Hello, I have two brief questions.

In Islam, there is the require Hajj to Mecca which occurs during the month of Dhu al-Hijjah (it is called Umrah when during other months of the year). Only Muslims do not go only to Mecca, but go on pilgrimage to other places, like Medina or Jerusalem. Now from what I can tell, the words "Hajj/Umrah" refer only to the pilgrimage to Mecca. So how does one refer to a pilgrim/pilgrimage to somewhere else? Is there a more general term "pilgrim/pilgrimage?"

Similarly, in some books I read of the term "extended Hajj," referring to a pilgrimage that includes Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem. Is this a term or a act that Muslims themselves recognize? Going on pilgrimage to all three holy cities is presumably celebrated, so is there some term for it?

I thank you for your answer!