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Help me find the right path

  1. #1
    Seekingtruth's Avatar Limited Member
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    Help me find the right path

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    I am young 19 and not from a muslim background more of a non religious Christian background and I didn't have much knowledge however I I always wondered why we was here? What for? So I began to look deeper into it myself and as I was coming from a more Christian background I read the bible and things were a bit more clearer although I had a couple muslim friends and sometimes I would ask questions and talk about such things, I then began to look into Islam and was shocked how beautiful the religion was and it made more sense to me and it was clearer and it jut felt right I felt a rush of happiness when learning more and I asked my friends, who where muslim, why didn't u tell me this before? It felt like I found something missing, I felt they should of top me about the beauty of The Lord what he has done for us and what I can do to be close with him and know all the wonders of of his greatness.

    But now I want to become muslim, pray and do good deeds and please The Lord and have the knowledge to others through wisdom for others who don't have guidance and show them the beauty of the lord. But I'm stuck because I have not much knowledge apart fro Internet and youtube and asking questions I do not know how to serve The Lord properly how to properly pray and I want to read the holy Quran with full understanding. I have accepted that there is one god and Mohammed is his messenger and have faith Allah will direct me the right way. It was bugging me k can become a good muslim because I want to. I the came across this website and see there are lots of other muslim brothers and sisters that can help me and this is what I am asking, help me become a good muslim what I should do to go about doing it as I have no support or can go to anyone asking for help as I am not from a muslim background.
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  3. #2
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Help me find the right path

    format_quote Originally Posted by Seekingtruth View Post
    I am young 19 and not from a muslim background more of a non religious Christian background and I didn't have much knowledge however I I always wondered why we was here? What for? So I began to look deeper into it myself and as I was coming from a more Christian background I read the bible and things were a bit more clearer although I had a couple muslim friends and sometimes I would ask questions and talk about such things, I then began to look into Islam and was shocked how beautiful the religion was and it made more sense to me and it was clearer and it jut felt right I felt a rush of happiness when learning more and I asked my friends, who where muslim, why didn't u tell me this before? It felt like I found something missing, I felt they should of top me about the beauty of The Lord what he has done for us and what I can do to be close with him and know all the wonders of of his greatness.

    But now I want to become muslim, pray and do good deeds and please The Lord and have the knowledge to others through wisdom for others who don't have guidance and show them the beauty of the lord. But I'm stuck because I have not much knowledge apart fro Internet and youtube and asking questions I do not know how to serve The Lord properly how to properly pray and I want to read the holy Quran with full understanding. I have accepted that there is one god and Mohammed is his messenger and have faith Allah will direct me the right way. It was bugging me k can become a good muslim because I want to. I the came across this website and see there are lots of other muslim brothers and sisters that can help me and this is what I am asking, help me become a good muslim what I should do to go about doing it as I have no support or can go to anyone asking for help as I am not from a muslim background.

    It is clear that out of countless people Almighty Allah the most high has chosen you and given you the gift of Imaan (faith). This is a gift that not many people get. Even many of those who are given it lose it out of negligence. Firstly after accepting Islamic faith which i presume you have done, then you should do two things. Learn how to pray and learn the basic foundations of Islam. Learning about Islam is an on going process. We can never know enough. Islam is the only way of life that a person can keep learning new things for hundreds of years. But we can certainly learn what we need to know regarding the fundamentals of our faith.

    So as well as learning how to pray the Salaah then also at the same time learn the fundamental foundations of Islam. But do this at a good steady pace. Never burn yourself out as that is the worst thing a new Muslim can do. What I would really recommend is for you to join a new Muslim circle in your locality or region. If you cannot find one then try your best to befriend good revert brothers as it will be much more beneficial for you to learn from those who have been through what you are going through now as they can give you the best support.

    If you cannot find one then try to join a good local Islamic centre where they run courses for new Muslims or teach how to pray Salaah and have courses on the foundations of Islam. The best way to learn is directly from a learned teacher. That way you can ask whatever questions you like and get direct face to face help and support and benefit from their knowledge. If you cannot find such groups, courses, teachers or learned people then ask the brothers around you or approach the Masjids and Islamic centres in your locality and region.

    I would recommend that you read the following thread and learn how to pronounce the words of the prayer and learn its meanings. Just keep reading again and again and eventually it will stick in your mind and you will start to repeat it by yourself:

    The English Translation of Salaah:

    The English Translation of Salaah (Prayer)

    Everything that you need to learn and know at this stage is in the following E book. Download it and read it all. Then keep reading it and you will e well on your way to strengthen your knowledge of the basic foundations of Islam. It also teaches how to pray the Salaah:

    Islam: Beliefs and Teachings


    More information for new Muslims:

    Very Useful information for reverts


    You posted this question at such a special time because now is the beginning of the blessed 10 days of Hajj. These days are more superior than any other day of the year. Good deeds on these days are better than doing good deeds on any other day. So do as much good as possible for the pleasure of Allah like having good manners, politeness, being the best towards your parents and family. Make as much Dua (supplication) as you can, asking of Allah, begging and crying unto him. Also keep repeating the following words as much as possible:

    Subhaan-Allah - Glory be to Allah
    AlHamdu-Lillah - All Praise is to Allah
    Allah hu-Akbar - Allah is the greatest
    Laa Ilaaha iL-Allah - There is no worthy of Worship except Allah
    Asthagh-firullah - I seek forgiveness from Allah

    One of the best state of mind that every Muslim should aim to attain is to always be aware of Allah that he is watching us no matter what we are doing because in reality he does see EVERYTHING we do. If we can attain such a state then we do keep away from all that is forbidden and that which displeases Allah. This state of awareness is called "Ihsaan". This is the highest state of faith that a Muslim can attain. We should fear that we do not do any thing that may anger or displease Allah. We should have fearful awareness of our lord. We fear him because our everything is in his hands but he wants the best for us. He is the most forgiving and his love and mercy is ever lasting but know that he is also harsh in punishment.

    So we fear his punishment and wrath and are careful that we try our utmost never to anger him but at the same time if we err then we repent immediately and we try our best never to repeat it and have full faith that Allah will accept our repentance but at the same time we have fear he may not accept it. Therefore a Muslim balances fear and hope.

    So always be aware that Allah is watching you no matter what you do and always have good intention because Allah looks at our intention and sincerity in every action. So even the smallest good deeds can become huge good deeds because of having the best intention and sincerity regarding it.

    If you need to know anything or need any help with anything at all then please do not hesitate to ask. Please also make Dua for me.

    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 10-05-2013 at 09:26 PM.
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    Help me find the right path

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:


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  4. #3
    Seekingtruth's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Help me find the right path

    Thank you brother. Thanks for replying and helping me it means much. You have helped me and I you are right I need to take things at a one step at a time and everything will become clear, it's hard as I can't tell my family they wouldn't take me serious and I know they wouldn't listen and change if I told them and this hurts me and I ask for forigivbessbfor them but I want to gain enough knowledge where I can explain to them on a level they can understand as at the moment I won't be able to answer questions and they will laugh it off.

    I also know at the moment I'm not living the right life I'm sinning but I want to change I'm chasing material objects. It it hard comin out of a circle you are in I'm not aroun the right people and and I wake up everyday is the same but each day I try learn something new about Islam and I feel excitied and happy everytime sonethingbi don't get usually a different kind of feelin it just feel righ, praise to Allah.

    I say again thanks for your time replying to my post and ask if it okay to ask you for for help if needed. And why is a dua I am new to this sorry.
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    Ahmad H's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Help me find the right path

    I understand you have watched youtube videos and seen internet sites which you didn't see what you needed in order to serve Allah, but just in case you don't have anyone to help you in person anytime soon, there are a lot of youtube videos which explain how to do Salat properly. I found these:


    Also, perhaps you can try to read the Holy Qur'an in English while you are trying to learn how to recite the Arabic:


    Don't attempt to read commentaries on it yet, but examine basic books on Islam first before embarking on reading in depth into anything. That will come much later. The Qur'an requires self-reflection, and a good understanding of how to read Arabic comes before going into any meanings of it.

    All I can say is listen to recitations online, and then try to find someone who can help you learn how to read the language. Learning the language itself later on will be important too, but listening to the recitation brings a lot of goodness. There is nothing better than hearing Allah's Words recited. You will know what I mean when you start listening to it:


    By the way, this link is for the complete recitation of the Holy Qur'an. It is almost 30 hours long, so listen to it little by little if you will. I'm not at all suggesting by it that you listen to the whole Book at once.

    I hope this is what you were looking for. In order to best understand the Holy Qur'an, first appreciate the beauty of its recitation, this is the most basic level of appreciation. Then, read the English translation of it and get a feel for the Book. In the meantime, learning Arabic will be the key to learning to recite the Holy Qur'an, as well as many other du'as which you can learn to better serve Allah.

    Very important, du'as are recited in Arabic for all Muslims, regardless of what background they are. The Words of Allah and the Holy Prophet (saw) were given to us in Arabic, so our respect for Allah and His Messenger (saw) is that we speak their words in the original language and try to learn the meanings of those words as they were spoken by them. This way, we retain the true words for prayers and we also preserve the Words of Allah. This is just an FYI in case you might have wondered why we only recite our prayers and Book in Arabic. This is the simplest reason why we do it, and the most well-known one (as far as I'm concerned).

    I pray Allah guide you to the straight path and keep you on His way not deviating and not wandering off the beaten path.
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    Re: Help me find the right path


    Welcome to the forum. Indeed, Allaah the Most High guides those who seek the truth, and all praise belongs to Him.

    You mentioned that you have already accepted that there is One God and that Mohammed () is His Messenger. Have you uttered the Shahada (testimony of faith)? To become a Muslim, that is what you need to do, as long as you understand what it means and firmly believe that in your heart. To find out more about what the testimony means, you can read here: http://www.beconvinced.com/archive/e...s%20Of%20Islam
    If you would like to know more details about what the testimony of faith means, we can direct you to more links/previous posts, God-willing. But if you are certain about it, then do not delay in pronouncing the Shahadah and entering into Islam.

    You are right to take things step by step, and to delay telling your family until you feel is the right time. It is difficult in the beginning, but keep trying and keep praying to Allaah the Most Exalted. Things will get better, God-willing. Many converts to Islam experience this difficulty, so rest assured that you are not alone.

    And why is a dua I am new to this sorry.
    Have a look at these links:


    Let us know if there is anything else you need.
    Help me find the right path

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    greenhill's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Help me find the right path

    format_quote Originally Posted by Seekingtruth View Post
    I had a couple muslim friends and sometimes I would ask questions and talk about such things,
    That's good, useful indeed! Better if you can also find a centre for 'study'. Bit by bit you can grow to better understand.

    Have a great journey,

    Last edited by Insaanah; 11-30-2013 at 04:02 PM. Reason: Changed the name in the quote from Br Hamza to Seekingtruth
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  9. #7
    Abdullah101's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Help me find the right path

    format_quote Originally Posted by Seekingtruth View Post
    I am young 19 and not from a muslim background more of a non religious Christian background and I didn't have much knowledge however I I always wondered why we was here? What for? So I began to look deeper into it myself and as I was coming from a more Christian background I read the bible and things were a bit more clearer although I had a couple muslim friends and sometimes I would ask questions and talk about such things, I then began to look into Islam and was shocked how beautiful the religion was and it made more sense to me and it was clearer and it jut felt right I felt a rush of happiness when learning more and I asked my friends, who where muslim, why didn't u tell me this before? It felt like I found something missing, I felt they should of top me about the beauty of The Lord what he has done for us and what I can do to be close with him and know all the wonders of of his greatness.

    But now I want to become muslim, pray and do good deeds and please The Lord and have the knowledge to others through wisdom for others who don't have guidance and show them the beauty of the lord. But I'm stuck because I have not much knowledge apart fro Internet and youtube and asking questions I do not know how to serve The Lord properly how to properly pray and I want to read the holy Quran with full understanding. I have accepted that there is one god and Mohammed is his messenger and have faith Allah will direct me the right way. It was bugging me k can become a good muslim because I want to. I the came across this website and see there are lots of other muslim brothers and sisters that can help me and this is what I am asking, help me become a good muslim what I should do to go about doing it as I have no support or can go to anyone asking for help as I am not from a muslim background
    I come from the exact back-ground, so at least you can have someone to relate to.

    My entire family are very strict and traditional Pentecostals. Unlike my family however Christianity never worked for me, and it never felt right. Only recently have I discovered Islam truly, and I am loving it. I'm immersing myself with it, spending all of my free time studying the Quran, pondering Islam....

    My family hates it, they shun me. My entire family believes that all Muslims are bloodthirsty radicals, and it's a shame. My family is devoid of knowledge pertaining to Islam, though... I'm 100% pure-blooded German, so I hope you can imagine the troubles I go through on a daily basis. My father is an extremely stubborn man, and so is the rest of my family. But I am patient, and just because I go through hardships, I will not lose my faith. All I want is Wisdom... Honestly. I couldn't care the least bit about riches, wealth, power, ext. All I want to be is a wise man... I am a slave of god, and I submit to his will, for he is the most merciful and loving.

    For learning knowledge, I suggest reading the entire Quran, that is exactly what I've been doing. I have 2 Qurans in my room, both translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Both books have English, and Arabic, but one has a transliteration by M.A.H Eliyasee. I got one from Amazon, and the other one I got from my only Muslim friend, as a gift so I can learn more. I'm interested in buying a Pickthall translation of the Quran (I love the Old English wording, It's so poetic and beautiful.)

    But if you don't have any Qurans in person, I suggest using quran(dot)com. You can choose different translations, and one transliteration.

    I have no real support, but I am not alone, there is one that guides me, the one that keeps me company through so much hardship, Allah, and only him.

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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