I woke up one morning thinking I was here to stay,
Nevertheless, Allah had something coming my way.

So blind! How could I ignore all the signs?
Wishing and hoping I can turn back time!

Sorrow, regret, feelings I can’t forget.
Then the angel says “its time to resurrect!”

Ya Allah, help me! Change my fate!
No! Don’t tell me . . . its too late!

Depression, aggression, affliction, ambition
And all Allah wanted was my submission!

That’s it! Life’s over! I failed the test
There’s no way I can be among the best.

Lies! How could I fall for this?
Shaytan sits and stares, and a smile he bares,
knowing we’ll have a spot in hellfire to share.

Its pathetic how shaytan can get under your skin,
and how he leads you to lies, deception, and sin.

But wait, stop!
When standing before Allah don’t be quick to blame shaytan,
For it is in your hand to chose between right and wrong.

When I woke up that morning thinking I was here to stay,
Allah sent that car coming my way.

So young! The people around me cried.
Then the angel of death appeared at my side.

Angel: servant of Allah, it is truly your time
No wait, please give me another chance,
I wasn’t even given another glance.

For all the wrongs we called right,
Allah will now make us pay the price.

Thinking bout all the things I’ve done
And the excuse I gave, I was just having fun!
Yea fun…right…fun...

The worst part is, I could have stopped being bad.
Damn it! All those chances I had.

Can’t believe I was striving for the wrong goal
Obsessed with this world, it swallowed me whole.

Guys, money, movies and drugs
Using foul language, trying to be a thug

A strong Iman is what I lacked,
Do you share this trait, because theres no turning back

Fix your future because I’m regretting my past,
Don’t feel secure because your life........it won’t last.