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help me to be a muslim

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    barbara new's Avatar Limited Member
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    help me to be a muslim

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    hello every one, my name is barbara an italian, roman catholic married to a muslim.

    i v been blessed from God to meet him, and get close to know about islam. still, i m ot muslim.
    my housband never ask me to do it, to change my religion.. but is from 2 years or so, that i feel close to it.
    i can not explain what is this emotion that i have when i start to read, watch video of islam, i cry, i feel good when i think abt God,
    i do Ramadan, i try to discover islam, bymyself.
    i celebrate Eid, i follow what a good muslim woman has to do, i lately start to Pray, by myself. still i m not giving My SHADA.
    it is difficult for me read the Quran, it is difficult for me learn to pray in arabic....i don t know all the stories of The prophets. i need to study and is hard... i feel i can t do it... i m Good enough to learn it. and even when i pray ...i just follow mu housband moves....is hard and i m lost...i don t know how to be a good muslim.....
    thanx in advance to whom will stop and try to give me an answear

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    Re: help me to be a muslim

    format_quote Originally Posted by barbara new View Post
    i celebrate Eid, i follow what a good muslim woman has to do, i lately start to Pray, by myself. still i m not giving My SHADA.
    First things first,If you wants to be a Muslim take Shahada which is

    Ash hadu al la ilaha illal lahu wah dahu la sharika lahu wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan' abduhu wa rasul lahu

    I testify that there is no god but Allah, and He is one and has no partner and I also testify that Muhammad is his servant and messenger of Allah.

    Here is a video with word by word pronunciation

    You can do it right now and later in Mosque in front of other sisters(btw they will provide you with help in pronouncing Arabic words),later is the best option.But in either of both ways you will enter intoIslam

    format_quote Originally Posted by barbara new View Post
    i do Ramadan, i try to discover islam, bymyself.
    format_quote Originally Posted by barbara new View Post
    it is difficult for me read the Quran, it is difficult for me learn to pray in arabic....i don t know all the stories of The prophets.
    Take it easy Step by Step you will move forward,Have you ever seen a baby,he don't run right after coming his mother's womb but gradually and slowly(sitting,crawling,walking with support,walking without support so and so forth).You are fortunate to have a Muslim husband who can help a lot in this regard.

    May Allah makes things easy for you,Aameen
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    Iceee's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: help me to be a muslim

    Salaam / Peace Be Upon You

    Firstly, Welcome to our forums.

    Your question makes me think of a video I saw a few years ago. Please watch this video below:

    So firstly, don't overburden yourself. Maybe read about Islam, if you even believe that Islam is the correct religion, even a doubt, I suggest you Inshallah (If God Wills) read the Shahadahttp://www.islamicboard.com/new-musl...y-shahada.html. Ask your husband or attend the mosque and ask the sisters there Inshallah for help regarding this matter.

    Secondly, just to follow the point above, read the guidelines for Islam and start following, even if it is hard, try your hardest. Maybe stop drinking alcohol, don't eat pork, ask your husband to pray aloud and infront of you, follow his movements while looking at the ground as much as you can. Little things like this and Inshallah God will guide you more and more towards Islam.

    The last point I'd like to make is never to over-burden yourself. Start slowly. For example, there was a Christian girl in my old building who wanted to become Muslim. She married a Muslim man she loves, she stopped eating pork, she even started dressing modestly wearing loose clothes and avoided showing skin. NOBODY told her to wear the hijab. I mean, most people who lived in that building were Muslims and we saw this woman everyday and said Salaam to her, but nobody told her to wear the hijab. The husband told us at a barbeque that his wife one day just started to wear the hijab by herself. He got home and almost had a heart-attack seeing her cover her hair. He said that he hugged her so tightly and even started crying (he's a big guy). She started to learn more and more about Islam, all by herself. She now teaches her husband about Islam, and read the lives of the Prophet and before going to sleep, she tells her husband about it. She wore the hijab when in her home, she now wears it even when she goes outside and infront of her parents.

    What the story I'm trying to tell you is to take it slowly. Maybe instead of wearing a skirt, wear loose pants. Maybe instead of wearing short sleeves, wear long sleeves. WHEN YOU feel like wearing the hijab, wear it. Inshallah Allah Subhanahuwatallah (God) will grant you Jannah (heaven) for your efforts in this world.

    Thank your husband for me, because by him following Islam and him not forcing you to, you have a choice and he will get Jannah for guiding you to Islam without even talking.
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    Re: help me to be a muslim

    Hi Barbara. Assalaam alaikum.

    I think you're doing fine as you are... ask Allah to guide you, and rely on HIM - meanwhile, study Islam at your own pace.

    You'll be surprised at how quickly you learn, and by that I don't mean "dates, facts, time-frames, stories, histories, prophecies etc etc etc" nope... I mean, things you'll learn that you can use. For example, making a small prayer in Arabic before you eat (like saying grace kinda), things like this... these are the deeds that matter

    Allah is forever Merciful. Let's say for example, you intended to learn the whole Quran in Arabic to memory - HUUUGE TASK right? Right! But let's say you only mananged to learn one Surah (chapter) of it only, and it was a short one - and you only learnt two ayahs (verses) from another Surah - and you were just as focused in your intention to learn the entire Quran - but you died before you could.... did you know that Allah rewards you for learning the whole Quran, even though you only managed one Surah and two ayahs of another Surah? Yes! HE rewards you for learning the WHOLE QURAN, and he reason being is that your intention was followed up by your actions - and even though you didn't achieve your goal, you did try, and therefore Allah rewards you as if you had achieved it!

    If you can understand the lesson here, you should feel very happy and motivated inside yourself, because herein you have an answer that allows you to not only have hope - but the God given right to achieve that hope! Go study in your own time sister, at your own pace. Here is a great resource for Islamic books which you can download for free: www.kalamullah.com

    May Allah guide you to success, Ameen - HE has already given you the calling

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    Re: help me to be a muslim

    Peace with you Barbara

    Your husband has made just right as not ask you to change your religion. Your religion should come from what you believe, not because of marrige.

    Be patient - if Allah wants to show you the path to Islam, He will do it.
    help me to be a muslim

    From Occupied Palestine:

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    Daris's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: help me to be a muslim


    I am a revert from Christianity, as well. So I understand what you are going through. We spend years learning the traditions ans liturgies of our respective denominations. And suddenly, everything gets changed and all those things we thought we knew so well are things that no longer apply. From where you are sitting, it can seem rather daunting. But once you have made open declaration of your faith, you will be surprised how many people will be there to help you learn.

    It seems you have already discerned the call to Islam in your life. Which means you are already over the first and largest hurdle. So lean on that and do not let things you still need to learn discourage you. Just take all of those things, one step at a time and learn them as you will. Your desire to learn will take you exactly to where you want to be. The tears you are crying are merely washing you clean, preparing for the steps you are about to undertake. What a blessing!

    I, too, suggest you move forward with your Shahadah. Do not worry if you cannot pronounce certain Arabic words perfectly. Just relax and learn, comforted in the knowledge that God already knows what is in your heart. And if you are already experiencing all of those exciting emotions, jut wait until after you say Shahadah. You are going to experience a wave of joy, the likes of which you have never known.

    Just remember, take one step at a time.
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    Muslim Woman's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: help me to be a muslim

    Hello sis

    u don't have to know and do everything from the begining . Go slowly and be steady. Now it's important for u to say the Shahada first .

    Bro already explained . Here goes again.

    How Does Someone Become a Muslim?
    Simply by saying with conviction, La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah, one converts to Islam and becomes a Muslim (to hear it click here).

    This saying means “There is no true god (deity) but God (Allah),1and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God.” The first part, “There is no true god but God,” means that none has the right to be worshipped but God alone, and that God has neither partner nor son. To be a Muslim, one should also:

    n Believe that the Holy Quran is the literal word of God, revealed by Him.n Believe that the Day of Judgment (the Day of Resurrection) is true and will come, as God promised in the Quran.n Accept Islam as his or her religion.n Not worship anything nor anyone except God.The Prophet Muhammad salla 1 - help me to be a muslim said: {God is more joyful at the repentance of someone when he turns to Him in repentance than one of you would be if he were riding his camel in the wilderness, and it runs away from him, carrying his food and drink, so that he loses all hope of getting it back. He comes to a tree and lies down in its shade (awaiting death), for he has lost all hope of finding his camel. Then, while he is in that state (of desperation), suddenly it is there before him! So he seizes its halter and cries out from the depth of his joy, “O God, You are my servant and I am Your Lord!” His mistake comes from the intensity of his joy.}2


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    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172

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    mzeeshanz's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: help me to be a muslim

    1- I should repeat the same point guided by other members - do the first step first and do not overburden to learn all the things. The God has definitely blessed you to identify the right path towards Him. May Allah give you more strength to remain on this path till end of this temporary life and enter you in the long lasting heavens.

    2- Accepting Islam by SHAHADA is the most important and most high priority task you should do once you realize the reality of Islam. It is the fundamental to hope for success in hereafter and key to open the door of heaven. Do not delay SHADA due to fear about learning Islam or hardships after SHAHADA. Allah will make you SHAHADA a way to success against all hardships.

    3- Start learning Islam is some what different from the ways of learning something else. For learning Islam, we first to seek help from Al-Mighty Allah to make our learning process easy. Nothing is made easy and successful without the help of Allah. Ask help of Allah while you are alone. Imagine that He is nearby you and seeing you - and definitely He is. He never refuses the humble and sincere request of any human being - whether man or woman - Muslim or non Muslims. He is the only God of all human - not the God of only Muslims.

    (Do not confuse by my last sentences. It does not mean that all perceptions conceived by Christians, Jewish or other religious groups leads towards same God. God is universal but perceptions are different. Logically the correct perception must be one not multiple and that one perception must be supported by some solid rationale and one of the most stong rationales is the Holy Quran.)

    4- Start reading with small chapters of Quran. Recommended to start from last chapters. Set a time to read translation and explanations (Tafseer) in you native language. Remember to ask guidance and help from Allah before reading and thinking. This is utmost important thing to do because if you start thinking and exploring without asking help and guidance from Allah, Satanic personalities (Satan himself, you self or literature of some unauthenticated distracted scholars) may distract you from the right path.

    5- Last but not least. Muhammad (Allah bless and greet him) mentioned these sayings

    1. "Whoever says: there is no god but Allah enters Paradise."
    2. "Whoever breathes his last with the words: La ilaha illallah, enters Paradise."
    3. "Whoever witnesses that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger, Allah forbids the Fire from touching him."

    May Allah guide us towards His path - the path leading towards Him - the path of ultimate success (Ameen).

    Last edited by Muhammad; 08-28-2013 at 01:08 PM. Reason: Made a few editions which seemed more accurate. Transliteration for du'a might have had errors + no reference for it
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    imamuslim's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: help me to be a muslim

    I can suggest as many brothers/sisters here said. Take shahada first. Then learn tawheed. There's a course on youtube about tawheed by Sheikh Ahmad Jibril. Once you know about Allah (God) well enough. Actually once you learn how loving, caring, compassionate and gracious your lord is, you will willingly follow what He tells you to do and refrain from what He forbids you to do. Learn the basics first. Read the quran alot sister. If you have time study the deeper meaning of quran. If you can get a teacher is better because you can ask question. But in youtube you can hear from brother Nouman Ali Khan tafseer, it's very modern in understanding and applicable to our lifestyle nowadays. The message is the same but he explains to you the way that simple people like us can understand.
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    asgar.sayed's Avatar Limited Member
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    do you believe in god? if ur answer is yes u r on the right path....do u agree that prophet 'mohammed' is the messanger of Allah(god)? if yes u r on the right path...do u know that evil does his work and try to take us to the wrong path (yes he does and will continue till the judgement day)Dont worry! if you believe in Allah and our prophet 'Mohammed' u should Accept Islam just read it once 'hearty' (by your own desicion) only if u agree...SAY- 'There is no God But Allah, and 'Mohammed' 'saws' is his Messanger.Islamic kalma in Arabic- la ilaha illallah,Mohammed-ur-rasulallah.....Now see yourself a Muslim Thanks for reading, May God forgive us all... Ameen!
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    Re: help me to be a muslim

    Peace to all, if one want to be Muslim then he or she has firm faith on Allah Almighty (SWT), because He is the only lord and sole creator of this universe. He Almighty (SWT) has uniqueness in His lordship which other religion do not possess.
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    hud.osama's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: help me to be a muslim

    I plea to Allah to lead you to the road of Islam.
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