Dear Folks

Islam also allows fighting for the help of the oppressed. “And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? Men, women and children whose cry is: ‘Our Lord’! Rescue us from this town where people are oppressors and raise for us from thee one who will help.” (4:75). Evil consorts evil The good have all the more reason for drawing together by not only living in mutual harmony, but also by being ready at all times to protect each other. Otherwise, the world would be given over to aggression by unscrupulous people and the good will fail in their duty to establish peace and strengthen the forces of truth and righteousness (8:73). To help the oppressed, wherever they are and whatever is their race, colour, language and faith is the duty of the Muslims enjoined by Allah. Allah’s plan is universal, e provides protection to all his creature. To protect one He may have to check another. “And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, the world would indeed be full of mischief: but Allah is full of bounty to all the worlds.” (2:251). Within the Islamic State itself, use of force is allowed first against those guilty of treason against the State and, secondly against the hypocrites who though given the privileges of association with goodness and piety, persist in wicked deeds. (66:9) Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his immediate successors acted upon these principles. It was because of their having strictly observed and the ethics that Muslim rule of law spread over vast areas of the globe within a short span of time. But when the subsequent Muslim generations turned their back upon the teachings of the Quran they were bound to reap what they had sown.


Religion Islam