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Writing Contest 2018 - Vote for the best entry

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    Writing Contest 2018 - Vote for the best entry

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    WritingContestVoteNow - Writing Contest 2018 - Vote for the best entry

    Welcome to the Writing Contest 2018 voting thread. I will be posting all the entries below in separate posts. Take your time to read all of them and vote for the one that you liked the best. The last date for voting is 20 June 2018.

    for everyone who has participated in this years contest.

    We have 4 entries this time and most of them from new members. Kudos to them for making this contest a success.

    For mobile app users, the poll is not visible. Please use a browser to visit this thread and then you will be able to vote.

    Please note, this thread is only meant for the entries and for voting. For any discussion, please use this thread: Writing Contest 2018 - Rules, Deadline and Discussion

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    Re: Writing Contest 2018 - Vote for the best entry

    The Lily-of-the-valley and the Nightingale

    Once upon time there was a green valley. There were a plenty of flowers and birds living there and a little, lonely girl who took care about all of the creatures of the valley. At the evenings, after the work of the day, she usually walked around of the valley, sit under the biggest trees and listened the endless concerts of the wind and the birds. Every of them sang to her about the beauty of Allah.

    At one evening she again sat under her´s favorite tree. It was mild evening, wind was gently and the sun was falling into the rosy clouds. Then she suddenly heard the voice from the tree like someone would cry. She raised the look and soon she saw a little brown bird who looked very very sad.

    - Hey little bird, she said, what´s wrong with you?

    Little bird sighed and then it said: - How I could be happy as my friend is missing? It´s like half of my heart is disappeared.
    - Who´s your friend and where she has gone? Please tell me, maybe I can help you.

    The little bird flied under the tree near of the girl. The little girl saw big tears on its eyes.

    - I´ll tell you what happened, the bird started. - I and my the dear friend used to meet each others at every spring evening, I sang to her and she sended to me her´s the most charming frangrance. No other flower in this big world can´t bring such happiness to my heart than she did. But then at one day she was gone. I saw that someone had digged her up and... all hers roots were disappeared. I afraid the worse has happened and I can´t ever see her again.
    - But where...
    - I flied all over the valley and outside of the valley and finally I found out where she was taken. There is a greenhouse far from here. She has been planted to there. But without the free air of the nature she only suffers there and soon she will die. And then I will die too as we are meant to live together forever.
    - What´s hers name, whispered the little girl as because of her´s saddness she couldn´t speak.
    - Hers name is the Lily-of-the-valley and I am the Nightingale. Please, can you help us?
    - By the will of Allah, I will try my best to release your friend and bring her back to this valley, the little girl promised. - Show me the way to this greenhouse now. Together we can do this - and of course Allah is on our side if we trust Him.
    - Thank you, little bird said. - I knew I will get help when I am in the greatest need.

    And then they started their journey through the valley. All the old trees whispered to them good advices, all flowers sended their fragrange to them and thousands of the birds sang their greetings to them. By this the little girl got more courage to hers heart knowing it was right what she was going to do. Help someone who needs help was hers duty.

    Soon they saw the greenhouse. It was huge and dark with no lights. The little girl saw the door, opened it quietly and stepped inside. It was full of many different kind of plants and it was like a jungle. Very quiet jungle as there was no sounds like birds or any other animals like in the real jungle. She didn´t know where to find what she was looking for but she kept walking. Then she stopped as very quiet sound of crying came to hers ears.

    And then she saw it; very small flower which leaves had curled up and what indeed looked like it wouldn´t got any water for weeks. It looked like it will die in any time.

    - Who can be so cruel to do this to any of the creatures of Allah, the little girl was thinking. She touched the leaf of the flower carefully.
    - I came to you to bring you back to your home, she said. - Your bird friend needs you and all the valley is too sad place if you are not there. But who took you away from your home and why? I would like to know.
    - She said she is a gardener, the small flower said in sad voice. - I tried to talk to her that I can´t live here but she didn´t understand me. Is it true, do you really bring me back to home?
    - Yes I do, said the girl but then...

    Somebody stepped near of them and put lights on. The little girl raised hers look and saw strange woman in front of her.

    - Who you are and why you came to my greenhouse? Are you going to steal my flowers, woman said with angry voice. - I don´t like such thieves, just same if they are young or old. I will call the police if you don´t leave this place immediately!
    - This flower is not yours, the little girl said bravely. - You took it from my valley and I want it back. It´s real place is in the wild nature, not in this man-made forest of yours. I don´t afraid the police as if you call them, they will arrest you, not me.
    - Is it yours? I am so sorry, I didnt know it, said the woman and smiled. - I took it only because of it´s so lovely fragrance but in my greenhouse it has lost it at all. I am wondering why´s that?
    - Because she is too lonely in here. Her´s friend is lonely too and if you don´t give this flower back to it´s home, they both will die to the sorrow.
    - I have been as gardener for years but I didn´t know that flowers may have friends, said the woman. - Can you forgive me? I swear by the name of Allah that my intentions weren´t bad. I too love flowers and all plants and don´t want to hurt them. Can you teach me more about these things?
    - Sure but not in here. Let´s help this flower first to its home and you too are welcome to my green valley. I am sure you will like it more than this greenhouse.

    The girl and the gardener took the pot where small flower was and carried it outside. After a walking back to the valley they planted it again carefully to it´s own place. The night dew gave to it fresh water to drink and soon it was enough strong to raise it´s flowers again with the most wonderful fragrance.

    The little girl and the gardener sat together all night, listened the birds and talked together about all the flowers. And after that, the little girl wasn´t lonely anymore as she has got a friend. And the nightingale was so happy when she saw hers friend again that it sang all night all of hers the most beautiful songs to it and to all who wanted to listen. After that, the nightingale has always sang at the same time at the spring when the lily-of-the-valley is blooming.

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    Re: Writing Contest 2018 - Vote for the best entry

    The scarf

    George was a wealthy investor in the gold industry. He was not always well off, by any means. He used to plow fields in his hometown in Oklahoma. But one day he was sitting in a cafe in Springfield, Oklahoma and saw an advertisement in the Sunday paper. It was about trading in the stock market. He invested a few dollars and before long he was making an income to live on. The rest is history. But he never forgot the hard work and effort he put into in his labour job. It was motivation to keep on working smart in investing so he never had to do that labor job again.

    Cici was a smart girl from a poor family. She had new clothes once a year on Christmas and everything else was handed down from her three older sisters. She dreamed of living on an island with a handsome husband to take care of her. She was tired of surviving in a poor family, and never having her own space. An island would give her a chance to be free and she was determined to find that way of life.

    One day in Springfield, Cici was running to her job as a cashier at the supermarket. She dropped her scarf. But had no time to pick it up so she kept on running because she was already late! Meanwhile, across the street George was reading the paper and watching her through the window. He was mesmerized by her long brown hair fanning out in the wind, and her curvy body highlighted in a pair of leggings and long tunic with flowers on it. Soft but stunning. He instantly noticed her scarf fall from her neck and thought I must return that to her. Leaving cash on the table for his coffee, he ran outside.

    George suddenly felt all nervous. Like he was about to hit a big jackpot with big odds and had just took a big risk. He decided to follow her slowly so he could know more about her life before approaching her. This took him back to his boyhood when he would just work hard and not notice girls until one stumbled into his life like today.

    Cici arrived at work. Disappointed at losing her grandmothers silk scarf that she kept for years, she signed in. It was going to be a long day...

    George thought I could return it to her tomorrow, as he saw her sad expression. He was looking at her from outside and couldn’t bring himself to approach her just yet. So he walked back to the cafe to finish his work.

    After a couple weeks Cici had forgotten about the scarf. But George had not! He was visiting that grocery store secretly every day for those two weeks. He made a point to pass by her checkout stand and smile gently as she looked up. One day Cici saw him smile and thought, “hmm, who is this nice man? He is handsome and elegant but why would such a man be smiling at me. I better be careful.”
    George felt that day that he better make his move or she would be gone soon.

    He brought his groceries to her stand and very calmly said hello. Cici smiled back but started to work diligently without saying anything. She knew that rich men like him do not really look at girls from her background. George told her how he came there everyday and was impressed to see such a sweet person working there. He told her it made his day to always be greeted by her happy face after a hard day in his office.

    “oh I am nice to all the regular customers, its part of my job”, she said.
    “Yes and you are so good at your job! I have never seen you upset or wasting time at work. I am sure your boss appreciated your hard work”
    “Its nothing...”she said and she looked away. She could feel herself start to blush. She didn’t want to look into those large black eyes, or see his wavy, thick hair the way it was casually parted on the side to show the flow of his long black hair. She was starting to imagine what it would be like in those arms of his and she stopped herself.
    “Dear...you are scanning the eggs twice!”
    That startled her out of her daydream.
    “Oh im sorry let me fix it right away”, she apologized.

    At that moment he felt the urge to give her something. He know just what would do but he didn’t want to interrupt her work so patiently he waited until she handed him the bill.

    “oh dear...I just wanted to let you know that I found something beautiful a couple weeks ago, it was just lying in the streets and was too magnificent to leave abandon. I want to give it you since your are so sweet. You are a perfect match for the luxury of this item”

    He pulled out the freshly dry cleaned, and folded scarf from his briefcase with a ribbon around it and a card.

    He coyly suggested that there will be more luxurious things for her if she liked them.

    Her eyes went big and her mouth opened. She could feel her heart pounding on her chest. She wanted to hug him for finding such a precious memento that she thought was lost forever.
    She held back and smiled then took it from him and read the card.

    It said,
    dear you are the only one who can wear such beauty and not be lost in it.
    You beauty outshines everything in this world.
    I wish to take you away to an island with me someday.
    A beauty like you is too delicate to be seen in this cruel world.

    She started to cry and was never able to forget that moment which validated all her dreams and hopes of finding a place of her own. She knew this man was her one and only and they traveled the world together before settled on a private island off the mainland somewhere nobody knows.

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    Re: Writing Contest 2018 - Vote for the best entry

    Voice Of A Soul

    Years ago I remember how it was a typical sunny Friday, a bustling and alive day pulsing with activity on the road... Cars, sunshine and busy people.. There was also a cart somewhere among the crowd..Pulling a cart, with an old man sitting on top, and the cart had two tall and thick sticks geared to it. Amidst all the people, the hot and blinding sun as it glistened off different polished cars, car roofs and dusty tyres.. He tried. I saw he was trying, because I stood on the opposite road with my own thoughts and in my own world. A world with people, family, a friend or two and my own interests and concerns.. Among the revving engines, distant and close beeping horns, people shouting and hollering- I stood worlds away and there this different creature stood, in an even lonelier world I did not recognize. And my eyes searched along the sea of traffic when he caught my sight with his stare. One thing was for sure he held it for dear life, how they stared into only mine. The world stopped spinning around at that moment and I paused!

    "help me. Help" I heard a tiny voice, no not a voice but a sense in my head that translated into words: help! I was surprised to hear myself say this; was it me?! It was definitely not, but those eyes were speaking in truth so I quickly listened again- feeling the same words come to mind.

    Under very worried brows, his eyes were like two pure, black olives and they peered out in unuttered grief and existence. Fur rough and weather-beaten, soft rabbit ears and legs that were holding the ground under aching hooves- this donkey taught me about how my own world is a rich, easy and free one and a responsibility too. It is true I could not help this donkey from what I sensed him enduring, but how many creatures cannot cry for help because of our reduced awareness and sense?

    We must learn to try and open our eyes, the mind and all the senses, so that the heart is open and receptive to this kind of language. It is true then that the eyes are windows to the soul; they are voice of the soul too.

    Everything around me resumed, I returned to my world after the traffic dispersed (not really..) as the cars moved along the road at a snails pace. The last I saw of the donkey hauling his owners cart with the strength of a lion, an intellect unique from the rider and any other human being.

    The only thing I can do right now is say a prayer: O' Allah, help all those whom we could not help and comfort them by Your Help, Ameen.

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    Re: Writing Contest 2018 - Vote for the best entry

    Aazeen's journey to Jannah

    Aazeen sucked the end of her pen musing on "how much likes did her latest picture in instagram would have gained", in between her maths class. Teacher shouted at her "Aazeen..!! where are you lost..?? Come up on the board and solve the given sum". Aazeen was quite bright in her studies, she went straigth to board and solved the sum. "Very Good, but be attentive in class", said the teacher.

    When Aazeen came back to her home, she immediately took her phone and login to her instagram account and was very happy to find that her latest picture gained 115 likes and 10 comments.

    "Ammi, do you know I got 115 likes in my latest post".

    "What? You again uploaded your picture in social media, your Abba has forbidden you no, didn't he ?" said her mother.

    "Ammi please, stop behaving like a 90s women, I don't like such restrictions", Aazeen replied in anger and shut her room's door.

    "Ya Allah, forgive her!! She is unaware of her deen", her mother sighed.

    Next morning, Aazeen woke up for her fajar prayer and saw that her mother left her gold chain on the dressing table.

    "Ammi..! Ammi..!!", Aazeen shouted.

    "What happened dear? Is everything okay?" her mother asked.

    "What is this?", she pointed towards that gold chain.

    "Ahh..! my chain, I was searching for it everywhere, thanks Azzu", her mother replied in sarcastic tone.

    "Ammi, how can you be so careless? This is your favourite chain, Abba has gifted you in your anniversary. How can you keep it here and there, what if someone steals it?" Aazeen replied in anger.

    "Exactly Azzu, same way you are my precious gift given by my Allah, you keep on posting your pictures here and there, what if someone steal you from me?", her mother said.

    "Ughh..!! Please, do not blackmail me like this. Don't try to take away my freedom, please leave me alone Ammi", Aazeen sadly went to her room.

    Although Aazeen was good in her studies and was also regular in offering salah but she loves watching TV unnecessarily, hanging out with friends and wearing western dresses, for her these were the freedom. For Aazeen being a good human was more important and she hated being judged by her dress. She believed no one should raise finger on someone's character by just looking at dress and in a world of 21st century wearing outdated dresses is nothing but stupidity and a victory of patriachal society.

    After coming back from her college, she login to her social account and was surprised to see a message from a boy. She immediately went through the boy's profile and was overwhelming with thousands of thoughts. She called up her best friend Zoya.

    "Hello..!! what are you doing Zoh?", Aazeen said.

    "Hey Aazeen, I was just ordering some make up items for myself", Zoya replied happily.

    "Ohh..! thats great, can you please order a lipstick for me dear", Aazeen asked.

    "Yeah sure!! But tell me which colour and specification".

    "Aahh...!! I want peach mate colour for me, isn't it will look great on me?", Aazeen asked.

    "Of course..!! Miss Beauty Queen, well tell me how you remember me?", Zoya asked curiously.

    "You know what a boy messaged me insta", Aazeen shared her happiness with her.

    "What..!! wow..!! who is he?", She asked.

    "I don't know him, his name is Shahid Iqbal", Aazeen replied shyly.

    "Okay I will see his profile", said Zoya.

    "Yeah sure".

    "Allah hafiz", said Aazeen.

    Aazeen was feeling at the top of the world. She replied to that boy's message.

    And soon they become very close to each other.They used to gossip on almost every topic they find entertaining. They even went for date. For Aazeen it was like a fairy tale.The boy was of her college only, he was her senior.

    The boy one day proposed her.

    "Aazeen, You are really beautiful", Shahid said.

    Aazeen blushed.

    "Don't smile like this, it will kill me", Shahid praised her smile.

    "I love you Aazeen", Shahid proposed her.

    "I love you too dear, I was waiting for this from a very long time".

    Everyday they used to meet and regularly used to go for movies.

    Aazeen used to tell lie at home that she is going for extra classes or sometimes she is going with Zoya. Slowly slowly, she left reading salah in time.

    She completely devoted everything to her love of life.

    One day she saw Shahid talking very closely with a girl.

    "Shahid..!! What are you doing here?",Aazeen shouted at him.

    "Hey Aazeen..!! Meet Nafisha, she is my classmate", said Shahid.

    "Hello Nafisha, if you don't mind can you excuse us", Aazeen said in anger.

    "Ohh sure..!! I was getting late too, see you guys later", Nafisha left.

    "Aazeen, Are you mad? How are you talking with my friends?", Shahid yelled at her.

    "Shahid, I don't like if you talk with another girl", Aazeen said.

    "Listen..! This is my life, stay out of it", Shahid barked at her and left from there.

    Aazeen cried very much.

    Slowly slowly, Shahid started ignoring her, he was with his new girl.

    One day Aazeen called him up.

    "Shahid, tell me do you love me?",Aazeen asked furiously.

    "Umm..yeah I think I do", Shahid replied confusedly.

    "Will you marry me?", Aazeen asked.

    "Are you mad? I have my studies and career. And you are talking about marraige, is it some kind of joke Aazeen", Shahid replied cunningly.

    "Shahid I really love you, please try to understand my feelings", Aazeen begged.

    "Better you understand my feelings, and let me live peacefully, bye", he cut the phone.

    Aazeen got depressed and was not able eat and sleep.

    She was in fever for a few days. Her mother was really worried about her. She kept her asking what happened, but Aazeen choose to remain mum.

    Aazeen's mother went to offer salah and asked Allah in dua for Aazeen.

    The next day, Aazeen went to college, she got to know that Shahid went for movie with Nafisha. After knowing this she fell unconcious. Some how Zoya and her other friends manage to calm her down.

    She endeavoured too to calm herself down.

    That day she went home and said about him to her mother.

    "Ammi, I love a boy".

    "What? Really? But you are only 19 dear", her mother replied calmly.

    "Yeah, but I loved him", she said as tears rolled down her eyes.

    "What happened Azzu? Will you tell me everything in details?", her mother asked.

    "Ammi, he broke my heart, he just used me", while saying this she hugged her mother tight.

    "Azzu, please don't cry, see your Ammi loves you, Your Allah loves you", her mother calmed her.

    "How can Allah love me, when I never obeyed him", Aazeen said.

    "Just the way you loved someone who never loved you", her mother said in soothing tone.

    Those words opened Aazeen's eyes. Her mom took her to a fruit seller and asked her to go and the choose the best pomogranate. She went and first tasted from the one which was opened, and then from that bunch she picked up the one and gave it to her mother.

    "Ammi, I think this is the best", Aazeen said.

    "Yeah, ok!! but why didn't you pick up the one which you tasted?", her mother asked.

    "Ohh!! come on Ammi, that has been peeled off. So many people would have touched it, everyone prefers to take fresh one no", she replied in frustration.

    "Exactly !! Things which has no covering or are opened get usually rejected by people, If you find any packet of food stuff whose seal is broken or is teared, will you ever buy it?"

    Aazeen was quite for a moment, her frustrated look now got perplexed.

    She was trying to relate her mother's words with her situation.

    "Ammi, please make yourself clear".

    Her mother smiled gently and said, "Azzu, everything is crystal clear, Allah has commanded his people to veil themself as everything covered is precious, and a women dressed modestly is like a pearl in a shell".

    Aazeen's eyes were shinning bright, her agony took an exit gate. Her mother's words were enlightening her.

    "This is your first lesson", her mother said.

    "Let's go for shopping".

    Aazeen's mood was off, she was reluctant to go anywhere.

    "Dear, I am doing all this for you, will you not cooperate with your Ammi?", her mother tried to convince her.

    Aazeen gave a gentle smile and submitted to her. They went to a mall.

    "Isn't that dress looking beautiful Azzu!! ", her mother exclaimed.

    "Yeah, indeed!!".

    "Do you want to try it", her mother asked.

    "Yeah, sure!!".

    Her mother pointed towards that dress and asked the sales man.

    "Excuse me, can we try that dress".

    "I am sorry Ma'am, that is our special limited stock, we don't allow trial for it, you have to buy it", sales man said in gentle tone.

    "But you allow trials on other dresses?", her mother asked knowingly.

    "Yes Ma'am, but these are our expensive collection, we can't allow customers to try it and make it dirty. We have other dresses for which we allow trials", the sales man explained.

    "It's okay Ammi, it's common rule everywhere, don't mess with him, and also this dress is a way too expensive, we can't afford it. Leave", Aazeen convinced her mother.

    "Exactly dear, here comes your second lesson", said her mother.

    Aazeen was confused again.

    "What do you mean Ammi?"

    "Don't be cheap that everyone can come and use you and fulfill their desire without having an intention of keeping you forever with itself. If someone will love you, he will offer you marraige but if he don't offer marraige it means he cannot afford you. And you should be concious of your worth. You are a limited stock, you can't provide people with the opportunity of trial", her mother said.

    Aazeen's paled face sparked with a glow of happiness as she understood what her mother meant.

    She hugged her mother in joy, as she understood what life is.

    They return to their home.

    It was the time to offer Isha prayer.

    Her mother called her in their balcony and said.

    "Aazeen, do you know? There are so many people who will go empty stomach to their bed, there are people who don't have family, some lack education facility, some are dealing with chronic diseases, some are not blessed with sound organs. But look at yourself dear. You have your parents, who take utmost care of you, you never sleep empty stomach, you have every thing of comfort. Don't you feel you should thank Allah wholeheartedly for this".

    "Yes Ammi, you are right. I showered love on worldly things, but when I needed their love, no one and nothing was their to reciprocate. I always disobeyed Allah, yet he never stop bestowing his blessings on me, He loved me unconditionally", Aazeen weeped.

    She offered her salah saying all surahs with understanding and crying her heart out. The next morning brought a new hope in her life. She wore hijaab, deactivated her social accounts and deleted all her immodest pictures. She began a new journey, whose destination was jannah. She again fell in love, but this time it was Allah and his beloved prophet Muhammed pbuh. Her life got completely changed. Everyone become curious of her new character, they used to find opportunity to talk with her but she gave chance to none. Even Shahid came to her and appologised, she forgave him but continued to live her new life with our true lover that is Allah.

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