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The Purpose Behind our Existence

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    fakhan's Avatar Full Member
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    Assalamu Alakium Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

    I have posted this article from a friend of mine, please read it and apply as soon as possible Insha'Allah.

    Jazak'Allah Khair.


    Farzan Khan


    Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

    All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and may the peace and blessings be upon his trustworthy Messenger Muhammad (SAW), and as to what follows:

    The age we live in today is an age in which our lives are controlled by the world we live in, in which time passes by without us even noticing. As a result of this most people have little time to stop and think about the most fundamental of issues surrounding the very essence of their existence, including many Muslims, especially those who inherited Islam from their parents, and so you find that they have taken their religion for granted, all they know is that their carry the identity of Islam because their parents carried that identity without really trying to understand the true reality of why they were brought into this world in the first place. They fail to realize the true nature of their existence. So even though most of them know that Allah exists and that we are a product of His creation, they often forget to remember that we were created for a specific purpose.

    If ten of us try to find out what our purpose is on our own, without considering the Revelation, we might find ten different purposes. This is because most people are confused and they don't really know, and rather than to say "I don't know" they just offer an answer. Think about it: Is our purpose in this life simply to eat, sleep, work, acquire some material things and enjoy ourselves? Is this our purpose? Why were we born? What is the object of our existence, and what is the wisdom behind the creation of man and this universe?

    Many who read this may be hearing of these very fundamental and basic questions for the first time in their lives. However, if we look to the Qur'an the answers are there, and so we see that Allah clearly states that He did not create us and the universe without a purpose:

    1. "Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding. Those who remember Allah while standing or sitting or lying on their sides, and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, saying, "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly, exalted are You, protect us from the punishment of the Fire." [Aal 'Imran 3:190-191]
    2. "And We did not create the heaven and the earth and that which is between them aimlessly. That is the assumption of those who disbelieve, so woe to those who disbelieve from the Fire." [Saa'd 38:27]
    3. "And We did not create the heavens and the earth and that which is between them in play." [Ad-Dukhan 44:38]

    And furthermore we see in the Qur'an that the purpose of our lives is clearly defined:

    1. "O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous." [Al-Baqarah 2:21]
    2. "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." [Adh-Dhariyat 51:56]

    These verses were revealed to us by Allah in order to inform us of why we are here, what we should be doing, and where we are heading. Not to benefit Himself nor because He needs our worship, rather because we are in need of Him. We were created for this one reason: to worship Allah and to strive to be the best of deeds.

    We have to remember that Allah created life and death so that we may worship Him, and perform that worship in the best manner. That is what our objective should be. Instead of contradicting the purpose of man's existence and acting for the sake of perishable worldly interests, we must fulfill its completion. Our period here is short and being slave to worldly gains results in the corruption of our souls, constant difficulty, worry and poverty.

    The Prophet (SAW) said, "Allah says: O Son of Adam, fill your time with My worship and I will fill your heart with richness, and end off your poverty. But if you do not, I would make your hands fully busy (i.e . in worldly affairs) and I would not end off your poverty." (At-Tirmidhee)

    So in a nutshell the purpose behind our existence is to recognize the one who created us, to be grateful to Him, to worship Him, to surrender ourselves to Him, and to obey the laws that He has determined for us. It is not enough to say that "I have believed, therefore I have accomplished this purpose." Allah commands us in the Qur'an to enter into Islam completely not partially:

    "O you who believe! Enter into Islam completely, and follow not the footsteps of Shaytan. Verily, he is to you an open enemy." [Al-Baqarah 2:208]

    And Allah warns us of being from among those who took their religion lightly:

    "And the companions of the Fire will call to the companions of Paradise, "Pour upon us some water, or from whatever Allah has provided you." They will say, "Indeed, Allah has forbidden them both to the disbelievers, those who took their religion as distraction and amusement and whom the worldly life deluded." So today We will forget them just as they forgot the meeting of this Day of theirs and for having rejected our verses." [Al-A'raf 7:50-51]

    From the above it can be concluded that there is not a shadow of a doubt that we have been informed of our purpose, and were shown the way to achieve it, the choice is now ours.

    Muhammad Kamil Ahmad
    Madeenah, Saudi Arabia
    3rd of March 2007

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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    The meaning of life is to give life meaning.
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    alidagreat's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    Dear Brother,

    Allah has seventy thousand angels worshiping him all the time. His purpose for the creation of man was NOT just sole worship of him. Everything alive worships Allah. But Allah created mankind to acquire knowledge. He gave us a mind which is the most amazing gift known in this world. It differentiates us from animals and angels and jinn. Our main goal in life is to attain knowledge, WHILE worshiping our Creator who has given us this magnificent gift. We are the best creation because of the our minds, and our ability to learn and understand and think. One cannot worship Allah without knowledge of him and his creation and signs. To properly worship we must seek meaning and knowledge in all things, and worship our Lord and Creator who has bestowed us with the gift to REALIZE that their is no other God except Allah. La Sharika Lahu.

    Allah does not want people to live in the masjid all day and worship him. That is not the purpose of man. Even in the athan. Haya al salat, haya al falat.
    Prayer(worship) and Achievement.

    These are the goals of and purpose of mankind.
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    What Does Islam Say About Life's Purpose?


    Have you ever asked yourself these questions?
    "What is the purpose of L I F E?"
    "My life?"
    "Your Life?"
    People everywhere are asking the questions; "What is the purpose of life?" and "Why are we here?" You might be amazed to learn, that Islam is providing clear and concise answers for these questions.
    Most of those who reflect or think about life in any detail will consider and ponder these questions. There are as many different answers to these questions as there are people asking the questions. Some would hold that the purpose of life was to acquire wealth. Yet suppose they were to acquire millions of dollars, what then would they claim is their purpose after doing so?

    If the purpose of life is to become wealthy, there would be no purpose after becoming wealthy.

    The fact is that when people approach their purpose here in this life from the aspect of only gaining wealth, after collecting the money they have dreamed of their lives loose purpose and then they live in restless tension suffering from a feeling of worthlessness.

    How could wealth then be considered as the aim of life?

    Could the acquisition of wealth guarantee happiness? Of course not.
    When we hear of millionaires or members of their families committing suicide, how could we consider the purpose of life would be to gain great wealth?

    A child of 5 years would obviously prefer a new toy to a deposit slip for a million dollars.
    A teenager does not consider millions of dollars in the bank a substitute for movies, videos, pizza and hanging out with his friends.
    A person in their 80s or 90s would never consider holding on to their wealth in place of spending it to hold on to or regain their health.

    This proves that money is not the main purpose at all the stages of one's life.

    Wealth can do little or nothing to bring happiness to one who is a disbeliever in Almighty God, because regardless of what he or she would gain in this life they would always live in fear of what will happen to them in the end. They would wonder what would become of them and how they would end up.

    Wealth and its accumulation as a purpose would be doomed to a temporary success at best and in the end it would only spell out self destruction.

    So, what is the use of wealth to a person without belief? He would always fear his end and would always be skeptical of everything. He may gain a great material wealth but he would only lose himself in the end.

    Worship of the One True Almighty God of the Universe [Allah in Arabic] as a primary goal or aim in life provides a believer with everything he needs to succeed in both this life and the Next Life.

    The word for total surrender, submission, obedience, purity of heart and peace in the Arabic language is "Islam". Those who try to perform these actions are called "MU-slims" [Islam-ERs].

    To a Muslim the whole purpose of life is "ibadah" or worship to the One True Almighty God on Terms and under His Conditions.

    The term "worship" to a Muslim includes any and all acts of obedience to Almighty Allah.

    So his purpose of life is a standing purpose; Worshipping Allah by accepting Allah's Will over his own.
    This act of ibadah [worshipping, thanking and extolling the Greatness Almighty Allah on His Terms and Conditions] is for the Muslim, throughout his whole life regardless of the stage. Whether he is a child, adolescent, adult or aged person, he is seeking after the Will of the Almighty in all these stages.
    His life here on earth although short, is full of purpose and is totally meaningful within the complete framework of total submission [Islam].

    Similarly, in the Next Life as well, his faith, intentions, attitudes and good deeds will all be weighed into his account as favorable putting him in high esteem with his Creator and Sustainer.

    Because Islam teaches that this life is only a test or trial for the individual to show him his true nature it is only natural that he would accept death as not so much an ending to everything but more as a beginning of the final and lasting life in the Hereafter.

    Before entering into either of the final lodging places i.e.; Heaven or Hell, there must needs be a Day of Judgment or showing of one's true self to make them aware of their own nature and thereby understand what they have sent on ahead during the life here on the earth.

    Every person will be rewarded [or punished] according to their attitude, appreciation and efforts during this stay on earth. None will be asked about the actions and beliefs of others, nor will anyone be asked regarding that which he was unaware of or incapable of doing.

    As the life here is considered as an examination for the individual, the death stage is considered as a resting period after the test. It could be easy for those who were faithful and dedicated or it could be grueling and horrible for the wicked.

    Reward and punishment will be in direct proportion to each person and it is only Allah, alone who will be the Final Judge over us all.

    So in the teachings of the True Surrender, Submission, Obedience, In Sincerity and Peace to the Almighty One God [Islam], the line of life and its purpose is logical, clear and simple:

    The first life is a test

    The life in the grave is a resting or waiting place before the Day of Judgment

    The Day of Judgment brings about the clear understanding of what will now happen to the individual based on his own desires and actions

    The Permanent or Afterlife will either be spend in luxurious splendor or miserable punishment .

    Following this clear understanding of life, the Muslim's purpose is clear.

    First of all, he has no doubt in his mind that:
    he is only created by Allah
    he is going to spend a period of time in this material world [called "Ad Dunyah" in Arabic]
    he knows he will die
    he knows he will spend time in the grave, either pleasant or difficult depending on his own choice of attitude and actions
    he knows he will be resurrected for the Day of Judgment
    he knows he will be judged according to the most fair of standards by Allah the Almighty, the All

    Knowing he realizes his attitude and actions are going to come under very close scrutiny
    he knows that this short life compared to the Eternal Life was in fact, only for a test

    This life is very meaningful and purposeful to the Believing Muslim, as he realizes that it will determine is outcome and permanent position in the Next Life.

    The Muslim's permanent purpose is to Surrender, Submit, Obey, in Purity and Peace to Allah the Almighty, carrying out His Orders and staying in some form of worship to Him as much as possible everyday.

    This includes the orders of Allah in His Book, the Holy Quran and His final Messenger and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him as follows:

    Believing and declaring that "There is no god throughout all the Creation of Allah that is worthy of worship, all worship is due only to Allah, alone and He has no partners or helpers nor does He share His Lordship with any of His creations. And Muhammad, the son of Abdullah ibn Abdul Mutallib (1450 years ago) is the last and final messenger and servant of Almighty Allah, and is the culmination in a long line of prophets sent to mankind throughout man's history, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus Christ, may Almighty Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon them all."

    Establishing the regular five times ritualistic prayer [salat] in the stated times (in the mosques for the men when possible)

    Paying the charity tax [Zakat = about 2.5% of one's holdings - not his income, annually]

    Fasting the month of Ramadhan [lunar calendar]

    Pilgrimage to the House of Allah in Mecca at least once in the life of the person, provided he has the ability and the way is safe

    For a disbeliever the purpose of this life is to collect and amass great wealth, money, power and position. Over indulging in eating, drinking, drugs, sex and gambling are a high priority to them. But all of this will not avail them anything good in the grave, on the Day of Judgment or in the Next Life. Eventually he will be faced with the question:
    Now what?
    What's Next?
    Where am I going?
    What will happen to me?

    He will come to know. For sure he will come to know. But then what will the knowledge avail him?

    Look how Islam solves the mystery of the puzzle of life. It provides the answers to the questions and concerns of the human beings on all levels and in every aspect. It is really quite simple.

    The purpose of life as understood by the Believing Muslim can be simply stated in only two (2) words:
    Obey God.

    Our only purpose and salvation lie in these two words.

    We must come to know our Creator, Sustainer and Ultimate Judge. We must learn to believe in Him, thank Him, praise Him, honor Him and worship Him, alone without any partners from His Creation. We must learn about His Messengers and Prophets, peace be upon them, and the message with which they were all sent. We must learn the Word of God as was directly revealed, preserved and memorized and passed down by memory throughout all the generations of Muslims to the present day.

    Those who are in search of truth, having open minds and hearts will recognize this as a message in truth and sincerity. Open your heart and your mind now and ask the Almighty God of the Universe [Allah] to guide you now to His True Way. And then be ready to accept your true purpose in life.
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    The meaning of life is to give life meaning.

    That is as lame as saying, "A microprocessor is a processor that is small!"

    Stupidest explanation my robotics lecturer can give.
    The Purpose Behind our Existence


    If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal and if they can't stop you, you become something else entirely;
    A Legend

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    AbuAbdallah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence


    These are the goals of and purpose of mankind.
    2. "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." [Adh-Dhariyat 51:56]
    I think this pretty much destroys your whole argument.
    The Purpose Behind our Existence

    قُلْ هَـذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللّهِ عَلَى بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَاْ وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي وَسُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَمَا أَنَاْ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ

    Say: This is my way: I call to Allah, I and those who follow me being certain, and glory be to Allah, and I am not one of the polytheists.(12:108)
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    The meaning of life IS to give life meaning. The purpose of life is the process of unravelling why you find it purposeful. Life is about the journey, not the destination.

    A different point of view that yours perhaps, but "lame"? Well perhaps now that you've said that, I should follow your lead and tell you how lame I find your worldview? No, perhaps that wouldn't be cool.
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    The meaning of life IS to give life meaning. The purpose of life is the process of unravelling why you find it purposeful. Life is about the journey, not the destination.
    Which is why Muslims & the adherents of other religions do not share atheistic view of life. All religions have belief in the somekind of afterlife, while atheists do not. Atheists believe after death there is nothing left, only blackness and one ceases to exist, which explains the need to "live life fully" and "enjoy to the maximum" because after death, they'd have nothing. For such blatant disregard for restrain, you'd get so many problems in life; STDs, broken heart, alcoholism, shaving one's head bald and the smashing other people's cars with an umbrella.

    Muslims on the other hand, believe in the afterlife in which the consequences of this life will be felt afterwards. Do good, you get rewarded with Paradise. Do evil, you get punished with Hell. In short, do good deeds and don't do bad deeds (kicking cats is bad karma). Which is why the destination is more important to us Muslims, while the journey is the means to get good destination. It tells us that we are accountable for our own actions, so what better motivations for us to do good and avoid evil?

    Muslims who do evil things, harm other people or commit suicide have not yet understood fully their religion, which prescribes to them the exact purpose of this life; worship only Allah, follow His commands, do good deeds and avoid evil-doing.
    The Purpose Behind our Existence


    If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal and if they can't stop you, you become something else entirely;
    A Legend

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    alidagreat's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    Dear Brothers,

    Worshiping Allah is NOT the sole purpose of mankind. It is the MOST IMPORTANT but it is not the sole purpose. If this was the case and worshiping him was the sole purpose of mankind, then every Muslim would be poor, not educate themselves, sit in a Mosque all day, and try to come up with ways to kill people who are not Muslims.

    Oh wait...that is happening in the present day and age.

    Whoever responded to my post telling me that the one verse he posted broke my argument, please read the hadith, the biographies of all the other prophets, and the entire Qu'ran again. Educate yourself, and worship your God.

    Learn your religion, and TEACH it to people. Man must gain knowledge and spread it to other humans. This is why Allah gave us our mind. From the beginning of time. He asked Adam to TEACH the angels, from what he LEARNED from Allah.

    Don't be naive and try to simplify the complexity of Allah's creation. You are not only disrespecting Allah's greatest creation, but also all the power and greatness of the Holy Qu'ran and Prophet Muhammed (SAW). Why do you think Islam came so strongly to the Arab Nation, and how people knew it was the word of God when a 40 year old illiterate recited the most Glorious words man has ever seen.


    Seriously...think before you speak. Be a better Muslim and use the brain that Allah has given you.
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    AbuAbdallah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence


    Worshiping Allah is NOT the sole purpose of mankind.
    "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship me."
    How do you define except in this verse?

    If this was the case and worshiping him was the sole purpose of mankind, then every Muslim would be poor, not educate themselves, sit in a Mosque all day, and try to come up with ways to kill people who are not Muslims.
    This statement is incorrect. When someone is working to provide for their family, that in fact is an act of worship. When a person seeks knowledge, that in fact is an act of worship. If a person corrects their intention, then they can make every single act they do an act of worship. For example, if before you sleep you have the intention of getting rest so that you may be able to do certain acts of worship, then that sleep will be considered an act of worship.
    Learn your religion, and TEACH it to people. Man must gain knowledge and spread it to other humans.
    I agree. Learning, and teaching knowledge both fall under acts of worship.

    This is why Allah gave us our mind. From the beginning of time. He asked Adam to TEACH the angels, from what he LEARNED from Allah.
    This is true, but it doesn't prove that it was the purpose of our creation.

    Seriously...think before you speak. Be a better Muslim and use the brain that Allah has given you.
    Jazak Allahu khair for the advice.
    The Purpose Behind our Existence

    قُلْ هَـذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللّهِ عَلَى بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَاْ وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي وَسُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَمَا أَنَاْ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ

    Say: This is my way: I call to Allah, I and those who follow me being certain, and glory be to Allah, and I am not one of the polytheists.(12:108)
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    Outside of a creationist perspective, there is no requirement for our existence to have a 'purpose' at all. It just 'is'. I'm not sure why that isn't sufficient; people would be a lot happier if they just recognised that fact and accept things as-is rather than forever chasing some ultimate 'purpose' in the same way kids think they could chase the end of a rainbow.
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    Someday they'll find it. The rainbow connection. The lovers. The dreamers. And me. All of us under its spell. They say that its probably magic.
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    Someday they'll find it. The rainbow connection. The lovers. The dreamers. And me. All of us under its spell. They say that its probably magic.
    The point, though, is that when you find it you realize it was there all along. Sometimes the best way to find something is not to look for it.
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    What Pygoscelis said is Lame?
    I thought it was an excellent piece of wisdom.
    What seams lame to me is to cripple life with endless worthless rituals and life altering restrictions.
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    This is true, but it doesn't prove that it was the purpose of our creation

    What differentiates mankind from jinn and angels? The mind and the ability to learn and think.

    How does this not prove that the purpose of our creation was to gain knowledge? It seems like a very blatant concept.

    I agree with working, and studying, and self betterment being acts of worship. But those aren't the exact same acts of worship as sitting in a mosque and praying all day.

    We are Allah's greatest creation because of our minds. Why do we hide from this, and only try to say our purpose is to worship Allah? As mankind we are better than angels, and the jinn. Allah has told us so. Why do we degrade the power of acquiring knowledge and the mind, to the simple fact that we were created to worship.

    Your argument is a very weak argument. You take the Qu'ran out of context and forget to include the ayats which talk about learning, and acquiring knowledge.

    What about the Golden age of Islam, when tremendous discoveries were made in the fields of astronomy, science, and mathematics. Do we simply classify man as a worshiper only. Or should we classify man as the greatest of all creations from the ONE and ONLY CREATOR. You are insulting our creation as humans by characterizing the one and only goal of worship, such as jinn and angels.

    The most important thing that you should remember is that without knowledge we would not be able to worship Allah. Why would Allah send down the Torah, Injil, and the Qu'ran if we didn't have the knowledge and ability to read and understand? The mind allows us to choose the path to Allah. We cannot worship without knowledge of what we are worshiping. That is why God sent his guidance and knowledge upon us! Our purpose is to worship Allah, but tell me...how do we get there without acquiring knowledge and information about what Allah wants us to do?

    I await your well thought out response.
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    [QUOTE=alidagreat;681092]Dear Brothers,

    Worshiping Allah is NOT the sole purpose of mankind. It is the MOST IMPORTANT but it is not the sole purpose. If this was the case and worshiping him was the sole purpose of mankind, then every Muslim would be poor, not educate themselves, sit in a Mosque all day, and try to come up with ways to kill people who are not Muslims.

    Oh wait...that is happening in the present day and age.

    According to you if worshipping Allah is not our sole purpose then what is?
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    AbuAbdallah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    What differentiates mankind from jinn and angels? The mind and the ability to learn and think.
    This statement is incorrect. Jinns have these abilities as well.
    I agree with working, and studying, and self betterment being acts of worship. But those aren't the exact same acts of worship as sitting in a mosque and praying all day.
    No one said it was.

    We are Allah's greatest creation because of our minds. Why do we hide from this, and only try to say our purpose is to worship Allah?
    Because this is what Allah teaches us.

    As mankind we are better than angels, and the jinn. Allah has told us so.
    Show me any verse or hadeeth where it says we are better than Angels.

    Why do we degrade the power of acquiring knowledge and the mind, to the simple fact that we were created to worship.
    If acquiring knowledge is an act of worship, then how is it being degraded to an act of worship?

    You take the Qu'ran out of context and forget to include the ayats which talk about learning, and acquiring knowledge.
    Worshiping Allah and acquiring knowledge are the same thing if done with the right intentions. This is the point I have been trying to make, if you can agree with me on this, then there is nothing to disagree about.
    I really hope you can understand my point that I am trying to make here.
    The Purpose Behind our Existence

    قُلْ هَـذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللّهِ عَلَى بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَاْ وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي وَسُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَمَا أَنَاْ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ

    Say: This is my way: I call to Allah, I and those who follow me being certain, and glory be to Allah, and I am not one of the polytheists.(12:108)
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  22. #18
    alidagreat's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    format_quote Originally Posted by AbuAbdallah View Post
    This statement is incorrect. Jinns have these abilities as well.

    Jinn have the ability to think, but they cannot think as critically as humans. They have minds equivalent to small children. Very different than the mind Allah has bestowed upon mankind.

    The first thing revealed in the Qu'ran in the Surat Al Baqarah about Adam was that he LEARNED what Allah told him, and TAUGHT it to the angels. He did not bow, he did not worship, he did not pray. He did what Allah commanded him to do. If you think VERY VERY HARD about this...this shows us that the very first purpose and reason for the creation of Adam was not to worship Allah at that time, it was to LEARN from Allah, and TEACH the angels what he learned. It can't be written out any clearer than this.

    Angels are slaves. They don't think, they don't disagree, they do not choose. They do not have the power of free will, and therefore they are not as great of a creation as mankind. Allah shows the angels their ignorance when he allowed Adam to TEACH them things they did not know. The angels are slaves of Allah. We were created in a similar form of Allah, and he has given us the power to disobey him, and to obey him. How much better of a creation can we be???

    If acquiring knowledge is an act of worship, then how is it being degraded to an act of worship?

    You cannot compare nuclear physics to praying the Isha. The prayer is most important, but nuclear physics and engineering is one of mans greatest accomplishments. Anyone can pray, not everyone can be a genius. By comparing them, you are taking away people's life work and comparing it to a 5 year old trying pray.

    Worshiping Allah and acquiring knowledge are the same thing if done with the right intentions. This is the point I have been trying to make, if you can agree with me on this, then there is nothing to disagree about.
    I really hope you can understand my point that I am trying to make here.
    I agree they are the same thing...I don't agree that Worship is the one and only reason why we were created. If we look more critically what comes before worship....CHOICE.

    Think about the concept more critically. Ultimately we have to worship Allah, but how do we get there...acquiring knowledge and learning. How do we acquire knowledge and learn? We CHOOSE to acquire knowledge and learn.

    Let me know if we can agree on this.
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    I agree with earlier posters that asking about “the purpose of life” is (in my words) a poorly phrased question: as far as is known, only life has a purpose (namely, to continue living). In contrast and as far as is known, rocks, for example, don’t have any “purpose” (save what some human might choose to ascribe to them). Consequently, as I describe in some detail in my online book at http://zenofzero.net in a chapter entitled “the Purpose of Life”, asking about “the purpose of life” is asking about “the purpose of the purpose”.

    I also agree with the suggestion that any omnipotent and omniscient god couldn’t have a purpose (including any purpose for people), since any claim to the contrary would be not only inconsistent with the meanings of ‘omnipotence’ and ‘omniscience’ but also extremely insulting (to suggest that such a god would still have some unfulfilled desires, e.g., to have humans “worship” him or her or it). Further, the analogy to a father wanting what’s best for his children is inappropriate, since again and unlike fathers, an omnipotent and omniscience god can’t have any “wants”. We humans, in contrast, have many unfulfilled desires.

    One of our many unfulfilled desires is “to know”, and I agree with “alidagreat” that the first step toward “knowledge and learning” is “choice”: “We CHOOSE to acquire knowledge and learn.” Where I might be able to usefully add something to the discussion is to point out that the next choice, after choosing “to acquire knowledge and learn”, is the choice about HOW to gain knowledge.

    Certainly, each of us has substantial “intuitive” and “instinctive” knowledge (e.g., to eat when we’re hungry, to get warm when we’re cold, to keep our vital organs going, etc.), but in addition, with minds more advanced than other animals, we are faced with the choice about how to gain knowledge about the reality that most of us assume exists external to our minds.

    Many options are available to try to gain such knowledge about reality. Among these options are: “to listen to your heart” (i.e., be governed by your emotions, which is one form of the “proof-by-pleasure fallacy”), “to abide by (some) authority” (whatever that “authority” might be, including parents, teachers, various books, various “experts”, and so on), or “to let experience be your guide” – which is the essence of the scientific method, whose history can of course be traced back to the earliest humans, through the Ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks and others, but reached a pivotal point in the history of the world when the Muslim scientist Alhacen (Ibn al-Hitham, 965 – 1040) published his Book on Optics, summarizing his experiments performed while he was in prison for more than a decade.

    Among the many choices for gaining knowledge, only one seems to be “self reinforcing”. Thus, if you choose to “listen to your heart”, you can become quite disappointed in the consequences; if you choose to “abide by some authority”, again you can become very disappointed with acting on the advice you received; but if you “let experience be your guide”, then experience shows (!) that generally you gain additional knowledge.

    I therefore question if “alidagreat” can usefully communicate with “AbuAbdallah”, since they’ve apparently made different choices about how to gain knowledge. Thus, for example, by commenting on the “abilities” of “Jinns” and on “what Allah teaches us”, “AbuAbdallah” has chosen to gain “knowledge” based on some authority (other than experience). People can similarly argue endlessly about “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin”, but if nobody can count them, if no one can perform experiments to gain the knowledge, then all such discussions are a waste of every one’s time – or worse, since experience has shown that arguments over such nonsense can lead to violence, even to war.

    It would then seem that it would help humanity (which most people seem to agree is a worthwhile goal for humans) if more people followed Alhacen’s lead to choose to seek knowledge via the scientific method. That is, surely an intelligent choice for “the purpose of humans” is to expand knowledge via the scientific method, thereby to try to help an intelligent species to become even more intelligent. In contrast, experience has shown that relying on any “authority” (other than experience) drags humanity backwards, typically to the advantage of only those “in authority”.

    And unfortunately, it seems to be the case that the clerics of the world (regardless of their religion) are the primary ones who claim such “authority” – and who profit from the people’s continued ignorance. It therefore seems that the clerics of the world are the prime enemies of knowledge, of intelligence, and therefore, of humanity. And although, surely someday, laws will be promulgated against promoting such ignorance (as all clerics espouse), surely a fist useful step would be to change our customs, to no longer grant any cleric respect for blabbering nonsense, i.e., ideas that can’t be tested via the scientific method.
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    alidagreat's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: The Purpose Behind our Existence

    So if the purpose of life is too continue life, then you are basically telling me that there is no hope, no future for anything better than what i can achieve in this world. Why would i throw away the belief in a higher power and in heaven and paradise...just to sustain life on earth.

    This argument makes no sense to me. Mankind will NEVER NEVER be able to quantify life. It is impossible. Scientists till this day do not know the special chemicals, biologies, or matter that differentiates a dead person from a living.

    My source of knowledge is the Qu'ran. That is where my knowledge is derived from. I use that knowledge to live my life as best as i can while i am on earth. In the Qu'ran is plenty of scientific truths that man has ONLY found true by using science. Where else do i need to derive my knowledge base from?

    In contrast, experience has shown that relying on any “authority” (other than experience) drags humanity backwards, typically to the advantage of only those “in authority”.

    How does this quote explain the Golden age of Islam, where people where very religious and worshiped a higher authority, and still continued to advance greatly in the fields of medicine, science, math, and astronomy. Your argument is completely void regarding this subject.

    Religion is the ultimate insurance for your life. When i die, i have chosen the insurance plan which makes the most sense for me. When you die my agnostic friend, it seems that you have no insurance to carry with you, IN THE EVENT that there are angels and jinn, and a higher authority which we were all derived from.

    If i were to gain knowledge and use it, don't you think the most important thing i would want to know and learn about would be what happens after i die, since it is an inevitability and everyone must?

    All the same things...cannot have one without the other.
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