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Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

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    Daffodil's Avatar Full Member
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    Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

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    Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem:
    As`salamualaikum Warahmutullahi Wabarakatuhu...

    I hope you all are in the best of health & iman inshallah.
    The Brahmins make a big campaign that Islam restricts the freedom of women. Let us compare the positions of the Hindu woman and the Muslim woman. See the following facts for comparison and then try to bring these Brahmins to their senses.

    The Hindu Woman:
    1. The Hindu Woman has no right to divorce her husband.
    2. She has no property or inheritance rights.
    3. Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.
    4. The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family.
    5. If her husband dies she should commit Sati (being cremated with her dead husband). Since today's law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other "holy" ways (see below).
    6. She cannot remarry.
    7. The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public.She cannot wear jewelry or colorful clothes. (She should not even take part in her children's marriage!)

    The Muslim Woman:
    1. The Muslim woman has the same right as the Muslim man in all matters including divorce.
    2. She enjoys property and inheritance rights. (Which other religion grants women these rights?). She can also conduct her own separate business.
    3. She can marry any Muslim of her choice. If her parents choose a partner for her, her consent must be taken.
    4. The dowry in Islam is a gift from a husband to his wife (not the other way around)
    5. A Muslim widow is encouraged to remarry, and her remarriage is the responsibility of the Muslim society.
    6. Mixed marriage is encouraged and is a means to prevent racism creeping in society.
    7. A Muslim mother is given the highest form of respect.
    What right do the Hindus have to criticize the Muslims? Have you ever heard of a Muslim burning his wife? In India women die daily of dowry deaths, Hindu women being burnt by the husband or in-laws. It is a fact that upper caste Hindus ill-treat their women. The Brahmins are trying to claim that Muslims do not give freedom to their women. I ask you again. "Do the Hindus respect their women?"
    You be the judge.
    Your Brother
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    iLL_LeaT's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights


    Freedom, what is freedom?

    If you ask most Christian westerners if Muslim women are free, what do think they would say? Something along the lines of, “Absolutely not, they are forced to where a head dress and cover their body.”

    If you ask most Muslims people if Muslim women are free, what do you think they would say? Something along the lines of, “Absolutely, women can only be treated as equals if they cover themselves up. Otherwise, they are looked at as sex objects.”

    If you ask a Hindu if Hindu women are free, what do you think they would say?

    The question of if Hindu women are free should be answered by a Hindu woman, and I’m betting that she would say she was free.

    There would only be a problem in freedom if a woman wanted to change or grow into something else, and that change was not permitted by there family, friends, or government. Unfortunately, if a woman does want to grow into something other then what their family, friends, or government expects from them, it probably wouldn’t be permitted.
    Last edited by iLL_LeaT; 06-28-2006 at 12:00 AM.
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    There would only be a problem in freedom if a woman wanted to change or grow into something else, and that change was not permitted by there family, friends, or government. Unfortunately, if a woman does want to grow into something other then what there family, friends, or government expects from them, it probably wouldn’t be permitted.

    Grow? I'm not too sure what you mean by this term.
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    iLL_LeaT's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    format_quote Originally Posted by azim View Post
    Grow? I'm not too sure what you mean by this term.
    Them bettering themselves, changing into something that is better for that individual.
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    format_quote Originally Posted by iLL_LeaT View Post
    Them bettering themselves, changing into something that is better for that individual.
    In that case we would have to look into the definition of 'better' ( lol).

    The problem with 'better' is that it's definition is constantly changing. Over decades, years, even overnight - what is 'better' can completely change.

    Thus, as a Muslim, we believe that to truly understand what is 'better' for us, we must look towards the guidance of our Creator - since he is truly the only one who have the capacity to know what is better for mankind.
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    akr4m's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    Freedom, what is freedom?

    If you ask most Christian westerners if Muslim women are free, what do think they would say? Something along the lines of, “Absolutely not, they are forced to where a head dress and cover there body.”
    That is because they have very little knowledge about Islam. I wonder if you ask a Christian western woman about a nun would they have the same response. A Nun has similar dress sense to an Islamic woman

    It seems whenever the topic of Islam is brought up among Westerners, it has been my experience that the first objection that immediately springs into their minds is: "But women are so extremely oppressed in Islam." And, "But women are second class citizens in Islam." For example, they see that Muslim women usually observe modest standards in their clothing and they automatically equate their modesty with oppression. They appear to feel that freedom is in some way directly proportional to how little clothing one wears, and that oppression is directly proportional to the degree of modesty one exhibits in their clothing.

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    iLL_LeaT's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    format_quote Originally Posted by akr4m View Post


    That is because they have very little knowledge about Islam. I wonder if you ask a Christian western woman about a nun would they have the same response. A Nun has similar dress sense to an Islamic woman

    It seems whenever the topic of Islam is brought up among Westerners, it has been my experience that the first objection that immediately springs into their minds is: "But women are so extremely oppressed in Islam." And, "But women are second class citizens in Islam." For example, they see that Muslim women usually observe modest standards in their clothing and they automatically equate their modesty with oppression. They appear to feel that freedom is in some way directly proportional to how little clothing one wears, and that oppression is directly proportional to the degree of modesty one exhibits in their clothing.

    You missed my point entirely.

    My point is that if a Muslim feels a Hindu woman is being oppressed, that Hindu woman may not feel oppressed in the slightest. In fact, that Hindu woman may feel liberated by her religion’s ideology.
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    yep i understand what you are saying but i wasn't commenting on that, I wanted to comment on why it was wrong for a Christian wetsern women to judge a Muslim women by just observing the dress code.
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    iLL_LeaT's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    format_quote Originally Posted by akr4m View Post
    yep i understand what you are saying but i wasn't commenting on that, I wanted to comment on why it was wrong for a Christian wetsern women to judge a Muslim women by just observing the dress code.

    Oh… okay, I see.

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    muslim_friend's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    format_quote Originally Posted by Daffodil View Post


    Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem:
    As`salamualaikum Warahmutullahi Wabarakatuhu...

    I hope you all are in the best of health & iman inshallah.
    The Brahmins make a big campaign that Islam restricts the freedom of women. Let us compare the positions of the Hindu woman and the Muslim woman. See the following facts for comparison and then try to bring these Brahmins to their senses.

    The Hindu Woman:
    1. The Hindu Woman has no right to divorce her husband.
    2. She has no property or inheritance rights.
    3. Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.
    4. The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family.
    5. If her husband dies she should commit Sati (being cremated with her dead husband). Since today's law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other "holy" ways (see below).
    6. She cannot remarry.
    7. The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public.She cannot wear jewelry or colorful clothes. (She should not even take part in her children's marriage!)

    The Muslim Woman:
    1. The Muslim woman has the same right as the Muslim man in all matters including divorce.
    2. She enjoys property and inheritance rights. (Which other religion grants women these rights?). She can also conduct her own separate business.
    3. She can marry any Muslim of her choice. If her parents choose a partner for her, her consent must be taken.
    4. The dowry in Islam is a gift from a husband to his wife (not the other way around)
    5. A Muslim widow is encouraged to remarry, and her remarriage is the responsibility of the Muslim society.
    6. Mixed marriage is encouraged and is a means to prevent racism creeping in society.
    7. A Muslim mother is given the highest form of respect.
    What right do the Hindus have to criticize the Muslims? Have you ever heard of a Muslim burning his wife? In India women die daily of dowry deaths, Hindu women being burnt by the husband or in-laws. It is a fact that upper caste Hindus ill-treat their women. The Brahmins are trying to claim that Muslims do not give freedom to their women. I ask you again. "Do the Hindus respect their women?"
    You be the judge.
    Your Brother
    I come from a hindu country, and what was written above is true. But sadly, though Sati is forbidden by the law, it is still practised in many villages in secret.

    The Muslim woman has more rights than any other woman, anywhere else in the world.
    Last edited by muslim_friend; 06-28-2006 at 01:16 AM.
    Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights


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  14. #11
    Skillganon's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    I think maybe, which I might be wrong, is that muslim women dressing modestly sort points out the nakedness of the western women who don't dress modestly, therefore physcologically the modest dress system is attacked.
    Another approach is to look at it is by what is considered appropriate by society, for example majority people will object to public display of nudity including the western and muslim women except the nudist of course.
    You can argue muslim women find open display of physicall asset of women innappropiate.
    Wheter the dress system is oppresive is not an issue. Dress cannot opress people. It is a poor argument.

    NOTE: The usage of the word "western" is not attempt at generalising but just to get the point across.
    Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights


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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    Ill leat, ud benefit alot from reading this from the link below. its from a ex hindu womans perspective.

    Experiences of a Recently Converted Hindu Woman
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  16. #13
    Vishnu's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    How many Sharia run Goverments allow Women to vote?


    Oh yeah by the way:

    Detailed descriptions of eight types of marriages are laid down in both ManuSamhita and other scriptures, as well as in the secular manual Arthashastra. In particular, the rights and duties of husbands and wives and how they should behave towards one another are given in great length in Arthashastra. About divorce both Manusamhita and Arthashastra say that, if the husband is impotent, a traitor, evil-liver, has become an ascetic or an outcast or is missing for a prescribed number of years, then the wife can leave him without blame and marry again. Arthashastra also declares that in other circumstances, divorce can take place only by mutual consent. Manu also discusses situations where the wife wishes to return to her first husband whether she has simply deserted him or had married another.
    Incidentally while the Koran says that both men and women have the right to initiate divorce, the man enjoys greater advantage since it is enough for him to pronounce 'talaq' three times. After that, there is no turning back, according to the Koran itself, unless the woman marries another and consumnates the second marriage and then is divorced by the second husband. If the second husband refuses to divorce her, there will be no divorce. If the logic is to make the husbands think twice before pronouncing talaq, the law should have been made more stringent. No one knows how many marriages had been wrecked in a moment of rage. Also, here the husband who is the guilty party suffers far less than the wife. Indeed, the situation in the modern age is felt to be so intolerable that some of the more liberalised Muslim countires now forbid this kind of easy divorce, but they continue in other countries like India.

    Again, Arthashastra and Manusamhita are excellent sources about the woman's right to property or ‘Stridhan’, (literally meaning, property of wife). It is of two types: maintenance (in money or land given by the husband), and anything else like ornaments given to her by her family, husband, in-laws and the friends of her husband. (Manu subdivides this into six types --- the property given by parents at marriage, given by the parental family when she is going to her husband’s house, given by her husband out of affection { not maintenance which the husband is bound to give}, and property given separately by brother, mother and father). Pre-nuptial contracts are also mentioned where the groom would agree to give a set amount of brideprice to both parents and the bride. Such property belonged to the wife alone and was not to be touched by the groom except in emergencies (in sickness, in famine, threated by robbers, or for performing holy deeds) or her parents. Daughters and sons inherited eqully their mother's property; but some scriptures insist that a mother's property belongs solely to the daughters, in order of preference: unmarried daughters, married but poor daughters, married and rich daughters. When a father died, unmarried daughters had to be given a share in their father’s property even if brothers were present, equal to one-fourth from every brother's share [since it is assumed that the married daughter had been given her share at marriage]; if there were no sons then daughters inherited the father's property, "As the son is born from one's body, so too is the daughter born. Therefore, in the presence of a daughter, no one else can inherit ".
    Women were also allowed to earn money for themselves as agricultural workers, spinning, attendants, making alcohol, entertainers etc. : in fact, allowing housewives to hold jobs and earn money is a method recommended in ManuSamhita to keep them out of mischief! Therefore, the rhetorical question ‘Which other religion grants women these rights’ is answered.

    Incidentally, while Muslim women can inherit, it is also laid down clearly that the male heir shall always inherit twice the share of the female. Even if a girl is the only daughter, she can inherit only half of her father's property.

    All Hindu scriptures dealing with marriage laws mention ‘Anulome’ (when a man of high caste marries a woman of low caste) and ‘Pratilome’ (when a woman of high caste marries a man of low caste) marriages. Some lawgivers are against intercaste marriage, but they were sanctioned and took place. As for horoscopes, that practice flourished most from the middle ages. Nowhere is it mentioned that horoscope must match.

    According to all Hindu scriptures, a widow can remarry. The very term 'punurbhu' is defined as a woman, virgin or not-a-virgin, who has married again. Quite a few sages have gone into a tizzy, laying down her property rights in various such situations and the rights of her children from both her previous and later marriages. Again, not even the severest lawgiver demanded that she commit sati, though the later ones praised it as highly meritorous but some also said that it was simply suicide and therefore foolish. Sati is an entirely voluntary act; but in the 18th and 19th century some rich families did force widows to commit sati to get their property.
    Another practice associated with Sati is the Jahar ceremony, when women of a city would burn themselves after it had fallen in war. Significantly, all known jahar ceremonies took place when the citadel was in the danger of falling into hands of Muslim invaders. Apparently, these Hindu women were too foolish to apprecitate the glorious rights Islam would have granted them.

    This takes place only among ignorant people who have not bothered to read scriptures. As for not wearing colourful clothes and jewelry, one should not be too influenced by what Hindi films portray which is mostly based on the plight of Bengali widows in former decades. Certainly in many places, widows do not dress colourfully or are thought of as unlucky, but in even more regions the widows move about freely wearing colourful clothes and jewellery

    In the earliest Scriptures, a girl is considered marriageable only when her menstruation starts. In the epics there is not a single instance of child-marriage. Child marriages came into vogue later, yet consumnation took place after the bride attained puberty. Again, childmarriage took off in a big way after Muslim invasion to protect family honour of the natal families.
    Moreover, I am astonished that Muslims accuse Hindus of this, when their own prophet consummnated his marriage with 9 year old Ayesha. The only acceptable defence I have ever heard about this is that the ancient Arabs could not count properly and so 9 means something else. At least the person who made this defence knows that having sex with a child is wrong. The average Muslim simply becomes angry at having his prophet criticized. But if they accuse Hindus of being child-abusers, they better be prepared to apply the same standard to their own apostle.

    It would have surprised our ancient lawgivers. Wives are only recommended to honour their husbands; if patriarchal systems later twisted this they cannot be blamed. Moreoever, in Manusamhita there is a whole chapter entitled 'Praise/Worship of Women' where men are commanded to keep women happy so that the gods will be happy. Again husbands are ordered to honour their wives, but if later men choose to ignore them, what can the scripture-writers do?
    Also, as shown above women had the right to leave their husbands lawfully in certain circumstances.

    Every religion orders men to honour their mothers; there is nothing special about such a command. ‘Janani, janmobhumischa swargadapi garioshi’ --- mother and motherland are more glorious than heaven. Even the most misogynist scriptures agree that "Mother is heavier than the earth" and "The debt owed to a mother can never be repaid". Moreoever, it is specifically stated again and again, "The mother is a thousand times holier than the father". Where is the Muslim scripture that gives such primacy to the mother over the father?

    So what? Our gods do not distinguish between male and female either.
    However Quran also makes sure that on earth at least women shall be inferior: "women shall with justice have rights similar to those exercised against them, ALTHOUGH MEN HAVE A STATUS ABOVE WOMEN" (Al Baquar -- The Cow); "MEN HAVE AUTHORITY OVER WOMEN BECAUSE ALLAH HAS MADE THE ONE SUPERIOR TO THE OTHER…" (Al NISA -- Women)
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    format_quote Originally Posted by ganeshsikkim View Post
    How many Sharia run Goverments allow Women to vote?
    A right given to Muslim women by God 1400 years ago is the right to vote. On any public matter, a woman may voice her opinion and participate in politics. One example, narrated in the Qur'an (60:12), is that Muhammad (P) is told that when the believing women come to him and swear their allegiance to Islam, he must accept their oath. This established the right of women to select their leader and publicly declare so. Finally, Islam does not forbid a woman from holding important positions in government. Abdur-Rahman Ibn Auf consulted many women before he recommended Uthman Ibn Affan to be the Caliph.
    Incidentally while the Koran says that both men and women have the right to initiate divorce, the man enjoys greater advantage since it is enough for him to pronounce 'talaq' three times.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
    format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma* View Post
    I really need to know inshallah, if it is permissible for a husband to deny divorce to his wife who is serious about it and truly feels she has to be away from this man.
    Question: If a woman wants a khul` separation because of her husband’s neglect and bad treatment, and he refuses to grant her request, can the judge force him to grant her a khul`?

    Answered by Sheikh Hânî al-Jubayr, judge at the Jeddah Supreme Court

    A khul` separation takes place by agreement between the husband and the wife. However, if a woman’s life with her husband becomes unbearable for some reason and her husband refuses to divorce her willingly or accept a khul` resolution, she may take her case before a judge who could terminate their marriage contract if he thinks there are valid reasons to justify it.

    In case the husband leaves his wife for a long time and the wife suffers from his absence on account of lack of financial support or lack of fulfillment of her physical needs, she may request the judge to terminate her marriage.

    Allah says: “For those who take an oath for abstention from their wives; a waiting for four months is ordained; if then they return, Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful. But if their intention is firm for divorce, Allah hears and knows all things.” [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 226-227].

    In this case, the judge will summon the husband to attend the court and offer him a choice whether to divorce his wife or fulfill his marriage obligations. In case he refuses to do either, the judge will nullify the marriage.


    From an answer by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Sâlih Al-Munajjid
    The evidence for that from the Sunnah is that the wife of Thaabit ibn Qays ibn Shammaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said, “O Messenger of Allaah, I do not find any fault with Thaabit ibn Qays in his character or his religious commitment, but I do not want to commit any act of kufr after becoming a Muslim.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to her, “Will you give back his garden?” Because he had given her a garden as her mahr. She said, “Yes.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to Thaabit: “Take back your garden, and divorce her.”

    (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5273).

    From this case the scholars understood that if a woman cannot stay with her husband, then the judge should ask him to divorce her by khula’; indeed he should order him to do so.


    Question: Is it possible for the wife to get a khula even if the husband will not agree to it? Can you mention some reasons ?.

    Answered by Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Jibreen

    If a woman dislikes her husband’s treatment of her – for example, he is over-strict, hot-tempered or easily-provoked, or gets angry a lot, or criticizes her and rebukes her for the slightest mistake or shortcoming, then she has the right of khula’ [female-instigated divorce].

    If she dislikes his physical appearance because of some deformity or ugliness, or because one of his faculties is missing, she has the right of khula’.

    If he is lacking in religious commitment – for example, he doesn’t pray, or neglects to pray in jamaa’ah, or does not fast in Ramadaan without a proper excuse, or he goes to parties where haraam things are done, such as fornication, drinking alcohol and listening to singing and musical instruments, etc. – she has the right of khula’.

    If he deprives of her of her rights of spending on her maintenance, clothing and other essential needs, when he is able to provide these things, then she has the right to ask for khula’.

    If he does not give her her conjugal rights and thus keep her chaste because he is impotent (i.e. unable to have intercourse), or because he does not like her, or he prefers someone else, or he is unfair in the division of his time [i.e., among co-wives], then she has the right to ask for khula’.

    And Allaah knows best.


    IslamToday Fatwa Committee
    The judge is not supposed to force a woman to stay in an abusive marriage. If a judge makes such a decision, then she should appeal it.

    If her returning to her husband's house will put her into danger, she does not have to return to his home. She is never required to subject herself to abuse or to danger. However, she will not be legally divorced until either the husband divorces her or accepts her khul`, or until she has her marriage annulled by either the judge or the Muslim political authority.

    And Allah knows best.
    Also relevant hadeeth:
    Bareerah’s husband was a man named Mugheeth. When Bareerah came to the Prophet for a divorce, Mugheeth came running behind Bareerah and weeping with his tears flowing down his beard. The Prophet said to ‘Abbaas, “O Abbas, are you not astonished at the love of Mugheeth for Bareerah and hatred of Bareerah for Mugheeth?” The Prophet P said to Bareerah, “Why don’t you return to him?” She said, “O Messenger of Allah, are you commading me to do so?” He said, “No I only intercede for him”. She said, “Then I am not in need of him.” (Sahih Bukhari)
    No one knows how many marriages had been wrecked in a moment of rage.
    As I said before:
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
    format_quote Originally Posted by HeiGou
    suppose a couple are married and the husband in a fit of emotion divorces his wife, but immediately realises he made a mistake.
    Question: Does a divorce take effect if the man who pronounces it is drunk or angry?

    Answered by Sheikh Ahmad al-Khalîl, professor at al-Imâm University, Qasîm Branch

    If a man divorces his wife while in a state such as drunkenness or anger that compromises his mental faculties, then the validity of the divorce depends on the degree to which his mental faculties have been compromised.

    If a man divorces his wife while he is so drunk that he does not know what he is doing, then the divorce will not have occurred, and the marriage will remain as it was.

    Likewise, if he divorces her under the stress of anger, we have to consider the degree of his anger. If the anger is uncontrollable and reaches a point where he does not know what he is saying, then again the divorce will not have occurred.

    However, if he divorces her under a normal state of anger, then it will be regarded as a single pronouncement of divorce, even if he makes two or three pronouncements, because three pronouncements made together count as one.

    Unless it is the third seperate occasion wherein he has divorced his wife, he may resume his marriage as usual by saying to his wife: “I want you to return back to me.” It is better for him to have witnesses when he does this.

    Question: If a man makes three pronouncements of divorce at one time, does it count as three divorces or a single divorce?

    Answered by Sheikh Muhammad al-Khudayrî

    This subject has been thoroughly discussed by Ibn Taymiyah in the introduction of volume thirty three of his book Majmû` al-Fatâwa.

    It was also discussed by Ibn al-Qayyim in Ighâthah al-Lahfân min Masâ’d al-Shaytân, in which he says: “It is preferred for the person who wishes to divorce to abide by the commands of Allah and His Messenger.” He then goes on for the next 45 pages discussing this question in the most painstaking detail. He ultimately arrives at the same conclusion as his teacher Ibn Taymiyah. He says: “Three pronouncements of divorce offered during one period of purity between two menstrual cycles count as a single divorce.”

    Ibn `Abbâs relates to us the way divorce used to take place at the time of the Companions. He said: “Divorce at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him), then during Abû Bakr's reign, and first two years of `Umar’s reign was by counting the three pronouncements of divorce as a single divorce. Then `Umar said: ‘People are hastening something in which they have been granted time, so we should put a check to this.' Then he decided to consider the three pronouncements given at once as three divorces.”

    `Umar’s ruling is the opinion adopted by the four schools of thought. [Refer to: al-Mabsût (6/57), al-Muhadhdhab (2/107), and al-Mughnî (8/243)]

    There are two opinions on this matter. In consideration of the evidence and the practice at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the strongest opinion is that three pronouncements of divorce given on one occasion count as a single divorce.

    And Allah knows best.
    Incidentally, while Muslim women can inherit, it is also laid down clearly that the male heir shall always inherit twice the share of the female. Even if a girl is the only daughter, she can inherit only half of her father's property.
    Answered here:
    Moreover, I am astonished that Muslims accuse Hindus of this, when their own prophet consummnated his marriage with 9 year old Ayesha. The only acceptable defence I have ever heard about this is that the ancient Arabs could not count properly and so 9 means something else.
    This is utter rubbish. Refuted here:
    Where is the Muslim scripture that gives such primacy to the mother over the father?
    I am so glad you asked.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
    Islam raises the status of the parents and places specific emphasis on one's mother:

    Qur'an 31:14 And [God says:] ‘We have enjoined upon man goodness towards his parents: his mother bore him by bearing strain upon strain, and his utter dependence on her lasted two years: [hence, O man,] be grateful towards Me and towards thy parents, [and remember that] with Me is all journeys’ end.”

    A man came to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) asking “ O Messenger of God, who among the people is the most worthy of my good company?” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Your mother”. The man said “then who else?” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Your mother”. The man asked, “then who else?” The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied “Your mother” When the man asked for the fourth time, only then did the Prophet (peace be upon him) say, “Your father” ( Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

    Shaykh Muhammad Ali Hashimi comments:
    “This hadith confirms that the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave precedence to kind treatment of one’s mother over one’s father and the companions of the Prophet used to remind the Muslims of this after the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him)”

    The famous companion of the Prophet, Abdullah ibn Abbas said, I know of no other deed that brings people closer to Allah more than kind treatment and respect towards ones mother.

    Read the following incident from another famous companion, Abdullah Ibn Umar.
    Abdullah Ibn Umar saw a Yemeni man performing pilgrimage carrying his mother on his back then the man said to Ibn Umar “ I am like a tame camel for her, I have carried her more than she has carried me! Do you think I have paid her back Ibn Umar?”
    Ibn Umar said, “No, not even one contraction!”
    (Bukhari, Book of Manners)

    And we all know the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) “Paradise lies at the feet of your mother” (Musnad Ahmad, Sunan An-Nasaa’i, Sunan Ibn Majah)

    Islam has also elevated the status of daughters. The following hadith establishes the unsurpassable reward for kind treatment of one's daugters.

    Aisha, wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him), said: “A poor woman came to me carrying her two daughters. I gave her three dates to eat. She gave each child a date, and raised the third to her own mouth to eat it. Her daughters asked her to give it to them, so she split the date that she had wanted to eat between them. I was impressed by what she had done, and told the Messenger of Allah P about it. He said, “Allah has decreed Paradise for her because of it”. (Sahih Muslim)

    And the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Anyone who cares for three daughters, gives them a good upbringing, marries them to good husbands and treats them with compassion, he/she will enter paradise.” A man asked, “What if one only has two, O’ Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Even if one only has two.” Another man asked, “What if one only has one, O’ Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Even if one only has one”. (Sunan Abi Dawud, Musnad Ahmad, Mustadarak Al-Haakim)

    And the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever has a daughter born to him, and he did not prefer his son over him, Allah will admit him to Paradise because of her” (Mustadarak Al-Haakim)

    And he also specified sisters:
    “There is no one who has three daughters, or three sisters, and he treats them well, but Allah will admit him/her to Paradise.” (Bukhari, Book of Manners)

    And further:
    “There is no one among my ummah who has three daughters, or three sisters, and he supports them until they are grown up, but he will be with me in Paradise like this” – and he held up his index and middle fingers together. (Tabaraani)

    As for marriage, the Qur'an clarifies that is is a bond of love:
    Qur'an 30:21 And among His signs is that He created mates from among yourselves that you may live in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts

    Read what the Prophet (peace be upon him) has said in this matter:

    “The best of you is the one who is best to his wife” (Sahih Ibn Hibban)

    “None but a noble man treats women in an honorable manner. And none but an ignoble treats women disgracefully” (Sunan At-Tirmidhi)

    “I command you to be kind to women” (Sahih Bukhari)

    The renowned scholar of hadith, Imam Ad-Dhahabi (d. 1358CE) writes:
    Lest one should suppose that all the responsibilities are on the wife and all the rights belong to the husband, we mention that the husband is obliged to be gentle, kind, and loving to his wife. He must show forbearance and patience toward her in case she is occasionally abusive or ill-tempered. It is his duty to feed and clothe her and to provide for her needs well, within his means, according to the command of Allah Most High: Live with them on a footing of kindness and equity (4:19) and the advice of the Prophet: Consult with women. Indeed, you have some rights over your women and they have some rights over you. It is their right on you that you provide for their food and clothing generously, and your right on them is that they do not let anyone whom you dislike in the house, walking upon your floor. (Related by Ibn Majah and Tirmidhi who declared it Hasan Saheeh)

    He said:
    "The best among you is the one who is best to his wife" (Related by Ibn Hibban) in another version it is the one who is most kind to his wife. The Prophet himself was very gentle and kind in dealing with women.

    The Prophet saws also said:
    "If any man shows patience with his wife's bad temper, Allah will give him a reward similar to the reward of Ayyub (Job) for his patience, and if any woman shows patience with her husband's bad temper, Allah will give her a reward similar to the reward of Asiyah daughter of Muzahim, the wife of Pharoah (Cf. Qur'an 66:11)."

    It is reported that a man came to 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab raa to complain about his wife's ill-temper. While he was waiting for 'Umar to come out of his house, he heard 'Umar's wife scolding him and 'Umar quietly listening to her, and not answering her back. The man turned around and started walking away, muttering to himself: "If that is the case with 'Umar, the leader of the believers, who is famous for his uprighteness and toughness, then what about poor me?!" At that moment, 'Umar came out of his house and saw the man walking away. He called him and said, "What is it you want of me, O man?" The man replied: "O leader of the believers, I came to complain to you about my wife's bad-temper and how she nags me. Then I heard your wife doing the same to you, so I turned around, muttering to myself, 'If that is the situation of the leader of the believers, then what about me?'" 'Umar replied, "O my brother, I bear with her because of her rights over me. She cooks my food, bakes my bread, washes my clothes, breast-feeds my child...and yet none of these are her duty;* and then she is a comfort to my heart and keeps me away from forbidden deeds. Consequently, I bear with her." The man said, "It is the same with me, O leader of the believers." 'Umar said: "Then, O my brother, be patient with her, indeed this life is short. (Adh-Dhahabi, Al-Kabâ'ir 194)
    The last hadith about 'Umar is a beautiful example of the lofty status that Islam has given women. The Khalifa himself used to listen patiently while his wife scolded him and he instructed his followers to likewise be patient and grateful for all the favours their wives gave them. Dr. M. Moinuddin Siddiqui, who has translated Al-Kabâ'ir into english, includes the following footnote in the place I have marked above with an asterisk [*]:
    According to the Shari'ah, a Muslim wife has no obligation to do all this; rather, it is the husband's obligation to take care of it [either himself or] by hiring a servant (or even, in the case of breast-feeding, a wet-nurse). Therefore, if a woman does this, it is out of good-will and compliance on her part, not because it is obligatory on her, and consequently it is a cause for appreciation and helpfulness on the part of her husband. (Translator)

    I could continue to quote more evidences and information, but instead I'll just refer you to some links for more info:
    However Quran also makes sure that on earth at least women shall be inferior:
    This not true at all; please see:

    Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

    Visit Ansâr Al-'Adl's personal page HERE.
    Excellent resources on Islam listed HERE.
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    Thank you for clarifying things for me... but there is still a point in that fact that the person who ahs attacks Hindu womens rights suports his opinions by pure lies.


    Again... how many countries that practice Sharia today allow women to vote?
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights


    Wowza Im well impressed with ur post ansar. I dnt really need to say more as uve pretty much refuted everything however Im dying to reply to...

    Incidentally, while Muslim women can inherit, it is also laid down clearly that the male heir shall always inherit twice the share of the female. Even if a girl is the only daughter, she can inherit only half of her father's property.
    In Islam wateva wealth a woman has is hers, she has the right to say to her husband..."Whats mine in mind and whats urs is ours"

    In Islam, the husband has NO RIGHT to his wifes wealth watsoever, however the husband HAS TO PROVIDE FOR HER REGARDLESS OF HOW WEALTHY HIS SHE IS. thats why men are given more inheritence then the women because he is the provider/carer/bredwinner and has to share his wealth with his wife whereas a woman can do as she pleases with her money.

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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    format_quote Originally Posted by ganeshsikkim View Post
    Thank you for clarifying things for me... but there is still a point in that fact that the person who ahs attacks Hindu womens rights suports his opinions by pure lies.


    Again... how many countries that practice Sharia today allow women to vote?

    There are NO countries that exist today which rule by shariah law so that question cannot be answered.
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    format_quote Originally Posted by ganeshsikkim View Post
    Thank you for clarifying things for me... but there is still a point in that fact that the person who ahs attacks Hindu womens rights suports his opinions by pure lies.


    Again... how many countries that practice Sharia today allow women to vote?
    Just out of curiosity - have you read all of Ansar's post?

    He showed how the right for a women to vote is enshrined in Shariah - so if there is a country which doesn't allow a women to have her say in the running of goverment (either by voting or any other method) then it isn't following Shariah. So if a country is following Shariah - women are allowed to vote.

    Your question is like asking 'how many snakes are there that have legs?' (i.e. if it had legs - it wouldn't be a snake).
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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    ZERO countries impliment Sharia Law? I thought it was the law that was the base of most of the Islamic Nations...

    I guess you learn something everyday. :-)
    Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

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    Re: Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

    That's interesting to know. I enjoy popping onto this website as you get a clearer picture to what certain religions are about!
    Hindu Women's Rights Compared To Muslim Women's Rights

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    Kal Meh Bėḏ Atharbaṇ Hū Nā Kẖuḏā Alhu Bẖa.
    In the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Atharva Veda became prominent; Allah became the Name of God.

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