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Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an

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    Liberalization's Avatar Full Member
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    Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an

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    Before I begin, bear in mind that I realize English translations of the Qur'an in no way suffice &/or substitute its original Arabic counterpart, & that I therefore cannot weigh my thoughts & questions so heavily on the Qur'an I have on hand currently. Nonetheless, I can only work with what is accessible to me, & consequentially, the following may come off a bit unintelligible, ignorant, &c. Regardless, I ask you to stomach what you can & answer the questions I generate as precisely or as broadly as you wish, as I'm only trying to expand my understanding of the Qur'an & all that is Islam. & for the sake of citing all my sources, each verse I mention in this following paragraphs are all taken verbatim from The Qur'an: English Meanings, as revised & edited by Saheeh International, published by Abul-Qasim Publishing House in conjunction with Al-Muntada Al-Islami.

    First, I'll start with the first verse of the sūrah, which goes as such, "Alif, Lām, Meem" (2:1). The footnote for this states that "these are among the fourteen opening letters which occur in various combinations at the beginning of twenty-nine sūrahs in the Qur'an. Although there has been much speculation as to their meaning, it was not, in fact, revealed by Allāh to anyone and is known only to him." My questions are:

    • What are these letter combinations speculated to mean?
    • What is the possibility that these letter combinations are fundamentally nonsensical?

    Now, I understand that the latter question will be vehemently answered with blurbs ascertaining to Allāh being all-knowing & that if Allāh did not intend it as such, these letter combinations are not meant to be scrutinized, analyzed or disregarded as nonsense, but I feel as if it is an appeal to common practice, inasmuch that from its revelation unto the Prophet (PBUH) & its eventual compilation, those cognizant of the fact that these letter combinations are, in fact, whimsical have practiced from the beginning relating its nonsense to the supposition that Allāh does not wish to unveil their meanings. & therefore, it must be left as is, solely because doing as such is a common action & therefore it is correct, justified & reasonable. I realize that these combinations are present at the beginning of twenty-nine sūrahs & that may therefore mean that they have some meaning because of the frequency of their presence, but presence doesn't equate to significance. So, once more, I question what the possibility is that these letter combinations are fundamentally nonsensical?


    I've many, many more thoughts & questions that I wish to discuss, but seeing as how I'm short on time, this will have to do & I will periodically update my list when time permits. For the time begin, the questions above are open for response & discussion. I appreciate any & all responses.

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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning Sūrah al-Baqarah.

    "Indeed, those who disbelieve — it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them — they will not believe. Allāh has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment" (2:6-7).

    This verse in its entirety does not sit well with me. Foremost is the fact that the verdicts placed unto the disbelievers seem to be placed onto them in an almost compulsive & instantaneous manner, & this directly coincides with Allāh as The Patient, The One who does not quickly punish the sinners. Also, the seal upon their hearts & hearing & a veil over their vision, preventing them from discerning guidance coupled with the supposed rapidity of this decree is illustrious of a divinity that lacks faith in its creation & is essentially unjust, again, coinciding with another attribute of Allāh as The Just. It just seems to me that Allāh The Patient, The One who does not quickly punish the sinners & The Just, alongside being all-knowing would understand that it is human nature to waver in mind & opinion throughout the course of one's life. Rather, it seems that this elementary fact of mankind is disregarded, & rather than exhibiting patience, an exhibition of impatience & a swift, oppressive punishment is executed. Why prevent the discerning of guidance within the disbelievers? Wouldn't one rather take the risk of allowing the disbelievers to stumbled upon the truth that is the Qur'an & all things Islam? The reward is certainly greater than the risk & undoubtedly Allāh is cognizant of this fact. Further yet, Islam can only grow if it is open to all, disbelievers included. & immediately placing a cloak on disbelievers, who have the potential to find Islam later on in their lives, therefore preventing the discerning of guidance, prohibits such growth. But, I admit that for every non-believer, there are multitudes of Muslims with the utmost piety. I just feel that the impatience, injustice & unfaithfulness in a partition of mankind conflicts with various attributes of Allāh, prevents the spread of Islam in a select group of individuals & makes it difficult to have faith in a god who more or less has no faith in me.

    "And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Hārūt and Mārūt. But they [i.e., the two angels] do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]. And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allāh. And they [i.e., people] learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But they [i.e., the Children of Israel] certainly knew that whoever purchased it [i.e., magic] would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew" (2:102).

    The footnote for magic states that "they warn people against the misuse of what they have learned." I understand that the misuse of your knowledge, especially in cases of connivery & the like, is forbidden as it is immoral to do as such, but what about in the cases of entertainment? In example, stage illusions, platform magic, micromagic, mentalism, &c. In these circumstances is the misuse of knowledge permitted, or is it still haraam? As I see no harm in the misuse of knowledge in the entertainment context, I am assuming it prohibits various types & subtypes of swindling.

    "Neither those who disbelieve from the People of the Scripture [i.e., the Jews and Christians] nor the polytheists wish that any good should be sent down to you from your Lord. But Allāh selects for His mercy who He wills, and Allāh is the possessor of great bounty" (2:105).

    This throws any who disbelieve in Islam, along with polytheists under the bus of an extremely broad & dishonest generalization & I'm not sure how He is justified in stating such. Take me for example. I am just beginning to learn about Islam, & therefore cannot say I am a devout Muslim, & I have a background in Christianity, but I in no way wish that no good come the way of Muslims by their Lord. In reality, I wish the opposite. I agree there are those who wish ill tidings upon those who believe in Islam, as it conflicts with their belief system, but to say that all disbelievers & polytheists think as such is unwarranted & erring.

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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning Sūrah al-Baqarah.

    Hello again, liberal!
    I'm in a bit of a hurry at the moment, so I'll just answer a few of your questions right not inshAllah.


    First off, the letters at the beginning of AlBaqarah, and many other surahs. They have, in fact, no meaning at all, at least none that we know of. It was never reported in the rest of the quran or by the prophet what their meaning was, or if they even have one. So we don't say they have no meaning, because they could, but only Allah knows it, but nor do we come up with meanings and say this is what the verse means, or could possibly mean. These letters are not, however, simply letters, as in they have a reason for being there. Allah frequently challenged non muslims to produce a book like the quran, or a surah, or even just one verse. The pagans of arabia tried and tried, and they never managed. Not even one verse that is seemingly as simple as 3 letters. So the verses that consist of 3 or 4 letters are so simple, and one would think easy to write, but they could still not be produceded by all the tribes of arabia. So these are a type of confirmation that the quran was indeed revealed from Allah, and not written, as some people say, by the prophet Muhammad

    The magic meant by this verse, and all verses where magic is discussed, is not what you see when a bunny is pulled out of a hat, or a scarf is pulled out of your ear. The kind of magic meant is black magic, the kind that involves conversing with the jinn, who ask you to perform acts of shirk (associating partners with Allah) or kufr (rejecting Allah completely) in order for them to do what you desire. It can inculde things such as attempting to supposedly "contact the dead", casting spells, etc. Here's some good reading on what you've asked: link
    Last edited by crayon; 06-25-2008 at 04:12 PM.
    Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an

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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning Sūrah al-Baqarah.

    Sealed hearts:
    Question: If Allah has sealed the hearts of the Kuffar i.e. non-Muslims, then why are they to be blamed for not accepting Islam?
    Answer: Allah has sealed the hearts of those who are continuously bent on rejecting the truth Allah (swt) mentions in Surah Al Baqarah chapter 2 verses 6 and 7 As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them Whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe.Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur). [Al-Quran 2:6-7]
    These verses do not refer to common Kuffar who reject faith. The Arabic words used are al-lazina kafaroo, those who are bent on rejecting the truth. It will not make any difference to such people whether you warn them or not, they will not believe. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing and on their eyes is a veil. It is not because Allah has set a seal on their hearts that these kuffar do not understand and believe, but it is the vice-versa. It is because these kuffar are bent on rejecting the truth and whether you warn them or not they will not believe, that Allah has set a seal on their hearts. Therefore Allah is not to blame, but these kuffaar who are bent on rejecting the faith are responsible.

    In other words, say you're trying to tell a person that the sky is blue. You tell them over and over, offer proof, show them, etc. They can see that the sky is blue, yet they still reject the fact and say that the sky is green. These people might as well be blind, have seals on their hearts and hearing, because no matter what you say to them, they will not budge. So they are the ones that led to the sealing of their hearts. So it's not like any non muslim is just immediately born with his or her heart sealed, of course not. It's just those people who continuously reject the truth who eventually have their heart sealed.
    Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an

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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning Sūrah al-Baqarah.

    crayon, I appreciate you taking the time to answer the gist of the questions I've asked, as your answers aid in the expansion of my knowledge of all that is Islam. & while in general I've no significant disputes over the answers you've given, especially in your explanation of the context in which the term magic is supposed to be taken, there are still a handful of things that I'm either having a hard time getting my head around or make no sense to me whatsoever.

    To begin, I'm having a hard time understanding why the letter combinations having no meaning to mankind is therefore indicative of a divine book revealed unto the Prophet (PBUH) by Allāh. Rather, it seems that the burden of proof should justifiably be placed upon those who affirm this supposed axiom. Further yet, what are the standards in which these books, sūrahs &/or verses are submitted for juxtaposition? I've read on various occasions that Man is unable to reproduce a text as complex, eloquent &c. as the Qur'an, but without understanding how those who've made the attempt have failed, it is hard to accept such a declaration. What's more, as I read further & further into Islam & I read the posts on this message board & the scholarly articles that are either copied & pasted or linked to, it appears to me that any ambiguity, nonsensical assertion or inconsistency that is brought up within the Qur'an is either accounted towards it being an exclusivity only to Allāh or is analyzed up & down by scholar after scholar, opinionated person after opinionated person, who ultimately construct their conclusions around verses taken out of context or verses that essentially have nothing to do with the inconsistency in the first place. Is this because if any inaccuracy is found within the Qur'an it is indicative of a book not of divine origin, but of mortal creation? Because if so, it would make sense that scholars & those who adhere to Islam would emphatically defend the Qur'an, so as to not allow the validity & reliability of it to be uprooted, thus uprooting the sanctity of Islam as a whole.

    Lastly, although brief, what is the difference between one that rejects faith & one that rejects truth? Since my understanding was that rejecting faith (i.e., deism) went hand-in-hand with rejecting the inherent truth of the disparate ideologies of theism. Once more, I appreciate the answers you've given me, crayon. & I mean no offense by anything I say or question. I have a paramount respect for cultural disparities & all that's included & only wish to enhance my understanding of religion, culture norms, &c.
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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning Sūrah al-Baqarah.

    Greetings Liberalization,

    Firstly, welcome to the forum. I hope you will have a beneficial stay here, God-Willing. Thankyou for your interest in Islam and taking the time to read the Holy Qur'an.

    Some of the questions you have asked require in-depth understanding of the Qur'an and a firm grounding in its sciences. Indeed, study of the Qur'an is a science of its own in Islam, as mentioned in this thread: http://www.islamicboard.com/quran/19...nificance.html

    Therefore it should become apparent that taking one verse in isolation, without having any background in Qur'anic exegesis, is sure to lead to misunderstanding and incorrect conclusions, as you have demonstrated above, such as ascribing unworthy attributes to Allaah, may He be Glorified and Exalted far above all that is ascribed to Him.

    For this reason, it would be difficult for the lay person to give you a satisfying answer. To truly gain an accurate insight into the matter, I would recommend consulting a scholar of Islam. We have very few if any members on board who are qualified to present scholarly answers to such questions, though if anyone is able to shed a little more light and help in showing the right direction, I am sure they will offer their assistance.

    I am sorry that I could not be of more help, and I pray that Allaah the Most High will guide you to the truth.

    Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an

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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning Surah al-Baqarah.


    firstly, i want to thank you muhammad for your response to the thoughts & questions i have posted above, as any answer i am given, regardless of how precise or broad, is aiding in the expansion of my comprehension of the qur'an & essentially my knowledge of islam as a whole. secondly, i want to apologize if you have taken any offense to anything i've written. i have, nor will i ever, write to offend. in all actuality, i have an immense respect for not only islam, but for those who submit themselves to this faith, as well. unfortunately, i believe offense may be taken regardless of how i word my inquiries. notwithstanding, the questionnaire i have proposed, & will continue to propose are meant to be taken cognizant of the fact i am both new to the theistic views & values that make up islam & am unintending of insult.

    now, muhammad, i read the thread you linked me to & was astounded by the rather lengthy list of branches pertaining to the science ascertaining the understanding of the qur'an & i have noted the points you have made on the fact that for me to obtain satisfying & accurate answers to the lot of my questions, i will need consult a scholar of islam. but, i am uncertain of how i should further go about posting my questions, as i have what will most likely turn out to be an extensive catalogue of questions concerning relatively the same subject of those you suggest be best answered by a scholar left to ask. should i discontinue my questions all together & put my energy towards finding a scholar suitable for the content of my questions or continue to do what i have been & continue to post my questions & leave whomever feels moved to answer them do as they please? i will do whatever is suggested if it is in my best wishes to do so, so whatever is proposed i will take into consideration & act accordingly.

    lastly, i once again feel compelled to thank you muhammad, as well as crayon, as thus far you are the only two who have taken it upon themselves to guide me towards a better, more accurate knowledge of all that is islam. furthermore, i am eternally grateful for any further help or advice i am given.

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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning Sūrah al-Baqarah.

    while i await an answer from muhammad, i will wrap up my last remaining thoughts & questions, or as much as i can as time permits, concerning sūrah al-baqarah, as i've been itchin' to do so. & due to the relatively lengthy amount of time it takes for the moderators to approve posts submitted in this forum, i felt the time spent waiting for the sanctions of any responses other uses have left to propound my inquiries would be better sent having my concerns typed up, submitted & in queue for approval. therefore, i've decided to go ahead & go over whatever i haven't covered.

    "the foolish among the people will say, 'what has turned them away from their qiblah, which they used to face?' say, 'to allāh belongs the east and the west. he guides whom he wills to a straight path'" (2:142).

    this verse, & a handful of verses that fall immediately after it, discusses the directions faced during prayer, as i understood it, & it brought about a couple questions. first, is salat only permissible while facing either the easterly or westerly direction? from what i read, i'd assume this is the case, but if i'm mistaken, please correct me. moreover, is this because masjid al-haram lies on the latitudinal planes? second, does allāh's belonging to the east & the west have any relevance to the sun's rising in the east and setting in the west? i realize that may sound quite feeble, but it's something i wish to have answered, nonetheless.

    "and if you brought to those that were given the scripture every sign, they would not follow your qiblah. nor will you be a follower of their qiblah. nor would they be followers of one another's qiblah. so if you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, indeed, you would then be among the wrongdoers" (2:145).

    my problem with this is the latent disregard towards human nature that allāh demonstrates through this verse. along the same lines as my question concerning the seal placed upon the hearts of disbelievers, it appears as if allāh has no faith in mankind — his creation. it is both discouraging & disheartening to think of allāh as allāh the unfaithful, but that is what imposes itself in my mind when i read this verse & others like it (i.e., those concerning the seal upon the hearts of al-lazina kafaroo), although i realize my question concerning the seal was answered earlier by crayon. i apologize for placing upon allāh adverse attributes, & naturally do not intend to insult, mock or offend, but my elementary understanding of islam & deeply inquisitive mind is bound to produce rather controversial byproducts. it is inborn to vacillate between faiths in search of a truth that pleases oneself & certainly allāh in all his omniscience is aware of that congenital characteristic. thus, with this in mind, his affirmation that current disbelievers "would not follow your qiblah [given every sign]," i take to be making the supposition that regardless of the literature presented to disbelievers & the truths of the qur'an repeatedly revealed to them, they'd continue to turn a blind eye to all that is islam, & this certainly cannot be stated with justification, as it throws everyone who rejects the truths of islam (at the moment) under a generalization of stubbornness &/or ignorance, which in itself is false.

    "he has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than allāh. but whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him. indeed, allāh is forgiving and merciful" 2:173.

    although i'm certain i could do a bit of research & come up with this answer myself, i felt it'd be best left to you, the users of this message board. in brief, why are these things haram?

    "and kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. and do not fight them at al-masjid al-haram until they fight you there. but if they fight you, then kill them. such is the recompense of the disbelievers" 2:191.

    i've read this 10 times over & have yet to understand why fitnah, or disbelief & its imposition on others, is worse than killing. in actuality, it is hard to stomach an ideology that puts disbelief before martyrdom in terms of what is morally reprehensible. as a result, my questions ascertain to how this can be & the logic that supports it. furthermore, 3 verses later, it goes on to say, "[fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. so whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. and fear allāh and know that allāh is with those who fear him" 2:194. what i've bolded is not only a sophomoric resolution to any wrongs done unto a person, but fallacious, as two wrongs don't make a right. reason being, an action that is wrong is wrong regardless of whether or not it is done unto a person who has done it unto you. notwithstanding, this declaration breeds a lack of passivity, condones aggression, all while justifying an elementary problem-solving demeanor through deific warrant. what's wrong with passiveness? why not pursue legal consultation if the wrong done unto you breaches your rights as a human being & you wish to seek reprisal?

    in conclusion, i cannot stress enough how any mockery or offensive taken from what i've said is unintended. i know it may not seem so, due to the consistency of my thoughts & questions touching on rather controversial & accusatory topics, but please be cognizant of the fact that all questions asked are done so with respect & with a genuine interest in expanding my knowledge of islam. that being said, for those who take the time to answer my questions, thank you. i appreciate it entirely.

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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning Sūrah al-Baqarah.

    I just typed up a huge reply, it was perfect, and then accidentally closed the window. Argh!! I guess I'll just try to retype it all as best I can, im in a rush though.

    First off, I won't have regular internet access for the next few months, so I won't always be able to answer your questions, inshAlah some other members can.

    East and West:
    One should always pray towards the qibla, unless he doesnt know where it is, when he's travling for example. Praying in the wrong dircetion is better than missing a prayer altogether. And when the east and west are mentioned, all it means is that everything belongs to allah, so whether he ordered muslims to pray towards jerusalem or mecca, they are still praying to him, since it is all his.

    Permissible foods:
    Blood is the main organ that carries viruses and bacteria, eating contaminated blood transfers the disease to you. Dead animals retain blood, so do animals slaughtered in unislamic ways such as electroction, hanging, etc. Animals slaughtered for other than Allah are a form of shirk. Swine: link

    Assualting those who have assualted you:
    Firstly, forgiveness and islam are two of the most valuable characteristics in islam, and there are countless verses and hadiths about them (link). But if someone is beating you up, for example, you dont just stand there saying "i forgive you". so this verse means self defense, defending yourself against attackers when all other forms of negotiation fail.

    My first answers were so much longer and better. Allahs will...
    Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an

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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an

    Crayon, unfortunately Masha'Allah that the huge, perfect reply be substituted for by the abridged, quickly written one, instead. & although I am wavering between questioning the rationale behind such a decision & reluctant submission, it's insignificance makes it wasteful to bother myself about. Admittedly, I'm flustered that you won't be able to respond to my questions for the next couple months, as you are the only user outside of Brother Muhammad that has taken the initiative to shed more light on Islam through your answers & the subsequent links added to aid in my understanding, but Insha'Allah, others will step up & further guide me towards the truth that is the Qur'an & all that ascertains to Islam.

    Nevertheless, I appreciate your answers & naturally have conflicting opinions with some of what you've said, but mind you, it's all in respect & driven by my desire to increase my understanding of Islam.

    First, while I understand the reasoning behind why blood & dead animals are haraam, I'm having a hard time settling with the fact that pigs are made out to be “one of the filthiest animals on the earth.” I know you're maybe thinking what a mediocre thing to concern yourself with, but I genuinely do not agree with the sentiment taking towards swine in general, in large part because I simply believe the supposition that they are as filthy as they are made out to be is incorrect. To debate my point, I'll attempt to refute or shed light on why I believe certain points given in the article you linked me to are wrong.

    format_quote Originally Posted by IOL Shari`ah Researchers
    3. Consumption of pork causes several diseases:

    A person can have various helminthes, like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. One of the most dangerous is Taenia Solium, which in a layman’s terminology is called tapeworm. It harbors in the intestine and is very long. Its ova, i.e. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost all the organs of the body.

    Another dangerous helminthes is Taenia Trichuriasis. A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die. In a research project undertaken in America, it was found that out of twenty-four people suffering from Taenia tichurasis, twenty two had cooked the pork very well. This indicates that the ovas present in the pork do not die under normal cooking temperature.
    The above, an excerpt from the article on swine you linked me to Crayon, with various insignificant partitions omitted for spacial reasons, states that the consumption of pork causes several diseases. This I don't disagree with. But, standing alone, it's as if the researchers of IOL Shari`ah have disregarded the fact that all meats carry with them some, if not all of the same diseases attributed to pork. While I'm not arguing the fact pork may have diseases specific to it & it only, all food, most especially meat, is vulnerable to contamination by bacteria & other harmful organisms. To illustrate this, the article states that the contraction of helminthes (i.e., roundworms, pinworms, & hookworms) is possible through the consumption of pork, yet these same helminthes can be found in beef & I've yet to come across the mentioning of beef as haraam, unless of course it is slaughtered in dedication to anyone other than Allāh.

    format_quote Originally Posted by IOL Shari`ah Researchers
    4. Pork has fat building material:

    Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat gets deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack.
    Depending on the cut, size & leanness, the same can be said for beef.

    format_quote Originally Posted by IOL Shari`ah Researchers
    5. The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth:

    The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives on muck, filth and dirt. In the villages they don’t have modern toilets and the villagers excrete in the open air. Very often excreta are cleared by pigs.

    Some may argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are bred in very clean and hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are kept together in sties. No matter how hard you try to keep them clean they are filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy their own as well as their neighbor’s excreta.
    The pig living & thriving on muck, filth & dirt is grounded in science. Foremost is the fact that their hygienic conditions depend on the husbandry of the pigs in question, & this alone can put a damper on the whole precept that they are one of the filthiest animals on earth. Furthermore, many pigs can be housetrained, indicating a preference for cleanliness. Now, surely you've seen a picture, movie, &c. where a pig is rolling around in mud puddles feet deep, but these mud baths help rub off & suffocate any bacterium on their flesh, & as the mud dries, it cakes over the skin & repels flies. Lastly, the mud on their skin serves as a natural sunscreen. & as for their excretions, “manure is spread out widely over the territory of the pig and breaks down in the sun, rain and wind” (Canadian Veterinary Medical Association), which shows that its excretions are not the sole beneficiary of the pig's diet. In spite of this, you're maybe questioning how any of this makes the pig less filthy, & the fact of the matter is, this filth & muck that the article states pigs thrive in are is backed by the pigs necessity for it, as they benefit the pig in numerous ways, as shown above. Many animals (i.e., cows, horses) roll amidst their own filth & muck, for many of the reasons pigs do, so I do not see the reasoning behind pork products being haraam, because the cases proposed by the IOL Shari`ah Researchers can be applied to any animal who is slaughtered for its meat.

    I've more questions concerning the section on assaulting those who've assaulted you, but seeing as I'm short on time & I haven't read the article that you linked to Crayon, I'll wait 'til the points I've made in this post are nit-picked & refuted before I type 'em up. I realize I mentioned Crayon specifically on numerous accounts in this post, but please, users of this message board, don't take that as meaning you are not free to reply as you wish, as you certainly are & I condone as such. Any help is appreciated.

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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an

    Pork is not prohibited because of health reasons. It is prohibited because Allah says so in the Quran in Surah Baqara, Surah Maidah, Surah An'am, and Surah Nahl. The health benefits of not eating pig are just extras. But the main reason is because Allah says so. The Jews say they dont eat pig beacuse of the filth, but Muslims dont eat pig because we are commanded to do so.
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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning Surah al-Baqarah.

    Greetings Liberalization,

    Thankyou for your earlier reply and clarification.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Liberalization View Post
    now, muhammad, i read the thread you linked me to & was astounded by the rather lengthy list of branches pertaining to the science ascertaining the understanding of the qur'an & i have noted the points you have made on the fact that for me to obtain satisfying & accurate answers to the lot of my questions, i will need consult a scholar of islam. but, i am uncertain of how i should further go about posting my questions, as i have what will most likely turn out to be an extensive catalogue of questions concerning relatively the same subject of those you suggest be best answered by a scholar left to ask. should i discontinue my questions all together & put my energy towards finding a scholar suitable for the content of my questions or continue to do what i have been & continue to post my questions & leave whomever feels moved to answer them do as they please? i will do whatever is suggested if it is in my best wishes to do so, so whatever is proposed i will take into consideration & act accordingly.
    Undoubtedly, the best course of action would be asking a scholar suitable for the content of your questions, as you have seen how vast and rich the Qur'anic sciences are.

    However, I do understand that this may be difficult for various reasons, therefore perhaps you can continue posting your questions in this thread and whoever is able can answer to the best of their ability. This will also allow people to search for any answers that scholars have already given for similar questions, or post links to other resources written in answer to your questions. In this way, we can collaborate our efforts in trying to aid you in increasing your knowledge and understanding of Islam, and others may also benefit from this Insha'Allaah. But we must always remain conscious of our limited capacity to answer questions about Islam, and Allaah the Exalted is whose help and forgiveness is sought.


    P.S. Here is another useful insight into the importance of knowledge of tafseer (Qur'anic exegesis): http://www.islamtoday.com/show_detai...main_cat_id=28
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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an


    The site we are linked to, Load-Islam.com, has many useful articles regarding various aspects of Islam, including clarifying misconceptions. You might find it useful to have a browse around. Please see:


    And the subject of alleged contradictions in the Qur'an can also be found on the forum here:


    Regarding your first question on the disjointed letters in the Qur'an:

    format_quote Originally Posted by Liberalization View Post
    First, I'll start with the first verse of the sūrah, which goes as such, "Alif, Lām, Meem" (2:1). The footnote for this states that "these are among the fourteen opening letters which occur in various combinations at the beginning of twenty-nine sūrahs in the Qur'an. Although there has been much speculation as to their meaning, it was not, in fact, revealed by Allāh to anyone and is known only to him." My questions are:
    • What are these letter combinations speculated to mean?
    • What is the possibility that these letter combinations are fundamentally nonsensical?
    It should be borne in mind that a group of scholars from among the early generations of Muslims refrained from interpreting such verses of the Quran containing the disjointed letters.It was not narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) interpreted them, so it is preferable for us to say Allaah knows best what they mean. But it was narrated that some interpreters of the Qur'an (mufassireen) did interpret them, and they differed as to their interpretation.

    1. The safest opinion, and a very common one, is that only Allaah knows the meanings of such verses. Although it is true that only Allaah knows for certain the meanings of these letters, this does not rule out the possibility that they may have meanings that are possible to grasp.

    2. Among the other strong opinions, it is said that (since these letters comprise exactly half the letters of the Arabic alphabet), they are a reference to the other half of the alphabet. In other words, the Arabs are being reminded that this Qur'an is composed of their letters, and the words are the same as their words, and yet it cannot be imitated in its style and prose. Thus, these letters seek to display the miraculous nature of the Qur'an.

    To add weight to this explanation, it is noticed that in almost all soorahs where these letters occur, the very next verse mentions the Qur'an. For example:

    Alif-Lâm-Mîm. This is the Book (the Qur'ân), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqûn. [Al-Baqarah: 1-2]

    Imaam al-Baaqillaanee said, "These letters are exactly half the alphabet, as if it is being said, 'Whoever presumes that the Qur'an is not a miracle, let him take the other half and form a speech that can compete with the Qur'an!'"

    3. Another opinion is that the letters are used to attract attention. The disjointed letters are not a phenomenon started by the Qur'an; the Arab poets occasionally used them at the beginning of their poetry to attract attention to the poem that was to follow.

    Also, the Arabs at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) never questioned the disjointed letters, despite the fact that they tried everything to disparage the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) never asked the explanation of these letters despite their thirst for knowledge. This shows that they were not puzzled by these letters since they were accustomed to their use in the poems of the days of ignorance (i.e. before they came to know about Islam). Thus, according to this opinion, the disjointed letters are used to attract attention to the soorahs, and to prove to the disbelieving Arabs that the Qur'an was a revelation from Allaah, since even though the disjointed letters were used by the poets of old, the Qur'an's style of 'poetry' is inimitable.

    It can be concluded then, that the actual purpose of the disjointed letters is known only to Allaah, but it does not seem too unreasonable to claim that their purpose is to prove the miraculous nature of the Qur'an, both by showing the Arabs that the Qur'an, despite its inimitability, was composed of their letters and words, and by using the techniques of the poets of old to challenge and prevail over the eloquence of their poems.

    And Allaah, Exalted is He, knows best.

    References used:


    An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an, Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi, pp.167-170.
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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning Sūrah al-Baqarah.


    Here is another good resource - it's basically one of the best commentaries of the Qur'an and it is available online. If you read the article on tafseer I posted earlier, it briefly mentions it in there. You can search for any soorah and find the relevant discussion of any of its verses. Insha'Allaah this will help to give more insight into any questions that may arise whilst reading the Qur'an.


    Regarding your second question:

    format_quote Originally Posted by Liberalization View Post
    "Indeed, those who disbelieve — it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them — they will not believe. Allāh has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment" (2:6-7).

    This verse in its entirety does not sit well with me. Foremost is the fact that the verdicts placed unto the disbelievers seem to be placed onto them in an almost compulsive & instantaneous manner, & this directly coincides with Allāh as The Patient, The One who does not quickly punish the sinners. Also, the seal upon their hearts & hearing & a veil over their vision, preventing them from discerning guidance coupled with the supposed rapidity of this decree is illustrious of a divinity that lacks faith in its creation & is essentially unjust, again, coinciding with another attribute of Allāh as The Just. It just seems to me that Allāh The Patient, The One who does not quickly punish the sinners & The Just, alongside being all-knowing would understand that it is human nature to waver in mind & opinion throughout the course of one's life. Rather, it seems that this elementary fact of mankind is disregarded, & rather than exhibiting patience, an exhibition of impatience & a swift, oppressive punishment is executed. Why prevent the discerning of guidance within the disbelievers? Wouldn't one rather take the risk of allowing the disbelievers to stumbled upon the truth that is the Qur'an & all things Islam? The reward is certainly greater than the risk & undoubtedly Allāh is cognizant of this fact. Further yet, Islam can only grow if it is open to all, disbelievers included. & immediately placing a cloak on disbelievers, who have the potential to find Islam later on in their lives, therefore preventing the discerning of guidance, prohibits such growth. But, I admit that for every non-believer, there are multitudes of Muslims with the utmost piety. I just feel that the impatience, injustice & unfaithfulness in a partition of mankind conflicts with various attributes of Allāh, prevents the spread of Islam in a select group of individuals & makes it difficult to have faith in a god who more or less has no faith in me.
    The following articles from the Load-Islam.com site may be of relevance. If I can add anything else, I will try to do so later, otherwise I hope these shall suffice Insha'Allaah.

    The Mercy and Guidance of Allah

    Is the Punishment and Mercy of Allah Arbitrary?

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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an


    here are a few resources that can be used to resolve questions:

    Mufti Menk does incredible lectures on Tafseer and topics in general:


    Dr. Bilal Philips video page:


    those should help.

    Last edited by 'Abd al-Baari; 07-03-2008 at 09:58 PM. Reason: Inactive/incorrect link removed.
    Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an

    Had the non-believer known of all the Mercy which is in the Hands of Allah, he would not lose hope of entering Paradise, and had the believer known of all the punishment which is present with Allah, he would not consider himself safe from the Hell-Fire
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    Re: Thoughts & questions concerning various Sūrahs of the Qur'an

    format_quote Originally Posted by Liberalization View Post

    • What are these letter combinations speculated to mean?
    • What is the possibility that these letter combinations are fundamentally nonsensical?

    The only approach I'm convinced to,regarding such letters is the one that mentioned by Ar-Razi in his Tafsir ,Al-Farra' and Qutrub, Az-Zamakhshari ,
    Al-Mubarrid , Abu Al-`Abbas Ibn Taymiyyah ,Shaykh Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Hajjaj Al-Mizzi and several other scholars

    is that they testify to the miracle of the Qur'an. Indeed, the servants are unable to produce something like the Qur'an, although it is comprised of the same letters with which they speak to each other....

    in other words,

    similar to a genius engineer who built a skyscraper where a primitive tribe lives ,using the same material they use to build.......and after he finished he told them

    sand,concrete,water,glass >>>>>>>(A skyscraper noone can build)

    such interpretation makes so much sense for me....

    May Allah bless your efforts to understand the Quran....

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