"When the Missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible. They taught how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible." -- Jomo Kenyatta

Appeal to all Americans
"CHRISTIAN 'intolerance' - intolerance towards other religions"

Americans will never forget 9/11.
A mere mention of the date 9/11 makes every American angry, feels violated.
Everyone has been asking: "Who are they? Why did they do it to us? Why do they hate us? We are an open-minded people. We welcome people of all religions and cultures of the world and treat them as fellow citizens. Why us?"

The answer to all of these is "INTOLERANCE--intolerance towards other religions".

International investigation proved that most of the funding for 9/11 terrorist act was raised in the name of charity. It could be a samaritan--say, Ahmed in Saudi Arabia who donated ten dollars to a charity organization. The common man might be thinking that his or her donation went for a good cause. However, this money went into the hands of agents of intolerance who, through their exclusivist interpretation of their religion, found a divine mandate to destroy people of other religions.

Are you one of those 'unsuspecting donors' like Ahmed?

Is it possible that your donation is being used to cause violence many times more than the violence caused in 9/11?
It could be YES, but in a different context. Your donations may have been intended to help the poor, the suffering and those who have not heard the Lord's name. However, conversion and other missionary activities done with your donations causes enormous violence.
They have destroyed peaceful native religions of the world, destroyed many African economies, and have split societies in otherwise relatively calm in India and other parts of South Asia. They separate families, communities and the countries that have co-existed for (in some cases) thousands of years. They showed little mercy for even the children who were ruthlessly separated from their families in many indigenous cultures from Canada to Australia for the purpose of forced assimilation. To make matters worse, EVAMGE;OCALS bribe leaders, prominent men, politicians and buy up news and TV media as part of their campaigns so that there is no voice left for those who love and wish to follow their own culture and religion.

The whole conversion process is run as a marketing machine that preys upon the weaknesses in others societies in order to advance the social, political and economic interests of a single religion. It starts with most helpless and meek and builds up to forcing the whole culture and community submit to their agenda. History has shown repeatedly how conversion was used by missionaries all over the world to benefit their own interests by grabbing their victims' land and property. Today, the Vatican and other evangelical organizations are using the similar tactics in various countries to increase their numbers to compensate for their membership losses in Europe. In particular, India and other Asian countries, Africa in so called "10/40 window" (area from 10 degrees to 40 degrees North of equator that has largest number of Non-Christians in the World) are being targeted for conversion, which in turn cause upheavals in those cultures.

Is it possible that the very funds collected in the name of spreading love and help the helpless be used to exploit those who are in desperate situation and those who are in distress? During the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, the tsunamis in Indian Ocean, and wherever distress and helplessness have taken their toll, missionaries have used your charity donations to fly to those regions to offer help. Yet the help was provided with a tag attached that read "Convert to Christianity". If you reverse the roles, do you want to be abused by someone when you are in distress? Would it be right when followers of non-Christian religions approached Katrina's victims that food will be provided or house can be rebuilt only if you hear their god or only if you convert to their religion? Would it be right if they target weaker sections in inner cities of United States and spread message that their condition is due to white man's Christianity in order to convert into their religion and cause hatred between communities? How can you justify the actions of evangelical missionaries if you believe in the teaching of Jesus, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?

If we assent to the claims of divine mandate to actions of missionaries, how can we oppose the claims of Islamic fundamentalists of their divine mandate to categorize non-believers as pigs and infidels (Dhimmis) who can be raped, plundered and murdered. How can we condemn actions of well educated Islamic fundamentalists who committed the barbaric 9/11 crime based on their "divine" mandate? Can we look into eyes of our own children and reconcile the actions of missionaries who separated thousands of native american children from their parents because they have divine mandate to bring God to "savage" cultures? Is there a room for reason?

What is the root cause of religious aggression and injustice? Intolerance of other religions, and the desire to increase numbers in one's own religion by any means. It is based on an exclusive view of faith, that only one religion deserves to exist and all other are false and evil.
This root cause begat the Jewish holocaust, the Rwanda genocide, the Spanish inquisitions, the Goa (India) Inquisitions, the Burning of Witches, the slavery and subjugation of Africans, women, gays, and lesbians, and the continued destruction of cultures across the world.

Mahatma Gandhi gave his life for tolerance among religions. He held the Sermon on the Mount with high esteem, but viewed missionaries as vendors of goods who do enormous harm rather than good. He said, "Stop all conversions, it is the deadliest poison that ever sapped the fountain of truth." He asked 'why missionaries do not approach those like him who can make weighed decisions about religion rather than approach innocent, uneducated and unwitting tribals of India'.

Could you do something to fix that?

Yes! A Christian need not be ashamed of his religion just because some bad elements are trying to represent his faith. Stop supporting evangelism and be a proud Christian.

Next time when you go to your church, ask whether they support any evangelism activities. If so, voice your protest! Encourage your family and friends protest it, too. Tell your church authorities, "I want to be a proud Christian that believes in peaceful co-existence with other faiths, so I oppose evangelism."
When you donate to church or charity, research what they do with that money. Question why that money could not be used for those in need in this country, where 40% of our population are without medical insurance, more than 50% of children are raised by single mothers who are struggling every day, 1 out of 100 adults is incarcerated and our children's educational performance is lacking when compared to several other countries.

Please do not get carried away by propaganda that pleads, "Save the life of a child in some third world country by donating to EVANGELIST charities." Question them! Account for every precious dollar you donated. Don't be another Mr. Ahmed of Saudi Arabia.

Related links:
The Canadian Holocaust
Documentary revealing Canada's darkest secret
Bad Manna -A First hand report on the effects of missionary activity in India.
Australian Apology to Stolen Generation:
Christian Impositions at a Residential Development in Bangalore:
Click here (and scroll down) for all the three part videos on this topic.

33450 Mahatma Gandhi - Appeal to all Americans I disbelieve in the conversion of one person by another. My effort should never to be to undermine another's faith. This implies belief in the truth of all religions and, therefore, respect for them. It implies true humility..........I hold that proselytisation under the cloak of humanitarian work is unhealthy to say the least. It is most resented by people here. Religion is after all is a deeply personal thing. It touches the heart. Why should I change my religion because the doctor who professes Christianity as his religion has cured me of some disease, or why should the doctor expect me to change whilst I am under his influence........STOP ALL CONVERSIONS, IT IS THE DEADLIEST POISON THAT EVER SAPPED THE FOUNTAIN OF TRUTH.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

vamadeva - Appeal to all Americans
Proselytizing consists of externally approaching others and seeking to change their religious belief, under the conviction that one's religion is the highest truth and that whatever religion other people may follow is inferior, wrong or unholy. Proselytizing is a weapon of richer cultures to take over poorer cultures. It is often combined with charitable help, material reward, or promises of social advancement or a better life for new converts. It is not an inner quest for spiritual realization but an outer effort to increase the numbers of the faithful, as if outer religious labels were what really counted. Proselytizing is a rejection and denial of pluralism. Once traditional people change their Religious practices, their religious and spiritual heritage is lost, and along with it, generally their entire culture
-- David Frawley
<img alt="Swami Dayananda Saraswati" align="middle" height="84" width="75"> A terrorist always chooses his time, place, and mode of destruction. It is not a straight declared war. That is why nobody can protect himself or herself against terrorism. It is the same when there is an organized effort to destroy religions and cultures of the world.
--Swami Dayananda Saraswati
JomoKenyatta - Appeal to all Americans When the Missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible. They taught how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible.
-- Jomo Kenyatta atphoto2007 09 19image materia vertical0134193346 - Appeal to all Americans<img alt="" height="30" width="28"><img alt="" height="30" width="28"> For Pope to say the cultural decimation of our (South American) people represents a purification is offensive, and frankly, frightening. It's arrogant and disrespectful to consider our cultural heritage secondary to theirs.
-- Jecinaldo Satere Mawe

 42914547 benedict afp416 1 - Appeal to all Americans
Demonstration in front of United Nations on Apr 18 2008, against Church's philosphy of 'exclusivism' which resulted in destruction and decimation of world religions and cultures.