Humankind will never stop
To wipe the other out
Despite both other, and unity mentioned,
There is nothing to point out
And no truth to shout
They have listened
With eager ears
And continue to shed blood and rape
The builders build, the elders say
The renegades filled, the youth decay
The youth rise up, the elders decay
And all go mad anyway
And what was built in a thousand years is burned in a second of flame
The man who says to stop fighting is simply killed
And all others are silenced
But this man says to never be silenced
For it is what we’ve truly willed
If only the statesman, had not interrupted
And written the news, that we have seen, while he sees it as extinguishing dew, and a way to interrupt him clean
But only when he’s eaten alive


There is no pride in the motherland,
For the people have gone mad
There is no pride in land or sand
Or the intoxicating bands
The mad sultan has ruled with terror
And an iron fist
And I watch with horror
As he carries out his list
There is no pride in the motherland
Which once was great
But now the sultan wants to return
Even further back
My stomach churns
My people are sacked
And the buffoons have filled their place
There is no pride in the motherland
But there is pride in feeling none
And saying so with resolve