
So I'll be delivering an Islamic Art/Calligraphy workshop in around 3 weeks insha'Allah, I was hesitant to accept since I had no idea how I was going to structure it and the thought of 'teaching' how to paint or draw kinda threw me, I mean it's one thing being able to do something and another thing completely to teach it, right? Anyway the only reason I agreed to do it is because it's something I've wanted to do for a long time now but just havn't thought about properly.

My question is, does anybody have any ideas or suggestions on how to structure this or even introduce it? An extremely awesome and dear friend of mine suggested setting 'milestones', i.e. something for the students to accomplish at the end of say for example, the first half hour, and then another target I guess you could also call it, for the next half hour and so on and so forth, I've yet to come up with these targets though, although I've come up with several. Argh just thinking about it I'm confusing myself, I don't know where to begin
