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    i get this via email...


    Dear Akhwat wa Ikhwah fillah

    Assallammu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh....

    I have restrained myself to not write about this topic personally. But this matter has been killing my heart and my souls many times…… astaghfirullah… I was angry a lot of time [especially with myself] due of my disability to convey the messages. But how could I say I love you for the sake of Allah if I don’t able to convey the truth…

    Please consider them as my sincere effort to do my responsibility and to fulfill your right in the process doing amar ma’ruf nahi munkar….

    Jazakillah khairan katsiran for Sis Lina for all your sincere love, dear caring and sharing… I wish many lucky young innocent Moslem bless to meet a person like you… May Allah always protect your soul…as you spend you life to care others’ souls… amen…

    May Allah protect those young pure hanif souls….

    Wallahualam bishshowab…..

    Something which basically is permissible…

    but if the user are not responsible people.....it could lead to much destruction…

    I might write so many mistake… those mistake from my shallowness….

    please forgive them....

    But all the truth from Allah …

    The first part is for brothers…the second part is for sisters….
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    ummuafeera's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: chatting...

    Part I

    “My dear brother”

    Who are you in your real life

    What are in your real life…

    You may say you are a real modest man,

    Who care your gaze,

    You may say you are a real gentleman

    With beard…

    People may say you are a real cool mu’min

    People may say you are a real practicing man

    People may say you are like scholar man

    People may say you are respectable man

    People may say they adore you as a real gentleman…

    Be like that also on the net

    If declared you never talk with woman in your real life..

    Please don’t justify your interaction on the net

    Al least

    Please be consistent with what your belief…

    Saying never talked with non maharam even more than 1 minute

    But turn become a real chatter box

    Spending hours chat with non mahram

    Sharing every single detail

    Comment every single thing

    Please don’t be too sweet

    Act as if a charming prince

    Leaving poison into many hearts

    Playing with other emotion

    Please keep your charm to your wife [to be]

    Please keep your jokes for your wife [to be]

    Some of you were very knowledgeable people

    A Da’wah worker

    Respectable people


    Remember Allah knows best what lies inside your heart’

    Allah knows of the tricks that deceive with the eyes,

    Allah knows all that the hearts (of men) conceal.

    Don’t abuse the Qur’an wa Sunnah

    Don’t use them to product fatwa to support your lust

    Don’t use them to justify your actions

    You do feel comfort because you shouldn’t face her

    You feel comfort because she doesn’t see you

    You think there is massive wall between you and her

    There is distance between you and her

    Have you found any scholars make a new definition of hijab?


    The adultery of the eyes is the sight,

    The adultery of the tongue is the talk,

    The adultery of heart is imagination

    The private parts testify all this or deny it

    Be honest…..

    What hijab you put between your hearts?

    What hijab you put to control your mind?

    You know best what lays both inside….

    Is that just a simple screen?…

    Is that just text?….

    Don’t you know

    You are talking with a real human being…

    They are a real human being with heart,

    They were created with bones…. flesh….blood

    They have right to be respected

    They have right to be treated like human being

    They are not toys to play with

    To filling your spare time

    To be part of your adventure

    To kill your loneliness…

    To be part of your experience…

    To be part of your wild inspiration…


    Marriage is a scared things..

    Please don’t use that “magic” word to trap sincere sister…

    Please don’t use that “magic” word to ask their pictures…

    Please don’t use that “magic” word to justify your interactions…

    In pretext of getting to know each other….

    Do you know what mean of that word?

    Do you understand what is responsibility?

    Do you comprehend every action lead to the consequences ?

    Most of time you do not understand the consequences…

    You do not know even how to move your fingers…

    You will make your heart dirty..

    You will make your life complicated…

    Never start thing that you never able to responsible…

    Never start thing if you do not know what the follow up…

    Please act as a real gentleman…

    Please do learn how to do the right process…

    You do know how to fall in love

    But do not know what you should do with that love

    Life already hard

    Don’t play with the fire

    Don’t play with things that out of your control…



    Go learn the Qur’an

    Go read the tafsir

    Go read the sunnah

    Go read the syarah

    Go read the syirah…

    Go learn the Qur’an

    Go read the tafsir

    But please do not use the religion to fit your desire…


    You were born and raised with some values

    Don’t make “internet” as a facility to break those values…

    Be consistent…. Be consistent…

    Some of you belong to family/culture detest girl talk with man

    You even will not tolerant if you find your young sister talk with guy on net

    You forbid your woman to talk with man.

    Since you were born

    You have created what is a perfect girl in your mind

    One who never talk with man…

    The pure one….

    The innocent ….

    The untouchable…

    With the virgin heart….


    That really inconsistent…. if

    Your actions created impurity to other heart

    Your sweet words destroy innocents’ heart

    You fill so many hopes inside one’s heart….

    Then you abandon her

    You spent time with someone that you do not want to end up

    You know at the first place not fit with your type

    They do not fit you value

    You spend hours being close but you consider them just nothing

    You think

    You can go and come anytime in your idle times

    No need think about responsibility

    You may escape anytime

    You may run anytime

    You are unreachable…

    You are untouchable…

    You are safe….

    You may just simple start you life with new one

    Another sweet innocent that had been set up

    Don’t you know..

    You might broke one innocent heart

    That heart might bleeding for the rest of her life

    Sleep tightly

    Enjoy your life

    Beside your beauty wife

    But remember you will meet your lord in hereafter

    You will meet her in hereafter drag you to the flame of hell fire…


    Some of you are married…

    Tease and play around with young girl

    Are you searching inspiration?

    Do you need to refresh your old soul with the spirit of young?

    Saying never loves your wife….

    Saying never feels any happiness from the day one

    Wondering….. How you made she pregnant…

    You are man with a lot experience

    You know all the tricks

    You know how to grasp their heart

    You how tame those pure gems

    What actually you want?

    What do you want from them?

    Don’t you know the consequences what you do?

    Don’t you think about your wife?

    Don’t you think how she feel if she finds you chat around, tease around with girl?

    Please go look yourself in front of mirror

    See those gray hairs

    Remember your doom

    See your young daughter

    Look at your dear young blood sisters

    Do you like if man treats them like the way you treat young sisters?


    Can’t you see a woman just like a simple sister?

    As simple young sister

    As simple young daughter

    who need your advice

    who need your protection

    who need simple respect

    Act as an uncle

    Act like a big brother

    Act like their father…

    Please do not chase to them always

    To be your forth wife…

    You hide your real name

    Your real location

    You want to hide from people

    If you make wrong …you still safe your reputation


    My Dear brothers

    Where is the responsible gone?

    Where is the shame gone?

    Is that what said as the best ummah ?

    If Umar still alive he would hit your head with his stick

    He might behead you with his sword

    You are a qowam

    Allah raise you higher with that title..

    To carry more responsibility

    There are huge responsibilities on your shoulder

    You are our hope to revive the ummah

    You responsible to care you sisters

    You should protect them

    Not act like a wolf who ready to eat them

    Not act like a evil who ready to trapped them

    Not act like a devil who will ready to mislead them

    Not act like a “-------” who destroys their life…

    Give them space…

    Instead giving secure feeling

    They always alert with your presence

    They try to hide their gender

    They have to lie about their status

    They hesitate to speak

    They hesitate to contribute

    Don’t teach them more how to hidden

    Don’t put them in condition to be an expert liar

    In the sake of protection


    What do you feel?

    Didn’t that click you something?

    Dint that lower your dignity?

    How could you become that low?

    Your fellow sisters should protect themselves that way…

    Didn’t you feel like a harm contagious disease?

    Young brothers…

    Please utilize your time…

    Instead monitoring women’s Id

    The responsibility in your shoulder is bigger…


    Remember Muhammad Al Fatih Murad

    Remember Usamah bin Zaid

    Remember Abdullah bin Zubair

    Remember all your great predecessors..

    They conquered Rome

    They conquered Persian

    They conquered Constantinople

    Shame of you

    All in your mind just about conquer girls…

    Think what you contribute for the ummah

    What you have done for Islam….

    Learn their life journey

    Follow their trait….


    We should build a health environment

    Apply the real teaching of Qur’an wa Sunnah

    No suspicious

    No envious

    Taking care each other

    Join in good

    Forbid in evil

    Protect each other dignity and the honor….

    My dear respect brother….

    I don’t mean to be rude

    I don’t mean to teach you something

    All what I do just trying to convey the messages….

    I believe you more than strong to accept the more sharp critical

    You are a man….

    InshaAllah the seed for the glory of Ummah…..

    Wallahualam bishshowab…..
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  4. #3
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    Re: chatting...

    Part I I

    My dear sisters….

    Allah gifts a lot of special blessings…

    Allah trusts you to carry “rahim” [womb]…

    That makes your nature different…

    Makes you full of affection,

    Your touch is tenderness,

    You smile is sweetness..

    You are an amazing beautiful creation

    You are a charming creation

    Your graceful movement

    Your “killing” smiles

    You are beautiful

    Always beautiful

    You are sweet

    Always sweet

    You are unique…

    With your own way…

    You are always special…

    You are attractive no matter how you look like’


    You are a real temptation for your fellow brothers….

    You will be

    You will always be ….

    Like it or dislike it

    Even if you never intend to

    Even if you never plan to

    They will fall on your laps…

    My dear sisters….

    I know some of you are very strict [in real]

    I know you are trying always to be a real muslimah

    Who love Qur’an wa sunnah

    But easy to get carry out [on net]

    My dear sincere sisters….

    Please think over this

    Would you mix and talk that free with all those guys in person?

    Would you crack those "Islamic jokes" with those guys in person?

    Remember of those *LOLs*….*awwwww*……”wwoooowww”….

    Would you do really express that way if you met those guys in person?

    Would you feel comfortable spending so much time with these guys in person?

    Are you comfortable….?

    Extremely comfortable…..?

    VERY comfortable…….?

    My dear sisters…..

    Will a good brother waste their time just for talk?

    Will a good brother share you every single thing?

    Do you like if your husband shares their secret with another woman?

    Do you like if your husband shares their joke with another woman?

    My dear sisters

    Don’t flower your mind to think you are the only woman he talks with

    You probably one in hundreds….

    Don’t feel as someone special

    You the one who make yourself special

    Don’t nurture those feelings…

    They may sweet but for nothing….

    They act same with hundreds of his female buddies…


    They just try to be polite…

    They just try to be nice…

    They just try to be gentle….

    They just try to help

    They just try to care your feelings…

    They just do not want to hurt you…

    They just try to convey messages…


    They wish you could understand yourself

    They wish you could away without they say things…

    They wish soon you would know your limit

    They wish you soon gain your consciousness

    They wish you know when you should stop yourself…

    My Dear sisters…

    They may say they NEVER talk with woman [AT ALL]…

    You surprise

    You do feel so special

    You feel be the Only ONE

    You feel so lucky on earth…

    Please …….Be smart!!!

    Is he from Mars?

    Is he living outer space… is he an alien… ?

    Is living in the middle of no where…?

    Didn’t he ever go outside…?

    Ok perhaps He does Never…..


    Perhaps He is not sociable person

    Perhaps He is an awkward person

    Perhaps He has problem in interpersonal skill…

    Perhaps He indifferent with his fellow sisters…

    Perhaps He not a sensitive person

    Perhaps He perhaps type of man who will run away even if saw his fellow sister being abuse…

    Perhaps He perhaps type of man who will avoid passing his fellow sisters who need help…


    He is a big big liar……!!!

    Be rational

    Don’t make your feelings overwhelm you

    Don’t make your feelings dominate your rationality,…

    Oh My dear sisters..

    I don’t mean to destroy you romantic dream about him…

    I don’t mean to tarnish your sweet perception about him…..

    I might be wrong…

    Perhaps he is indeed not one what I have been listed above,…

    But you have to know

    The probability could be 1 in billions

    My dear sweet sisters,…

    Please open your heart

    Please open your eyes…

    Those rarest pearls …really rare breed….

    They will not appear in every places…

    If they have good intention over you

    If they are really a real mu’min

    They will know the rules…

    They will know the way…

    They will be a responsible person

    They will not abuse their faith by justification their action

    They will not play with a sacred sunnah

    Just to take chance to talk with you in person…

    My dear sisters…

    A real pearl doesn’t need light to make it shining

    A sun doesn’t need heater to make it warm

    Oceans do not need salt to make it salty…

    They are shining themselves…

    The light… the salt … already be part of them…

    They will keep shining even if buried in the deepest oncean

    They are precious without advertisement,…

    That also….. a real mu’min…

    A wa’ra…tawadhu… mu’min

    Will not use their quality just for the sake to make you fall on his laps…

    They perhaps did same way to crush other heart…

    My Dear sisters…

    There are many who love to talk

    But they do not really understand what they talk

    There are many who will offer you proposal

    But they actually do not understand what it is

    They do not have idea how sacred it is

    Go challenge them with real actions

    Go challenge them to be real gentlemen

    You will know for real…

    Do they say they never have girl friends…

    It doesn’t mean they know the religion

    That could be they do not have chance due the culture restriction….

    My Dear sisters….

    You may say you are confidence

    You may say you know the limit

    You may say you will always try to be stern

    You may say you are a strong person

    You may say you will lead the flow

    But my dear…

    For how long?

    My Dear sisters

    It’s not only about you

    But you deal with other heart

    With other mind

    Their heart, their mind …. out of your control

    You perhaps could confidence about your strength

    But you never able to control their strength

    You never able to set what they should feel about you

    You cant stop them to in love with you…

    You cant tell them please do not think about you…

    You cant ask them please stop adore you…

    My dear sisters…

    You never know what inside their brain…

    If only they could accept your smile just same as those bold yellow icon…

    My Dear sisters….

    Please help those fellow brothers….

    You not only responsible to care your own soul

    But also …please do not put yourself as a temptation

    You should not make yourself become a disease in one’s heart

    You couldn’t say you never intend to…

    You couldn’t say that not your fault…

    Please be honest…

    My Dear sisters….

    The number of man who get crush on you ..

    It not always reflects how good you are…

    That not something nice to boast proudly…

    It perhaps shows…. something wrong in you…

    That could be a sign of your near failure

    That could be a real destruction…

    My Dear sisters…

    You heart by nature so soft..

    My Dear sisters….

    See….those massive hard stones….

    If it was fallen by just “a drop water” continuously

    It would leave “a big hole”

    Lets alone your tender heart…it would be “a huge” hole….

    You never know when your iman down…

    You never know when you are weak

    But syaitan will be there patiently waiting your failure…

    A small sin will create a black spot in your white heart

    Finally it will turn become black

    It will make your heart death

    You will never able to find the way back….

    Prevention always better than curing…

    Better to away from trap in complication…

    You may say that you only talk with good ones…

    Remember good brother will be temptation for good sister

    You will be temptation for good brother…

    My dear sisters….

    At times you start any relationship

    Please take a thought

    Where things would lead you

    A real Moslem will never do something without a clear intention…

    Allah will count your intention….

    A real Moslem should know what will be the destination

    Will you be his chat email friend forever….?

    Share things forever?

    Tell every single thing forever?

    He knows what you do from 4 am to 4 pm…?

    He knows what you do from Sunday to Sunday… ?

    My dear sisters

    The more you involve

    The more your close

    The more you will not able to leave

    The more you will not able to stop

    You heart so soft..

    You are so nice

    You will think thousand things

    You afraid to offend him

    You afraid make him cry

    You afraid destroy his life

    You afraid he commits suicide

    You afraid he will go astray

    You think he will not able live without you…

    The syaithan will be happy…

    They will clap their hands

    If their legs could clap… They would clap too

    New victims come to the circle…

    You flower your minds

    With all those sentimental feelings…

    You will suffer and suffer not able run from the circle…

    Dear Trust me…. They will not do that

    If they do….. that irrefutable prove…. how stupid he is…

    Do you want to end up you life with a stupid one?

    My Dear sisters…

    The constant interaction…

    Will lead you in confusion

    not able to compare between pity…sympathy… and love…

    My Dear young sisters

    Sometimes you just try to be polite…

    You try to care a good manner…

    But response not always what you hope…

    You are in global villages

    You should learn the global languages…

    You should understand the global gesture…

    You should able to deal with so many heads

    If you have tried your best

    If you have done your duty

    You should find the way for safe your faith

    You do not have any responsibility anymore

    You have done what you should do

    You are not cruel…

    The otherwise you save his soul sooner

    My Dear sisters….

    Remember Allah watch over you…

    Allah know even the deepest of you heart

    You know the best who are you

    You know the best what your doing

    You know the best your capacity

    You do really discuss your deen?

    You do sincerely to invite people to your deen ?


    Why you busy keep on till the late of night

    Where is time for talk with your Lord

    How you lost your precious private time with Lord

    If you sleep 3 am 2 am… 4 am… where you would sleep

    How you lost the precious the last 1/3rd night

    When Allah comes closer to you

    When you build inside strong spiritually

    My Dear sisters…

    Do you know What Google, AltaVista, yahoo, for?

    Do you know thousands Islamic website available?

    Do you know thousands Islamic Scholar available?

    Please, you do use them maximally …

    Before jump talking to any man, even if in the pretext of learning…

    You do have a bunch of females’ buddies…

    Please, go to them to share and study…

    You do not worry if you act like a stupid…

    You may express yourself freely…

    You can be a sweet as you like

    My Dear sisters…

    May Allah make you be great wife like Khadijah bin khwalid ra

    May Allah help you to be a great mother like Fatimah binti Muhammad…

    May Allah make you be great scholar like Aisyah binti Abu Bakar ra

    May Allah make you practice a great patience like Ashiah ra

    May Allah help you to observe ghirah

    and take care your husband heart like Asma binti abu Bakar

    May Allah help you to as smart as Queen Balqis

    as wise as Ummu Sulaim …

    InshaAllah you are as beautiful as Attikah who companied all her husband as a syuhada…

    Wallahualam bishshowab…..
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    Re: chatting...

    Oh my Dear Lord…

    You know very best what lies inside my heart,

    You know best how sinner this soul…

    You know best what hidden ….what conceal,

    My Dear Lord

    Please save me first from all the hypocrisy

    My Dear Lord

    Give me the tawfiq to follow what I have said

    My Dear Lord,…

    Save me from the blaze of your hell flame…

    Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaika

    Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaika

    Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaika

    Alhamdulillahirrobbil alamin

    Alhamdulillahirrobbil alamin

    Alhamdulillahirrobbil alamin

    Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika ashadu ala ilaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika

    Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika ashadu ala ilaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika

    Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika ashadu ala ilaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika
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    Mali Princess's Avatar Limited Member
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    For all my dear brothers and sisters.

    Assallammu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh....

    Please read this message and hope you take it serious.

    The first part is for brothers…the second part is for sisters….

    Part I

    “My dear brother”

    Who are you in your real life

    What are in your real life…

    You may say you are a real modest man,

    Who care your gaze,

    You may say you are a real gentleman

    With beard…

    People may say you are a real cool mu’min

    People may say you are a real practicing man

    People may say you are like scholar man

    People may say you are respectable man

    People may say they adore you as a real gentleman…

    Be like that also on the net

    If declared you never talk with woman in your real life..

    Please don’t justify your interaction on the net

    Al least

    Please be consistent with what your belief…

    Saying never talked with non maharam even more than 1 minute

    But turn become a real chatter box

    Spending hours chat with non mahram

    Sharing every single detail

    Comment every single thing

    Please don’t be too sweet

    Act as if a charming prince

    Leaving poison into many hearts

    Playing with other emotion

    Please keep your charm to your wife [to be]

    Please keep your jokes for your wife [to be]

    Some of you were very knowledgeable people

    A Da’wah worker

    Respectable people


    Remember Allah knows best what lies inside your heart’

    Allah knows of the tricks that deceive with the eyes,

    Allah knows all that the hearts (of men) conceal.

    Don’t abuse the Qur’an wa Sunnah

    Don’t use them to product fatwa to support your lust

    Don’t use them to justify your actions

    You do feel comfort because you shouldn’t face her

    You feel comfort because she doesn’t see you

    You think there is massive wall between you and her

    There is distance between you and her

    Have you found any scholars make a new definition of hijab?


    The adultery of the eyes is the sight,

    The adultery of the tongue is the talk,

    The adultery of heart is imagination

    The private parts testify all this or deny it

    Be honest…..

    What hijab you put between your hearts?

    What hijab you put to control your mind?

    You know best what lays both inside….

    Is that just a simple screen?…

    Is that just text?….

    Don’t you know

    You are talking with a real human being…

    They are a real human being with heart,

    They were created with bones…. flesh….blood

    They have right to be respected

    They have right to be treated like human being

    They are not toys to play with

    To filling your spare time

    To be part of your adventure

    To kill your loneliness…

    To be part of your experience…

    To be part of your wild inspiration…


    Marriage is a scared things..

    Please don’t use that “magic” word to trap sincere sister…

    Please don’t use that “magic” word to ask their pictures…

    Please don’t use that “magic” word to justify your interactions…

    In pretext of getting to know each other….

    Do you know what mean of that word?

    Do you understand what is responsibility?

    Do you comprehend every action lead to the consequences ?

    Most of time you do not understand the consequences…

    You do not know even how to move your fingers…

    You will make your heart dirty..

    You will make your life complicated…

    Never start thing that you never able to responsible…

    Never start thing if you do not know what the follow up…

    Please act as a real gentleman…

    Please do learn how to do the right process…

    You do know how to fall in love

    But do not know what you should do with that love

    Life already hard

    Don’t play with the fire

    Don’t play with things that out of your control…



    Go learn the Qur’an

    Go read the tafsir

    Go read the sunnah

    Go read the syarah

    Go read the syirah…

    Go learn the Qur’an

    Go read the tafsir

    But please do not use the religion to fit your desire…


    You were born and raised with some values

    Don’t make “internet” as a facility to break those values…

    Be consistent…. Be consistent…

    Some of you belong to family/culture detest girl talk with man

    You even will not tolerant if you find your young sister talk with guy on net

    You forbid your woman to talk with man.

    Since you were born

    You have created what is a perfect girl in your mind

    One who never talk with man…

    The pure one….

    The innocent ….

    The untouchable…

    With the virgin heart….


    That really inconsistent…. if

    Your actions created impurity to other heart

    Your sweet words destroy innocents’ heart

    You fill so many hopes inside one’s heart….

    Then you abandon her

    You spent time with someone that you do not want to end up

    You know at the first place not fit with your type

    They do not fit you value

    You spend hours being close but you consider them just nothing

    You think

    You can go and come anytime in your idle times

    No need think about responsibility

    You may escape anytime

    You may run anytime

    You are unreachable…

    You are untouchable…

    You are safe….

    You may just simple start you life with new one

    Another sweet innocent that had been set up

    Don’t you know..

    You might broke one innocent heart

    That heart might bleeding for the rest of her life

    Sleep tightly

    Enjoy your life

    Beside your beauty wife

    But remember you will meet your lord in hereafter

    You will meet her in hereafter drag you to the flame of hell fire…


    Some of you are married…

    Tease and play around with young girl

    Are you searching inspiration?

    Do you need to refresh your old soul with the spirit of young?

    Saying never loves your wife….

    Saying never feels any happiness from the day one

    Wondering….. How you made she pregnant…

    You are man with a lot experience

    You know all the tricks

    You know how to grasp their heart

    You how tame those pure gems

    What actually you want?

    What do you want from them?

    Don’t you know the consequences what you do?

    Don’t you think about your wife?
    Don’t you think how she feel if she finds you chat around, tease around with girl?

    Please go look yourself in front of mirror

    See those grey hairs

    Remember your doom

    See your young daughter

    Look at your dear young blood sisters

    Do you like if man treats them like the way you treat young sisters?


    Can’t you see a woman just like a simple sister?

    As simple young sister

    As simple young daughter

    who need your advice

    who need your protection

    who need simple respect

    Act as an uncle

    Act like a big brother

    Act like their father…

    Please do not chase to them always

    To be your forth wife…

    You hide your real name

    Your real location

    You want to hide from people

    If you make wrong …you still safe your reputation


    My Dear brothers

    Where is the responsible gone?

    Where is the shame gone?

    Is that what said as the best ummah ?

    If Umar still alive he would hit your head with his stick

    He might behead you with his sword

    You are a qowam

    Allah raise you higher with that title..

    To carry more responsibility

    There are huge responsibilities on your shoulder

    You are our hope to revive the ummah

    You responsible to care you sisters

    You should protect them

    Not act like a wolf who ready to eat them

    Not act like a evil who ready to trapped them

    Not act like a devil who will ready to mislead them

    Not act like a “******” who destroys their life…

    Give them space…

    Instead giving secure feeling

    They always alert with your presence

    They try to hide their gender

    They have to lie about their status

    They hesitate to speak

    They hesitate to contribute

    Don’t teach them more how to hidden

    Don’t put them in condition to be an expert liar

    In the sake of protection


    What do you feel?

    Didn’t that click you something?

    Dint that lower your dignity?

    How could you become that low?

    Your fellow sisters should protect themselves that way…

    Didn’t you feel like a harm contagious disease?

    Young brothers…

    Please utilize your time…

    Instead monitoring women’s Id

    The responsibility in your shoulder is bigger…


    Remember Muhammad Al Fatih Murad

    Remember Usamah bin Zaid

    Remember Abdullah bin Zubair

    Remember all your great predecessors..

    They conquered Rome

    They conquered Persian

    They conquered Constantinople

    Shame of you

    All in your mind just about conquer girls…

    Think what you contribute for the ummah

    What you have done for Islam….

    Learn their life journey

    Follow their trait….


    We should build a health environment

    Apply the real teaching of Qur’an wa Sunnah

    No suspicious

    No envious

    Taking care each other

    Join in good

    Forbid in evil

    Protect each other dignity and the honor….

    My dear respect brother….

    I don’t mean to be rude

    I don’t mean to teach you something

    All what I do just trying to convey the messages….

    I believe you more than strong to accept the more sharp critical

    You are a man….

    InshaAllah the seed for the glory of Ummah…..

    Wallahualam bishshowab…..

    Part I I

    My dear sisters….

    Allah gifts a lot of special blessings…

    Allah trusts you to carry “rahim” [womb]…

    That makes your nature different…

    Makes you full of affection,

    Your touch is tenderness,

    You smile is sweetness..

    You are an amazing beautiful creation

    You are a charming creation

    Your graceful movement

    Your “killing” smiles

    You are beautiful

    Always beautiful

    You are sweet

    Always sweet

    You are unique…

    With your own way…

    You are always special…

    You are attractive no matter how you look like’


    You are a real temptation for your fellow brothers….

    You will be

    You will always be ….

    Like it or dislike it

    Even if you never intend to

    Even if you never plan to

    They will fall on your laps…

    My dear sisters….

    I know some of you are very strict [in real]

    I know you are trying always to be a real muslimah

    Who love Qur’an wa sunnah

    But easy to get carry out [on net]

    My dear sincere sisters….

    Please think over this

    Would you mix and talk that free with all those guys in person?

    Would you crack those "Islamic jokes" with those guys in person?

    Remember of those *LOLs*….*awwwww*……”wwoooowww”….

    Would you do really express that way if you met those guys in person?

    Would you feel comfortable spending so much time with these guys in person?

    Are you comfortable….?

    Extremely comfortable…..?

    VERY comfortable…….?

    My dear sisters…..

    Will a good brother waste their time just for talk?

    Will a good brother share you every single thing?

    Do you like if your husband shares their secret with another woman?

    Do you like if your husband shares their joke with another woman?

    My dear sisters

    Don’t flower your mind to think you are the only woman he talks with

    You probably one in hundreds….

    Don’t feel as someone special

    You the one who make yourself special

    Don’t nurture those feelings…

    They may sweet but for nothing….

    They act same with hundreds of his female buddies…


    They just try to be polite…

    They just try to be nice…

    They just try to be gentle….

    They just try to help

    They just try to care your feelings…

    They just do not want to hurt you…

    They just try to convey messages…


    They wish you could understand yourself

    They wish you could away without they say things…

    They wish soon you would know your limit

    They wish you soon gain your consciousness

    They wish you know when you should stop yourself…

    My Dear sisters…

    They may say they NEVER talk with woman [AT ALL]…

    You surprise

    You do feel so special

    You feel be the Only ONE

    You feel so lucky on earth…

    Please …….Be smart!!!

    Is he from Mars?

    Is he living outer space… is he an alien… ?

    Is living in the middle of no where…?

    Didn’t he ever go outside…?

    Ok perhaps He does Never…..


    Perhaps He is not sociable person

    Perhaps He is an awkward person

    Perhaps He has problem in interpersonal skill…

    Perhaps He indifferent with his fellow sisters…

    Perhaps He not a sensitive person

    Perhaps He perhaps type of man who will run away even if saw his fellow sister being abuse…

    Perhaps He perhaps type of man who will avoid passing his fellow sisters who need help…


    He is a big big liar……!!!

    Be rational

    Don’t make your feelings overwhelm you

    Don’t make your feelings dominate your rationality,…

    Oh My dear sisters..

    I don’t mean to destroy you romantic dream about him…

    I don’t mean to tarnish your sweet perception about him…..

    I might be wrong…

    Perhaps he is indeed not one what I have been listed above,…

    But you have to know

    The probability could be 1 in billions

    My dear sweet sisters,…

    Please open your heart

    Please open your eyes…

    Those rarest pearls …really rare breed….

    They will not appear in every places…

    If they have good intention over you

    If they are really a real mu’min

    They will know the rules…

    They will know the way…

    They will be a responsible person

    They will not abuse their faith by justification their action

    They will not play with a sacred sunnah

    Just to take chance to talk with you in person…

    My dear sisters…

    A real pearl doesn’t need light to make it shining

    A sun doesn’t need heater to make it warm

    Oceans do not need salt to make it salty…

    They are shining themselves…

    The light… the salt … already be part of them…

    They will keep shining even if buried in the deepest ocean

    They are precious without advertisement,…

    That also….. a real mu’min…

    A wa’ra…tawadhu… mu’min

    Will not use their quality just for the sake to make you fall on his laps…

    They perhaps did same way to crush other heart…

    My Dear sisters…

    There are many who love to talk

    But they do not really understand what they talk

    There are many who will offer you proposal

    But they actually do not understand what it is

    They do not have idea how sacred it is

    Go challenge them with real actions

    Go challenge them to be real gentlemen

    You will know for real…

    Do they say they never have girl friends…

    It doesn’t mean they know the religion

    That could be they do not have chance due the culture restriction….

    My Dear sisters….

    You may say you are confidence

    You may say you know the limit

    You may say you will always try to be stern

    You may say you are a strong person

    You may say you will lead the flow

    But my dear…

    For how long?

    My Dear sisters

    It’s not only about you

    But you deal with other heart

    With other mind

    Their heart, their mind …. out of your control

    You perhaps could confidence about your strength

    But you never able to control their strength

    You never able to set what they should feel about you

    You cant stop them to in love with you…

    You cant tell them please do not think about you…

    You cant ask them please stop adore you…

    My dear sisters…

    You never know what inside their brain…

    If only they could accept your smile just same as those bold yellow icon…

    My Dear sisters….

    Please help those fellow brothers….

    You not only responsible to care your own soul

    But also …please do not put yourself as a temptation

    You should not make yourself become a disease in one’s heart

    You couldn’t say you never intend to…

    You couldn’t say that not your fault…

    Please be honest…

    My Dear sisters….

    The number of man who get crush on you ..

    It not always reflects how good you are…

    That not something nice to boast proudly…

    It perhaps shows…. something wrong in you…

    That could be a sign of your near failure

    That could be a real destruction…

    My Dear sisters…

    You heart by nature so soft..

    My Dear sisters….

    See….those massive hard stones….

    If it was fallen by just “a drop water” continuously

    It would leave “a big hole”

    Lets alone your tender heart…it would be “a huge” hole….

    You never know when your iman down…

    You never know when you are weak

    But syaitan will be there patiently waiting your failure…

    A small sin will create a black spot in your white heart

    Finally it will turn become black

    It will make your heart death

    You will never able to find the way back….

    Prevention always better than curing…

    Better to away from trap in complication…

    You may say that you only talk with good ones…

    Remember good brother will be temptation for good sister

    You will be temptation for good brother…

    My dear sisters….

    At times you start any relationship

    Please take a thought

    Where things would lead you

    A real Moslem will never do something without a clear intention…

    Allah will count your intention….

    A real Moslem should know what will be the destination

    Will you be his chat email friend forever….?

    Share things forever?

    Tell every single thing forever?

    He knows what you do from 4 am to 4 pm…?

    He knows what you do from Sunday to Sunday… ?

    My dear sisters

    The more you involve

    The more your close

    The more you will not able to leave

    The more you will not able to stop

    You heart so soft..

    You are so nice

    You will think thousand things

    You afraid to offend him

    You afraid make him cry

    You afraid destroy his life

    You afraid he commits suicide

    You afraid he will go astray

    You think he will not able live without you…

    The syaithan will be happy…

    They will clap their hands

    If their legs could clap… They would clap too

    New victims come to the circle…

    You flower your minds

    With all those sentimental feelings…

    You will suffer and suffer not able run from the circle…

    Dear Trust me…. They will not do that

    If they do….. that irrefutable prove…. how stupid he is…

    Do you want to end up you life with a stupid one?

    My Dear sisters…

    The constant interaction…

    Will lead you in confusion

    not able to compare between pity…sympathy… and love…

    My Dear young sisters

    Sometimes you just try to be polite…

    You try to care a good manner…

    But response not always what you hope…

    You are in global villages

    You should learn the global languages…

    You should understand the global gesture…

    You should able to deal with so many heads

    If you have tried your best

    If you have done your duty

    You should find the way for safe your faith

    You do not have any responsibility anymore

    You have done what you should do

    You are not cruel…

    The otherwise you save his soul sooner

    My Dear sisters….

    Remember Allah watch over you…

    Allah know even the deepest of you heart

    You know the best who are you

    You know the best what your doing

    You know the best your capacity

    You do really discuss your deen?

    You do sincerely to invite people to your deen ?


    Why you busy keep on till the late of night

    Where is time for talk with your Lord

    How you lost your precious private time with Lord

    If you sleep 3 am 2 am… 4 am… where you would sleep

    How you lost the precious the last 1/3rd night

    When Allah comes closer to you

    When you build inside strong spiritually

    My Dear sisters…

    Do you know What Google, AltaVista, yahoo, for?

    Do you know thousands Islamic website available?

    Do you know thousands Islamic Scholar available?

    Please, you do use them maximally …

    Before jump talking to any man, even if in the pretext of learning…

    You do have a bunch of females’ buddies…

    Please, go to them to share and study…

    You do not worry if you act like a stupid…

    You may express yourself freely…

    You can be a sweet as you like

    My Dear sisters…

    May Allah make you be great wife like Khadijah bin khwalid ra

    May Allah help you to be a great mother like Fatimah binti Muhammad…

    May Allah make you be great scholar like Aisyah binti Abu Bakar ra

    May Allah make you practice a great patience like Ashiah ra

    May Allah help you to observe ghirah

    and take care your husband heart like Asma binti abu Bakar

    May Allah help you to as smart as Queen Balqis

    as wise as Ummu Sulaim …

    InshaAllah you are as beautiful as Attikah who companied all her husband as a syuhada…

    Wallahualam bishshowab…..

    Oh my Dear Lord…

    You know very best what lies inside my heart,

    You know best how sinner this soul…

    You know best what hidden ….what conceal,

    My Dear Lord

    Please save me first from all the hypocrisy

    My Dear Lord

    Give me the tawfiq to follow what I have said

    My Dear Lord,…

    Save me from the blaze of your hell flame…

    Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaika

    Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaika

    Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaika

    Alhamdulillahirrobbil alamin

    Alhamdulillahirrobbil alamin

    Alhamdulillahirrobbil alamin

    Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika ashadu ala ilaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika

    Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika ashadu ala ilaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika

    Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika ashadu ala ilaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika
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    Re: For all my dear brothers and sisters.

    Jazakallahu Khayr for the reminders.

    Last edited by Muhammad; 07-19-2005 at 11:40 AM.
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    Re: chatting...

    I didn't read the entire thread but very nicely said. Jazak Allah for posting that!! A very good reminder!!!! May we follow that advice,


    Inna lilahee wa inna ilayhee rajoun!
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    Re: chatting...

    I'm back. I was thinking about the words again. Subhan Allah, how easy it is to forget when you're writing that you are talking to somebody real and that they might be from the opposite gender. I'm sure 90%+ would all argue that having "Friends" of the opposite gender isn't really islamically right....but i'm sure many of us forget that. We have to remember that just because we may not see each other physically, that doesn't erase that fact that we shouldn't be so friendly...

    I'm sure that most of our intentions are honorable--but there's "somebody' else's intention that we need to remember- Shaitan. We can't control him and he's still an enemy to us, even if we aren't face to face. Subhan Allah! I think being face to face is easier- you just put your head down and answer curtly. But when you're online...the jokes easily spread, the "extra" stuff that probably should be more at a minimum...

    Would you mix and talk that free with all those guys in person?

    Would you crack those "Islamic jokes" with those guys in person?

    Remember of those *LOLs*….*awwwww*……”wwoooowww”….

    Would you do really express that way if you met those guys in person?

    Subhan Allah! Powerful words..................

    I really need to go and exmaine myself right now ..............

    May we all be guided to the right path,


    Inna lilahee wa inna ilayhee rajoun!
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    Unhappy Re: chatting...

    Jajakumullah for the proem..yeah a great reminder. Its funny how we easily get decieved by shaitan.. Telling u its ok as long as u don't meet up. But da reality is different. SO..i guess i was addicted to it..and i go on it every now and then...and im tryin really hard not to..
    THis is just a Qs for all of u..sometimes if u feel depressed , u know u just wanna do something stupid.wat u do? Usually if i'm feelin like that m, thats when i go on chattin.. MAy allah forgive all my weaknesses and strengthen my faith. Ameen
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    having shame is faith

    The Prophet said, "Faith (Belief) consists of more than sixty branches (i.e. parts). And Haya

    (This term "Haya" covers a large number of concepts which are to be taken together;
    amongst them are self respect, modesty, bashfulness, and scruple, etc.) is a part of faith."

    Sahih Bukari 1:8
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