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    imran_c's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sikhism

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    As-salam alaykum wara matulha dear beloved brotthers and sisters

    Alhu eyku msIiq bsqu hY Avru mulKu iksu kyrw ]

    alahu eaek maseeth basath hai avar mulakh kis kaeraa ||

    If the Lord Allah lives only in the mosque, then to whom does the rest of the world belong?

    This is from the granth shiab:

    Now were did they get that allah subhan wala tala lives in a mosque. I will give a Quran recitation which tackles what the granth sahib says:

    50:16 It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein.

    Walaqad khalaqna alinsana wanaAAlamu ma tuwaswisu bihi nafsuhu wanahnu aqrabu ilayhi min habli alwareed

    وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ وَنَعْلَمُ مَا تُوَسْوِسُ بِهِ نَفْسُهُ وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ

    Now this shows that Allah subhan wala tala is closer than us that aour jugular vein thus allah is everywhere. Also when the Sikhs say that to whom does the rest of the world belong to. This sura inidicate that Allah is the owner of the world/worlds:

    1:2 Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;

    Alhamdu lillahi rabbi alAAalameen

    الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

    32:2 (This is) the Revelation of the Book in which there is no doubt,- from the Lord of the Worlds.

    Tanzeelu alkitabi la rayba feehi min rabbi alAAalameen

    تَنزِيلُ الْكِتَابِ لَا رَيْبَ فِيهِ مِن رَّبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

    So now if we analyze what we have recited is that Allah subhan wala tala does not live in the mosque, and that allah is the owner of the worlds.

    Now if the granth sahib was a Devine revelation then obviously it would have had right facts and not false accusations.

    Now lets go on further in to the granth sahib:

    ihMdU mUriq nwm invwsI duh mih qqu n hyrw ]1]

    hi(n)dhoo moorath naam nivaasee dhuh mehi thath n haeraa ||1||

    According to the Hindus, the Lord's Name abides in the idol, but there is no truth in either of these claims. ||1||

    Now if it was a devine revaltion this god wouldn’t use the word as According.

    This is one fact that muslims can use againt the Sikhs:

    dKn dyis hrI kw bwsw piCim Alh mukwmw ]

    dhakhan dhaes haree kaa baasaa pashhim aleh mukaamaa ||

    The God of the Hindus lives in the southern lands, and the God of the Muslims lives in the west.

    Where was it in the quran which says that Allah subhan wala tala lives in the west??
    why would allah subhanwala tala need something? Allah does not need anything and everything need allah. Allah subhanwala tala does not live in the west as allah is the creator of the worlds. Also where does it says in the quran or in any hadith that allah subhan wala tala lives in the west?

    bRhmn igAws krih caubIsw kwjI mh rmjwnw ]

    brehaman giaas karehi choubeesaa kaajee meh ramajaanaa ||

    The Brahmins observe twenty-four fasts during the year, and the Muslims fast during the month of Ramadaan.

    Another main factor which Sikhs get wrong is:

    “Muslims fast during the month of Ramadaan.”

    Yes but also Muslims believe that there are 4 main months which you can fast

    This last one finally shows that sikh belive in a child of god:

    kbIru pUMgrw rwm Alh kw sB gur pIr hmwry ]5]

    kabeer poo(n)garaa raam aleh kaa sabh gur peer hamaarae ||5||

    Kabeer is the child of God, Allah, Raam. All the Gurus and prophets are mine. ||5||

    as i have shown sikhs belive that god had a wife and now a child
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    Re: Sikhism

    this is from the guru granth shaib so brother and sister be prepared with quran ayahs and hadiths to tackle each one of these
    lets work together to tackle each one!!!!
    there are some that i have tackled from the top as shown
    Alhu eyku msIiq bsqu hY Avru mulKu iksu kyrw ]
    alahu eaek maseeth basath hai avar mulakh kis kaeraa ||
    If the Lord Allah lives only in the mosque, then to whom does the rest of the world belong?

    ihMdU mUriq nwm invwsI duh mih qqu n hyrw ]1]
    hi(n)dhoo moorath naam nivaasee dhuh mehi thath n haeraa ||1||
    According to the Hindus, the Lord's Name abides in the idol, but there is no truth in either of these claims. ||1||

    Alh rwm jIvau qyry nweI ]
    aleh raam jeevo thaerae naaee ||
    O Allah, O Raam, I live by Your Name.

    qU kir imhrwmiq sweI ]1] rhwau ]
    thoo kar miharaamath saaee ||1|| rehaao ||
    Please show mercy to me, O Master. ||1||Pause||

    dKn dyis hrI kw bwsw piCim Alh mukwmw ]
    dhakhan dhaes haree kaa baasaa pashhim aleh mukaamaa ||
    The God of the Hindus lives in the southern lands, and the God of the Muslims lives in the west.

    idl mih Koij idlY idil Kojhu eyhI Taur mukwmw ]2]
    dhil mehi khoj dhilai dhil khojahu eaehee t(h)our mukaamaa ||2||
    So search in your heart - look deep into your heart of hearts; this is the home and the place where God lives. ||2||

    bRhmn igAws krih caubIsw kwjI mh rmjwnw ]
    brehaman giaas karehi choubeesaa kaajee meh ramajaanaa ||
    The Brahmins observe twenty-four fasts during the year, and the Muslims fast during the month of Ramadaan.

    igAwrh mws pws kY rwKy eykY mwih inDwnw ]3]
    giaareh maas paas kai raakhae eaekai maahi nidhhaanaa ||3||
    The Muslims set aside eleven months, and claim that the treasure is only in the one month. ||3||

    khw aufIsy mjnu kIAw ikAw msIiq isru nWeyN ]
    kehaa ouddeesae majan keeaa kiaa maseeth sir naa(n)eae(n) ||
    What is the use of bathing at Orissa? Why do the Muslims bow their heads in the mosque?

    idl mih kptu invwj gujwrY ikAw hj kwbY jWeyN ]4]
    dhil mehi kapatt nivaaj gujaarai kiaa haj kaabai jaa(n)eae(n) ||4||
    If someone has deception in his heart, what good is it for him to utter prayers? And what good is it for him to go on pilgrimage to Mecca? ||4||

    eyqy Aaurq mrdw swjy ey sB rUp qum@wry ]
    eaethae aourath maradhaa saajae eae sabh roop thumhaarae ||
    You fashioned all these men and women, Lord. All these are Your Forms.

    kbIru pUMgrw rwm Alh kw sB gur pIr hmwry ]5]
    kabeer poo(n)garaa raam aleh kaa sabh gur peer hamaarae ||5||
    Kabeer is the child of God, Allah, Raam. All the Gurus and prophets are mine. ||5||

    khqu kbIru sunhu nr nrvY prhu eyk kI srnw ]
    kehath kabeer sunahu nar naravai parahu eaek kee saranaa ||
    Says Kabeer, listen, O men and women: seek the Sanctuary of the One.

    kyvl nwmu jphu ry pRwnI qb hI inhcY qrnw ]6]2]
    kaeval naam japahu rae praanee thab hee nihachai tharanaa ||6||2||
    Chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, O mortals, and you shall surely be carried across. ||6||2||
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  5. #23
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    Re: Sikhism


    Salam bro, could ou explain the references you have given, for example what does ||6||2|| mean?
    And who is Kabeer?
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  6. #24
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    Re: Sikhism

    format_quote Originally Posted by Moss View Post

    Salam bro, could ou explain the references you have given, for example what does ||6||2|| mean?
    And who is Kabeer?
    wa alykum asalam warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.

    the bro is referring to the ayah's / verses in the qur'an. so whenever someone mentions two numbers (represented from the qur'an) look at it this way:

    an example:

    01:01 = the first number will represent the chapter in the qur'an, and the second number will represent the number of the ayah / verse.

    therefore - 01:01 will represent the first chapter (which is surah fatiha) and the second number will represent the first ayah / verse. = "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. "

    in total there are 114 chapters / surah's in the qur'an, and the amount of ayah's / verses differ in every surah / chapter.

    if you still dont understand what it means, please ask and we'll try to help out further insha Allaah. jazak Allaah khayr. by the way its really good masha Allaah that you want to learn more.
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  8. #25
    imran_c's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sikhism

    as-salam alaykum brothers and sisters WRONG"!!!!!

    This is from the granth shaib OK

    Alhu eyku msIiq bsqu hY Avru mulKu iksu kyrw ]
    alahu eaek maseeth basath hai avar mulakh kis kaeraa ||
    If the Lord Allah lives only in the mosque, then to whom does the rest of the world belong?

    ihMdU mUriq nwm invwsI duh mih qqu n hyrw ]1]
    hi(n)dhoo moorath naam nivaasee dhuh mehi thath n haeraa ||1||
    According to the Hindus, the Lord's Name abides in the idol, but there is no truth in either of these claims. ||1||

    Alh rwm jIvau qyry nweI ]
    aleh raam jeevo thaerae naaee ||
    O Allah, O Raam, I live by Your Name.

    qU kir imhrwmiq sweI ]1] rhwau ]
    thoo kar miharaamath saaee ||1|| rehaao ||
    Please show mercy to me, O Master. ||1||Pause||

    dKn dyis hrI kw bwsw piCim Alh mukwmw ]
    dhakhan dhaes haree kaa baasaa pashhim aleh mukaamaa ||
    The God of the Hindus lives in the southern lands, and the God of the Muslims lives in the west.

    idl mih Koij idlY idil Kojhu eyhI Taur mukwmw ]2]
    dhil mehi khoj dhilai dhil khojahu eaehee t(h)our mukaamaa ||2||
    So search in your heart - look deep into your heart of hearts; this is the home and the place where God lives. ||2||

    bRhmn igAws krih caubIsw kwjI mh rmjwnw ]
    brehaman giaas karehi choubeesaa kaajee meh ramajaanaa ||
    The Brahmins observe twenty-four fasts during the year, and the Muslims fast during the month of Ramadaan.

    igAwrh mws pws kY rwKy eykY mwih inDwnw ]3]
    giaareh maas paas kai raakhae eaekai maahi nidhhaanaa ||3||
    The Muslims set aside eleven months, and claim that the treasure is only in the one month. ||3||

    khw aufIsy mjnu kIAw ikAw msIiq isru nWeyN ]
    kehaa ouddeesae majan keeaa kiaa maseeth sir naa(n)eae(n) ||
    What is the use of bathing at Orissa? Why do the Muslims bow their heads in the mosque?

    idl mih kptu invwj gujwrY ikAw hj kwbY jWeyN ]4]
    dhil mehi kapatt nivaaj gujaarai kiaa haj kaabai jaa(n)eae(n) ||4||
    If someone has deception in his heart, what good is it for him to utter prayers? And what good is it for him to go on pilgrimage to Mecca? ||4||

    eyqy Aaurq mrdw swjy ey sB rUp qum@wry ]
    eaethae aourath maradhaa saajae eae sabh roop thumhaarae ||
    You fashioned all these men and women, Lord. All these are Your Forms.

    kbIru pUMgrw rwm Alh kw sB gur pIr hmwry ]5]
    kabeer poo(n)garaa raam aleh kaa sabh gur peer hamaarae ||5||
    Kabeer is the child of God, Allah, Raam. All the Gurus and prophets are mine. ||5||

    khqu kbIru sunhu nr nrvY prhu eyk kI srnw ]
    kehath kabeer sunahu nar naravai parahu eaek kee saranaa ||
    Says Kabeer, listen, O men and women: seek the Sanctuary of the One.

    kyvl nwmu jphu ry pRwnI qb hI inhcY qrnw ]6]2]
    kaeval naam japahu rae praanee thab hee nihachai tharanaa ||6||2||
    Chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, O mortals, and you shall surely be carried across. ||6||2||

    ok Kabeer was an indian saint

    now according the the granth this indicited that kabeer was the child of god
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    Re: Sikhism

    the part were kabeer is mention is form Raag Prabhaatee - Part 023
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    Re: Sikhism

    can people inshallah get quran reciation which shows that these verse from the GRANTH have false accusations
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  11. #28
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    Re: Sikhism

    This will be brief but I hope it helps, inshaa'Allah.
    format_quote Originally Posted by imran_c View Post
    Alhu eyku msIiq bsqu hY Avru mulKu iksu kyrw ]
    alahu eaek maseeth basath hai avar mulakh kis kaeraa ||
    If the Lord Allah lives only in the mosque, then to whom does the rest of the world belong?
    Allah swt does not live in the Mosques, indeed the whole earth belongs to Allah swt (Qur'an 39:10). But the Mosques are places dedicated to the worship of Allah swt. As a symbol of devotion, we dedicate places where people do nothing except His ibaadah.

    ihMdU mUriq nwm invwsI duh mih qqu n hyrw ]1]
    hi(n)dhoo moorath naam nivaasee dhuh mehi thath n haeraa ||1||
    According to the Hindus, the Lord's Name abides in the idol, but there is no truth in either of these claims. ||1||

    Alh rwm jIvau qyry nweI ]
    aleh raam jeevo thaerae naaee ||
    O Allah, O Raam, I live by Your Name.

    qU kir imhrwmiq sweI ]1] rhwau ]
    thoo kar miharaamath saaee ||1|| rehaao ||
    Please show mercy to me, O Master. ||1||Pause||
    No comment necessary.

    dKn dyis hrI kw bwsw piCim Alh mukwmw ]
    dhakhan dhaes haree kaa baasaa pashhim aleh mukaamaa ||
    The God of the Hindus lives in the southern lands, and the God of the Muslims lives in the west.
    73:9 (He is) Lord of the East and the West: there is no god but He: take Him therefore for (thy) Disposer of Affairs.

    idl mih Koij idlY idil Kojhu eyhI Taur mukwmw ]2]
    dhil mehi khoj dhilai dhil khojahu eaehee t(h)our mukaamaa ||2||
    So search in your heart - look deep into your heart of hearts; this is the home and the place where God lives. ||2||

    bRhmn igAws krih caubIsw kwjI mh rmjwnw ]
    brehaman giaas karehi choubeesaa kaajee meh ramajaanaa ||
    The Brahmins observe twenty-four fasts during the year, and the Muslims fast during the month of Ramadaan.

    igAwrh mws pws kY rwKy eykY mwih inDwnw ]3]
    giaareh maas paas kai raakhae eaekai maahi nidhhaanaa ||3||
    The Muslims set aside eleven months, and claim that the treasure is only in the one month. ||3||
    False. That one month is a period in which we train specifically, in order to improve ourselves throughout the rest of the year.

    khw aufIsy mjnu kIAw ikAw msIiq isru nWeyN ]
    kehaa ouddeesae majan keeaa kiaa maseeth sir naa(n)eae(n) ||
    What is the use of bathing at Orissa? Why do the Muslims bow their heads in the mosque?
    Muslims bow their heads out of servitude to Allah swt.

    idl mih kptu invwj gujwrY ikAw hj kwbY jWeyN ]4]
    dhil mehi kapatt nivaaj gujaarai kiaa haj kaabai jaa(n)eae(n) ||4||
    If someone has deception in his heart, what good is it for him to utter prayers? And what good is it for him to go on pilgrimage to Mecca? ||4||
    This is why the Prophet saws said "There are some who stand all night in prayer and obtain nothing from it but lack of sleep", and "Actions are but by their intentions".

    The rest has nothing that needs a response.

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Sikhism

    as-salam alaykum wara matulha dear beloved brother

    maishallah now we can complie our works to together and inshallah make a book inshallah the first LI book
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    Re: Sikhism

    what in the world is sikhism?????????
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  15. #31
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    Re: Sikhism

    they call themselve people who belive in one god and belive in equality

    They also say that the guru grnath shaib is something which sikhs belive is there holy book !!! but there holy book isnt a devine revalastion because sikhs have already admitted that. But somepeople say its parts of islam and hindusim put to gether

    thats bout it
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  16. #32
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    Re: Sikhism

    format_quote Originally Posted by imran_c View Post
    maishallah now we can complie our works to together and inshallah make a book inshallah the first LI book
    Br. Imran,
    If you compile your notes on Sikhism together into an article, inshaa'Allah we could post it on the website.


    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

    Visit Ansâr Al-'Adl's personal page HERE.
    Excellent resources on Islam listed HERE.
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  17. #33
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    Re: Sikhism

    format_quote Originally Posted by edil View Post
    what in the world is sikhism?????????
    Behold the Sikh!
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  18. #34
    Heera Singh's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sikhism


    My name is Heera Singh.. i'm a Sikh... i was told about this website from sum1 else who was a lil hurt by some of the things said on this thread... i've scrolled through some of the threads on this forum, although many of them seem nice, I would have to say some of the thoughts/feelings of Sikhism that some people portray on this thread are false... I will try to my fullest to give the Truth of what Sikhism is, and what it believes etc... What I ask of all of you is to please post ur questions comments with respect, so there isn't any ruckus for no reason... I would be happy to answer any questions, whether it be by PM or through this thread...

    So.. i'll begin with asking those who have questions... to please post one by one.. so I may answer them accordingly (to the best of my ability)...

    One thing to remember, we are ALL brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of GOD.. God is One... whether you refer to him as Allah, Vaheguru, God or nething else...

    please forgive me if i've offended anybody...

    take care...
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    Re: Sikhism


    First Things First... Sree Guru Nanak Dev Jee was NOT Muslim.. He was born into a Hindu family in Talwandi, now called Nankana Sahib, a village located near the city of Lahore in present-day Pakistan... Guru Nanak Dev Jee was the 'founder' of Sikhism... and yes He believed in the concept of 'One God'; in fact the first words in the Sree Guru Granth Sahib (the Sikh holy scriptures) is 'Ek Oankar'... meaning 'God is One'...

    In reply to one of the above posts who said 'he had muslim friends, his best friend was muslim etc....' ... you have to look at the demographics of where he lived and spent most of his years. He spent most of his years in Muslim dominated regions, where probably more then 90% of the people were Muslim... Sree Guru Nanak Dev made four great journeys, traveling to all parts of India, and into Tibet and Arabia and visiting Mecca and Baghdad... on these journeys he met the Kabir (who i'm guessing you were referring to as his 'best friend'), who spent his years after that travelling with Guru Nanak Dev Jee...

    One thing everybody must know, is that Guru Nanak did not tell people to follow HIM, he told people to be true to themselves... Wherever he went, Guru Nanak Dev spoke out against empty religious rituals; pilgrimages; the caste system; the practise of Sati, wherein a widow immolates herself on their husband's funeral pyre; and other such things.... Once when Guru Nanak was asked which religion, Hinduism or Islam was the true path to God, Guru Nanak replied that the true way to attain God was to worship Him who is eternal and contained in the whole Universe...

    So... long story short, Guru Nanak Dev Jee was neither Muslim, nor Hindu... from a young age, he started to speak the Sikh way of life...

    I hope this clears up a lot of misconceptions...

    Any other questions??

    God Bless!
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  21. #36
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    Re: Sikhism

    Hi Heera Singh

    I have a sikh friend, who is constantly contradicting himself

    One minute he admits that muslims wrote in guru granth sahib, then also admits that all religions are right. Then later totally contradicts himself by attacking islamic teachings like polygamy and like you have said Hajj

    My questions are

    1) Do Sikhs believe all religions are right?

    2) Do Sikhs believe in prophets before Guru Nanek

    3) Why have non-sikhs written in Guru Granth Sahib

    Also i'd like to point out that the gurus did try and invite others to sikhism, and wanted people to convert, because they thought it was the one true path.

    Also you strangely say
    Wherever he went, Guru Nanak Dev spoke out against empty religious rituals; pilgrimages
    But yet Guru Nanek did Hajj, which is a pilgrimage, which proves he was a muslim. All sikhs unanimously admit he performed hajj, my question is why would he do it if he wasn't a muslim? Why go through all that if it was all useless as you say. Also i'd like to point out something to you that i noticed, if he had done hajj, the only way for him to have entered Mecca/medina was by saying he was a muslim, ie he would have had to lie

    By the way it's good a sikh is on here. We've been crying out for some. Soo many questions, i'm sure there are answers to the questions i've posted, it'll just e good to finally receive some. Hopefully we can have good dialogue and learn aout each other's religions

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  22. #37
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    Re: Sikhism


    Brother Moss, I thank you for welcoming me with open arms, and the respect you have given. .. all your questions are valid, and have been asked by many, so I will answer them one by one (to the best of my ability)... I will answer your questions 1 per post, since each post will be fairly lengthy, hehe...

    1) Do Sikhs believe all religions are right?
    Each religion has suggestions, which are to be followed, in order to grow spiritually and to realize god. Most religions, generally, claim their way is the way to God. For example, ask many Christians... their answer will be The One and Only Way..is through Jesus...If you believe in any others.. no way you will be saved. Same for many Muslims and the Koran... Prophet Mohammed is the One and Last Prophet...If you don’t believe in the Prophet..no way to be saved.

    Gurbani (in the form of Sree Guru Granth Sahib) directs us towards ultimate reality, towards ultimate truth. There is no duality about the realization of God or the way to God. Duality is there to live in this world at each step. Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhism's Holiest collection of gurbani contains Banis from Muslims, Hindus and many others who were not sikhs. This is a first in World History..No holy texts of any religion contain even one line from any other religion...the Sikh religious text contains many pages of such writings of authors from other religions... this can be seen to show the 'oneness' of God, meaning God is ONE regardless of religion....

    Sikhism regards all as brothers..all as Creations of the Same God..in Gurbani Allah, Raam, Krishan, Gobind, Haree, Raam, all refer to the same spiritual force, the same supreme power, the same Akal Purakh, Waheguru, God.

    Gurbani and the Gurus did not seek to convert anyone. In fact Gurbani contains so many passages addressed to Hindus..Be a Good and Steadfast Hindu... to a Muslim..Be a Good Muslim. It can be said same about a Christian..be a good Christian and steadfast in your own religion...if that’s what leads you to God.

    Then Why Sikhism..why be a Sikh ? Because only Sikhism/Gurmat has the Concept of Naam Japp [meditating on the gurbani/shabad/word revealed to gurus about the concept of God]. Naam is Supreme in Sikhism...Sikhism doesn't really believe in certain 'rituals' as we see it... i.e. bathing at teeraths/pilgrimages, fasts, praying etc which are done as Religious duties. If there is No Naam in all these then they are just empty rituals...valueless.

    The concept of Naam is unique to Sikhism. No other religion stresses this as much. And Most important of all Naam assures Merger with Waheguru....merger of atma (soul) with parmatma (supreme soul/God)..Jeewan Muktee (liberated while still alive)... In Sikhism there is no heaven/no hell per se. All those are on this earth. It can be seen as a metaphor for the state that your mind is.... One who's mind is completely connected to God will be in Sach Khand (the realm of truth -- where GOD abides)...

    In the Sikh Scriptures there is basically one Tuk (line) which basically answers this question for all:
    "sarb dharam meh srayst dharam, har ko naam jap nirmal karam"
    which.. basically means... you can be Sikh, Christian, Muslim, Hindu etc... you can have the Sree Guru Granth Sahib memorized... the Vedas memorized.. the Koran memorized etc... but if you don't meditate on the name of the lord, then ur wasting your time... The name of the Lord is the HIGHEST religion!

    Look at it this way... an 'example'... God is the Peak of the Highest Mountain... but there are MANY different ways to get to that peak.. i.e. many different spiritual paths...
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    Re: Sikhism

    Salam Bro Jazakallah kahirun (May Allah reward you with good) for reply

    Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhism's Holiest collection of gurbani contains Banis from Muslims, Hindus and many others who were not sikhs. This is a first in World History..No holy texts of any religion contain even one line from any other religion...the Sikh religious text contains many pages of such writings of authors from other religions...
    I find it difficult to see how you consider this to be a good thing. It proves Guru Granth Sahib is not the word of God. If it was it wouldn't contain the words of other books
    Firstly these different religious texts contain contradicting views, more than one view on a single issue can't be right. How is it that there can be a heaven and a hell, and reincarnation at the same time? How can Jesus be Son of God, and not Son of God at the same time? How can there be one god, and not one god at the same time? It implies either God is confused and contradicting himself, or he is lieing, and no way can any God contain any of these human qualities
    Secondly these texts aren't all from god, some of them are written by humans, and historians. All muslims unanimously agree that the whole Qur'an is the word of God, but a lot of priests admit bible has been changed, same with rabbis admitting Torah has changed, and also Hindu opundits admit their scriptures have changed, so in essence a lot of these are word of men, who furthermore are attriuting these words wrongly to God, therefore they are liars, so you may have texts and words written liars in your Guru granth Sahib
    Thirdly my idea of guidance is clearly different from yours. I believe God created us, he knows whats best for us, he knows our ins and outs. So he created us for a purpose, ut he's going to create us with guidance, through prophets (According to islam anyway, through Gurus for you)and when the last prophet has been sent then we have the last revelation, unaltered word of god. We have the Qur'an, which we believe is unchanged, and you believe after the last Guru Gobind Singh now it's the Granth Sahib, which confusingly you admit is not word of god. either way it is the last revelation to us so should be perfect in guidance in every way. we believe ours is all from god, and his laws are perfect, since he knows whats best for us. But your guidance comes from fellow men, who have no divine qualities and are prone to error, how can you have guidance from these people

    this can be seen to show the 'oneness' of God, meaning God is ONE regardless of religion....
    I understand where you are coming from with your point here, but your point to me implies there is more than religion, since there are more than one way to God

    Sikhism regards all as brothers..all as Creations of the Same God..in Gurbani Allah, Raam, Krishan, Gobind, Haree, Raam, all refer to the same spiritual force, the same supreme power, the same Akal Purakh, Waheguru, God.
    Same here, no matter what name you give him, no matter how little or how muchy you pray to him, he is still god, he is still the greatest, but to God elong only beautiful elloquent names

    Gurbani and the Gurus did not seek to convert anyone.
    Well why did then Guru Nanek travel accross the himalayas and stuff to preach to lost people. He thought other ways were not right so he wanted them to follow the true path then isn't it?

    In fact Gurbani contains so many passages addressed to Hindus..Be a Good and Steadfast Hindu... to a Muslim..Be a Good Muslim.
    Really? I admit i didn't know it said that. I wasn't aware. could you provide me the verse where it actually says that please?

    It can be said same about a Christian..be a good Christian and steadfast in your own religion...if that’s what leads you to God.
    that's the thing, only way way to God, there can't be two ways, if God has never instructed us to do something, yet a cetain religion follows such a ritual, then how can they possibly be getting closer to god?

    Sikhism doesn't really believe in certain 'rituals' as we see it... i.e. bathing at teeraths/pilgrimages, fasts, praying etc which are done as Religious duties. If there is No Naam in all these then they are just empty rituals...valueless.
    Well our rituals aren't useless. Our whole life is a test for heaven/hell, God gives us different ways to perform good actions, to receive good deeds in different ways, and at same time he tests us in different ways. They are all forms of worship since God has told us do this or do that. We pray 5 times a day to constantly e reminded of god's presence and he is wathcing us, so we should e good. We fast to improve our self-discipline in matters such as back-biting swearing etc Also we contemplate life of poor, and are encouraged to give more charity. We go hajj to see God's most beuatiful and loved place on earth, where Muhammed SAW battled for good.

    Its weird you're having a go at rituals where you yourself grow your hair, and you even have 5 prayersd a day aswel if i'm not mistaken? can you explain these then please? Also don't loads of sikhs do a pilgrimage evry year to a shrine in Lahore?

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    Re: Sikhism

    Look at it this way... an 'example'... God is the Peak of the Highest Mountain... but there are MANY different ways to get to that peak.. i.e. many different spiritual paths...
    http://www.islamicboard.com/58144-post49.html this post by Br. ansar refutes this way of thinking?

    Also i'm still don't quite understand, so do you believe Muhammed PBUH was a Prophet? Or Jesus PBUH? or do you believe in Bible or Qur'an?

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    Good question's
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