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Encouraging Harmony and Wisdom in Dawah and Warning From Discord

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    Encouraging Harmony and Wisdom in Dawah and Warning From Discord

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    Encouraging Harmony and Wisdom in Dawah and Warning From Discord 1

    By Shaykh Rabee' ibn Haadi al Madkhali

    In the name of Allaah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, All praise is due to Allaah, Lord of the Worlds, may prayers and peace be upon the most honoured of the Prophets and Messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and all of his companions.

    To proceed:

    Allaah subhaana wa t’ala has made this deen victorious through the sahaabah, who opened the hearts of the people with knowledge, guidance and faith, just as they conquered other countries with the swords of the truth. They used all that they were given of strength and wealth, as well as their own lives in this cause, and because of this, they were able to accomplish the goal that Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala had intended for this religion, and that is that it is victorious over all other religions.

    And this religion is based upon knowledge and guidance, not upon ignorance and desires, which are widespread in many countries in these times. They have methodologies that are not based upon the Qur’aan and the Sunnah. Rather, they are based upon desires, except of course those whom Allaah has blessed and saved to follow the correct methodology. The Islamic University of Madeenah realised this, it realised the state of these countries, and this is why they invite students from all around the world, in order that they learn the correct ‘‘aqeedah and methodology, and then return to their countries and give da’wah to it. And what is waajib upon us, is to follow the book of Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala and the sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam), and that we hold fast to it, that we cling on to it, that we bite onto it with our molars, as the messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam) said when he gave a great admonition to the sahaabah that caused eyes to shed tears and filled the hearts with fear. So they asked him, alaihi salat wa salaam, for advice. They said:

    ‘O Messenger of Allaah, it is as if you are leaving us, it is as if this is a farewell sermon, so Advise us.’

    He, alaihi salat wa salaam said

    ‘I advise you to have taqwaa.’

    Pay close attention to this point! He (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said:

    ‘I advise you to have taqwaa, to be obedient to the rulers, to listen to them, and obey them. And whoever amongst you lives long, will see a lot of differing, so it is upon you to follow my Sunnah, and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Khulafah. And cling onto it with your molar teeth. And beware of newly invented matters, for every newly invented matter is a bid’ah, and every bid’ah is misguidance.’2

    This admonition, this sermon consists of the advice to have Taqwaa of Allaah. The Taqwa of Allaah subhaana wa t’ala, which is a necessity in this religion, a necessity that one cannot do without. And it is not truly represented except within the truthful pious scholars. Allaah subhaana wa t’ala says:

    “Only those fear Allaah, from among His servants, who have


    {al-Faatir (35): 28}

    So gain knowledge in order that you may reach this level, because he who knows the correct ‘aqeedah, the correct manhaj, the correct rulings in Islaam, the correct manners that are derived from the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam), he is the one who will have fear of Allaah, because these are the things that drive one to fear Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala. To know that Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala is constantly watching you and observing you at every time and place, and this is a great status to achieve. The status of Ihsaan, to worship Allaah as though you see Him, and if you are not able to do this, then indeed, He sees you. Meaning that you worship Allaah while keeping in mind that Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala sees you. This is the status of Ihsaan, that one has a strong feeling that Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala is constantly watching him, and that He hears everything that he’s saying, and that He hears his heartbeat, and even what he says to his own self. Allaah, tabarak wa t’ala knows all of this and hears it. And He sees you at all times, while you are moving and when you are still, so whoever realises the true mightiness of Allaah, knows that Allaah, tabarak wa t’ala hears everything that he says. Allaah, tabarak wa t’ala says:

    “And indeed, (appointed) over you are keepers. Noble and recording;

    they know whatever you do.”

    {al-Infitaar (82) 10-11}

    So if this noble feeling is present in a believer he has attained taqwaa to enable him to stay far away from all kinds of sins as well as innovations, whether they are in his ‘aqeedah or his Ibaadah, and one can only reach this level of Ihsaan if he always feels that Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala is constantly watching him and observing him, and that nothing whatsoever of his actions are hidden from Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala. This feeling is what will enable one to have Taqwaa of Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala, insha Allaah. And no one will be able to achieve this except one who has knowledge of the correct ‘aqeedah and the correct rulings. What is halaal and what is haraam, and so on from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, (sallallaahu alayhi
    wasallam). Those are the people who deserve the praise of Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala by His saying:

    “Only those fear Allaah, from among His servants, who have


    {al-Faatir (35): 28}

    And His saying

    “Allaah will raise those who have believed among you and those who

    were given knowledge by degrees…”

    {al-Mujaadilah (58): 11}

    So be keen of being from amongst these people, meaning that you combine knowledge with actions. That you act upon the knowledge that you have. This is the fruit of knowledge, and the fruit of having taqwaa of Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala. So it is upon you O brothers to be in true remain that is sincerely for the sake of Allaah and to gain beneficial knowledge and to have pious actions. Allaah tabarakwa t’ala says:

    “By time, indeed mankind is in loss, except for those who have

    believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth

    and advised each other to patience.”

    {al-‘Asr (103): 1-3}

    True eemaan can only be built upon knowledge, and pious deeds can only be derived from knowledge. And only those who have knowledge are to give dawah to Allaah. Being patient from harm is something that is required from one who has knowledge and teaches it, and gives dawah to it. So be from amongst those who have knowledge and truly believe in this knowledge and call to it as well as call to eemaan, and are patient when being harmed while calling to Allaah tabarak wa t’ala, while they are calling the people to this goodness, and trying to make this knowledge reach them.

    There is no doubt that a Believer, a Muslim, a da’ee will come across harms way. So indeed, the best of Allaah’s creation were harmed in the cause of Allaah, and while calling to Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala and they are the Prophets and the Messengers. They were harmed more than we will ever be harmed. And they were tested with the worst of enemies, greater enemies than we will ever have. The Messenger of Allaah (alayhi salat wasalaam) said “The people with the greatest trials are the Messenger, then the pious people, then those who are closest to them, those who are most like them, then those who are most like them.” So whoever clings on to the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of His Messenger, (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) there is no doubt that he will be harmed, so prepare yourself to be patient.

    “Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account (i.e.


    {az-Zumar (39): 10}

    And Allaah has ordered His Messenger, alaihi salat wa salaam, to take the messengers of strong will as examples:

    “So be patient (O Muhammad), as were those of determination

    among the messengers and do not be impatient for them (i.e for

    Allaah’s punishment of the disbelievers).”

    {al-Ahqaaf (46): 35}

    So we have in the Messenger of Allaah (alayhi salat wasalaam), and in all of the rest of the Messengers of Allaah, (peace be upon them) a good example.

    The Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam) was ordered to take the messengers before him as examples and to follow their guidance. And we were ordered to take him, (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) as an example and follow his ways, as Allaah tabarak wa t’ala said

    “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allaah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allaah and the Last Day and who remembers Allaah often.”

    {al-Ahzaab (33): 21}

    A good and complete example in every affair that the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam) came with. An example in his ‘aqeedah, so we believe in what he believed in. An example in his Ibaadah, so we worship Allaah with sincerity, following what the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam) came with, an example in his excellent manners that a lot of the du’aat may not have. Manners that are not present in a lot of the youth, and a lot of them may have forgotten all of these manners, or most of them. Allaah, tabarak wa t’ala praised His messenger, alaihi salat wa salaam:

    “And indeed, you are of a great moral character.”

    {al-Qalam (68): 4}

    The da’ee to Allaah, the student of knowledge, and all those who direct the people and advise them, they are in need of taking the Messenger of Allaah, alaihi salat wa salaam, as an example. As an example in his ‘aqeedah, his manhaj and his manners. If these things are complete in a da’ee, or close to completion, and his da’wah is presented to the people in its most beautiful and most complete form, then this dawah will be successful insha Allaah. And if one of these issues were to be absent, and from them his patience, wisdom, kindness, softness and other things that are necessary and required by the da’wah of the Messengers, alaihimus salat wa salaam, things that we have to use, but many people are unaware of. Then the Salafi da’wah and its people would be harmed if one were to be unaware of these manners, and all that is presented to the people is what they dislike, and what they hate from harshness and so on. These things are hated even in the worldly matters, so what do you think about the matters of the deen!? How does one study? You study the biography of the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam). You study his manners, you study his ‘aqeedah, his manhaj. Some people do not care for the ‘aqeedah or the manhaj of the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam), so they follow other beliefs, and other manaahij that shaytaan has made up for those whom Allaah has disgraced from the people of innovations and misguidance. Others are granted success by Allaah in following the correct ‘‘aqeedah, but they lose the correct manhaj. Others are granted success in following the correct ‘aqeedah and the manhaj, but in their conduct and their behaviour, they lose both the ‘aqeedah and the manhaj. The truth is with them, they are the people of the truth, they have the correct ‘aqeedah and the correct manhaj, but their behaviour and their manner in giving da’wah harms the da’wah and destroys it.

    So beware of opposing the Messenger of Allaah, (alaihi salat wa salaam), in his ‘aqeedah, manhaj and in how he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) used to give da’wah. Follow the Prophetic directions that call to wisdom, patience, forgiveness, tolerance, softness as well as other things and understand them well. Know that they are necessary in our da’wah to the people. Do not just take one side of Islaam and leave off the rest. Do not just use one way of giving da’wah, being negligent of the rest of the ways, because this is harmful to the deen of Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala, as it is harmful to the da’wah and its people. By Allaah, the da’wah did not start in recent times, or in any other time, except through people who are scholars, the wise who represent the manhaj of the Messenger of Allaah, (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), and who practice it and act upon it according to their abilities, and Allaah, subhaana wa t’ala has benefited the people through them, and the Salafi da’wah spread to all corners of the world. The da’wah was spread with the manners, the knowledge and the wisdom. These days we see that the Salafi da’wah is going backwards, may Allaah bless you, because it has lost the wisdom of these people. First and foremost, it has lost the wisdom of the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam), and his patience, his forgiveness and his kindness. By Allaah, A’isha (radi allaahu anhaa) had insulted a Jew, so the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam) said:

    ‘O A’isha, Allaah loves kindness in everything’.3

    This hadeeth was authentically collected by Bukhaaree and Muslim. This same hadeeth, if a scholar were to mention it today to the youth in order to direct them into following the correct manhaj, they would say that this is tamyee’. They would say that this is tamyee’! Likewise, if you mentioned wisdom, patience, tolerance, forgiveness, kindness, softness, things that are from the necessities of the da’wah, and from the tools that we use to bring the people into the correct manhaj so that they may enter into the deen of Allaah subhaana wa t’ala in masses (they would say that this is taymee’). Now, they use deterrence which chases the people away and from amongst you there are those who chase the people away. The Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam) said,

    ‘Make things easy, and do not make things difficult. And give good tidings, and do not chase the people away’4

    O brothers, these people are unaware, for by Allaah, if they were aware it would be incumbent upon them to call the Messenger of Allaah (alayhi salat wasalaam) himself a mumayy’, and the sahaabah, and the scholars of this Ummah, based upon this destructive harshness that destroyed the Salafi da’wah, they would have had to have called the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam), himself who called to wisdom, patience, kindness and softness. They would have had to called him, (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), a mumayy’. I seek Allaah forgiveness! By Allaah, they did not mean this, and it is not their intention, but they are unaware, so it is upon them to understand what is built upon these rulings. By Allaah, we write, we give advice, we debate, we call the people to Allaah and they consider us mumayy’. Why? Because they hear us say ‘wisdom, softness, kindness’, and we say this now because we saw that harshness destroyed the Salafi da’wah and tore apart its people. So what are we supposed to do my brothers? If we see a fire, what are we supposed to do? Pour gasoline onto it so that it gets bigger, or are we to get something that will put it out? May Allaah bless you. So I have to, and this is waajib uponme, and I have been saying this before today, when I saw this destruction, this calamity, I had to say “Brothers, have softness!” Now this harshness has turned towards the people of the Sunnah themselves. They left off the people of bid’ah, and they turned to the people of the Sunnah with this destructive harshness, which contains oppression, and all types of false rules.

    So beware! Beware of following this way that will destroy you, the Salafi da’wah, and its people. Call to Allaah with all that you are able to, with proofs and with evidences, wherever you go. Say: “Allaah, tabarak wa t’ala said…”, “The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said…” and after that, use the sayings of the Imaams of guidance to help you in your da’wah, those whom both the people of the Sunnah and the people of bid’ah consider to be Imaams. So I advise the brothers in Africa, and the brothers in Turkey, or wherever, say “Allaah said…” say “The Messenger of Allaah, (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said…” then say “Imaam so and so said….”, and take an Imaam who they respect. If you are in Africa, say “Ibn AbdulBarr said…” say “Imaam Maalik said…”, “So and so said…” and refute their incorrect beliefs with the sayings of these Imaams. Because when you say “Allaah, tabarak wa t’ala said…”, “The Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam) said…”, “Imaam Maalik said…” and “So and so said…” they will accept this from you and they will listen to you. This is wisdom. But if you come to them, you alone by yourself and you speak from your own self, then who are you!? No one will accept this from you. Your da’wah will not be accepted.5

    After the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah, (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), you have to use the sayings of the scholars that have a high status with the people to help you in your da’wah. Scholars that they cannot say anything negative about, Bukhaaree for example, they respect him. Even the Soofees respect him everywhere. Bukhaaree and Muslim and their books, and Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and al-‘Awzaa’ee, and Sufyaan ath-Thawree, and Sufyaan ibn Uyaynah and so on and so on. There are ties between us and them, scholars that we both consider to be trustworthy, unlike the shee’ah, whom we have nothing in common with, so we use these windows of opportunity. This is from wisdom brothers. Do not say “Ibn Taymeeyah said…” because they do not want to hear this. They will not listen to you. Mention Ibn Taymeeyah amongst the Salafis, those who respect him. You do not say “Ibn Taymeeyah…” or “Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab…” amongst the people of innovation, because you will chase them away. Mention to them the Imaams who they respect, because their leaders have spoilt the reputation of Ibn Taymeeyah and they have spoilt the reputation of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab, just as they have spoilt the reputation of the rest of the Imaams of the Salafi da’wah. So you do not come to them through that door, it is not from wisdom. Rather, you say “Imaam Maalik said…”, “Sufyaan ath-Thawree said”, “Al-‘Awzaa’ee said…”, “Bukhaaree said…”, and/or “Muslim said…” they will accept this from you. And if they accept this from you, later they will know the truth and they will respect Ibn Taymeeyah and know the truth about him. They will respect Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab and know the truth about him, and so on and so forth. This is the way that we follow to call the people to the religion of Allaah subhaana wa t‘ala. Allaah tabarak wa t’ala says:

    “And do not insult those they invoke other than Allaah, lest they insult Allaah in enmity without knowledge.

    {al-An’aam (6): 108}

    In the past I travelled to Sudan, I travelled to Port Sudan and the youth of Ansar as Sunnah received me there, may Allaah bless you. They said “O Shaykh, we would like to turn your attention to a certain point.” So I said “Go ahead.” They said “Say whatever you like, say ‘Allaah tabarak wa t’ala said…say ‘The Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salatu wasalaam) said…’ may Allaah bless you, and refute whatever you want from the issues of innovations and misguidance that they have, from making du’a to other than Allaah, and making sacrifices to other than Allaah, and swearing by other than Allaah, and so on. But do not say ‘Such and such a group…’ or ‘Such and such a sect…’ or ‘Such and such a shaykh…’ in other words, do not name their sects, their groups and their scholars. Do not say ‘The tijaaniyyah sect…’ or ‘The burhaaniyyah sect…’ or any of their scholars. Just teach them the correct ‘aqeedah, and you will see that they will accept the truth from you insha’Allaah.” So I said “OK” and I followed this way, and I found that they accepted the truth from me. Allaah tabarkwa t’ala says:

    “And do not insult those they invoke other than Allaah, lest they insult Allaah in enmity without knowledge.

    {al-An’aam (6): 108}

    If you start insulting their scholars, and saying such and such, or so and so is misguided, and so and so is a deviant, you will chase them away. They will run away from you, and you would have a sin upon you because you chased the people away. When the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salatu wasalaam) sent Mu’adh and Abu Moosaa, he said to them

    ‘Make things easy, and do not make things difficult. And give good tidings, and do not chase away the people.6

    So this is from the ways that contain ease, as well as good tidings and it does not chase anybody away. By Allaah, I did not enter a masjid except that I saw the people smiling at me. Neither was I able to leave a masjid, except that the people gathered around me inviting me to their homes. So the leaders of the Soofees, the shayaateen, they saw the danger of this way. They saw the danger of this manhaj and da’wah, so they gathered and prepared a speech with which they would refute me. They advertised that the next day, there would be a speech given by me in a big field, so we gathered there and I gave the lecture. When I had finished, their leader got up and added to what I spoke about, saying that it is permissible to make du’a to other than

    Allaah subhaana wa t’ala, and to sacrifice to other than Allaah, and so on from the forms of shirk. He strengthened his arguments of misguidance by proofs which are either misunderstood or false. So when he had finished, he had not really brought any proofs. All he used were weak and fabricated narrations and the sayings of misguided people. So I got up and I said “As for me, you heard me say ‘Allaah tabarak wa t’ala said…’ and you heard me say ‘The Messenger of Allaah (alayhi salat wasalaam) said…’ and I brought you the sayings of the well known and respected scholars.” I then said “Did you hear him use this? Did you hear him bring any of the sayings of the well-known and respected scholars saying that it is permissible to call on other than Allaah!? No you did not. All you heard were weak and fabricated narrations and the sayings of people known to you.” In any case, he stood up and he started insulting me, so I smiled at him and I did not insult him, and I said “May Allaah reward you” and “May Allaah bless you” and I left. By Allaah, than whom there is no other God, the next day the people in that town were saying in their masaajid and they were saying in their markets “Soofiyyah has been defeated!” So learn these way, the goal is that we gather the people to the truth, the goal is that we make the truth reach the hearts of the people. So use whatever you are able to from the legislated ways of giving da’wah. The ways of the people of bid’ah that are lies and beating around the bush and so on, are nothing to do with us. We are the people of honesty, we are the people of truth. We present the truth in its most beautiful form. A form which people will accept, and which will have a good effect upon them, may Allaah bless you.

    Then we travelled to a town called Kassala.7 We gave da’wah there and it was great, maasha Allaah. Alhamdulillah, Allaah benefited the people there. It is a small town, so we visited all of the masaajid there. So the brothers of Ansar us-Sunnah said “There is only one masjid that we have not visited yet and it is upon the tijaanee methodology, and it is a masjid that we have never been able to enter.” So I asked “Why?” They said “Because the people that attend it are strong and stubborn followers of this way.” I said “We will go there and ask permission. If they permit us to speak, we will speak. If they do not permit us to speak, we will leave, and that is up to Allaah. We did not come here with force.” So we went there and the Imaam led the prayer. After the prayer, I approached him and gave him salaams, and said to him “Do you mind if I give a small talk to these brothers?” So he said “Go ahead.” So I spoke, may Allaah bless you, and I called to Allaah, and I called to Tawheed and I called to the Sunnah and so on, and at the same time I refuted the mistakes and the misguided beliefs that were present. Until I reached the hadeeth of A’isha (radi Allaahu anhaa), where she said,

    ‘3 things, if anyone were to tell them to you, then he has lied upon Allaah a great lie. Whoever tells you that Muhammad, (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), has seen his Lord has lied a great lie upon Allaah. And whoever says that Muhammad, (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam), knows the future has lied a great lie against Allaah, tabarak wa t’ala. And whoever claims that Muhammad, (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), did not relate the whole religion to the people has lied against Allaah a great lie.’8

    So he got up and said “By Allaah, Muhammad saw his Lord with his own two eyes that are on his head.” So I said to him “May Allaah reward you with good. As for A’isha, (radiAllaahu anhaa), she is the most knowledgeable of his affairs, and she said that he did not see his Lord. And By Allaah, if he had seen his Lord he would have told her.” He kept on talking, so I said to him “Wait until I have finished what I have to say, and then you can ask whatever you like. That which I know, I will answer. That which I do not know, I will tell you ‘I do not know’.’’ I left him and I continued speaking, and I was not really sure if he stayed or if he left. Slowly I heard one of the men in the crowd saying “By Allaah, what this man is saying is the truth” may Allaah bless you. Then the athaan of Isha was called and I finished my speech. Then the iqaamah was called and the people started pushing me to lead the prayer. So I said “Never, never. The Imaam should lead the prayer.” They said “By Allaah, you lead the prayer!” So I said “OK” and I led the prayer. After the prayer, the youth from Ansar us-Sunnah and myself left the masjid, and I asked “Where is the Imaam?” They said “They kicked him out!” “Who kicked him out!?” “His own Jamaa’ah kicked him out!” By Allaah, this is what happened! But if one was to come to them with this foolishness and insult them, meaning the tijaaniyyah, the burhaaniyyah and so and so, if one was to say this, who would accept it!? But if you came to them with wisdom and kindness, may Allaah bless you. Allaah benefited them with this! Allaah benefited them with this! So O brothers, Use beneficial knowledge and strong irrefutable proofs and evidences, and wisdom in your da’wah, and it is upon you to have all of the beautiful and noble manners that the Book of Allaah t’ala and the Prophet of Guidance, (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam,) encouraged us to have, because they are the tools of victory, and they are the tools of success. Know that the Sahaabah did not spread Islaam and have it enter into the hearts of the people except with wisdom and softness. Because the one who entered Islaam by way of knowledge and evidence, insha’Allaah t’ala will have strong faith. So it is upon you to follow these good ways, and it is upon you to be serious about knowledge as it is upon you to be serious about giving da’wah to Allaah subhaana wa t’ala. And I will advise you O brothers with two things. The first is that you have brotherhood amongst all of the people of the Sunnah. Amongst all of ahlus Sunnah, the Salafis! Spread love between you and brotherhood. Establish what the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam) called to, because the believers are like a building that strengthens itself. They are like one body. If a part of it complains, or is sick, or is harmed, the rest of the body has a fever. Be like this O brothers, and stay away from everything that leads to separation, because by Allaah, it is a dangerous evil. And stay away from things that lead to hatred and separation and alienation, because these days it has spread. It has spread through the hands of people whom Allaah tabarak wa t’ala knows their state and their intention. It spread and it tore apart the youth in this country and all over the world. Why? Because people who are not qualified to give da’wah, and are not from the people of da’wah, neither are they from the people of knowledge, nor are they from the people of understanding, these people are giving da’wah, may Allaah bless you. It is possible that they are enemies hidden amongst the Salafis, those who would separate them and tear them apart. This does not surprise me, and it is very possible, may Allaah bless you. So be keen on brotherhood, and if something happened between you in the past that caused you to separate, then forget the past and turn over a new leaf. I say to you brothers, the one from amongst us who has shortcomings, who has mistakes, we do not try to bring him down. The one from amongst us who makes a mistake, we do not destroy him, may Allaah bless you. We cure him with softness and wisdom and love and so on, until he returns to the truth. And if he still has weakness with him, we should not be hasty, because with these ways, no one will be left, no one. Now there are people who throw out the Salafis. They threw out the Salafis until they reached the scholars and started calling the mumayy’. So now there are almost no other scholars left, and this is the way of the ikhwaan al Muslimeen. This is the way of the people of innovations. From their weapons is that they try to take down the scholars. Rather, this is a Jewish way, a masonic way. (Their way is) if you want to bring down an idea or an understanding, bring down its scholars, or bring down their reputations, may Allaah bless you. So stay away from this evil inheritance and respect the scholars. Whoever hates this manhaj will speak against the scholars. The one who hates this manhaj and wants to bring it down will speak against the scholars. This is the way of the Jews and the rest of the misguided sects. The raafidah, the Shee’ah, they hate Islaam, but they are not able to speak against the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wa salaam), so they speak against Abu Bakr and Omar, (radi Allaahu anhum), and the scholars of Islaam, in order to destroy Islaam and bring it down. And the people of major bid’ah are not able to speak about Imaam Ahmad and his likes, so they speak about Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab and Ibn Taymeeyah and their likes in order to bring down this manhaj, may Allaah bless you. These days if one was to be raised amongst the Salafi ranks you would not even notice, except that they would be talking about the scholars. What do they want? What do they want!? Is it the hereafter and the victory of this manhaj that they want? If they loved this manhaj, by Allaah they would not be doing this. So do not trust your deen with these people, and do not have faith in them, may Allaah bless you. Be very wary of them and be brothers amongst yourselves. Know that you are not perfect, you are not free from error, and the scholars, they are not free from error, they make mistakes. Except of course if one of them enters into the deviant groups, or into hizbeeyah or one of the groups of hizbeeyah. But a Salafi who has love for the sake of Allaah to the Salafis and who loves the Salafi manhaj, and one who hates the different groups, may Allaah bless you, and so on, and then he falls into some issues, this one we are soft with. We advise him, and we are patient with him, and we try to cure him, may Allaah bless you. But then if someone makes a mistake, just one mistake and for this he is destroyed, then no one would be left like this, and here is the reason; They finished with the youth, and they turned to the scholars to bring them down, may Allaah bless you. When the Ikhwaan ul-Muslimeen entered this country, they tried to bring down the Salafi scholars, and at the same time they defended Sayyid Qutb, al-Banna, Mawdudi and the rest of the people of bid’ah, may Allaah bless you, and they brought down the Salafi scholars. They (the Salafi scholars) became “stars”, “scholars of the rulers”, and so on and so forth from their accusations. What was their intention? Their intention was to bring down the Salafi manhaj and to establish instead of it, falsehood and misguidance. These people today who say that they are Salafis and they speak against the Salafi scholars, what do they want? Do they want to raise the flag of Islaam and the flag of the Sunnah and the flag of the Salafi manhaj? No! These are signs and proofs that they are liars, and they are to be accused no matter what they claim themselves to be upon. So I advise you, and I emphasise this point, leave off separation! It is upon you be brothers. It is upon you to follow the truth and spread this da’wah everywhere in its beautiful and correct form. Not in an ugly form, like that which these people follow. Present the Salafi da’wah just as I have just explained to you. “Allaah, tabarak wa t’ala said…”, “The Messenger of Allaah, alayhi salat wa salaam said…”, “Imaam Ahmad said…”, “Bukhari said…”, “Muslim said…” (use) the scholars that the people respect. Let the people listen to the sayings of these scholars, may Allaah bless you, this will help you. You will find some people, of course, who will reject this, but not all of the people are going to reject it. You will find that those people will accept this insha Allaah t’ala, and turn to your da’wah. Use these ways that draw the people to the Book of Allaah subhaana wa t’ala, and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah, (alayhi salat wasalaam), and the way of the Salaf us-Saalih.

    I ask Allaah, tabarak wa t’ala to grant us success in doing all that he loves and is pleased with and to allow us to be from the sincere callers to Allaah and from the scholars. And to save us and yourselves from the plots of shaytaan and the plots of the devils from amongst the jinn and mankind. I ask Allaah, tabarak wa t’ala to bring your hearts together and to gather you upon the truth and to benefit the people through you wherever you are and wherever you go.

    May Allaah’s prayers be upon his Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions. As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatu.


    1 This lecture was delivered by the Shaykh in Madeenah in May 2004

    2 Ahmad; Ibn Maajah; al-Haakim.

    3 Bukhaaree (Kitaab ul-Adab) and Muslim

    4 Bukhaaree and Muslim, from the hadeeth of Anas bin Maalik (radi Allaahu ‘anhu).

    5Note: With regards to this, Shaykh Khaalid ar-Radaadee (hafidhahullaah) was asked about the
    phenomena of those who in the name of “defending Salafiyyah” and “upholding Jarh wa Ta’deel” who have been banned from entering Muslim lands, even the land of Saudi Arabia. These individuals are known for trying to uphold their false principles and extremism by even attempting to refute their work colleagues. Shaykh Khaalid said, “This is not for everyone, only the people of knowledge and it can only be done except by clarity, evidences and knowledge, it is not for anyone to talk about everyone, this is a dangerous affair indeed. Those who uphold it must be people of istiqaama (steadfastness) and waraa (observance) and knowledge (‘ilm), not everyone. These people scare people away from the da’wah and talk about people with truth and falsehood at the same time, they take people’s honour and this is what has happened and the man who does this has been punished; due to his ignorant entry into this affair and now he cannot benefit from the people of knowledge, for that reason the government (of Saudi Arabia) has banned him from entry into the country.”
    [Q and A with Shaykh Khaalid ar-Radaadee, after his tele-link on ‘Charity’ with Masjid Ibn
    Taymeeyah (Brixton Mosque, London), Sunday 11 December 2005]

    6 Bukhaaree and Muslim, from the hadeeth of Anas (radi Allaahu ‘anhu).

    7 It is a town in eastern Sudan very close to the border with Eritrea.

    8 Bukhaaree and Muslim (Kitaab ul-Eemaan) from Masrooq (radi Allaahu ‘anhu).
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    Re: Encouraging Harmony and Wisdom in Dawah and Warning From Discord


    Thats the best article i have ever read on a forum. JazakAllaah Khayr.

    Inshaa'Allaah please dont mind if i use this....Masha'Allaah, an enlightening read.

    Is there just that or is there more?

    Wa Alaikum Salaam.
    Last edited by Ibn Al Aqwa; 02-27-2008 at 10:05 AM.
    Encouraging Harmony and Wisdom in Dawah and Warning From Discord

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