Extreme Horrors of Darkness..........

Drowned within horrendous gloominess of perception,
struggling to possess the crown jewel of deception,

If only,why only,is all that flows,
even in the shiny light I see a blow,
deep feelings of remorse creep in like a spider,
holding on to thin ice,wishing to be an admiring glider,

bulit dreams,hopes upon weak idols,broken,missing stepping stones,
loose petals of my rose and broken bones,
my self created world,full of unreal ambitions,goals,dreams,
visions of happiness all an illusion,
reaching the end, bad conclusion,

a fantasy,a false hallucination,
never near,
all but fear,
all but a distance,all but a distance,always and forever,
hoping it'd be never never,

heart captured by prisoners,within the horrifying, murkiness inertial frames of darkness,
crying,sniveling to break free from this trepidation,
particles and fragments of immense horror stick to the loneliness of my heart,
if only,why only.....

Waiting,waiting,waiting with such restiveness,such frustration,
dreaming of the bitter wind of reality to stop comsuming my every flesh and blood,
and dropping it into a pile of thick mud,full of blood,as deep as an ocean as deep as a flood,

the wind thrusts towards the inner profundity of my soul,my heart,repels it like a magnet,going oh yet far,
and never coming back...........
