Grinding and Hustling avoiding the 9 to 5.
The motive is Jannah tul Firdaus, let’s all strive!

Tell me do you want to work like a rat for 40 years?
Or achieve all your dreams and conquer your fears?

Use your wealth like Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, one of the richest Muslims to walk the earth.
He was promised Jannah, excelled in his actions and deeds not just his net worth.

Have the right intentions if you want your wealth to last.
Always be grateful to Allah for the present and past.

Insha Allah you can be great and achieve anything.
Focus and move forward, imagine the benefit it will bring.

Failure is your self improvement, don’t be afraid to try.
Aim for perfection, make your goals sky high.

Prepare for the Akhirah, your time here is restricted.
Leave a long lasting legacy, always helping the afflicted.

Lead with excellence, insha Allah you’ll be a success.
May Allah make us amongst those whom he has blessed.