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LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

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    LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

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    Brothers and Sisters,

    That day has finally came,where I shall post the stories written by LIs' own members. You, the public will vote for the favorite one. The poll shall be public,insha'Allaah. You will have two weeks to vote for your favorite story.
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    Cyber Lies – The reality of Internet Relationships

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: missed you, love

    My dearest, most beloved, love of my life forever,

    How are you? I have missed talking to you. This business trip has only been a tiring event for me, but what can I do, I needed to venture into new areas, if I am to save enough money for the future.

    How are you? Plz write soon to let me know as I can not go on another day without your email. My dear, if possible send some pics too.

    I must go now. I have coffee with a client in a ½ hour and it will take me about 15 minutes to get to the café. The walk will be pleasant as the weather is breezy although it gets chilly in the evenings.

    Thinking of you always,

    Farzana read and reread the email from her cyber boyfriend, becoming all teary-eyed. Amir, the love of her life, not forgetting her while on his business trip. She had to be the luckiest girl in the world, she thought. She printed out the email and placed it in the special folder she’d made for Amir’s emails, so she could read it any time, day or night. But of course, she had to make sure her parents or sibs didn’t get their hands on it, or they might kill her.

    She couldn’t believe her luck. A simple trip to the chatroom had gotten her attached to such an awesome guy. They’d first talked about interests and were surprised how alike they were. Slowly and slowly she’d gotten attached and after exchanging email addresses, they’d become really close. Now after 6 months, they were even contemplating marriage, although neither had officially asked the other, but their emails hinted at it. Especially Amir’s who kept talking about saving for the near future, and how wonderful life would be, etc.

    After putting the folder away, Farzana quickly wrote a reply and sent it. She couldn’t keep the love of her life waiting, although she knew he wouldn’t check it until evening. Then, turning off the pc, she ran downstairs to help her mother with the housework.

    As she finished washing the dishes, her mom came in from the backyard with the laundry. “Can you help me fold these, dear?” Farzana didn’t object.After all, when you’re happy, nothing in life can be difficult or tiring.

    After helping put away the laundry, she asked, “Can I go to Asma’s house, Mom?”

    “What an angel you’ve become, Farzana! Of course you can go. Be back by dinner time.” Her mom said. Putting on her hijab, Farzana rushed out to Asma’s house.


    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Missed u 2, Amir when u comin’ back?

    Dear Amir,

    I’m so glad your trip’s goin’ fine. I was worried after you didn’t email for a while.
    You won’t believe it, I’ve topped my class in exams. Mom & dad are soooo proud.

    Mom’s always saying I’ve become an angel! Anyway, I miss you loads. Miss your daily emails and chatting on MSN. I can’t wait till school’s over. Dad says we might go to Europe next summer. Maybe we can come to London, then you & I can finally meet!

    I will be going to the mall with some friends later. There’s also a new amusement park there that we will check out. Will take pics and send them to you.

    Write soon and don’t forget to send some pics of Switzerland. I hear it’s an awesome place!

    Amir stared at the email and wondered what in hell he was going to do. What had started as something fun had become so serious he didn’t know how to get out of it. How could he break the news to Farzana that he was getting married in a few weeks, that he’d been engaged the whole time he was flirting with her online? What had he been thinking? Probably that it would be easy for him to let her go, but in the time he’d known her, he had truly started to care for her. And now couldn’t bear to think what she’d go through if he told her the truth. So for two months he had started hinting that he wanted to marry her, hoping that she’d get scared and break off the relationship, but she only seemed to love that idea. Which was weird to him, but how was he supposed to know how girls’ minds worked.

    “How’s it going?” His cousin and flat-mate asked.

    “Like hell!” He said, turning the swivel chair around. “Anything I say, she seems to love. I have no idea what to do.”

    “How about you stop emailing her for a while?”

    “Tried that. Seems two weeks weren’t enough. She wrote an email almost daily and filled my inbox.”

    “Well, then tell her you’re going away, and then disappear. Make it seem like you died.”


    “You know, on the flight back. Pretend you disappeared. Like the plane crashed or something.”

    “That would be possible if there’s a plane crash. If not, she’ll never buy it.”

    “There could be a car crash. How about I email her after a week or so to let her know that?”

    “Umm, ok I guess. Nothing else I can do.”

    Two weeks later, the night before Amir’s wedding:

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: about Amir

    Dear Farzana,

    This is Amir’s cousin. I am afraid to tell you that, while on his way back from Switzerland, Amir’s car slid off the icy road and crashed. He has been in the hospital in critical condition since last night. Doctors don’t think he’ll make it.

    The family has been greatly devastated by this event. We hope you will not be too hurt by it. However we don’t know how close you and Amir were.

    Amir’s cousin


    Days and days had gone by since last Amir’s email. It had never happened that he didn’t write without telling her he wouldn’t be able to. He should’ve reached London three days ago. Farzana was worried sick, checking her email every hour at least.

    “Are you ok?” Her mother inquired one evening. “You look pale.”

    “Fine. fine. Just worried about the algebra exam results,” Farzana replied.

    “You’ll do fine. You’ve been studying nonstop.”

    “I’m afraid I may have failed. I’m going to revise incase I need to take a resit exam,” Farzana said getting up. Her mother stared at her worriedly, as she ran upstairs to her room. Locking the door, she turned on the computer and opened her email.

    Searching the inbox, she saw the email: “About Amir.” It wasn’t from Amir, but someone else, which increased her worry. With shaking hands she clicked on the message.

    What she read nearly made her faint:

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: about Amir

    Dear Farzana,

    This is Amir’s cousin. I am afraid to tell you that, while on his way beck from Switzerland, Amir’s car slid off the icy road and crashed. He has been in the hospital in critical condition since last night. Doctors don’t think he’ll make it.

    The family has been greatly devastated by this event. We hope you will not be too hurt by it. However we don’t know how close you and Amir were.

    Amir’s cousin

    Grabbing the jug on the table, she poured herself some water. Then reread the email. This couldn’t be true. Was this some joke? Her heart was shaking a lot. Draining another glass she quickly wrote a reply.

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re about Amir

    This can’t be true. I can’t believe it. *sob* (sad smiley, crying smiley). Tell me this is not true. Plz.

    Amir’s love forever,

    After sending the email she quickly wrote another:

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re about Amir

    Plz can u tell me which hospital he’s in? Can you give me the hospital number? I want to talk to the nurse. Plz. This news is killing me. I need to talk to his doctor. I need to come see him. Plz I hope u understand.


    After turning off the computer, Farzana cried in her pillow the rest of the evening. Later she stared at Amir’s picture which she kept under her pillow. How could this happen? She cried, “Plz Allah, don’t let it be true. Plz. Let him live.”

    Later that night, she checked her email, but there was no reply. So she wrote another email.

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: how is Amir’s condition now

    Plz let me know about Amir’s condition. I have been praying for him. Has he improved? I wish I knew which hospital he is in so I could talk to his nurses and inquire about him directly.

    I hope u understand. I know this is a terrible time for you as well. What’s your relation to him? I don’t mean to be annoying, but I’m really worried.



    The next day, as Amir got ready for his wedding, he asked, “Well what happened? Did she reply?”

    “Nope, no emails yet,” Imran lied.

    Amir frowned. “She didn’t ask about me?”

    “Maybe she didn’t check her email yet.”

    Amir turned around chewing his lower lip.

    “What? What do you want her to do?” Imran asked.

    “I can’t believe it. You tell her I’m dying and she doesn’t even reply.”

    “Come on man, it hasn’t even been 24 hours since I sent the email. Besides, why do you care? It’s your wedding day. Are you in love with her or something? I thought you wanted to get rid of her.”

    “No. No, I’m not. But I know her. She checks her email daily.”

    After Amir left, Imran locked the door and checked his email. Good enough, there it was, the dreaded email asking about Amir’s condition.

    So he quickly wrote a reply.

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Amir’s condition update

    No improvement. Doctors have declared him brain-dead. I will be going to Switzerland to see him. Will inform you when I’m near a computer.

    Amir’s cousin

    No sooner had he sent the email, then the reply came:

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re Amir’s condition update

    Can you plz give me the name of the hospital. Here’s my number, send me a text message to let me know how he is. How long will they let him be on artificial resuscitation? Plz let me know. I’m praying for him nonstop.

    Dreadfully worried about Amir,

    Imran ignored the email, deleting it immediately. Turning off the computer, he went downstairs to help his cousin with the wedding preparations.

    “Did you check your email?” Amir asked.

    “Why are you thinking of her?” Imran replied. “You should be thinking of your wife-to-be. If you love farzana so much, why are you getting married?”

    “Obligations are obligations. Can’t let mum and dad down.”

    “Let me guess, you don’t love Rehaana.”

    Amir ignored him. Then after a while said, “I just can’t believe she didn’t care about me soo much!”

    “You’re just a name to her, Amir. Believe it or not, internet love is not real.”

    Amir was more furious than he’d ever been. All that trash about love and missing him had meant nothing! Tell her he’d died and she didn’t shed a single tear. Going up to his room, he opened his email. Maybe there was an email directly to him. Maybe she hadn’t believed what Imran had said. When there was nothing from Farzana in his email, he hit the desk, then angrily clicked the “delete email address” option. He never wanted to hear from her ever.

    Going downstairs, he started getting ready for his wedding, but wondered what married life would be like. Were women even capable of loving? Or would he only be temporary pleasure in his wife’s life? Would he ever be able to trust his wife’s love?


    Farzana was devastated with the news. She went to her best friend Asma’s house and cried her heart out to her. Asma was the only one who knew about her internet relationship, so she could confide in her.

    Asma tried comforting her, but nothing seemed to work. “I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack,” Farzana cried out.

    “Look, just stop thinking about him. Think what will happen to your mom and dad. How do you know it’s even true? Have you emailed him, maybe someone’s playing a joke on you?” Asma replied.

    “He hasn’t emailed me in 5 days, so I don’t think that is the case.”


    When Farzana came back home, she checked her email. When there was no reply to her last letter, she sent an email to Imran telling him she didn’t believe the trash he’d written. Then she sent an email to Amir.

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Is this true

    Amir, someone named Imran sent me the following email. I don’ want to believe it’s true. This news is killing me. Plz tell me you’re ok and it’s all a lie.


    No sooner had she emailed it then the email bounced:

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Delivery undeliverable

    The following email could not be delivered. No such email address exists.

    That seemed fishy. How come his email address doesn’t work? She wondered. It seemed Asma was right; this was a lie. She called Asma and told her what had happened.

    “Yup, it’s him making up lies. Couldn’t tell you right off that it was over, so this was his trick.”

    “That scumbag,” Farzana yelled. “I’ll get him for this. May he rot in hell for this.”

    Then, hanging up, she wrote an email to Imran:

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: About Amir

    Amir, I know this is your email addy. You liar, you piece of scum. How dare you try lying to me? I hate you, I can’t believe how low you are, to play such games with me, tell me you’re dying, then delete your email address. I never want to hear from you ever again.

    Hate you forever,

    Then, after clicking the send button, she deleted her own email address as well.

    I’m just glad I never exchanged cell phone numbers with him, she said to herself. What had happened still hurt her and she wished it hadn’t ended that way, but she was glad she was away from that piece of scum.

    Digging out the folder of emails, she quickly tore them to bits. Then she vowed never to get involved with anyone online again.

    Later that day she said to Asma, “I can’t believe for 6 months he told me he loved me. But I’m glad it’s over. I’m never trusting anyone online again. It’s all a game for them.”


    That evening, as Amir was getting married, he couldn’t help stare at his bride with distrust. How could he know she really loved him? It seemed the brief net relationship had affected him deeply. Although he had known that telling Farzana he’d died would hurt her, he didn’t think it would hurt her as much as if he’d just broken up with her or ignored her emails. But he’d never imagined that she wouldn’t even reply to say she was sorry to hear it. Maybe she had a heart attack, he thought. Then brushed that thought aside. No, that hadn’t happened.

    Seeing Imran, he told him his feelings. “Tell the truth,” he cried out, exasperated. “Did she email you or not.”

    “Yeah,” Imran finally said. “She sent a few emails. In the last one she said you were scum for making up that lie, then deleting your email address. She saw right through it.”

    Well, that news took a load off Amir’s chest. At least she had reacted to it.

    “If you love her so much, why don’t you marry her instead?” Imran asked.

    “It was a huge mess. I hope I can get away from it.” Amir replied. Then he vowed never to get involved with anyone online again.


    Weeks and months later, Amir sometimes wondered what happened to Farzana, what she was doing, how his lie had affected her. But there was no way of finding out. Besides, he was happy with his new married life. He hoped his wife never found out about his brief relationship. He had had vowed off internet relationships altogether and avoided talking to women online at all costs, lest he be tempted again; there was no way he was getting into that mess again. He prayed to Allah to forgive him what he’d done and vowed never to do it again.

    Farzana also sometimes wondered what had happened to Amir, what he was doing, whether he really was alive or not. But there was no way of finding out. Besides, she was happy with her new life, having gotten engaged with her cousin, something she would never have accepted before her brief relationship with Amir. She was glad to be out of that mess and hoped her fiancé never found out. She prayed to Allah to forgive her and promised never to get involved with anyone online again.

    Lesson: don’t get involved in online relationships. There are several reasons for this: 1. You never know if the other person is serious or just playing. 2. If things go wrong, feelings change, etc. you will be hurt. 3. Most importantly, it is unislamic to have relationships outside marriage whether done in real life or online.

    The end!
    Last edited by Yanal; 11-23-2010 at 05:12 AM.
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  4. #3
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    brother, there are parts repeated in the story above - possibly by accident? That was an insightful story though!
    LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    لا اله الا الــلـــه

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  5. #4
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    Fishing wisdom
    It is one of the spring peaceful days, the sky is wide and blue as the ocean and the
    cotton shape white clouds are sailing through it quietly, the cold breeze is playing
    with the trees leaves gently and the blossoming wild flowers covering the wet soil as
    a florid rug and spreading their beautiful aroma around…
    This day is the promised and desired day for Muhammad the seven years old son of
    Abdullah; the young man who embraced Islam ten years ago…
    Abdullah has promised his son Muhammad of a big fishing day as a prize for finishing
    memorizing the first three chapters of the Noble Qur`aan…
    And here is Muhammad; jumping from happiness and shouting:
    - We are going to catch our dinner, right dad?
    Abdullah said while he was busy filling the car trunk with the necessary stuff for the
    - Yes, in shaa Allah son…
    Then Abdullah closed the car`s trunk putting his warm hand on his son`s head
    - So, you are ready now my champ, ha?
    Muhammad with a big smile on his face:
    -Off course and I am so excited.
    Abdullah smiled in return:
    -Then get into the car and let's fly to that lake son.
    They both ride the car and before leaving the pregnant mother Azimah (who
    embraced Islam after marrying Abdullah) was shouting to them:
    -Hey…you forgot the baits.
    She ran towards the car and handed the baits to her husband smiling gently
    and saying:
    -Was about to sleep with an empty stomach, big foot.
    Abdullah said while rubbing his head:
    -Naaah, I would come up with some ideas.
    Azimah laughed to say:
    -Yeah, I know you mister genius.
    With a loud laughter; Abdullah said:
    -Ok, may I leave now big stomach?
    Azimah gently smiled and said:
    -Yes of course. May Allah be with you both Ameen
    Abdullah replied:
    -And you too Ameen. Please take care of yourself honey.
    Azimah replied comforting her husband who is worried to leave his pregnant
    beloved wife alone in the house since she is in her last month of pregnancy:
    -Don`t worry about us, we are under the Most Merciful sight and care.
    Abdullah said:
    - I told you before; we can postpone this day till after giving birth for our
    baby… Azimah!! Don`t be stubborn.
    Azimah looked at her husband`s eyes and said in a low tone:
    -look at our son; he is so happy and excited Abdullah! And I don`t think
    that you want to break his little heart now and at this happy moment of
    him, right?
    Abdullah took a deep breath then step on the fuel saying:
    -Ok then, don`t forget the potato salad which you promised me.
    Azimah laughed loudly to say:
    -How would I?
    Muhammad got out of the car window reminding:
    -And the ice cream too mama.
    Azimah replied:
    -And that too my sweet heart…
    Please take care of yourselves.
    Abdullah moved away waving with his hand and saying:
    -Don`t worry, we too under The Most Merciful sight and care.
    While Azimah was watching the car disappears; she raised both of her
    hands praying to Allah:
    -O Allah, Be my Protector, my husband and children…Ameen
    After few minutes in the car, Muhammad was singing some nasheeds
    while Abdullah was watching him and smiling for the happiness his son
    Then Abdullah asked:
    -Are you happy, champ?
    Muhammad replied while smiling:
    -Yes, I can`t wait to be there dad.
    -Be patient son, only few miles then will be fishing our diner in shaa Allah.
    After 21 minutes; Abdullah and his son arrived and they were so amazed by the
    beauty of the nature around them; the snow-capped mountain peaks which lie
    behind the emerald lake, the flourishing green trees and the fresh green grass mat
    which adorned with the wild purple Iris. It was so refreshing for both of them;
    inhaling the fresh cold air in the arms of the nature there.
    Abdullah and his son prepared the fishing tools in minutes then sat on the shore of
    the lake after fixing the fishing rod waiting for their diner to catch the bait.
    After a while, in wonderment; Abdullah asked himself looking at his son; who was
    silent staring at the small waves of the lake`s crystal water:
    -What does this little precious brain thinking of?
    Then he gently strokes the back of his son asking:
    -Where did you go, son?
    Muhammad looked at his father with his innocent brown eyes smiling, but the look
    of discomfort was apparent on his face so, Abdullah asked:
    -What is the matter son? Don`t you like this?
    -No, not that dad but I was thinking.
    Abdullah asked:
    -Of what son?
    Muhammad kept on silent for few seconds before asking hesitantly:
    -Dad! …Is it right that we have to hate non Muslims?
    Abdullah smiled looking forward then asked his son calmly:
    -Who told you this, son?
    Muhammad sadly answered:
    - Our art teacher.
    Abdullah said no word staring at the fishing rod for a while, then with a deep voice
    he called:
    Muhammad responded to his father while his eyes were getting filled with the
    childish warm tears for the feeling of guilt, thinking that he has ruined the big fishing
    day which is supposed to be the happiest beautiful memory for both of them.
    Abdullah said:
    -Muhammad! Listen to me son, I know that you are so honest and will always tell the
    truth so, I am going to ask you and you answer me from your heart and try to
    understand me, ok?
    Muhammad nodded his head positively while looking towards the lake then
    Abdullah asked:
    -Son, what if your mother was a non Muslim, her brothers, their sons and daughters
    too, would you hate her, your uncles and cousins?
    Muhammad`s eyes got wide and directly raised his head looking at his father so
    surprised to answer in negative:
    His father looked towards him kindly and asked calmly:
    -Then why to do so with strangers?
    No response from Muhammad, so his father continued:
    -Son, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta`aalaa says in His Noble Qur`aan:
    "The food of those who have received the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food
    is lawful for them. And so are the virtuous women of the believers and the virtuous
    women of those who received the Scripture before you (lawful for you) when ye give
    them their marriage portions and live with them in honour"
    So, would Allah want us to hate them by making a kinship between us and them?
    And says Sub`haanahu Wa Ta`aalaa:" Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and
    kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive
    you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity. "
    So, is hatred what Allah was talking about in that verse son? And Abdullah repeated:
    -To deal justly and kindly.
    Abdullah held his son`s shoulder and said:
    -look at me champ.
    Muhammad looked at his father with his teary eyes saying:
    -I am sorry dad.
    In wonderment, Abdullah asked:
    -For what?
    Muhammad cried so hard and with a trembling sad voice; he said:
    -It is my fault, I ruined our big day, and It was supposed to be a happy day but I
    didn`t mean…
    And before completing his words his father took him in his arms and said:
    -Come here son, you ruined nothing but you got to know that; I am really happy
    today more than any day. Do you know why?
    Muhammad moved his head in negative which was on the chest of his father; then
    Abdullah gave the answer saying:
    -Because today you have proved for me that you are an amazing Muslim man and a
    real slave and servant of Allah.
    Abdullah took his son`s head between his hands looking at his innocent face and
    wiping the tears of his son with his warm fingers, saying:
    -Son, you did nothing wrong.
    Muhammad was listening to his father words and looking at his compassionate eyes
    then Abdullah pointed to the chest of his son and continued saying:
    -You have a real pure heart within this big chest my champ, Ma shaa Allah.
    Muhammad sadly said:
    -But I was thinking about it dad.
    Abdullah smiled saying:
    -And you asked me about it then what does that mean but your beautiful white
    heart couldn`t accept it and meant that that matter has annoyed you so much son
    and forced you to wonder and ask, am I right son?
    Muhammad took a deep breath saying:
    -Yes dad, and to be honest with you; last night I couldn`t sleep well thinking about it
    and I too remembered you dad.
    Abdullah laughed and asked:
    -Me son?
    Muhammad smiled saying:
    -Yes dad, I remembered when you told me that our prophet Muhammad (peace and
    blessings of Allah be upon him) used to say: love for your brother what you love for
    yourself and remembered when you said to me that all human beings in this world
    are brothers and sisters for we have one father and one mother.
    Abdullah smiled and asked:
    -So, do you believe in that son?
    -Sure, I do.
    Abdullah asked:
    -And are you happy for being a Muslim?
    Muhammad answered directly:
    -I love to be a Muslim always and forever.
    Abdullah said:
    -Then son, as long as you believe in our prophet and his words (peace and blessings
    of Allah be upon him) then you must love for your brothers and sisters in humanity
    what you love for yourself!
    Muhammad asking:
    -To be Muslims?
    Abdullah affirmed:
    -Yes son, and that love won`t ever fill heart if hatred is taking its place, understood
    Muhammad smiled:
    -Yes dad.
    Abdullah smiled and held his son with one arm saying:
    -Come here my big man.
    But still, there was a question concerns Muhammad so, he asked:
    -Dad! What about our teacher? Is he a bad person?
    Abdullah put his hand on his son`s head answering in negative:
    -No son, don`t say this about him. He just misunderstood the mercy and wisdom of
    Allah. May Allah guide him and all of us Ameen.
    -Should I talk to him?
    Abdullah was talking to himself:
    -I wish from that teacher to stick to his art and leave those children alone in peace.
    -What have you said dad?
    -Oh, no son. Just leave him to me in shaa Allah, ok champ?
    Suddenly, the fishing string has pulled so hard; Abdullah jumped on his feet catching
    the fishing rod and pulled it strongly and calmly saying:
    -Son, I need your help in here.
    Muhammad held the rod with his father and they both started pulling their diner.
    Then Abdullah in amazement:
    -Wow, it must be a huge fish.
    They pulled together but then the thing which was pulling the fishing string got
    released while Abdullah and his son were pulling it from the other side with all of
    their strength so, they fell on their backs on the ground so hard.
    Abdullah looked at his son who was staring up without even blinking so, in fear he
    -Are you ok?
    But there was no response so, he again shouted repeatedly:
    -Son? Son? Muhammad?
    Then Muhammad wondered while looking up:
    -Is that our diner dad?
    Abdullah looked up to see a big black boot dangling above their heads so, he exhaled
    his fear and laughed saying:
    -I don`t think so.
    Then both of them burst into laughing.
    When the dusk came; the door of Azimah has been knocked so, she left the kitchen
    opening the door to find her husband carrying two big fishes and another big one
    was in her son little hands.
    Abdullah directly asked:
    -Where is my salad?
    His wife laughed to say:
    -Waiting for you on the table, I don`t know who has the big stomach here?
    After 20 minutes for the three fishes on the griller; the family starts having the best
    happy dinner of an amazing fishing trip which will be printed in the memory of a
    small innocent child forever.
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!


    Mannan is very happy. He is going to Hajj for the third time with family. His father is a rich businessman and he goes to hajj every year. Mannan is 13 now and he is very excited for the coming hajj.

    Mannan went to his friend Aiman to share the good news and found him crying . ‘ What’s wrong , Aiman ? Why are you crying like this ? Pl. tell me ” , Mannan urged .

    “ My dad has kidney failure problem and he is going to die ” - said Aiman . Mannan could not believe his ears. What ?? Hamid Uncle will die ? What will happen to Aiman and his little brother Sonu then ? Who will pay for their study , for their food , who will take them to mosque for salat and Quran class ?

    Mannan thought for few seconds - what if his dad dies suddenly ? Mannan’s younger twin sisters Samaha and Rania are only 4 years old ; may be they won’t remember dad when grow up .

    Mannan asked , “ how can we save your dad , Aiman ? ”

    Aiman became more sad , “ It’s not possible . Dad’s needs a new kidney . Mostafa uncle is ready to donate his kidney but the doctor’s fees , operation charge and medicines will cost us a lot of money . We don’t have that money . So , dad will die without any treatment . We are so helpless . If mom sells her all gold ornaments , still the money won’t be enough for the operation . ”

    Mannan came back home crying . Mom and dad were shocked - they never saw their son crying like this . After hearing the news , they also became sad . Yes , they knew that their neighbour is sick but they were so busy with Hajj preparation that did not get time to visit him .

    At that time , Kaarina aunty called and talked to Mannan’s mom over phone . Mom said : listen Mannan ; I just talked to your aunt . She has cancelled her Hajj trip as it was her second time and decided to give the money to Aiman’s dad . Why not we also do the same ? We have already performed Hajj . So , instead of doing Hajj one more time , we can donate the money and save a life . Specially when he is our neighbour and your friend’s dad .

    Mannan could not believe his ears – what ??
    Really it’s possible ? But will dad agree ? He goes to Hajj every year . Will he cancell Hajj this time for Hamid Uncle ?

    Before he could ask , dad said : that’s an excellent idea . Sis Kaarina taught us a good lesson . Yes , instead of going to Hajj that is not obligatory for us , we should save a life . Mannan , go and tell your friend , InshaAllah his dad is not going to die without treatment . It will be our Eid gift to your dear friend and I am sure , Allah will be more pleased with us if we do that .

    Mannan starts running . He is running to tell his friend a good news - giving his dieing dad a new life InshaAllah .
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!


    Shaytan was having a hard day. He was unable to find any true challanges to entice into following him into hellfire. The hypocrites and non-believers were no problem. He did not even have to search for them, they flocked to him by the millions every day. They were almost pests and more common then horse flies in a barn on a hot summer day.

    "Hmmm" thought Shaytan "I need a real challenge to prove I can mislead anybody" "Where should I look for my prize victim?"

    Then it came to him. Go to the Masjid and look for the most innocent person leaving after morning Fajr..He went and waited, soon many came out in a big rush to get to work. He thought "these people may be faithful, but they do not have the piety to stay for saying Du'as" He then decided to wait for the very last person to leave. After what seemed to be a very long wait a very young girl dressed modestly and wearing both a hijab and Niqab came out. Although Shaytan could not see her face or body he knew she was immaculately beautiful by the glow that surrounded her. Here is my challenge he thought.

    His evil mind devised a plan to lead this innocent child into his clutches. She was young and pure but she was also at an age when she would have thoughts of marriage and thinking of a man in her arms. This was the weakness he would attack and lead this innocent into the trap of fitnah and zina.

    He knew he could not conquer her directly, but he could easily entice a handsome young man who had already tasted and yearned for pleasures of the flesh. It was easy to whisper into this young man and tell him how lovely and desirable that young girl would be. He whispered to the young man ways to be deceitful, flirtatious and filled him with desire for the young girl.

    The young man tried to seduce the girl with flirtation, but she scorned and ignored his advances. Shaytan whispered more and urged the man to be more forceful. The young girl did her best to fight him off but he was too big and too strong to fight him. She did her best and fought to her death. As she laid on the ground dieing a peaceful smile crossed her face and her last word was "Allaah(swt)

    Shaytan was furious with anger, he struck out at the young man and shouted. "You fool you sent my prize directly to Allaah(swt) and because of you I have lost her forever for she surly will be in Jannah when I enter the Hellfire."

    The young man answered "But you now have me?"

    "Idiot" Shouted Shaytan "You always were mine, your own lustful desires sent you to me. I did not have to capture you. You ran to me and would still be going to the hellfire even if I had never spoken to you"
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!


    My imaginary friend won’t talk to me. He just sits there. Doesn’t look at me, doesn’t listen when I say hello. When I mention Sara. When I joke or shout or tell him to jump out of the window.

    Sometimes he tells me to jump out of the window. That can’t be healthy.

    But it’s weird. He sits in my flat, at my desk, reading my mail, as if he’s actually there, not just a figment of my imagination. In many ways he’s more real than physical friends. Nobody physical understands me as well as Adam. I suppose it’s hard for actual people to compete - those kind of mates might appear occasionally in your dreams, but imaginary friends are born there.

    So in theory, as Adam is a product of my subconscious, he should be easier to live with.

    He shifts at the desk. Maybe he’ll talk to me. Most likely he won’t. I guess he’ll dump the mail on the desk, grab the notepad and flop onto the bed. He does almost exactly that, but rather than sitting on the bed, he leans back against the wall, glances at the notepad in his left hand then out of the rain-streaked window on his right.

    I know who he’s thinking about. She was my gift to him. He calls her Leyla. And she won’t talk to him.

    Huh. What a depressingly poetic place my subconscious is. I mean, come on. Not only are my imaginary friend and I figuratively and literally in the same place, even our partners’ names have two syllables each. Leyla. Sara. God, I almost feel cruel for leaking my issues into Adam’s non-existent life.

    I’d laugh if it didn’t mean I was losing my mind.

    Back to work. I look at the library book in my lap. I can’t read it anymore, not really. I’ve had enough of Jungian archetypes and the mass unconscious, anima, animus and how everything relates to the theories of Sigmund Freud. It’s all very fascinating but the best explanation it offers is that Adam is a manifestation of my Shadow. And that just can’t be.

    Your Shadow is your opposite, your negative, all the anxieties you’ve ever had, will ever have, about yourself and your relations with others, a spectre at every crossroads, a nightmare mist on the edge of your dreams.

    That ain’t Adam. I created him when I was five, for crying out loud. We grew up together. Had the same friends, with whom I’d now be partying if his recent antics hadn’t scared them away. And those antics - what to the others must have looked like chairs or cups or plates moving themselves - prove that Adam is more than my dark side. He’s of me but isn’t me.

    Bloody hell.

    I spin the book onto the pile beside me and slump against the wall. Somewhere among the stack of texts is an explanation. It’s bookmarked and highlighted and I don’t want to read it right now, because across the room, Adam is no longer gazing out of the window. He’s begun to write.

    “Dearest Leyla,” his letter will begin, and I will clench my fists and swallow the shout in my throat because once again my imaginary friend will expose my wrongs by showing me how to do it right. As if I can’t work things out myself. Because I can’t work things out myself.

    That window Adama’s standing beside looks big enough for the both of us. Just slide it open and dive four storeys to kiss the dirt. No more tension or stress or disappointment on Sara’s face. Hell, no more Sara’s face.

    Ah, screw this self-pity crap. I pull out my phone and text her to come over. I know she will, despite the rain and her nagging to get my life in order. She’ll know the fact I called means I want to show her I’m sorting things out. It won’t be a pantomime. I’ll solve this problem at its root.

    Across the room, Adam scribbles on the notepad. Grimaces. Tears the page out, crushes it in his fist and hurls it at the bin near the desk. His frustration is delicious. Mr I-Am-All-You’ll-Never-Be with his face in his hands and his back to the wall. Outstanding.

    He lifts his hands, fingers parting like he’s playing peek-a-boo. His hands drop to his sides as he stares at me. No fire in his eyes. No words.

    So I say one. “Hi.”

    And that fire’s back, fuelled by the muscles that set his jaw as he yanks out his phone and begins to text. “Shut up, Danyal.”

    That’s the first thing he’s said to me all week, and he spoke while asking his partner to visit, like my very own visual echo. This is why I don’t need mirrors.

    What I do need is for him to leave, which he won’t, not while he’s on his imaginary phone to his imaginary woman. And she’ll visit and they’ll argue until she leaves. I’ll have to sleep on the floor because my bed will be stubbornly occupied by my imaginary friend.

    That word. Imaginary. Maybe it’s not entirely accurate anymore. Not after that book. I rummage through the stack until I find it. I don’t need the bookmark to find the page, whose ink-bracketed paragraphs contain highlighted words. Tibet. David-Neel. Thought-forms.


    That word slithers through my guts. In the past I would have called it hokum. Some European explorer stumbles upon a bunch of Tibetan monks who teach her how to conjure up a real person with the power of thought alone? I used to laugh at this sort of ghost story, but now… Now it’s the only thing that makes sense.

    Across the room Adam is smiling. He nods at the book. “That thing will give you nightmares.” He laughs.

    I wonder what else he’s read. It’s disturbing enough that he’s sufficiently independent to figure out this paranormal stuff. I want to wish him away, but I’m making him real.

    He stands and looks out of the window. “Leyla is on her way, Danyal.” He looks at me. “So behave yourself.”

    Now it’s my turn to laugh, “Ha” after bitter “Ha”. This sort of thing used to amuse, like a dog rolling over for its master. Now the dog’s forgetting its place, and it’s just getting old. I tell him so.

    He smiles again, turns away. “See, I disagree.” His hands fold behind him. “I don’t think I give you enough grief.” He looks down his nose at me. “You know what’s really getting old?” He shakes his head and pivots to face me, arms outstretched. “This.”


    Mad light dances in his eyes. “This whole arrangement. Like we’re flatmates or something.”

    “Aren’t we?” It comes out slightly more facetious than I intended.

    Adam just closes his eyes and leans against the wall. “I’m trying to think of a polite word for ‘parasite’.”

    I can’t resist that set-up. “I think ‘Adam’ is a pretty good one.”

    He laughs and it’s almost like the old days of friendly banter and bonding so imaginary it seemed real. But there’s something about the sound of his chuckles and the shake of his shoulders as he quietens, still grinning. “Well.” He looks at the floor. “There we are.” He meets my gaze. Instead of jocularity I see condescension. Contempt. “You’re operating under a faulty assumption, Danyal.”

    I know where he’s going with this. “You think you’re real. That you have a soul, and that you’re not imaginary anymore.”

    Adam scoffs. “Anymore?” He paces in front of the window, a shadow against a rain-specked rectangle of grey. “Okay, let’s find out how things look from your perspective. Why don’t you like me? What set things off?”

    Doesn’t sound like he’s playing games, so I tell the truth. “Your poltergeist routine scared away my friends.”

    “What friends?”

    What the hell is this? “My real friends. Not imaginary. You scared away my actual, physical friends.”

    A strange little smile curls his lips. “Name them.”

    Now he’s playing games. “I’m not in the mood for this nonsense.”

    “So you don’t know their names.”

    “They’re real.”

    “I never said they weren’t.” That smile stretches. He walks to the desk, and for some reason I want to punch his non-existent face. “What was I reading at this desk, Danyal?”

    He’s in one of his moods. I roll my eyes. “Post. My post. Bills, statements. Things like that.”

    Adam grins. “How often do you read them?”

    His tone implies I never do, and anger fizzles a chuckle between my lips. “Whenever you give me a chance.”

    He picks an envelope off the desk. “Have you ever seen Leyla?”

    He’s gone from bills to her? “I didn’t know she was so high-maintenance, Adam.”

    He is emotionless. “Answer the question.”

    This is what I have to live with. “Of course I’ve seen her. All the time.” Now to stick the knife in and end this retardation. “I invented her.”

    Adam turns the envelope over in his hands. “You invented her. To make me happy, right? An imaginary woman for your lonely imaginary friend, that’s what you think?”

    “That’s what I know.” It’s self-evident. Now that he finally sees it, maybe we can all move forward. “Does this mean things are changing, Adam? That you’ll stop following me everywhere I go and live happily ever after with Leyla in your newfound independence?”

    He passes the envelope from hand to hand. “Why have I never seen Sara?”

    I thought I’d welcome Adam acknowledging her existence, but not like this, with stupid, incessant, childish questions. “You’ve never had the pleasure of meeting her.”

    “Why not? You said I follow you everywhere.” His words are like machine-gun fire. “Even to the bathroom, which reminds me, why do you never look in the mirror?”

    Anger pushes me to my feet. “What is this all about?”

    That strange, infuriating smile creases his face and he throws the envelope my way like a Frisbee, followed by two more, which hit me in the face. I lunge toward him.

    “Whoa, Danyal.” He swerves out of the way and scrambles for the envelopes I dropped. “Just read them.”

    I snatch them off him. Dunno what’s so special about these, bog-standard first-class stamp, my address on each one, my name -


    Oh, God. Ice spirals my ribs as I flip through each envelope, rush to the desk and scan the documents on its surface. Bills, balances and job rejections all linked by one name.

    Adam’s name.

    “I’m not your imaginary friend, Danyal.” He sounds almost sorry. “You’re mine.”

    This is ridiculous. Ilogical. A bad dream. “Why haven’t I seen these letters before?”

    He breathes a chuckle, bites his lower lip. “You never read the post.” He stifles a laugh at the absurdity.

    I want to strangle him. “I don’t have time for your pranks.”

    “No pranks.” For a moment, his eyes lose their sheen of arrogance. “Only truth.”

    I scoff and move to the window. “Sara will be here soon.” Implicit in my voice is the message, “So stop lying.”

    He doesn’t seem to make the inference. “Think about it, Danyal. You can’t name a single one of the friends you claimed I scared off.” He shakes his head. “I would have accepted Steve, Asif or Inderjit as answers.”

    “Because you just made them up.” It’s knee-jerk but it might deflect him from the fact that I don’t know their names.

    “They’re my friends, Danyal. You scared them off because I can see you and they can’t, and you think you’re real.”

    “I am real.” I glare through the window at the rain streaking from sky to concrete car-park. “If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t even remember that event.”

    “But you remembered it from my point of view, as if you were me.”

    “Maybe I am you,” I spit between gritted teeth.

    His responding laughter is in rhythm with the patter of rain against the window. “No, Danyal. You just share some of my memories. Vaguely, imperfectly. Makes sense, really. Helps you to catch up. I don’t think you had many memories of your own when I finally willed you to life.”

    I turn to face him. “Willed me to life? You’re saying all these years I’ve been a figment of your imagination until the power of your belief gave me a life of my own?” I certainly hope he felt the venom in that sentence. “That I’m your Tulpa, like in that book? That’s what you think?”

    He cocks his head. “As you would say, that’s what I know.”

    I turn back to the window. I don’t want to see him smirk. “If I’m such a problem, just wish me away.”

    “I don’t think I can. I think I could only have done that when we both knew you didn’t exist, but now? You think therefore you are and all that. You’re independent of me.”

    I don’t know why that’s so annoying. I need a way to lash out, to one-up him. “They destroyed the Tulpa in the book.”

    “Through months of intense meditation.” His voice tells me he’s nodding. “But I’m no Tibetan monk. I brought you to life slowly. It took years. I wasn’t even conscious of the process.”

    My lips twist. “You were such a lonely saddo that your subconscious had to step in?” I look back at him.

    He’s looking at his hands. “I had friends, Danyal. Good friends. And Leyla.”

    Should I get a violin? “Any difficulties with her are your own fault, not mine.” I look out the window. Sara should be here soon. “How could it be my fault? We both know I’d make a better you than you.”

    “We’re nothing alike. You’re everything I never want to be.”

    I wish he’d shouted those words. They’d have hurt less. “Subtract me, Adam, and all that’s left is you.” I should know better than to think that would shut him up.

    “Me and Leyla.”

    Well, bully for him. I don’t care what he thinks I am. I won’t be alone either. “I’ll have Sara.”

    “You don’t even have a reflection yet.”

    I glare at his reflection in the window. Where mine should be there is only rain. I could adjust my position to better see myself, but I don’t want to give him the satisfaction. Besides, that woman drawing closer from the end of the car-park, umbrella in hands, looks familiar. “You wanted to meet her, Adam. Now’s your chance.”

    His reflection passes a hand over its face. “I won’t be able to see her, Danyal.”

    I beg to differ. In a few moments she’ll be so close even he won’t be able to deny her existence.

    “This is sad.” Adam’s voice loses its edge of condescension. His reflection looks at the floor. “I didn’t think it could get this far.”

    Below, Sara stops, rain lashing against her umbrella. She looks up at me and waves. “Come and see, Adam.”

    His reflection doesn’t move. “There’s nothing to see.”

    For God’s sake. I face him and jab at the window. “She’s right there.”

    “No.” He shakes his head and points at mine. “She’s in there.”

    I laugh in his face. This is getting insane.

    He doesn’t seem to think so. He looks like somebody died. “I won’t be able to see Sara because she’s your imaginary friend.”

    My response is to grab him and lead him to the window, to seize his skull and turn him to face her. He can’t deny she exists. He’s not blind. She’s right there, still waving, twirling her umbrella against multiple curtains of rain and wind that threatens her balance, but she’s definitely there, that’s why she’s waving, who cares if she’s getting soaked, all she needs to do and all she is doing is lowering the umbrella to angle it against the wind that splashes water against the fabric, and I can’t see her right now because of the way she’s holding the umbrella, but she’s there, she definitely exists, how could she not?

    And the wind roars and blows the umbrella inside-out and it spins and rolls across the ground.

    And Sara is not there. She must have gone elsewhere, to shelter, at the north of the car-park, or the east.

    “I’m sorry.” Adam sounds like he sees the panic on my face.

    And I’m not panicking, why would I, just because I can’t see her doesn’t mean she’s not there, has never been there, will never be there, and -

    The umbrella stops rolling and rain pelts its broken spokes.

    And Sara is gone. Was never there. I just couldn’t see it. The man who helped me see lowers his head beside me. He created me and told me the truth and made me understand the world. He planted the seeds which grew in the rain that washed Sara away.

    Maybe I should thank him. All I can say is, “You murdered her.”

    And before he can respond I’ve shoved him into the desk. He crumples to the floor, where I launch a kick that splits his lip. I drag him to his feet, against the wall.

    “I’m sorry, Danyal.”

    No negotiation. “You made me doubt her. You destroyed my chance to make her real.”

    He tries to sputter something else but I silence him with my fist. How could he do this? How dare he? If he hadn’t triggered my disbelief, if he’d left me alone, Sara would still exist, at least for me. Maybe she’d eventually become real through my belief, be my Tulpa as I was Adam’s.

    Adam can’t say anything other than “Sorry” and “I’m sorry”, over and over, and it changes nothing. He’s ruined my life and ended hers. I throw him across the room. He hits the bed and spins into the stack of books. It’s almost comical. Look at him, rising zombie-like from the pile. An uppercut flops him onto his side. His face is raw meat. Good look for the weak, pathetic little man. I roll him toward the window, glimpsing a reflection that isn’t his.

    Maybe it’s mine. Maybe onlookers won’t think Adam is being beaten to a pulp by thin air. Maybe I’m entirely real now. I grin at him. “On your feet. I’m tired of carrying you.”

    He rises drunkenly. Doesn’t even throw a punch. “If I die, Danyal, so do you.”

    Does he think I’m an idiot? “You were the one who said I’m independent. Think about it.” I slide the window open and yank him before it. The wind sprays rain into my face and I’ve never felt so alive.

    “Leyla!” His voice is desperate. I clamp my hand over his mouth and look out of the window. It is her, walking across the car-park, pausing where Sara paused, adjusting her hood and stepping on the umbrella. When she looks at it, she moves like Sara did, and takes it to the nearest bin, her back to us, despite the rain and the wind, just like Sara would.

    I smile at Adam. “Things are starting to make sense.” I lean his head out of the window. “Why should I settle for imaginary when I can have the real thing?” He struggles and I hook his hands behind him with my free hand. He knows I’m right. “I’m everything you didn’t have the nerve to be, Adam.” Leyla will understand, even as I push Adam’s shoulders through the window.

    Maybe I’ll take some getting used to, but she’ll warm up to me. Adam’s memories are vague in my mind, but they’ll be enough, and I’ll be able to make my own. No need to rationalise her existence and replace her with a fantasy. Maybe she’ll wonder what happened to Adam, but she hasn’t seen me, and I guess deep down she won’t really care.

    Maybe she’ll think he jumped.
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!


    thanks for posting . InshaAllah will read tonight.
    LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    You may begin voting,insha'Allaah. All the best to all participants.
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    My thoughts on the stories (I didn't enter). The reviews are in white font (because some contain spoilers), so you will have to highlight it to read (if you give a monkey's about what I type that is). Also, I read all the entries in one sitting, off the actual PC screen to attempt a fair review.

    1) Cyber lies

    Review:Nice idea but feels like a self-help guide. A little bit too preachy for me. Epilogue cheapens the story as a whole and adds to the preachy factor. I did like the usage of e-mail in the text though, very nice touch and definitely original.

    2) Fishing wisdom

    Review: It needs formatting – I struggled to read it on several occasions. Too much “champ” and “son” for my liking (sounds unnatural). Also, pregnant wife is pregnant why? Husband is a convert why? These character aspects need to be fleshed out a bit more. The story should be more about the bond between father and son, but it is pushed too far into the background. Interesting use of bonding over fishing however.

    3) Hajj

    Way too short. No proper punctuation/formatting which hurt the story as I couldn't distinguish between speech and plot. Massive plot hole (rich business man father could conceivably pay for hajj and operation….but no figures are ever given...please don't insult your audience like that, we can comprehend sums and information). There is little to no characterisation for any of the characters and Zero concept of subtlety when it comes to the moral of the story. Tries to be dramatic and tug the emotional cords, but because there is no characterisation whatsoever, I care for noone in the story. Still it is an interesting topic you attempted to cover, just need give it more detail and attention.

    4) Shaytan faces the muslim girl

    Review: Very good concept but too short and not fleshed out enough - the actual fight bit (which was what the plot centred around) should have been much longer, ended up being anti-climactic. Also: The young girl died?! Wtf did the guy do? Again tho, excellent concept. Possibly the best idea out of all 5 imo.

    5) Silhouette

    I predicted the twist (not much the author can do to prevent that though!). An interesting read and easily the best written (grammar, punctuation etc) and most unique out of the lot.

    p.s; I’m sorry if people find my criticisms very harsh, I’m not doing this to hurt people’s feelings or **** on their work. I just have high standards that I am particularly vocal about. Plus I am currently reading harry potter 6.
    Last edited by aamirsaab; 11-23-2010 at 09:38 PM.
    LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!


    haha , I am not hurt , just wondering how I dared to take part
    LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

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  15. #12
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    Please read the stories and vote for your favorite entry,insha'Allaah.
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  16. #13
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    format_quote Originally Posted by aamirsaab View Post
    My thoughts on the stories (I didn't enter). The reviews are in white font (because some contain spoilers), so you will have to highlight it to read (if you give a monkey's about what I type that is). Also, I read all the entries in one sitting, off the actual PC screen to attempt a fair review.

    1) Cyber lies

    Review:Nice idea but feels like a self-help guide. A little bit too preachy for me. Epilogue cheapens the story as a whole and adds to the preachy factor. I did like the usage of e-mail in the text though, very nice touch and definitely original.

    2) Fishing wisdom

    Review: It needs formatting – I struggled to read it on several occasions. Too much “champ” and “son” for my liking (sounds unnatural). Also, pregnant wife is pregnant why? Husband is a convert why? These character aspects need to be fleshed out a bit more. The story should be more about the bond between father and son, but it is pushed too far into the background. Interesting use of bonding over fishing however.

    3) Hajj

    Way too short. No proper punctuation/formatting which hurt the story as I couldn't distinguish between speech and plot. Massive plot hole (rich business man father could conceivably pay for hajj and operation….but no figures are ever given...please don't insult your audience like that, we can comprehend sums and information). There is little to no characterisation for any of the characters and Zero concept of subtlety when it comes to the moral of the story. Tries to be dramatic and tug the emotional cords, but because there is no characterisation whatsoever, I care for noone in the story. Still it is an interesting topic you attempted to cover, just need give it more detail and attention.

    4) Shaytan faces the muslim girl

    Review: Very good concept but too short and not fleshed out enough - the actual fight bit (which was what the plot centred around) should have been much longer, ended up being anti-climactic. Also: The young girl died?! Wtf did the guy do? Again tho, excellent concept. Possibly the best idea out of all 5 imo.

    5) Silhouette

    I predicted the twist (not much the author can do to prevent that though!). An interesting read and easily the best written (grammar, punctuation etc) and most unique out of the lot.

    p.s; I’m sorry if people find my criticisms very harsh, I’m not doing this to hurt people’s feelings or **** on their work. I just have high standards that I am particularly vocal about. Plus I am currently reading harry potter 6.
    I think you should have waited until after the voting ended to post your critique since we don't want voters to be swayed by what you wrote. Let readers decide for themselves and vote for what they like best.

    I read somewhere that short stories should have underlying message and those with the best underlying message have a better chance of getting published. I couldn't really understand the message behind Silhouette. It didn't seem to have one.
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    I enjoyed reading all the stories...for a minute I thought Yanal wrote all the stories.
    LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    I was looking at myself talking to myself and I realized this conversation...I was having with myself looking at myself was a conversation with myself that I needed to have with myself.
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    I could tell the yanal one right away..

    anyhow just for future reference as it has become a peeve of mine of late..

    there is no such word as 'lieing' or 'dieing'

    nice stories over all..but one stood out for me!

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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    Um,sister you must be mistakes as I did not partake in writing a story for this contest. After the contest voting ends, I'll provide you with the authors of each story so you can personally ask them...and if you want I'll take screenshots of my PM box where the members PMed me. Believe me I did not partake into this.
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    I wrote one of them.
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Yanal View Post
    Um,sister you must be mistakes as I did not partake in writing a story for this contest. After the contest voting ends, I'll provide you with the authors of each story so you can personally ask them...and if you want I'll take screenshots of my PM box where the members PMed me. Believe me I did not partake into this.

    Why didn't you partake?
    They were all very good actually--
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    I don't know,seemed it wasn't fair if I was hosting and writing thus I did not partake..
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    Re: LI Writing Contest '10-The Entries!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Yanal View Post
    I don't know,seemed it wasn't fair if I was hosting and writing thus I did not partake..
    that is nonsense.. even the president gets one vote and does vote for himself..

    anyhow maybe next time..

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