.

    And please note, that there is no proof anywhere that says two people cannot have the same fingerprints. In fact, there is absolutely nothing in nature at all that precludes duplicate fingerprints.
    However we can theorize that no one had the same fingerprint and we can back it up with evidence such as how fingerprints are formed and what effects their formation. Also all we need to disprove it is just something like 2 people having the same fingerprints. Then it is falsified.
    How in the world would my fingers know, when I am born, the patterns of fingerprints that have already been "placed" on the fingers of every other human being? How do my fingers know which fingerprints are "used" already so as to avoid duplicating them?
    Know? sigh... i suggest reading about fingerprints and their formation.

    The only reason that we assume - yes, assume! - that two sets of fingerprints cannot be alike, or that two snowflakes cannot be alike
    Snowflakes actually can be alike for that you need to also look at the formation of snowflakes.

    , is because there are so many billions of possible fingerprint patterns, and snowflake patterns, that the odds of two like patterns existing are so staggering that we don’t even consider it a possibility.
    Even though it could happen.

    So if you are a juror and the defense attorney claims that nobody "proved" that the fingerprints on the victim's neck were really the defendants - because it could happen that by coincidence two identical sets exist, and that you can't "prove" that the 20 witnesses told the truth (they could have all lied and coincidently made up the same exact details in the story), and that you cant "prove" that the video cannot be faked, he would be laughed out of the courtroom.

    Even though it all "could happen".

    And you would send the defendant to his death, because you saw proof "beyond a reasonable doubt" or "beyond a shadow of a doubt" that this man is guilty.

    You have no proof that your desert is not poisoned, but you would take the chance of eating it anyway.
    However based on evidence I can pretty much assume that its not. "of course i did get food poisoning once."
    Once the odds reach a certain point, we don't consider the alternative as viable.
    We are looking at evidence in science too.. Thats probably the biggest factor.
    Even though your desert could be poisoned.

    We live our lives laughing at such claims. We would call the ambulance at someone who really believes those things.
    Except for the atheist discussing G-d.
    For the most part the majority of scientists that see the theory of evo being the most likely explaination for why there is a variety of species are theists.

    It's amazing how, on that level of reasonableness, a person would risk his life and send others to their death, but to avoid eating pork, for that, he needs "absolute proof".
    Huh? Your loosing me even morethan have before.

    The question is not "can we prove G-d?" The question is, given the proof that we do have, why in the world would anybody NOT believe in G-d???
    Because there is no evidnce for a god or gods, the def of a god varies as well, the evidence that there are supposedly billions of different gods and only one is supposedly the right one. There is no evidence for a god so why believe in one. Heck lets say there is a god, what evidence is there that its not Zeus, GFSM, the pink invisibly unicorn, me, Earl... etc...
    And to that, so far, no atheist has come up with anything close to a sensible answer.
    Read above and please

    Read up on evolution.

    read up on science.

    read up on the scientific theory.

    Those links should help aid you in getting a better understanding of science of evolution.

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  8. #265
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by ajazz View Post

    root delt a blow today

    Is Fossil Discovery Darwin's "Missing Link"?-Tiktaalik Raises Unanticipated Problems for Evolution

    "If Tiktaalik is a transitional intermediate, it means that evolution from fish to land-dwelling animals must have happened in less than 10 million years.

    "When evolutionary biologists claim that the transition from sea to land is that fast-paced," argues Rana, "it raises very real questions about evolution as an explanation for life's history, even if this fossil is regarded as the 'holy grail' of paleontology.

    "Evolution couldn't have happened that rapidly given the extensive biological changes needed for a creature to move from the water to land. Evolutionary biologists have made up their minds before they even examine the data," Rana continues. "They are so convinced that evolution is a fact they are unwilling to carefully weigh the evidence."


    Another fishy missing link

    "Just over 380 million years ago, it seems, our remote ancestors were large, flattish, predatory fishes, with crocodile-like heads and strong limb-like pectoral fins that enabled them to haul themselves out of the water," explained Per Erik Ahlberg of Uppsala and Jennifer Clark of the University of Cambridge, in a commentary accompanying their report in the journal Nature."

    There is another fish called the "coelacanth." Ever hear of it? I've included a photo of one with this column – which, when you think about it, is really quite amazing. Because, just a few years ago, the same scientists who were calling the Tiktaalik fossil the missing link between sea life and land life were claiming the coelacanth fossils of the same era represented just that link.

    coelfish 1 - Creationists dealt a blow


    But, then, unfortunately for the evolutionists, coelacanths – these "350-million-year-old fossils" – turned out to be very much alive. They turned up regularly in fish markets. Today they live in aquariums – not terrariums – by the way.

    The coelacanth has the same kind of lobe fins as the Tiktaalik. The fossil experts told us they enabled the coelacanth to walk on the ocean floor. However, none have yet been observed walking. Instead, they use those lobe fins to swim better, not walk.

    Like those of the coelacanth, the bones in the fins of the Tiktaalik are embedded in muscle – not part of the skeleton.

    In other words, there is a whole lot of supposing going on about the Tiktaalik that is reminiscent of the kind of supposing that has gone on for as long as evolutionary theory has been around.

    The Tiktaalik is no more a missing link between sea life and land life than a Tic Tac is a missing link between a Lifesaver and an Altoid.


    Still no irrefutable evidence..
    You do realize that species do not have to die out for other species to evolve from them. Its the if your parents made you then why do we still have your parents argument.
    Now in all likely hood those fish are not the exact same fish from the past but the closest known relative.

    So basicly evolution has no problem with a ancient missing link still being alive. It found its nitch. Other fish that evolved from it found their nitch and those species that evolved from those many branches found their nitches. SOme die out as others take over their nitch , some dont...
    Last edited by ranma1/2; 04-18-2007 at 04:34 AM.

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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2 View Post
    You do realize that species do not have to die out for other species to evolve from them. Its the if your parents made you then why do we still have your parents argument
    argument from prestige

    There is no evidence that species evolve from other species.

    my parents did not produce a monkey neither i was born with fins.
    i don't know about your parents

    no refutable evidence yet....


  10. #267
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2 View Post
    You do realize that species do not have to die out for other species to evolve from them. Its the if your parents made you then why do we still have your parents argument
    argument from prestige

    There is no evidence that species evolve from other species.

    my parents did not produce a monkey neither i was born with fins.
    i don't know about your parents

    no irrefutable evidence yet....


  11. #268
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by ajazz View Post

    argument from prestige

    There is no evidence that species evolve from other species.

    my parents did not produce a monkey neither i was born with fins.
    i don't know about your parents

    no irrefutable evidence yet....

    Dejavu, im sure ive seen this post before.

    Ok there is evidence that species have evolved from other species.
    Genetic evidence, fossil evidence to name 2.
    Now dont confuse evidence with proof. Proof is for math.

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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    speaking of deja vu --- no beer or saki this time?
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2 View Post
    Dejavu, im sure ive seen this post before.

    Ok there is evidence that species have evolved from other species.
    Genetic evidence, fossil evidence to name 2.
    where is the evidence??????????????????

    format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2 View Post
    Now dont confuse evidence with proof. Proof is for math.
    yeah, and banana is for monkeys only.


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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    If you were to ask me do you believe in evolution and that we share a common accentor with apes?
    No certainly not, especially the Darwin’s theory, because it has not been conclusively proven beyond doubt and there is no irrefutable evidence but there is evidence contrary to it.
    You see majority of believers of Darwin are atheists and the problem with atheists is that by denying the existence of god vehemently and solely depending on science to provide the answers, they have shrunk the boundaries of their reasoning and I don’t blame them for it, since the world is full of false gods and beliefs and any rational and logical thinking mind would reject them but by doing so they have also rejected the one and only true god (Allah) (Read my post on how logically and rationally only Allah is the creator of the universe)

    Atheists are always in revision mode because as new evidence uncovers they have to change their position.
    Since they deny god even if rationally and logically argued they reject it without giving a second thought (at least most of them as far as I know) and they cannot forward any alternative explanation or theory as to our origin hence they hang on to the coffin of Darwin, they have no alternative but to present the Darwin’s theory as fact which is miles away from the truth.

    Why we should oppose Darwin?

    Because it is not fully established and Darwin proposed ideas which are raciest and destructive to the human society

    Darwin and his cousin Francis Galton influenced Hitler and as we know he was responsible for the killings of millions of innocent Jews

    Title: Research papper on: The Nazi race policies were influenced by Darwin's theory and publications.

    The Nazi race policies were influenced by Darwin's theory and publications. Hitler believed that the human gene pool could be improved by using selective breeding similar to how farmers breed superior cattle strains. In the formulation of their racial policies, Hitler's government relied heavily upon Darwinism. As a result, a central policy of Hitler's administration was the development and implementation of policies designed to protect "the soupier race". This required at the vary least preventing "the inferior race" mixing with those judged soupier, in order to reduce contamination of the latter's gene pool. The "the soupier race" belief was based on the theory of group inequality within each species, a major presumption and requirement of Darwin's original "survival of the fittest"


    “Another world leader Benito Mussolini who brought fascism to Italy, interestingly believed that Darwin's theories supported his belief that violence was essential for social transformation. A theory also supported by none other than Karl Marx. In December 1860 Marx is reported by Conway Zirkle in: Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene, to have written to Engles that, "Darwin's book is very important and serves me as a basis of struggle in history...not only is a death blow dealt here for the first time to 'Teleology' (ie Creationism) in the natural sciences, but their rational meaning is emphatically explained."

    “The combination of social Darwinism and communism is no where more clearly seen than in the policy of the Chinese Communist Party which developed the 95:5 formula of class assignment. The formula basically argued that 95 per cent of the population would be classified as various classes that could be won over by the CCP, but five per cent should be designated as class enemies. As stated in the Nine Commentaries, "People within the 95 per cent were safe, but those within the 5 per cent were struggled against."


    As you can see Darwin’s ideas resulted in untold miseries for millions of peoples
    One may argue that there were other people also who were responsible for such atrocities
    True but the above fact remains.

    Also Darwin’s theory encourages atheism, which causes social and moral problems in the society.
    (I will not go in detail here, it will make the post to long and off tangent)

    There are gaps, holes, and craters in Darwin’s theory

    By stating that our forefathers were apes they have degraded the status of human beings
    To that of an animals. How many times you have heard don’t behave like a dog or pig
    Or better still don’t behave like an animal!!!

    Out of millions of creatures on earth humans singularly stand out from the rest of the creatures.
    We humans have logical and rational thinking we are the most versatile and ingenious,
    We have the most complex social and emotional behavior; we have the power of reasoning.

    Many scientists tried to teach apes some sort of communication skill so that they can interact with humans at human level but they have failed miserably.
    Over a long period of time some changes may take place in some species
    The apes today may be somewhat different from the apes millions of year ago
    But basically the ape still remains an ape that’s why you will not find an ape doing a Picasso!!
    If evolution is true than why out of millions of creatures and after millions of years Only Human beings are such highly developed, be it rational thinking, power of reasoning, dexterity, emotions, social behavior.
    There is not a single species, which come close to such human complexity.
    Think about it without any bias

    Evolution does not take place, at least not the way Darwin states
    Even after millions of years we human still have 5 basic senses, we have not developed super brains, what we humans have done is used our power of reasoning and logical thinking and rational mind to expand our knowledge base to extraordinary level
    As a result of which we have become highly advanced in so many fields today.

    The proponents of Darwin’s theory have themselves become the master of Darwin today
    They refuse to accept the futility of Darwin’s theory in explaining the origin of man
    Simply because they have no other alternative except to confirm the existence of god.
    Therefore they hang on to any flimsy evidence provided to them.
    Example: theory of gravity by shrimp

    You see Darwin himself was in doubt about his theory and was open to the idea that his theory will collapse.

    If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down (Darwin, 1859, p. 219).

    “Living fossil is the nickname given to organisms whose traces appear in the fossil layers from early geological periods, of which living specimens are still found today. These living things exhibit no differences from their counterparts from millions of years ago, and represent living examples of those long-dead fossil forms.”

    “The Cœlacanth, which according to the fossil record, dates back some 410 million years to the Devonian period, was regarded by evolutionists as a powerful intermediate form between fish and reptile. It had been mysteriously erased from the fossil record 70 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period, and was believed to have become extinct at that time.19 Based on these fossils, evolutionist biologists suggested that this creature had a non-functioning, "primitive" as evolutionists put it, lung. Speculation regarding the Cœlacanth became so widespread that the fish was cited in many scientific publications as the most significant evidence for evolution. Paintings and drawings of it leaving the water for the land quickly began appearing in books and magazines. Of course, all these assumptions, images and claims, were based on the idea that the creature was extinct.”

    “The catching of a live specimen of Cœlacanth did away with one of the greatest fake foundations of the theory of evolution.”

    The Horseshoe Crab

    “The first fossil records of the horseshoe crab go back 425 million years, yet this living fossil still lives along present-day shores. Its tail, which allows it to walk with ease across the sand and which is used for steering, its two eyes with their exceedingly complex structures, and all its other unique features have remained unchanged over the last 425 million years.”

    The Cockroach

    “The cockroach, the oldest winged insect in the world, first appears in fossils some 350 million years old, from the Carboniferous period.24 This insect—with its various feelers and hairs that are extremely sensitive to the slightest movement, even to air currents, its perfect wings, and its resistant structure capable of withstanding even radiation—is identical now to how it was 350 million years ago”

    35 1 - Creationists dealt a blow


    Tens of Thousands of Fossils in Amber Refute Evolution


    Darwin himself would have collapsed let alone his theory if he were presented such evidence!!!!!

    Thank you for reading


  16. #272
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    " .... Atheists are always in revision mode because as new evidence uncovers they have to change their position.
    Since they deny god even if rationally and logically argued they reject it without giving a second thought (at least most of them as far as I know) and they cannot forward any alternative explanation or theory as to our origin hence they hang on to the coffin of Darwin, they have no alternative but to present the Darwin’s theory as fact which is miles away from the truth.

    Why we should oppose Darwin?

    Because it is not fully established and Darwin proposed ideas which are raciest and destructive to the human society

    Darwin and his cousin Francis Galton influenced Hitler and as we know he was responsible for the killings of millions of innocent Jews

    Title: Research papper on: The Nazi race policies were influenced by Darwin's theory and publications.

    The Nazi race policies were influenced by Darwin's theory and publications. Hitler believed that the human gene pool could be improved by using selective breeding similar to how farmers breed superior cattle strains. In the formulation of their racial policies, Hitler's government relied heavily upon Darwinism. As a result, a central policy of Hitler's administration was the development and implementation of policies designed to protect "the soupier race". This required at the vary least preventing "the inferior race" mixing with those judged soupier, in order to reduce contamination of the latter's gene pool. The "the soupier race" belief was based on the theory of group inequality within each species, a major presumption and requirement of Darwin's original "survival of the fittest ...."


    NO scientist thinks darwin is a fact.

    People that change their minds in the present of truth. Is that a bad thing?


    Satan takes many forms and uses many tools.
    There is plenty of history to proove religous people did exactly the same thing.

    Prsent theory:
    Puncuated equilibrium: slow progress (adaptations) and then every so often quick changes (new species).

    This is about the only thing rittien in stone.
    Then the next question Is "Do you believe this is Gods work.

    I BELIEVE God created this universe through the physicals laws that scientist study. Remeber, the only important question is "Do you believe?
    (when it comes to creation that is)

    These laws of evolutist are no more or no less as fimbsy as any religous book.

    Maybe, just maybe ... God created man through evolution. (a magician waves his wond first, then the magic comes"

    I believe God set the big bang off, with the physical He set in place to reach his goal. We can only study his laws. Notice I use no text to prove; because as I have seeen in these rooms of diffrent religions it is easy to poke holes in evolution and creationism. How bout this Idea, Maybe it is some where in between.

    May we all find the God of our understanding.


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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by ajazz View Post
    You see majority of believers of Darwin are atheists
    I'd like to see you substantiate this because I think it is false. The majority of people who believe in evolution are not atheists. This is simple to observe. The number of people who believe in evolution is very high, perhaps beven a majority. The number of people who are atheists is a very small minority. Oh and see the post directly above this one. This fellow doesn't appear to be an atheist.

    Atheists are always in revision mode because as new evidence uncovers they have to change their position.
    It is reasonable and logical to change ones position as new evidence is uncovered. To refuse to do so is stubbornly illogical.

    Since they deny god even if rationally and logically argued they reject it without giving a second thought (at least most of them as far as I know)
    False. That is a false argument you yourself have created and attributed to them. Maybe you should actually listen to a few and you may realize that they do indeed think about it.

    and they cannot forward any alternative explanation or theory as to our origin hence they hang on to the coffin of Darwin, they have no alternative but to present the Darwin’s theory as fact which is miles away from the truth.
    This is wrong on two levels. First, atheists are not universal in their thoughts, and some do indeed have alternative theories to how we came to be (many of which conflict with each other). Second, you do not need to know how the world came to be to reject unsubstantiated and fantastic claims to same. They do not "hang on the coffin of darwin". Many don't believe in evolution at all.

    Because it is not fully established and Darwin proposed ideas which are raciest and destructive to the human society
    Did he?

    Darwin and his cousin Francis Galton influenced Hitler and as we know he was responsible for the killings of millions of innocent Jews
    Oh you mean Galton twisted his idea and then Hitler twisted it further? Why didn't you say so.

    Garlton didn't influence Hitler directly. Moreover, That one group of humans creates more of itself and that that group is hated and exterminated is nothing new. The Romans did that.

    Hitler believed that the human gene pool could be improved by using selective breeding similar to how farmers breed superior cattle strains.
    Which has little to do with evolutionary theory. People have been selectively breeding cattle for centuries prior to Darwin.

    Also Darwin’s theory encourages atheism, which causes social and moral problems in the society.
    (I will not go in detail here, it will make the post to long and off tangent)
    You didn't really think you could post that line without looking ridiculous, did you?

    There are gaps, holes, and craters in Darwin’s theory
    So? Thats why we still do research. To fill in those holes and adapt the theory. You see, unlike rigid religion, science is supposed to be flexible and adaptive.

    By stating that our forefathers were apes they have degraded the status of human beings
    What do you have against apes?

    Many scientists tried to teach apes some sort of communication skill so that they can interact with humans at human level but they have failed miserably.
    Perhaps you should reread your sources. There are numerous chimpanzees who have learned sign language and who have passed it on to others as well.

    If evolution is true than why out of millions of creatures and after millions of years Only Human beings are such highly developed, be it rational thinking, power of reasoning, dexterity, emotions, social behavior.
    Because it doesn' happen frequently? And takes a long time to happen? And because once it does happen the species created comes to dominate the planet and stops it from happening again with another species there?

    And just a heads up, there was another such species on earth. I'll let you look that up for yourself to find out who it was.

    Even after millions of years we human still have 5 basic senses
    So? How does that invaluate the slow process of evolution?

    And why do you assume that millions of years ago we had the same 5 basic senses anyway? It may be true, but then again it my not. You've looked this up? Rather silly to assume it.

    You see Darwin himself was in doubt about his theory and was open to the idea that his theory will collapse.
    That just shows he may have been a competent scientist.
    Last edited by Pygoscelis; 04-18-2007 at 03:59 PM.

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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2 View Post
    Read above and please

    Read up on evolution.

    read up on science.

    read up on the scientific theory.

    Those links should help aid you in getting a better understanding of science of evolution.
    Your responses were nothing but absolutly ridiculous. You said that not onyl is it "accident or intellegence" but can also be "random mutations" yet do you not understand that a random mutation is an "accident". They are "copying errors" in the genetic material during cell division.

    Your arguments are non-sense. The lottery winners are infinitly more likely to win then the evolution of a piece of algey to a human.

    If your computer began flying in the air and flashed on the screen "Hashem id oing this" and then fell and stopped you would find some mutation or way scientifcally to prove it was not Hashem. Now are you right? of coruse not.
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    Your responses were nothing but absolutly ridiculous. You said that not onyl is it "accident or intellegence" but can also be "random mutations" yet do you not understand that a random mutation is an "accident". They are "copying errors" in the genetic material during cell division.

    Your arguments are non-sense. The lottery winners are infinitly more likely to win then the evolution of a piece of algey to a human.

    If your computer began flying in the air and flashed on the screen "Hashem id oing this" and then fell and stopped you would find some mutation or way scientifcally to prove it was not Hashem. Now are you right? of coruse not.
    Don't bother with this one.. we have listed her/him every mutation under the sun (the impossibility) of any known/ documented mutation to cause a state of anything other than death/disease and or adaptation.. including ones to disprove her/his "natural- selection" thesis, yet s/he-- is only keen on passing websites.. without being able to distil it down to answer one simple question... trust me-- it is a waste of time...
    if anyone wanted to google a topic it would be a two second search to finding any number of legitimate articles.. it is like your prof. engaging you in an assignment and you stating "yo teach. the answer is on the web"

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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2 View Post
    No its not tautaology it is shown to be the most accurate scientific theory as to why there is variety in the spieces. What i pointed out was your misconception that if something is a theory it is somehow not valid in science as you seem to suggest.

    Now look up and come back with what a scientific theory is. Post a link to a reasonable source that you have read if you want.
    well if ur basing ur beliefs on science, ill attack science. quite simply science is completley fickle, theories are being proven wrong all the time, for example quantam physics and the theory of relativity, the big bang theory replaced a different theory (i forget what the name is). so really its only a matter of time until a 'more accurate theory' comes out. what will u do then? what will happen to the beliefs u hold so staunchly

    rather than basing ur beliefs on science, i suggest u base them on ration.
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    Do you know that 2/3 of all Scientists believed that the Universe was eternal and there was no such thing as a beggining before the new big bang fad came in?
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    Do you know that 2/3 of all Scientists believed that the Universe was eternal and there was no such thing as a beggining before the new big bang fad came in?
    But doesn't the Quran prove that the Big Bang happened?
    I thought that Muslims knew about that 1400 years ago.
    What am I missing?

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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    LOL my favorite is the "speed of light one"... LOL! Laughable.
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    Re: Creationists dealt a blow

    really? coz my favourite is golden cow gods. have u even read the quran me thinks not.

    so whats ur point jones? and besides thats just silly... the universe is eternal when the components of that universe are limited? which silly goose came up with that..
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