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Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

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    Abdu-l-Majeed's Avatar Full Member
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    Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

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    Atheism (part 1 of 2): Denying the Undeniable

    “Life’s greatest tragedy is to lose God and not to miss him.”

    --F.W. Norwood

    Atheism 28part 1 of 229  Denying the Und 1 - Atheism: Denying the Undeniable
    Atheists might assert that they don’t acknowledge the existence of God, but the view of some Christians and all Muslims is that at some level even the confirmed Atheist affirms God’s presence. The innate but neglected awareness of God typically surfaces in Atheist consciousness only in times of severe stress, as exemplified by the World War II quote “There are no Atheists in a fox-hole.”[1]

    Undeniably there are times -- whether during the agonizing days of a lingering illness, the seemingly eternal moments of a violent and humiliating mugging, or the split second of anticipating the impact of an imminent car crash -- when all mankind recognize the reality of human fragility and the lack of human control over destiny. Who does a person beseech for help in such circumstances other than The Creator? Such moments of desperation should remind every person, from the religious scholar to the professed Atheist, of the dependence of mankind upon a reality far greater than our own meager human selves. A reality far greater in knowledge, power, will, majesty and glory.

    In such moments of distress, when all human efforts have failed and no element of material existence can be foreseen to provide comfort or rescue, Whom else will a person instinctively call upon? In such moments of trial, how many stress-induced appeals are made to God, complete with promises of lifelong fidelity? Yet, how few are kept?

    No doubt, the day of greatest affliction will be the Day of Judgement, and a person would be unfortunate to be in the position of acknowledging the existence of God for the first time on that day. The English poet, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, spoke of the irony of the distressed human appeal in The Cry of the Human:

    “And lips say “God be pitiful,”

    Who ne’er said, “God be praised.”

    The thoughtful Atheist, full of skepticism but fearful of the possibility of the existence of God and a Day of Judgement, may wish to consider the ‘prayer of the skeptic,’ as follows:

    “O Lord--if there is a Lord,

    Save my soul--if I have a soul.”[2]

    In the face of skepticism blocking belief, how can a person go wrong with the above prayer? Should Atheists remain upon disbelief, they will be no worse off than before; should belief follow a sincere appeal, Thomas Jefferson had the following to say:

    “If you find reason to believe there is a God, a consciousness that you are acting under His eye, and that He approves you, will be a vast additional incitement; if that there be a future state, the hope of a happy existence in that increases the appetite to deserve it…”[3]

    The suggestion can be made that if an individual doesn’t see the evidence of God in the magnificence of His creation, they would be well advised to take another look. As Francis Bacon is noted to have commented, “I had rather believe all the fables in the legend, and the Talmud, and the alcoran (i.e. the Quran), than that this universal frame is without a mind.”[4] He went on to comment, “God never wrought miracle to convince atheism, because his ordinary works convince it.”[5] Worthy of contemplation is the fact that even the lowest elements of God’s creation, though perhaps ordinary works in His terms, are miracles in ours. Take the example of as tiny an animal as a spider. Does anybody really believe that such an extraordinarily intricate creature evolved from primordial soup? Just one of these little miracles can produce up to seven different kinds of silk, some as thin as the wavelength of visible light, but stronger than steel. Silks range from the elastic, sticky strands for entrapment to the non-adhesive drag-lines and frame threads, to the silk for wrapping prey, making the egg sac, etc. The spider can, on demand, not only manufacture its personal choice of the seven silks, but reabsorb, breakdown and remanufacture--self-recycling from the component elements. And this is only one small facet of the miracle of the spider.

    And yet, mankind elevates itself to the heights of arrogance. A moment’s reflection should incline human hearts to humility. Look at a building and a person thinks of the architect, at a sculpture and a person instantly comprehends an artist. But examine the elegant intricacies of creation, from the complexity and balance of nuclear particle physics to the uncharted vastness of space, and a person conceives of…nothing? Surrounded by a world of synchronous complexities, we as mankind cannot even assemble the wing of a gnat. And yet the entire World and all the Universe exists in a state of perfect orchestration as a product of random accidents which molded cosmic chaos into balanced perfection? Some vote chance, others, creation.


    [1] N.Y. Times. 13 Apr 1944. Cummings: Sermon on Bataan, The Philippines.

    [2] Renan, Joseph E. Prayer of a Skeptic.

    [3] Parke, David B. p. 67.

    [4] Bacon, Francis. Atheism. p. 16.

    [5] Bacon, Francis. Atheism. p. 16.

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    Atheism: A Question of Understanding

    Atheism (part 2 of 2): A Question of Understanding

    Most Atheist arguments challenge the compatibility of an all-loving God with the perceived injustices of life. The religious identify such challenges as reflecting an arrogance of intellect -- being the assumption that we as mankind, an element of creation ourselves, know better than God how His creation should be ordered -- coupled with the failure to appreciate a larger design.

    The fact that many of mankind fail to make sense of certain aspects of this life should not dissuade from belief in God. The duty of man is not to question or deny the attributes or presence of God, and not to incline to arrogance through professing to be able to do a better job, but rather to accept human station in this life and do the best that can be done with what we’ve been given. By analogy, the fact that a person does not like the way the boss does things at work, and fails to understand the decisions he makes, does not negate his existence. Rather, each person’s duty is to fulfill a job description in order to be paid and promoted. Similarly, failure to grasp or approve of the way God orders creation does not negate His existence. Rather, humankind should recognize with humility that, unlike the workplace boss, who may be wrong, God by definition is of absolute perfection, always right and never wrong. Humankind should bow down to Him in willing submission and in recognition that failure to understand His design on our part does not reflect error on His part. Rather, He is The Lord and Master of Creation and we are not, He knows all and we do not, He orders all affairs according to His perfect attributes, and we simply remain His subjects, along for the ride of our lives.

    The confused and sensitive souls who encounter difficulty reconciling God’s existence with a harsh and often painful life deserve sympathy and explanation. If a person accepts the fact that God knows what He is doing and we don’t, he or she should rest comfortable with the understanding that deep down things may not be what they at first seem. Perhaps the wretched amongst humankind deserve their lot in life for reasons unforeseen, and perhaps they suffer only a short worldly existence to receive an eternal reward in the next life. Lest a person forget, God granted the favorites of His creation (i.e. the prophets) the greatest worldly gift of certainty, guidance and revelation; however, they suffered greatly in worldly terms. In fact, the trials and tribulations of most people pale in comparison to those of the prophets. So although many people do suffer terribly, the message of hope is that the archetypes of God’s favorites, namely the prophets, were deprived of the pleasures of this world in exchange for the rewards of the hereafter. A person might well expect a comparable reward for those who endure the trials and hardships of this life, while remaining steadfast upon true belief.

    Similarly, a person cannot be faulted for expecting the disbelieving tyrants and oppressors to have all the enjoyments of this world, but none of the hereafter. Some of the known inmates of Hell spring to mind. Pharaoh, for example, lived a life of posh magnificence to the point that he proclaimed himself to be the supreme god. Most likely opinions changed when he broke wind. In any case, a person can reasonably expect him to be somewhat dissatisfied with his toasty abode of the moment, and the memories of his plush carpets, fine foods and scented handmaidens to have lost their charm of consolation given the heat of the moment.

    Most people have had the experience of ending a great day in a bad mood due to some sour event at the conclusion of events. Nobody values a fine meal that ends in divorce, a romantic interlude rewarded with AIDS, or a night of revelry capped off by a brutal mugging or crippling car crash. How good could it have been? Similarly, there is no joy in this life, no matter how great the ecstasy or how long the duration, which is not instantly erased from memory by a 100% full body burn. One side of one hand represents 1% of the total body surface area of a human being, making a kitchen burn of a fraction of a fingertip count for less than a thousandth of the total body surface area. Nonetheless, who doesn’t forget absolutely every little, every big, everything during that moment of painful thermal affliction? The agony of a whole-body burn, especially if there is no relief -- no jumping back, no pulling away -- is beyond the capacity of human imagination. The few who have survived such burns agree. Not only does the torture of a total burn exceed the boundaries of human imagination, but the agony of the experience surpasses the limits of language. The horror can neither be adequately conveyed by the unfortunate of experience, nor fully understood by those blessed to have escaped initiation. Certainly one looooooong, eternal, full-body bath in fire can be expected to erase any pleasant memories of the past, consistent with the conclusion that

    “…the life of this world is but little comfort in the Hereafter.” (Quran 13:26)

    With regard to the subject of the present appendix[1], two elements of guiding consciousness deserve consideration, the first being that deep down all people have an innate knowledge of the presence of the Creator. Humankind may intellectualize this awareness away in search of the conveniences and pleasures of this world, but deep down, all mankind know the truth. What is more, God knows that we know, and He alone can calculate the level of individual rebellion and/or submission to Him.

    The second element of dawning spiritual awareness is simply to understand that there is seldom a free lunch. Rarely does anybody get something for nothing. Should a man work for a boss whom he does not understand or with whom he does not agree, in the end he still has to do his job in order to get paid. Nobody goes to work (for long, anyway) and does nothing more than saying, “I’m at work,” expecting a paycheck to follow based on nothing more than unproductive attendance. Similarly, humankind must satisfy a duty of servitude and worship to God if hoping to receive His reward. After all, that is not only the purpose of life, it is our job description. For that matter, Muslims claim that such is the job description for both men and Jinn (plural for ‘spirits;’ singular ‘Jinn’ee,’ from which the Western word ‘genie’ is derived), for God conveys in the Holy Quran:

    “And I have not created Jinns and men, except that they should serve (worship) Me.” (Quran 51:56)

    Many people question the purpose of life, but the position of the faithful of many religions is exactly that stated above – mankind exists for no other reason than to serve and worship God. The proposal is that each and every element of creation exists to either support or test mankind in the fulfillment of that duty. Unlike worldly employment, a person can duck his or her responsibilities to God and be granted a grace period. However, at the end of this probationary period called life, accounts become due and payable, and such is certainly not the best time to find one’s account ‘in the red.’

    Francis Bacon provided a wonderful closure to the topic of this appendix, stating, “They that deny a God destroy man’s nobility; for certainly man is of kin to the beasts by his body; and, if he be not of kin to God by his spirit, he is a base and ignoble creature.”[2] Should a person believe that after a few million years something worthy of the barbecue will emerge from the froth of Stanley Miller and Harold Urey’s primordial bouillabaisse, humankind still has to account for that which we all feel within us—the soul or spirit. Each and every element of mankind has one, and here is the metaphysical keystone which separates man from animal.

    Again, those who doubt that which cannot be directly experienced may find excuse for denial of the soul, but they will most likely find themselves to have scant company. Furthermore, the discussion then moves into one of the nature of truth, knowledge, and proof, which logically springboards into the next section, on agnosticism.


    [1] This article is originally an appendix to the book “The First and Final Commandment” by the same author.

    [2] Bacon, Francis. Atheism. p. 16.

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abdu-l-Majeed
    Atheists might assert that they don’t acknowledge the existence of God, but the view of some Christians and all Muslims is that at some level even the confirmed Atheist affirms God’s presence. The innate but neglected awareness of God typically surfaces in Atheist consciousness only in times of severe stress, as exemplified by the World War II quote “There are no Atheists in a fox-hole.”[1]
    How would the author of this article know this precisely?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    Undeniably there are times -- whether during the agonizing days of a lingering illness, the seemingly eternal moments of a violent and humiliating mugging, or the split second of anticipating the impact of an imminent car crash -- when all mankind recognize the reality of human fragility and the lack of human control over destiny.
    This much is true. So?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    Who does a person beseech for help in such circumstances other than The Creator? Such moments of desperation should remind every person, from the religious scholar to the professed Atheist, of the dependence of mankind upon a reality far greater than our own meager human selves. A reality far greater in knowledge, power, will, majesty and glory.
    Again, how would the author know this? Assuming such to be the case, merely appealing for a power such as God does not affirm God's existence.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    In such moments of distress, when all human efforts have failed and no element of material existence can be foreseen to provide comfort or rescue, Whom else will a person instinctively call upon? In such moments of trial, how many stress-induced appeals are made to God, complete with promises of lifelong fidelity? Yet, how few are kept?
    The author is repeating himself.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    Does anybody really believe that such an extraordinarily intricate creature evolved from primordial soup? Just one of these little miracles can produce up to seven different kinds of silk, some as thin as the wavelength of visible light, but stronger than steel. Silks range from the elastic, sticky strands for entrapment to the non-adhesive drag-lines and frame threads, to the silk for wrapping prey, making the egg sac, etc. The spider can, on demand, not only manufacture its personal choice of the seven silks, but reabsorb, breakdown and remanufacture--self-recycling from the component elements. And this is only one small facet of the miracle of the spider.

    This article is very dull. I am surprised at the amount of rhetoric. I have seen many more fly right into the teleological argument.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    And yet, mankind elevates itself to the heights of arrogance. A moment’s reflection should incline human hearts to humility. Look at a building and a person thinks of the architect, at a sculpture and a person instantly comprehends an artist.
    Disbelieving in God does not by definition assume arrogance.

    And we know that a building has a creator because we know the origins of the building. It is meaningless to refer to the universe because we do not know its origins.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    But examine the elegant intricacies of creation, from the complexity and balance of nuclear particle physics to the uncharted vastness of space, and a person conceives of…nothing?
    Unstated premise: The universe is not an end in itself. The argument assumes its own conclusion as fact in its premise. This is begging the question.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    Surrounded by a world of synchronous complexities, we as mankind cannot even assemble the wing of a gnat. And yet the entire World and all the Universe exists in a state of perfect orchestration as a product of random accidents which molded cosmic chaos into balanced perfection? Some vote chance, others, creation.
    Natural law is not random.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    Most Atheist arguments challenge the compatibility of an all-loving God with the perceived injustices of life. The religious identify such challenges as reflecting an arrogance of intellect -- being the assumption that we as mankind, an element of creation ourselves, know better than God how His creation should be ordered -- coupled with the failure to appreciate a larger design.
    So the moral asserted in the authors response is simply "Don't question". I hope he (or she, I suppose) knows that this is a thoroughly unconvincing response and does not actually reconcile the perceived contradiction by some Atheists between an unjust world and an all-loving God.

    If you were to ask me why I just hit someone and I reply "You do not know better than me. Do not question me" - I have not answered the question, I have ignored it (and in the process elevated myself to an arrogant prat).

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    The fact that many of mankind fail to make sense of certain aspects of this life should not dissuade from belief in God. The duty of man is not to question or deny the attributes or presence of God, and not to incline to arrogance through professing to be able to do a better job, but rather to accept human station in this life and do the best that can be done with what we’ve been given.
    So the moral is roughly the same as above. Do not question the existence of God. In fact, it is even stated that man should not question or deny the attributes or presence of God.

    How disappointing.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    By analogy, the fact that a person does not like the way the boss does things at work, and fails to understand the decisions he makes, does not negate his existence.
    No. The Problem of Evil (apparent contradiction between an all-loving God and the injustice in human existence) does not negate the concept of a God. It does however negate whether a benevolent God exists or whether a supposed benevolent God is actually benevolent.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    Rather, each person’s duty is to fulfill a job description in order to be paid and promoted. Similarly, failure to grasp or approve of the way God orders creation does not negate His existence. Rather, humankind should recognize with humility that, unlike the workplace boss, who may be wrong, God by definition is of absolute perfection, always right and never wrong.
    Not if God does not exist. If God does not exist, then God is nothing.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu-l-Majeed
    Humankind should bow down to Him in willing submission and in recognition that failure to understand His design on our part does not reflect error on His part. Rather, He is The Lord and Master of Creation and we are not, He knows all and we do not, He orders all affairs according to His perfect attributes, and we simply remain His subjects, along for the ride of our lives.
    And 'willing submission' requires arguments that stand up to more impressive scrutiny. Simply asking people not to question anything is not a good argument.

    The rest of the article bored me and is of no relevance at all.

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    Well put Skav. Good to see yaa around again

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isambard View Post
    Well put Skav. Good to see yaa around again
    I disappeared during Ramadan here. All the discussions that I would come here for died because the Comparative Religion and the World Affairs section were closed.

    Not to mention threads considered too argumentative were closed.

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    format_quote Originally Posted by Skavau View Post
    Again, how would the author know this? Assuming such to be the case, merely appealing for a power such as God does not affirm God's existence.
    Its a good point. The "no atheists in foxholes" claim is not only a myth, but even if it were true it would only indicate that desperate people cling to the irrational. That is not news. Desperate people not only turn to Gods. They also turn to many other irrational measures.

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    format_quote Originally Posted by Skavau View Post
    I disappeared during Ramadan here. All the discussions that I would come here for died because the Comparative Religion and the World Affairs section were closed.

    Not to mention threads considered too argumentative were closed.
    No kidding, i pretty much only skimmed for the last month or so. Even one article i posted in the islamic section got deleted "the could have moved it here"

    But yes the no atheists in foxholes is a old pratt that needs to be buried in one.

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    And yet the entire World and all the Universe exists in a state of perfect orchestration as a product of random accidents which molded cosmic chaos into balanced perfection? Some vote chance, others, creation.
    Just to add to Skavau's point on that. Another assumption consistently made when talking of 'chance' is that the universe could have happened any other way, particularly in terms of universal constants and such. We have absolutely no idea whether that is the case or not.

    The whole article sums it up really.. it is only (debatably) "denying the undeniable" if you accept a whole set of worldview assumptions that atheists generally do not accept.

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    Again, those who doubt that which cannot be directly experienced may find excuse for denial of the soul, but they will most likely find themselves to have scant company. Furthermore, the discussion then moves into one of the nature of truth, knowledge, and proof, which logically springboards into the next section, on agnosticism.
    The hair on the back of my neck always stands up when I see the word "Proof".
    The only thing proved is they have no understanding to the word. :rolleyes:

    Or they just make up a defination that suites them.

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    Cool Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2 View Post
    No kidding, i pretty much only skimmed for the last month or so. Even one article i posted in the islamic section got deleted "the could have moved it here"

    But yes the no atheists in foxholes is a old pratt that needs to be buried in one.
    I have nothing to add except for the fact that I like XKCD too.

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable


    Just who is this article supposed to impress?

    Any atheist who has researched their position to even a mediocre level will have seen these arguments many times; most of them have, after all, been around for centuries. They weren't convincing then and they're not convincing now.

    In this article, we also have the amusing spectacle of people like Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Francis Bacon being wheeled out to support the author's position. Are we supposed to be awed by their names to the point where we believe whatever they say?

    I find it amazing that anyone could consider this to be a useful or intelligent document.


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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    The atheist in the foxhole is hedging his / her bets.

    I think it is a pretty devout atheist that will argue that the universe did not originate from a point.

    In times of dire stress they will try to communicate with that point. It's in all likelyhood uncommunicatable with, and they know that, but it's not going to hurt to try.

    There may not be any atheists in foxholes, but theres definatly no atheists who havnt got a secret agnostic lurking inside them
    Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    format_quote Originally Posted by barney View Post
    The atheist in the foxhole is hedging his / her bets.

    I think it is a pretty devout atheist that will argue that the universe did not originate from a point.

    In times of dire stress they will try to communicate with that point. It's in all likelyhood uncommunicatable with, and they know that, but it's not going to hurt to try.

    There may not be any atheists in foxholes, but theres definatly no atheists who havnt got a secret agnostic lurking inside them
    mmm no Im pretty convinced there is no benelovant God out there. I am atheist to the bone babykay:

    I think there should be a little pocket book that should be handed to all atheists and agnostics thruout the world containing a list of every PRATT in existance. I swear its always the exact same tired arguements Ive gotten kinda bored

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    hmm perhaps ill write it. Maybe it will be on the NY times best seller.

    I can see the fundies banning together to get it banned already.

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    This is all very entertaining, but we're starting to stray a bit, dudes.

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin View Post
    This is all very entertaining, but we're starting to stray a bit, dudes.
    Eh, the main stuff has been refuted thourly in my opinion

    Seeing as how noone isbacking up the author Im guessing this was a hit-n-run.

    So c'mon let us have a little fun

    PS. In regard to the pocket book Theist arguements agaisnt Atheism PRATTs, there already exists a number of books they delve into why it is usually faulty thinking that can go back a couple of thousand yrs...but folks still dont listen. I say srew trying to be methodical and just have a list so instead of doing the whole song and dance again, just refer to a number for ex.

    "No, you are wrong. Refer to # 6 in your Atheist PRATT book"

    Such a time saver
    Last edited by Isambard; 10-30-2007 at 05:00 PM.

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isambard View Post
    I swear its always the exact same tired arguements Ive gotten kinda bored
    who are you swearing by? I like atheists to be devout in their convictions.. you should find some other means to loan your 'arguments/disceptations' credence, than make such a declaration under oath!


    p.s: won't you thoroughly refute this as well?

    Probabilities of randomly assembling a primitive cell on Earth


    We evaluate the probability Pr that the RNA of the first cell was
    assembled randomly in the time available (1.11 billion years
    [b.y.]). To do this calculation, we first set a strict upper limit
    on the number of chemical reactions nr which could have occurred
    before the first cell appeared.
    In order to illustrate the consequences of the finite value of nr,
    we make some extremely minimalist assumptions about cells. We
    consider a cell composed of Np = 12 proteins, each containing Na =
    14 amino acids. We refer to the minimum (Np , Na) set as a (12-14)
    cell. Such a cell is smaller than some modern viruses.
    The ability to perform any of the basic tasks of the cell is not
    necessarily limited to a single protein. Many different proteins
    among all those which were available in the primeval soup may have
    been able to perform (say) waste disposal. In order to allow for
    this in estimating Pr, we include a factor Q to describe how many
    different proteins in the primeval soup could have performed each
    of the basic tasks of cell operation. The larger Q is, the easier
    it is to assemble a functional cell by random processes. However,
    there is a maximum value Qmax that is set by phase space arguments.
    The hypothesis that life originated by random processes requires
    that Pr be of order unity. We estimate how large Q must be (Qra :
    subscript “ra” denotes “random assembly”) in order to ensure Pr = 1
    in the time that is available (1.11 b.y.). We find that Qra must be
    so large as to exceed the maximum permissible value Qmax in the
    phase space of proteins comprised of a set of 14 distinct amino
    acids. Such a large value of Qra would have serious consequences
    for biology: if Qra were truly as large as Qmax in the primeval
    soup, then essentially all 14-acid proteins must have possessed
    the ability to perform each of the fundamental tasks in the cell.
    That is, there was no task specificity among the proteins: a
    protein which was able (say) to maintain the membrane in a cell
    would also have been able to control (say) the replication
    In such a situation, the very concept of a cell, as a wellorganized
    factory in which the task of each department is
    regulated, and each department must coordinate dependably with all
    others, would no longer be valid. A cell would quickly be reduced
    to an unpredictable entity which lacked robust properties.
    In the “real world”, where a cell must be able to preserve itself
    and replicate faithfully from generation to generation, it seems
    inevitable that the various proteins must be prevented (by nature)
    from performing multiple tasks. That is, there must be a certain
    amount of specificity to the task that any given protein can
    perform: of all available proteins, only a fraction F should be
    capable of performing the task of (say) membrane repair. In a cell
    where the number of proteins is Np, the restraints of specificity
    require that the value of F can certainly not exceed 1/Np. But F
    might be much smaller than this upper limit. This leads us to
    introduce a “protein specificity index” m such that the actual
    value of F in the primeval soup is usefully written as (1/Np)m. In
    the modern world, the value of m ranges from 1 to a maximum value
    between about 10 and 20.
    We find that, even assigning the minimum possible specificity (m =
    1), the probability Pr of assembling the RNA of a (12-14) cell by
    random processes in 1.11 billion years using triplet codons is no
    more than one in 1079. And if the protein tasks are even marginally
    specific (with m = 2-3, say), the chances of random assembly of
    RNA for the first cell decreases to less than one in 10100.
    In order to improve the chances of random assembly of the first
    cell, we consider a situation which might have existed in the
    young Earth. We suppose that proteins could be constructed using a
    smaller set (numbering Naa) of distinct amino acids: we consider
    the case of Naa = 5 (instead of the modern 20). If, in these
    conditions, the number of bases in DNA remained as large as 4,
    then doublet codons sufficed to encode protein production with the
    same amount of error protection as occurs in the modern (triplet)
    genetic code. In such conditions, the probability of randomly
    assembling the RNA for the first cell in 1.11 b.y. improves.
    However, it is still small: the optimal probability is no more
    than one in 1063.
    To improve the probability even further, it is tempting to
    consider the possibility of singlet codons. But we point out that
    these are not relevant in a realistic biology.
    In the context of doublet codons, we can improve the probability Pr
    of random assembly by considering a larger set of distinct amino
    acids. The number of distinct amino acids for which doublet-codons
    can encode ranges from 5 to 14 (allowing for start and stop
    codons). As Naa increases above 5, there is a marked improvement in
    Pr for a (12-14) cell: in fact, Pr may approach a value of order
    unity when Naa = 11 provided that the specificity index m is
    smaller than 1.3. (This is far below the average value of m, and
    represents very marginal specificity.) And Pr formally exceeds
    unity for Naa in the range from 12 to 14, provided that m does not
    exceed 2.5. This value of specificity is still well below the
    average value. It is not clear that a functioning cell could
    survive for long with such low protein specificities.
    Nevertheless, the fact that Pr formally reaches a value as large as
    unity suggests that we may have found a window of opportunity for
    random assembly of the first (12-14) cell.
    However, these cells face a potentially fatal problem: even with
    11 amino acids to be encoded by 16 codons in the RNA, there is
    little redundancy in the genetic code. And for Naa = 14, the
    redundancy vanishes altogether. As a result, there is a much
    reduced error protection in the code which translates the
    information in RNA to proteins. In the limit Naa = 14, there is no
    error protection at all: transcription from RNA to protein then
    has no immunity against noise. Moreover, in the limit Naa = 14
    (plus a start and stop), proteins would be equally able to encode
    for RNA, in violation of the Central Dogma of biology. Therefore,
    although the probability of randomly assembling the RNA for a (12-
    14) cell in such a world may approach unity in a mathematical
    sense, it is not clear how useful such a cell would be for
    We stress that our assumptions about a (12-14) cell are minimalist
    in the extreme. In the “real world”, it is not obvious that a
    protein containing only 14 peptides will be able to fold into a
    stable 3-dimensional shape at the temperatures where water is
    liquid. And in the “real world”, a cell probably requires as many
    as 250 proteins to function. In such case, even if Naa = 14, Pr
    approaches unity only if the specificity index m lies in the very
    restricted range between 1.0 and 1.17. We identify this as a
    narrow window of opportunity for random assembly of primitive
    cells. But even this narrow window closes altogether if our
    estimate of the number of chemical reactions is too large by
    several orders of magnitude (as it may well be).
    Our calculations refer only to the assembling of a cell in which
    the genetic code is already at work. We do not address the origin
    of the genetic code itself.
    We conclude that, even if we assume that the genetic code was
    already in existence (by some unspecified mechanism), conditions
    in the early Earth must have been “finely tuned” in order to
    “squeeze through” the narrow window of opportunity and assemble
    the first cell on Earth in a truly random manner.

    1. Introduction
    Evolution theory claims that all species of animals and plants
    that now exist on Earth came into existence as a result of random
    variations in pre-existing species. It is presumed that life on
    Earth began as a single cell. An essential aspect of evolution
    theory is that the first living cell originated in the early Earth
    also as a result of random processes.
    When Darwin proposed his theory of evolution, he did not know the
    chemical make-up of a cell. Therefore, when he appealed to random
    processes at work in nature, he could be excused for not knowing
    what exactly was entailed in such processes. But in our day and
    age, advances in microbiology and biochemistry have opened up to
    us the molecular details of the processes that occur in living
    cells. For example, we now know the make-up of proteins and DNA.
    In fact, we will need to describe these in some detail in order to
    proceed with our discussion of the probability of random
    formation. (We will return to these details below.)
    We are now in a position to spell out the chemical processes that
    must have occurred if the first cell was indeed put together by
    2. The challenge of creating the first cell
    The question we wish to examine here is the following. If the
    process of assembling the first cell occurred in a truly random
    manner in the early Earth, what conditions would be needed?
    To address this question, we need to answer two more basic
    questions: (a) how much time was available before the first cell
    appeared? And (b) how many chemical reactions of the correct type
    could have occurred in the time available? The aim here is to
    answer these questions as quantitatively as possible.
    The answer to question (b) will set a limit on the properties of
    the first cell that would have been created by random processes in
    the early Earth.
    We turn first to the question of how much time was available for
    the development of the first living cell.


    3. The earliest life forms on Earth
    The fossil record indicates that the first life forms to appear on
    Earth existed some 3.45 billion years ago. These are cyanobacteria
    (formerly called blue-green algae) which are found in rocks from
    Apex Chert, Australia. ). The first life forms on Earth were
    single-cell organisms. (See http://www.unimuenster.
    It is hardly surprising from an evolutionary standpoint that the
    earliest forms of life on Earth were single-cell organisms.
    Presumably it is easier for random processes to give rise to a
    single cell first, before bringing forth a multi-cell organism.
    4. How much time elapsed before the first cell appeared on Earth?

    The age of the Earth, based on radioactive dating of rocks, is
    estimated to be 4.56 billion years old. Comparing this with the
    cyanobacteria ages, we see that the first living cells appeared
    within a time interval of 1.11 billion years of the formation of
    the Earth.
    Therefore, the time tfc required for the development of the first
    cell on the Earth is certainly no longer than 1.11 billion years.
    Actually, the value of tfc might be much shorter than this.
    Astronomers who calculate the internal structure of the Sun find
    that the Sun has not always been as luminous as it is today: the
    young Sun is calculated to have had a luminosity that is some 20-
    30 percent fainter than it is today. Therefore, the mean
    temperature on the early Earth might have been considerably colder
    than it is today, so cold that the water on Earth’s surface was
    frozen. (This is the “faint young Sun problem”: Sagan and Mullen,
    1972, Science vol. 177, 52).
    It is likely that the development of life requires water to be in
    liquid form. The solar structure calculations suggest that the
    energy provided by the Sun to the Earth might not have become
    sufficient to melt the ice until the Sun was about 700 hundred
    million years old. This means that the first living cell appeared
    no more than about 400 million years after liquid water became
    Moreover, the early Earth would have been subject to a more or
    less heavy bombardment by the debris of the proto-planetary disk
    before the latter was finally cleared out. The impacts of
    planetesimals (such as that which destroyed the dinosaurs some 60
    Myr ago) would have interrupted the processes which were “trying
    to form” the first cell. Large impacts might have reduced the
    interval for assembling the first cell to even less than 400
    million years.
    However, in order to improve the chances of evolution, let us
    grant a full 1.11 billion years and ask the question: could the
    first cell have developed by random processes in 1.11 billion
    The number of seconds of time in 1.11 billion years is 3.5X1016. We
    will need this number in what follows.

    5. Some essential constituents of cells
    Now that we know how much time is available, we move on to the
    main question that we wish to address: how was the first living
    cell formed? Evolution theory asserts that it was formed by random
    processes. We wish to assess the probability of such processes.
    To assess realistically the chances of assembling the first cell
    by chance, we need to know certain fundamental properties of the
    components that go to make up a cell. Let us first summarize
    5.1. What do we need to know about proteins?

    There are three levels of structure within a protein which are
    relevant to us here.
    (a) Primary Structure

    A protein consists of a series of amino acids that are linked (by
    peptide bonds) into a chain in a specific order. The change of
    even a single amino acid in a chain of dozens or hundreds of amino
    acids may in certain cases disrupt the functioning of the protein.
    (b) Secondary structure
    In order that proteins may function, the primary structure (i.e. a
    chain of amino acids) is not sufficient. Certain segments of the
    amino acids in the chain group themselves together into sub-units
    known as alpha-helixes, beta-sheets, and beta-turns. For example,
    an alpha-helix consists of a chain of consecutive amino acids
    arranged in a twisted three-dimensional structure (including 3.6
    acids per turn of the helix) with well-defined angles between
    neighboring acids in the chain.
    These well-defined sub-units form the secondary structure of the
    protein: they are stable and rigid, like “lego” blocks which can
    be “fitted together” into a larger structure.
    (c) Tertiary structure
    Once the “lego” blocks are available, the stage is set for the
    protein to go beyond the secondary structure: using available
    thermal energy, the protein twists and folds itself into a certain
    3-dimensional structure with specific bumps and hollows. These
    bumps and hollows, which are referred to as the tertiary structure
    of the protein, determine where electric charge builds up, and
    these localized charges control the protein’s function, including
    the reactions that it can catalyze (if it is an enzyme). For
    example, insulin (one of the shortest proteins in the human body,
    with 51 amino acids) folds itself naturally into a wedge-like
    shape which enables groups of six insulin molecules to pack
    themselves tightly into spherical clusters.
    The sequence of amino acids in a particular protein may be highly
    specific at certain locations. There are certain sites in the
    protein (“invariant sites”) where even a single alteration in the
    sequence can lead to drastic changes in the shape of the folded
    protein, thereby disabling the protein. For example, human
    hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen through the blood,
    contains Na = 574 amino acids arranged in four secondary sub-units,
    with an overall spherical tertiary structure. Two of the invariant
    sites in hemoglobin have attracted widespread attention because of
    the drastic consequences they may have in a certain segment of the
    population. If one of the amino acids (glutamic acid) in a certain
    position in two of the sub-units of the hemoglobin molecule is
    replaced by another amino acid (valine), the result is the painful
    and deadly disease known as sickle cell anemia. Although it would
    seem that switching only 2 out of 574 amino acids ought to have an
    insignificant effect, this is not the case for these two
    particular sites. Just by changing 2 amino acids and leaving all
    the remaining 572 as before, the process of folding the molecule
    is altered so much that the 3-dimensional shape of the hemoglobin
    changes is no longer spherical. Instead the molecule takes on an
    elongated structure resembling a sickle.
    There are some proteins in which essentially all sites are
    invariant. For example, histones which have at least 125 amino
    acids in the peptide chain, have 122 invariant sites. Such
    proteins are therefore exceedingly specific in the arrangement of
    amino acids.
    However, not all sites in all proteins are invariant. In many
    proteins, there are sites where the amino acid can be replaced by
    a number of other amino acids without affecting the functioning of
    the protein. Yockey (Information Theory and Molecular Biology,
    1992, Cambridge Univ. press, 408 pp; Table 6.3) discusses the
    example of a particular protein (iso-1-cytochrome c, with 110
    amino acids), with a list of all amino acids which are
    functionally equivalent at each site. Some sites can have up to 13
    different amino acids and still the protein retains functionality,
    whereas others (the invariant sites) must contain one and only
    particular amino acid in order to protect against protein
    At the primary level, the linear sequence of amino acids in a
    protein is important to the proper operation of a living cell. But
    in order to reach the final operating stage (which is fully threedimensional),
    the creation of the “lego” blocks (i.e. stable and
    reproducible secondary structure) is an essential intermediate
    (d) How long are the secondary structures?
    A central question in the present context is: what is the minimum
    requirement for the “lego” blocks to be formed? What does it take
    to be able to create the rigid sub-units which are used in making
    the final protein? The answer is found in the quantum chemistry of
    an alpha-helix and a beta-sheet: in principle, a sequence of at
    least 4 amino acids is required in order to make the smallest
    alpha helix (this allows for one complete turn of the helix). The
    minimum size of a beta-sheet may be comparable.
    However, the minimum size is not the only factor that is at work
    in creating the “lego” blocks in proteins: the question of
    stability also enters, because it is a fundamental requirement for
    living cells that the secondary structures must be rigid.
    Otherwise, the shapes of proteins in a cell would be subject to
    chaotic fluctuations. Studies of reproducible structure of subsequences
    in proteins suggests that chains of at least 7 amino
    acids are required in order to create a stable and reproducible
    “lego” (Sudarsanam and Srinivasan, 1996, abstract E0274, IUCR
    Seattle meeting). It therefore seems unlikely that stable “lego”
    blocks can be constructed with a chain that is less than 7 amino
    acids long.
    Now, the tertiary structure of a protein comes into existence only
    if at least two stable “lego” blocks are joined together in a
    reproducible 3-dimensional structure. (Many proteins require more
    than 2 secondary structures: e.g. hemoglobin contains 4.) Thus,
    the bare minimum requirement for a protein is that Na should be at
    least twice the bare minimum needed for rigid and stable secondary
    structure. According to the estimates of Sudarsanam and
    Sreenivasan, this requires Na = Nmin = 14.
    We emphasize that this assumption of a mere 14 amino acids in a
    functioning protein is extreme. A protein with only 14 amino acids
    is very short in terms of the proteins that exist either in the
    modern world (e.g. insulin, with its 51 amino acids, and
    hemoglobin, with its 574 amino acids), or even in ancient
    proteins. For example, bacterial ferrodoxins, with at last 56
    amino acids, “are believed to date nearly to the time of the
    origin of life, and the histones which are also believed to be
    ancient and have at least 125 amino acids” (Yockey, p. 143). Even
    in the earliest stages of life on the planet, before the so-called
    “breakthrough organism” had appeared, the proteins that might have
    been operational back then have earned the title of “miniproteins
    ” because the number of amino acids they contained was
    “perhaps 20 or shorter” (Maniloff, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,
    vol. 93, p. 10004, 1996).
    Computational attempts to “construct” proteins which are capable
    of folding into a certain unique and stable tertiary structure
    have been made by several groups. Dahiyat and Mayo (Science vol.
    278, p. 82, 1997) found that, using only amino acids which occur
    in modern nature, the shortest protein without sulfides or metals
    that folds into a stable tertiary structure contains 25 amino
    acids. An earlier computation (Struthers et al., Science vol. 271,
    p. 342, 1996) had obtained a stable tertiary structure with a
    chain of only 23 amino acids: however, one of the 23 was a nonnatural
    amino acid. It seems that polypeptide chains with fewer
    than 23-25 amino acids can probably not create the tertiary
    structure which is key to protein function unless they are
    assisted by sulfides or metals.
    How far below the 23-25 limit can a functional protein go when
    assisted by sulfides and metals? The answer is not clear. However,
    it seems unlikely that the limit will be reduced below 14, which
    is our limit based on the stability properties of at least two
    “lego” pieces (alpha-helices and beta-sheets). In fact, in terms
    of the thermal energy which is available, it is not clear that a
    protein as short as 14 amino acids will be “foldable” or
    “bendable” at temperatures where water is liquid.
    Nevertheless, in the spirit of optimizing probabilities, we assume
    that polypeptides in the primeval soup could indeed function as
    proteins while containing no more than 14 amino acids.
    5.2. What do we need to know about DNA?
    DNA is a molecule that has the shape of a long twisted ladder (the
    "double helix"). In this ladder, there are "rungs" connecting the
    long "sidepieces". The "sidepieces" are long linear chains of
    sugars and phosphates, while each "rung" is composed of two
    interlocking bases. The four bases consist of two purines and two
    pyrimidines. The bases in the ladder are arranged in a definite
    order, just as amino acids are arranged in a definite order in a
    When a cell wishes to reproduce a certain protein, the section (or
    "gene") of DNA that is responsible for that protein must undergo a
    well-defined process. First, the two bases that are interlocked in
    each rung of the ladder in that section must be "unzipped" so as
    to expose a sequence of bases. The exposed sequence then creates a
    strip of RNA whose task is to assemble amino acids from the cell
    medium in the correct order.
    The order of the bases along the DNA “ladder” (or along the RNA
    strip) is highly specific, just as the order of acids in the
    protein is crucial for protein function. The change of even a
    single base inside a gene may result in the creation of the wrong
    protein, and the organism may die as a result. This indicates the
    need for serious error-protection in the process of replication of
    a cell.
    6. Cell structure: high information content
    Even a “simple” cell is a complicated system where chemicals of
    various kinds operate in a synergistic way to provide various
    functions that are essential to cell viability.
    The outer wall (or membrane) provides the cell with its own
    identity, and separates it from the rest of the world. Apart from
    the membrane, i.e. inside the body of the cell itself, there are a
    number of sub-systems that must run cooperatively in order to keep
    the cell in operation. The most important chemicals are proteins
    and the DNA that has the capacity to reproduce those proteins.
    Some proteins provide the structural characteristics of the
    different components of the cell. Some proteins serve as catalysts
    in the various chemical reactions that keep the cell running.
    There are also regulatory proteins which ensure that each protein
    performs its function only in its proper location within the cell:
    it would not do, e.g., to have energy generation occurring in the
    cell membrane. In a multi-cell organism, these regulatory proteins
    ensure that (e.g.) kidney cells do not grow in (say) the eye.
    It is amazing that there is enough information in a linear object
    (a DNA strand) to determine a three-dimensional object (a
    protein). How is it that the sequence of bases in DNA instructs
    the cell to make proteins, each of which is a “sentence” composed
    of a specific sequence of various choices from a “vocabulary” of
    the 20 (or so) amino acids which occur in modern proteins? (There
    are many more amino acids in nature, but they are non-proteinous,
    and we do not consider them here.) The beginnings of an answer
    were first proposed by Gamow (1954: Nature 173, 318): there exists
    a code which translates the information in the bases in DNA into
    the amino acids in protein. This was an amazing insight on Gamow’s
    part. As Yockey says (p. 4): “The idea…of a code is so
    unconventional that had Gamow’s paper been submitted by almost
    anyone else, it would most certainly have been rejected”.
    The eventual identification of the code at the heart of biology is
    a triumph of human ingenuity. The bases in DNA are now known to be
    grouped into 64 “code words”, and the sequence of these words
    contain the information which is eventually translated into the
    20-letter vocabulary of proteinous amino acids.
    A more difficult question to answer is: how do the amino acids
    “understand” the “language” of the “words of information” that are
    contained in the DNA? (For example, a string of letters may mean
    one thing to a Frenchman, something else to a German, and nothing
    at all to an Englishman.) It is not obvious that an answer has yet
    been given to this question. It may in fact be the most difficult
    question of all to answer. For example, Yockey (2000: Computers
    and Chemistry 24, 105) argues that the answer may simply be beyond
    the powers of human reasoning. In the present calculation, we do
    not address the issue of the origin of the code. We merely assume
    that the code is already in existence as a result of unspecified
    processes in the early Earth.
    Returning to a question about the links between DNA and protein
    that can be answered, the distinction between 64 and 20 is
    noteworthy and essential for living cells. In terms of coding
    theory, the fact that 64 greatly exceeds 20 means that DNA code
    has a lot of built-in redundancy: there are more code words (or
    symbols) at the source (DNA) than at the destination (protein).
    Coding theory proves that this redundancy of source relative to
    destination is an essential feature of a code in order to protect
    from errors in transmission. One of the theorems of coding theory
    (Shannon’s channel capacity theorem) makes a strong statement
    which at first sight appears counterintuitive (Yockey, p. 8): even
    if there is noise in a message, the proper use of redundancy
    allows one to extract the original message “with as small a
    probability of error as we please”.
    Therefore, if we were to attempt to construct a biological system
    based on a code where redundancy is absent (and we shall mention
    one such attempt in Section 19 below), the process of cell
    replication would inevitably be prone to errors in transmission.
    Since even a single error may prove to have mortal consequences
    for a protein (and its host organism), it is hard to see how cells
    that are subject to serious errors in replication could be
    regarded as “living” in any meaningful sense.
    The code words in DNA in the modern world consist of a series of
    triplets of bases. Each triplet (written as ACG, or UGA, etc,
    where each of the letters A, C, G, and U is the initial letter of
    one of the 4 bases) encodes for a particular amino acid. There are
    64 such triplets available as a source code. (We will consider
    below the possibility that triplet codons were not necessary in
    the primeval soup, but that doublet codons might have sufficed
    If a cell contains a particular protein that is a chain of Na amino
    acids in a certain sequence, then the DNA of that cell contains a
    corresponding segment containing 3Na bases also arranged in a
    sequence that exactly parallels the Na acids in the protein.
    However, this is not all that is required for a gene. Since the
    DNA consists of a long chain of bases, we need to ask: how does
    the RNA know where to start “reading” the code for a particular
    protein? The answer is: in the DNA itself, associated with each
    gene, there must be a “start code” and a “stop code”. In fact, a
    triplet of bases serves to encode START and another triplet to
    encode STOP. (E.g., in modern cells, the triplet AUG encodes for
    start, while stop has three possible codons: UAA, UAG, UGA.).
    Therefore, although a strip of RNA needs to have 3Na bases in a
    particular order, the gene (i.e. the corresponding piece of the
    DNA) must have 3Na+6 bases in a particular order.
    As an example, we note that among the shortest proteins that exist
    in human beings, insulin contains 51 amino acids in a particular
    order. Such a protein requires a sequence of 153 bases in human
    DNA in a specific order, plus 6 bases for start and stop.

    7. What does a cell need in order to function?
    To determine the probability that the first cell was assembled
    randomly, we first need to answer the following general question:
    what is required in order to make a functional living cell?
    In other words, what is the bare minimum number of proteins for a
    cell to function at all? If we can answer this, it should help us
    determine what the very first cell might have looked like.
    As a first step in answering this, it is worthwhile to consider
    the simplest known cell that exists in the world today. This is an
    organism called "Mycoplasma genitalium" (MG) whose genetic
    information is many times smaller than the information in the
    human genome: the number of genes required for the functioning of
    MG in its natural state is only 517. (Humans have tens of
    thousands of genes.)
    Recently, researchers have raised the interesting issue: are all
    517 of these genes really necessary for MG to function properly?
    The answer is No. By removing genes one at a time, researchers
    have been able to show that the cell continues to function with
    fewer than the total complement of 517. By eliminating more and
    more of the genes, it has emerged that MG continues to function
    normally as long as there are between 265 and 350 protein-coding
    genes (see Hutchison et al., Science vol. 286, p. 2165, 1999). An
    earlier estimate of the minimum cell size in nature had suggested
    that the minimum number of proteins for cell operation might
    indeed be about 250 (J. Maniloff, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol.
    93, p, 10004, 1996).
    It appears, then, that the simplest cell in the modern world
    requires at least 250 proteins in order to survive in viable form.
    Many of the 250 (or so) essential proteins in MG have identifiable
    functions. Hutchison et al. list 13 categories of identified
    functions in the MG genome: (1) cell envelope, (2) cellular
    processes, (3) central intermediary metabolism, (4) co-factors and
    carriers, (5) DNA metabolism, (6) energy metabolism, (7) fatty
    acid metabolism, (8) nucleotides, (9) protein fate, (10) protein
    synthesis, (11) regulatory functions, (12) transport/binding
    proteins, and (13) transcription. Each of these 13 categories
    contains multiple genes, so that (e.g.) protein synthesis does not
    depend solely on a single protein for its operation: there are
    backups and multiple redundancies in each category. For example,
    some 19 proteins are used for membrane maintenance (category (1)).
    About 150 of the MG proteins can be assigned with some confidence
    to one of the 13 categories.
    However, more than 100 of the MG genes perform functions that are
    currently unidentified. Nevertheless, the cell certainly requires
    them: without them, there is empirical proof that the cell fails
    to function.
    8. The first cells to appear on Earth: reducing the requirements
    to an absolute minimum
    It might be argued that the first cells to appear on Earth were
    smaller than the simplest cells (such as MG) that exist in the
    world today. Those primitive cells might have been able to operate
    with many fewer proteins than the 265 needed by MG.
    Although we will use this argument below, it is actually difficult
    to substantiate. The mathematician John Von Neumann estimated the
    bare necessities which are necessary in order to construct what he
    referred to as “a self-replicating machine” (Theory of Self-
    Reproducing Automata: Univ. of Illinois press, 1966). It has been
    a popular exercise among science fiction writers to use this idea
    in connection with how a civilization might colonize a galaxy by
    sending out machines. Von Neumann concluded that the number of
    parts in one such machine must be in the millions. Other authors
    have reduced this estimate somewhat, but even according to the
    most optimistic estimate, the numbers remain very large: the best
    estimates suggest that there must be between 105 and 106 parts in a
    self-replicating machine. This means that the genome needs at
    least 105 bits in order to metabolize and replicate (Yockey, p.
    334). Using the information content in a typical modern protein,
    Yockey concludes that the original genome must have been able to
    specify at least 267 proteins. The fact that this is close to the
    minimum number required for a modern cell (such as MG) suggests
    that one is not necessarily permitted to assume that the original
    cell contained significantly fewer proteins than the smallest
    modern cell.
    Nevertheless, other authors have argued that the Von Neumann
    approach is overly restrictive. E.g., Niesert (1987, origins of
    Life 17, 155)) estimates that the first cell might have been able
    to operate with as few as 300-400 amino acids.
    Which of these various estimates of minimum requirements for the
    first cell should we consider? There must be some absolute minimum
    requirements for making even the simplest cell. For example, one
    might argue that, among the 12 non-regulatory categories of gene
    functions listed by Hutchison et al., one representative protein
    should be present in the first cell. And each of these 12 proteins
    should have an accompanying protein to serve in a regulatory role.
    This line of reasoning would suggest that 24 proteins are a
    minimum for cell operation.
    Can we reduce this to an even barer minimum? Examples of minimum
    cell requirements have been summarized by the paleontologist
    George Gaylord Simpson. Of the 13 categories listed by Hutchison
    et al, Simpson narrows down the bare minimum to the following: (i)
    energy generation, (ii) storing information; (iii) replicating
    information; (iv) an enclosure to prevent dispersal of the
    interacting sub-structures; (v) digestion of food; (vi) waste
    product ejection (Science vol. 143, p. 771, 1964).
    In view of these bare-bones requirements, it is hard to imagine
    how any cell could function without at least the following six
    types of proteins: (i) those that help to digest food, (ii) those
    that generate energy for cell operations, (iii) those that carry
    away waste products, (iv) those that preserve and repair the cell
    membrane, (v) those that determine when reproduction is to occur,
    and (vi) those which actually catalyze the tasks of reproduction.
    Corresponding to each of these six, there must be a regulatory
    protein which ensures that the corresponding protein does not
    “express itself” in the wrong location in the cell.
    It is hard to imagine how a living cell would exist at all if it
    failed to contain at least these 12 proteins.
    The fact that the simplest cell in the modern world (MG) requires
    265 proteins as a bare minimum in order to function makes our
    estimate of 12 proteins look ridiculously small. But since it is
    possible that the first living cells may have been much simpler
    than those we find in the world today, let us make the (perhaps
    absurdly reductionist) assumption that the first cells in fact
    were able to operate on the basis of the bare minimum 12 proteins.
    As an illustration of how reductionist our assumption is, we note
    that in the first cell, we are assuming that a single protein is
    responsible for ensuring proper functioning of the lipid membrane
    of that cell. In contrast, the smallest known cell in the modern
    world (MG) uses 19 genes to encode for lipoproteins (Hutchison et
    al. Science vol. 286, p. 2166). The use of 19 genes in the modern
    cell is an example of the large amount of redundancy that nature
    uses to ensure that the membrane survives. But the first cell may
    not have had the luxury of redundancy: it may have been forced to
    survive using only one gene for its membrane. It would have been a
    precarious existence.
    We have argued that each protein must contain at least 14 amino
    acids: thus our bare minimum cell, with 12 proteins and 14 amino
    acids in each, contains 168 amino acids. This is even smaller than
    the bare minimum of 300-400 amino acids described by Niesert
    (1987, Origins of Life, 17, 155). The DNA of our minimal (12-14)
    cell would contain only about 500 bases. This is 10 times shorter
    than the genome of a certain virus (PHI-X 174) which transmits 9
    proteins. It is widely believed that a virus cannot be regarded as
    a “living cell” (it has no self-contained replication system), so
    this again indicates the extreme nature of our assumption that the
    first cell could have as few as 12 proteins. But let us proceed in
    the spirit of optimizing the probability that the first cell
    appeared by chance.
    8.1. The first cell: putting the proteins together by chance
    In the early Earth, the commonest concept of conditions back then
    is that the primeval "soup" consisted of various chemicals that
    were stirred up and forced into contact with one another as a
    result of the forces of nature (including rain, ocean currents,
    lightning). Simple chemical reactions in the soup were easily able
    to create amino acids: these molecules are so small (containing no
    more than 10-30 atoms each) that random processes can put them
    together quickly from the abundant C, O, N, and H atoms in the
    soup. As a result, we expect to find in the primeval soup, in
    abundant supply, all of the 22 amino acids that occur in modern
    life forms. (For the number 22, see Nature vol. 417, 478, 2002).
    In fact, there are more than 100 amino acids in modern nature, but
    only 22 are used in proteins. And of those 22, numbers 21 and 22
    are rare. Most living material relies on only 20 of these amino
    acids, and we will use that number here.
    To be sure, the “primeval soup” hypothesis is not without its
    opponents (e.g. Yockey, pp. 235-241). Laboratory experiments which
    claim to replicate conditions in the primeval Earth generate not
    only amino acids but also a tarry substance (as the principal
    product). This substance should have survived as a non-biological
    kerogen in ancient sedimentary rocks, but no evidence for this has
    been found. It should not be surprising that, in the primeval
    soup, other amino acids, not currently used in life forms, could
    have been formed. (This would include the acids that are used in
    nylon.) And each of the amino acids which are created randomly in
    the primeval soup would be created in two forms: the D-variety and
    the L-variety. (These varieties refer to the ability of the
    molecule to rotate the polarization of light either right or left:
    this ability depends on the chirality of the molecule, i.e. on the
    handedness of its 3-dimensional structure.) For reasons that are
    not yet obvious, only one of these varieties (the L-variety) is
    actually used in present-day life forms. However, the basic
    property of amino acids, that they polymerize, operates only
    between L alone or D alone: when an L and a D amino acid combine,
    their opposite chirality has the effect of locking out any
    possibility of further polymerization.
    Another difficulty of a very different nature has to do with
    reactions in an aqueous solution. The very process of assembling
    amino acids into a polypeptide chain (so as to make a protein)
    requires the removal of H from the amino radical and the removal
    of OH from the acid radical: it is not obvious how these
    constituents of a water molecule can be removed in an aqueous
    Despite these difficulties with the primeval soup hypothesis, the
    idea of the soup is so widespread in textbooks that it is a
    natural starting point for an optimized estimate of probabilities.
    In the spirit of the present approach (where we do whatever we can
    to optimize the chances of assembling the first cell randomly), we
    will simply go along with the textbooks. We shall assume that the
    formation of the first cell in the early Earth began in liquid
    water where only 20 L-amino acids need to be taken into account.
    Other simple chemical reactions in the soup also give rise more or
    less quickly to the four bases (two purines and two pyrimidines)
    that form the "rungs" of DNA. Why are these formed relatively
    readily? Because each base consists on no more than 13-16 atoms,
    random processes can also assemble these bases rapidly from the
    abundant C, O, N, and H atoms. It was probably more difficult to
    form pyrimidines than purines, but the principle is robust:
    formation of small molecules is essentially inevitable in the
    early Earth.
    In order for the first cell to come into existence, at least 12
    proteins, each with Na amino acids in a specific order, had to
    emerge in the same patch of the "primeval soup". To be sure,
    individual proteins were probably emerging at random at many
    places around the world. But if our aim is to form a complete
    living cell, it will not help if the membrane protein emerged (at
    random) in China, the energy protein in Russia, and the
    replication protein in South America. That will not do: the only
    way to have the first cell develop is if all 12 proteins emerge in
    close enough proximity to one another to be contained within a
    single membrane.
    How might this have happened in random processes? By way of
    example, let us consider one particular protein, in which the
    chain of amino acids happens to be denoted by the series of
    letters ABCDEFGHIJKLMN. In order that this protein be made by
    chance, amino acid E (say) (one of the 20 commonest in nature)
    might have started off by entering into a chemical reaction with
    amino acid F (another of the 20), such that the two found it
    possible to become connected by a peptide bond. Then amino acid D
    might have had a chemical reaction so as to join onto the EF pair
    at the left end, forming DEF by means of a new peptide bond. Note
    that it is important to form DEF rather than EFD, which would be a
    very different protein. This process presumably continued until
    the entire 14-unit protein chain ABCDEFGHIJKLMN was complete.
    8.2. The first cell: putting the DNA/RNA together by chance
    It is not enough to assemble 12 proteins to have a functional
    living cell: the cell must be able to reproduce, and for that
    the cell needs DNA (or at least RNA). In order to ensure
    reproduction of the cell, there had to be (also in the same patch
    of the primeval soup) at least 12 genes on an RNA strand, each
    containing 3Na+6 bases in a specific order.
    Thus, in the very same patch of "soup" where the protein
    ABCDEFGHIJ formed by chance, a strand of RNA must have been formed
    where the three bases that encode for amino acid A were joined in
    a specific order along the RNA strip by a series of chemical
    reactions. Then the three bases that encode for amino acid B had
    to be added in a specific order to the sidepieces, right next to
    the three bases that encode for A. This process must have
    continued until the triplets of bases that encode for each of C,
    D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, and N respectively were assembled in
    a specific order into a chain of 30 bases. There would also be one
    triplet at each end of the 30-base sequence to serve as markers
    for start and stop. This 36-base sequence would then form the gene
    for the first protein in the first cell.
    Now that we know how the first proteins and RNA/DNA were put
    together, we are in a position to estimate the probability that
    this will occur by random processes.
    9. Probability of protein formation at random
    In the example given above, we recall that amino acid (say) E is
    only one of 20 amino acids that exist in living matter. Amino acid
    F is also one of 20. Therefore, a process that successfully forms
    the sequence EF at random out of a soup where all amino acids are
    present in equal abundances, has a probability p2 which is roughly
    equal to (1/20) times (1/20) = 1/400.
    Actually, however, pre-living matter contains not only the Lvariety
    of each amino acid, but also the D-variety. Therefore, a
    better estimate of the probability p2 that the correct pair of Lamino
    acids be formed is (1/40) times (1/40), i.e. p2 = 1/1600.
    However, once an L-acid unites with a D-acid, the opposite nature
    of their chiralities leads to a “lock-out”: no further
    polymerization is possible. So we will optimize probability by
    assuming that only the L-variety is present. We therefore take p2 =
    Another way to state this result is that if we wish to create the
    combination EF (both L-variety) by chance, the number of chemical
    reactions that must first occur between amino acids in the
    primeval soup is about 1/p2, or about 400. That is, if we allow so
    much time to elapse that 400 reactions can occur in the primeval
    soup, then there is a high probability (close to a certainty) that
    the combination EF will appear simply at random.
    This argument assumes that the only amino acids in the primeval
    soup are the 20 which occur in modern living organism. However,
    there were certainly other non-biological amino acids available.
    As a result, many more than 400 reactions was almost certainly
    required before the combination EF appeared at random. However, we
    will optimize the chances for random assembly of the first cell by
    ignoring the non-biological amino acids.
    After creating EF by random processes, the next step is to have
    the next amino acid to join the chain be the L-variety of (say) G,
    i.e. only 1 out of the 20 types available. Then the probability
    that the three amino acids EFG will be assembled in the correct
    order is about (1/20)3.
    Continuing this all the way through a sequence of Na amino acids
    in a protein, the chance f1 of correctly picking (at random) all
    the necessary amino acids to create one particular protein is
    roughly equal to (1/20) raised to the power Na. This corresponds to
    f1 = (1/10)x where x = 1.3Na. Actually, to the extent that some
    amino acids may be replaced by others without affecting the
    functionality of the protein, the above expression for f1 is a
    lower limit. (We will allow for this later in this section.)
    Yockey (p. 73) shows that instead of 20N for the value of 1/f1, a
    more accurate estimate is 2NH where H is the mean value of a
    quantity known as the Shannon entropy of the 20-acid set (see
    below). In the limit where all amino acids have equal probability
    of being encoded, and are equally probable at all sites in the
    protein, 2NH turns out (from the definition of H) to be equal to
    20N . In all other cases, 2NH is less than 20N. This returns us to
    the previous conclusion: the above expression for f1 is a lower
    limit on the true value.
    Suppose that the particular protein with probability f1 has been
    formed in a particular patch of the primeval soup. Then in order
    to form a single cell (with at least 12 proteins as a bare minimum
    to function), eleven more proteins must also be formed in the same
    patch of soup, in close enough proximity to one another to be
    contained within a single membrane. Each of these proteins also
    has a certain number of amino acids: for simplicity let us assume
    that all have length Na.
    The overall probability f12 that all twelve proteins arise as a
    result of random processes is the product of the probability for
    the twelve separate proteins. That is, f12 is roughly equal to f112,
    i.e. f12 is roughly (1/10)y where y = 15.6Na.
    We can now quantify the claim that the first cell was assembled by
    random processes. If the first cell consisted of only the bare
    minimum 12 proteins, and if each of these proteins was uniquely
    suited to its own task, the probability that these particular 12
    proteins will be formed by random processes in a given patch of
    primeval soup is f12.
    Now let us turn to the fact that a protein may remain functional
    even if a certain amino acid is replaced with another one.
    (Obviously, we are not referring to invariant sites here.) For
    example, it may be that the protein which we have specified as the
    one that is responsible for (say) energy generation in the cell is
    not unique. There may exist other groupings of amino acids which
    also have the shape and properties that enable the task of energy
    production for the cell. Maybe the others are not as efficient as
    the first one, but let us suppose that they have enough efficiency
    to be considered as possible candidates for energy production in
    the first cell. Then we need to ask: how many energy-producing
    proteins might there be in the primeval soup?
    It is difficult to tell: in principle, if Na has the value 14
    (say), then one could examine the molecular structure of all 14-
    amino acid proteins (of which there are some 2014 , i.e. 1018.2 if
    all amino acids are equally probable) and identify which ones
    would be suitable for performing the energy task. Presumably there
    must be some specificity to the task of energy production:
    otherwise, a protein which is supposed to perform the task of
    (say) waste removal might suddenly start to perform the task of
    (say) membrane production in the wrong part of the cell.
    Therefore, it is essential for stable life-forms that not all
    available proteins can perform all of the individual tasks.
    Suppose the number of alternate energy-producers Q is written as
    10q. In a world where all proteins have Na = 14, the absolute
    maximum value that q can have is qmax = 18.2. This is the total
    number of discrete locations in the “14-amino acid phase space”.
    In the real world, a more realistic estimate of qmax would be
    smaller than the above estimate. First, not all amino acids have
    equal probability of being encoded: there are more codons in the
    modern genetic code for some amino acids than for others. (E.g.,
    Leu, Val, and Ser have 6 codons each, whereas 10 others have only
    2 codons each.) When these are allowed for in the probability
    distribution, it is found that the “effective number” of amino
    acids in the modern world is not 20 but 17.621 (Yockey, p. 258).
    Thus, with Na = 14, a more accurate estimate of qmax(eff) is 17.4
    (rather than 18.2).
    As a result, in the real world, qmax(eff) may be considerably
    smaller than 18.2. However, in the spirit of optimizing
    probabilities, let us continue to use the value 18.2.
    The requirement that some specificity of task persists among
    proteins requires that the value of q must certainly not exceed
    qmax. At the other extreme, in a situation where each protein is
    uniquely specified, q would have the value qmin = 0 (so that one
    and only one protein could perform the task of energy production).
    Now we can see that our estimate of f12 needs to be altered. We
    were too pessimistic in estimating f12 above. Each factor f1 needs
    to be multiplied by 10q. For simplicity, let us assume that q has
    the same value for each of the 12 proteins in the cell. Then the
    revised value of f12 is 1/10z where
    z = 15.6Na - 12q . (eq. 1)
    This result applies to a cell with 12 proteins, each composed of
    amino acids chosen from a set of 20 distinct entries.
    10. Random formation of DNA/RNA

    The first cell could NOT have functioned if it consisted only of
    proteins. In order to merit the description living, the cell must
    also have had the ability to reproduce. That is, it must also have
    had the correct DNA to allow all 12 proteins to be reproduced by
    the cell.
    In order to estimate the probability of assembling a piece of DNA
    by random processes, we can follow the same argument as for
    proteins, except that now we must pick from the available set of 4
    Repeating the arguments given above, we see that for each protein
    which contains Na amino acids in a certain sequence (plus one start
    and one stop), there must exist in the DNA a strip of B = 3Na+6
    bases in a corresponding sequence. If we pick bases at random from
    a set of 4 possibilities, the probability of selecting the correct
    sequence for a particular protein is (1/4)B. Therefore, the
    probability of selecting the correct sequences for all twelve
    proteins, if each protein is unique, is (1/4)D where D = 36Na + 72.
    Writing this with the symbol fRNA, we see that fRNA is equal to
    (1/10)E where
    E = 21.7Na + 43.3. (eq. 2)
    Again, however, if instead of unique proteins for each task, there
    are 10q proteins available to perform each task in the cell, then
    we must increase the above value of fRNA to 10-G where
    G = 21.7Na + 43.3 - 12q. (eq. 3)

    11. Probability of random formation of a complete cell
    Since both the RNA and all 12 proteins have to be formed in the
    same patch of primeval soup in order to form a viable cell, the
    probability fcell that random processes will perform both tasks in
    the same patch of soup will be the combination of the separate
    probabilities. That is, fcell is roughly equal to fp X fRNA, i.e.
    about 10-J where
    J = 37.3Na + 43.3 - 24q. (eq. 4)
    Therefore, once enough time elapsed in the primeval soup to
    allow the chemicals there to undergo a certain number of
    reactions, R12p = 1/fcell, there would be a high probability (in
    fact, a near certainty) that the proteins and the requisite DNA
    for a (12-14) cell could indeed have been assembled by chance in
    the primeval soup.
    In order to optimize the chances of forming the first cell, we
    ask: is it possible to find ways to make R12p smaller than the
    above estimate? The answer depends on the theory that one adopts
    for the development of the first cell.
    Suppose one were to theorize that the only thing one would have to
    provide to get the first cell going was the RNA containing the
    genetic code for the 12 proteins. (It might be beneficial if the
    RNA could catalyze its own replication: however, this is not
    altogether desirable, since it leads to possibilities of ‘‘errorcatastrophes
    ” [Niesert et al. 1987, J. Mol. Evol., 17, 348].)
    According to the "RNA-first theory", one would not have to "wait
    around" for proteins to be constructed by random reactions in the
    primeval soup. Instead, once strips of RNA were formed (as a
    result of random processes), DNA could be assembled from the RNA
    strips. At that point, proteins should be reproduced more or less
    automatically, apart from the necessity of certain enzymes
    (proteins) to catalyze the "unzipping" of the DNA itself, and to
    catalyze the collection and assemblage of the amino acids.
    In order to optimize the chances of cell formation at random, let
    us assume that the unzipping can be done with the help of a single
    protein, and that the collection and assemblage of amino acids can
    also be done with a single protein. (This is a far cry from the
    modern world, where multiple proteins exist in even the simplest
    cell to perform each task.) Then the first cell will require the
    RNA to be assembled by chance (with probability fRNA, as given
    above) plus just two proteins (with probability f2) also assembled
    by chance. If this theory is correct, then R12p(RNA-first) would be
    equal to 10K where
    K = 24.3Na + 43.3 – 14q. (eq. 5)
    This may provide a substantial reduction below the original
    estimate of R12p.
    Should we also consider the obvious alternative to the RNA-first
    theory? That is, should we also consider the “protein-first”
    theory? The answer is no, provided that the modern genetic code is
    at work. The structure of the modern genetic code is such that,
    according to the Central Dogma, proteins do not pass on
    information to DNA: the flow of information goes only from DNA (or
    RNA) to protein, and not the reverse. As Yockey (2000) puts it,
    “The origin of life [as we currently know it] cannot be based on
    ‘protein-first’.” However, the “protein-first” theory may need to
    be considered when we consider a certain “window of opportunity”
    in the early Earth (see Section 19).
    Because we now know how many reactions are required in order to
    create the first simplest possible cell, we are in a position to
    test the evolutionary claim that the first cell was assembled
    randomly. To do this, we proceed to the crucial question that is
    at the heart of the present argument. This question, and its
    detailed answer, is the subject of the next section.

    12. How many reactions occurred in the primeval soup?

    Is random assembly of the first cell possible? To address this, we
    need to answer the following question: How many chemical reactions
    (of the sort we are interested in) actually occurred in the
    primeval soup during the first 1.11 billion years?
    We will not be surprised to find that the number of reactions nr
    is a "large" number (in some sense). Nevertheless, nr is a finite
    Once we obtain nr, we can then estimate how large the value of q
    must be in order that the probability of randomly assembling the
    first cell of order unity. That is, we will equate nr to 10J (or to
    10K, if we accept the "RNA-first theory"), and solve for q,
    assuming that Na is at least as large as 14. The value of q which
    we obtain from this estimate will be labelled qra to denote that
    this is how large q must be in order that random assembly of the
    first cell in the primeval soup becomes essentially certain.
    We are interested in chemical reactions involving amino acids or
    bases. To proceed with this discussion, we need to consider in
    detail what happens during such a reaction. The most basic
    requirement of a chemical reaction is the following: the two
    reacting molecules must at the very least come close enough to
    each other to have a collision. However, the very fact that two
    molecules collide does not guarantee that a reaction will occur.
    The reaction is controlled by many factors, e.g. the energy
    involved, the angle of the encounter, the removal of by-products,
    etc. As a result of these factors, many collisions may occur
    before even a single reaction occurs. This explains why it is so
    difficult to manufacture (e.g.) nylon: the creation of the peptide
    bonds that hold nylon together (exactly equivalent to those which
    hold proteins together) requires careful quality control. The
    quality control which the DuPont engineers are forced to impose in
    order to create nylon was certainly not available in the primeval
    soup: therefore, the efficiency of the reactions which led to
    peptide bonds (i.e. proteins) in the primeval soup was almost
    certainly very small.
    In view of this, we can derive an absolutely firm (and probably
    very generous) upper limit on the number of two-body reactions n2
    that occurred between two amino acids during any time interval by
    calculating the number of collisions ncoll that occurred between
    those two amino acids during that interval. In practice, n2 is
    probably orders of magnitude smaller than ncoll. The purpose of a
    catalyst is of course to increase n2 as much as possible: however,
    even with a “perfect” catalyst, n2 can never exceed ncoll .
    So let us turn to estimating ncoll. This number, which is “large”
    but finite, will provide us with a firm piece of quantitative
    evidence that will allow us to test the assertion that the first
    cell was assembled randomly.

    13. Collisions between amino acids in the primeval soup
    We begin the calculation of ncoll by estimating the mean time tc
    that elapses between successive collisions of molecule A with
    molecule B. The general formula for tc is straight-forward. Let us
    consider molecule A as the projectile, and molecule B as the
    target. If projectile A moves with mean speed v cm/sec through an
    ambient medium where there are nt target molecules per cubic
    centimeter, then tc equals 1/(v nt A) seconds. Here, A is the area
    (in square centimeters) presented by the target molecule.
    13.1 Mean time interval between collisions
    Let us now estimate the three quantities that enter into tc.
    First, the area A. Amino acids and bases in nature have linear
    dimensions of a few Angstroms (where 1 Angstrom = 10-8 cm).
    Therefore, a typical amino acid or base molecule has A equal to
    about 10-15 sq. cm.
    Second, as regards v, there is a standard formula for the mean
    speed of the molecules in a medium at temperature T: v2 = RgT/m
    where Rg is the gas constant (= 8.3 X 107 ergs/degree/gram) and m
    is the molecular weight. Amino acids and bases have m = 100 or so.
    Moreover, living cells require liquid water in order to survive:
    this means that T must be in the range 273-373 degrees Kelvin.
    Taking an average value for T of about 300 K, we find that v for
    the molecules in which we are interested here is about 104 cm/sec.
    Even if we consider the extremely hot conditions at the ocean
    bottom, near the hot thermal vents, where temperatures may be as
    large as 1000 K, this will increase our estimate of v by a factor
    of no more than 2. This will have no significant effect on our
    conclusions below.
    Third, as regards nt, we note that at the present time, the total
    mass of living organisms on Earth is Mliving = 3.6 X 1017 grams (see
    http://www.ursa.fi/mpi/earth/index.html). In the early Earth,
    before the first cell appeared, the mass of living material was by
    definition zero. But there were amino acids and bases present in
    the primeval soup. So in order to optimize the chances of cell
    formation, let us make a second gross assumption: let us assume
    that all of the mass that is now in living organisms was already
    present in the primeval soup in the form of amino acids (if we
    wish to assemble proteins) or bases (if we wish to assemble RNA).
    With a molecular weight of about 100, each amino acid (or base)
    has a mass maa of about 1.7 10-22 grams. Therefore, the total number
    ntotal of amino acids (or bases) in the primeval soup was of order
    Mliving/maa. With this assumption, we find ntotal = 2 X 1039.
    Naturally, this estimate is quite uncertain. Other estimates of
    this number are larger. E.g. Bar-Nun and Shaviv (Icarus 24, 197,
    1975) estimate 5.4 X 1041, while Shklovskii and Sagan (1966
    Intelligent Life in the Universe) estimated 1044. We shall see
    that our results are only slightly affected by these
    Finally, to derive nt in the primeval soup, we need to divide ntotal
    by the volume of the material where living material existed on the
    early Earth. In the present Earth, the volume of the biosphere is
    of order 1019-20 cubic cm. However, life probably started in
    particular locations, and so the relevant volume of the primeval
    soup was probably much smaller. Let us suppose that the early
    Earth had a biosphere with a volume that was 10-100 times smaller
    than it is at present. (This putative decrease in volume will help
    to speed up reactions.) That is, let us suppose that all of the
    amino acids which now are present in living matter on Earth were
    concentrated in the primeval soup into a favored volume of only
    1018 cubic cm. Combining this with our estimate of ntotal, we see
    that the mean density of amino acids in the favored volume of the
    primeval soup nt could have been about 2 X 1021 per cubic cm.
    Is this a reasonable value? To answer this, we note that this
    value of nt corresponds to a mean mass density of 0.34 gram/cubic
    cm for the amino acids in the primeval soup. This density is very
    high (the molar concentration is about 0.1): it is questionable
    whether such a high density of amino acids could ever have been
    dissolved in water. This estimate of mass density is certainly
    close to the upper limit possible: it could hardly have been any
    higher. In order to remain dissolved in water (with mean density 1
    gram/cubic cm), the mass density of amino acids can certainly not
    exceed the density of water. Therefore, our estimate of the upper
    limit on nt is not unreasonable as we try to optimize the chances
    of randomly assembling a cell. (If we were to use Bar-Nun and
    Shaviv’s estimate of the total number of amino acids, we would
    need to dilute them by dissolving them in at least 100 times more
    volume than we used above in order to keep the mean density less
    than that of water. With Shklovskii and Sagan’s estimate, the
    volume must be larger still by a further factor of 200.) The
    actual value of nt in the primeval soup was probably orders of
    magnitude less than the estimate given above. Maximum molar
    concentrations of amino acids in the primeval soup have been
    estimated to be as low as 10-7 or 10-8 (Hulett 1969 J. Theor. Biol.
    24 56; Dose, 1975, Biosystems 6, 224). Thus, our estimates of nt
    are probably too large by 6 or 7 orders of magnitude. However, in
    the spirit of optimizing the chances of making a cell, let us use
    the above upper limit as the value of nt.
    Now we have all of the ingredients we need to calculate tc, the
    mean time between collisions in the primeval soup. We find tc = 5 X
    10-11 seconds.
    13.2. Number of collisions by a single amino acid in 1.11 b.y.
    Now that we know the mean interval between collisions, we see that
    in the primeval soup, a given amino acid experienced 2 X 1010
    collisions every second as an upper limit. Therefore, each amino
    acid experienced no more than 2 X 1010 reactions every second with
    other amino acids.
    How many collisions did an amino acid experience in the primeval
    soup in the course of a time interval of 1.11 billion years, i.e.
    in the 3.5 X 1016 seconds before the first cell appeared on Earth?
    The answer is straightforward. Multiplying the above reaction rate
    by the number of seconds available, we find that each amino acid
    in the primeval soup experienced at most nr(1) = 7 X 1026 reactions
    with other amino acids before the first cell appeared on Earth.
    13.3. Total number of collisions between amino acids in 1.11 b.y.

    Finally, we ask: what was the total number of reactions between
    amino acids that occurred in the primeval soup before the first
    cell appeared? The answer is again straightforward: since each
    amino acid experienced nr(1) in that time, and since there were
    ntotal amino acids in the primeval soup, the total number of
    reactions nr between amino acids was about 1065 before the first
    cell appeared.
    This is a "large" number. But it is finite.
    Moreover, we have artificially forced nr to be as large as possible
    by making four extreme assumptions. (i) Every collision produces a
    peptide-bonding reaction. (ii) The mass of pre-biotic material was
    as large in the primeval soup as it is in today’s biomass. (iii)
    The entire biomass in the primeval soup was in the form of amino
    acids (or bases). (iv) All amino acids were concentrated in pools
    where their mass density could build up to the maximum permissible
    value. In the real primeval soup, conditions might have been such
    that any or all of these assumptions could have failed by several
    orders of magnitude. (In particular, (iv) almost certainly failed
    by 6-7 orders of magnitude, and (i) almost certainly failed by
    several orders of magnitude because of reaction kinetics.)
    Therefore, it is highly likely that the actual total number of
    collisions which occurred in the primeval soup before the first
    cell appeared could have been 10 or more orders of magnitude less
    than 1065.
    Of course, our estimates refer to our estimates of the biomass
    only, and also to binary collisions only. If we were to use the
    estimates of Bar-Nun and Shaviv or of Shlokskii and Sagan, the
    number densities per unit volume nt cannot exceed the value we have
    already used above. Therefore, there will be no change in the
    number of collisions per second. But the total number of
    collisions would increase by 2-5 orders of magnitude above our
    For the sake of argument, let us assume that these other processes
    compensated for orders of magnitude deficits associated with the
    extreme assumptions (i)-(iv) above. That is, we will assume in
    what follows that nr was indeed of order 1065. This appears to be a
    very generous estimate of the total number of reactions in the
    primeval soup.

    14. Random production of the first cell
    We are now in a position to estimate probabilities for randomly
    assembling the first cell.
    Let us return to our estimate of the number of reactions that were
    necessary to create the first cell by random processes. In order
    to create a cell containing 12 proteins with chains of N = Na amino
    acids each, we recall that R12p was required to be 10J (where J is
    given in eq. (4) above) if proteins and RNA were both assembled at
    However, if we accept the "RNA-first theory", we recall that the
    number of reactions R12p(RNA-first) was "only" 10K (where K is given
    in eq. (5) above).
    Now that we know how many reactions actually did occur in the
    primeval soup before the first cell appeared, we can equate nr
    to the above values of R12p in order to determine how large qra must
    have been in order to have reasonable probability of assembling
    the first cell at random.
    Setting R12p equal to nr, we find that the value of qra required for
    random assembly of the first cell must satisfy the equation
    37.3Na +43.3 -24qra = 65 (eq. 6)
    if proteins and RNA were assembled together. On the other hand, if
    we accept the RNA-first theory, then we find
    24.3Na +43.3 -14q(RNA)ra = 65. (eq. 7)
    As mentioned above, the value of Na is no less than 14. Inserting
    Na = 14 in eq. (6) and (7) leads to qra = 20.8 or q(RNA)ra = 22.8.
    The numerical value of qra increases linearly with the value of Na,
    increasing by 1.7 for each unit increase in Na. However, qra is not
    sensitive to the number of proteins in the cell. Moreover, qra is
    not sensitive to errors in our estimates of the number of
    collisions in the primeval soup: even if our estimated number of
    collisions is wrong by factors of (say) one million times too
    large or too small, our estimates of qra would change by only plus
    or minus 0.4.
    The above estimates of qra emerge from the two basic points of our
    argument: (i) a finite time was available for chemical reactions
    to operate, and (ii) a cell cannot function as a truly living
    organism with less than the bare minimum of 12 proteins.
    However, as we saw in Section 9 above, the total number of all
    available proteins in the Na = 14 world is such that q has
    certainly a maximum value qmax = 18.2. (The actual maximum would be
    smaller than this for the reasons discussed in Section 9 above,
    but let us continue to optimize the case for random assembly and
    retain qmax = 18.2.) We see that the value of qra that is required
    to ensure random assembly of the first cell is larger than qmax.
    However, it is formally impossible for q to have a value in excess
    of qmax: qra cannot exceed qmax even in optimal conditions. If qra is
    equal to, or larger than, qmax it implies that every available
    protein in the primeval soup must have been capable of performing
    the task of every other protein. This indicates a serious lack of
    specificity of tasks in the cell.
    This conclusion does not depend sensitively on the choice of Na. If
    functioning proteins actually require Na to be as large as (say) 20
    (such as the mini-proteins referred to by Maniloff), we would find
    q(RNA)ra = 33. However, the total number of proteins in an Na = 20
    world would be of order 2020 , i.e. qmax = 26. The value of q(RNA)ra
    again exceeds qmax, and so the conclusion about non-specificity
    still applies.

    15. Do proteins in the primeval soup have specific tasks?

    The result that qra has a value in excess of qmax has significant
    implications. It implies that there are no distinguishing
    properties between proteins: each protein would have had the
    ability to perform the task of all the other functional proteins
    in the first cell. If that were to be the case, then there would
    be no way to regulate the various distinct groups of cell
    operations: replication could occur in the membrane, or membrane
    generation could occur in the energy generation sites.
    However, the nature of a cell requires that proteins have clearly
    defined and distinctly specific functions. That is, not all
    proteins must be capable of (say) membrane production: only a
    fraction F (<1) of the proteins must have this capability.
    What is a likely value for F? At one extreme, the smallest value F
    can have is Fmin = 1/Qmax. Writing F = 10-f, this means that the
    maximum possible value of f is fmax = qmax. In this limit, protein
    specificity would be maximized: there would then be one and only
    one protein out of the Qmax distinct proteins which could perform
    any one of the basic tasks of the cell. In such a case, all 14
    amino acids in each protein would be an invariant site, forbidding
    any substitutions.
    This extreme specificity is not true of most modern proteins:
    typically, only a subset of sites are invariant. E.g., Yockey
    (Table 6.3) discusses a 110-acid protein in which only 14 sites
    are invariant. At the remaining 96 sites, a number of other amino
    acids (from 2 to 19) may be substituted without degrading
    significantly the functioning of the protein. The amino acids
    which are functionally acceptable at a site are those which do not
    impede the folding process or the biochemical requirements of the
    protein. Because of these possibilities for substitution, the
    probability of randomly “finding” a functional protein in “aminoacid
    phase space” may be much improved over what one might expect
    on the basis of the value of Qmax alone. Yockey (p. 254) describes
    in detail how to compute the probability factor 2HN when one knows
    how many different amino acids can be substituted at each site.
    For the 110-acid protein discussed by Yockey, the improvement in
    probability is enormous (from 1 in 10137 to 1 in 1093). It is not
    clear how much improvement will occur in a small protein, where
    there are only 14 amino acids. For the latter, the phase space is
    limited to 1018.2. The 3-dimensional folding of such a small protein
    might be quite sensitive to amino acid substitutions, more so than
    for a larger protein. If this is true, then the improvement factor
    might be quite small.
    At the opposite extreme, F can certainly not exceed Fmax = 1/12 if
    we are to preserve the distinction of 12 separate proteins for
    each of the cell’s tasks. The limit F = 1/12 represents the
    minimum possible protein specificity. This means that f cannot
    have a value less than 1.08 in a cell with Np = 12 proteins.
    In fact, it is probable that F is much smaller than 1/12. If F
    were as large as 1/12, the prognosis for cell survival would be
    slim: a single point mutation could convert (say) a membraneproducer
    in any particular cell into (say) a waste management
    protein. If this were to happen, the cell and its progeny could
    hardly expect to survive for long.
    This suggests that, in order to ensure long life for the cell, the
    value of F should be much smaller than 1/12. How small might F be?
    Let us introduce a “protein specificity index” m such that
    F=(1/12)m, i.e. f = 1.08m. With this definition, the minimum value
    that m can have is mmin = 1 (the minimum permissible specificity).
    Values of m in the range (say) m = 3-4 represent conditions where
    protein functions are only marginally specific. The maximum value
    that m can have is mmax = qmax/1.08: in the example given above where
    qmax = 18.2, mmax would have a value of about 16.9. In the limit m =
    mmax, every protein performs a unique task.
    With this well-defined range of the m parameter, we may usefully
    refer to an “average specificity index” mav = (mmin + mmax)/2. With
    the values just cited, we find mav is about 9. High specificities
    can be considered as those with m values in excess of mav. Low
    specificities are those with m values less than mav.

    16. What are the chances of creating the first functioning cell
    The fact that the factor F departs from unity has the effect that
    the Q factor which we used above in estimating the probability of
    random formation of the first cell must be replaced by the product
    FQmax. The quantity q in our earlier estimates must be replaced by
    qmax-f where f cannot be less than 1.08.
    In view of this, if we adopt the “RNA-first” theory, the necessary
    number of reactions for random assembly of the first cell is 10L
    L = 24.3Na + 43.3 –14(qmax - f). (eq. 8)
    Setting Na = 14, the chance Pr of random assembly of the first cell
    in the first 1.11 billion years of Earth’s existence (during which
    time there were at most 1065 reactions) is one in 10b where
    b = 14(f - qmax + qra ). (eq. 9)
    With f=1.08m, and qra – qmax = 4.6, the chance Pr is about one in
    1015m+64.4. Since m cannot be less than 1, Pr is certainly less than
    one in 1079. If m takes on its average value mav = 9, Pr decreases
    to 1 in 10200. Even if m takes on values that are much smaller than
    mav (say 2-3), the probability Pr amounts to only one in 1094-109.
    Note that the exponent b increases rapidly as Na increases: both
    qra and qmax are proportional to Na. As a result, if we increase Na
    to (say) 21, we would find that qra – qmax would increase from 4.6
    to 6.9. Then even with m = 1 (its lowest value), exponent b
    exceeds 100.
    Even if we were to allow for a much older Earth, with an age of
    (say) 100 billion years, the number 65 in our formula for qra would
    increase only to 67. This would lead to a reduction of only 0.14
    in qra in the “RNA-first scenario”. This would increase the chance
    of random cell assembly, but even in the best possible case (m=1),
    Pr would still be no better than one part in 1077.
    The result Pr < 10-79 applies to a cell consisting of only the
    absolute minimum set of Np = 12 proteins. Such a cell is extremely
    small compared to the smallest known cell in the modern world
    (where Np = 250). What if the minimum number of proteins in a
    functional cell is 30 or 50 or 100? In such cases, the requirement
    of specificity of protein function has the effect that the factor
    F must be smaller than 1/Np , i.e. the exponent f must exceed
    log(Np). In terms of the protein specificity index m,
    f = m log(Np), (eq. 10)
    where m cannot be less than 1. In view of this, the probability of
    random assembly of the first cell is one in 10b where
    b = (Np+2)[mlog(Np) – qmax + qra ]. (eq. 11)
    Therefore, if the first cell required (say) 30 proteins to become
    operational, the chance of assembling its RNA at random in the
    primeval soup after 1065 collisions is less than one in 1047m+147.
    The exponent in this result rapidly becomes large even if we allow
    for only marginal specificity. For example, if m has a value of 2,
    Pr is less than one in 10240. And if m is set equal to its average
    value mav = 9, Pr falls to less than one in 10570.
    If the modern genetic code was operative in the first primitive
    cell (much smaller than the smallest cell in today’s world), the
    above numbers are mathematical statements of the chances that the
    RNA for the first cell was assembled by random processes. It is
    clear that the probabilities are extremely small. We stress that
    we have optimized a number of parameters in estimating the above

    17. What about doublet-codons?

    We can improve the situation for random assembly of the first cell
    by considering the following possibility: suppose that, by some
    means, the proteins in the first cell were assembled from a
    smaller set of distinct amino acids than the Naa = 20 which exist
    in nature today.
    To be specific, let us suppose that the number of distinct amino
    acids which were used in the first cell was as small as Naa = 5. It
    is not obvious that functional proteins could actually exist with
    such a small “vocabulary” of amino acids. However, it has been
    claimed that protein folding is possible with as few as 5 distinct
    amino acids (Riddle et al. 1997). Therefore, consideration of this
    case probably does not violate any of the constraints of physical
    chemistry. It also does not violate any of the limitations of
    information theory: the quaternary genetic code might have begun
    as a “first extension” using doublet codons (Yockey, p. 188).
    (Vestiges of this early code might still exist in modern
    mitochondria.) Doublet codons might have encoded for as few as 4-5
    proteins (see Yockey, Table 7.1).
    The major change in our calculation in this case is that the
    codons in the RNA would no longer need to consist of triplets of
    bases. Assuming that there are still 4 bases to use for RNA
    coding, doublets would suffice to provide unique encoding for all
    5 amino acids (plus a start and a stop code). Of course, one might
    suspect that in a world where the number of useful amino acids has
    been reduced from 20 to 5, there might also be a reduction in the
    number of useful bases. For example, if there were only 2 useful
    bases (i.e. if the genetic code were ever binary consisting of one
    purine and one pyrimidine, a possibility discussed by Yockey (p.
    184), then triplet codons would still be needed even to encode for
    Naa = 5. In this case, we would return to the estimates derived
    above for the triplet codon world. If there were 3 useful bases
    available, doublet codons would suffice to encode for up to Naa = 7
    (plus a start and stop code).
    However, to optimize chances for random assembly, let us assume
    that all 4 of the modern bases are available so that we can
    exploit the possibility of doublet codons for the case Naa = 5.
    In this case, the probability of assembling the RNA for a cell
    consisting of 12 proteins, each with Na amino acids, would be fRNA =
    (1/10)M where
    M = 14.4Na +28.9 – 12q. (eq. 12)
    We still need two proteins to allow DNA to do its work: with only
    5 different amino acids to choose from, the chances of assembling
    these two proteins at random are (1/5)P X 10-2q where P = 2Na.
    Therefore fRNA in the 2-codon world would be equal to (1/10)R where
    R = 15.8Na + 28.9 – 14q. (eq. 13)
    In order that RNA for the first doublet-codon cell could have been
    assembled at random in the first 1.11 billion years of Earth’s
    existence, we must satisfy the equation
    15.8Na +28.9 –14qd = 65 (eq. 14)
    where subscript d denotes that we are dealing with doublet codons.
    What is the minimum size of a protein in a world with Naa = 5? In
    our previous discussion of our modern world where Naa = 20, we have
    argued that proteins with Na = 14 are the smallest functional
    units. Does this argument remain valid when Naa is reduced to a
    value as small as 5? The answer is not obvious. For lack of
    alternatives, we will assume that Na cannot be less than 14 in a
    functional protein in the Naa = 5 world.
    With this assumption, we find that qd cannot be less than 13.2.
    This is many orders of magnitude smaller than the value of qra
    which is required in the three-codon world. At first sight, this
    might appear to represent a large increase in protein specificity.
    However, results from the three-codon world are not relevant here.
    Instead, we need to compare the new estimate of qd with the total
    number of distinct proteins that are possible in the primeval
    soup. With 5 distinct amino acids in the soup, and with each
    protein containing 14 amino acids, we see that there are some 514
    distinct possible proteins. Therefore, in this case, Qmax = 109.8 ,
    i.e. qmax = 9.8. In view of the requirement that Q be at least as
    large as 109.8, we see that the qd required for random assembly of
    the RNA for the first cell again exceeds its maximum permissible
    value, this time by 3.4. That is, once again essentially all
    proteins are required to perform the task of all other proteins.
    We are faced once again with the problem of lack of protein
    To satisfy the demands of specificity, we again introduce the
    fraction F = 10-f of all available proteins which are able to
    perform the task of (say) energy production. As before, we write f
    = m log(Np) where m lies between 1 and qmax/log(Np). (With the above
    numbers, mmax = 9.1, and the average specificity mav takes on a
    value of about 5.) In view of this, we see that the probability of
    assembling RNA for the first cell by chance in the 2-codon world
    becomes one in 10c where
    c = (Np+2)[mlog(Np) – qmax + qd ]. (eq. 15)
    Since the difference qd - qmax is now “only” 3.4 (as opposed to 4.6
    for the 3-codon case), we see that the probability of random
    assembly of the RNA for a (12-14) cell has increased in the 2-
    codon case by at least 16-17 in the exponent. This is a great
    improvement indeed relative to the 3-codon case.
    However, even with absolutely marginal specificity of protein
    tasks, i.e. m = 1, the probability Pr of assembling RNA randomly in
    the primeval soup for a (12-14) cell which uses only Naa = 5
    distinct amino acids is no better than one in about 1063. If the
    specificity has its average value mav = 5, then Pr = 10-123. Even if
    the value of m is much smaller than mav (say m = 2-3), and with
    more realistic numbers of proteins in the cell (say Np = 30), the
    chances of randomly assembling the RNA for the first cell in the
    primeval soup using doublet codons is no better than one in 10200.

    18. What about singlet codons?

    We might (in principle) improve the chances of randomly assembling
    the first cell if the genetic code were able to operate with
    singlet codons (instead of doublets or triplets). However, it
    seems unlikely that such a world can exist. It is known that
    folding of a protein simply cannot be achieved using an amino acid
    set that is as small as 3 (Riddle et al. 1997): on the other hand,
    folding can be achieved if the set of amino acids is as large as
    5. For the sake of argument, let us make the extreme assumption
    that folding CAN occur with an amino acid set consisting of only 4
    species in the primeval soup. In this case, a singlet codon (one
    of the four bases for each amino acid) would in principle suffice
    for the RNA to encode for the amino acids, although with zero
    redundancy (and therefore no error protection).
    However, in order to assemble an accompanying DNA molecule, we
    also need to have start and stop codons. That is, we must encode
    not merely for the 4 amino acids, but also for the start/stop
    codons. This means that the DNA is required to encode for at least
    6 elements. This cannot be done with singlet codons (if only four
    bases are available.)
    We conclude that the doublet-codon world is as simple as we can go
    and still have access to the flexibility of the genetic code.

    19. A window of opportunity

    When we considered what was probably the simplest example of a
    doublet-codon world, with Naa = 5, we found that random assembly of
    the first cell turned out to be more probable than in the triplet
    codon case with Naa = 20. But still, the probability Pr is very
    However, this is not the only example we might consider. Doublet
    codons with 4 useful bases can in principle encode for a
    “vocabulary” of proteins made with Naa in the range from 5 to 14
    (allowing for start and stop codes). And if proteins still consist
    of Na = 14 amino acids, then the maximum available number of
    proteins Qmax increases from 514 to 1414 as Naa increases from 5 to
    14. That is, qmax increases from 9.8 to 16.0. The corresponding
    values of mmax in a 12-protein cell are 9.1-14.8 (with mav = 5.05-
    Returning to the expression we obtained for the probability Pr of
    random assembly of RNA for the first cell in a doublet codon
    world, 1 in 10c, we recall from eq. (15) that
    c = (Np+2)[m log(Np) + qd – qmax]
    where qd = 13.2 (for proteins with 14 amino acids each) and m has a
    value of at least 1. Inserting qmax values in the range from 9.8 to
    16.0, we see that the difference qd-qmax is no longer in all cases
    positive definite. In fact, when Naa grows to a value as large as
    9, the value of qd-qmax becomes for the first time negative (-0.2).
    This will certainly improve the probability of random assembly.
    However, if we insert numerical values, and set the specificity to
    its average value (mav = 7.2), we find that in a (12-14) cell, the
    value of the exponent c for the case Naa = 9 becomes 106. If we
    allow the protein specificity to fall to a very small value, say m
    = 2, then c becomes 28. That is, the probability that the RNA of
    the first cell with Naa = 9 was assembled by chance in the first
    billion years of the primeval soup might be as large as 1 in 1028.
    These represent large improvements over the probabilities we have
    considered above.
    Moving on to even larger values of Naa, the formal probabilities of
    random RNA assembly become even larger. In fact, with Naa = 11, the
    probability Pr approaches unity if m has a value less than
    1.4/log(Np). Thus, in a (12-14) cell, a value of m less than 1.3
    would ensure that Pr could have a value of order unity if Naa = 11.
    Such a cell could have had its RNA assembled randomly with high
    probability in the primeval soup in an interval of 1.11 billion
    In the limiting case Naa = 14 in the doublet codon world, a (12-14)
    cell could be assembled randomly with high probability (in fact,
    with near certainty) in 1.11 billion years as long as mlog(Np) does
    not exceed the numerical difference between qmax and qd (i.e. 16.0-
    13.2 = 2.8), i.e. as long as m does not exceed 2.5. This
    represents the widest opening of the window of opportunity for the
    random assembly of the RNA for a (12-14) cell.
    We note that a specificity of less than 2.5 is much smaller than
    the average mav: for the case Naa = 14, mav has the value 7.9. If
    the protein specificity index in the primeval soup was indeed as
    large as the value mav, the probability Pr of assembling the first
    (12-14) cell randomly in a doublet codon world is no more than one
    in 1080.
    The window of opportunity in the doublet-codon world has an
    interesting property that is relevant to the modern world. For a
    14-acid cell where the number of proteins is as large as in the
    smallest known modern cell (Np = 250), the probability of random
    assembly Pr could have approached unity as long as m is in the
    range 1.0-1.17. This is a very restricted window: but it is a bona
    fide window. It indicates that, provided all of the various
    optimized conditions are satisfied, random assembly of a (250-14)
    cell might have occurred with high probability in the young Earth
    with Naa = 14.
    However, the restricted window for the Np = 250 cell closes
    altogether if we have overestimated by too much the number of
    collisions in the primeval soup. As was mentioned in Section 13.3,
    our choice of 1065 for the value of nr (the total number of
    reactions experienced by bases or amino acids in the primeval
    soup) may be too large by 10 or more orders of magnitude. If nr is
    in fact equal to 1058 (or less), then qd increases to 13.7 (or
    more). In this case, the probability Pr (= 1 chance in 10c) falls
    far below unity even if m has its minimum possible value (m=1):
    the exponent c takes on the value 24.7 (or more).
    Values of m as small as 1.17 or 1.3 (or even 2.5) represent
    marginal specificities; they are far below the average
    specificities, and are close to the absolute minimum value of m
    (=1). Whether living cells could in fact survive (and replicate
    faithfully) in the present of such marginal specificities is not
    known. At the very least, it is a cause for concern in the context
    of cell robustness.
    The above calculation suggests formally that random assembly of
    the first cell could have been achieved in the primeval soup if
    certain conditions were satisfied. The requirements are: (i) at
    least 11 distinct amino acids were available for use in the making
    of proteins; (ii) 4 distinct bases were available for the DNA;
    (iii) the protein specificity index m did not exceed 2.5 (for a
    cell with 12 proteins); (iv) the number of amino acids in the
    polypeptide chain of each protein equals 14; (v) the total number
    of reactions between bases or amino acids in the primeval soup was
    1065 ; (vi) we accept the RNA-first theory of cell assembly.
    If any of these conditions was violated in the young Earth, the
    probability of random assembly quickly falls to very low values.

    20. Entropy constraints on the window of opportunity
    At this point in the argument, we need to ask: is the mathematical
    scenario described in Section 19 relevant in a robust biological
    In order to address this, we need to consider a certain aspect of
    coding theory (Yockey, p. 5). The Central Dogma of biology states
    that DNA encodes for protein assembly but proteins do not encode
    for DNA assembly. To ensure this, coding theory states that the
    “vocabulary” at the source (e.g. DNA) must have significantly more
    symbols than the “vocabulary” at the receiver (amino acids).
    In the modern world, there is no problem with this requirement.
    With 64 codons in the DNA, and only 20 amino acids in (most)
    proteins, there is a large excess in the “mutual information
    entropy” of DNA compared to amino acids. The maximum information
    content of a DNA sequence is 5.931 bits per codon, whereas the
    information content of an average protein sequence is 4.139 bits
    per amino acid (Yockey, p. 175). (These numbers are close to the
    definition of Shannon entropy for the source log2(64) and receiver
    log2(20) respectively: the slight differences arise because not all
    modern amino acids are encoded with equal probability.) The
    difference dH between 5.931 and 4.139 (dH = 1.792 bits per codon)
    is (in the language of coding theory) a measure of the difference
    in Shannon entropy between source (DNA) and receiver (proteins).
    (Shannon entropy has nothing to do with the Maxwell-Boltzmann-
    Gibbs entropy of thermodynamics). Because of this difference in
    entropy, DNA can communicate information to amino acids, whereas
    amino acids cannot communicate information back to the DNA.
    The large amount of redundancy (represented by the ratio of 64 to
    20) in the modern DNA “vocabulary” relative to the amino acid
    “vocabulary” allows for error checking in the course of cell
    replication. With the proper use of redundancy, the channel
    capacity theorem (Yockey, p. 115) indicates that the error rate in
    a code can be kept below any specified level. This is essential
    for cells to ensure reliable and consistent replication in the
    course of many generations.
    As one possible measure of the level of error protection in a
    code, we may refer to some results obtained by Yockey (p. 73). It
    turns out that in a protein with N amino acids, the number of
    high-probability states N(h) in parameter space is 2NH where H is
    the Shannon entropy per amino acid. In the event that all sites
    have equal probability of occupation by each and all of the Naa
    distinct amino acids, the value of N(h) becomes equal to NaaN, as
    expected from the probability arguments we have used in this
    paper. In view of the formula for N(h), it seems reasonable to
    use, as a measure of error protection in the translation from DNA
    to proteins, the number E = 2NxdH. In the case of a modern protein
    such as insulin (with N=51), E has a value of 3 x 1027, and we
    interpret this to mean that insulin is extremely well protected in
    the modern world from errors in transcription.
    Now let us return to the doublet codon option in the primeval
    soup. A world containing 14 distinct amino acids in the proteins
    (plus one start and one stop code) would correspond to a doublet
    code in which the source has 16 symbols but the receiver also
    contains 16 symbols. In this situation, where dH = log2(16/16) = 0,
    there is zero entropy difference between source and receiver. As a
    result, E = 1, and the measure of error protection for (say)
    insulin would be some 27 orders of magnitude smaller than it is in
    the modern world. Replication of insulin in such a situation would
    be subject to intolerable uncertainty.
    Moreover, the Central Dogma of biology would break down: a protein
    (such as insulin) would be able to control DNA just as much as DNA
    controls proteins. This hardly seems like a prescription for hardy
    life forms: there are too many options for lack of
    However, the break-down of the Central Dogma in the Naa = 14 world
    suggests that in such a world, one might consider not only the
    RNA-first theory, but also a “protein-first” theory. The numerical
    factors entering into our estimates of the probability of random
    assembly would then change. Thus, the value we have used above for
    qd (=13.2) (obtained from eq. (14)) would have to be changed to a
    value determined from a modification of the expression for z in
    eq. (1). We recall that eq. (1) refers to the case where the set
    of distinct proteinous amino acids contains 20 entries. Here, we
    have only 14 entries in the set, and as a result, z changes to
    13.8Na – 12q. Setting z equal to 65 and Na = 14, we find qd = 10.7.
    The window of opportunity now widens somewhat: for the case Naa =
    14, the value of Pr approaches unity as long as the specificity
    index m does not exceed 4.9. This is still well below the average
    value mav (= 7.9). Thus, we are still forced to confront the
    requirement that protein specificities are quite small.
    A doublet codon world, if it is to be of interest to biology in
    the context of error-free replication, must certainly contain less
    than 14 distinct amino acids. How much less than 14 should we
    consider? We have seen that there is a good probability that RNA
    can be assembled randomly as long as Naa has a value of 11 or more.
    Including a start and a stop codon, this means that the genetic
    code must use 16 symbols at the source to encode for 13 (or more)
    amino acids. The difference in Shannon entropy between source and
    receiver for this case is log2(16/13), i.e. dH = 0.3. With such a
    value of dH, the error protection E of insulin would fall to 4 x
    104, i.e. some 23 orders of magnitude weaker than the protection
    which exists in the modern genetic code. And for the cases Naa = 12
    and 13, the values of dH are 0.19 and 0.09 respectively. The
    corresponding values of E for insulin would be 826 and 24, i.e. up
    to 26 orders of magnitude less protection than in the modern
    Although it is sometimes claimed that error protection “must have
    been” less in the early genetic codes than in the modern world,
    this is not necessarily true. On the contrary, to ensure that
    reliable replication occurs among millions of cells of even a
    single species, it appears that the earliest genetic codes “must
    have been nearly as accurate as those of today, otherwise even
    short proteins could not have been transmitted in sufficient
    numbers” (Yockey, p. 338). In other words, if the earliest genetic
    codes were error prone, biology would not have been possible.
    In order to ensure the same error protection between source and
    receiver which exists in the modern world, there should be similar
    redundancy to what exists in the modern world. That is, the ratio
    of the number of codons in the DNA to the number of symbols in the
    amino acids should be comparable to the modern value (64/20 =
    3.2). This suggests that, at an epoch when there were 16 codons in
    the DNA code (if there was indeed such a “doublet-codon epoch” in
    the early Earth), the value of Naa should have been 5. This is
    precisely the case we considered in the Doublet Codon section. The
    Central Dogma would be just as robustly valid in such a world as
    it is in today’s world. However, the chances of randomly
    assembling such a cell is (as we have seen) only 1 in 1063.

    21. Window of opportunity? or bottleneck?
    There is a further constraint on the world of doublet codons in
    which Naa lies in the range from 11 to 14. This has to do with how
    well protected the genetic code is from noise-induced mutations.
    Cullmann and Labouygues (1983, BioSystems 16, 9: hereafter C&L)
    have discussed this issue in numerical detail.
    In order to understand the results of C&L, a brief summary of
    their terminology is necessary. In a doublet code, with 4 bases,
    there are 16 possible codons. Of these, only a certain number (the
    “sense codons”) are used to encode for proteinous amino acids. The
    remainder are “non-sense codons” which serve to terminate the
    translation. Mutations of various types can occur as a result of
    noise. There is one class of mutations which causes a sense codon
    to switch to a non-sense codon. In a second class of mutations, a
    single mutation causes a sense codon to switch to another sense
    codon. In the latter case, the protein may still function if there
    are synonymous code entries. But if we dealing with an invariant
    site, then the protein function is disabled, and C&L refer to a
    “mis-sense” codon.
    C&L have systematically analyzed all possible doublet codons in a
    world where the number of amino acids being encoded varies from Naa
    = 0 to 16 (thus including all numbers of interest to us here). In
    each case, they count up how many single mutations N lead to nonsense
    codons, and how many single mutations D(1) belong to
    synonymous and mis-sense codons. C&L point out that the optimal
    code (as far as immunization from noise is concerned) is one which
    minimizes N and which simultaneously maximizes D(1). Codes which
    have N not too far from its minimum value also possess significant
    immunization against noise. C&L find that, starting with Naa = 0
    and increasing Naa in steps of unity, there is at first a growing
    number of doublet codes which satisfy the optimal condition.
    In the present context, it is important to note that this growth
    in available codes continues up to Naa = 8, at which point there
    are thousands of codes which are not far from optimal. But for Naa
    = 9 and larger, the number of available codes begins to diminish
    rapidly. For Naa = 12, the number of codes has decreased to the
    hundreds, and as Naa approaches 16, the numbers drop off towards a
    value of 1. Thus, as a doublet-codon system attempts to encode for
    more and more amino acids, there are less and less options the
    closer Naa approaches 16.
    Yockey (p. 190) refers to this as a “bottleneck” which has
    evolutionary significance. He suggests that doublet codons might
    have been successful in operating biology as long as Naa was
    smaller than 16. But as more and more amino acids became available
    for inclusion into proteins, and Naa eventually increased above 16,
    it eventually became necessary to go to triplet codons. However,
    before this happened, and as Naa increased upward through values of
    9, 10,…16, the shrinking size of parameter space in which noiseimmunized
    codes can exist would have exposed the organisms of that
    time to an increasing lack of immunization against genetic noise.
    Now, we recall that, in our discussion above, the probability of
    randomly assembling the RNA for the initial (12-14) cell first
    rises to large values when Naa is as large as 11. Using the results
    of C&L, we now see that this value of Naa has a significant
    property: it is already past the peak in available numbers of
    doublet codes. Thus, we are already approaching the vicinity of
    Yockey’s “bottleneck”. This makes it increasingly difficult for an
    immunized genetic code to handle the large variety of proteins
    which one might expect to find in a flourishing biosphere.

    22. Overview on the window of opportunity
    Let us now take an overall look at the window of opportunity in
    the light of our discussions of the “bottleneck” (Section 21), the
    entropy (Section 20), and the requisite marginal specificities of
    proteins (Section 19). Taken in combination, these discussions
    suggest that what appears as a window of opportunity for random
    assembly of the first cell (in a formal mathematical sense) may be
    subject to several classes of difficulties in the biological
    It is true that a scenario in which the doublet-codon window opens
    up to its widest extent describes a system which is interesting
    from a mathematical perspective. But from a biological
    perspective, this system suffers from three serious drawbacks.
    First, in the encoding process between DNA and proteins, error
    protection is many orders of magnitude weaker than it is in modern
    organisms. Second, the phase space of permissible genetic codes
    shrinks to smaller and smaller volumes. Third, a huge number of
    the available proteins must be able to perform each and every task
    in the cell: the number is so large that there would have been
    almost no specificity in protein tasks within a cell. That is,
    there is a good chance that a protein which is supposed to be used
    for (say) membrane repair, may switch to one whose function is
    (say) enabling reproduction.
    Any one of these features could be considered as posing
    significant difficulties for cell survivability. The combination
    of all three exacerbates the problem. It is difficult to see how a
    cell (even of the primitive kind we consider here, no bigger than
    a modern virus) could have survived. For the first robust cell to
    have developed randomly in the doublet-codon phase of the
    primitive Earth, conditions must have been “just right” to allow
    survival in the presence of the above serious drawbacks.

    23. Conclusion
    We have numerically evaluated the probability Pr that, in the first
    1.11 billion years of Earth’s existence, random processes were
    successful in putting together the RNA for the first cell. In
    estimating Pr, we initially assumed that the first cell follows the
    rules which guide modern life-forms. That is, we assume there are
    Naa = 20 distinct amino acids in proteins, and triplet codons in
    the genetic code.
    In calculating Pr, we consider only the random assembly of RNA: we
    assume that once the RNA is present, it will generate the proteins
    for the cell. (Thus, we are not requiring that the proteins be
    assembled randomly: if we were to impose such a requirement, the
    probabilities of random assembly of the first cell would be even
    smaller than the results we obtain here.) Furthermore, we consider
    a cell which is much smaller than those which exist in the modern
    world. The latter contain at least 250 proteins. By contrast, we
    have reduced the requirements of the first living cell to a bare
    minimum: we assume that that cell was able to function with only
    12 proteins. Compared to the smallest known living cell, our
    choice of 12 proteins seems almost absurdly reductionist. Our
    “cell” looks more like a modern virus (which cannot reproduce
    itself) than a bona fide cell. But we proceed anyway.
    Moreover we also assume that each protein consists of a chain of
    no more than 14 amino acids. We refer to this as a (12-14) cell.
    Again, a chain with only 14 amino acids is considerably shorter
    than the smallest known protein in the modern world (which
    contains a few dozen amino acids). It is not clear that a protein
    with only 14 acids would be subject to the 3-dimensional folding
    which is essential to protein functioning. Nevertheless, we make
    these reductionist assumptions about a cell with the aim of
    optimizing the probability of assembling the first cell.
    In this spirit, we start with the assumption that the only amino
    acids which existed in the primitive Earth were the 20 (or so)
    distinct types of amino acids which occur in the proteins of
    modern living cells. Also in the spirit of optimization, we assume
    that the entire pre-biomass of the Earth was in the form of
    proteinous amino acids. We specifically exclude the non-biological
    amino acids (numbering more than one hundred) which may have been
    produced in the primitive Earth. Moreover, we also assume that all
    20 of the proteinous amino acids were present solely in the Lisomer
    form so that the growth of a protein chain is not ended
    prematurely by unintentional inclusion of a D-isomer. Furthermore,
    we assume that the initial cell occurred in the physical
    conditions which are most commonly cited in textbooks, i.e. in a
    “primeval soup”. This allows us to obtain a firm (and generous)
    upper limit on the number of chemical reactions which could have
    occurred before the first cell appeared on Earth.
    With all of these assumptions, we find that the probability of
    assembling the RNA required for even the most primitive (12-14)
    cell by random processes in the time available is no more than one
    in 1079.
    In order to improve on the probability that random processes
    assembled the RNA for the first cell, we make the (unproven but
    likely) assumption that proteins in the earliest cells were
    constructed from a smaller set of distinct amino acids than those
    which occur in modern cells. In order to ensure that the primitive
    life forms had a similar level of error protection in their
    genetic code as that which exists in the modern world, we consider
    a case in which the early proteins consisted of only Naa = 5
    distinct amino acids. For these, the genetic code can operate with
    doublet codons. In such a world, the probability of randomly
    assembling the RNA for the first cell in the time available is
    certainly larger than in our modern (triplet codon) world. But the
    probability is still small, no more than one part in about 1063.
    We have identified a region in parameter space where, once the
    genetic code exists, the probability of random assembly of the
    first cell could have reached formally large values in optimal
    conditions. These conditions include the following: (i) the first
    cell contained 12 proteins; (ii) each protein in the cell
    contained 14 amino acids; (iii) there were 4 bases in DNA; (iv)
    the protein specificity index was no larger than 2.5 (far below
    its average value); and (v) conditions in the primitive prebiosphere
    were such that chemical reactions occurred at their
    maximum possible rates. (The last of these conditions almost
    certainly involves an optimization which is unrealistic by as much
    as 10 orders of magnitude.)
    (Note that we have said nothing about how the genetic code came
    into existence. We merely assume that it is already in operation.
    The origin of the code is a more formidable problem than the one
    we have addressed here.)
    If mathematics were the only consideration, our conclusions would
    suggest that the RNA for the first cell could have been assembled
    randomly in the primeval soup in 1.11 b.y. once there was a code
    and abundant supplies of between 11 and 14 distinct proteinous
    amino acids. However, when we take into account considerations of
    coding theory (especially the necessity to protect the proteins
    from errors of transcription), it appears that this region of
    parameter space is hostile to protein production. And the genetic
    code has to pass through a “bottleneck” in order to enter into the
    modern world, with its 20 proteinous amino acids. As a result, the
    first cell might have had serious difficulties surviving as an
    autonomous biological system.
    Finally, the extreme nature of our assumptions regarding the first
    cell (12 proteins, each containing 14 amino acids) can hardly be
    overstated. If a cell is to fulfil even the minimum requirements
    of a Von Neumann self-replicating machine, it probably needs at
    least 250 proteins. Even with multiple optimizations in our
    assumptions about the primeval soup, the window of opportunity for
    creating such a cell in 1.11 b.y. narrows down to a very
    restricted region in phase space: (I) there must have been exactly
    14 distinct amino acids in the cell proteins, (II) the protein
    specificity index must have been between 1.0 and 1.17, and (III)
    at least 1058 chemical reactions must have occurred between the
    bases (or amino acids) in 1.11 b.y. The “fine tuning” of such
    conditions presents a problem. However, there are more serious
    problems than fine tuning: error protection in the genetic code
    fails altogether in these conditions. Even the Central Dogma of
    biology breaks down. A cell formed under these conditions would
    truly be subject to serious uncertainties not only during day-today
    existence but especially during replication. The cell could
    hardly be considered robust.
    Nevertheless, as Yockey (p. 203) points out, the possibility that
    an organism from the doublet-codon world might have survived the
    “bottleneck” may have some empirical support. According to the
    endosymbiotic theory (L. Margulis 1970, Origin of Eukaryotic
    Cells, Yale Univ. Press, New Haven CT), mitochondria might have
    been at one time free-living bacteria which now survive in a
    symbiotic relationship with the cytoplasma of other cells. In
    mitochondria, the genetic code differs somewhat from the code in
    other cells. Perhaps mitochondria are representative of organisms
    which originated in the doublet-codon world, but which could not
    survive on their own because of the difficulties associated with
    the hostile zone of parameter space where they originated.
    In summary, if the first cell actually originated by random
    processes, the genetic code must already have existed, and
    conditions must have been “finely tuned” in order to trace a path
    through a narrow (and hostile) region of parameter space. The idea
    that some of the constants of the physical world have been subject
    to “fine tuning” in order to allow life to emerge, has been widely
    discussed in recent years (e.g. in the book by J. D. Barrow and F.
    J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Oxford University
    Press, 1994, 706 pp). If we are correct in concluding that “fine
    tuning” is also required in order to assemble the first cell, we
    might regard this conclusion as a biological example of the
    Anthropic Principle.

    Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    Why by the mighty tome called the Atheist manifesto of course! Teaches us how to bring disaccord and choas into the world for our dark masters!

    Anyways, you are using the double whammy of God-of-the Gaps and Irreducible Complexity.


    Seeing as there is no Atheist PRATT book as of yet, Ill just stick to these links


    Edit: If youd be kind enough to provide a link and wait a day or so, I might be able to debunk it in a bit more detail. The methodology is the same though

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    I thought we had declared a moratorium on 'debate by Google'?

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    Re: Atheism: Denying the Undeniable

    format_quote Originally Posted by PurestAmbrosia
    who are you swearing by? I like atheists to be devout in their convictions.. you should find some other means to loan your 'arguments/disceptations' credence, than make such a declaration under oath!
    I assume he did not mean it literally. Are you trying to cause conflict?

    format_quote Originally Posted by PurestAmbrosia
    Probabilities of randomly assembling a primitive cell on Earth


    We evaluate the probability Pr that the RNA of the first cell was
    assembled randomly in the time available (1.11 billion years
    [b.y.]). To do this calculation, we first set a strict upper limit
    on the number of chemical reactions nr which could have occurred
    before the first cell appeared.

    I remember reading an excellent response by a highly intelligent member from another forum to probability. I will find his response and credit him.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Dante
    I: The claim to improbability falls prey to the fallacy of postdiction. It is not meaningful to calculate the theoretical probability of an event after it has occurred. For example, let us suppose you have a deck of fifty-two cards - a standard deck. Shuffle them well, perhaps seven times. Now, deal out each card one by one. Note the order. What do you suppose was the probability of that specific sequence for appearing?

    Congratulations, it was on an order of 1.24 x 10^-63 - a vanishingly small probability. You will never see that sequence again most likely. In fact, if you took all of Earth's 6.5 billion humans and had them deal one trillion decks per second, it would still take you about 3.93 x 10^38 years to see it. That's 393 million million million million million million years.

    For perspective, that's about 29 billion billion billion years times the estimated age of the universe.

    Surprised that you got it anyway? Notice the flaw here? You never specified in advance which sequence you were going to get. Clearly, you were going to get something but you did not specify what. This is a grave fallacy in this entire flawed line of reasoning.

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