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Islam vs Christianity

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    Jakub123's Avatar Limited Member
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    Islam vs Christianity

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    Dear All,

    I been collapsed by messages on websides , TV , facebook and in real life about how Islam religion is bad and dangerous. Messages that describe violence to non-muslims people. I am writing this topic because I want to know the real truth about how all this staff works in your religion.

    I am form Poland the nation of John Paul the 2nd , the greates pope ever. There is 99 % of christians but however We tolerate muslim community. They have their mosques and holy days. Our Polish constitution is wrote that way to prevent any strange acts of different religions in our country. Basically We tolarate each other , there is no fights between us , there is no any abuse.

    Many many people says that Islam is not a peaceful religion. I saw plenty of short movies on You Tube shows that the real muslim should first ask kindly a non-muslim to convert to Islam , if he or she would refuse that , there must be used the force or just kill him or her. Also there is some topics about beheading christians or hang on rope. I've visited some sites with movies that muslims realy doing that things screaming " Allah Akbar".

    So, comparing muslims in my country to those on that scary movies I am very confused. I need some information about this all events because at this level I saw I amd really beginning to be afraid of muslims.

    * I am sorry for any Grammar mistakes , English is not my mother tounge.
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    Ahmad H's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    First of all, welcome to the forum,

    You are very brave to come here despite your growing fear of Muslims. I commend you on your courage. Had I been in your position I would not have done the same.

    As for what Islam really is, many people do not know. You may be surprised by this, but most Muslims do not know what Islam is, nor do they have any real knowledge of it. This is a beautiful religion which has been deceitfully misrepresented by non-Muslims to other non-Muslims, and deceitfully twisted and changed by many Muslims who call themselves Muslim, but their actions speak otherwise. This is what is happening with this religion today, it is not safe from within and without.

    First of all, the religion of Islam is not an inherently violent religion. To start off your search in understanding Islam, let's take the issue of Jihad first. On the media, you are told countless times that Jihad means "Holy war". But this is false. Jihad means, "struggling in the cause of Allah" - when applied to the Islamic understanding of the word. The root of it is from Jahada, for which the infinitive is "to struggle" or literally "he struggled". The "Holy war" term was given by the US to the Afghanis when the US wanted Afghanis to fight the Russians that invaded Afghanistan. The Taliban began from all of this. This is not completely the fault of the US, but that is besides the point. The point is that the term for "Jihad" as the West knows it now, is not accurate.

    The highest form of Jihad is for a Muslim to struggle against their own lower self, their animal self. Everyone has this animal self, but they do not suppress it and control it. In fact, hundreds of years after Islam had preached this, Sigmeund Freud understood this as well through his theories, albeit in a twisted sense.

    After knowing this, it is up to you how to perceive the idea of Jihad. I thought I would start you off in this. But I think if you ask specific questions, then everyone on this forum, including myself, will be glad to give you answers to your questions.
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    Jakub123's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    Thanks for answer !

    I will ask some questions in points form 1 to ... will see

    1. Does the Islam is divided for two types ? I mean as I know :
    A). the good muslims who respect other religion and non-muslim people ?
    B). the bad muslims who wants to kill everyone who not accept Islam.

    2. Is it true that if I will go to Arabic / Islamic country I could be killed ? Just because I am christian, my cross on my chest , christian name , etc.

    3. Is it true that if somebody refuse Islam must be killed ? ( I mean muslim who changed his mind and refused Islam(Allah) and beacame for example catolic).

    4. What if someday We will finally realize that we are not alone in the universe , how Quran describe that ?

    5. Why muslim woman cannot show a face to public ? If I'm not wrong it's Hijab , right ?

    6. I am kind of science person , what do you think about this- what if we all talks about the same GOD but told in different stories ? Why we have to fight about
    which religion is most authentic ? Maybe it is all about the same but told in different values , it was very long time ago right , it's like someone at school tell a rumor to everyone but fianlly this is not a true.

    7. Why muslim man is so agressive when someone is going to touch his wife , even accidently ?

    8. Why Islam let adult person to have a sex or temprary marriage with girl in age 12,13,14,15 + ?

    9. I am a person who love animals, why in Islam there is ritual who permit to kill animal without any dope ?
    In my country this is strictly watched by association of animal protection.

    10. Does the muslim world supports terrorist groups ? Are you shame because of extrimists ? What is your opinion about that ? Does the Quran describes somehow this what terrorists do ?

    If I hurt you somehow with this questions I am sorry , I don't know what I am allowed to say when I talk to muslim.
    Last edited by Insaanah; 10-29-2013 at 08:59 PM. Reason: clarified 1b
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    Futuwwa's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    The number of Muslims who would actually kill or support the killing of anyone who refuses to convert to Islam is too negligibly small to be of any consequence.

    Islamic tradition includes doctrines of Just War that go back to the Prophet Muhammed and the early Muslim community. The mainstream Islamic consensus is that war is mandated against enemies who'd persecute or oppress Muslims, or forcibly prevent others from becoming Muslims.
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity


    u may start reading holy Quran . Contact ur local mosque or read online.

    here is a link for Polish translation of Quran .


    U may also listen to Quran recitation

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    Islam vs Christianity

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172

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    ardianto's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    Hello Jakub. Welcome to the forum.

    1)If you mean is divided into characteristic, Muslims are divided into various types. There are humorous Muslims, there are shy Muslims, there are talkative Muslims, etc. But mostly have respect to other religions. Extreme Muslims are exist too, of course, just like other religions have their own extreme people too. Actually extreme Muslims just a small minority, not big in number like in propaganda that launched by anti-Islam group.

    2)Saudi Arabia is a 100% Muslim country. But, there are non-Muslim expatriates who work there. I live in Indonesia, Muslim majority country where Christmas and Easter are public holiday. Some people in my mother family are Christians. And do you know? I studied in Catholic elementary school. So, want to visit Muslim majority countries? ...... welcome.

    3)It's not true. There is no coercion to embrace Islam.

    4)If one day I meet alien from outer space, I would accept it as a secret of Allah that I didn't know before.

    5)Face veil is niqab. Hijab is headscarves. There are two opinion about cover the women face, and actually majority of Muslim women show their faces.

    6)yeah, why we have to fight about which religion is most authentic?. Why don't we just recognize our difference and respect each other?.

    Discussion about religion can take place peacefully, discussion about which the best football club can turn into fight. It's depend on characteristic of those who involved in this discussion, not the topic itself.

    7)My beloved wife returned to Allah at June 2013 after 4 years of struggle against breast cancer which she always handled by male doctor. She was touched by those male doctors, of course. I'm very grateful to those male doctors even then fate determines that my beloved wife had to go out of my life.

    Not every Muslim man is aggresive like in your description, and not every aggresive man like that is Muslim.

    8)Muslim who has reach puberty is considered adult who can get married. But actually child marriage happen only in certain Muslim communities, not in majority of Muslim society.

    By the way, temporary marriage actually is impermissible.

    9)We have our own rule in slaughtering animals. I know it get protest from some people.

    10)Terrorist according one party maybe hero according to opposite party. But if you mean is terrorism that targeting innocent people, Muslims do not support terrorism.

    Terrorism is not your problem only or my problem only, but our problem.
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    greenhill's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    You certainly did not waste much time in getting your questions out... Here are my thoughts in a brief manner.

    Relating to Q's 1, 2 & 3

    Let there be no compulsion in religion (2:256)

    For you is your religion and for me is my religion (109:6)

    You are safe in your belief (in this world) No one has the right to kill you because of your faith even if you go to a muslim country.

    The questions relating to women (Q's 5, 7 & 8)


    There are certain 'sects' that allows the 'temporary' marriages but they have deviated from the true path and is NOT following the islamic principles. We cannot group them in the mainstream islam, just like these cults cannot be classified as your everyday people.

    On the question of the young age as you put it, it is a matter of definition. In islam, you are considered 'adult' when you reach puberty. In other words, you are accountable for your sins starting from puberty. It follows then, if you are considered as adult, you are entitled to be married. Again, it does not mean that you should get married immediately when you hit adolescence.

    On Q 4

    All praise is due to Allah the Lord of the Worlds (1:1)

    From among the jinn and mankind (114:6)

    Lord of ALL WORLDS means everything created (what we know about and what we do not know about) and in the next line, it is mentioned, 'jinn and mankind' so there is another 'being' quoted here, 'jinns' and there are angels too another form of created 'being'. The Quran mentioned that Allah wanted to create a viceroy on earth, hence mankind. But Jinns and angels are not bound to earth as we humans are.

    On Question 9

    On the cruelty to animals as you put it, Allah created them, hence has given guidance as to how to kill them and it is not brutal. There is a purpose to why it is done in that way (essentially to allow the heart to pump out the blood). If you feel for the animal, you are not required to eat it.

    On Question 10

    On the support of terrorists, first is to define what is terrorism? But generally, nobody in their right mind would support terrorists, or even extremists as islam is a religion of moderation (despite what is commonly believed).

    On Question 6

    About the authenticity of religion, the answer in islam is a simple one. Allah created Adam and he was informed of the 'beliefs' and he saw it for himself. But the message got distorted over time and it needed to be reminded through various Books (Torah, Psalms and Bible) but they all got corrupted along the way until the arrival of the Quran through the prophet and islam. Yes, it is all from One God but it became many because the followers of the previous Book did not want to follow the preachings of the newer Books..

    Last edited by Muhammad; 10-30-2013 at 02:10 PM. Reason: I removed one part because I wasn't sure it was worded in the best way
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    glo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    Welcome to the forum, Jakub.

    You bring indeed a lot of questions and I am not sure that posing them in this format is going to provide you with the answers you are looking for.

    Do you know any Muslim personally? Many of the views you pose are based on stereotypes which I have yet to observe amongst my Muslim friends.

    If you really want to learn about Islam, hang out a bit and read some of the threads in this forum. Use the search engine to find key words.
    The 'Clarifications about Islam' section might be useful for you. http://www.islamicboard.com/clarifications-about-islam/

    As for aggression and intolerance against other faiths, you don't have to go too far back in history to find some terrible things being done by Christians in the name of Christianity.

    Peace, and God bless.
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    glocandle ani 1 - Islam vs Christianity

    Here I stand.
    I can do no other.
    May God help me.

    Come, let us worship and bow down •
    and kneel before the Lord our Maker

    [Psalm 95]

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  11. #9
    Jakub123's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    Yes , I used to know Muslim persons. I lived in Leicester ( England ) for 2 years. In this city you can find about 50 % of Indians , 30 of % English ,
    10 % of Muslims and 10 % of Polish people.

    His name was Muhamad , 35 years old man with 2 kids and wife. And to my surprise his wife was wearing normal clothes . Here is my confiusion , I saw many many women wearing Burka , why is that ?

    Anyway , My personal opinion about Muslims is very well , and like you said this is all about propaganda. I've started intersting about this , I did some researches at websites, I watched some movies , etc. Finally I realized that media doesn't say everything about what Islamic culture really is. This is why I came to this forum to find out basic things about Islam.

    Ok, thanks for web-links and answers. It's been nice taking with you, once more sorry for my english grammar
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    Ahmad H's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jakub123 View Post
    2. Is it true that if I will go to Arabic / Islamic country I could be killed ? Just because I am christian, my cross on my chest , christian name , etc.
    This I don't know. But perhaps other members familiar with the Arab-Christian situations will know. As far as I know from sitting here in North America, it is both safe and unsafe. People tend to become violent when there is severe destabilization in their countries. So if any Arab-Muslims kill Christians, it will stem from those who scapegoat Christians in order to act like they are finding a solution. Thus, if it happens, it is less about religion and more about false solutions to a very different problem.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jakub123 View Post
    4. What if someday We will finally realize that we are not alone in the universe , how Quran describe that ?
    Allah says He will gather them someday together. So yes, the Qur'an says that there is extra-terrestrial life:

    42:29 And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the living creatures that He has scattered through them: and He has power to gather them together when He wills.

    Whether these are intelligent beings like us or merely bacteria, no one knows. But Allah has created a vast universe, and He is "Lord of all the Worlds" (1:2), thus, He has many worlds on which He is potentially worshiped.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jakub123 View Post
    5. Why muslim woman cannot show a face to public ? If I'm not wrong it's Hijab , right ?
    Because women in Islam are considered of distinction. Think of it this way, even female princesses and high-level female authorities in general, in many different nations of the world, would keep themselves covered from the eyes of others by being transferred in hidden carriages, either held by other people, ran by horses or otherwise. This has been a common form of distinction of class. Muslim women are all considered to be of a distinct class of women, who are close to God, and therefore much more noble than other women who are not Muslim. Instead of this division being due to money, it is due to one's close proximity with the Lord of the Universe. The Lord of the Universe is the King of kings, the God of mankind, the King of mankind, thus, He is more worthy to be covered for than any other king of this lowly world.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jakub123 View Post
    6. I am kind of science person , what do you think about this- what if we all talks about the same GOD but told in different stories ? Why we have to fight about
    which religion is most authentic ? Maybe it is all about the same but told in different values , it was very long time ago right , it's like someone at school tell a rumor to everyone but fianlly this is not a true.
    I love science as well. However, the true point to note is that the God of this universe did not reveal any Word of His to mankind that is in contradiction to what we see. Perhaps in some respects, our conclusions about what we see in this universe are wrong, but the Word of God is not in contradiction to the correct conclusions which we arrive at about nature. Allah created everything, thus He knows His creation better than we do.

    As for God Himself, every religion revealed before Islam was sent to different nations. Think about how different every nation and culture is for a moment, and then think about how laws would have to be drastically different in order to accommodate that. This is why spiritual laws, the laws which God gave to every nation, were different. The religion of Islam was given to everyone before, Islam is not a new occurrence. Islam simply means 'submission', it is a continued religion since Adam (as). Every Prophet of God, all 124 000 of them, came with revelations from God. This is not from just 6000 years ago, but from tens of thousands of years into the past.

    Thus, the religion revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), was the final law, which was given to all of mankind. No Prophet before him was sent to the whole world, and no Prophet of God came with a final law for mankind. This is why he is the "Seal of the Prophets". It is also why we Muslims are bent upon spreading Islam to the whole world, because unlike Christianity, our religion has been designed for the whole world, because Allah was the "God of mankind" in the Qur'an, not "The Lord God of Israel" only. I say that respectfully, since I have read the Bible before, and found this careful distinction.
    Thus, no religion should be fighting one another. The Holy Qur'an says:

    3:64 Say: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah." If then they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).
    3:65 Ye People of the Book! Why dispute ye about Abraham, when the Law and the Gospel Were not revealed Till after him? Have ye no understanding?

    Therefore, Allah has said clearly in the Qur'an, that there is no need for any controversy regarding the belief in Him. If we all hold that common belief, that alone should unite us all together.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jakub123 View Post
    7. Why muslim man is so agressive when someone is going to touch his wife , even accidently ?
    This is probably a cultural phenomenon. I have spoken with many non-Muslims who have this same issue. I believe this is a human trait, and this is why the Holy Qur'an tells Muslims to "not even go near adultery" (17:32) and for men and women to lower their gazes (24:30-31). This is to protect each other's chastity, and to remove any ill-will that could creep into our behaviors with one another. Most men are aggressive in this sense. I would be, shouldn't you as well? I can't count how many rape cases there are with women in the world. This is because men don't control themselves and their sexual urges. Islam is about controlling these urges, and limiting ourselves to our wives. Even looking at women the wrong way is not for men to punish, but Allah is making us aware that He punishes this. So those men who get aggressive shouldn't do so, since Islam is about forgiveness and leniency.

    Those men should inform others not to touch their wives, and they should control their anger. This is because anger is from Satan, and there are methods prescribed in Islam to deal with anger. If one controls their anger, Allah is well-pleased with their actions.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jakub123 View Post
    8. Why Islam let adult person to have a sex or temprary marriage with girl in age 12,13,14,15 + ?
    Temporary marriage was a short-term occurrence in Islam, and the Holy Prophet (saw) forbid this to the Muslims after one of his battles with the disbelievers. I can't remember which one. But Islam does not let adults have sex with prepubescent girls. Puberty is the stage at which a Muslim becomes an adult, regardless of the age in which they attain it. Thus, girls' puberty can start from as early as 8 years old - and this is according to medical studies. If you look up the age of puberty, you will find there is no fixed age for it. However, the official age of adulthood for both men and women in Islam is at 15 years of age. The basis for this was when one Companion of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (SAW)) wanted to fight in a battle one year, he was rejected - at that time he as fourteen. The next year, when he was fifteen he enlisted again, and he was accepted because he was considered an adult. So besides the signs of puberty, such as menstruation for women beginning and boys getting pubic hair, the age of 15 is the age of adulthood in Islam. Thus, whatever the case, Islam does not allow marriage, and therefore sex, with prepubescent girls. Only adults are allowed to get married. Albeit, adulthood is defined differently, which has been the prime cause of misunderstanding for Christians on the Islamic perspective of marriage even until now.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jakub123 View Post
    9. I am a person who love animals, why in Islam there is ritual who permit to kill animal without any dope ?
    In my country this is strictly watched by association of animal protection.
    Islam has a long list of animal rights laws mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The only cases in which killing is allowed, is for rabid dogs, black dogs (which were considered dangerous), rats, venomous snakes, etc. Any animal that was harmful to a human being was liable to be killed.

    In terms of hunting, Islam only allows hunting of animals which are killed for food. Hunting animals for fun is strictly forbidden, because that is considered a form of animal cruelty. Thus, hunting birds for the sake of their game is not allowed, nor for any other animal. Tying up an animal and killing it while it is incapacitated is also strictly forbidden. Denying an animal food is strictly forbidden, and it is forbidden to kill an animal by a violent blow and then eat it. Only animals slaughtered by reciting the Bismillah, cutting at the throat with a well-sharpened knife is allowed. In fact, as Muslims, we have to consider the feelings of an animal so much that we have to keep the knife hidden from its view. Otherwise, the animal might become afraid of getting killed when it sees the weapon. So not only do we respect the animals as creatures, but we respect them as intelligent beings.

    There is a famous story which is in the Traditions said by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He said that there was a prostitute once who had most likely slept with many men. She was considered very sinful by Allah. One day, she passed by a dog during a hot day, and the dog was panting from the extreme heat. So this lady took her shoes off, and went down into a well and fetched some water for the dog. She used her shoes to get water for it and gave it to it. The dog's thirst was quenched after she did this enough times. Jut imagine, she used her shoes to feed this dog. And because of this, the lady was forgiven all of her previous sins by Allah. And this is a woman who was a prostitute, who had committed a major sins multiple times!

    Another story shows the opposite effect. One time this lady had a cat. It bothered her often. So out of being annoyed by the cat, she locked it up and kept it from eating until it died. Due to her cruelty, and not allowing the cat to eat even from the vermin of the earth, she was condemned to Hell by Allah. Thus, you can see the displeasure of Allah by cruelty to animals, and the pleasure of Allah at kindness towards animals. These are two very popular instances about animals from the Traditions.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jakub123 View Post
    10. Does the muslim world supports terrorist groups ? Are you shame because of extrimists ? What is your opinion about that ? Does the Quran describes somehow this what terrorists do ?
    They are certainly shameful. The reason why they are in the wrong, besides everything else they do, is that they are extreme in Islam. Islam is not a religion about going to extremes, because Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did his absolute best to keep the earliest Muslims away from extremism. These terrorists are, by the very definition of the term, acting against Islam. The Holy Qur'an says:

    5:32 On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
    5:33 The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;
    5:34 Except for those who repent before they fall into your power: in that case, know that Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

    Thus, these extremists are killing people left and right, while the unlawful killing of just one person is like killing all of mankind. This is the sin of murder. On top of that, they are killing Muslims as well intentionally, trying to establish Shari'a in Islamic governments. What they are doing is foolish because killing a Muslim lands a person into Hell:

    4:93 If a man kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, to abide therein (For ever): And the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon him, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for him.

    And yet, they do this very often. The Qur'an is full of arguments against terrorists. But these verses are clearly showing that their killing without any valid reason, for the mere purpose of spreading mischief (i.e., terror) is very much hated by Allah. They don't fight for Islam, they fight for their own political whims. Islam is not about harshness, nor forcing people to believe:

    2:256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

    There is no compulsion in Islam. So these terrorists are in the wrong with spreading Islam violently and forcefully. Their actions are all against the Qur'an, and they have no concept of this beautiful religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jakub123 View Post
    If I hurt you somehow with this questions I am sorry , I don't know what I am allowed to say when I talk to muslim.
    Don't be so worried. Ask all the questions you need to. The moderators of this forum do a great job in moderating the conversations.
    Last edited by Muhammad; 10-30-2013 at 09:08 PM. Reason: Removed some parts
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    Greetings Jakub123,

    Welcome to the forum.

    As a christian, I am sure that you will agree, that if someone was seeking knowledge about Christianity and its teachings, you would advise them to refer directly to its sources (the Bible - Since there are many versions that are available, you would suggest at least one version to read) and you would refer them to those who are knowledgeable in the field (e.g. a priest).

    It would not be a good idea to learn about Christianity from YT videos (as a great deal of false information also exists about Christianity), nor would it be a good idea to learn about the religion by observing the behavior of other Christians (as this would not be an accurate reflection of Christianity - considering that there are many people who do not observe all/ most of its teachings).

    In the same way, if you are interested in learning about Islam, it would be best to refer directly to the final, and untainted message of Allah - the Quraan.
    (the Quraan was revealed to our final messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the arabic language - and it still exists in its original form, over 1400 years later. For the sake of understanding, it has been translated into many languages).

    It would also be of benefit to contact a muslim scholar/ imam of your local mosque, and speak to him directly about Islam.

    Unfortunately, as you may have realized, there is a lot of propaganda and false information that is spread about islam - both via the internet and other forms of media.
    And, you would encounter muslims who make an effort to practice upon the commands of Allah, and the teachings of the prophet (peace be upon him), while there are others, who do not.
    So, these two avenues can result in a lot of confusion, as you are experiencing.

    It is often said that Islam (and its teachings) are perfect.
    Muslims are not. So, when they make mistakes, we should realize that this is a weakness of man, not of the religion.

    I am sure that you have a lot more questions about Islam.
    However, in the same way that a surgeon can only perform an operation once he has learnt about normal anatomy, so too, it is better to first understand the fundamental/ basic principles of Islam, before delving further.
    In this way, you will be able to fully appreciate the wisdom behind the commands of our Creator, and you will be able to recognize the false claims more readily for yourself.

    I wish you all the best on this journey, and I pray that the Almighty guides you towards all that is true and blesses you with this most beautiful way of life called islam.

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    Islam vs Christianity

    يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِى عَلَى دِينِكَ

    Ya Muqallib al-Quloob, Thabbit Qalbi Ala Deenik
    "Oh Turner of Hearts, keep my heart firm on Your Deen."

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    HannahHussain's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    salaam -meaning peace . Now i am also well aware of the fact that islam is being portrayed in a very violent way and i respect you as you have not just belived what you have seen and you have decided to look in to the matter as Islam is not what people make it out to be. Islam is a religion of peace and that is what it literally means . In our religion peace is thought of the most important thing. However nowadays people just think that whatever msulims do that is what their religion teaches them to do. Howvere they must realise that Islam is perfect not the muslims. Our prophet saw was absolotley non violent and he teaches us to we shoukd be caring and respectful to everyone no matter who they are but people including muslims think that they can do anyhting and use the religion as an excuse when that is not acceptable. You ahouldnt be scared of Islam as islam is aginst violence and hatred .Hope this helps hannah hussain aged 13
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    Bro, you already saw muslims in real life... why bother going into anti-islam sites? Obviously they are going to lie and try to make Islam look bad..

    You want to know what Islam says about these.. lets have a look at the Qur'an..

    Quran 16:125 Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best.

    Quran 88:21-22 "Therefore do remind, for you are only a reminder. You are not a dictator over them."

    Quran 16:82 Then, if they turn away, your duty is only to convey (the Message) in a clear way.

    Quran 28:56 Indeed, you do not guide whom you like, but Allah guides whom He wills. And He is most knowing of the [rightly] guided.
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    Salaam, i appreciate that you do have a fear of Islam but I believe that you should not judge a religion by its people. For example The christian bought the Muslims the crusades. Even though this actually did happen and some christians are to be blamed for this. However, i am not critical of christianty because of this. Instead, I am critical of the bible not for violence but for errors and contradictions.
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by loveislam123 View Post
    Salaam, i appreciate that you do have a fear of Islam but I believe that you should not judge a religion by its people. For example The christian bought the Muslims the crusades. Even though this actually did happen and some christians are to be blamed for this. However, i am not critical of christianty because of this. Instead, I am critical of the bible not for violence but for errors and contradictions.

    I know what you are saying, and i respect that, and it goes both ways. Look at the past and present on both sides. That is one reason why i am here, because i do not judge from what i see, or get told. I would like to understand my friends. Get to know each other. I get sick of some people judging the majority because of what one single denomination in some religion does, then they blame the rest, be it Christian or Islam. Some people need to understand others before jumping to conclusions. We all the same. We all flesh that have feelings.
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    Very well said I do agree on that.
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  21. #17
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmad H View Post
    As for what Islam really is, many people do not know. You may be surprised by this, but most Muslims do not know what Islam is, nor do they have any real knowledge of it.
    This sums up everything, some Muslims think they have the right to judge other people just because they're not Muslims and just because they were born to the religion they can't do no wrong. It's easier for people to judge others and forget about their own actions, killing someone because he doesn't follow Islam is not going to bring any more new Muslims. If God was to judge us equally none of us would make it out.
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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    Actually both Christianity and Islam is closer to each other than their respective followers want to admit. Unfortunately it is the people that makes it different.

    The major disagreement is that the muslims believe that Jesus was never put to the cross and that there is no holy trinity. Apart from that, the history of creation - Adam and Eve, the do good, be charitable, forgiveness, patience and prayers to the Lord is all very similar.

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    Re: Islam vs Christianity

    Salam. Please refer to the book, "Islam in the Bible" by Thomas McElwain.
    Have a blessed journey towards greater truths my friend. ma salam
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