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    Intercession (OP)

    Hello. My name is Wayne. I am a person of the Book and a follower of Isah. I am trying to gain a better understanding of Islam.

    Sura 32:4 reads, "GOD is the One who created the heavens and the earth, and everything between them in six days, then assumed all authority. You have none beside Him as Lord, nor do you have an intercessor. Would you not take heed?"
    Sura 40:18, "Warn them about the imminent day, when the hearts will be terrified, and many will be remorseful. The transgressors will have no friend nor an intercessor to be obeyed."

    My question: Who is going to intercede with GOD for Muslims on Judgement day?

    Thank you --- Wayne

  2. #41
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    Re: Intercession

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    Two types of sin are a dishonor to GOD because it suggests their are good sins and bad sins; big sins and little sins. A Holy, Righteous GOD does not measure and differentiate sins. Sin is sin is sin. Either He loves all sin or He hates all sin.

    "The Bible contains both truth and falsehood." Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father (GOD) except through me." Is this truth or falsehood?

    I have to leave. When I get back, I hope we can continue wsith this discussion. Thanks for your time!

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    Re: Intercession

    "The Bible contains both truth and falsehood." Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father (GOD) except through me." Is this truth or falsehood?
    This is the truth
    And it is also true when applied to ALL prophets.
    Let me explain how....

    Musa (Moses) (as) was given a revelation.
    Now if Pharoh had taken those revelation and said "follow me I will lead you to God", and then gone on to intrepret the scriptures in HIS way - the people would have been misguided. Therefore Moses was the ONLY way and no one would get to the Father (God) during his times except through him.

    Same applies to Jesus(as) he brought a message and if people would not have followed him but instead followed someone who was 'posing' as a prophet of God they would have been misguided.

    And finally we come to Mohammed (sa) he too was the way and the only way for the people! And still is since he was the last Prophet. If people follow the interpretations of other 'fake prophets' or people who intrepret the Quran diferently from the way the Prophet explained it - they will go astray!

    So to each nation of each prophet - The Prophet was the ONLY way to get to God.

    Because EACH and every Prophet had a "sunnah" or "prescribed way of life according tot he Example they set for people" and so people followed in their footsteps.

    As for the Sin - ALL actions are judged on intention! So a seemilgly small sin could displease God enormously! Or a seemilngly huge sin could actually not displease God at all! How?

    Well lets take an example:
    A man sets out to do evil deed by stealing - but his intentions were to steal from someone and thus in turn cause his family to starve and die (because he hated them). He stole from them...

    In the eyes of Human his sin was smaller than that of Murder but no human knew his evil intentions towards wanting the mans family dead! But Allah knew!

    Second Example: A man sets out on a walk one day. He sees a kid crossing the street and a car coming at speed from the other end. He jumps to save the boy but instead accidentally knocks over an old lady who dies in front of the car! The people around him only saw so much so that they testify "He pushed her in front of the car on purpose" He is convicted of Murder and cannot argue his case otherwise!

    Now no one knew he was innocent but Allah knew!

    So you see who is sinful and who is pure is not known to us - because only Allah swt knows what happens in the hearts and minds of mankind!

    So be assured that those deserving of punishment - who loved corruption and who were arrogant and rebellious will be the ones punished!

    Those deserving of mercy will be granted mercy - those who loved good and tried to do good

    So you see humanity cannot possibly know and judge like God because we are so little!
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  5. #43
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    Re: Intercession

    Sin is sin is sin. Either He loves all sin or He hates all sin.
    He hates all sins; I never claimed otherwise. Yet He still has the right to forgive someone's sins if He finds them deserving of His forgiveness. God has informed us in the Qur'an that seeking forgiveness from God for one's sins is a beautiful act in the sight of God and He loves to forgive. When one seeks forgiveness they are no longer the same as the unrepentant sinner.

    format_quote Originally Posted by POBook View Post
    Two types of sin are a dishonor to GOD because it suggests their are good sins and bad sins;
    I never said this.
    big sins and little sins. A Holy, Righteous GOD does not measure and differentiate sins.
    Is stealing a candy bar equal to committing mass genocide? Should a righteous God not differentiate between the two?

    "The Bible contains both truth and falsehood." Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father (GOD) except through me." Is this truth or falsehood?
    Before we decide whether this is truth or falsehood, we have to decide what this really means, right? Br. Akulion has given a nice explanation and I also like the explanation of Dr. Ali Ataie:
    John 14:6 – I am the way, the truth, and the life...
    ...This verse (John 14:6) reads in its entirety: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” Interestingly, we as Muslims should not take any exception to this verse. Belief in Jesus as a true Prophet, Messenger, and Messiah is an article of Islamic faith. Denial of this constitutes kufr, or unbelief. We can surely imagine Moses mimicking these very words as he descended Sinai only to find his “rebellious” and “stiff-necked” community worshipping a golden calf. Moses was the way, the truth, and the life, while the calf was a false way, a false truth, and a false life.

    Let’s examine the verse in its historical context. The Children of Israel at the time of Jesus were expecting the coming of three distinct luminaries, the second of which was Ha Mashiakh, or the “Anointed One” (See Chapter 6 for a complete explanation of Jewish prophetic expectations). When Jesus arrives on the scene he finds the Jews clinging onto a myriad of customs and traditions that had nothing to do with the true teachings of the Torah as revealed through Moses (upon whom be peace). When the Gospel revelations attempted to abrogate many of these invented traditions, the Jews became filled with hatred for the nature of Jesus’ teachings. The son of Mary lashes out: “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell” (Matthew 23:33)?; “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier [matters] of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.[Ye] blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel” (Matthew 23:23-24).

    On another occasion he tells the self-righteous Jews: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me” (John 14:6). He is essentially saying: “Your little scruples and customs will not save you from damnation. The Anointed of God is here before you and yet you reject him! How do you expect to attain salvation?” Let me draw an analogy that you can easily grasp: When the Prophet Muhammad began admonishing the Quraysh of Mecca, he found success with great difficulty because the hearts and minds of the people were very much fixated on their idols of wood and stone. The Quraysh certainly believed in Allah, the most High God as they called Him, but felt that He was too holy to be approached without the means of intermediaries. Obviously believing in the messengership of Muhammad is the defining characteristic of a Muslim, and the very fact that the Quraysh felt that they didn’t need his guidance demonstrated their contentment with the religion of their Pagan fathers. Therefore, despite their belief in Allah, can any of the Quraysh expect to enter Heaven now that God’s Holy Prophet is among them in their very midst, and they reject him? Never!

    The Christian may inform you that Jesus claimed to be “the truth,” or al-Haqq in Arabic, which is one of the Divine attributes of God mentioned in the Qur’an. “He is using a divine attribute to refer to himself, an attribute found in your scripture,” he will say. Inform him that the words Ra’uf and Rahim, meaning Kind and Merciful respectively, are also attributed to God in the Qur’an. However, Allah reveals in Surah Tawbah, verse 128: “Now hath come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful” (Qur’an 9:128). The words that Allah has used in this verse to describe the character of His Beloved are Ra’uf and Rahim, two of the divine attributes! Does this make Muhammad God? Certainly not. He simply embodies many of the sacred attributes at a much smaller, human level. By the same token, we can say that Muhammad is Great, Noble, Generous, and Truth. He is not, however, “the Creator,” or “the Giver of Life and Death.” These attributes are solely for God and nowhere does Jesus ever claim to be these things.
    (Ataie, In Defense of Islam, pp. 15-18).
    Even if we do accept this ambiguous statement attributed to Jesus as true, it becomes very clear that it doesn't change anything and it certainly doesn't establish his divinity as Christians would like us to believe.


    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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  6. #44
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    Re: Intercession

    Prophet Muhammed S.A.W.S
    will interceed for some muslims inshallah
    Every Prophet gets a dua that will be answered i.e it is accepted they get a wish.The prophet Muhammed will make his wish i.e dua on the day or judgement inshallah.He will interced for his Ummah.He will ask Allah to save his Ummah i.e followers from Hell inshallah.

    And Allah knows best.


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    I know i look diffrent--im going through something.Make dua for me
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    Re: Intercession

    the prophet Muhammad (saw) will interceed on behalf of mankind to allow the day of reckoning to start as the whole of mankind whilst drowning in their own sweat will want the day of judgement to start. the prophet will go to the throne of allah and prostrate and allah will say 'interceed and i shall accept, ask me what you want and i shall grant you'. and then when allah accepts the intercession of the prophet the day of judgement shall start.
    mankind will first go to adam (as) to interceed on their behalf he will say 'i have commited a sin, i ate the forbidden fruit, Allah willl be angry upon me i cannot interceed on your behalf. go, go to ibrahim'. and then the whole of mankind will go to Ibrahim (as) and ask him to interceed on their behalf. he will say 'i lied when i was in the world.' here the prophet is referring to the story when he broke all the small idols with an axe and placed the axe on the big idol to prove the point that if the idol cant move how can he do it. he, the prophet referred this as a lie whilst it was a very good example. another so called lie he told was that he called his wife his sister, he called his wife his sister in islam as at that time the prophet and his wife hajar where the muslims present at that time. he called his wife his sister in islam to save her from the pharoah as he wanted to commit sin with her. the prophet will then say 'go to the prophet musa'. so then mankind will go to musa (as) but musa (as) will say 'nafsi, nafsi. myself, myself' all the prophets are concerned with saving themselves as they will all say 'myself'. the prophet musa (as) felt guilty because he ACCIDENTLY killed a man with one blow. at that time the disbeliever was in a fight with a muslim but because the prophet was so strong and to protect the muslim he gave him one blow, due to his strength the disbeliever died. therefore here the prophet called this murder. so then the whole of mankind will go to the prophet Muhammed (saw) for him to interceed and the prophet will say 'i shall interceed on behalf of my ummah, my nation' and then he shall interceed on our behalf. then the day of judgement shall start
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  9. #46
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    Re: Intercession

    Selam Akulion,

    I am back in town. Thank you for your response. I appreciate your consideration of Jesus' statement, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes the the Father (GOD) except through me" (John 14:6). I understand what you meant when you said this statement was truth in relation to all prophets. You related "I am the Way" to Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. How do you understand "I am the Truth"; "I am the Life", and "no one comes to the Father (GOD) except through Me"?

    Concerning the issue of man and sin. When I talk about sin, I do not talk about big sin or small sin. I do not talk about good sin or bad sin. I do ot talk about sin that may be intentional or unintentional. I do not talk about contrasts in sin or comparison in sin. When I talk about sin, I talk about the natural human nature of all people. I natural tendency is to sin. We have to work very hard to be good, righteous people, and even then we fail--according to our Holy GOD's standard. When we look at the world around us, it is quite scary in many ways. The sinful human nature of mankind is slowly resulting in his own deterioration. What good do we have to offer a highly righteous GOD and Creator? We may offer many good things on one hand, but on the other, we offer many bad things as well. Think from your heart---truly from your heart, Akulion---if judgement day came today and you suddenly found yourself standing before GOD, how much confidence do you have that He will open the door to heaven for you?
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    Re: Intercession

    Selam Jihad_spun,

    Thank you for your reply. How confident are you that on Judgment day, GOD who knows best, will tell you to enter heaven and not send you to hell? Are you strong enough to stand before GOD, not knowing where HE may send you, and without a problem, go to hell if that is where He decides to send you? Would you not rather stand before ALLAH on Judgment day without any doubt as to where you will spend eternity?
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    Re: Intercession

    Selam Syed Hussain,

    Thank you for your feedback. Are you aware that in the Hadith, only Jesus is considered to be without sin? All other prophets, including Muhammad, are known to have committed sin. What gives someone who has sinned, the right to intercede before GOD, on behalf of someone else who has sinned? My understanding of an intercessor, is that he must be pure and blameless with no shame.
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    Re: Intercession

    walikum salam POBook

    The way: I explained that the prophet's interpretation is the only way

    The Truth: The prophets were the embodiment of Gods word that is why they were the truth - in the Quran it specifically explains that ALL prophets are absolved of ANY blame because they never did of their own except what was told to them , so even the 'mistakes' they seemingly made were part of the 'lesson' God was teaching people.

    The Life: ALL The prophets of God were the life because following them led to eternal life in heaven. Disobeying them and fighting them meant no share in the hereafter at all! In the Quran Allah swt time and time emphasises the fact that those who obey the Prophet obey Allah but that dosent mean that the Prophet IS Allah - no it is merely meaning that by following the Prophet one is going to Allah and in turn going to Life (eternal)


    Concerning mans sinful nature:

    All of life is a trial - and the point of life is not to gain salvation - it is to worship and please God the best we can. And honestly I know Allah swt is merciful so I dont worry with regards to heaven or hell becasue the Promise of Allah swt will come to pass irrespective of anything: That those who believed will be granted paradise. Ofcourse if I believe and then I am involved in sinful activities all my life then I asked for punishment myself.

    Lets take this example: I am a Muslim but lets say I murder people....innocent people, kids, ladies, old men and so on and so forth

    Will I be in heaven or hell ?
    Ofcourse I will have to pay for my crimes! That is part of the justice of God...as for those who I killed all I did for them was have them granted the mercy of Allah when on the day of judgement he wil give my good deeds to them in recompnse. If they are disbelievers they may even be forgiven and granted paradise on account of my arrogance and wrong doing!

    But what about in Christianity? If you believe in Jesus and kill innocent people, will you still be going to heaven?
    Wont there be any justice with those murdered and the one who commited the murder?
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    Re: Intercession

    Salam Akulion,

    Once again, thank you for your response. I think too often, Christians and Muslims become enemies. I appreciate your willingness to discuss. To me, we may have different religious beliefs, but we can still discuss and dialogue these with respect for one another. An open mind is essential to progress.

    Concerning John 14:6:

    "I am the Way....": Did Jesus say, "Former prophets/current prophets/future prophets/all prophets are the Way..." or did Jesus say, "I am the Way..."?

    Concerning man’s sinful nature:

    “All of life is a trial - and the point of life is not to gain salvation - it is to worship and please God the best we can.” What will GOD think if the “best we can” does not meet His standard of Holiness and Righteousness?

    “Of course I will have to pay for my crimes! That is part of the justice of God…”
    Let me ask you this Akulion: If you murdered someone but came to a true realization of your sin and you earnestly and honestly repented of your sin before GOD, asking Him to forgive you, would He still send you to hell to pay for your crimes?

    “But what about in Christianity? If you believe in Jesus and kill innocent people, will you still be going to heaven?
    Won’t there be any justice with those murdered and the one who committed the murder?”
    First let me say thank you for asking me about how I believe. I like to share with people what I believe, but I do not want to impose on them what I believe. Second, you may have noticed that I call myself a person of the Book. Yes, I am a Christian, but many people misunderstand true Christianity. Many people consider themselves to be Christians, but do not follow Jesus and do not pattern their lives after the life of Jesus. Real Christianity is utmost and total devotion to Jesus Christ. Many people kill in the name of Christianity. This is NOT true Christianity. Jesus said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). True Christianity, Akulion, is more than simply believing in Jesus. Satan believes in Jesus; The demons believe in Jesus; many people all over the world believe in Jesus. Many people who believe in Jesus, also kill innocent people. True Christians—what we call “born again” believers (John 3)—will not kill others and will not seek retribution. As a true born-again believer in Jesus Christ, I will not go to heaven based upon how righteous I can be. I will go to heaven based on His GRACE and His LOVE for me. Eternal life in heaven is not about what I can do for GOD but about what He has done for me.

    I hope you follow what I am saying. Thanks again for your time and interest in dialogue.
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    Re: Intercession

    Salam Ansar-Al'Adl

    "...to the Believers is he most kind and merciful.” Thank you for such a detailed response. How or why would Allah be kind and merciful to the believers? Surely we cannot be merciful to people who do what is right--to people who believe. By nature, isn't mercy an act of love given to the enemy; the sinner; the unbeliever?

    Thank you again for your time and your response.
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  16. #52
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    Re: Intercession


    Mercy is something you give to a person when you know for a fact that the person is prone to error, but even if they are going to err - they feel they need to ask for forgiveness for their mistakes. Allah Almighty knows the striving the believer is going through - hence Allah the Most Merciful is prepared to forgive that person.

    However, referring to the non-believer, Allah Almighty is prepared to forgive that person if that person turns to Allah, if the person wants to believe. But why should Allah forgive a person who rejects Allah? why should Allah give paradise to someone who rejects the one who created him?

    Would you pay your employee if he rejected that you were the boss? If that employee never even listened to the orders you placed on that employee - would you still pay him?

    Allah the Most Just even does this, and gives the person their reward justly in this life, even if they reject God. But that person will get the punishment for their own crimes they have commited in this life, because they rejected the Almighty and thought they could get away with it.
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    Re: Intercession

    What you asked bro syed,and sis jihad_spun, i dont understand where you find that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sinful.

    We believe that all prophets are sinless no matter what; this includes Moses, Jesus, Muhammad etc. (peace be upon them all and their beloved families.) But prophets do make mistakes, as this is a way of showing an example between right and wrong.

    We even have alot of authentic hadith which show that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is sinless;

    Whenever Allah's Apostle ordered the Muslims to do something, he used to order them deeds which were easy for them to do, (according to their strength endurance). They said, "O Allah's Apostle! We are not like you.Allah has forgiven your past and future sins." So Allah's Apostle became angry and it was apparent on his face. He said, "I am the most Allah fearing, and know Allah better than all of you do."

    (sahih bukhari v1/2-19)

    So this hadith has two points which we can relate to your question;

    1) Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sinless.

    2) Even the prophets of Allah were afraid of the day of judgement because they knew how severe it would be. Everyone would be asked about what they did in their lives and why they did that.

    Therefore everyone fears the day of judgement because they will be asked about what they did, why they did it and like you say; "God is holy, God is just.." and therefore God will reward the ones that do good, and will punish the evil doers for their bad acts equally.

    This is why we fear the day of judgement, because this way we will perform as less bad acts, and do as much good acts as we can in this world.

    This is why Allah Almighty says in the qur'an.

    Man shall on that day be informed of what he sent before and (what he) put off. (75:13)

    Nay! man is evidence against himself, (75:14)


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    Re: Intercession

    Salam Fi_Sabilillah,

    Thank you for your response. I hope I did not come accross harshly. I sincerely desire to respect you as a Muslim. May I say that Moses did sin against God and was therefore not allowed to go into the promised land:

    "But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 'Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them'" (Torah, Book 4 chapter 20:12).

    Muhammad also sinned. The Qu'ran says, "Patiently, then, persevere: for the promise of Allah is true: and ask forgiveness for thy fault, and celebrate the praises of thy Lord in the evening and the morning." (Sura 40:55). The Qu'ran also says, "So know (O Muhammad) that there is no Allah save Allah, and ask forgiveness for thy sin and for believing men and believing women. Allah knoweth (both) your place of turmoil and your place of rest." Sura 47:19

    The Hadith says, "I heard Allah's Apostle saying." By Allah! I ask for forgiveness from Allah and turn to Him in repentance more than seventy times a day." Volume 8, Book 75, Number 319, Narrated Abu Huraira. People who do not sin, do not need to repent.

    We know that Jesus did not sin. In the gospel of Luke 4:1-13, Jesus was severely tempted by Satan to sin. Yet He did not sin and succumb to the tempatation of Satan.

    Concerning the judgement day, you said, "Therefore everyone fears the day of judgement..." Why fear the day of judgment? If you do the best you can to live a righteous life and you stand before a merciful GOD, why fear the day of judgement? What is a merciful GOD going to do to you?

    With sincerity and prayer --- POBook
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    Re: Intercession

    format_quote Originally Posted by POBook View Post
    Salam Ansar-Al'Adl

    "...to the Believers is he most kind and merciful.” Thank you for such a detailed response.
    You're most welcome.
    How or why would Allah be kind and merciful to the believers? Surely we cannot be merciful to people who do what is right--to people who believe. By nature, isn't mercy an act of love given to the enemy; the sinner; the unbeliever?
    The arabic word rahmat, is not exactly like the english word mercy. The verse you quoted states that Allah is Rahîm with the believers. Basically, it means that God forgives the believers for their mistakes and aids them in their difficults, etc. The following quotes elaborate:
    From the root r-h-m which has the following classical Arabic connotations:
    • to have tenderness, gentleness, kindness
    • to love
    • to have mercy, to have pity
    • to show favor and goodness
    • to have all that is required for beneficence

    Rahîm is in the measure of fa'îl and denotes the idea of constant repetition and giving of a liberal reward to those who deserve it and seek it. The Manifestation of this attribute is in response to and is a result of the action of the human being. That is, Rahîm indicates that which is extremely and continuously loving and merciful, and who is the dispenser of grace and love as a result of our deeds and supplications, and the One in whom the attribute is constantly and [endlessly] repeated.
    I hope this helps.

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Intercession

    Salam Fi-Sabilillah,

    "Would you pay your employee if he rejected that you were the boss? If that employee never even listened to the orders you placed on that employee - would you still pay him?"

    If you gave this employee what he deserved, not only would you refuse to pay him, you would probably fire him from the job. However, if you showed mercy to this employee, despite what he did and said, yes you would love him anyway; you would pay him. This is what mercy is all about--undeserving favor and love. To me, this is who GOD is. GOD is just--He must punish sin. Yet He is also merciful--he desires not to punish. How does He put justice and mercy together? As a born-again believer, this is where I discovered the freedom from fear of judgement; where I discovered hope; joy, and peace. GOD came to this earth and paid the penalty for my sins through His crucifixion on the cross. In His mighty power, he rose from the dead and gained all authority to forgive me. He Himself was the one I dishonered. In His love, justice and mercy, He punished Himself for my sin. He was both merciful and just at the same time. I could not do enough good to please God. I simply had to acknowledge my sinful nature and accept His forgiveness. What an awesome GOD I serve!
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  22. #57
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    Re: Intercession

    Salam Ansar Al-'Adl,

    Thank you again for your response.

    "From the root r-h-m which has the following classical Arabic connotations:
    to have tenderness, gentleness, kindness
    to love
    to have mercy, to have pity
    to show favor and goodness
    to have all that is required for beneficence

    Rahîm is in the measure of fa'îl and denotes the idea of constant repetition and giving of a liberal reward to those who deserve it and seek it."

    Part of this definition contains the principle of "pity". Pity is undeserving favor; undeserving kindness; undeserving tenderness and love; undeserving favor and goodness. How can pity or (mercy) be given to people who deserve it and seek it? True pity is given to people who do NOT deserve reward. For eg., if an employee steals money from a cash register, is caught, and needs to be fired from his job, pity expressed by the manager will not fire him from the job. Justice expressed by the manager will mean that he takes out his own wallet and reimburses the stolen money to the cash register. This manager was the one wronged. He payed the price for the crime commited against himself. This is justice and pity combined, is it not?
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    Re: Intercession

    salam alaikum

    insha'Allah i will reply later - ive have high fever and a chest infection so im all woozy from the medicines right now so ill get back once my mind is workin again
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    Re: Intercession

    salam alaikum
    ok im back - the fever seems to have dissapeared for now - nose is still flowing like a river and body aches continue but I can manage Alhamdolillah. Jazak Allah khair to the bros who sent me their duas they really worked

    Concerning John 14:6:
    "I am the Way....": Did Jesus say, "Former prophets/current prophets/future prophets/all prophets are the Way..." or did Jesus say, "I am the Way..."?
    Yes each Prophet would make that clear that HE is the current way for the people and no other. Moses told the same thing to people in different words, as did Abrahsm and so did the other Prophets. Infact even the Prophet Mohammed(sa) made it very clear that whoever disobeys me has gone off the path - the Quran also makes that clear that he who disobeys the Prophet has disobeyed Allah. This was true about every Prophet.

    Concerning man’s sinful nature:
    “All of life is a trial - and the point of life is not to gain salvation - it is to worship and please God the best we can.” What will GOD think if the “best we can” does not meet His standard of Holiness and Righteousness?
    As I mentioned earlier every action is judged on intention. Allah swt said "No deed big or small is rejected by me when done with sincerity" in another saying in Hadith The Prophet (sa), "2 men gave charity, one gave 1 dinar (money used in Arabia) and the other gave 1000 dinars. The Prophet said the 1 dinar of the man is more dear to Allah than the 1000 dinar of the other. So the companions asked why? The Prophet said, the man who gave 1 dinar gave all he had (he was a very very poor man) the man who gave 1000 dinar gave not even 1/3 of what he had (he was very very rich).
    So you see the best we can do is best judged by God - he knows the intentions and the circumstances of everyone

    Let me ask you this Akulion: If you murdered someone but came to a true realization of your sin and you earnestly and honestly repented of your sin before GOD, asking Him to forgive you, would He still send you to hell to pay for your crimes?
    Sins done against people must be accounted for unless the person against whom the sins were done forgives. Allah swt in his justice has bound himself to his word that he will not forgive someone who does sins against others UNLESS those people forgive them first. So its not a matter of God 'cannot" but rather a matter of God "will not" - it serves justice in perfection.
    Therefore if I was truly sorry , I would hand myself over to the authorities for the crime of murder and ask the family of the deceased for forgiveness. Under Islamic law the family would be given 3 choices:
    1- they can forgive
    2- they can ask for blood money
    3- they can ask for me to be executed
    Now its easy to say I am sorry - but its not so easy to stand up and face the consequences. Therefore justice must be done.
    All that being said if it was a crime I did against myself then yes God would forgive me.

    People often put the murderer in the frame of innocence very easily forgetting the agony of the murder victim's family and the crime done against the murdered - that is why justice will be done!

    As a true born-again believer in Jesus Christ, I will not go to heaven based upon how righteous I can be. I will go to heaven based on His GRACE and His LOVE for me. Eternal life in heaven is not about what I can do for GOD but about what He has done for me.
    Well that is where we differer in our beliefs. Best to my understanding you believe God is here to serve you. But in Islam we are here to serve God and please God and heaven can only be attained through the mercy of Allah by trying our best - in the end it dosent matter how good we did or what happend, what matters is that we tried and didnt give up!
    It is easy to say "I believe in God and I love God" but when the whole life of a person is a living lie against the commandments of God then its not true belief or true love, its hipocracy.
    Thats why in the Quran Allah swt says "True believers are those in whose actions are manifest the teachings of Islam"
    That is why the more a person tries to please God by following Gods commandments, the more they are likely to recieve Gods Mercy.
    After all think about it - a man says to his wife "I love you so much" but then he beats her in the night. Is this love or hipocracy?
    Love and Belief are best demonstrated through actions - words are easy, only actions speak louder than words
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    Re: Intercession

    This manager was the one wronged. He payed the price for the crime commited against himself. This is justice and pity combined, is it not?

    Your telling me that justice is to punish someone that's innocent?
    How can this be justice?
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