Exam Stress Part II

It’s funny how we study
Like there’s no tomorrow
To pass our exams
And worry
Unable to sleep without tablets
If we fail
We will weep

Once we get the results
We move on and apply
For another course
Another level
More stress and pressure
Like we are addicts
For pain and punishment

What’s it all for?
Letters after our names
While those who failed feel shame
Useless and have no status
Degree, Msc, PhD, Dr, LLb
Where will it end?
What does it all mean anyway?

Once you’re done with education
Its time for a high flying job
Shoot off your gob
About the status and money
While working from 8 till 8
For a company
Who fails to see and treat you like a human being?

You’re just a machine
Earning money for the company
No time for family or anybody
It’s the rat race
And we are on the wheel
Which keeps turning
Round and around

Days turn to weeks
And weeks to months
Months to years
Promotion and fancy job titles
Fat 6 figure salary
And before you know it
You’re thirty

Young, free and single
And in demand
Only if you’re a man
For women
You missed the boat sadly

There comes a point
When you slow down
And start to think
Beyond materialism
And feel a yearning

Lost and empty
Something is missing
Its spirituality and peace of mind
And recognising the fact
That you’re weak, limited and needy

In need of Allah
Guidance and help
Peace of mind
Then its hits you
The system had you
Brainwashed from an early age
To follow the trend and what’s in vogue
Waste and sacrifice the best years
Now you’re full of regret and tears

At least you finally woke up
And want to focus
Your life, time and wealth
Working for Islam
Since you did everything else
And true happiness and success
Lies in obeying Allah
The almighty and owner of all wealth
Including us human beings

Author: Showkat Ali