When your sky gets more crowded with the darker clouds that even occlude the moonlight, when all you see is darkness and all you feel is demented, when nothing your wisdom comes up with seems effective enough to get over with what has been disturbingly destructive, when your sterling thoughts get drowned by the berserk racing circumstances inheriting the wildness and luridness of the past; the future's at stake and the present stands bewildered and exhausted, while the ocean of life storms infuriatingly and the furious tides you see, gallop ragingly towards your not-so-sound abode, when you could feel them getting mightier and mightier as they proceed, when you know that its impossible to stop this, when you don't know what to think or to do to save yourself and those who you love; when there's fear of the unseen abutting the pressure that urges you to do something -- Do one thing, just stand firmly where you are and don't turn away from what you must face. And you'll witness it all fade away soon. Because what you might have missed knowing is:

Verily, With Hardship Comes Ease.

So verily with every difficulty there is relief. Verily with every difficulty there is relief. (Surah 94. Al-Sharh; Ayah 5 and 6 -- Holy Quran)