ALLAH, Subhana wa ta'ala

Thereafter... all begins
...explicitly for Men & Jinn

ALLAH, Subhana wa ta'ala

Lord of the Known
…and the Unseen.
We're only enveloped in Time... if ya know what eye mean?

We traverse through this world…
…but its just one section.
Place of preparation
Next up…
The Grave…
Then…The Resurrection…
Our Review… acceptance or rejection?

Meanwhile, all is already spelled out…
…what we'll Event n’Truly manifest.
We may have
and repentance
…while hoping for The Best.

ALLAH, Subhana wa ta'ala

Creator of The Destiny,
that's Eternally in tact
The past, present, future... it's already fact.

Challenged by our nafs (Ego)... makes for bumpy roads…
Shaitan goads...
adding negative "brain load"
Commandeering choices with his cunning and guile...
Making sins alluring
...dressed in current style.

it’s an intrusion by illusion
…by what appears as real
but, theoretically...
if we don't play the cards…
We won't have to deal…
its all clear cut
Brain Matter ain't ya butt…Say what??!!
Yeah, it's spelled out along the route…
it’s conveyed in The Law
...whether we’re found in the casino
chillin' at the mall.
How we conduct ourselves in this dunya...
Can raise ya rank or ruin ya.

This is not false;
so incorporate at all cost
...a reminder to me ‘n you; …the Sometimes Lost

Focus on The One; before one is laid to rest...
We won't anthropomorphically see Him,
but, we'll definitely experience
...His tests.