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    UnknownOne's Avatar Full Member
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    Wink Dogs...

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    I've been going around asking about the relation to dogs in Islaam. I was bought up as a kid to believe that they are haraam - which would be because in most cases they are dirty.Blindly followed and today I want to actually find out myself what is right.:blind:
    But this is what I've taken in from being brought up in this family...culture.

    Tbh, I don't count myself as the same as my parents background..I count myself as a brit! wohoo Haha :bravo:

    Anyways, back to topic.
    There's been arguments between wet dogs, and dry dogs. <_<
    I want to understand if touching a dog is haraam or not, that way I can treat the dogs in my neighbourhood more openly.
    I'd like to hear your views accompanied with some sort of quote or proof of some sort please.

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    Güven's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Dogs...

    “A dog can be owned for purposes such as the following:

    1. A trained dog for hunting. Remember in Islam we are only allowed to hunt for food; there is no such thing as hunting for fun, for we are not allowed to kill or torture animals or drive them out of their habitats for the fun of it.

    2. A trained dog as a guide. This would be the case if a person is blind and he/she has no choice but to keep a dog for essential services. In this case, it is permissible for him/her to keep a dog inside the house once it has been trained for service, but it is still recommended that the dog have its own sleeping arrangement.

    3. A dog trained for police duties.

    4. A guard dog to guard houses or property.

    5. A dog used by farmers to shepherd cattle and sheep.

    We are, however, not allowed to keep a dog as a pet, since it is not a very clean animal. How often have you come across the nasty sight of dogs taken for a walk licking their own excrement? Isn’t it disgusting to see their owners kissing the mouth of such animals after such incidents as if nothing happened? Would you kiss the mouth of your own baby if he were to do the same? Think how many parasites and microbes may be hiding in their mouths.

    The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has spared us from being contaminated by such filth when he ordered us to stay clear of the saliva of dogs. If we ever come into contact with a dog’s saliva we must wash the spot seven times, the first of which should be with sand or dirt. It is also possible to use a bacterial soap instead of sand or dirt.

    In conclusion: Don’t contemplate taking a dog home as a pet. If, however, you do need to keep a dog for any of the reasons given above, then you may do so. But take every precaution not to have contact with its saliva, and also arrange for a separate living space.”


    And as for the one who fears standing in front of His Lord and restrains the soul from impure evil desires and lusts, verily, Paradise will be his abode [79:40-41]
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    Re: Dogs...

    Yes I think accidently touching a dog is not haaram but you do need to wash your hands after. But keeping it as a pet is strictly haaram due to their slivia.
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    Re: Dogs...

    Personally, I'd never have a dog as a pet (i'm naturally a cat person anyway), but occasionally if I see someone walking their dog, I don't have a problem with petting it, or throwing a ball for it to fetch or anything like that. I just make sure to wash my hands afterward, like I would had I played with any other animal.

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    KittyKat's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Dogs...

    Oh seriously? Then are you not allowed to have cats or fish?
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  8. #6
    Güven's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Dogs...

    There is nothing wrong, as far as Islam is concerned, in keeping animals for which there is no prohibition on keeping them (such as dogs and pigs). It is reported that some of the Prophet’s Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) were in the habit of keeping animals for farming purposes or for fun and pleasure.

    It is reported that Anas Ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) had a young brother who had a nughayr (a small bird or nightingale). The bird died, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) noticed that the Anas’ younger brother was so sad and grieved, so he joked with him, and said to him words which implied approval of his keeping this bird. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to him, “O Abu `Umayr, what happened to the nughayr?”

    In another hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of be upon him) is reported to have stated that a woman is doomed to enter Hell because of a cat “which she neither fed nor let it eat from the vermin of the earth.”

    It is clear from the above hadith that if the woman had fed the cat, she would have been spared from Hell.

    It was also narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) was called so because of a cat, which used to accompany him.

    Therefore, it becomes clear that keeping animals, so long as you do not neglect them, is something which is permitted and it may even be one of the means of earning reward, as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said, “In every living being there is reward.”

    In conclusion, we would like to say that the care and concern for human beings should take higher priority over the care of animals, and that the reward for that is greater.

    Unfortunately, some people do pay a great deal of attention to their cats and spend large amounts of money on them when there are millions of needy Muslims all over the world who are in need of a single penny that is luxuriously spent on those pets.

    It is better for us Muslims to pay attention to making the best use of our time in that which is beneficial and good. Some people spend more on their cats and dogs than they spend on their own sons and daughters, let alone the poor and needy. They may even bring their pets to stay in luxurious hotels and bequeath large amounts of money to them.”


    And as for the one who fears standing in front of His Lord and restrains the soul from impure evil desires and lusts, verily, Paradise will be his abode [79:40-41]
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  9. #7
    Hamayun's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Dogs...

    According to Ibn Taymiyyah, the third view is believed to be the most correct. Accordingly, if one's clothes get wet from touching a dog's fur, this doesn't render them najis (impure), while if a dog licks a pot or a container, what it touches must be thrown away and the container should be washed off. Also, if one touches the dog's fur after making wudu', it does not break the wudu', but if one gets touched with dog's saliva, then one has got tainted with najasa (impurity) which must be removed.
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  10. #8
    Hamayun's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Dogs...

    format_quote Originally Posted by KittyKat View Post
    Oh seriously? Then are you not allowed to have cats or fish?

    As far as I know there is no harm in it... even keeping dogs is beneficial for the safety of your house in most cases (as long as you wash off the saliva and keep the dog away from your food etc)

    Allahu Alim (Allah knows best)
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  11. #9
    KittyKat's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Dogs...

    Oh thank goodness. Thank you Guven. =) Eases my mind. My entire life I've been around animals and I could not imagine life without them.
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    syilla's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Dogs...

    format_quote Originally Posted by KittyKat View Post
    Oh seriously? Then are you not allowed to have cats or fish?
    Is not encourage to keep dog as pet...but you are allowed to have pets

    heart 1 - Dogs...

    25:36 And the true servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk the earth with humility and when the ignorant address them, they respond with words of peace.
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  14. #11
    KittyKat's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Dogs...

    I just read:

    Pet cats do not make vessels naajis (impure) if they drink from them, or make food naajis if they eat from it. 'Abd-Allaah ibn Abi Qutaadah reported from his father that water was put out for him to make wudoo, and a cat came and lapped at the water. He took the water and did wudoo with it, and they said, 'O Abu Qutaadah! The cat drank from it. He said, I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: Cats are part of the household, and they are among those who go around in your houses. (Reported by Ahmad in al-Musnad, 5/309; Saheeh al-Jaami', 3694). According to another report he said: They [cats] are not naajis; they are among those who go around [al-tawwaafeen wa'l-tawwaafaat - refers to children, servants, etc.] in your houses. (Reported by Ahmad in al-Musnad, 5/309; Saheeh al-Jaami', 2437).
    My heart is happy! =)
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  15. #12
    Hamayun's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Dogs...

    Nothing in the Noble Quran is mentioned without valid reason....

    The mention of Dogs saliva for example: Dog's Saliva can carry rabies. Rabies can spread through dog's saliva. Rabies used to be very common amongst dogs back in those days especially in the hot Arab countries. Thats probably why dog's saliva is considered so impure...
    Last edited by Hamayun; 12-30-2008 at 02:28 AM.
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  16. #13
    Hamayun's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Dogs...

    Here is a really good response about keeping Dogs from the Islamonline site.

    To start with, I find it very important to make it clear that while setting rules and codes to govern human affairs, a divine religion like Islam must never let those rules be detached from the realities of life. As Allah says in the Qur’an:

    ... God intends every facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties. ...
    Surah 2 Verse 185
    This means that the rules and teachings must not pose a difficulty for its followers. Thus, it’s normal to assume that certain benefits, apparent or hidden, are inherent in shari’a injunctions. Of course, this is apart from the sense of worship that compliance with them implies.

    The issue of dogs is one of the most debatable issues in recent times, especially as da’wah gains ground in the West, whereby people enter into Islam in large numbers. Thus, the questions on the lips of many reverts is: ‘can I keep my dog while still abiding by my religious obligations? Will my new religion take away from me my dog, which has become my closest friend?’

    What makes this issue so debated is the fact that there are many Prophetic hadiths that warn Muslims about getting into contact with dogs. In fact, some of these hadiths give warnings that going against this rule takes away a sizeable amount of reward from a person’s record (of good deeds) daily. Adding to that is the Prophet’s order for killing the dogs in Medina and the Angel Gabriel’s refusal to enter the Prophet’s house in one of his visits, citing the presence of dog as reason.

    But alongside with this, are many hadiths that call for showing kindness to animals in general, including dogs, and the permissibility of keeping dogs for hunting, guarding, etc. It’s further reported that some of the Prophet’s companions, may Allah be pleased with them all, were in the habit of keeping animals for farming purposes or even for fun and pleasure.

    So to clarify this confusion, we need to interpret those hadiths in the light of the Qur’an. The Qur'an makes it clear that there is no harm in eating animals grabbed by hunting dogs. Furthermore, it’s through the Qur'an that we get acquainted with the story of the Cave Companions (ahl-ul-khaf) who had with them their dog; this clearly shows that dogs have historically been used for guarding the person and the property of its owners.

    This also indicates that dogs must be treated well they are of the animals referred to in the verse:
    There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you.
    Surah 6 Verse 38
    The implicit message of this verse is that in Islam, the concept of mercy covers humans as well as animals, for Islam accords animals inviolable rights, part of which is to be fed well and not to be subject to torture or ill-treatment. Hence, I recall here the hadith in which the Prophet (pbuh), stated that a woman was doomed to enter Hell because of a cat...

    ‘which she neither fed nor let it eat from the vermin of the earth.’

    This hadith makes it clear that Islam does not go against keeping animals, including watch or hunting dogs, as long as one does not neglect them. In fact, the Prophet (pbuh) states that showing kindness to animals is a means of earning reward:

    ‘In every living being there is reward.’

    Adding to this is the hadith in which the Prophet (pbuh) told his companions a story concerning a man who found a dog in the desert panting and licking the dust due to thirst. The man went to a well, filled his shoes with water, and relieved the dog's thirst. Said the messenger of Allah (pbuh):

    ‘Allah appreciated this and forgave him all his sins.’ (Reported by al-Bukhari)

    Having said this, we have to ask: ‘How is it that the religion that is rich in all these fine precepts about animal rights, is the same religion that warns its followers about getting into contact with dogs and even emphasizes that the utensils licked by dogs should be washed 7 times, one of them with earth?’

    The answer is very simple. The basic rule in Islam is the permissibility of keeping dogs for hunting and guarding. Still, the exception to the rule is: excessiveness must be avoided as much as possible. The care and concern for human beings should take higher priority over the care of animals, and the reward for that is greater.

    We will be able to understand this fact, when we notice that some people do pay a great deal of attention to their cats and dogs, at the expense of other things. It is better for Muslims to make the best use of their time in that which is beneficial and good. Some people spend more money on their cats and dogs, than they spend on their own sons and daughters! Then, let alone the poor and needy. They may even bring their pets to stay in luxurious hotels and bequeath large amounts of money to them.

    You see, sister, going to extremes in showering dogs with love, concern and kindness, is what shari’a goes against, because there should be no collision between human rights and animal rights. Thus, in observing how lavishly the well-off treat their dogs while despising their relatives, and how much attention they give their dogs while neglecting their neighbors, one realizes the wisdom of the cautious approach the shari’a has towards this issue.

    It’s also due to the danger that the dogs posed at a certain time during the lifetime of the Prophet (pbuh), that he ordered for the killing of the dogs, but he later rescinded this order. As we know, stray dogs pose as a nuisance and health hazard. They tend to defecate indiscriminately in the open, thereby posing a danger for children and pedestrians.

    It’s also worth mentioning that the health risks in getting too close to dog, allowing it to lick children’s hands, utensils…etc is not to be overlooked, especially as this has been affirmed by many experts. I’d like you to read the following:

    ‘Some lovers of the West in Muslim countries claim to be full of love and compassion for all living creatures and they wonder why Islam warns against this "best friend" of man. For their benefit, we quote here a lengthy excerpt from an article by the German scientist, Dr. Gerard Finstimer, (translated from the German magazine: Kosinos) in which the author sheds light on the dangers to human health, resulting from keeping dogs or coming in contact with them. He says:

    ‘The increasing interest shown by many people in recent times in keeping dogs as pets has compelled us to draw public attention to the dangers, which result from this, especially because pet dogs are hugged and kissed and permitted to lick the hands of the young and the old, and what is worse, to lick the plates and utensils, which are used by human beings for eating and drinking.

    Besides being unhygienic and uncouth, this practice is bad manners and abhorrent to good taste. However, we are not concerned with such matters, leaving them to be addressed by teachers of etiquette and good taste. Rather this article is intended to present some scientific observations.

    From the medical point of view, which is our main concern here, the hazards to human health and life from keeping and playing with dogs are not to be ignored. Many people have paid a high price for their ignorance, as the tapeworm carried by dogs is a cause of chronic disease, sometimes resulting in death.

    This worm is found in man, in cattle, and in pigs. But it is found in fully developed form only in dogs, wolves and rarely in cats. These worms differ from others in that they are minute and invisible, consequently, they were not discovered until very recently.’

    So, dear sister, in light of all these facts, I want to sum it up. You don’t need to worried about keeping your dog (within the necessities sanctioned by Islam, i.e. for protection or taken as watch dog) as long as you know the rights you owe it and as long as you know that your love for your dog must not affect your religious duties. I want to emphasise here that all that you have heard or what is cited above does not indicate that dogs are rendered an impure animal. But my advice to you is not to get too much in contact with it, keeping in mind all the above-mentioned problems.

    To let you know, not all scholars regard dogs as impure. For instance, the Malikite Jurists maintain that the dog is pure, even its saliva, and this is the predominant opinion. So, it is not obligatory to wash the body or the clothes, but one must still wash a bowl that touched or licked by dog. The Hanafite Juristic School and some of Hanbali Jurists say that it’s only dog’s saliva that’s filthy and impure, but its body is not. Imam Ibn Taymiyyah considers this view to be the most correct. Thus, if a person’s clothes get wet from touching the dog's fur, this doesn't render them impure. Also, if one touches the dog's fur after making ablution (wudu'), this does not nullify the ablution, but if one gets touched with dog's saliva, then one has got tainted with impurity, and it must be removed.

    What this implies, is that apart from going into extreme in human’s relation with animals in general, dogs in particular, there is nothing wrong in Islam with one’s getting in contact with animals as long as caution is demonstrated. There is nothing wrong in reading the Qur’an while you have your dog at home; what you heard concerning this is baseless. Islam does not go against keeping a dog for the reasons mentioned above.

    Well sister I hope this better clarifies the issue in question.
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