Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters!

I am a poet working under the pen name Amira Din Ashar, and seek to weave Islamic teachings into my work.

In light of past unfortunate incidents where individuals have attempted to desecrate the Holy Quran, I felt compelled to respond not with anger, but with verse.The poem I am about to share is a testament to the resilience of our faith. It is a reminder that no flame can tarnish the divine wisdom held within the Quran, as its teachings are eternal and reside within our hearts.I share this with a hope to inspire thoughtful reflection and open dialogue.

Quran Burnings

In the heartland of the west, a tale unfolds,
Borne on winds that whisper of a flame.
An act that seeks to scar and sear the old,
An ageless book, its pages kissed by shame.

Echoes of a burning, echoes of despair,
Yet the words remain, resilient, in air.
In hearts, in souls, inscribed everywhere,
Unburnt, untouched, beyond every scare.

An act of rage, meant to divide, to tear,
Only unites, only prompts us to share
The truth within, an invitation fair,
To learn, to understand, not just to stare.

A book ablaze, yet its spirit free,
Carried in the hearts of those who see,
Beyond the flame, beyond the decree,
A testament of faith, strong as a tree.

So let it burn, if it must, if it dare,
For each rising ember joins a prayer,
A silent pledge that we deeply care,
To protect, respect, and love what's rare.

Burning but a book, a futile plight,
For you cannot extinguish the light,
Of wisdom, love, and divine insight,
Radiating still, eternally bright.

I invite your thoughts, reflections, and discussions. Let us remember to keep our responses respectful and in line with the teachings of our beloved Prophet.If you found my work meaningful and wish to support the publication of more such content, I invite you to visit my Kickstarter campaign at Here, I am raising funds for a collection of Islamic-themed poetry that explores various facets of our beautiful faith.Shukran.